Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for showing me your family's shop. ~Holds great armfulls of cloth and clothes~ My servants at my temple will love these. Anywhere else you want to go?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Why shopping for shoes and accessories of course! Two blocks down and on the your left is the next shop.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey Mistukake!, *sits down next to him* What are you up to? *looks at Tama-neko and Felicia-neko ...giggles* It looks like Tama-neko has a little crush on her.
Dear Miaka,
They do look very sweet together, don't they? So did you put up your next poll, yet?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey guys. Umm so there is 2 cats now. One Tama-neko and one Felicia - neko, right? So not to sound rude or anything, but I sure hope Tama-neko's fixed. *sweatdrops*
Dear Artimis,
Nani??? Fixed??? I don't think he was ever BROKEN, no da! Oh, Mitsukake informs me that as a responsible pet owner he had Tama-chan neutered, ne no da.
Dear Chiriko,
She started it! I NEVER EVER start anything. And I do try to walk away from them, but when the other persons throws them selfs on you what are you supposed to do? Besides she hit Rain!!! I don't even hit him!! (on purpose) No, I'm not using Tasuki's sake rations, I'm not that stupid.
Dear Kitty,
Then yes, I suppose you do have to defend yourself. Next time, you may want to try hydrogen peroxide on your cuts and scrapes. It stings less.
Dear Mitsukake,
*tired from all her wondering around she curls up and falls a sleep in his lap*
Felicia neko
Dear Felicia neko,
*Pets her while Tama-chan curls up next to her and purrs.*
Dear Tasuki,
mabey ,mabey not. hey! Rain is happy with me for the moment. I saved his butt yesterday!!!!! from a girl *cracks up laughing* You fighting with Soi again? *covers her ears from the noise*
Dear Kitty,
So ya' fought an' protected yer little bro'? COOL!!!! Can ya' teach MY sister's how to do that? Actually, it's too late fer that. I can protect myself. Maybe ya' can get 'em to jus' leave me alone... or better yet, have 'em bug Soi! Heh-heh-heh... Guess she didn't like my crack about Nakago's lack of vocal talent... or my description of her.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hmph. FINE THEN! But you'll regret this!
Oh, and if I were you... I'd watch that Tama-neko of yours! I'd hate to see him have a little... accident... KAKAKAKAKA!
*runs off quickly*
Love-Struck and Scorned
Dear Tomo,
I as well as the rest of the Seishi would also hate to see anything happen to Tama-neko. I do believe that both Black Jade and Chichiri no Aijin would also be quite upset with that thought, and not being Seishi have no problem with just hurting people that hurt and threaten small, sweet, innocent creatures. ESPECIALLY CATS!! I leave you now to their "care". Good luck you will need it!
*Two VERY angry women enter the room, looking rather bloodthirsty, because someone dared to threaten a cat's life...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sorry.
*covers her ears because of the loud shouting*
Dear Noa,
Well at least it gives him someone else to fight with besides me.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh ya, and what's with the "Weekend at Soi's" thing you PERVERTED BANDIT!!!!
Hey didn't I tell you to piss off!?!? BASTARD!!!!!!! Don't "truth hurts don't it?" me!!!!! And leave Nakago alone!!!!!
Dear Soi,
Oi! I ain't th' nekker... nekroh... necrofeel... Ah hell! I ain't th' *&^%$#@ freak of nature that dragged yer dead carcass around wit' him for weeks!
An' whatsamtta wit' yer Nakkie-poo??? Embarrassed yer boyfriend can't carry a tune in a bucket? Fer yer sake I hope he can do "other thins'" better than he can sing! At least I know how to sing, among my MANY other talents! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What, do I have to post guards outside of the cyber-abode now? Contraband, especially "liquor related" contraband will be confiscated and brought to me, along with the miscreants who bring it in!
