Dear Nuriko,
Anywhere. You wanna see a movie this weekend? or do you just wanna hang out?
Dear Miyu,
Hanging out sounds good. Why don't we continue this on the message board? We can hang out there and talk.
Dear Tamahome,
Of *course* I don't like Ashtire!!! Yucky! Besides, he's dead, ne? ^_^ Anyway, arigatou for the the loan ^_^. I'll see what I can do about Yui-chan---I'll take away her laptop if that's what it takes!
Dear Miaka,
Thank you sweetheart. I know she has had a bad time but this is getting out of hand.
Dear Tasuki,
Whens Kouji's birthday?
Dear Cloey,
Hmmm, good question. Ya' know he's never told me. Yo' bro'! Tanjiyobi itsu desuka?
Dear Chichiri,
Waiiiii! ^_^
I'm a big fan, and seeing as I think you're probably the coolest character in FY, I want to know more about you. Specifficly, the 'no da' thing.
I love your cute little speech pattern--in fact, I've been known to copy it at times at school to confuse my Senseis and underclassmen. But I really want to know--why do you say 'no da' ? Is it something you do unintentually, or on purpose? Or where you just born saying that phrase? Did you just come up with it one day and just kept on doing it?
Well, thanks for taking the time to read & answer my questions! I think you're very kawaii no daaaa ! ^_~
Dawn H.
Dear Dawn H.,
Arigato for your kind words, no da! The way I speak is the way people in my village all speak, ne no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Aren't you ever worried that Miaka has some type of eating disorder such as bulimia? I mean she may eat a lot of food but behind the scenes she may be throwing up or taking laxatives. I'm hoping not to insult anyone but I'm just worried because I have a friend who is suffering from anorexia nervosa and bulimia. She's been suffering from the disease for 5 years now. She's been hospitalized 13 times my God. I swear I'll never forget this one incident where we went to visit her at the hospital she was recovering from, but when we got there we were told wait. Well stubborn me snuck into her room anyway. When I got there I saw a nurse forcing a tube down her throat and calling her a "snotty brat". The tube apparently did something that made her gain weight. She was screaming in pain I just wanted to cry so badly. And to think a month ago the nurse was saying she would "help her". Is this really "helping"? Is this what they call "recovery"?!? I just hope Miaka really doesn't have an eating disorder. I've seen the pain it causes and it's not worth what the victims go through in order to lose weight...
Dear Irene,
While I can understand your concern, this is not the case with Miaka. The girl just has a fast metabolism. However, I am sure that as she gets older it will start to slow down and normalize. Thank you for your concern.
Dear Nuriko,
Nothing is wrong with you Nuriko. It's just that I thought you already have someone. Since your so pretty and sweet. I wish there were more guys like you. But anyway, if you're free can I go out with you???
Dear Miyu,
Sure, where do you want to go?
Dear Mitsukake,
Do you really think that I need mental help, as you suggested in Kate-chan's letter? I don't! I'm perfectly mentally healthy! I just love you, that's all! And love is a healthy emotion... ne?? Wo ai ni! Wo ai niii!
Dear Love-Struck,
Too much of anything is not healthy. I am sorry that I cannot return your feelings for me. Would you settle for being just friends?
Dear Tasuki,
*Yells to Suboshi* Hai. I`ll be back at the Seiryuu Peeji once you`re there. And, bye Tasuki-san! Lets go!
Dear Amiboshi,
Sayonara Amiboshi-san!
Dear Tamahome,
Is Miaka still 15, or is she older now?
Dear Cloey,
We're both older now, by two years.
Dear Tasuki,
Hooboy, now you've got me started. ^_^;;;
First off, you can't say simply that that this or that is unforgivable. Yes, what Suboshi did was evil and nasty and just plain a mean ol' thing to do. But that isn't the only factor you have to think about. Suboshi was also little more than a child. He was probably acting under Nakago's advice (and Nakago could talk the stars out of the sky if he tried hard enough!) Secondly, Suboshi himself is more than one act. Unless you can say more about him than "He did this once!" then you can't say you know him, and therefore you can't say he's a loser, a weenie, or even a hentai psycho. (And I still don't see what Suboshi's sex life has to do with it, but I digress...)
