Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't know if it is just my computer, but your message board seems to be down. And it has been for a few hours.
a friend
Dear friend,
Arigato for the information! We too have been trying to get on the board for several hours. It seems the site that hosts the board for us,, is down. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about it. We apologize for any inconvenience and ask that you all please bear with them and us.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Now that everybody's writing to the messageboard, you don't get too many letters, do you?
Dear Kara,
I suppose not. But then we are better able to respond to the letters we do get.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, Chichiri! Although I've been surfin' the Net for 2 years now, it was only recently I found your website. I think it's a great idea, you and the rest of the Suzaku seishi answering questions from Fushigi Yuugi fans. :-)
Anyway, there's this problem I've been pondering for quite some time now. You see, I have a friend whom I tried turning her into a Fushigi Yuugi fan but failed. :( I really want to show to her that you guys are really the best and how wonderful your life stories are. I don't know what happened but my plan backfired on me somehow. She recently told me that she wasn't interested. I was hurt of course but I didn't want to bring the subject back again.
Now, I still want to let her see the light and actually *watch* the show without prejudice. But I don't want to force her into doing it. Do you have any tips? *All* of my friends, except her, started liking the show because of my influence. It's no wonder I was so disappointed when I realized that I couldn't do the same thing to her. :-(
By the way, I want to ask you: When your Suzaku seishi symbol appears, does it appear by free will? Or does it appear subconsciously?
Thank you very much! :) Take care and God Bless! Please say hello to the rest of the Suzaku seishi for me, too. ^_~
Dear Jill,
Well, you really don't want to force her into watching something, because she may end up hating , no da. Has she seen any part of our adventures yet? If not, you may wish to have a group of people over and show our adventures from the beginning as well as other anime shows. That is how a lot of Chichiri no Aijin's friends came to enjoy our adventures, no da. Eventually, they started borrowing the tapes to watch on their own. However, if she has closed her mind and refuses to watch our adventures, there is little you can do, ne no da.
Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well I know that! but it still hurts them! and they say they are dying in spirit form as well! plus there is a another person there now.
Dear reader,
They should have all been rescued by now.
Tamahome and Nuriko
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are you guys confused yet? Too many people, so much evil. Must suck to be a seishi some times, ne? Oh yeah, (this is for Nuriko and Tamahome) in case you haven't figured it out your sisters are being tortured to death by some guy.
a reader
Dear reader,
Well, yes it is rather hen (strange), if you ask us. Oh, by the way, our sisters are already dead, so they can't be tortured to death. And it does seem as if Shiva is trying to help them out a bit.
Tamahome and Nuriko
Dear Mitsukake,
My head hurts. ... make it feel better!
Dear Katie,
Take two aspirins and write me in the morning.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi... I haven't been writing in such a long time to anyone cause school has kept me too busy. I just finished 14 hand written pages of Greek History and I still have two other assignments and a MAJOR test to study for. How do you do get through your normal days of things like this. Cause your doing a heck of a lot better than anyone in academic subject. It's my first year of high school and from what I hear it was suppose to be easy, but I guess they meant only if you had normal classes with all your friends. I am stuck in a 11th grade Math (Pre-Calculus) and an 10th grade Science (Chemistry). How should I deal with all of this? It's really stressing me out.
Dear Usagi-chan,
Maybe you are taking too much on all at once. Do you enjoy the advanced classes that you are taking? If not, can you perhaps speak to a guidance counselor and change some of your courses? By the way, since you have access to a computer why did you do your Greek History paper by hand?
Dear Mitsukake,
Ara, I guess you do have a point. ^.^; I visit the hospital quite often to volunteer. I remember once, some old woman had to be examined since she swallowed her false teeth. o.O; *whispers* Ara, that's something Mulan-chan would do when she's 80-something. To tell you the truth, I'd rather stay in your mine people don't value much of anything anymore...
Dear Amy-chan,
*Chuckles softly to himself as he imagines Mulan-chan at 80 and swallowing her teeth...* I know how you feel. Sometimes in my world I too feel the same way. But we are here for a reason and I'm certain that the people you helped at the hospital appreciated your efforts.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does anyone happen to know where I can get volume 2 of the second OVA series???? That is with subtitles and everything. I've been looking forever and still couldn't find it. I'm so frustrated and depressed.
Nuriko, what happens to you and your brother in the third episode of the second OVA cause I can't find anywhere to get the tape from. Thanx a bunch.
I love you guys!!!
Nuriko, you gotta come shoping with me and my friends one of these days.
Dear Miki,
I don't know off hand. Oi!! Anyone out there? can you please help MIki for me??
