Dear Tasuki,
Eh, Tasuki. I just got back from the" Ask the Sailor Senshi" page. I would stay clear of Haruka (Sailor Uranus) if I were you. She found out what you said about Michiru (Sailor Neptune) her *girlfriend* I don't know how.
*looks away innocently* She said she didn't need to worry about you, because you have Kouji. *sweatdrops* She also called you a fangged fr---. So I would give up on Salior Neptune if I were you. Although, Rei (Sailor Mars), even though she denied it. Seems to like you. Also, Minako (Sailor Venus) seems to REALLY like you!!! Something about watching your butt...*sweatdrops* So what do you think of Minako...??? I would feel flatterd ! It seems alot of them find you cute, she actually started drooling..... -_-
Dear Kitty,
Who ARE these girls??? I don't remember sayin' anythin' 'bout any of 'em! Who th' hell is Michiru an' why is she callin' ME a fanged freak??? What th' hell did ya' say to 'em??
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-chan!!! Ashitare-san is chasing me! Do something! Protect me! Hayako kudasai, hayako kudasai, hayako kudasai!!!!!
Friend of Seishi
Dear Friend,
Stand back! *Takes a HUGE soup bone out of his pocket.* OK Ashitare, nice doggie! *Throws the bone* Fetch!
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you love sake sssssooo much? Is it how it get's you drunk? Or is it just your image. You know, having to be a tough guy and all. Or do you really like the taste of it? Also, what type of girl could you find your self falling for? The type that worships the ground you walk on? the type that will give you respect, but only if you respect her in return. The wicked sensitive type? Or the type that can take care of herself, but would let you if you wanted to? and there's always the tough girl type. Or do you think it would be a mixture of some of those features? I am asking you too many questions at once, So I'll shutup now.
Dear Jennifer,
Thanks yer makin' my *&^%$#@ head hurt! Ilike sake because I like th' taste. As to girls, I'd like one that wasn't a manipulative pain in th' ass! I really hate that in a woman!
Dear Tamahome,
Do you like your voice in the new English version FY tape? ^_^ I think it sounds a little tooo normal for an 18 yr-old...
Tatara Hime
Dear Tatara Hime,
I have't heard it yet as Chichiri no Aijin will only buy the subtitled tapes. She is waiting for the DVD's to come out next year. We are ALL waiting to hear what they do with Chichiri's voice and Tasuki's "colorful" language!
Dear Hotohori,
Here's a question: do you know where I can download a FY desktop theme with YOUR face on the wallpaper? Arigato gozaimasu!
PS. Please don't tell me to go to Otaku World. I got that one already.
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Gomen I do not. Have you tried any of my shrines or contacting my Miko? She may know. Once again, gomnnasai.
Dear Tasuki,
Mulan-chan says that's what would happen to me, because it would be too much for me to handle. ¬.¬ No! Don't kiss her, she's evil, and you'll probably catch some disease and die...! ;_; And then I'd never be able to forgive her...¬.¬ She'd rant and rave about it too...just to spite me. ;_; Ara! I'm happy you used the keeki for something. ^_^
Dear Amy-chan,
Evil, eh? Perhaps I should flame her! So Mulan-chan thinks my kisses are too much to handle... heh-heh-heh... well, you tell me *grabs Amy-chan, bends her back and kisses her*... So how as that? Did ya' survive? Or do ya' need some sake?
Dear Mitsukake,
I noticed that no one seems to be writing you letters lately, so I felt it was only right to send you a little "Hello, thank you for being such a nice character". So, I just want you to know I *never* thought of you as boring....Rather, I think you are a kind, sensitive person who needs a little attention too. Thank you for your time!
A Shy, Quiet Person
P.S. Say hello to Tama-neko for me, I *love* kitties!
Dear Shy Quiet Person,
Domo arigato for your kind words. Finally, someone who understands me! I shall give Tama-neko a pet from you.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! A toast to you/with you, Fang-Boy. I discovered you and the other Suzaku seishi on the net and now I'm addicted to you! You are just too kawaii!! So, what do you think of older women? I'll buy the drinks!!