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
&nbs;You cannot order someone to change their very nature. Nor can you effect change by force. Let Tasuki be for now. No drugging of his food, no confiscating of his alcohol. Let Chichiri try to teach him moderation in all things. By forcing him to regulate his intake he will resent it and leave the palace, having learned nothing. Your way we lose a good warrior and I lose a good friend. My way we create a better man. As this is my wish please abide by it. Tasuki will learn, Chichiri is an excellent teacher... *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Sake flavored water. Well it's better than nothing, isn't it.
Dear Tamera,
I guess. Although I tend to drink sake more fer th' effect than fer th' taste.
Dear Chichiri,
Just... take out?
*face falls*
Shimatta... what a waste of time...
Oh well. Enjoy your chicken.
Dear Sean,
Iie! The shrimp in lobster sauce is for me to eat here with you, no da! So what are you ordering, no da? It's on Tamahome! DA!!
Dear Tasuki,
O_O Chichiri-fish didn't get into the cookies....Speaking of the departed fish's destiny....we had to throw him a little burial. Poor Mulan-chan...she's not used to having things die. ^_^; Heh, she should get a plushie fish...the only thing she can't kill is her evil cat. *gets Mulan's shoe tossed at her head* o.O; I didn't even say anything bad that time...Poor Tasuki...;_; I heard about the Black Jade should, ara, come live with us, and get all the sake you want. ^_^; But not too much...*hands him a slice of rum cake* Here. ^_^; Mulan-baka ate the rest, but I saved this for you.
Dear Amy-chan,
OI! No talk of killin' cats! Chichiri, me an' the rest of the Seishi are quite fond of cats! YUM! Rum cake! She only said I can't drink, she never said nothin' about eatin'! Heh-heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Since Halloween is comeing up and a few of my friends and I are going to a party in drag I needed a few pointers. I'm sure Nuriko could gave me a few tips but I thought you all might have a few ideas to help us out.
It's 3 guys and 2 girls. Oh your all welcome to come along and I'll even get sake for Gen-chan if he wants.
~Usa-chan and friends.
Dear Usa-chan,
No sake for Tasuki! That was Black Jade's order and I for one will enjoy enforcing it, tee-hee...! As for dressing in drag, so to speak, probably the more outrageous the better for a costume party. Can the men rent or borrow flashy long gowns, shoes, and the accessories? Also can the men FIT into those things? I mean look what happened when we tried to dress Mitsukake up like a woman! It just did not work! Although Hotohori-sama and I looked fabulous! Good luck and have fun!
Dear Tasuki,
I know you have been asked kinda the same question like a million and 1 times, but I'm just really curious. Did you ever have the slightest attraction to Miaka. I mean she's a pretty cute kid. I'm not asking you if you fell in love with her or anything just if you were a tinsy itty bitty sorta sometime had mabey the slightest feelings for her?
Dear Gee,
Maybe, I don't know. I was under that spell by Chichiri's ex-friend. I mean, she is cute an' all, but she's one of those women always gettin' ya' into trouble!
Dear Tamahome,
Joking, I wanted to see if you would actually take my quater if I told you it was all I had. Even though, it wasn't really you who wanted to give it back to me, you've proved to me that you are not AS selfish as they say you are. So here *throws him a pouch full of gold ryou* ENJOY!
Dear Rei,
*Tamahome's eyes light up at the sight of all that gold!!*
Domo arigato gozaimasu!
Dear Tasuki,
So how'd th' rest of th' clean up go? Heh-heh
*grinnig cause he knows he skipped out on alot of it*
An whys ever'body so depres'd looken?
Dear Kouji,
Heh-heh... Black jade an' me saved some fer ya'!
*Hands him a bucket and a scrub brush and points him at soot covered wall*
We're all a bit down because Kiwi's friend Tilly died, bro'. Once yer finished wit' th' wall, why don't ya' give her a hug?
Dear Chichiri,
*oh good job Kitty* Well....It is a hard thing to explain. You have never had brother or sisters, right? So it may be hard for you to understand.
Teasing and play fighting all though I do admitt sometimes it gets out of hand, but it is how brothers and sisters show they care about each other, when there is no reason to let him cry on your shoulder or to give him a hug, it sounds crazy, but it's true. You won't find many people who will admit it though. Don't worry, I'm not picking on him now or any time soon. I have a heart too, you know.
