Dear Chiriko,
who does chibichibi come from
Dear jen,
Chibi means short in Japanese. Since it is a word, I don't think it comes from anyone in particular.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I noticed that someone wrote to ask which was Tasuki's best side. Now, I have no problem with the response (I think his @$$ is great too), but I would like to know why Tamahome was the one to say "his backside". Is there something there?
Rather confused
Dear Rather confused,
I think he was referring to Tasuki's entire back, not just a specific part of his anatomy, no da. Perhaps that was Tamahome's way of saying Tasuki looks best when he's leaving a room, no da. Either way, I think he was just trying to insult Tasuki. And judging from the scorch marks on Tamahome-kun, I'd say he was quite successful, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Arigato for your advice! It really helped. I guess I knew the answer, I just wanted someone to tell it to me.
BTW, that other gay girl who wrote to you... she said her friend took the SATs in the 7th grade... was she in the TIP program? Because I was in it for a few years... only I didn't score *that* well. Just 1100. ^_^;;;
Ja ne!
Dear Miaru,
I'm glad that my advice was helpful to you. I really don't know much about the other young lady and her girlfriend except for what was in the letter. Still, Chiriko tells me that 1100 on an SAT isn't THAT bad!
Dear Mitsukake,
How do you deal with being the least featured Suzaku Seishi? Does it make you feel upset at being ignored almost totally be the veiwers because of your small part in the show? I do appreciate the balance that you brought to the Suzaku group, and I hope that you won't always have to put up with people like ohh...Tama-chan(the human one) and Tasuki.
Lady Crysiana-Zoisite no Miko
Dear Lady Crysiana-Zoisite no Miko,
I have never felt that the viewers ignored me. Just remember, there are no small parts, just small anime characters.
Dear Chichiri,
^^ Will you add our humble page to this site of yours? Please check us out!!
Humbly asking,
Setsu & Naru
Dear Setsu & Naru,
Consider it done, no da! Now you need to add us to your links section, too, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey there Tamahome. You know what.. all of my buds say that I'm a lot like you(I think they're just doing it to piss me off). They know that I really don't like you.. no offense there.. but in the show you just annoy the hell out of me.. heh. Gah.. but they're always screwing up my hair and saying that I look like you and one of 'em even wrote an essay about how I was just like you!
You know what they did at a party? They took blush and drew your Seishi symbol on my forehead.. luckily Amy doesn't have much artistic talent so it didn't really look like your symbol. Hey.. you know what I just realized? Starting this letter off with "You know.. I don't like you" prolly wasn't a good idea.. hehe... Hell, I don't even know why I wrote to you in the first place!
Dear Missy,
Neither do I. Did Tasuki put you up to it? Or did Mulan-chan? I know she has a "thing" for me...
Dear Tasuki,
Aidou has been bugging me for a few days about something. I'm really sorry, but she seems to think that if enough people write to you, you'll go home. So, she... *Shifts, trying to hide the stupidly enormous log behind her back* Asked me to give you this. *Hurls log at Tasuki, sending him flying*
Please forgive me! I've even applied for your fanclub! I'm so sorry! *Sobs*
BTW-If you don't want any more questions about you and Koji, does that mean he's free so I can ask him out?
Lady Crysiana-Zoisite no Miko
Dear Lady Crysiana-Zoisite no Miko,
ITAI!! Watch it wit' that thin'!! Sure, ya' can ask Kouji out. Hell, ya' can beat wit' th' log if it makes ya' happy! Jus' tell my pain th' butt sister to leave me alone!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa Nuriko-sama! I'm just wondering if you would ever come back during OVA 1 or OVA 2. and I'd like to know what OVA 1 and 2 are about. I saw a lot of pictures showing the Suzako seishi in modern time... and I wonder what that is about. Arigato!
Dear Taikia,
I hate to give away spoilers and there are PLENTY of places on the web that you can find out the OVA info. As to the pictures of us in modern dress, all I can say is fan service as we don't end up in the modern world in OVA 1 and we don't end up there in OVA 2 at least not through episode 5.
