Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is something that's been in my warped little head for a while..
When your characters aren't visible, do you lose your seishi powers or does this only apply to Chiriko?
Okee, just thought I'd get that out. *toddles over to the Message Board to tangle with about 50 or so messages ^^;;*
Dear Myrna-chan,
As far as I know this only happens to Chiriko. Hopefully it will stop when he gets older. It's *&^%$#@ annoying...
Dear Nuriko,
Um... help me? I'm very confused and I need some love advice...
See, I've always been attracted to girls, right? That's just the way it is. But this boy thinks he's madly in love with me. For Christmas, he gave me a heart necklace and this really romantic poem that *he* wrote. He's really really sweet. I think I'm in love with him, too!
Also, all of my friends dislike him or think he's weird because he wrote me a poem. He's a little awkward in public, but when you talk to him alone he's a lot of fun!
I don't know what to do. He's kind of confused my whole mental make-up. Plus, I don't want to take it too seriously, because I'm kind of afraid its just some crush and I'm not one of those people who dates someone for a few months and dumps them. I kind of go for keeps.
So... what should I do? I mean, he's nice, and I like him, but he's got me really confused about myself. Agh!
Dear Miaru,
Well, let's see... I can only assume from your letter that you are a girl and most likely a high school student, hopefully I'm right. First of all, human beings, who they are attracted to, and the reasons for their attraction are not written in stone. If you sincerely have feelings for this young man and he for you, I say go for it! He sounds very sweet and hopefully your friends will get over themselves. The best thing you can do right now is take it slow and maybe start out as friends and see where the relationship goes from there. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
I absolutly loooooooooooove you. Yah, you are just so cool, handsome, your red hair,and did I mention the fangs:-) I hope I not making you nervous, but I just can't help gushing about you. I really wish I could meet you, but if I met you ,I'll probably never let you go. Um.......just a question though. How do you feel about all the yaoi fanfics about you and Kouji??
O ya, how is your sis? I just want you to know, I have a little brother. He is not as cool as you and cannot defend himself like you. Sooooooo I took up the job of protecting him. Just want you to know some sisters are caring.
rival of Tasuki no miko
Dear rival of Tasuki no miko,
Thanks fer all the cool compliments! I really dislike all that yaoi crap about me an' ANYONE! But I guess I can't tell people what to write. Che' ya'd think since mostly women write this stuff that they would put me in better situations. *sigh* Guess ya can't win 'em all...
Dear Hotohori,
I want to ask whether I'll get married next year or not?
Dear Usagi-chan,
I do not know. Gomennasi.
Dear Tasuki,
Have you figured out yet, that people abuse you because it's fun??? If not.. *hit's him over the head with a "fang freak" sign* does that help???
Dear Pepsi!,
ITAI!! An' jus' who th' hell is it s'pposed to be fun fer??? It sure as hell ain't me!
Dear Chichiri,
ARIGATOU CHICHIRI!!! Your advice helped alot! ya' know Tabitha isn't that bad,afterall. She's not perfect, but neither am I. ^_^ anyway's I just want to thank you! *big hug & kiss on the cheek* Once again ARIGATOU!
*runs off*
Dear Peach,
I am so glad I was able to help, no da! I hope you and your new sister have a wonderful holiday, ne no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Kay, A was told to tell you, that there is a certain Neo-hime of Tokyo who has a crush on you. I promised her I would tell you. AAARrrrrgggghhh.....! My computer is acting up on me again!
No Name
Dear No Name,
That is very flattering, however, I am already married. Gomennasai, I am only interested in my wife Houki.
Dear Nuriko,
Konichiwa Nuriko. My name is Marin. I have some problem with my face. In my age pimpels/acne is not strange. But my pimpels is different. My pimpels always came out at my nose. If ane already clear, and than another will came out again at my nose. The pimpels is not small, but very big.
So what must I do? I alredy wash my fice 2-3 times a day. And I use OXY 10 (medicine for acne)but still same. Can you help me?Please....
Thank You
Dear blackberry,
Have you gone to a dermatologist? If not, perhaps you should. They are healers who specialize in skin conditions and pimples. Gambatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
So, Tasuki, is it true you sleep in the buff? *wiggles eyebrows*
:D Just kidding. The things I'll do on a dare ;) Here, have some pocky as an apology for me being such a little sicko ;) Actually, I thought I'd just let you know that you're one of the three most popular seishi at my college, the other two being Chichiri and Hotohori. But...your fans tend to be more one of them put it "Tasuki can light my fire any time." what was the point of this? I didn't have one. It's late at night and I needed something to do with myself. Oyasumi nasai, Tasuki-san. :)
Dear KnM,
Depends on how much sake ya' pour into me...heh-heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
Whadda you mean, "finally somebody who understand you?!!!" *sniffles, then growls* What about me?! Huh?! You... you don't love me anymore, do you?! *sniffles loudly, then blows her nose* Well, fine then! See... see if I care! *runs out of room sobbing, then glances back to see if she managed to change his facial expression any*
Dear Love-Struck,
I don't believe I ever did love you to begin with. I believe our deal was to be friends. Please be happy with that.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi. I really need help. I'm having an identity crisis, and I was wondering if you could help me figure out what I am. I have grey skin, big ears, a trunk, and two tusks. Thanks for your time, I'm counting on you Tasuki-san.
