Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Runs in looking terrified.Trips and crashes into the ground and looks fearfully behind* So sorry. I have run all the way from Miaka's world and I have an improtant question to ask of all of you.Well, actually some questions that have been bothering me. There are people chasing me. Though I don't know why. Some big blonde dude with a heck of a temper is after me. I think it's because I landed in his dessert when I came into this world. Oh well. On with the question...What time in history is this? And if a person should enter this world bringing something that someone has not discovered yet(like if they were time-traveling)would it affect the future of this world? Since this world is in a book, if someone destroyed the book, what would happen to the world inside it? Or, what do you think would happen to the world inside it? *feels stupid now for asking questions that are stupid, and turns red* *turns even redder when she notices that she's rambling on to the most handsome people she's ever seen or dreamt about*
Dear Crystal,
Hmmm, let's see... You have obviously had a run-in with Nakago, he's the big blonde with the nasty temper. As to the time in history, ancient Japan, or at least a VERY pre-industrial Japan. As to changing the future, the Miko came from your world and brought alot of things from there, but nothing here has changed because of it. The book cannot be destroyed. Many have tried, all have failed, so I guess we don't have to worry about that. So would you like a tour of the palace? *Bends down and offers his hand to her*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, I'm sorry it's been so long for me to respond. Anyways I kinda like all my advanced courses. But it's so stressing. The first grading period has already finished and I got straight A's except 2 B's. Oh I tried getting a schedule change, but they said that's it's good that I'm taking advanced courses and they won't get me out of it unless I start failing. So I'm stuck, but adjusting rather well.
Oh and about typing all the Greek history stuff... My teacher wouldn't let me cause he'll just think I copied it of the internet.
Thanks anyways. Wish me luck next grading period so I could get back my straight A's!
Dear Usagi-chan,
A's and B's for grades? I'm impressed! Omedetogozaimaus! Congratulations! Keep up the excellent work. Gambatte!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I knew you guys were low, but what's the deal talking about me behind my back?!? And even to my own Aniki?! I never really thought that highly of you guys in the first place, and this just proves my point farther--you guys are scum!!! Oh, and if you hear ffrom my Aniki again, tell him to get back to the Ask Seiryuu Peej and that he's not to go here ever again!
Dear Suboshi,
Oi! Listen up ya' rotten little hentai psycho, yer brother came here of his own free will an' if he wants to hang with us, he can!!! BIDA!!! *Sticks tongue out at Suboshi* He wants to be with REAL men an' not losers!
Dear Chiriko,
Ano, that wasn't exactly what I meant, but thanks for the info anyway. I'll see if I can do that for my old computer Oo
What I meant was a litteral memory problem. I keep forgetting to do things, people's names, all kinds of stuff.
Dear Myrna-chan,
It sounds as if you're under a lot of pressure. You might want to start writing things down that are too important to forget and start making yourself to-do lists. Most stationary stores carry day planners, perhaps you should invest in one.
Dear Tamahome,
Can I borrow some juice money? ^_^
Oh, and buy the way.....what was this I read about a P-ko and Q-ko asking for you to play strip-poker?!?! If I hear about something like this agian, you're sleeping on the couch alone for a month!
Dear Miaka,
Sure dear, take what ever you need... uhhhh, don't worry about them, they can't afford me.
Dear Tasuki,
So I've heard...-_-; Mulan promised to make me bedsheets...¬.¬ For my birthday, which is a good 7 months away. -_-; Yeah yeah! She could get some tongue in there too...we know she wants it. She'll thank us later...^_- Heheh...want to see something disturbing? *pulls out Mulan's bio notebook from a year ago* Heh..^.^; She wouldn't let anyone see know why? *opens to a page on Gregor Mendel's life...which seems to have Tamahome doodled all over it* Every page is like this. Heh, she doesn't know its gone either...^_-*gives it to him*
Dear Amy-chan,
*Looks at the notebook and sweatdrops and facefaults @_@* Ano... where's Obake-chan's clothes? An' how come I don't look THIS good when SHE draws ME?!?!? Oh yeah, if we keep this discussion up we gotta move it to th' message board, OK?
