Dear Tasuki,
She's on the floor twitching because I sacked her with the flour...^.^;;; Andvariousotherobjects. I had to protect your keeki from her evil grasp...¬.¬
Dear Amy-chan,
OK. Fine... Let me try this cake. YUMMY!! Gimme some more!
Dear Tasuki,
*glares over at Amy*
I only wanted a little piece of the cake...
*turns to Tasuki with starry eyes, and folded hands*
Oh're so cool and I'm sure you'll let me have some of the cake....riiiiight?
*keeps a sweet smile on her face*
Dear Mulan,
AWWWW, do I gotta share???
*Pouts a little and then gives her a small piece of HIS cake.*
Well, I don't want people thinkin' I'm a greedy bastard like Obake-chan...
Dear Nuriko,
*runs to him and throws her cat filled arms around his leg crying*
Mean old man!
*points back the way she came*
Dear Kourin,
ITAI!!! Please get the cat claws out of my leg and off of my delicate silks!
*Sighs and inspects the damage. Looks in the direction Kourin is pointing and sees a confused looking Mitsukake standing there*
Him? He's not mean. In fact, he doesn't say much. I don't know about old, though...
*Grins in Mitsukake's direction...*
Come on, we have a party to get dressed for!
Dear Mitsukake,
*sniffles and starts crying*
Why are you so mean?
*grabs up Tama-neko and leaves, looking for her nii-san*
Dear Kourin,
I am not mean. I answered your question to the best of my ability as a healer. Perhaps you should have asked Chiriko. He is more learned in such subjects. Gomen if I upset you little one.
Dear Tasuki,
I know I'm just asking for it, but why DO people keep on posting hentai questions about you and Koji?? O_o (Must have been the Tasuki bedsheets commerical inserted into manga 18 by Yuu Watase... ^^;;;;;)
Tamahome no Miko
Dear Tamahome no Miko,
OK, so how much did Obake-chan pay ya' to write that? Oh yeah that's right, he's too cheap to pay anyone! HEH-HEH... Anyway to answer yer question, probably the fan-service in Manga 18 and probably they jus' love bein' abused by me.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm confused.... Nakago said the two fo you kissed, and I know Nuriko use to hit on you and drag you around.... don't you like guys as well?
*looks at him in wide-eyed innocence*
Dear Yuiren,
What Nakago and Nuriko did to me they did without my permission. Nakago may like men, but your oniichan does not! And Nuriko claims he likes women now, so who knows anymore? Now what would you like to wear to the party?
Dear Chiriko,
Do the SAT's really prove anything?
Dear TnM,
Yes, that you have some intellect, are a good test taker, and that you have the ability to learn and retain certain facts. If you do well you should be able to get into a good college.
Dear Chichiri,
I can't decide no da, how bout 2 smalls bowls of both? Hmm I'm not feeling that much better, I'm overwhelemd with studies and being sick, but I read a very ironic line in shakespeare, that's why I giggled. *shows him her copy of henry IV part I*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ok. One small bowl of won-ton and one small bowl of hot and sour soup, no da. So which scene were you referring to in Henry IV, Part I? Act 2 scene III or Act 3 scene I, no da? They are the scenes where Harry Percy/Hotspur is talking to his wife Kate, ne no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Whoops! Did I say "Neo-Tokyo?" I meant to say "Neo-China!" Gomen, it's been a long week, guess my mind's addled... *shakes head to clear it*
Shall we be off?
Dear Sean,
Hai! I have a lot of orders to bring back, no da. I hope you don't mind, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
*looks at Mitsukake blankly*
But isn't time a constant, and only fluctuatues by it's perceived relation to a certain person or location?
*rubs tama-nekos tummy*
Dear Kourin,
Look, I'm a doctor not a physicist!
We live in a different world/dimension than the Miko does so time flows differently for us here. Several hours in her world are like months in ours. I think I hear your brother calling for you.
Dear Nuriko,
I am back from the party!!!!....My cousins boyfriend is sooooonice!!! Heheh......She has good taste.... The guy she tried to set me up with didn't show....(HAH!!!!)...But I did dance with FOUR guys....Hrm....even if one was putting his hands in all the WORST places...
Yuck!!!! Otherwise....It was a goodnight and I didn't fall into the pool!!!! Well...Thanks for the advice you gave me earlier....
The Very Pooped Chibird
Dear Chibird,
I'm glad you had a good time. See, I told you so!
Dear Chichiri,
* Mysterious marmalade neko, sneeks around, then jumps on Chichiri's shoulder*
Mysterious neko
Dear Mysterious neko,
You look hungry, no da.
*Gives him some fish, milk, and water and pets him till he purrs (the CAT, NOT Chichiri)*
Dear Tasuki,
*face is covered with various splothes of chocolate frosting...while Mulan lies in a corner, twitching, and covered with flour* I made you a black forest chocolate cake! *holds out a slightly slumped over, yet still perfectly fine, cake* ^_^ Mulan-chan even helped and made sure it didn't burn...she kept saying "Oh god! You're such an idiot!" every time I would question her on the cookbook's directions....o.O; ^_^; She tried to taste some before...but um...I pelted her with the flour. ^_^; Mulan-chan eats more than Miaka, believe it or not.
Dear Amy-chan,
Uh-hub. Ano... Why is she on the floor twitchin'? I jus' want to know before I try this cake.