You didn't upset Peach, she was just worried about you being upset.
Dear Kitty,
Oh, the way he was complaining and the way you described being picked on by Delaney and Kiwi, seemed so mean to me, no da. But you are right that is an unusual concept for me. Although it does seem that Tasuki and Tamahome-kun treat each other much the same way. I am glad that I did not upset Peach. So how are you, Rain, and Kiwi doing, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Sure, the humble cyber abode is nice and all but I don't like cars that much. That's why we're going to the marketplace. Want to go to your family's shop? Okay! Oh, whose cat is that you're holding?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I don't know. Oh, she's taking off again. I wonder where she's going?
Dear Nuriko,
*Felicia tilts her head back to show her name tag in a way of saying "yep that's my name" (how Rain knew her name will remain a mystery to her) nervously looks around room*
*Felicia breaks Nuriko's hold and starts out the door, sniffing at a scent she picked up*
Felicia (neko)
Dear Felicia (neko),
Take care Felicia. Be a good kitty, don't get into any mischief!
Dear Mitsukake,
*sniffs her way in to his room. stops in her tracks as she realized what she was smelling was another cat. Hops over to Mitsukake to find Tama-chan on his shoulder*
Felicia (neko)
Dear Felicia (neko),
Look Tama-chan! A new friend for you.
*Pets her and lets Tama-chan sniff her. tama-chan gives her some kitty kisses on the forehead.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Noa,
I think you may have inadvertently started another Soi/Tasuki war with your last question.
Dear Tasuki,
So, Black Jades is going to be strict about your liquor drinking for awhile, I hear. Hhhhmmm...,*thinks a bit while the room remains silent* I KNOW!!!!!!!!! *You fall off your chair in shock* This way you may never get drunk again too! *pulls out a couple of bottles out of her back pack* Try this, what does it taste like to you? *the look on Tasukis face when he takes a sip causes her to cut him off* It's sake flavored water! You like?
Tamera *.*
Dear Tamera,
This certainly has an interestin' bite fer jus' water. But if you say it's water... I can go wit' it... Not too bad, fer water.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh... *sniffles lightly*
Fine... just friends... *sniff*...
Love-Struck and Scorned
Dear Love-Struck,
Perhaps, but like Chichiri, I am not looking for more than friendship right now.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey I'm hungry I need sustenance if I'm going to survive these midterms! get cracking!
*starts to have floating blue ghost/fire balls around her as her energy is drained away with the depression of the voerwhleming cruelty of it all*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Sumimasen, you must have me confused with your personal servant, no da. Anyway here is your soup, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko! how are you? I'm not the greatest. *holds in her breath while putting the good old liquor stuff (I can't think of the word right now) on her cuts* I guess you could say I got into a "cat fight". Why does this not hurt when Kiwi does it for me.. boy, I'm not good for much. So you have fan girls now.. that's pretty spunky. I'm sssoo bored..... I didn't want to go to the wake because funerals are too depressing for me.
Dear Kitty,
I guess the medicine you're using is alcohol? I do hope you're not using Tasuki's sake ration for your cuts! And just why did you get into a "cat fight", anyway?
I know how you feel about treating your own wounds, it never seemed to hurt when my mom would treat my scrapes and cuts. My condolences on you and your siblings' loss. We all wish there was something we could do to make it better for you. Take care and please stop getting into fights. I'd hate to have you get really injured.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Soi,
Heh-heh-heh... Truth hurts don't it?
Dear Tasuki,
Ggggggrrrrrrrrrr.........*wacks him upside the head with a book*
hey, out of curiosity. Do you remeber me? I'm the one who pushed you into the koi pond and left you at the rath of your hentai fans. ring a bell?zzAnyways if you do remeber that, well, I'm sorry. *realizes Tasuki is out cold* guess I hit him a little too hard? *waits to find out if he will wake up, or to find out if she should get Mitsukake.
