Dear Chichiri,
Sure, that's no problem. But where are you getting the money to buy all of that food? Or...*sweatdrop*... Am I paying for it?
Dear Sean,
Oh!! Okane!!
*Goes headfirst into his kasa and yells, "Tamahome, no da!!! I need okane, no da!!" comes back out holding a credit card?!?!?!*
Will this be OK? Tamahome said I could use it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Peach stops and thinks about what Tasuki said*
Peach: Well...........
Kiwi: PEACH!?!
Rain: women.........
take a wild guess!
Peach, Kiwi, and Rain
Dear Peach, Kiwi, and Rain,
What did I say?? Are you two gonna torture him, till he hates women? What?? TELL ME!!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Because I think that I'm over stressed. People around here are always screaming and yelling at each other and then they all end up crying.....
And every time they do this * which is just about all the time* My back starts to hurt and I start sweating heavily even if it's really cooled out.
Dear Leena,
Sounds like to you need to get away for a bit from your environment. Perhaps you can visit with some friends or just escape into a good book and some calm, relaxing music.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nice to know you guys were so touched by that.... When I first read it I just burst into tears....I maybe a "whack" **winks at Tasuki** but at least I'm a "whack" with a heart... Oh yah... Why doesn't any of the poetry rhyme???? Weirdness... Oh and why are there suddenly two cats? Maybe I should bring my 20 cats to meet them....Hrm....Then again maybe not...
The Weird Royal and Quite Crazy Chibird With a Heart
Ps. I didn't really wanna be flamed....I just wanted to see Tasuki with his knickers in a twist....I DON"T MEAN THAT IN A NAUGHTY WAY!!!! It's a saying...
Dear Chibird,
We don't now where the other cat came from, either. But, please leave your kitties at home. Black Jade loves cats, but 20 may be even too many for her!! So you want Tasuki's knickers in a twist, eh?? I'll see what I can arrange... (Serve him right for calling me Obake-chan and a greedy bastard!)
Dear Tasuki,
*neko looks up to him with an innocent sorry looking face*
Mysterious neko
Dear Mysterious neko,
Nice neko. Here, lemme put ya' in my lap.
*Scratches the cat's head and tummy while the cat purrs*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey ,that was really good Black Jade. All of you did very good jobs, each of your poems best described you, and that can be a hard task for even the most talented poets.
Dear Miaka,
Arigato, no da! We're glad you liked our poems. Did you have fun at the party, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, to tell you the truth. That's just what the card that was left with me said. So I'm not totally positive that my birth date is April 18th. It is the date my birthday was celebrated for the past 18 years, however, Yes, this does mean that P.J is not my blood brother (isn't that a relief)
Rain always makes me sound so mean! He was the one who started it, and that's the truth!
Dear Peach,
So why get mad at him?? Ya' got MY birthday an' that's th' coolest *&^%$#@ birthday to have!! Well if PJ ain't yer blood brother, at least his insanity ain't hereditary.
Dear Tamahome,
One of the things that I admire most about you, Tamahome, is that throughout your and Miaka's ordeals, you never stopped loving her, no matter how foolishly she behaved. I have an idea for a fanfiction, and would pose you this question: what were your feelings towards Miaka early on, when you first defended her from the "girl-traffickers"? Were you aware of an attraction or infatuation so early on? Please advise. I hope that you like the idea of telling the first episodes from your point of view.
Your Loving Sister,
Dear Gyokuran,
Well, I certainly thought she was cute. I guess you could say I was attracted to her. But I don't think I was in love with her at that exact moment. I think I realized how deeply I felt for her when she went back to her world for a short time. So, how's mom, dad, and the rest of the family?
Dear Chichiri,
Funny thing was I read Henry V before HEnry IV I love the St Crispian's day speech "we few, we happy few, we band of brothers, for he today who sheds his blood with me shall be my brother"
That quote could be pertinent though a bit morbid, but nonetheless true towards you and the other seishi no da.
Personally I want to see the Flastaff play where these 2 women play him for a fool, it's some comedy Shakespeare wrote at Queen Elizabeth's request.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
It is nice to see you in good spirits, no da. I will be getting you your soup soon.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, please. Why don't you try being just a little modest for once?
Dear Kitty,
Yer Rain's sister ain't ya??? I don't gotta be modest cos' I'm sooooooo freakin' cool!!!! An' if ya' are Rain's sister, quit tryin' to kill th' poor kid!! A wheelbarrow in th' middle of a freeway?!?! Sheesh even MY sisters ain't THAT bad!! Keep it up an' the poor kid could grow up to be like me! Which, ya' know, may not be a bad thing... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Tamahome,
2 gold ryou, eh? * checks pockets* but all I have is a quarter!