Finally, you can't judge others. *Especially* you can't judge others. Sure, Suboshi killed some cute little kids. But you are a bandit, aren't you? That means you rob people all the time. Which takes their money or valuables. Which can end up ruining their lives. You do this all the time, without remorse. Also, you sit around drinking sake and brawling. At least Suboshi wasn't a drunk. And, most of all, look at what your bandits are like. Eiken almost ended up raping Miaka, and your best friend would have let him do it, just out of fear. Then you acted like you were going to rape her! Were you just playing around? After all, if it's okay for the other bandits to be running around doing that... At least it's obvious Suboshi would do anything to protect those he loves. You and yours would let a girl get raped just because you're afraid of someone.
BTW, this was solely an exercise in debate. I learned long ago that when talking to people like you, logic never works. Biting sarcasm is the only way to convince you people of things. However, I am not in a sarcastic mood. This'll probably be the last I say about this, anyway. (I'm begging to be flamed, aren't I?)Oh, yeah, and Suboshi sings better than you too.
Dear Mearl-chan,
Well, we suppose we could have let Tasuki answer this, but this is not a debate forum, nor is this an argument clinic. So we shall answer you instead. The action of cruelly and painfully slaughtering innocent children for revenge is wrong. Suboshi paid for his action with his life. As to Tasuki being a bandit and robbing people, that too is wrong. Even if he was robbing only people that could afford it and generally trying to help those less fortunate with his ill-gotten gains. Let's keep Eiken and Kouji out of this as it is between Suboshi and Tasuki. As you mentioned he did try to intimidate and frighten Miaka, however it didn't work. It does seem that nothing fazes her. However, he never tried to torture or kill her.
We will only say this once about Suboshi, he did what he did out of grief over the loss of his aniki. HOWEVER, when he realized his aniki was still alive and that he was lied to and made to murder innocent people, he showed NO remorse for his actions. And he continued to try to hurt Tamahome by hurting Miaka. Gomen, that is not normal. We feel that is enough on this subject. Amiboshi is welcome to come or go as he pleases. Gomen, but Suboshi is not welcome here.
Dear Mitsukake,
Why does everyone say you're so boring???
P.S. My friend knows someone on the high school football team who looks exactly like you.
Dear Usagi,
I suppose it is because I don't say much.
Dear Tasuki,
'Hentai Pscho Brat' , huh? I wouldn't be talkin'-- you Drunken Fanged Theif ! ! Heh, now you got a bunch of hate mail for makin' fun of me! You got what you deserved ! *Snicker* By the way, Nakago seyz he's too busy to answer questions from the likes of you. *Yells over to Amiboshi* C'mon, Aniki, let's leave these losers!
Dear Rotten Little Hentai Psycho,
If yer gonna bitch about my insults at least get 'em right!! An' learn to spell! Anyway, that's Drunken Fanged Thief-san to you! I guess Nakago is too busy takin' singin' lesson to answer me. Suzaku knows he NEEDS 'em!!
Dear Chichiri,
Do you like having your hair so long? why or why not?
Dear Sandra,
It really isn't all that long, no da. Just the tail and forelock. I do like it this way, as it is easy to take care of and I like the way it looks, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Ai-yahhh! Is Yui-chan bugging you again? *Uggh* I'm sorry. She keeps trying to impersonate me and it's getting quite frustrating!! I'm glad you can tell when it's really me and when it's her. Mmmmm....anyway, I need more juice money, onegaishimasu. ^_^ Thank you, darling.
Dear Miaka,
*Pulls 200 yen out of his wallet.* Here you go sweetie. Yes, Yui has been bugging me again, unless your taste in men has changed and you now like Ashitare? Perhaps you should have a little talk with your tomodachi.