Dear Hotohori,
I love you so much! You're such a wonderful, sensitive, sweet person: Houki and Miaka don't deserve you! Plus you're super sexy and chivalrous! You are so perfect for me, you can't even fathom. I love you, I love you, I love you! I'll never get over you! I cried buckets when I found out you *sniffle* died! *throws her arms around Hotohori-sama's manly chest* Please, I know that you're married but just let me be near you! You're the love of my life! Sadly, nobody in fleshtones compares to you, not even Leonardo DiCrappio or whatever his name was.... I'll never meet anybody that measures up to you! Say, would you happen to need a personal masseuse or slavegirl or concubine, perhaps? I'd do anything for you! *nudge,nudge* .... *sigh* but I know you're ever so faithful to Houki, so I'll just settle for a platonic prom date! You'd be perfect and I'd be the only girl there with a real (sorta) emperor! And you'd definitely be the sexiest guy there; all the girls would be so jealous of me! Please? Well, a few questions before I go: what are the psychological rammifications of your marrying a Nuriko-lookalike (homosexual repressed tensions? I hope not!)? Do you still secretly love Miaka now even though you've got Houki? What do you do in your spare time? If FY were made into a live-action flick, which beautiful actor would you want to portray your gorgeousness? *sigh* *tears* .... i love you so much . . what am I going to do now the series is ended? And you're married! . . .*heart slowly breaking* ...
yet another lovestruck hotohorinomiko
p.s. I especially love your sexy voice! I guess you have koyasu takehito to thank for that! He's not so bad looking either, though he doesn't compare to you .... i love you, i love you, i love you ...
Dear lovestruck hotohorinomiko,
I don't know what to say. Your outpouring of emotion has left me speechless! I must contemplate this situation as I do not wish to cause you further pain.
Dear Tamahome,
*Hands you a few pieces of copper coins* Uhm....would you be willing to come to my friend's dojo and teach a few children your fighting style? I am very impressed by your fighting skill, and I feel you would be a very good instructor for little ones...sadly, I and my friend only have a little money, but we only plan to have you stay for a few days as a guest instructor...So, if you would come, we would be *eternally* greatful...We would also gladly put you up in our house, and cook you very tasty meals for free...and we would very much enjoy Miaka coming, as well...I know she'd like my special triple fudge cake! Thank you for your time!
P.S. Say hello to my friend Mitsukake for me!
Dear Lina-chan,
Hmmm.. okane and free food??? SURE!! Miaka and I will be right over!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! I just want to say that I don't think you're boring at all. At a matter of fact I think you're really better than that guy hotohori ***discusted noise****. [I really hate hotohori] So who ever say you're boring they must be stupid or have some kind of mental problem [hope that wasn't too rude of me]. Well that's all I have to say bye Mr. Mitsukake!!!!!!!!!!!***giggle****
Dear Raye-chan,
I am sorry that you dislike Hotohori-sama, he is a very nice person once you get to know him. I am glad however, that you don't find me to be boring. Arigato.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would happen if the seishi met with the gang from Ranma 1/2? If Ranma (boy-type) got into a fight with tamahome, who would win? What about a fight between the redheads, Ranma (girl-type) and tasuki? Would hotohori fall for Akane (cuz she has a history of having young ruler-hero types falling for her) What if Kuno hit on Nuriko?
a fanatic of both Ranma and FY
Dear fanatic,
There is a fanfic on that very subject. I believe it is on the Almighty Chicken of Doom website. (They are in our links section.) It was actually quite humorous. I suppose if Kuno hit on Nuriko, he'd be in for a surprise!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh!! Houjun, my love it's me Kochirin. I know this is the first letter I have written you my beloved, but you know me and letters (we don't mix very well). You and Tasuki-kun have been traveling for sometime now and I would like it if you would come home. I didn't marry you to just sit at home and worry to death about you. So are you coming home soon or not my love?
your wife Kochirin
Dear Kochirin,
You obviously have me confused with a different blue-haired monk, no da! I have no wife or family, as they all died in the floods and my fiancee died in the same floods before I could marry her and make her my wife, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Why do you have to like Miaka too much?***angry growl***** Can't you see that see that she and Tamahome really like each other? Are you trying to separate them? if so that is not a nice thing to do mr. Well that's all I want to ask you. Sorry I am over reacting or too rude I just can't help it you know? bye.