Dear Chichiri,
A boy I loved died. I wish to date with another boy, but I feel guilty because I know that wherever I go with this boy, I might have gone with the one who is gone. I might even have married him! I know the best thing would be to carry on, since life is for the living, but I miss my love a lot. Still, I am very young, and I can't go all my life in mourning for someone who died when I was a small child. What shall I do? I care about the boy I wish to date, but I still care about the one who is gone.
Dear Lute,
I don't know if I am the right person to answer this, no da. Since my fiancee and best friend died, I have wanted nothing to do with that kind of relationship. I do know it is normal to mourn and miss the ones we love who have gone before us, no da. But there is nothing wrong in caring for another and wanting to be with that person. I am sure my fiancee would like for me to get on with my life, but at this point I have no desire to start a realtionship that I fear could end up hurting the other person, no da. Or perhaps I am the one who is afraid of being hurt, as their deaths were not only very traumatic for me, but I feel I am the one who was directly responsible for them, ne no da.
You should not feel guilty for dating this other boy. I am sure that the boy that you loved who passed away would want you to be happy, no da. I do know that eventuallly the hurt does start to go away and you do come to realize that the dead do not wish for you to live in the past, ne no da. There is nothing wrong in caring for the boy you wish to date, as well as caring for the boy who has passed away. As you say, you are still very young and have your whole life ahead of you, you should enjoy it, no da. Perhaps, one day, I too shall take my own advice, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*starry eyes* *.* Ara, I'd rather have Kouji give all that stuff to me. I'd do anything for it...ara, well almost everything. -_-; Though...I think writing her into the story would be a good idea. She can be that evil guy who trails them throughout the ship, and she can goose Obake-chan when she slips the "Heart of Suzaku" into his coat pocket, fulfulling her life long dream. Heh. *looks out for flying shoes* Heh. ^.^; She still protests that the dessert is sugar cubes in water. o.O; Sugar cubes would obviously dissolve...but Mulan-chan hates being wrong. -_-;
Dear Amy-chan,
Kouji won't give that stuff to anyone. Gomen. So she still insists that it sugar cubes, eh? Well, tell her it's almond jello, she's wrong an' that's gonna happen a lot in life. So she better get used to it. I like the idea ya' got on havin' her goose Obake-chan!! It'll annoy him. Why don't ya' make her a happy person an' have her kiss him, too. Ya' know, hard on th' lips. Heh-heh... See, she shouldn't hate me, I'm comin' up with ways fer her to have her Obake-chan...
Dear Chichiri,
If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does the tree make a sound?
Dear Mearl-chan,
That is a question that philosophers have been debating for centuries, no da. Chiriko says that scientifically speaking, the answer would be yes. That the sound does not need to be heard to exist. I think the answer is supposed to be no, no da. But, far be it from me to argue with science and philosophers, no da! It makes my head hurt, ne no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Can you help me with my memory problem? *sweatdrops*
Dear Myrna-chan,
Hai! Buy more RAM for your computer.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*gets pushed by Mulan* the "Night of the Star Watching Festival" chapter (at least the title's something like that...-_-;), Mulan-chan claims the dessert Tasuki, Nuriko, and Miaka-chan eat, is simply "sugar cubes in water". >.<
It looked more gelatin-like to me. Ara, what is the stuff anyways? -_-;
Dear Amy-chan,
It was almond jello. Pretty oishii, too!
Dear Mitsukake,
I still love you, you know. Every night, your face haunts my dreams. You voice is like music to me! Please, please marry me!
(You aren't mad about me threatening Tama-neko, are you? You know I'd never hurt him... don't you?)
Love-Struck But Not Tomo
Dear Love-Struck,
While I am exteremly flattered, I am not looking to get involved in that kind of relationship right now. While I wouldn't say I am angry with you for threatening Tama-chan, I would say I am VERY disappointed that you would resort to such a thing. I would like us to be friends, so please do not threaten my cat.