Dear E.,
Hmph... yer either an elephant or Taiitsu-kun. Either way yer ugly.
Dear Nuriko,
Do you feel threatened that Miaka is so unattractive compared to you, yet she wins Hori-chans affection?
The yellow Monkey
Dear Yellow Monkey,
Not anymore. After all he married a woman who resembled me NOT her. That certainly says something...
Dear Kouji,
How th' *&^% should I know??? Yer th' one doing all th' talkin'!!! Blabbermouth!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
I wonder if #8 *giggles* would ask me out on the Christmas Dance at my school?
Dear Michiko-san,
Perhaps, but you could always ask him to the dance.
Dear Tasuki,
I dont appreciate being cheated on Tasuki! Who is this Amy-chan to you anyways, :***** (i am so hurt! Its okay, I'll just go drink some rat poison, i can't live to know that my poor Tasuki has been contaminated with someone else!
Tasuki no hatsukoi
Dear Tasuki no hatsukoi,
Amy-chan is a very special friend so I gave her her first kissu. GOTTA PROBLEM WIT' THAT??? Besides if yer really my hatsukoi ya'd know that guilt s--t NEVER works on me. Heh-heh... besides, I'm sure there's enough of me to go around...
Dear Chichiri,
How big are your feet? what's your shoe size? do you even wear shoes? How often do you brush your teeth? what toothpaste do you use? or do you even brush your teeth? Is your hair naturally blue? i hear rumors to the effect that there was no such thing as hair dye back in ancient China, or wherever. Or am I wrong? question: do you bathe? at all? ever? I don't mean to be insulting to you. Am I? i only say this because I care, or just because I want your smile to be prefect because....YOUR ON CANDY-CAMREA!!!! (I don't think that the right name er somethin') Why are you all lookin at me so funny??? *get's a little nervous and feels really stupid...*ara, TASUKI PUT ME UP TO IT!!!! *pointing to the innocent looking bandit*
Candy ara, you may want to call me freak
Dear Candy,
Tasuki, eh? That explains ALOT, no da! I do wear shoes but do not know the numerical size, no da. Of course I bathe and brush my teeth on a daily basis, no da!! My hair is the color of the wind, interpret that however you wish. Sumimasen, I must have a word with Tasuki, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Hi (bows) It is a great pleasure being in your pressence. hajimemashite? I think that you are so cool, and I um....mmm well.....would ya' like to go get some sake er' something sometime? *blushes*
bokono maii huro
Dear bokono maii huro,
Hajimemashite! Sure, sake sounds good, as long as ya' ain't one of them hentai freaks!
Dear Tamahome,
Er...konnichiwa...*searches pockets for okane* Do you believe love can conquer anything?
*Finds a bag of ryou and deposits it in Tamahome's hand* Arigatou.
Dear A-chan,
Hai! Doishtashimashite for the ryou! But what does that have to do with love??
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa!! Yes, I finally have the first volume Pioneer came out with, and I preordered the second volume, but does that mean I have to wait THREE more months jus' to see you in Volume 4?! How unfair is that?!?! Also, do you know how I could get hold of fansubs? It seems everyone has them but me (and unfortunately I don't know anyone with the hookup here!). I know I can't get Fushigi Yuugi anymore, but what about other stuff? Any ideas? Well I'm off to my Christmas Party, I promise to drink plenty of sake in your honor!(;
Dear Arani,
Pretty damn unfair if ya' ask me! As fer fansubs of different anime why doncha' try FanSubs.Net or Tomodachi Anime. Good luck & have some sake fer me!
Dear Hotohori,
First I just want to clarify that I do not *ever* want you and Kenshin to fight each other. I like you both! It's just that sometimes I like to ponder about strange things...
Also I've looked through many of your shrines but no desktop themes. And who is your Miko? Do you have her webpage URL?
Dear Dreamcatcher,
I am quite relieved that you do not wish to see me & Kenshin-san do battle ashe seems to be a very nice person and I do not wish to fight him. You can click here to get to my Miko's webpage for me. Unfortunately, I did not see any desktop themes there either. Gambatte!
Dear Tasuki,
hey! how's it going, sexy? You are so beautiful. Well, I have a question for you. I really really really REALLY love you to pieces. You and Kouji both. But I've always liked you best! Heheh well... I hope this isn't all so sudden... but how 'bout you and I do something together sometime?
ps. I am male, hear me roar!!!
Dear Kuno,
ACK!!! HENTAI!!! Get outta my face ya' yaoi freak!!! I don't go fer that s--t!!
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