Dear Raye-chan,
All my life I have dreamed of the Miko's coming and her taking away my loneliness. Unfortunately, as deeply as I cared for Miaka, I was more in love with the idea than with the person. I finally realized that and married Houki.
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo Gen-chan! sup fangboy? it's okay ta be your miko! right?
Dear ha,
I s'ppose ya' should be askin' my Miko if it's OK wit' her. It's OK wit' me, but no summonin's for any freaky stuff!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Uhm...I hear I managed to upset a certain "Love Struck" person recently...Gomen nasai, I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings...*Blushes and bows politely*
Well, tell this person I am sorry, and I never thought of you in any kind of romantic way. (I know you love Shoka, and I, too, have a special person.) I think you would make a great friend, and that our personalities match quite well.
Anyway, it's been fun talking to you! *Hands over two wrapped packages* I know it's late, but here's a Christmas gift to you and Tama...I got a furry cat toy for Tama, and an illustrated book on herbal medicine...Hope you'll enjoy them!
All of my (friendly) Love,
A Shy and Quiet Person (AKA Lina-chan)
Dear Lina-chan,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your gifts. Tama-chan and I are both enjoying them. Thank you, also for your kind words. I too feel we would enjoy a nice friendship with each other.
Dear Tasuki,
Ohayo, Tasuki-san! Tasuki no Miko 2 desu! I have A LOT of questions ta ask ya, but most of all, did U ever see Miaka as a love interest? I know U say U don't, but U must have at least a TINY bit of feelings for her!
Tasuki no Miko 2
Dear Tasuki no Miko 2,
I think ya' better discuss yer choice of name wit' th' original! I don't mind, hell th' more th' merrier, I say but she may have other ideas... Yeah, I guess I did feel somethin' fer Miaka or else Tenkou's lackey couldn't of screwed wit' my mind an' feelin's in the 2nd OVA series.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! Um I just want to ask you that don't you get really piss off when Hotohori what ever his name is flirt or try to steel the girl you like Miaka ?[did I spell her name right?] Did you ever try to kill hotohori? I hope so because he really starting to get on my nerve everytime I see him and the girl you like together **angry growl**. The last question I want to ask you is [kind of stupid] can you give my any advice where to find your movies in virginia? [even though I haven't watched any of your movies but I know pretty much about you guys **sweat drop**] Well that's all for now bye.
P.S. I think you're the cutest guy in fushigi yuigi ***nervous laugh****
Dear Raye-chan,
I did get a bit upset about Hotohori at first, but I now know that Miaka and I were destined for each other. I did try once to kill him, but I was under the influenece of an evil mind altering drug. I have no idea where you could find our adventures in Virginia. You might want to search the web for anime stores in your area that would carry them. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Whats your favorite kind of fish??? It may be a silly queston, but I'm just wondering.
Dear Tess,
Whatever I can catch, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Hiiiiii! Wanna come to Nuriko, Texas, with me? I hear there's great shopping! :-)
Dear Nyanko-chan,
They actually named a town after me??? How KAWAII!!
Dear Tasuki,
What have you been telling Kouji about me? Hmm...? he mentioned something about you telling him to watch out for me, I'm dangerous or something. Exactly what kind of person do you think I'am???
Dear Peach,
Ya' know that no matter what I say, yer gonna want to kick my a--! I jus' told him ya' weren't someone to mess wit'. An' that you were Kiwi's mamarou. An' that ya' had a mean left hook...
Dear Chichiri,
'Allo, A-chan here. I've been having problems with my parents and cousins lately. They don't like each other.