Dear Kitty,
ITAI!! Whatcha' tryin' to do?? Kill me?!?!?! Oh yeah, I remember ya'! Little Aidou in trainin'! OI! Rain!! Whaddya want me to do wit' yer dangerous sister???
Dear Chichiri,
A credit card? Yes, that ought to do!
*sighs and looks across the table at Chichiri, a slightly happy, slightly daydreaming smile on his face*
What are you going to order?
Dear Sean,
This is to go, no da. I would like an order of Won Ton Soup, Hot and Sour soup, General Tso's Chicken, two Pork Bao, three orders of Pork Potstickers, Sweet and Sour Pork, and Shrimp in Lobster Sauce (for me), no da! Whew!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh no!!! Rain and Tasuki stick together!?!?! aahh run away... run away....
*Tasuki starts running around the room franticly... sweatdrops* I meant that sarcasticly *sigh* Quit complementing yourself! Next thing you know you will be claiming that your a God and we all should worship you. An don't get any ideas!
Dear Kitty,
I think you'll need to contact my Miko as to how to go about worshipping me... heh-heh-heh...
*Takes one look at Kitty's face after his last crack and laughs till tears stream down his face...*
Dear Chichiri,
Hey don't dis Aidou! *thinks a bit, wait a minute did I just insult myself?* God help me if he ever turned out like Tasuki. Rain would not make a good Nakago no matter how much I abuse him. Another you? *pictures Rain running around with kesa and stuff saying no da all the time shakes her head back and forth really fast* I'm sorry, I just can't picture that. Why not be nice to him? Well.. I had to go through the same treatment when I was way younger, I think I was about 4. I remeber Delaney picking on me not as much as Kiwi, but I do recall Delaney and Kiwi teaming up on me once and stuffing me in the washer! They told mom they were trying to give me a bath! yeah, right. Besides it's what older sisters do to their younger sibs, and more so if it happens to be a younger brother. you just ask Tasuki about it.
Dear Kitty,
Hai, no da! But why perpetuate the same behavior that you hated when you were younger? Perhaps you should break that cycle. Heaven knows, we DON'T need ANOTHER Tasuki, ne no da!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Say, have any of you ever run into a witch? or warlock? or anyone or anything else that may fit in that discription? It's a weird question, but you people have been to many places and stuff, and I was just curious.
Dear Noa,
Well, there was Soi. She did practice bouchuu magic. But I think she was more of a bitch than a witch.
Dear Nuriko,
You want me to DRIVE to the capital's marketplace?! When did you guys get cars. Here, I'll hire a horse carriage instead. You just sit over here and relax. ~motions for Nuriko to sit in the very comfortable carrige~ It's been a very emotional time for all of us. Where do you want to go first?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Oh, I thought we would be going to the world of the humble cyber-abode where such wonderous things do exist! Ok, the marketplace it is. Why don't we go to my family's shop first?
Dear Tamahome,
C'mon ,it's the only money I have left on me!
Dear Rei,
A deal's a deal!
*Gets glared at by the other Seishi. Sweatdrops and hands Rei back the quarter*
Dear Tasuki,
*jumps off his lap and runs out the door*
Dear Neko,
Oi! Where ya' goin'? Don't get into any trouble, ya' hear?
Dear Chichiri,
That Tasuki has new respect for me would imply that he did not have complete respect for me before. That would be most disturbing... and a grave miscalculation on his part. (Black Jade looks very fierce and then laughs behind her sleeve...)
