Dear Tasuki,
Hiya! It's me Neiko-chan again! I was wondering... What would you do if you found a female that was exactly identical to you? That's been in my head for awhile. =^_^=
Dear Neiko-chan,
Well get it outta there!!! I'd run like hell!!! I do not make a pretty woman!! Ya' know, ya' worry me...
Dear Tamahome,
*AHEM* Dear, you are absolutely NOT popping out of ANYONE'S cake but MINE! And that's final--I don't care HOW much they offered you!
Dear Miaka,
But dear, I could get a lot of food with what they would pay and Mulan-sama has done us a REALLY BIG FAVOR. Pllleeeaasssseeee????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! What are your thoughts on the Seiryuu seishi? Did you know Tomo has his OWN fan club?!?!?! WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO?!!? A shrine for that freak! Good grief! Say hello to Tama for me!
Neiko-chan, one shocked kitty =^_^=
Dear Neiko-chan,
Ummm... mostly that they're all dead! So none at all. Yeah, we knew he had his own fan club. I guess even freaks have fans *shudders at the thought of the kind of girl who would want Tomo...* I'll give Tama-chan a pet from ya'.
Dear Tasuki,
YO! I heard what you called my bro! You'd better keep your mouth shut if ya's don't wanna get hurt! Oh yeah, Neiko-chan's gone now. Too ashamed of what she did, so here's what she wrote:
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Since I feel so bad about what I did, I got you all presents to make it up to you.
Tamahome got ALOT of money (try 80 ryou!).
Tasuki got 12 gallons of sake. Enjoy!
Nuriko got a $300 shopping spree. Have fun!
Hotohori got a new sword and gifts for his family.
Chichiri got a new set of beads (NO HENTAI WISE CRACKS!)
Mitsukake got some modern medicines, that'll work faster (no offense!).
Chiriko got pens and paper (the pen's ink doesn't run out as fast and they last longer too).
Hope you guys like 'em.
Well, that's it. Now I'm taking her place. Take a guess. I'm a tall blonde, light blue eyes, has a brother that can't sing, I wear black and I have a water dragon symbol on my head. Could you guess?
I'm Nikara, fanfic sister of Nakago! Surprised? Thought so. I'll write back later as soon as you give a response. SEE YA!!*laughs*
Fanfic sister of Nakago, Nikara
Dear Nikara,
Tasuki's unable to come to the PC right now. (He drank one-third of the sake that Neiko-chan gave him!) Tell Neiko-chan arigato for all the presents. Although she really didn't have to do that. So you're Nakago's fanfic sister, eh? Well at least YOU acknowledge that he can't sing! Tee-hee... Who knows, maybe we'll get along just fine.
Dear Tamahome,
Why do you choose to love Miaka?
Do you miss your brothers and sisters alot? Thanx for listening!
Dear Neiko-chan,
I don't think choose is the right word. I just love her. I love her for her strength and strong will, among MANY reasons. AS to my family I miss them all VERY much.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Not welcome here?! *GROWL* I'll go where ever I damn well please!
Dear Suboshi,
Lose the 'tude kid an' maybe you'll be welcome here. Otherwise *&^% off!
Dear Hotohori,
Hello your highness. How did you meet Houki? Just wondering. Matanei!
Dear Neiko-chan,
She was one of the princesses at the Imperial Court when I was in search of a wife.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Evil laugh* It is I Nakago who requests a duel to the death. Is it a deal? If not, we will hunt you down a attack when the time's right. I'll give you two days to respond to my threat.If...
*Yui walks in* What's this your writing?
It's a threat to the Suzaku senshi, but please don't interfear.
*Suboshi walks in* OI! What's this? Alright! A fight to the death! That Drunken Fanged Theif don't got a chance!!*evil laughs*
The Seiryuu Senshi
Dear The Seiryuu Senshi,
*Snicker, giggle guffaw!!!* I always knew you were a buncha girly-men (except Soi she's jus' a b... uh, never mind...) since that's what the Bishojou Sailor Scouts call themselves, senshi not seishi. So what happened? Finally decided to reveal yer true selves? Yeah, we'll fight ya' an' Cored Psycho Apple Boy, too! So let's go girly-man!
Dear Nuriko,
Well I'm glad you are living you life as a man now, although you are beautiful in both styles ^-~ & your personality was always cute & charming^^ No koibito huh? *blush* Yes people tell me I look like a female version Hotohori.....If I was Hotothri I would have never turned you down (ack! I'm being too obvious) *is embarrassed now ^.^;;*
Dear Momoko,
Awww, don't be embarrassed, you're very sweet! Arigato for the compliments, keep it up and I'll have as swelled an ego as Tasuki!! Hee-hee-hee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Seen my cat, Tend no da? He`s been looking for some fish no da...Mitsukake no da?