Well, til next time,
Dear Arani,
I like older women jus' fine as long as they ain't tryin to beat th' crap outta me! So, ya' seen our adventures yet? Pioneer has started puttin' 'em out on video tape. I'm jus' so @#$%^&* cool in 'em, too!
Dear Tamahome,
You could use it (the fire extinguisher) to put out the fire on the computer, but still the computer is going to be damaged...*sweatdrop*. On second thought, why don't you use it to whack Tasuki's head instead? ^_~
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Arigato! I like you're idea MUCH better! Oi! Tasuki...
Dear Tasuki,
Ara, Gen-chan, I had to send this *three* times...maybe if you try to flame Tamahome again, make sure he's not standing in front of the computer...(Waiiii! Gomen, Tasuki-san!)
Well, on to my question. Since you seem to be away from home a lot, does Aidou ever try to drag you back? And does she still chuck those logs at you?
Just wondering...
Arigatou for answering. Ja mata!
A-chan o^_^o
Dear A-chan,
She's tried before. She is SUCH a pain in th' ass! An' she always seems to have them *&^%$$@ logs of hers wit' her!
Dear Hotohori,
Konichiwa de gozaru na! ^_^x Sessha wa Himura Kenshin de gozaru yo! Hajimemashite de gozaru ! *bowing*
I read on this page that you are an excellent swordsman de gozaru na--I also read that someone was wondering who would win if we had a sword-fight between us de gozaru yo. I don't know you personaly, but I do not like to use my sword if I do not have to de gozaru. I only use it to protect the ones I love; as was why I became a rurouni de gozaru na.
So just to tell people out there, I don't really want to find out de gozaru na.
S o tell me, Heika-sama, how many years HAVE you been training under the sword de gozaru yo? ^_^x
Kenshin Himura, Rurouni ^_^x
Dear Kenshin Himura Rurouni,
I am glad that we are of like minds, as I have no wish to fight you or anyone else for that matter, unless it is to protect my country and those I care about. I have been training in Shin-kendo since I was a small child and able to lift a sword. As I am now 18, I would say roughly 16 years.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I was just reading the letters in the archive and saw the one in which someone asked you why Koji talks to the door in the series. Well I happen to know the answer to that! Someone once told me that this is Japanese comedy--they think it's funny when someone is playing both the visitor and the homeowner at the same time. I guess it's sort of like the knock-knock jokes we have. Hope that helps!
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Yeah, well Kouji's a bit hen that way.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*A lone figure walks into view, bedraggled and limping, frantically looking to the left and right....He notices a group of people in the distance, and eagerly approaches. He reaches the group, performs his most respectful bow, and asks...*
Ano...Could you tell me where I am?
Habiki Ryouga
Dear Habiki Ryouga,
Ano... you are in Konan country. You are standing in the Imperial Palace and this is Emperor Hotohori. I am Nuriko one of Suzaku's Seishi. I see you have fangs. Are you related to Tasuki?
Dear Tamahome,
Fine. *pouts* since Tasuki won't set him on fire, Tamahome, can you beat someone up for me??? Here's 300 gold ryo *hands him a bag* =^.^=
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Hmmm... and just what did this person do to you that I should beat him up for 300 gold ryou?
Dear Tasuki,
Ack. Hentai! First Amiboshi to Suboshi, then Mr. Hot Tamale?! Geez, don't see much action living on a mountain with bandits, ne?
Kay, I take back what I said about Suboshi. I can't respect someone who can't spell.
Dear Mearl-chan,
An' jus' what kinda action are we talkin' here, eh? Don't call ME hentai! I jus' answer letters an' fry servers that piss me off! Gotta problem wit' that?