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Ano... bad turn of phrase, no da? Please do not punish him due to what I said, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Eunuchs escort Tasuki to Black Jade's official quarters. She is seated in a high backed ornate chair at a table covered in scrolls and papers. Her hair, clothing, makeup and jewels are immaculate. One would never guess that she had been hard at work for hours. Scribes sit at smaller tables all around her. As Tasuki enters, he seems a little worse for wear from the night before. He gawks a bit at his surroundings (he has never been in Black Jade's office before) and gives her a wobbly little bow.*
*"Leave Us" Black Jade says to the scribes and eunuchs. After they leave she looks sadly at Tasuki and says to him.*
"Bandit, I am worried about you. You are a Suzaku Seishi and a protector of our realm. Yet, you are always brawling needlessly and fast becoming a drunkard. You are a young vital man, you should not be rotting your brain out with drink and doing your health damage. Such behaviour also reflects badly on the Palace. I was going to have the Palace healers slip you medicine to stop you from drinking, but Chichiri has convinced me to let you taper off on your own. So, from now on -- no more than one small bottle of sake -- or any other type of liquor -- at mealtimes. No other liquor at any other time. You can have chai, or spring water, or even barley water might do you some good. This is an Imperial Order, Tasuki, and I expect you to follow it. Otherwise, the medicine will be necessary, and that will not be pleasant. I am deadly serious about this. Do you understand?"
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
*Tasuki is seen leaving Black Jade's official quarters looking a bit shaken (not stirred). He keeps mumbling "Only one small bottle of sake a day..." over and over again. He sees Chichiri no Aijin and Chichiri and goes to tell them what just happened (looking for a sympathetic ear). Chichiri says to him, " She's right, no da. Too much drink can be very damaging to you, ne no da." Chichiri no Aijin tells him that she was "going to sign him up for a 12-step program if he kept drinking like he was. And how he's a real pain in the ass when he's loaded!" As they walk away the last thing he hears is, "Gambatte! Be a man! You can do this!"
I can't believe she was gonna drug me! Sheesh, one little fault an' th' whole world crawls up yer ass to pick on ya'!
Dear Chichiri,
don't cry...
Dear Peach,
Gomen, I didn't mean to upset you, no da. It is just when people I care about are sad, it makes me sad, too no da.
*Blows nose and puts a smile on his mask.*
See, all better, no da!
*Ruffles her hair, kisses her on the cheek, jumps into kasa and disappears.*
Dear Nuriko,
*neko runs into Nuriko's room, and forgeting to stop runs into Nurikos fabrics, which fall over in a pile on top of the neko, who is now lost and having a hard time finding away out*
Dear neko,
Well, well, what have we here? Hullo, Felicia! Hai, I know your name because Rain told Chichiri and Chichiri told the rest of us. Such a pretty girl.... *Starts petting her and scratching her tummy.*
Dear Peach, Kiwi, and Rain,
I'm very sorry for what happened to your friend. Last year, October 31st, my dad suddenly had a very hard time breathing when my mom woke up. He was in a coma and was rushed to the hospital in the morning. After school, I went to see my dad and all of my family was very worried about him. He looked really sick and the doctors said he was probably going to die. I was very afraid. I cried all night when I went to bed. It's funny though. I'm usally the one who comforts everyone and always hold back my tears but this time, I couldn't. Luckily, my dad recoved and provied the doctors wrong. Now he's living with us again and is living a very healthy life
If you need anyone to talk to about what happened, please feel free to ask me. Even though we may be far apart, I still will feel your pain for your friend.
Thank you for your time. *bows*
Dear Skuld,
Arigato for your kindness towards Kiwi, Rain, and Peach. We are sure they appreciate it. Even though it is due to a sad event, we are glad that we are able to bring people together who may not have ever known each other. Thank you all for that privilege! Hopefully, the next event that brings us all together will be a far happier one.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Ara...Tasuki-kun...guess what. ^_^; Mulan-chan killed Chichiri. ^_^; She keeps yelling at me to stop laughing...but well I can't help it. Oh, and I do mean her fish Chichiri, and not the seishi. ^_^; I told her she would kill the poor little fishy...ara it would have been safer in my brother's room. O_O; In memory of Chichiri...she made us shaped cookies. -_-; *hands him a few* Heh...Poor I'm going into town to find her a new pet fish, to make her feel better...which she has decided will be named Chichiri as well. -_-;
Dear Amy-chan,
Interesteing cookies... sorta fishy flavored... uhhh... jus' how did th' fish die and what did she do wit' it? Maybe ya' might wanna consider gettin' her a fake fish, that way she can't kill it. *Ponders why the cookies taste vaugely sushi-like...*
Dear Chichiri,
Before you went to the palace, where did you sleep at night? Since you mostly wander how can you earn money to sleep in a Inn or somthing?
