Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nuriko>> GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOMEN GOOOOOMMEEEENNNNNN!!!! I fixed the typo..sheesh I didn't even notice it.
Tamahome, Tasuki, Chichiri>> You continue the laughter and you'll lose your spot as my 3 favourite seishi. Leave Nuriko alone =(
Hotohori>>I added your real name to the profile. Sorry for not putting it down.
D'oh. I am forgetful.
I would love it if you included my site in your links. ^^
Dear Myrna-chan,
Hahahahaha... ok we all promise to stop teasin' Nuriko! But ya' gotta admit it WAS a pretty funny typo!
No problem includin' yer site. But could ya' send us the URL again? Domo!
Dear Mitsukake,
*giggles merrily* that's so true! *scratches tama-chan's ears* So how long and how well has Tama-chan managed to train you?
Dear Kourin,
Well, several thousand years I suppose. He's an indoor cat and well taken care of. And of course, rather spoiled. But aren't they all?
Dear Chichiri,
How about tonight? I'll drive you there, since I don't think you know where it is. It's a nice place, called "Neo-Tokyo".. I think you'll like it!
Dear Sean,
Hmmm... that doesn't sound very Chinese to me, no da. But, OK. Let's go, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Ara, Tasuki-kun, you're such a good cook with your tessen. ^_- Mulan-chan made some decently cooked cookies to give you...but eh....^.^; You can just hand them over to Miaka, if you want.
Dear Amy-chan,
Any reason why I should give Miaka my cookies??? What's in 'em?
Dear Nuriko,
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......My cousin is such a schemer!!!! Turns out the reason she REALLY wants me to attend this party is because she wants to set me up with a guy!!!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!! I must have a sign on my forehead saying "I am a sad soul who cannot land a man on my own" cos thats the THIRD time someone's set me up this week!!!! I mean guys flirt with me but their all the YUCKY ones!!!! I can't believe she lied to me!!! She said she just wanted me to meet her new boyfriend, Tazzio and give him my seal of approval...(HAH!!! I was the on who set them up....Could this be....REVENGE!!!)........DAMN!!
The Rather P.O-ed Chibird
Dear Chibird,
Oh, go and enjoy yourself. You never know who you might meet...
Dear Mitsukake,
No seriously I don't feel well...And I'll probably feel even worse if i go cos last time I went I got thrown into the pool!!!!!
Telling The Truth Chibird
Dear Chibird,
Still sounds like nerves to me. Take a deep breath and stay calm. Who knows, you might meet a boy you like who WON'T throw you into the pool.
Dear Chichiri,
Are you back yet?
Dear Sean,
As I am unable to console WMC-san, hai! When do we eat, no da? (Am I picking up Miaka's habits, no da???)
Dear Mitsukake,
*sees the little kawaii neko and goes over to pet it, and looks up realizing she's lost again. With nothing else to do she follows the neko back to its owner*
Oh is this your neko?
Dear Kourin,
Actually, people do not own cats. Cats own their people. So I am his and his name is Tama-chan.
Dear Tasuki,
hey Tasuki, Out of curiosity, When is your birthday? April 18?
Dear Rain,
Yup! So, when's yer's?
Dear Tamahome,
*wraps her arms around her nii-san and cries*
I love you nii-san.
*sniffles into his neck*
Dear Yuiren,
Your nii-san loves you, too Yurien.
*Gives her a big hug, tries hard not to cry*
Dear Chichiri,
*looks off into the cloudfilled sky, introspective and a bit sad... Chichiri's attempts not cheering her up in the slightest*
*da's sadly*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I don't know what's gotten into you, no da. Sumimasen, I must help Mitsukake with his fish. I will be back, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-SAN!!! What terrible things to say about your friends!!! ~tries to hold back laughter~ You.. should be... asha....~giggles uncontrollably for a few minutes~ Oh my! You're one of a kind. ^-^
I should have invited you to go fishing as well. Perhaps some other time ne? ~shakes head in dismay, giggles some more~
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Oh, true... But I guess I was just "in a mood". Made you laugh, though. Fishing might be fun.