Dear Tasuki,
Agggggghhhh, my aching head! I think I've finally sobered back up *Looks down at her clothes* ACK!! How'd I end up wearin' Nuriko's dress?!?! And why is Chichriri's shirt on my head?!? Gee, Tasuki-sama, exactly how much sake did you give me? *Looks around* And where are MY clothes?!? Don't tell me Kouji took them?!
Pixy Moon
Dear Pixy Moon,
I gave ya' as much sake as ya' were willin' to drink! An' fer a girl, ya' sure can drink alot! As fer yer clothes, I think ya' traded 'em to Nuriko. Either that or ya' jus' gave 'em to Tamahome. I'm a bit fuzzy on that one.
Dear Mitsukake,
In the episode you met Miaka and the others, how did you shave? Because my friend says you most likely used a knife or some sharp edge. But then how did you get it done so fast!?! whithout a single cut on your face...
Dear Cloey,
Very carefully.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Here is what I like about each of ya:
1.Tamahome - Your love for your family.
2.Hotohori - You`re too beatiful.
3.Nurkio - I prefer you as a boy, you`re cool that way.
4.Chichiri - My favorite char. For what reason? I have no idea. You`re just cool.
5.Tasuki - The way you speak and the way you fight impress me.
6.Mitsukake - It's good that you care so much about other people.
7.Chiriko - You`re so smart.
And what I like about each Seiryuu Seishi:
1.Nakago - I got to like him when I saw his sad past.
2.Amiboshi - Such a peaceful fellow.
3 + 4. I don`t like Soi or Suboshi much.
5.Ashitare - I like him for a reason (NOT because he killed Nuriko).
6.Tomo - His laugh!!!!
7.Miboshi - I like him a LOT for a reason, too, and it's not because of the Chiriko thing.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this. Thx
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
That was certainly an interesting list. So you think Chichiri is cool? That is an interesting way to describe him. I also think Hotohori is beautiful. I'm glad you think I'm cool as a man.
Dear Tasuki,
You shouldn't talk bad about Suboshi because (aside from the fact that he's cute and interesting) you don't know him. I mean, what do *you* know about Suboshi? The only times you ever see him you are both in a situation where seeing the other dead would be fun. Sure, he killed Tamahome's kawaii siblings. But you don't care why! See, you should get to know Suboshi. Go have a drink of sake together and talk it over. You might have more in common than you think! Then, if you get to know him and *still* don't like him, I suppose you can pick on him, but it's really not very polite. Besides, he's younger than you are.
Dear Mearl-chan,
Yer right, I don't care why he slaughtered innocent children, because there is NO FORGIVABLE EXCUSE for such actions!!! Sheesh! He was cored like an apple an' he's *)^%$#@! dead! If he's got any brains, th' hentai little psycho will stay that way! I don't wanna get to know anyone who could do such a heinous thin'!!
Dear Chiriko,
*laughs*Why are all the Seiryuu people at the Suzaku peeji? Everyone was going, so I guess I could come. Watashi wa Seiryuu Seishi, Miboshi, the one who tortured you so, and don`t you forget that!
Miboshi Clone
Dear Miboshi Clone,
Oh, I haven't! In fact Chichiri has taught me some things... *erects a defensive shield around himself*. I suppose your comrades are here because they enjoy the attention. So, how are things on the Seiryuu peeji and why hasn't Nakago answered Tasuki's question?
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri no da.....
I was asked a question about you, and I didn't know! So to enlighten me what is the name for your staff no da? Also, what is the japanese word for scar no da? It seems to not be in the language dictionaries I have no da.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
How nice to hear from you again, no da! My staff is called a shakujou. There are MANY words for scar in Japanese, no da. I think the one that best descirbes mine is furukizu. There is a Japanese <-> English server on the web that seems to be quite good it is called Jeffrey's Japanese<->English Dictionary Server. You may wish to try it sometime, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san please dont insult Amiboshi-sama brother k'?