Sure, they're polite to each other in public, but when I talked to my otousan, he said that my cousin doesn't like him, and that they can't get along together very well...;_;
There haven't been any huge fights or anything lately...but maybe you could give me some advice as to how to actually prevent anything from happening before it even starts.
A-chan *_*
Dear A-chan,
Perhaps if you could get them to discuss their differnces, it might help, no da. I really don't know how to prevent such as thing aside from keeping them apart. Do you what caused this animosity, no da? Sometimes knowing the cause of such feelings and getting the people to talk it out can help heal rifts in relationships, no da. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
Can I sit and stare at your kakkoi-ness too? *lovesick grin*
Dear Myrna-chan,
I suppose. But wouldn't it be more fun to do something together? Shopping, talking, I don't know. You decide.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I did a poll at my school, on who was the cutest seishi. Most of the people very few people I asked had seen your adventures before. As for the others I showed them pictures. And I just wanted to show you the results..
Tamahome-15 votes
Hotohori-35 votes
Nuriko-39 votes
Chichiri-75 votes
Tasuki-108 votes
Mistukake-30 votes
Chiriko-35 votes
Tama-neko-109 votes
Umm...I added Tama-neko because..well I wanted too! Plus we needed eight choices! ^_^; Also I let the people pick two. I also asked alot of people because it was a school assingment to make up are very own serious poll.
Well what do you think?
Dear Chaos,
THE CAT?!?!?! THE CAT?????? I GOT BEAT OUT BY A F^*%$#G CAT?!?!?!?!?!?!? BY ONE F*&%^$G POINT????? ARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
REALLY!?! *_* sure! I could go on and on, pointing out your good points! I mean do you even have any bad points? The way you throw boulders at things! *_* being so stronge! How you tricked everyone in beliving you were a women! How could someone NOT feel privilleged when in your pressence?!?! I know I do! ^_^ The way you gave your life for your friends T-T Your so brave! and smart! and fun to be with! Your too cool for words! Did I mention how good looking you are too!?! That is one of your greatest features, among SO many others!!! *_*
Dear Casey,
I'd say, "Oh do go on!", but if you go on anymore the other seishi may get jealous, tee-hee... Thank you so much for your lovely compliments! I do truly appreciate them!
Dear Chichiri,
What is THAT supposed to mean??? I meant, not being bothersome or not frying servers and stuff! Why what did you think I meant???
Dear Chaos,
You mean "depends on your definition of naughty", no da? I was just being mischievous, no da. Can't a monk have a sense of humor, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
How is it going? I wanted to write to you cause no one (sorry to who ever wrote that I didnt seee!!) wrote to you and I felt bad. I just wanted to say that your as cool as everyone else and you should'nt feel bad (if you by any chance do). I can't think of anything else to ask you but I'll write back soon.
Talk to ya later!
Dear Kimosama,
Thank you for your concern and kind words. Actually, the most neglected of us seems to be Mitsukake. But even he has started getting more letters lately. Happy New Year!
Dear Tasuki,
HELLO THERE! Hey you know what, something happened to me today. I was walking by a house and this fiery haired girl that looked alittle like you came up to me and asked if I would give you a message. So...:
HEY THERE LITTLE BROTHER!! *throws big heavy log at Tasuki*
Sorry about that, but who was that anyway? I think she would make a good friend...
Dear Nikara,
That was my BIG sister Aidou. Watch out fer her, she's nuts!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how do you guys feel about your american voice actors? Do you think they're doing a good job or do they not even sound like they're supposed to? If there was a FY movie, who would you guys have play you?
yet another hotohorinomiko
Dear hotohorinomiko,
We have not heard the American dubs of our adventures, so we have no opinion. Although, everyone is anxiously awaiting what Chichiri and Tasuki will sound like! And of course how they will deal with Chichiri's "no da's" and Tasuki's... ahem... "colorful" language. As to what live action actors we would like to see play us here are our choices:
Tamahome: Jet Li
Tasuki: Ewan McGregor
Chichiri: Bill Mumy
Chiriko: Jonathan Lipnicki
Mitsukake: Chow Yun Fat
Hotohori: Leonardo di Caprio
Nuriko: Cindy Crawford
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! It's me again! I read somewhere that you have 2 older bros, 2 younger bros and an older sister. Is that true? If so, how did you get to be emperor? Isn't there a line? Did they all die or was there a bloody coup or something?