Dear Mitsukake,
Sorry, but you missed out on that chocolate pie. A friend came over and ate it already. Well, at least you get fish, right?
Dear Sean,
I do. With Chichiri's help I caught a tuna and we all had fresh sushi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello darlings *Black Jade laughing maniacally* I am going to give a party tomorrow night in honour of the Harvest Moon. There will be feasting, music, dancing, and EVERYONE must recite a poem to the Moon. Please attend, I will be heartbroken if you all do not join us. Nuriko, please dress Miaka up in something other than that horrible brown rag. Put a proper gown on her and have her hair done in a becoming fashion. That's a sweetheart, I will be very happy if you do this for me.
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Ohh, I get to dress up Miaka! A poem, eh? I really hate haiku *sighs* but for you, OK.
Dear Chichiri,
What exactly DOES no da mean?
I've heard it means "ultimate infinity" or something like that...
But I had my doubts...
Dear Myrna-chan,
It means "that's right" or "that's obvious", no da.
Dear Tasuki,
No no, that's quite alright Tasuki. I'll just switch computers. Someone else can deal with the evil thing. Do you have any idea how much computers cost? I can't pay for a new computer after you "fix" the retarded one.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Not really. But they must be alot of okane, because the last time I flamed one Hotohori was ready to kick my ass!
Dear Mitsukake,
G.I. JOE! You know G.I.JOE Extreem? You don't know do you? Le sigh...
Dear Amanda,
Gomen, I have no idea who you are referring to.
Dear Chichiri,
I am worried about your friend Tasuki. He is a seishi, and as such one of the protectors of our realm. This getting drunk and brawling is okay once in a while, but it appears that some of the outworlders are giving him more and more liquor to placate him. He is a young man and should not be rotting out his brain with liquor. So, with Hotohori-sama's permission, I wanted to let you know that I am going to have the Palace cooks secretly give him medicine to stop the excessive drinking. From now on, until he learns moderation, liquor will make him violently ill. Just thought I would let you know, pass it on to Mitsukake -- I don't think you should tell Nuriko or Tamahome yet, they might tease him. No, send them to me and I will tell them. If they torment him about this they will have to answer to my gentle touch! By the way, the clean-up is going very well, you have them doing a wonderful job. Oh, and his sisters are taking very nicely to the training. Well, it was that or die, so they really didn't have a choice did they? *Black Jade laughs outloud* Tasuki will fall over in shock the next time he sees them. Oh, let him know that I sent his mother home with gold, silk, and some servants to take care of her until his sisters are sent back home. Thank You.
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Have you tried to talk to and reason with Tasuki about this subject, no da? Perhaps that would be better than having him get ill every time he drinks sake. I know he is stubborn and difficult and you may have to threaten him, but he will eventually come around, ne no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your favourite foods? (Shimatta, I sound like Miaka Oo)
I need this info cause I am going to add an extension to my extension (little confusing, ne?) giving character profiles on all the seishi.
Dear Myrna-chan,
OK, here is a list of everyone's favorite foods:
Chichiri: Fish, no da!
Tasuki: Steak! (Haha, bet ya' all thought I was gonna say sake!)
Nuriko: Bao (Steamed meat buns)
Chiriko: Green tea ice cream
Tamahome: A delicacy from Miaka's world called a Whopper with cheese!
Mitsukake: Sushi
Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! wha' wuz that fer?!?! * looks at sign * How did that get there!!!!????
*wacks him upside the head.......*
Dear Kouji,
OI!! It was them crazy chicks did that to ya'!! What th' hell are ya' hittin' me fer???
Dear Nuriko,
Poor Fuzzy!! Urm......I have something to ask you....I HAVE to break my habit of being anti-social this weekend for my cousins birthday barbeque...What should I wear?? Lots of guys are gonna be there and I haven't got much to go on....1)I'm petite [short sounds horrible!!!]
2) I'm only slightly better looking than my mangy old cat Sultan **sultan meows in protest** Sorry dude!!! and....Urm..... I guess I have nice brown hair....and thats it!!! geez I'm in trouble!!