Dear Chichiri,
Ok....I don't normally ask people for advice, but I guess I'll make an acception. A 14 year old girl named Tabatha ( I think that's how she spells it) was recently adopted into my family. I was adopted too,but along time ago when I was 1. I guess it must be hard for her at her age. You see, she drives me insane! and she's only been with us for a week. She and Kitty don't get along at all. She seems to be a troubled girl. I tried my best to reason with her when she's getting on my nerves or when I'm trying to study. She's a major pain! She won't just leave me be. Well, I snapped and freaked at her last night. She seemed to take it pretty well. We introduced her to Kitty, but they don't seem to get along. Tabatha can be really bitter to girls her age. So nobody at her school has taken to her very well. Neither have I for that matter. So where was I? Oh yeah, I freaked at her last night and she seemed to take it pretty well, or so I thought. I over heard someone crying later that night, and left my bed hearing the sound coming from her room. I opened the door a bit. She was sobbing into her pillow and crying for her mother to come take her away. Saying nobody likes her, that everyone hates her. And was saying stuff like "why did you leave me?" I felt so bad for yelling at her before. I didn't know what to say so I just went back to bed. This morning I started to ask my mother and she simply said " Jamie if you make it hell here for that poor girl, I swear to god I'll kill you". (she didn't mean that.) That was the end of that conversation that didn't help my situation at all. I feel bad for Tabatha, but I really can't stand her no matter how hard I try. So I'm kind of in a fix here. Have any ideas on what I should do? I hate asking people for advice. So I'm sort of embaressed about asking you. Sorry for your trouble. Oh yeah, and thank you for your time.
Peach or baka? or baka?
Dear Peach,
It sounds as if Tabitha has a had a hard life for one so young, no da. As you are now her niisan it does partially fall to you to welcome her to her new family. You can start by apologizing to her for yelling at her and then lay down some ground rules, no da. If she annoys you when you are studying, setup a specific time that she can come and see you without bothering you. Perhaps your mother should also consider counseling for her as she does seem to be a troubled child, no da. Please try to get to know your new sister and get along with her, no da. You may find that she is a very nice person once you give her a chance, ne no da. Gambatte!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't care who answers this, so here goes.
I'M LOST! How do I get to Taiitsu-kun's mountian from here? *pouts* I couldn't find my way if my life depended on *pleading look*
Oh, and how often does Miaka get the hicups?
Tsuki no Miko
Dear Tsuki no Miko,
Only people that are pure of heart can see Taiitsu-kun's yama. I could tell you that you were standing on it and unless she allowed you to see it, you would not be able to. Gomen. I really don't remember Miaka having hiccups.
Dear Chiriko,
how do you know if you are pregent?
Dear sandy,
I don't know as I am male and can't get pregnant. This is probably a better question to ask Mitsukake or your family healer. If you are seriously concerned, I have been told that one can buy things called "Pregnancy Tests" at your local drugstore or go to centers run by Planned Parenthood and they can test you for that condition.
Dear Chichiri,
Anou Chichiri-san, why does your face peel off like that? O_O It scared my kitten Diana away. *hands him a bag of her special-super cookies* ^_^ Puu and Michiru-san sent me over to deliver this note. *gets a thought bubble by her head that depicts Setsuna cuddling a Chichiri UFO Catcher doll, Michiru cuddling a Tasuki one, and lastly herself marrying Hotohori to become Empress of China. Her fantasy is suddenly shattered by a fuming Miss Tenoh, imbued with the blood of various seishi* o.O;;; Scary...*zones back in and presents a very delicate and perfumed-scented parchment*
"Dear Chichiri-san and Tasuki-san,
Ara, we would love to have you over for dinner. It seems Haruka has gone out of town for a few days leaving us girls...alllll alone. Its so lonesome and we have no one to cook for, but we would love to make something for both of you! ^_^
Best Wishes,
Setsuna Meioh & Michiru Kaioh"
*the rest of the note appears to be scribbled in pink crayon, and with not so perfect kanjii...*
"P.S. We would love for Hotohori-sama to also join the dinner to meet our beautiful and charming Small Lady."
>.< They act like they're my age!!!
Neo-hime Chibi-Usa of the Ask the Senshi Page
Dear Neo-hime Chibi-Usa,
My face doesn't peel off, no da. It is a mask, no da. As for your lovely invitation I accept on behalf of myself, Tasuki, and Hotohori, no da! We would enjoy meeting all of you , ne no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*slips Tamahome a pouch filled with ryou* Will that be enough for ah..Mulan-chan's birthday surprise? ^.^; *whispers* Her birthday's on Sunday. If Miaka won't let you still, tell her I'll bake her a giant keeki of her own. *recalls her cooking skills* I mean I'll buy her a giant keeki of her own. -_-; Non hallowed out of course. ^.^;
Dear Amy-chan,
OOH!!!! That's ALOT of ryou! I'll see what I can do about Miaka. If she still won't let me do it, do I have to give this back?