Dear Ai-chan,
Uh-huh. An' th' reason fer that would be....?
Dear Chiriko,
Chichiri doesn't seem to be able to help me much, so I'm coming to you.
So, Chiriko... how many licks DOES it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? (Ask Miaka if you don't know what a Tootsie Roll Pop is.)
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Oh! I saw this on the terebi! It takes 3 licks to get to the center of the Tootsie Roll Pop. Just ask Mr. Owl.
Dear Nuriko,
I was wondering if you could set me up with your brother.... Just asking...
Dear Miyu,
And just what is soooo wrong with me? But if it's my brother you want, I'll see about it.
Dear Tasuki,
Soo.. You'te willing to be whipped by a crazed "sex kitten" named Tira Mitsu before you kiss me on my 16th b-day???
What does she got that i ain't got?
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
OI! As I remember it I DID kiss ya' fer yer birthday! An' whoever said I was willin' to be whipped?
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome how could you confuse me with yui-chan? Yui-chan would never cheat on Tetsuya-san!
Dear Yui,
Yeah, right. Besides, Miaka would never date outside her species.
Dear Tasuki,
Eh, Tasuki. You know when all of you go on that trip . And Soi attacks your boat with a lighting storm. And you get throwin over board and blah blah blah, an edventually you end up on a rope then Nuriko, Tamahome and Miaka end up in the water, then this giant wave comes and makes them drift off, but you think they went under, and you say "I won't let your deaths be for nothing". What were you going to do anyway?
Dear Quin,
Continue the search for the Shinzahou and kill as many of those Seiryuu bastards as possible!
Dear Mitsukake,
You said that "Weenieness" is in the eye of the beholder.. but you see, my friend is stalking this guy and making weird "kaka" noises.. it frightens me. I don't know what to do.. He keeps telling her she's not interested and is only hurting herself.. Do you have any suggestions? Oro.
Dear Kate-chan,
Have her seek professional help with her obsession? Unfortunately we cannot live our friends lives for them. She will have to learn on her own how futile her actions are. When she does, just be there for her as she'll need a good friend.
Dear Chiriko,
will you go out with me,chirko-san?
Nyn Nyn
Ps I am the nyn nyn
Dear Nyn Nyn,
*Eyes widen in fright!* ALL of them?!?! I think that is more than even I can handle!
Dear Chichiri,
All right then, if you couldn't answer the tree question, try this one:
What is the sound of one hand clapping?
Dear Mearl-chan,
Swish, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was wondering, are you guys still going to war? Also, (if this question was answered in the series, I haven't seen all of your adventures yet) when you go to war do you take your Miko with you or do you leave her at the palace, or what?
Dear Carmen,
Since you have not seen all of our adventures yet, I do not wish to spoil them for you. Needless to say, that the Miko does as she pleases, regardless of what she is told. But, we still love her.
Dear Chiriko,
I'm sooo happy! My teacher averaged my grades wrong and I actually have an A in Pre-Cal! Yay!! =) Now I only have one B in Chemistry. I feel so much better now. Anyways how your classes going? And how's everybody?
Dear Usagi-chan,
Omedetogozaimaus! Congratulations on your excellent grades! I am studying on my own and do not have classes per se. But I am enjoying my studies. The other seishi are all doing well and send their regards.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! I like this guy and I guess he likes me, but I'm to scared to say anything. What should I do? Hey maybe you ought to talk to him for me. I've liked him since Junior High and now that I'm in high school I don't see much of him.