The Not So Social Chibird
Dear Chibird,
Wear something that will compliment your best feature. How about a smile for starters? No, no THAT'S a grimmace!! You want to attract the boys not scare the life out of them! Much better. Now depending on the weather I'd say either a nice pair of jeans or shorts and a nice shirt and maybe platform shoes so you feel so ano... petite. How's that sound?
Dear Mitsukake,
I don't feel well....
Not Feeling too good Chibird
Dear Chibird,
Nope, sorry. You still have to go to your cousin's birthday barbeque!
Dear Tasuki,
Ara....*hands him steaks soaked in wine to fry* My mother and brother are driving me insane...;_; Did you know my brother...and he's my little me up when he doesn't get his way? ;_; Ara, can I run off and become a bandit like you did? ^_- Mulan-chan says she'd want to come too since she's got a little evil sister...and a big evil sister...
Dear Amy-chan,
No, that ain't no kinda life fer ya' guys. Yum! The steaks are done!
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa Nuriko-san! That stupid little letter about the sake was mine. I hate technology sometimes. Silly! Don't laugh... it's not MY fault that the computer was brain damaged. Ah well, gotta go. Mitsukake's got a fish hooked on his line, and I've got homework to do.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
The computer, is it related to Tasuki? Tee-hee... So Mitsukake hooked a fish? Poor thing, I guess that's as lucky as he'll ever get!
*Giggles behind his sleeve...*
OOhhh... I am being just sooooo wicked today! I just don't know what's gotten into me!
Dear Tasuki,
I've been reading past letters you have written to your fans, friends, or abusers which ever you think suits them best, And don't take this as an insult but you ARE looking to get punched.
Dear Artimis,
Heh-heh... Brawlin' it's one of th' thins' I do soooooo well!! An' anyway my fans an' friends know I wouldn't hurt 'em. An' hell my abusers, are jus' lookin' fer abuse anyway why else would they abuse me?!?
Dear Hotohori,
Hmm... I think that 2-3 scoops would keep me happy! Thanks again!
Dear Nina,
Hai! Three scoops of French Vanilla ice cream it is!
Dear Chichiri,
I think Mitsukake needs your help when you're done cheering up WMC-san. He's got a fish on his line!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
A fish, no da?? Hai! I shall be there shortly.
Are you still brooding WMC-san, no da?? Come on smile, ne no da...
*Puts his hand in front of his face as if spellcasting and then suddenly puts his thumb to his nose wiggles his fingers at her and blows a raspberry!! @_@*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Dear Peach:
By all the Gods and Goddesses, I do not know what "purge" means in your world, but in our world it is related to cleaning out the body or ritual purity. As Chichiri, so tactfully put it, if I meant for the boy to be dead he would be a corpse already. No, he was so... what is the word... ano, frantic... that I thought he needed his system cleansed. The healers have taken him and given him the herbs to purge him. *Whispers* he was on the stool for hours, and the healers say he is now very clean. You might need some help in getting him back to your world though. To calm the violent reaction he had to the purgative they gave him some of the fruit of the poppy. He is quite soundly asleep right now, and resting with a smile on his face. You are outsiders so I give you the benefit of the doubt.
However, my full ire falls rightfully on those of my own world who know what proper behaviour is and who refuse to act accordingly!
*glares at Tasuki and Kouji cleaning, who speed up their efforts*
In our world Imperial Power reigns supreme. You might want to consider studying the cultures of Ancient China and Japan. I could, if so moved, have anyone -- other than Hotohori-sama, Houki, and Boushin -- executed on a whim. Luckily, I am not such a person. However, if someone is a risk to the Imperial Family, or the Country, I would not hesitate, and have not hesitated, to do so.