Dear Tasuki,
Have any ideas on how I should make Mulan-baka pay for how she degraded you in her latest doodles? *clenches a fist* She teases me about that last one every day...¬.¬ Would you be up for helping me tie Mulan to some tree, then tickling her feet with a feather? I don't know if that would be enough punishment for her. ;_; Maybe I should dress her up as a kawaii little boy, and mail her to Tomo. Heh, maybe that's too cruel. ^_- What do you think?
Dear Amy-chan,
Hmmm... wait a sec, I'm still thinkin' on that Tomo idea. Nah, he REALLY hates women! I know! Put her in the Titanic story yer writin' and have her be madly in love with Obake-chan an' follow him around an' annoy him! Or just put her in yer story an' do somethin' mean to her. Or you could ask Kouji if he'd give ya' all that Tasuki crap from his room to redecorate her room with... heh-heh. Me EVERYWHERE she looks!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was curious about each of your personal reactions to the question, "Is it better to be rich or happy?"
Dear Mearl-chan,
Here are your answers:
Tamahome: Aren't they both the same thing? Lots of okane means happiness to me!
Tasuki: I think it's better to be happy. But I wouldn't want to be dirt poor, either!
Mitsukake: I'd say your health is more important than okane. If you aren't healthy, you generally won't be happy either.
Chichiri: I'd rather be happy, no da. Money will never bring back what I have lost.
Hotohori: I have all the riches one could ever ask for, but I am still unhappy. I would rather be with my wife and son than be wealthy.
Nuriko: I too would rather be happy than wealthy. I just wish I could make Hotohori-sama happy... *sigh*.
Chiriko: I guess that would depend on your definition of happiness. I would be happy just to continue my studies and gain knowledge of all I can. Hopefully, that pursuit won't cost too much money.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
I told Yui to knock it off. Hopefully she'll listen. Tell me if she keeps bugging you.
Dear Miaka,
Thank you sweetheart. I just wish she would realize how much Tetsuya cares for her. If she continues, I'll take care of it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I...would just like to know how much each of you hate me. (I fear the worst from Tamahome and Tasuki)
Dear Amiboshi,
We do recognize that people can change, and we acknowledege and are grateful for the fact that you saved our Miko's life. No, we do not hate you, but trust is altogther a different matter. Time will tell.
Dear Tasuki,
Are you having a little trouble dealing with that kinky dominatrix that's after you? *sweatdrops*
Dear Myrna-chan,
Nah. I'm jus' hopin' that if I don't encourage her, she'll jus' go away...
Dear Mitsukake,
Who's Felicia neko??
Dear Asuka,
She was a cat that wandered from this peeji onto our dengonban (message board). She was a very sweet neko and I hope she is doing well.
Dear Tasuki,
Ahh...Gomennasai, Tasuki-sama! I didn't mean to sound like I was trying to buy you off with sake or pixie stix.... I was trying to give you gifts of love!! (*little tear falls from eye*) I just feel it's a shame that you don't seem interested in girls like me who only want to make you happy! I want to smack those horrible, awfull women who beat up on you or manipulate you.... I hope you can forgive me! (*Bowing deeply*) Can I still go drinking with you and Kouji? I'll pay your bill, if that will make you happy, Tasuki-sama! ^_^
Pixy Moon
Dear Pixy Moon,
Yeah, ya' can still go drinkin' wit' us. But no woman is pickin' up my bar tab!
Dear Tamahome,
Up for some strip poker? ^_^
Q-ko and P-ko
Dear Q-ko and P-ko,
How much are you willing to pay me???
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever come close to liking a girl?
Dear Jester,
Sure, her name was Rei-Rei. Get a copy of Genrou Den to read more about it.
Dear Tamahome,
Now...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about--you DID live in my world for a while and my brother showed you how to dress. So please tell me--do you wear boxers or breifs? ^_^ Oh...and I'm sorry about that last question-- Yui-chan said she wanted to know.