Dear Umi-san,
If you have known him since Junior High why not talk to him and ask him out to lunch or to study at your house? Since you have known each other for so long, you can start out as friends and see where it goes from there. Just remember, he is just as scared of you as you are of him, possibly more so. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Hi Chichiri! I have a question. I have two friends that I REALLLY REALLY like. (Not in the love sort of way) As in like, best friends. But, when I put them together, it's like their total opposites! They curse each other out and everything. They're to the point where violence might even occur. I want to keep my friendship with both of them though. And since we all go to the same school, it's hard for them not to argue. And etc. And stuff. What should I do? *Whispers: They are just as bad as Tasuki when angry* * Dodges a (Lekka Shien)then hears :NO ONE IS AS BAD OR AS COOL AS I AM!*
Dear Fairie,
Well, have you tried talking to them separately and letting them both know how this hurts you, no da? Perhaps if you focus them on staying friends with you, they will focus less on maiming each other, no da. And, who knows, they may eventually come to an understanding and become good friends with each other, ne no da! Gambatte!
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san...I would just like to ask for you to not call Suboshi a loser, please? *Yells over to Suboshi* I`ll be back at the Seiryuu Peeji sometime soon, OK, Suboshi?
Dear Amiboshi,
So, it's OK if I call him a rotten little hentai psycho? I just can't call him a loser? Suuuuuurrrreeee.... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Someone wrote this about you (I just wanted to put it here so you can overcome the ``losing your love`` thing):
Oh Chichiri-sama, my heart
goes out to thee, 'tis you I
love and cherish. I know
things have been hard, but
no matter how far you
roam, I shall always dream
of you.
You have always been there
to watch over the Seishi,
and to bring Tamahome and
Miaka together, with your
magic, when the powers or
Seiryuu seemed too much.
Even though they are quite
foolish .....oh what the hell,
you're the best!
Now I must go, I hear the
Nyan-Nyan calling...
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Arigato for sending me the lovely poem, no da. It is nice to know that someone is thinking about me. By the way, who is rei, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko-san I like you're really cute!
Nyn nyn
Dear Nyn nyn,
Arigato. Are you associated with the Nyan-Nyan from Taiitsu-kun's mountain?
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you. *takes the offered hand* So this is ancient Japan? It's very pretty.And that blonde guy is Nakago? Hmm...So how are you? And everyone else?*S*
Dear Crystal,
We're all well. I'm doing fine. Glad you like my world. If you want to continue this as a discussion, we can take it to the message board. So, would you like to meet the rest of the Seishi?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey sweetie! i'm cheating on you. Sorry but Ashitare turns me on!
Dear Yui,
KNOCK IT OFF AND GO BACK TO TETSUYA!!!! You're really starting to annoy me!
Dear Tasuki,
OI! Genrou how many times do I hafta tell ya!?!? I got rid of that stuff! (oh yeah, thanx for teasin me an Kiwi, now she's all ticked)
Dear Kouji,
Heh-heh... she'll get over it. Jus' like you'll get over th' bloddy nose she gave ya'. Oi bro', here's a tissue. Man yer dripping all over th' place! Let's find Mitsukake.
Dear Chiriko,
I need a suggestion on how to test a person's "fear of success". I already found out that it should reflect on writing so I decided to let the subjects write a story and now I have to anyalyze it. Do you have any more suggestions.
Dear Usa,
Sounds like an interesting psychological experiment to me. I really don't have any suggestions for you, gomen. Since "fear of success" usually manifests itself in a person's sabotaging that which is important to them, you can perhaps look for that type of theme in the stories. Sorry I could not be of more assistance. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*HIC* OOoooo, boy, that was fun goin' drinking with you n' Kouji last weekend--especially the Karaoke bars; you're such a good singer! *HIC* Too bad that waitress threw us out when we were playin' poker....aa, which reminds me--Kouji wants his pants back. ^_^ *HIC* Hee hee! Let's do it again next weekend!!
Pixy Moon
Dear Pixy Moon,
Heh-heh-heh... Boy were YOU wasted!! Ano, that wasn't a waitress, that was Miaka. An' those ain't Kouji's, pants they belong to Tamahome. Oh yeah, Chichiri says he wants his shirt back, too. An' I think ya' left wearin' one of Nuriko's dresses. We may have to wait a bit before we do this again. I gotta live wit' these people!
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