I love you! You're so unbelievably sexy and perfect!
yet another hotohorinomiko
Dear hotohorinomiko,
Arigato for your kind compliment. I was chosen to be Emperor because I bear the mark of Suzaku. There was no coup bloody or otherwise.
Dear Tasuki,
Hell-o! I sent you a message from some girl that resembled you (I told her I was headed over your way). So here's her message if you didn't get it:
*threw 2 big, heavy logs at Tasuki*
Sorry, but a promise is a promise...
Nikara(I'll make up for it!)
Dear Nikara,
I got th' *&^%$#@ message!! I jus' chose to ignore it. My sister is jus' a big pain in th' a--! An' watch where ya' throw them logs! Ya' could hurt someone!!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki which would you say is your best side? Your left or your right?
Dear Chaos,
His BACK side.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! ^_^ I'm currently weaving a website devoted to you guys. Problem is, I don't know if it's good enough! :( Now it's not finished yet and I'm kinda having a mental block on what I am going to do next. It's not my first website on the Internet; on the contrary, it's my third. However, school has been so pressuring lately that I can't think straight. ;~_~
Anywayz, what do you guys expect in a website devoted to all of you? Do you have any specific do's and dont's? :-)
Take care and God bless! Advanced Merry Christmas to all of ya! ^_^
Jill aka Jiru-chan ^^
Dear Jill,
Hmmmm... we have never really thought about it. I guess we would all agree on no hentai/yaoi stuff! There's too much of that around anyway. But, aside from that, we really don't have any other specifics. We did look at the website and while it is incomplete it is very pretty. Good job!
Hope you had a great Christmas!
Dear Tasuki,
Someone's getting a tad on the big headed side, are we not? " Jus' cus' I'm so %$^@ cool..blah blah blah!" " There's enough of me to go aroun'" and so forth. Your not everyone's fantasy ya' know!?! Geez quit acting like your the cream of the crop! whatever that means!!!! -_-;;; Exacalty why are you SO full of yourself in the first place??? Don't get me worng , I have nothing against you or anything.
Dear Lee,
Hmmmm... let's see... modesty...modesty... nope. Not in Tasuki's vocabulary! So, why is Tasuki so full of himself? Well, we ALL KNOW he's full of SOMETHING! Hahahahahaha... ITAI!!! Gotta go, it's starting to get a bit "warm" in here...
Dear Tasuki,
I hear you've been saying mean things about me....Is this true? *Walks casually over to a conveinently placed log* Because if it is.... *The log is swiftly picked up, hurled at Tasuki, and manages to whack him completely across the room* You'll get more of that..heh, heh, heh.....
Your Loving Sister,
P.S. The family says hi, and gives you their love.
P.P.S And if you don't get your #*& back here soon, I'll hunt you down and drag you back myself!
Dear Aidou,
Watch where yer throwin' them things ya' crazy broad! I ain't commin' home and ya' can't make me!!! Why would I want to? All you people do is abuse me!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Where does water come from?
Benjamin Chen
Dear Benjamin Chen,
Water is formed by combining two molecules of hydrogen with one molecule of oxygen. Now, shouldn't you be doing your own chemistry homework???
Dear Tasuki,
Oro, I'm not sure if Amy-chan has mentioned me at all but I'm Missy. If she hasn't told you anything about me, *Grins, running a hand through her hair* I'm her personal Obake-chan. Tell you the truth.. I hate Tamahome but I let her call me Obake-chan because she's been helping me with a webpage and that's what she wanted as payment..
Well, I just wanted to thank you for making my Amy-sama so happy, that kissu meant a lot to her and if someone makes Amy-sama happy, they have my praise.
Dear Missy,
Glad to oblige. Amy-chan is very sweet an' hell she has GREAT taste in men!!! Heh-heh-heh....