Your Love,
Dear Yui,
Knock it off! You know that Miaka and I are married, so of course she know's what I wear, colors, sizes, etc. Stop this foolishness and go back to Tetsuya. He loves you. I don't.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How come that Amiboshi was able to go in the Suzaku shrine???Because Amiboshi was a Seiyuu seishi... and he is supposed to be rejected by the suzaku holy light???
Dear Asuka,
Very perceptive, no da. However, unlike Nakago and the Seiryuu Seishi I did not put up a protective ward until after we were all gathered in the shrine. I too was fooled, no da. I am the wiser for it, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I challenge you to a drinking contest!!!! Loser has to kiss Nuriko!
Dear Misato,
NANI!! Don't you think I should have a say in this wager??? And what is this LOSER business anyway??? Shouldn't that be WINNER?!?!?!? You make that bet with Hotohori and then we'll talk.
Dear Tamahome,
I...I wanted to apologize to you what I did at the Suzaku ceremony... And Suboshi, please forgive him.I know you`ll never forgive him, but do the best you can. I wish to be on the Suzaku`s side, not Seiryuu`s side.
Dear Amiboshi,
As Miaka seems to see something of a kind nature in you, I suppose I can tolerate you being around. Your brother, on the other hand, was a sick bastard that slaughtered my family without cause and got just what he deserved. I will NEVER forgive him!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
I am a lover of brawling, sake (or *any* alcahol), and I *DESPISE* men! I'm also the leader, or "Queen" of the Amazons, and I find your antics somewhat amusing. What would you think of the two of us enjoying a drink sometime, and then going over to Seiryuu to kick some @*&$%)# Seiryuu Seishi #^&? I'd be eager to see your performance in battle, as well as your flame fan, seeing as how I use a flame bow, myself.
Then, maybe after we fight, we can see who is *truly* the strongest. I have to warn you, I can out fight, shoot, and drink any man alive. How about you?
I eagerly await your reply.
Malina, Warrior Queen of the Fierce Amazons
Dear Malina,
Sounds like fun! When do we do it an' which Seiryuu scum do ya' wanna start wit'?
Dear Hotohori,
Did you know you have the same birthday as me?! ^-^ (April 2nd) You can come to my party next year if I can come to yours!
Dawn Huestis
Dear Dawn,
If it were possible, I would. However, I do not foresee myself being able to leave Konan, my family and my duties for quite awile. If things change, I will try.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey there Nuriko! I was wondering.....What with your great talent at...ehem....."dressing".....have you ever given serious thought to joining
a "Rocky Horror Picture Show" acting troupe?...I think you'd make a great Frakenfurter.....^.-
Dear Tira-chan,
Ano, I have no idea what you are talking about. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Your highness, my girlfriend is going to break up with me because she says you're more beautiful than I am. I want to be her Emperor... what can I do? I'm only a country boy... I want to woo her like you do all your ladies in waiting.. please your highness, help me out or Nuriko and Houki will surely have a fit if she follows you around everywhere!
Dear Ranma,
Actually, Chichiri no Aijin said that when you are doused with cold water you are better looking than your girlfriend, whatever that means. She also suggested that if you wish to keep your girlfriend you should kiss her already! If not, and she comes after me, it has been suggested that I turn her towards someone named Ryoga. Gambatte!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there sexy.....I have a nice, long black whip with your name on it....So why don't you come over with that little fan of yours, and we can redifine the term "heat wave"....I'll be waiting...
Your Sex Kitten,
Tira Misu
Dear Tira Misu,
Oi! Who sez my fan is little?!?!?
Dear Hotohori,
You know I love you, but if I hear any more rumors about you and Nuriko "getting together" on the other side, I'll kill myself to come take care of things personally.
Dear Houki,
Please do not do that!! There is nothing going on between myself and Nuriko!! Those are just strange stories that the fangirls (or boys) write about us. I am not yaoi! I miss you. Hug Boushin for me.
Dear Tamahome,
Tell your girlfriend to stop sending me hate mail. Gah!