Dear Denise,
Why under the stars, no da! I do have some skills, no da! (NOT THOSE!! Crazed hentai chicks...)
*sighs and daaaaasss...*
I would do odd jobs for the innkeepers for food and lodging and if I earned extra okane, I would save it for when I might really need it, ne no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Peach:
I accept your honest apology, and now that I know that you misunderstood what I meant by "purge" I understand why you got so angry. When I was young I had problems controlling my anger as well, but as I grew older and became responsible for the lives of many people and the realm I learned to control my anger. Anger is tool to be used, but it must always be controlled. Hone it, sharpen it, and use it wisely. To allow someone to know that they upset you gives them power over you. In this way they learn where your weak points are and can exploit them.
So, you can be fiercely angry, and yet appear as calm as a still pond of water. They have a saying in the Imperial Palace, regarding my own behavior -- "Never trust a smiling cat..." In a tense or dangerous situation I am at my most dangerous when a smile plays about my lips. This is because at that moment, I KNOW I will defeat my opponent or enemy -- and that cheers me immensely. However, there is one physical attribute that even I cannot control in anger, my eyes tend to glow brightly and that always gives me away to Hotohori-sama. *sighs*
This does not mean that you eat your anger, for that is unhealthy. However, learn to redirect it and turn it to something positive, or at least use it in a way that does not weaken or expose you before others. I have found that a quiet, strong and calm voice is often more frightening to others than screaming in a rage -- especially if others expect you to lose your temper. It is also very satisfying to watch how as you become more calm, the other person begins to lose their temper. Ssshhhh, don't tell the others my secrets...
Regarding your brother, he is young and allowed some mistakes. Hopefully he will use them as learning experiences. For all life is learning. Otherwise it is wasted. Maybe you could redirect his overabundant energies into Kendo, or some other martial art.
Best Regards,
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Considering what has recently transpired, Peach may not be in the mood to read your missive. However, if she does, I hope you aren't going to be a bad influence on her by imparting your ways and knowledge unto her. One of you, my dear, is enough in Konan. *Smiles at her*
Dear Chichiri,
I'm not really in better spirits, it's just that as an English major I'm quite loquacious and passionate about literature, on whether I hate or love a thing na no da.
*scratches head*
Haven't you left yet? And I'm surprised Tamahome lent you okane @_@ is he under kotukuo again? Or is there a high interest rate that you have to pay him back with?
*sighs and looks down at the pilw of books around her, and the papers in progress*
I hate midterms and papers na no da..
*moans and looks sad*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I am on my way out, no da. I think the credit card he gave me is his. But, he did mumble something about "owing him big time", no da. I don't see a problem with that as the Seishi will pay him back and I am paying for you, me, and Chichiri no Aijin, ne no da. Unless you prefer to owe Tamahome-kun, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Miaka:
Ah, thank you for the compliment. My honoured mother would be happy that the hours she had our teachers working on me produced something worthy.
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
We are sure that Miaka would reply do itashimashite to your letter.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
No, you're right it would not be a good idea to send a card, because it is too sensitive of a subject. Thank you,* gives Chichiri a big hug and cries a little but silently* Oh, and by the way, *looks on the nekos name tag* the cats name is Felicia (no offense to the Felicia who writes in) and "he" is a "she", this isn't the first time I've seen her around, take care of her, she's a cute kitty ( unlike some "Kitty"'s I know)
I'm going to take a break from writing in for awhile, I just don't want you to worry because you don't hear from me or anything.
Dear Rain,
*Sniffles a bit and wipes away a tear*
Thank you for writing back. I will look forward to your next letter, when you feel like writing again, no da. Please give Kiwi and Peach my best. Arigato for letting me know bout Felicia-neko, no da!