Dear Nuriko,
*Smiles* Arigato Nuriko-san, once I read your letter I started to look for a place where I could talk to people online and I've found a few people who've gone through this already and what they're saying is very helpful. I have been drifting away from those 'friends' of mine who couldn't accept me.. but that leaves me only with a handful.. but everyone is always saying one good friend is better than a world full of jerks..
Well, anyway, thank you so much for writing back to me.. and I also wanted to say that I take martial arts *smiles* it's really fun.. I've been doing it for about 8 years and I finally got my black belt! My Senshi knows about my sexual preferences and he's very very supportive.. he's probably been the most helpful person I've had since this whole ordeal has started(about three weeks ago)
It didn't really suprise me that he was so supportive because he always has been in the past.. but.. I didn't really expect him to understand since no one else did.. not even my best friend.. but I guess she really wasn't my best friend because she stopped talking to me shortly after I told her. I didn't even mean to tell everyone.. I just told my parents and my closest friends.. but my friends spread it around school and my parents made it nice and public to the rest of my family.. I guess if I didn't want the world to know I shouldn't have said anything.. but I'm actually kind of happy that it's out.
I felt so strained trying to keep it all inside because I'd known since I was 15(I'm about 16 and a half now)about it and I'd had suspicions before that.. but I never really confirmed it until I started to get intimate with one of my closer friends. She's really great.. whenever I feel like having a crying fest she's completely there for me and always sticks up for me to everyone else.. I remember one time she was over and my uncle dropped by.. and he was just being so mean about everything and he was really really rude to her.. because he knew who she was.. I just got so angry.. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to hit him or just break down and cry.. I didn't hit him because I know that my sensei wouldn't be happy about that.. and I didn't want to cry because I didn't want my uncle to realize how bad what he said hurt me.
My girlfriend was just so great.. she said something about his prejudices in an indirect way and he just flushed, obviously feeling guilty and left me alone after that. I don't know what I'd do without her because sometimes I think she's the only thing keeping me standing. She's super-smart.. she took the SAT's in 7th grade and scored in the 1300's and she's in all honors classes.. plus she absolutely gorgeous.. *sighs* Just like an angel..
Well.. I've been rambling on and on when all I meant to say was thank you..
Dawn(Confused, hurt and tired of it all)
Dear Dawn,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for you letter! It really brightened my day! I'm glad to know that you have your sensei and your girlfriend to talk to and to support you. Please keep in touch, so I know that all is well with you.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks up at Tasuki with Miaka's underwar on his head AGAIN. That some how he managed to sneak past her* Um.. do I have say in this...*trying to bite his tounge, but just can't resist it*...honey-kinss?
Dear P.J.,
THAT'S IT!!!! PEACH!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S GONNA BE EXTRA-CRISPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
will guys ever grow up?
Sailor Neptune
Dear Sailor Neptune,
Tasuki aside, of course we do, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, my skin is dry. What should I do?
Oh, yeah, Teach me to kick Amiboshi's ass, and take his flute.
Dear Nuriko,
Use a good moisturizer that is made for your skin type. A good department store's cosmetic section should be able to help you find one. And as far as Amiboshi and his flute are concerned, I really don't want to have anything to do with either of them.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This girl at my high school is really mad at me! She won't even talk to me. She used to be one of my friends, and I can't think of a single thing I could have done to hurt her feelings. I've asked her a few times, but she won't answer. What should I do?
Dear Miuki,
Even if you don't know the reason for her anger, you might try apologizing, no da. Perhaps a sincere apology will once again open the lines of communication between the two of you. Good luck, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I would like to know how a tyhoon is formed .
Dear Katelyn,
I believe it is formed when two low pressure systems meet over a body of water. Now go do your own homework.