Dear Rei,
If it's okane, I'll take it!
Dear Tasuki,
I'm just a little confused. I have seen your friends name spelled Kouji and I have also seen it spelled Koji. I'm guessing that both are the correct spelling. Well, anyway which way does he or you spell it?
Dear Harmony,
Mostly wit' th' "u" but he ain't picky.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Black Jade:
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to loose my temper. You are right, I should have acted with respect towards you, I have a really bad temper. I was brought up this way, I'm sorry if it dis-pleases you, if we ever meet again I will remember to act, well just, I don't know more lady like I guess. " purge" as I have been told has many different meanings and to kill is one of them. It's alright, I don't need any help with P.J, I hope the rest of the day works out for you, if not there is always tomorrow. *drags P.J home*
Dear Peach,
We will ensure that Black Jade reads your letter. If she responds to it, we will also post her response. So, how's PJ? Calmed down a bit?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
We can go shopping as soon as you're ready. By the way, lovely poem.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Arigato. How does now sound?
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, I don't want you to look like a girl. You're perfect the way you are. But... but... everyone likes the seishi that are easily confused for women! You, alone, are masculine and strong.
Will you marry me? I know you love Shoka, but still, hasn't the time to move on come? Marry me, honey! I love you!
Dear Love-Struck,
I thank you for your offer, but I must respectfully decline it. I am not looking for a wife right now, nor do I know if I ever will want a wife at any point in my life. I would be honoured if you would still be my friend.
Dear Chichiri,
I read TnM's letter about being an art major and since I am one I had to respond. It's tough being an art major. You don't spend $500 on books but you spend about $1000 on art supplies(upkeep, pencils don't last forever). Everyone picks on you because they say that there are no jobs in the art field. I beg to differ. There are opportunities everywhere, you just have to look for them. This major is not for the timid. I often complain that I am a starving artist type. Sometimes it's true. When it comes to buying groceries or a 18x24'' sketch pad, I have to go without food. Art supplies aren't cheap. The satisfaction has to come from inside. It feels good when you draw a great picture and can show it off to everyone. Besides, if you really love what you're doing, it doesn't matter how much money you make. I think that TnM's parents are worried that the art field equals a dead end job. Hint: Start mumbling about Pixar and computer companies, the video game industry, theater, and animation. Some of those guys make lots of money, and they'll all die one day. Somebody's got to be there to take up the slack. ^-^
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Thank you for writing in, no da. It is always better to hear these things from people who have first hand knowledge of them, ne no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I and my FY acolytes...ano...friends have spent many enjoyable hours watching and reading of your inspiring story. It is good to see that you are all hale and hearty, all things considered. (Picking my way through a spoiler minefield, here.) Do you ever hear from the Seiryuu Seishi? What a shame that they don't offer a similar kindness to their fans. I'm sure that there are those who would like to question them. (kinda scary, isn't it?) I personally have a question for Nakago, but am unable to find a place to post it. (hint, hint)
Gyokuran (Hi, Niichan!)
Dear Gyokuran,
Ah, but they do! You can find them in our links section or Click Here!. We have only heard from Soi, and she and Tasuki got into a nasty fight which Chichiri had to break up. Now Tasuki has been looking for trouble (gee what a surprise...!) and he has visited the Seiryuu site and posed a question to Nakago. So far, we have heard no response. That might be a good thing... Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
Wait, if Nuriko is a man, why would he have dresses to begin with nii-san?
Dear Yuiren,
*Sighs and cringes at the thought of having to explain Nuriko*
It's a long story and you aren't old enough to hear it.
Dear Tasuki,
Does your abhorrence of milk extend to all dairy products? I was speaking specifically to your reaction to cream, whipped or otherwise.
Gyokuran (Hi, Niichan!)
Dear Gyokuran,
Well, I wasn't a bottle fed kid an' mom was well... "talented". She damn near smothered me to death!! That's why I got a milk phobia. Whipped cream is yummy, it's th' crazed hentai chicks I run from!
Dear Chichiri,
Ah... whoever said the cat was a he? You didn't look did you? I'm just teasing!
Dear Leena,
No, I didn't, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Um...., you see, I have this problem with a girl at my college. I have made it perfectly clear that I'm not interested in people that are the same gender as me, but she still follows me around leaving flowers in my mail box, watching me all the time in class, she has even dedicated a song to me on the radio! Then she tells me and a lot of other people about it. I thought maybe she just wanted to be my friend at first, but now she is handing love notes to me, signed with her name, I could just go on and on!