Take care, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*stumbles in the room, stops and falls asleep on her feet*
(See what happens when you have mditerms from hell? Why can't I have someone with Chichiri's morphing ability, Chiriko's intelligence, and Tamahome's willingness to sell himself for just about anything... then I could pay them to take my tests for me and life would be good. *SIGHS* Hey allow me my delusions of grandeur ok?)
*snores softly like a kitten purring*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well, let's see to be able to do such a thing would cost...
*Starts counting on his fingers, then takes off his shoes to use toes, then grabs the abacus away from Chiriko, finally digs around and finds a caluclator... $_$ !!*
Gomen, you can't afford it.
*Puts a blanket over her. Don't worry, the rest of the Seishi won't let him charge her for it ^_~;;*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok so, now I'm the one reading off the letters and typing them!So I'm the messagener person now. First of all, before you say anything.... IT WAS A FREAK ACCIEDENT! I DIDN'T DO IT ON PURPOSE!!!!!!!!! that said, I read the answers to the their questions, to my siblings and Peach. and here were their reactions.........
to Tasuki's question,
Peach: don't freak! It's fun to tease him.
Rain (wossy boy): GGggggrrrrrrr.....
to the how is P.J question,
Kitty: What are you talking about, that kids Dence in the head! and he doesn't mind me saying so.
Peach: Shutup! *wacks me, Kitty over the head* He hasn't changed much, except to the fact that he can't sit down!
To the are we going to toture Rain forever question,
Kitty: Hell yes!
Peach: mabey, mabey not.....
Kiwi: (still remains to say nothing, however this letter did put a bit of a smile on her face.)
Rain: (also has nothing to say, mabey because his head is in a headlock)
Please take note that Peach is so up lifting because she wants to keep Kiwi's spirits up. well there are, their reactions, for you. I didn't read Rains letter aloud, he read it his self, in fear that Kiwi could get upset. I did however tell them that you guys and girls, give them your sympathy.
P.S. Rain: nick name, Evil demon spawn.
Dear Kitty,
Perhaps we should start calling you Aidou, no da!n Just remember, if you continue to mistreat Rain you may end up with another Tasuki! Or are you trying for a Nakago, no da? Why not be nice to him? You could always end with another me, ne no da! DA!!
Dear Tamahome,
why is it I always am told I'm not old enough?
And people say we know nothing cause no one will explain things for me!
*pouts angrily gnawing at her bottom lip*
*eyes open wide, and incredulous*
*starts crying happily and struggles in her nii-san's arms to give her nee-san a hug*
Dear Yuiren,
So, did you enjoy the party? What did you think of my poem? People tell you you're not old enough because at this point you aren't. When you are older then I will explain Nuriko to you.
*Gives her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
The party is winding down and Black Jade stands up and lifts her wine glass and toasts the guests...
"I thank you all for your beautiful, poignant, and amusing poems and for spending this lovely evening with me. Goodnight and a safe journey home to you all." She downs the whole glass in one go, and bows.
She walks over to Hotohori-sama and whispers -- "Thank you for the lovely poem my lord..." and bows to him. She embraces Houki, and kisses the sleepy Boushin good night.
She walks over to Chichiri and tells him, "I will not yet have the medicine administered to Tasuki, but tell him I expect him to meet with me in my official chambers tomorrow after the midday meal to speak about this matter. Goodnight Blue Monk... fishing, is that ALL you think of?" Black Jade walks back to join Hotohori-sama, Houki and Boushin...
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Iie, Black Jade-sama. However, that was all I wished to write a poem about, no da. I will relay your message to Tasuki. He seems to have found new respect for you after seeing you down the wine in one breath, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Now look here! That was an acciedent! I didn't mean to push him down the hill in a wheelbarrel into freeyway traffic with a bunch of logs! Honest! You are just as bad as him or mabey he's just as bad as you! He hasn't let go of that! And I see you haven't either!