Chichiri No Samurai
Dear Chichiri No Samurai,
Hai! He is on our message board sharing a fish with Tama-neko. Although, if the message was more than 10 days old they may have both gone off in search of more fish.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi guys. Um...*sweatdrop* know that Nakago threat, well...I wrote it. GOMENASAI! I really didn't mean to. I'm so sorry! I should have left the writing to the Seiryuu. I feel so guilty 'bout it. I'm really, really, really, really, really, REALLY SORRY!
I just wanted to know what your response would be! Maybe I should have written:"What would you do if Nakago threatened a fight to the death?"
That would have been better than saying I was a Seiryuu *sniff*
I'm so low. To make me feel better, could you ask Tasuki to singe me.Thanks.It'll help.
Again and a billion times over, I'm soooooo sorry! Puleeze forgive me!*sniff*
I'm sooo depressed. BAKA, BAKA, BAKA, BAKA, BAKA!!! I'm so guilty!*sniff*
The sulking kitty, Neiko-chan
PS:Could you answer my question re-do as a favor?
Dear Neiko-chan,
That wasn't very nice, no da! And to answer your question, unlike Tasuki, if there is no real reason to fight, why bother, no da? We would and did fight Nakago to protect our country and the people we cared about. But to fight because someone bullies you into it is pretty stupid, no da. Perhaps Tasuki will one day learn this, ne no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Anou...Tamahome-san? Will something special for Mulan-chan's birthday? It's coming up...*blushes slightly and taps her two index fingers together* Could you jump out of a keeki for her? You don't have to be totally naked, but half naked would be enough to fulfill her little weird fantasies. o.O; ^_^;; I'll pay whatever you ask, since well ara, she will be 17. ^.^; Oh, and since she's never been kissed really...if you could do that too, that would be even better. ^_^;; Her birthday's the 13th of December. Speaking of birthdays…I think your's is the day before mine. o.O;
Dear Amy-chan,
Well, OK. But it's gonna cost you!!
Dear Tasuki,
Have you EVER loved you sister, Aidou?
What does sake taste like?
Dear Neiko-chan,
Of course I love my bitchy pain in th' butt sister!!! Sake tastes like rice wine. It's great when it's hot! It tastes kinda like slightly sweet rice with the added taste of alcohol.
Dear Tamahome,
TAMAHOME!! my tetysu-chan is much cuter than you iwould never cheat on him and if we ever break up suboshi is my next choice!
Dear yui,
How nice for you. Then I can only hope you'll leave me alone.
Dear Nuriko,
Have you every though of growing you're hair long again? You look tottemo kawaii as you are now but you were also very very cute with long hair ^^ Do you have a koibito? I'm often told that I look like a female Hotohiri
*giggles* ^-~
Dear Momoko,
I might consider growing my hair longer, but not as long as it used to be. I have decided to live my life as a man and do not wish to look female. Alas, I do not have a koibito. A female Hotohori, eh???
Dear Tasuki,
I have this really good friend named Sanosuke, but he goes by the name of Zanza. You to could be really good friends. He likes to fight and drink sake. Here let me introduce you.
A tall man wearing a jacket with the sign bad on the back steps forward.
So wadaya say?
Keiko, priestess of Nephthys
Dear Keiko, priestess of Nephthys,
*Looks at the newcomer...* Hmmm... a new drinkin' buddy, eh? Sure, why th' hell not?
Dear Chiriko,
hi chiriko-san. okay im the nyn nyn from the OVA2 k'?
nyn nyn
Dear nyn nyn,
OK. So, how are you and how is Taiitsu-kun?
Dear Nuriko,
nuri-chan hi!
just wanted to tell miyu that nuri-chan aniki is mine. right nuri-chan?
not that theres anything wrong with you.
Dear Rei-chan,
I don't know if he is yours, per se, but he is certainly interested in being with you. Glad you don't think there's anything wrong with me.
Dear Tasuki,
leave amiboshi-sama's anikialone why? cuz Ai-chan said so.
Dear Ai-chan,
Not a very good reason! How 'bout I leave him alone 'cos he jus' ain't worth my time?
Dear Hotohori,
I couldn't understand what you said.
But I have just one to tell you That is "I love you so much, Hotohori."
Dear houki,
Ah, if you are my wife, Houki, you already know how much I love you. If you are a different Houki, then arigato for your lovely words, but I am already married.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you have a thing for Sailor Mars?
Amiboshi no miko
Dear Amiboshi no miko,
Iie. I don't even know who or what a Sailor Mars is!
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