Dear Nuriko,
*Bows to Nuriko* Oro.. Nuriko-san.. I have a few questions. You're so strong.. I'm not referring to physical strength here, I mean more like you're very emotionally strong.. Well.. on with my questions.. how do you deal with people making fun of you for your sexual preferences? You see, I'm homosexual and my parents really don't understand and some of my relatives have stopped talking to me since I came out in the open about it. My dad really avoids me now and only talks to me when he has to, or if he's yelling at me. My mom tries to stay away from me and my older sister won't even say hi to me in the hallways anymore. My little brother is too young to know what homosexual is so he doesn't care.. but it really hurts to have the rest of my family neglect me. I just.. don't know what to do anymore.. I've tried talking to them.. asking them why it bothered them so much and my mother said it wasn't natural, my father told me it was socially unacceptable and my older sister said because it was disgusting. *Sighs* It just really really hurts and sometimes I just feel like sitting in my room and crying. I don't cry a lot, and I never have but this has had me so close to the verge of tears. I think, even worse than having my family ignore me is the fact that a lot of my so-called friends not only stopped talking to me.. but also make fun of me, and right in front of my face! I've started spending a lot of time online because none of my friends there care about my sexual preferences and now my dad is bitching about that being unhealthy for me and he says it's ruining my grades. I don't see where he gets all of that from because I'm still an honor roll student and in great condition. I exercise a lot so it's not like I'm just sitting on the computer like a lump. Nuriko-san.. I just don't know what to do.. *sighs*
Confused, hurt and tired of it all
Dear Confused,
You speak of my strength. You must also come to accept that it takes much strength to risk exclusion in order to be true to yourself. We are all individuals, each with her or his own beauty. Some people have it easier than others and think that because they are straight, or can hide being gay, they don't have to learn about themselves as much. And some of us are thrust into turmoil earlier than others when we do such thinking. I am proud of you to have stood up to the challenge. The world would be much more at peace with itself if more people like you, gay or straight, would realize that the universe begins in the heart.
You have a challenging journey ahead of you. The sad fact is that one cannot change the way others feel. About anything. With patience, your parents will come in time to realize that you are the same person you were before the moment you told them about your preference. You have been the same person all your life; when they held you in their arms as a child, when they taught you to ride a bike, when you went off on your own to school for the first time.
You must be strong enough to give your family time to come around. You must realize that they, too, are the same people that they were before you gave them the gift of who you are. You all simply know more about each other. You must be strong enough to let yourself cry. Again and again; catharsis is the seed of strength. You are a beautiful person, and you must now be one of the people who lives by example. Always be honest. Always be helpful. Give of yourself without concern for what you may get back. You must have taken many, many hours of thought to arrive at the decision to be who you are. Your hours of contemplation are not over, nor are they for any person. Life is a journey. No one decision is the pinnacle.
Seek out the advice of someone you can speak to face to face. This will show you how NOT alone you are. There are many organizations set up to help people in your situation. They provide emotional support, and a place wherein you can share your heart with people who understand, and have been through it, too. I urge you to seek out someone in your community. I have been told that on your world there are such things as gay and lesbian community centers (if there isn't one in your community, you can look online for help in the nearest city to you). Or you could try talking to a trusted member of your clergy or maybe even a new friend. Always, however, trust your gut instincts. Do not accept advice simply because it comes from an authority figure unless it meshes with your true inner feelings. You do not need to change.
Your friends may not realize how much pain they inflict on you when they make fun of you. If they are true friends, they will realize that what you need is support. Sometimes people act strangely because they have their own demons that they are unprepared to deal with. You can, however pay little attention to the taunts. You must be strong enough to let some friendships go if you cannot find a common ground. You must always try to have a place in your heart should they ever come back to you with an apology, but you can't let them dig a bigger hole in your heart.
You will make it. You have shown great strength. Remember those emotional muscles. Exercise them. You will need them again and again. Keep physically fit. Martial arts can teach inner strength, and outer prowess. Let no one tell you how to be. NEVER look for trouble; simply be prepared for it should you need to be.
Good luck and please let me know how you are. You are important.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, My name is Isabel.
I am collecting fushigi Yuugi comics. Can you tell me what happened to Amiboshi in the number 6 manga? I don't have it. Please answer my question.