Dear kitty,
Oi! We abused men gotta stick together! Just remember, if ya' keep abusin' him you'll end up wit' ME! 'Course I turned out to be so freakin' cool and wonderful, it may not be a bad thin'.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I am so sorry for Kiwi and Peach and little Rain. My condolencses. This must be a very terrible time for them. It reminds me of when my mom was in a car accident and my two sisters and I were in the waiting room outside the emergency room. Having no brothers and not really being the emotional type I didn't sob hysterically like my sisters. I was extremely close to my mom and was really scared. I still needed my mom desperately and I …I don't know how to explain it. Then my dad came out of the emergency room smiling and said mom would be okay and we could see her now. I was so happy and so relieved that my mom was okay my eyes filled with tears. I tried to fight them but they just spilled over then my dad gave me all that I wanted…no….needed to be reassured…. A hug. Mom has recovered fully now and is happier than ever. The accident made me realise how special everyone and everything around me was and now I cherish life. So here's a little tip for Rain: Give Kiwi a hug and tell her you love her....
Dear Chibird,
Arigato for your letter to Rain, Peach and Kiwi. I'm sure they appreciate it. If we could leave the cyber-abode we'd give them ALL a hug.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Now sounds great. I need a pick-me-up anyway. I got all depressed thinking about all the money I have to spend on art supplies when I wrote to Chichiri-san. Also, Rain and his family have my deepest sympathy. I was really shocked when I read his letter. Umm... I don't know what to write now. I never was very good with words. ~sigh~
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Hai!! But you drive. Sorry this has been such an awful week for all concerned.
Dear Chichiri,
I have this sick feeling in my stomach. It's not the kind of feeling like I ate anything bad or had too many rides on the tilt-awhirl. I think it's grief and confusion. I don't understand why all of a sudden all these tragic events keep happening, and why they always have to happen to her or the people she cares about. It's the first time I've seen Jamie (Peach) cry, and the first time Kiwi's cries have ever made me feel like I'm going to be sick. I'm so glad that Peach and I were there when she found out, when we all found out, or who knows what she could have done. The look on their faces made me burst into tears, before I even found out what had happened. You know my sister's very close friend Rachel (Tilly) She had gotten into...., Well she died this afternoon.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't be telling you this really, but right now there is no better person to turn too. Kiwi will not speak a word to me or anyone. All she has been doing all day is crying on Peach's shoulder, and Peach lets her, even though she is holding back her tears, trying not to make things worse. My mother is comforting Rachel's mother as are a lot of people. As for the rest of my family they are not here. So I'm lost as to how or what I'm supposed to do. All I know now is that writing this letter to you is crazy, Cause what happened isn't really your problem, so why should you have to deal with it? Why should you have to listen to me, who is trying my best to deal with it?
Dear Rain,
*Removes mask, sits down, takes Rain's hands and looks him in the eyes as he speaks*
We are all deeply sorry for your sister's loss. Please give her and Peach our condolences. And of course, our condolences to you, too. I do not feel that a card from the Seishi would be appropriate at this point, so this letter will have to suffice.
The best thing that you can do for Peach and Kiwi is to be there for them. Give them each a hug and let them cry on your shoulder if they need to. We are all very proud of you, Rain. You have gone through a lot for one so young. Through all that has happened to you and your family you have acted as a man and put the people you care about first in your thoughts.
At this point there may be little to do for your sister, except be there for her and let her know that you love her. To lose a close friend or a loved one is a very painful thing, I know, I've been through it. It will take time for Kiwi to go through the grieving process and having you there to support her will help her immensely.
Do let her know that as long as her friend is in her thoughts and in her heart she will never be truly dead. She may take some small comfort from our beliefs that when one passes away, one is eventually reborn. Who knows she may meet her friend again many years from now.
Tamahome, Tasuki, Nuriko, Chiriko, Hotohori, Mitsukake, Black Jade, Chichiri no Aijin and I all give you, Peach, and Kiwi our aichou (condolences).
Take care and always feel free to write to me.
*Stands up, gives Rain a hug, and lets him cry on his shoulder.*
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