Dear Nuriko,
Who is Shiva? an enmey or a friend or what?
a confused reader
Dear confused,
Our best guess is an enemy. Chichiri and Tasuki are after Shiva now.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
SPILL YOURE GUTS! Okay whats each of yours most embaressing moments?
very cruel person to be asking you this Question! ~_~
Dear Cruel Person,
Since no one else is willing to answer you, I guess I'll be brave and say when I woke up naked next to Miaka at Taiitsu-kun's!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Moshi moshi! How much could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Dear Mia-sama,
What th' hell is a wood chuck?? Sounds like my sister Aidou! An' if it's anythin' like her, a helluva lot would be my answer!
Dear Mitsukake,
Ara, Mitskake, can I become an apprentice of yours? ^_^; I can always practice healing skills on Mulan-chan too! She won't mind much....besides she's always getting herself hurt anyways...^_-
Dear Amy-chan,
While I am honored and flattered by your request, it may be a bit difficult seeing as how we live in two different worlds. Have you ever considered volunteering at your local hospital?
Dear Chiriko,
Um I'm not as genius-minded as you.... I was thinking of a vast brainstormign of some simplier topics... I tend to prefer symbolism type papers best... any ideas... my brain is so mid-term fried that I can't think of one. My professor is so baka, we have our midterm, and next class our papers are due! BAKA BAKA BAKA!
*Sighs and grumbles and returns to surfing the web for ideas*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Perhaps you can ask Black Jade for an Arthurian idea. Gomen that one was so convoluted.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is Miaka going to be ok?
Dear Leena,
Why? What did she do this time?
Dear Tamahome,
I love your eyes. One of my friends said you wear contacts. Is this true?
Dear Mia-sama,
Thank you for the nice compliment. Since I don't know what contacts are, I don't think I would be wearing them.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, do you think you will ever fall in love. Or do you ever want to fall in love?
Dear Juniper,
I would hope I do someday. But she's gotta be one hell of a woman!
Dear Chichiri,
When you well smaller like 10 or 11, did you go to school? If you did, were you the smartest in the class?
Dear Denise,
This seems more like a Chiriko question, no da. I lived in a small village and was basically self-taught. So I really don't know, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
You're getting a lot of homework questions. ^_^
I know this isn't a question, but it's a sort of story that I thought you would find interesting.
About a month ago, our teachers assigned us to write a declaration of independence. I chose to write "Chiriko's Declaration of Independence" from Miboshi's control. I started with "We find these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are entitled to have one body and only one to call their own." ^_^ It was a huge hit. The class loved it. Thank you, Chiriko!
Oh, and you might want to tell Mitsukake that the weenie Kate-chan was talking about was *him!* I know the girl... ^_^;;;
Dear Schala,
No thank you for a very interesting declaration! Now why would Kate-chan say that Mitsukake is a "weenie"?
Dear Chichiri,
I know this doesn't directly relate to Fushigi Yuugi, but since I got the idea that this is more of an advice column than a FY fact place, I hope you'll read my question.
I am a little... unusual compared to most of my friends. I don't dress like they do, and I sometimes think I'm talking a little over their heads. Anyway, a friend of mine who's a little more normal (she is weird, but in a sort of "Weird like everybody else" way) keeps on criticizing me and the way I dress. I don't *LIKE* jeans, and tennis shoes hurt my feet! The problem is that a lot of the children at school make fun of my unusual ways. What should I do? I don't want to conform, but I also want people to stop harrassing me.
Dear Non-Conformist,
Well, you are probably at the age where everyone expects all their peers to look the same and do the same things, no da. Good for you for being different! The kids at school should be looking to you as a trend setter and not someone to tease, no da. Perhaps they are a bit jealous of your fashion sense and style. As to your friend, tell her to stop criticizing you, no da. It isn't very nice. Maybe the two of you can switch fashion for a day; you dress like her and she dresses like you, no da! By the way, that was Nuriko's suggestion, I am defintitely NOT the fashionable Seishi, ne no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
At my school, a bunch of kids that sit near me are accusing me of being Lesbien, which I certainly am not! What should I say to them/do other than telling them to screw off and stuff like that, cause it's not just one person, it's several, and it's kinda hard to ignore several people.
Dear Myrna-chan,
"Screw off"? My how Tasuki-like! Has he been giving lessons again? Anyway, bakas like that aren't really worth your time. If you feel you have to say something to them, ask them if they even know what a lesbian is. Then tell them that 1) You are definitely NOT a lesbian. And 2) That your sexual orientation isn't really any of their business. There are probably enough large words in those two sentences to confuse them. If that doesn't work either ignore them because they're bakas or go to your school authorities and complain. Good Luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Who gave you the nickname "Genrou"? Was it Kouji? And how did Kouji-san get his scar on his cheek?