Dear Isabel,
We do the summoning ceremony, he is found to be a fraud and Tasuki and I chase him through the capital of Konan. He stops by the edge of a swollen riverbank, loses his balance and falls in. We tried to stop him, but we were unable to prevent it from happening.
Dear Tasuki,
Ummmmmm.... you kinda seem different from the manga. You were kind of shy in the manga. like the time when Miaka and Taka went back into your world and Miaka said it was thanks to you and the others that they are together. As I recall, you were blushing and you got scolded by your sis for blushing. But anyway, I still love you and if I ever meet the guy of my dreams, he would be like you. I'd still prefere it be you though. Also, I have to ask you, DO YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT WOMEN'S FEELINGS?? I mean you cared about Miaka.(and, know what I'm talking about)
But then again, when you first met miaka and kidnapped her, you said you don't like girls who does not cry. Whats up with that? Plus, I know you are... (experienced) :-)DON'T YOU AND KOJI CARE ABOUT THE WOMEN'S FEELINGS? YOU KNOW THE PLACE YOU GO TO. DON'T THEY FEEL USED,ABUSED? I'm sorry but I had to get it off my chest. Wo ai ne Tasuki.
Tasuki no miko's rival
Dear Tasuki no miko's rival,
Of course I care!!! I'm not a TOTAL bastard ya' know!! 'Che, jus' cos' I'm so *&^%$#@ cool everyone thinks I'm an a--hole! I'm not, ya' know!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! ^_^; have all of you been nice or naughty this year??? Don't forget to put up your socks!!!
Dear Chaos,
Depends on your definition of "naughty" now doesn't it, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
Your Royal Highness, I was just pondering something. What would you do if you woke up one day look in the mirror and found all of your hair had fallen off??
Dear Megumi-sama,
Call for the Royal Healers and find out what happened or seek out the practical joker who shaved my head while I was unconscious and severely punish them!
Dear Megumi-sama,
No he wouldn't! He'd have a Royal *&^%$#@ HEART ATTACK!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Will Nuriko ever find someone he loves who loves him back? Or will he always be in love with Miaka as a male and Hotohori as a female?
Suoh no Miko
Dear Suoh no Miko,
I'm sure I will find someone one day. Like they say, there's someone for everyone. I just haven't found MY someone yet.
Dear Chichiri,
I'd like to know.. is your head shaved? or is your hair just tied back?
Dear Sandra,
Except for the forelock in the front and the tail in the back, my head is shaved although not extremely close to the scalp. It is in the style of Eastern monks and also easier to care for, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(I know, I know. I said too, TOO much, but anyway it basically says Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!!!!)
Nikara(I think I've gone insane...)
Dear Nikara,
ARIGATO!!!! Same to you (but we'll leave the goats out of it, OK?) Tasuki liked your sake and spiked punch idea...
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I think your just such a comforting person to be around *stares at Nuriko in AWE* *_* woooooow...I don't know what it is your just so heart warming! *_* your cute too! Wow your just so perfect! *_* Your beauty mark! Your voice! Wow! *_* Your just so cool!!!! ^_^ ya' don't mind if I sit and stare at your coolness do you? I feel like I'm making a fool out of my self, but really who cares -_-;;; .....Not me anyway ^_^
Dear Casey,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your lovely remarks. You really are the silver tongued flatterer aren't you? Tee-hee... Oh, go on... no really go on! Please don't stop on my account! *Smiles and winks...*
Dear Chiriko,
I think your counter at the bttom of the page is messed. It doesn't seem to move fro 9392. Every time I visit your site it says the same number.
Dear Sarah-Lee,
Domo for the information. I checked the peeji today and it was OK. Have you checked lately or used your refresh button in your browser? It is possible that you are viewing a cached version for some reason.
Dear Tasuki,
Eh *sweatdrops* I'm afraid that so called "kuno" was take a wild guess? Gomen nasai anyways! If it will make you feel better I'll let you flame him or something...-_-;
Dear Peach,
PJ?!?!?!?!?! How do ya' want him? Medium, well-done, or extra crispy???
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