Dear Tasuki,
Gomen! I can't help it, I just love guys with red hair! Don't worry I'm not about to jump you or anything :). Just wanted to tell you that you have, yes, another female fans for life, because you are just too cool and I love to fight (almost as much as you)... but i'll leave the drinking and brawl'in all up to you! Even though you HATE women, I hope we can be friends.
Dear Mika-chan,
Arigato! Glad ya' think I'm so *&^%$#@ cool! Sure, we can be friends.
Dear Chichiri,
Konichiwa de gozaru na! ^_^x Sessha wa Himura Kenshin. My friend Sanosuke visited with your friend Tasuki-san, and said that I should meet you beacause we seem to have things in common de gozaru na. I, too, have a scar and an interesting speech pattern; although I do not own a staff like yours, I have an interesting upside-down sword de gozaru yo! I am not a wandering monk, but I am a Rurouni de gozaru. ^_^x I would like to be your acquaintance, for you sound like an interesting individual, as do the rest of your friends de gozaru na. (Bows) Hajimemashite de gozaru yo!
Kenshin Himura, Rurouni ^_^x
Dear Kenshin Himura, Rurouni,
Tasuki has told me of his meeting with Sanosuke-san, no da! I would be very interested in meeting you and becoming your acquaintance, no da. Hajimamishite! Chichiri desu. Dozo yoroushko, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Exactly how many brain cells ARE you missing??? do you even know what a brain cell is? It's something that keeps you from doing stupid things like frying the mail server!!!!!( just kidding around) Well out with it then.. how did you do it THIS time....?
Dear Peach,
Th' same way I do it every time! Wit' my *&^%$#@ tessen! Obake-chan has just learned to duck better. I'll get his sorry ass next time.
Dear Tamahome,
I just want to give you this *hands over a fire-extinguisher*. This will put out the fire should Tasuki want to flame you again. Have fun!
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Arigato! Can I use this on computers, too?
Dear Tasuki,
heyyyyyy just wondering, do you think amiboshi is gay?
Dear Suboshi,
Iie, doshite? Omae wa yaoi desu ka? Amiboshi wa Suboshi no aijin desu ka? Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come there are no new questions being posted up??? And what's going on so far. I haven't been able to check this place in over a month.
Dear Usagi,
Well, Tasuki fried the mail server, AGAIN, so we were unable to get any mail for about a week. As to ther rest of your letter, we have been able to access both this peeji and the message board on a daily basis, so we don't know what to tell you.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
I wana go X-mas shopping wana come? We can go try on dresses together, ka?
Dear V-chan,
Hai! Sounds like fun!
Dear Tasuki,
Is it true that you're Mr. Hot-Tamale in this month's "Konan Hentai Pinups"?
Rumor had it
Dear Rumor,
Heh-heh, I don't think so. But, if not I SHOULD be!
Dear Chiriko,
I really want do a my own page of sailorstars.
But I can't and don't know how to do it.
Dear yelena,
There are a lot of good webpage programs out there. Homesite and Frontpage are only two examples. There is also a very good book out called "Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML 3.2 In a Week" by Laura Lemay. I have the 3rd edition, but I am sure she has come out with a more updated reference book by now.
Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Ara, Tasuki-san! *smiles brightly and presents a keeki, which really just appears to be a giant lump of black coal* *frowns and hangs her head* I tried again...but maa...the stove doesn't like me. ;_; WMC-san must have cursed me when she said I *should* try to make you keekis like this on purpose. ;_; Oh well. You can use the keeki I made to toss at little evil-yoma siblings. ^.^;; *puts her pitiful keeki aside and pulls out a pretty cherry pie* My okaa-san made this one, but well she made two, and well I can't eat a whole pie by you can have it. ^.^;;
Oh yeah...*hangs her head even more as she holds out a drawing looking away to hide a blush* Mulan-chan drew this for me. ^.^;;;
Gen-chan pic
Dear Amy-chan,
Oishii pai! Arigato! I smacked Aidou wit' yer keeki, heh-heh. Hope ya' don't mind. Kawaii pic but my kisses don't give women bloody noses an' kill 'em. What th' hell is wrong wit' yer friend?? Guess I'll have to prove it to ya' an' to to her sometime. Heh-heh-heh... maybe I should kiss her an' see what happens? Whaddya think?