Anyway, how do I get it through her head that I am not, and will never be interested in her, Without hurting her? I'm asking you this, well... because I think that you would know best!
Dear Leena,
Tell her once more, in front of witnesses, that she has to stop this behavior or else you will contact the school counselors and authorities and inform them that she is harassing you and creating a hostile environment for you to try to learn in. If she persists, go to those people and complain. This is a form of sexual harrassment and you shouldn't put up with it. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok, I was wondering..... If you grew up in Miaka's world instead of yours, do think your personalities would change a great deal, a little, or maybe not at all? Well what do you guys think?
Dear Leena,
Well, since one's surroundings can contribute to how one's personality is formed, it is very possible that our personalities would change somewhat. But to what degree is unknown to us.
Dear Tasuki,
^_^ I'm glad you liked soon as Mulan lets me in her kitchen again, I'll try to bake you something else. She says thank you for giving her a piece. ^_^; Though...she's still mumbling saying I shouldn't have wasted my time on making something for you. I think she's jealous. o.O;;
Dear Amy-chan,
Perhaps. But I really liked yer bakin'. So keep it up. Mulan-chan doesn't know what she's talkin' about!
Dear Tamahome,
Clothes would be good nii-san!
Maybe a pretty dress?
Dear Yuiren,
Ok. How about we go to Nuriko's room and see if he has any dresses for you?
Dear Chichiri,
Actually it was one of the Falstaff scenes, I loved the way Prince Hal and he interact.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well by the time Prince Hal becomes King Hal, he dumps Falstaff, no da. But Chiriko has us reading Shakespeare now, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Palace escorts come in to bring the Seishi to Black Jade's party. The Seishi are brought to the Southern Water Gardens of the Palace where there are paper lanterns hanging and music playing. There are low thrones set up on a dais, with the central larger throne set up for Hotohori-sama, and to his left couches for the Seishi. To Hotohori-sama's right is a small throne set up for Boushin, then another throne for Houki, and a magnificent chair (not quite a throne, but close to it) for Black Jade to the right of Houki's.
Black Jade signals to the musicians and they tap out a little introduction... She leans down to the little stream that runs through the garden and places a small wooden dish with a candle in it and says...
"As I sit writing in the garden
A profusion of petals wafts across my scroll.
So soon? Is their time of loveliness so fleeting?"
With a respectful bow Black Jade hands Hotohori-sama a dish and a candle, it is the Seishi's turn...
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Hotohori-sama starts the poetry reading:
"Beauty surrounds me.
I embrace it wholeheartedly.
Together we are kowaii."
With a bow Hotohori hands Chichiri a dish and a candle, it is his turn...
"The fish swims about in search of sustenance.
My pole hovers above the sparkling water.
Dinner for me, no da."
With a bow Chichiri hands Tasuki a dish and a candle, it is his turn...
"The sake barrel is empty from last night's revelry.
The morning sun blazes through my window.
Where is the healer?"
With a bow Tasuki hands Tamahome a dish and a candle, it is his turn...
"Okane glittered in my thoughts.
Then love entered my life.
Wo ai ni Miaka."
With a bow Tamahome hands Nuriko a dish and a candle, it is his turn...
"The party approaches.
A chaotic tumble of fabric fills my room.
I have NOTHING to wear!"
With a bow Nuriko hands Chiriko a dish and a candle, it is his turn...
"The leaves fall in abundance.
A chill enters the air.
Wai! Soon school begins!"
And last but not least, with a bow Chiriko hands Mitsukake a dish and a candle, it is his turn...
"The healer's curse.
Able to save everyone.
Save the one he loves."
So how was that Black Jade-sama?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
*sneaks away while Chichiri isn't looking*
Mysterious neko
Dear Mysterious neko,
I guess he was hungry, no da. All the food is gone. I hope Tama-neko doesn't mind another cat in the cyber-abode, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
OOOOOOOO!!!!! Nuri-sama, you're going to a party! SUGOI!!! Can I come too? PLEEEEESSSSSSSEEEEEE!!!!!I can be a good girl! I can take care of Kourin-chan!I can help you write that poem! ONEGAI SHIMASU!!!!!
Dear Skuld,
If Black Jade doesn't mind and you behave yourself (she's a BIG stickler for being PROPER!), sure! Here, pick out a pretty outfit for yourself, while I help Kourin get dressed.