Dear Reddie-chan,
I got th' name Genrou from th' leader of the Mt. Leikaku bandits. Kouji got his scar in a fight wit' a demon. If ya' wanna read more about all this Click Here! Or you can try to find the book about me "Genrou Den" (ISBN #4-09-420773-2) at yer local manga place.
Dear Chiriko,
Help no da.....
For my Arthurian Lit class we have to write 4 papers on anything we want that deals with Arthurian Lit...
Well paper number 2 is due soon and I can't think of a thing!
Any suggestions?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
How about this...Trace the progression of and connection between Merlin's wife, Guendolena in Vita Merlani as a representaion of the earth to Nimue, The Lady of the Lake through Lynette in the later legends. Good luck.
Dear Nuriko,
Aaagghh!! Nuriko-san, Tasukete! I leave for one weekend, come back and the page has changed. I didn't get ANY sleep last night and I think my eyes tried to cross while I was reading everything... I'm so confused, how do I post things on the message board rather than on the question thingy? @.@... my brain's getting all foggy... I need to sit down... can we go to the accessory shop AFTER I get some tea in my system?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
You can go to our new message board section by clicking here or you can find the hotlink on our revamped homepage. Once there, click on the Post New Message button to post a new message or if you wish to reply to a message that you have read, click on the Post Reply button. Tea sounds wonderful! Do you have any Lychee tea?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Kay, I just got one question. Is Suzaku a Pheinox, Peacock, a chiken? Well just what is he?
Dear Clueless,
Actually, Suzaku is a god that takes the form of a phoenix.
Dear Tasuki,
Is Kouji flirting with my sister?
Dear Delaney,
I think so. Maybe he's jus' tryin' to cheer her up.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Urm... I need help! This psycho onna is trying to kill me over a guy! We have barely ever spoken to each other, and she caught me talking (just talking...) to her boyfriend (about a spell, no less -.-), and she's literally been after my head ever since... what should I do?! I'm no flirt- I'm not even interested in guys yet! I've tried talking to her, but she just said something about an order for me to be shot at sunrise. C>
Sachiko, Ji Xiao-Chi
Dear Sachiko, Ji Xiao-Chi,
Well, if you live in a violent area I would say tell your parents about her threat! If not, have you had her boyfriend speak to her to clear up the misunderstanding? If you have already tried to reason with her and that doesn't work, perhaps avoiding her and her beau until she calms down is not a bad idea. Discretion being the better part of valor and all that.
Dear Tasuki,
They can really get you to do what they want? are you sure?
a person
Dear Person,
SOME women can, SOME of th' time. Yes, I'm sure an' lemme tell ya' it's damned annoyin'!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I had to do a report on a foreign book or comic and I picked the manga seires of your adventures, I've gotten through the hard reading part of it, but now I'm in the dark on what I could do as a report. It's suppsoed to be interesting (not a few facts on a q card) And I'm suppsosed to show effort.
I would really like it if you coud give me a few ideas?
Thanks! ^-^
Julie Swan
Dear Julie Swan,
We really shouldn't be doing your assignments for you, you know. I suppose you could do your report on our adventures or on how each Seishi represents a different principle, (i.e. Nuriko=Strength, Chichiri=Focus, Chirikio=Wisdom/Intelligence, Tasuki=Courage, Hotohori=Gentleness, Tamahome=Soul/Love, Mitsukake=Healing) and how these principles helped Miaka to grow up and become responsible.
Dear Tasuki,
Were you ever afraid that you may be gay? I mean, did you ever question yourself about it?
a person
Dear Person,
No. When I say I hate women, it doesn't mean I prefer men. It pretty much means I hate th' way they can manipulate me an' get me to do whatever they want. I don't think I ever gave it much thought.
Dear Mitsukake,
My best friend is madly in love with this really weenie guy. it's not just a one-time thingy either... every time she sees a weenie, she just goes crazy over him! (not the hentai weenie) what should i do??
Kate-chan, the perplexed bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Well, what may be a weenie guy to you, may be the perfect man for her. There really is nothing you can do. Weenieness is in the eye of the beholder.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are any of you tired of these boring dialogues between fake people in cyberland and yourselves? What ever happened to questions that really pertain to Fushigi Yuugi?
bored with all the fake conversation
Dear Bored,
Funny you should mention that! As you can see from our updated home page, we have just added a threaded message board for people who enjoy the discussions and dialogues. From now on, this page will be used only for its original purpose, which is to answer questions.
Thank you for your suggestion.
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