The reason Chichiri gives me wide berth is that I have had to exercise that power in the past, and because my honourable father was a General, and trained me in the use of weapons, I executed the sentence myself. If you order an execution you should have the face to perform it yourself. Well, at least in the case of great criminals, common criminals the courts take care of -- otherwise I would be lopping off heads, hands, ears and noses, and other extremities all day...*Black Jade giggles behind her hand and walks away looking for Hotohori-sama...*
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Nicely put my most honourable second consort. I am glad to see that you have learned to restrain that fiery temper of yours. As for Tasuki and his friend Kouji, they are doing a splendid job of cleaning the palace. All the tessen scorches are almost gone! Do not fear for your brother, Peach. No harm will come to him and he may well regard this as a learning experience and become somewhat more mature from it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*folds arms* Well I don't care what it means. It still dosen't sound like a good idea to me. Sorry about the misunderstanding though. My brother was reading the letter and then he asked me what "to purge" meant. My mother overheard and said "to get rid of or to kill". So I just took her word for it. Now that I think about it my mother is the violent type so it only makes sense that she would give me the most violent meaning. *sigh*
What is not normal actions in this world is sometimes, Very normal in my world. You see it is normal for Guys to be that way in some point of their lives. He is not insane and he is not poisened by any drug, it's just the way he is. Wait a minute why am I standing up for him anyway? He has this coming to him! So I guess whatever you want to do is fine, just as long as it dosen't include anything that would scare him for life or kill him, then I'm ok with it. ^-^
Dear Peach,
Ah, a li'l high colonic never killed anyone... An' I bet he stops puttin' people's underthins' on his head an' runnin' around like a loon!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks at Black Jade* WHAT!?!?!? Look I'm not questioning your authority to be dis-respectful, but, but, You CAN'T Kill him!!!!!! I know he is annoying as hell and all that, but still that is no reason to kill him!!!!
What were you going to do purge him and then send his body back to my world. That is sick and twisted!!!!!! He is perfectly sane, he's just going through a stage, well that's what my mom says anyway. If you still say kill him, then your heartless! so what I'm trying to say is.. Over my dead body! I will not let you kill P.J!!!!!!!! It would be wrong of me to allow you, however, I can take him back to my world (tied and gagged) and make sure that you never have to deal with him again.
Dear Peach,
Please calm down, no da!! She wasn't suggesting that he be put to death, just given ano... what is it called in your world...??? Ah!! An enema, no da! To purge is to clean oneself internally, no da. His actions bespoke of someone either not mentally right or possibly poisoned by a strange drug. So you purge the person to remove the toxins from his system. A vomit inducer and an enema are what are used to purge toxins. If she had ever meant for him to die, he would be dead already, ne no da. *whispers* Small woman, Nakago-sized temper, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
A woman who never forgets any of those little evil things friends do to eachother...¬.¬ Oh, and she says that incident with getting her clothes burned off and such....but, ara, she deserved it. Hehehe...^_^;;; *hands him what looks like a piece of charcoal and hangs her head* I tried to make you some cookies...but I'm not a good cook. But, ara, you could probably find some use for them, like throwing them at Tamahome's head. -_-; Oh well...
Dear Amy-chan,
Perhaps I'll jus' save 'em an' use 'em on Mulan if I hafta. Heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well then sorry if I offended you! I didn't think you people would take it so personally! I was just frustraited and took it out on you. Gomen. I do have some questions for you though.
Tasuki, do you ever change your clothes?
Chichiri, Did you ever have any sisters are brothers?
Chiriko- I think you are the bravest seishi, it took alot of courage to kill yourself to save the others.
Mitskake- has anyone ever told you that you resemble someone from G.I.Joe?
Sorry if I'm a pain, I don't mean to be, honest!
Oh, yeah I guess I'll let you know my name.
Dear Amanda,
No offense taken! Here's your answers:
Tasuki: Hell yes! I just ain't no clotheshorse, that's all! Watch th' OVA Series, sheesh!
Chichiri: I have no family, to speak of, save my fellow Seishi, no da.
Chiriko: Arigato for your kind words. I appreciate them.
Mitsukaka: G.I.Who?????
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*She wanders around very scared and lost and alone around the palace*
Dear Yuiren,
*Tamahome spots her and picks her up in a big hug. Believe it or not he DOES love her more than okane and was searching for her.*
Dear Chichiri,
Are you feeling okay? You seem to be mixing up everyones genders! If it wasn't that you thought someone was a girl and they turned out to be a boy, then it's vise versa! Mabey you should have a rest?