Dear Chichiri,
Hope you are doing well and are not sick! I'm in a happy, happy, hyper mood since Dec. 5 is my Birthday! *Cheers* How has your week been?
It is almost Christmas! Can't believe it! What will you & the rest of the guys doing for Christmas or have you decided? Any of you going on vacation?
Here are the qustions of the week for you:
1) If you could teach chldern everywhere across the world one significant thing what would it be?
2) What does it take to be a hero in your opinion? Do you consider yourself to be one?
Ah, yes... I dug up this poem to show you how I feel for you. So, it is not original poem! But as long as you get the meaning of it that is what counts! This poem is just for you...
You are my sunshine,
my only sunshine.
You make me happy,
when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear,
how much I love you.
So please don't take
my sunshine away.
Thanks for your time! Think I shall send a letter once in a while if you do not mind. Take care! You are in my prayers! ^_^
Dear Silver,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for your kind words and the nice poem, no da. We have been very busy here because of Tasuki and the mail server, no da! As to your first question, I would teach them that love and friendship are equally important. As to your second question, I am not sure what it takes to be a hero, but I do know I don't consider myself one, no da. I look forward to hearing from you, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If Tamahome and Nuriko were to have a fighting match, who do you think would win? Similarly, if Hotohori and Kenshin were in the same situation, who would win?
Dear Dreamcatcher,
Well, while Nuriko has superior strength, Tamahome's abilities lie in his martial arts skills. So, it is quite possible that unless Nuriko were to crush him with a boulder, that Tamahome would win the match. As to Hotohori and Kenshin fighting, that would depend on whether or not Hotohori had his Seishi powers. If he did have them, he would most likely win. If not, Kenshin would win, as he is older and has had more years to hone his skills.
Dear Tasuki,
How dare you fry it AGAIN???!!!! BAKA!!!!!!!
*I`m too mad*
Dear *I`m too mad*,
YER MAD?!?!? Ya' don't wanna know what Chichiri no Aijin did to me when she found out what happened!! ITAI!!
Dear Nuriko,
How do you get your hair so shiny? Mine's so thick that it won't shine! I'm going to a party as our favorite movie star (I'm going as you.. hope you don't mind) but it won't stay!
Dear Sunnie-san,
I brush it 100 strokes a day & keep it clean and well conditioned. Perhaps you should ask your stylist what would be good for your hair. I am VERY flattered that you are dressing as me for the party! Have fun!
Dear Chiriko,
This week is finals week could you do my homework so I can study for my tests. I'll give you five bucks...
Dear V-chan,
Gomen, but I don't do others homework for them. That is not how one learns. But since you are offering okane, Tamahome may be interested. Too bad, he is not a scholar...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm hmm, I don't feel like turkey this year, soooo...I'll think I'll try the other other...white meat. Teehee, one of you must know what Suzaku tastes like, riiiiight? *browsing through Pei-Mei's Chinese Cookbook which she borrowed from Amy-chan* Teehee! I'm really hungry too...^_-
Dear Mulan-sama,
Ano... *sweatdrops* actually since he's a god we would never eat him. You are VERY hen! Amy-chan warned us about you. I say, stick to the keeki and okashi, they probably taste better anyway. Although we were all relieved that you weren't going to eat US!
Dear Tasuki,
Ciao =^.^= Hey, there's this guy I know that's in *serious* need of frying, will you fry him for me?? Pleeeeease?
Nyanko-chan =^.^=
Dear Nyanko-chan,
Nope, sorry. I don't do request fryings. Whaddya' think I am a barbecue cook?
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