P.S. I love you!
Dear Yui,
Well, if you stop chasing after me, she'll stop sending the hate mail. Anyway, you have Tetsuya, what do want with me?
Dear Tasuki,
I went on this one pay site and saw a couple of pics of you.... nice dress man! You look better in a dress than I do, I guess... I have no idea how you hid your leg hair, I had to shave mine off with a sharp rock.
Dear Koji,
A pay site?!?!?!! A @#$%^&*PAY SITE!!!!! People are payin' to see a picture of me in A DRESS?!?!?! Where th' hell is Obake-chan?!?! I'm gonna KILL HIM!!!! Those pics ain't of me bro'!! An' what's this s--t about yer leg hair an' a sharp rock?? Nah, on second thought, I don't wanna know....
Dear Hotohori,
Your forgot our anniversary!
Dear Houki,
Gomennasai darling, it has been very hectic and stressful here lately. I will make it up to you.
Wo ai ni,
Dear Nuriko,
Want to trade places on Halloween to scare my darling husband? ^_^
Dear Houki,
HAI!!!! Are you really sure you want to do this... tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Hai!! I have Pixie sticks, too! NOW will you marry me? I promise not to mannipulate you like other women try to! ^-^
Pixy Moon
Dear Pixy Moon,
No! Yer already tryin' to buy me off wit' sake an' pixie stix! I do have SOME self respect ya' know!
Dear Tamahome,
What color is your underwear?
Dear Miaka,
Sumimasen??? If you don't know, I'm not telling you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
if each of you had one wish what would it be?
Dear Qwen,
Here is our "Wish List":
Chichiri: For my fiancee and best friend to have never died, no da.
Tamahome: OKANE!! OKANE!! (Hey, it costs a lot to feed Miaka!!)
Nuriko: Hotohori... tee-hee...
Tasuki: A never endin' bottle of sake an' a good thick steak.
***SPOILER ALERT!!!***Hotohori: To still be alive and with my beloved Houki and our son Boushin.
***SPOILER ALERT!!!***Mitsukake: To have Shouka alive and well again.
Chiriko: To pass the next set of Civil Exams!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hi there, Chichiri! It's me again. :) I really wanted to say to you... remember that friend who was not interested in your adventures? Well, I told her what I really felt and that I wrote you a letter. She gave me a chance and began watching your adventures. You know what happened? She actually liked it! She even told me that she really loved your adventures and apologized for what she said. She told me that I didn't force into watching it; I convinced her instead. ^_^
Anyway, thank you very, very much for your advice. It really helped no da! ^_~
Dear Jill,
Good for you, no da! I am happy to hear that your friend not only gave us a try, but also liked us. I'm glad I was able to help you, no da!
Dear Chichiri,
Will my friends and I ever make up????
Kerridwen Nimue Bronwyn Thomas-Blannerhassette
Dear Kerridwen Nimue Bronwyn Thomas-Blannerhassette,
I do not know, no da. I am only a monk, not a seer. What did you fight over, no da? Have you tried to make amends, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
Are you single no daa?
Miaka Tsukino
Dear Miaka T.,
Hai! And I will probably remain so for awhile, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I love you! I have sake`---will you marry me?
Pixy Moon
Dear Pixy Moon,
No. But ya' can come drinkin' wit' me an' Kouji next time we hit th' town. Pixy Moon, eh? Got any of them oishii pixie stix on ya'???
Dear Chiriko,
Ara...Chiriko, do you ever seem to get overwhelmed with your studies...? Or feel like you can't do anything right anymore...? *looks down at her own hands, soon clenching them both into tight fists* I suppose it might just be a normal thing to happen. Ara, what do you think?
Dear Amy-chan,
Only when my Seishi symbol disappears and my intelligence with it. I suppose I am not quite normal in that sense as I love studying and all my duties as a Seishi. None of that seems to bother me. Maybe what you need to do is take a deep breath and try to relax a bit and see if that helps you put things in perspective.
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