Dear Chichiri,
What is your favorite Color?
Dear Denise,
I never really thought about it, no da. But I guess blue, because it is very peaceful, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
How can you not like poetry? *sigh* Well then, would you like some help picking the right poem for Black Jades party? I'm kinda big on poetry.
P.S. Typed by Rain
Dear Kiwi,
Well actually, three of us have our short poems done. I guess I wouldn't mind a little help. We are only doing three lines. But not a true haiku and I can't guarantee I'll use it. But if you want to, sure!
Dear Tamahome,
*sniffles and nods her head, then pulls away and rubs at her eyes sniffling*
How come Hotohori can have more than one wife? Does that mean you'll marry Miaka and Nuriko?
Dear Yuiren,
He's the Emperor and he can afford it! By our laws I could marry Miaka and have another wife, but I can barely afford Miaka! And besides I don't want anyone else but Miaka as my wife. Nuriko is a man. Oniisan does not have any interest in men!
Dear Tasuki,
Yes, but it is so much funnier than that! Cause awhile ago Kiwi found out that she shared the same birthday as Peach. So Kiwi and Peach both have their birthday on the same day as yours. *gets wacked over the head yet again* " how many times do I have to tell you, to just shutup about it!" That is starting to hurt! *Peach wacks him agan* That's it!!!!!!!!!! *starts pillow fight with Peach*
Dear Rain,
COOL!! So next year triple party at yer place? Or should me, Peach, an' Kiwi go off an' celebrate by ourselves?
Dear Chichiri,
Well some men I'm sure have gone insane trying to figure out women...
Some soup would be nice.... um you knwo I've never had any of the above what do you recommend for a stuffy head?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Perhaps, but I don't plan to be among them, ne no da!
Hot and Sour if you can take VERY spicy food should clear out your head. If you don't like lots of spice "heat" Chichiri no Aijin recommends wonton soup, no da. She prefers to add some soy sauce and hot mustard to it, no da. I will get whichever you prefer. You giggled, you must be feeling somewhat better, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Ara, then, don't share them with Miaka unless she hunts them down. ^_^; You really like sugar and sweets that much...? I guess I'll make Mulan-chan help me bake some more then. Do you have a favourite dish?
Dear Amy-chan,
I loved the rum cake! But they are askin' me to cut down on th' booze fer awhile. Sugar cookies, pixie stix, chocolate raspberry cake... I dunno. I guess I'll try anythin' once!
Dear Mitsukake,
Sugoi! You 2 have been around for thousands of years???????
*stares in wide eye amazement*
Dear Kourin,
If you consider how time moves differently in our world as compared to the Miko's, yes. It's a difficult concept to grasp.
Dear Tamahome,
*nods her head sniffling in his shoudler*
Who's Black Jade?
Where's Miaka nee-san?
Dear Yuiren,
Black Jade is Hotohori's second consort. She helps Houki run the Palace while Hotohori-sama is away. And Miaka is at the party waiting for us.
Dear Tasuki,
July 2nd. So it is then, that's so funny!!!!!!! (get's wacked over the head) "shutup!"
Dear Rain,
So, heh-heh, from yer letter I'll bet Kiwi's birthday is the same as mine?
Dear Chichiri,
*sighs at his departing back and wraps her arms around her legs*
Guys just don't understand...
*SIGHS and stares at the clouds, before she's seized by a horrendous coughing and sneeezing fit*
Just my luck, must be hayfever season for me...
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Here's a tissue, no da. I have given up trying to understand women, you are too confusing to me, ne no da.
Would you like me to bring you back some soup, no da? I am already bringing food back for Chichiri no Aijin and some of the seishi, so soup would not be a problem. Won Ton, Hot and Sour, or what, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Ara, well you don't seem like the type who would like getting cookies from women. ^_^; And plus Miaka-chan loves food as much as Mulan does. ^_- I helped Mulan-chan bake them, so I did put some effort into them. They're just normal sugar cookies. ^_^
Dear Amy-chan,
Sugar cookies?!?! I love sugar almost as much as sake! YUMMY!!!
Dear Tamahome,
*sniffles and cries into his shoulder*
I miss everyone...
Dear Yuiren,
Would you like to go with me to Black Jade's party?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigatou for giving me that info.
Tasuki>>Heh, I THOUGHT you were going to say sake, but steak is much better.
I need to find out a little more info about Mitsukake, (i.e. blood type n' such) but I'm getting there.
Arigatou, once more.
P.S. Tamahome>> I had no idea you liked Burger King, kakkoi. Oo
Dear Myrna-chan,
We visited your site and found an error and an omission. First the error: Regardless of Nuriko's clothing preferences and sexual inclinations he likes to eat steamed MEAT buns NOT steamed MEAN buns.
*Tamahome, Tasuki, and Chichiri fall on the floor laughing their guts out, so to speak. Nuriko looks flustered and embarrassed. "See what you're putting me through?" Looks at Chichiri, "It was a typo! Stop laughing you little weirdo!" "Better than a gay boy, no da!" "You eat MEAN buns, no da!!" More laughter ensues...*
The omission was Hotohori's real (non-Seishi) name; Saihitei. Other than that, so far so good! We didn't know if you wanted us to put the link to your site here, so we omitted it until you tell us otherwise.
Suzaku Seishi
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