Dear Tasuki,
*marmalade neko sneaks behind Tasuki and then jumps on his shoulder*
Mysterious neko
Dear Mysterious neko,
KUSO!!! Where th' hell did ya' come from!! Baka neko, almost got yerself fried!! Don't do that!!
Dear Chichiri,
How long is your staff you carry around?
Dear Denise,
The staff I carry is roughly six feet tall, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
After the last fishing trip and a little excursion to the mountains, I've had enough wildlife. What's say you and I go for a nice shopping spree in the capital city when you are done with Black Jade's party. I could get some new art supplies and we could both get some new fall clothes.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Sounds like fun! When do we leave?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was reading this book my friend lent me when I was feeling down called "Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul" and though most of you might not be teenagers I think everyone should listen to this… It totally gave me a new perception of everything……
"Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many people call you and it's not about who you've dated, are dating or haven't dated at all. It isn't about who you've kissed, what sport you play, or which guy or girl likes you. It's not about your shoes or your hair or the colour of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, it's not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you or not. Life isn't about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and it's not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn't about that.
But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about how you feel about yourself. It's about trust, happiness and compassion. It's about sticking up for you friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance and building confidence. It's about what you say and what you mean. It's about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all, its about choosing to use your life to touch someone else's in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise. These choices are what life's about."
Isn't that just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!
The Full Of Love Chibird
Dear Chibird,
We thank you for those beautiful thoughts. We also hope this means you will no longer be attaching yourself to Tasuki's leg and begging to be flamed. He tells me he will still refuse you, although he was very touched by this letter as were we all.
Dear Chichiri,
Little worried that people or going to think odd things about you and that cat, or something, Chichiri? I just had to ask this after I read your response to that letter. he he he...
P.S. I am a GIRL, so don't mess up my gender kay?
Dear Felicia,
Ahem, that was hentai fan service, no da. Let them think what they want, because they will anyway, no da.
*Shrugs and smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
What would be a dangerous stress level?
Dear Leena,
Where one's heath becomes adversely affected by such things as high-blood pressure, anxiety attacks, difficulty breathing, hair loss, etc. Why????
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It was the way he answered a question, he was so mean and abrupt.....
*sniffles into her nii-san's leg*
Dear Kourin,
Well actually, he was trying to be funny. I guess his humor is a little too dry for some people.
Dear Tasuki,
Well..... I really don't care. So whatever you people decide *dodges another pillow* But whatever you do, don't ask them now, cause they would just attack you with their pillow! I'm telling ya, you be nice and help out, and what do you get in return? A mouth full of feathers!
Dear Rain,
So me, Peach, an' Kiwi were all born on th' same day... heh-heh... pretty *&^%$#@ cool! Aw, c'mon girls be nice to Rain! Ya' don't want him growin' up hatin' women, d'ya???
Dear Chichiri,
Oh wise Chichiri-sama, please tell me why it is so hard to convince my parents that I want to become an art major???!!! *sighs*
Dear TnM,
Have you researched what kind of job you can get with such a degree? If not, you should, no da. College, from what I have been told, is VERY expensive and I am sure your parents want you to get a good education that will allow you to get a good job. If you love art and wish to work in that field, research what you can do with an art degree and then show that to your parents, no da. Perhaps that will bring them over to your way of seeing things, ne no da. You can always minor in something like computer science, no da. Good luck! DA!!
Dear Chiriko,
What is the meaning of life and why do all of my teachers like to cram exams on the same day?
Tamahome no Miko
Dear Tamahome no Miko,
As to your first question, even I don't know that one! As to your second query, I will bet they don't consult with each other about exam schedules.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why are anime guys soooo irresistable??? ^o^
Dear TnM,
Because we're soooo *&^%$#@ COOL!
Dear Mitsukake,
I... I... I love you. I realize that now. You may not look like a girl like the others, but I think you're just as beautiful. You love cats, you help people, you're quiet but smart... I love you.
I'm not kidding. You're the best!
Dear Love-Struck,
Domo arigato gozaimasu! Thank you for your wonderful compliments. I do appreciate them. Although, why would you want me to be able to look like a female?
Dear Tamahome,
*concentrates on her ki*
Oh great Tamahome, please lend me your strength and reveal the truths of the universe...
*nothing happens* ...
Oops, gomenasai, how could I have forgotten...
*pulls out 2 gold ryo* ...
Why must you charge money for all of your services? Isn't their enough money at the konan imperial palace?
Tamahome no Miko
Dear Tamahome no Miko,
YOU try FEEDING Miaka for week and then you tell me!
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