Dear Peach,
I am fine, thank you, no da. Just the names sometimes confuse me, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I hate computers I really do. I was trying to type you a message when the infernal machine sent it to you before I could sign my name. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!! I know that I can be computer stupid but the rotten thing did not have to send it without my even clicking the button. I think it's demon possessed.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Ah, that must be th' letter Nuriko was laughing about. I could always cleanse yer computer MY way!
Dear Mitsukake,
Is it dangerous to mix herbal remedies and sake? I think Tasuki will be feeling a lot better soon..... By the way, your line is moving. ^-^
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
It depends on what the herbs are for. For seasickness and because it's Tasuki, it should be alright. OH!! Chichiri! I need your expertise! Come help me kudasai!
Dear ,
You are so spoiled! Fine, have some sake. Just remember, nobody here wants to brawl with you so take it easy. Usually boats and alcohol don't mix. Don't touch anything that looks mechanical. Why am I letting you have your way? ~sigh~ Oh well, might as well let you have some fun.
Dear ,
Hmmmm... brawling, sake, and spoiled all in one letter??? Does anyone here think this could be for Tasuki? AND we're on a boat!! Gee, wonder who it could be from...??? Tee-hee...
Dear Chichiri,
Alright, I forgive you. ^_^ And you messed up on Chichiri no Samurai too... wow, you're not very good with gender, are you?
At least you knew Sean was a guy... *snickers lightly* Going out to dinner with a man? Does Chichiri no Aijin know about this?
Dear Banana,
Hai! She actually said that I should do this, no da. She was not happy with all the gossip that was going on about us and about me and Wandering Mage Chichiri. She told me to make some new friends and get an order of General Tso's Chicken for her, no da.
And just what is so amusing about my knowing Sean was male, no da? Chichiri no Aijin informed me that there are not too many female Sean's in you world, so I took a guess, no da. Hmph...
Dear Tasuki,
Black Jade looks pissed....*gulp* looks lik' yer sisters are in for it.
Dear Kouji,
Sisters? Hell, they deserve it!! How's 'bout us bro'? She's gonna kick our asses!! Lookit this place!! Kso! We're gonna be doing pennace fer YEARS for this s--t!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Black Jade sits down on a large garden rock by the pond in such a way that it looks like a throne. She looks at Chichiri -- "So, you didn't think to send someone to tell me about all of this insanity! Tsk, Tsk, Tsk -- I would have thought better of you Blue Monk..."
She looks at Tasuki, "I will trust you -- and that bandit friend of yours -- to clean things up, but if you think I am mad enough to let you loose in the Palace with paint you have rotted your brain out with Drink! Now, how can you repay us for this damage -- if your sisters behave and learn I will let them work off damage as servants... but what to do with you...I could cut your sake ration half and have you put under house arrest till you dry out a bit..." Black Jade looks at her long gilt lacquered nails. "No, I have a thought, and a way that you, your bandit friend -- Kouji isn't it, you are very lucky you did good work for the country during the Kotou war, and the Blue Monk can do to redeem yourselves in my eyes. I will have to ask Hotohori-sama's permission first, but I have a little task for you to perform for me. I am sure Nuriko-sama might want to go too when he hears how it will help my sister's situation... Anyway, no more mayhem in the Palace, no more guests on Palace grounds without permission, or I will start taking heads. Do you UNDERSTAND me?!?
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Hai Black Jade-sama! Gomennasai!! I did not wish you trouble you, no da. Tasuki, Kouji, and I will clean up the mess and I am sure the rest of the Seishi will help, too no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Genrou!!!!!! thanxs alots! Leavin me a' th' rath of thos sugar-high women! Tamera is evil!!!!! evil!!!!!! I tells ya!!! An Peach ya know her right? She is dammned funny when she's pissed! but stil! they tied me up!!!
That peach gal untied me aft'r awhile! Nice ta kno' who yer friends are! Thanxs alot bro!!!!!
*walks away with kick me sign on back*
Dear Kouji,
*Kicks him REAL hard in the ass*
Heh-heh... Ya' asks fer it ya' gets it!
*Pulls sign off Kouji's back, helps him up and they start brawling, again...*
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