Dear Mitsukake,
Hi, ummm Today at my school something really weird happend. It was on the bus ride home from school when it happend. A bunch of kids started bursting out into tears saying that they were feeling sharp pains in their stomach, like knives. I think it was about 6 people. The bus driver stopped to find out what was going on and alot of them started coaghing up blood. One girl had passed out. It was really scary! Nobody knows yet what could of caused this to happen. It wasn't food poisoning cause it was a half day and there was no lunch break. I hope I don't get whatever it is! Do you kow what may have caused this and mabey how I can prevent it from happening to me?
Even if you don't know, Thanks for your time!
Dear Asmith,
I would need to know what the 6 children may have eaten or drank to see if they had something in common. Perhaps they ingested a poison? I honestly cannot tell you from what you have written. Gomen, but a proper diagnosis would require far more details than either you or I are privvy to. Perhaps your local news will carry the story and then you'll know what it was. Are they all ok now? Take care...
Dear Chichiri,
It just seems I'm always missing out on things no da...
*sighs as she sits down brooding*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
You're not missing out on anything, no da.
*Goes super deformed and acts silly to cheer her up*
Dear Tasuki,
So you think I'm funny when I'm pissed off,eh? Well you do not want to see me when I'm REALLY pissed off! and your getting me there! So pick up that broom before I brake it over your head!!!!! Bandit or no, you still have to clean your room! Being a bandit is no excuse! Besides there is something over here that is starting to grow fungus. Oh so you read that weird letter that was written at my sleep over. Don't worry! Geesssshh Amber was just messing with your head! how many times do i have to tell you that I'm NOT some sort of hentai freak! and neither are my friends! Just my siblings! An they are not gay so you don't have to worry!!!!!!!!!
*realizes that Tasuki is all most out the door*
Don't even think about it!
Dear Peach,
So, if I said ya' were cute when yer pissed, would ya' have blown a fit?!?
*Grins REALLY BIG, because he KNOWS he's being a rotten fang boy... as well as delaying the cleaning of his "room"*
*takes the broom and twirls it like a baton as he whistles and makes a run for it!*
Dear Chichiri,
I DON'T think that you and Tasuki are yaoi. Geeshhh take chill pill already, and don't even think about saying your sorry, you have bad habit of giving out apoligies when you did nothing wrong. You and your friends can be way too nice for their own good sometimes.
Dear Asmith,
Oh, that exclamation wasn't meant for you, no da. Remember, all these letters are publicly posted, so it was more of a general exclamation. Anyway, I'm glad that you don't think of me and Tasuki as yaoi or lovers, no da.
*Grimaces at the thought*
Now if the rest of the world would follow suit, ne no da...
Dear Tamahome,
Well, not really.
I mean, you and Miaka are my favourite characters, and I don't have enough space on one of my sites to create a shrine to anyone else.
Besides, I don't really collect that many images of anyone else. I'm kinda picky. Either romantic, funny, or unbelievably kawaii.
Anyway, thank you for the nice compliment ^^
Dear Myrna-chan,
You're very welcome. Thank you for the cool website!
Dear Chiriko,
Figures. Sometimes I have a good memory and sometimes it decides to wimp out on me.
I have a question, what DO you think of Miboshi? I think he's the ugliest seishi (other than Ashitare, he's FRIGHTENING) and one of the meanest.
Dear Myrna-chan,
Not much since he was the reason I had to kill myself.
Dear Tamahome,
What's your REAL hair colour??? It seems to change from blue to black pretty often......Now I'm sesat
Dear Ganorga,
Now you're what?? I'd say my hair is black with teal highlights.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hai Mitsukake-san, life jackets are kawaii on cats. Ah, what a lovely day. Did you catch anything yet? I haven't. ~holds fishing rod in a bored manner~ The first 30 minutes of fishing really get to me. I know! ~pulls out a walkman~ I'll listen to some music!!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I haven't either. Chichiri looks like he's enjoying himself and Tasuki looks a lot les sseasick. Guess my herbal remedy helped him.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you know a way to defeat boredom??? I am so bored.....I've even studied TWICE today....You know how abnormal that is!!!!!!.....AAAAAAARRRRGGGGHHH!! Would you mind flaming me????
Dear Ganorga,
I usually drink till I brawl an' then pass out. Nope. Won't flame ya'. Jus' ask that Chibird chick, I don't flame on command. Sorry...
Dear Chichiri,
No problem! All you needed to do was ask! here is the name, and to make it easy for you here is the Url. It is called,
Fushigi Yuugi-Save Tonight.
Tell me what you think okay? I myself find it weird well I find all yaoi's weird!
Dear Asmith,
Weird is certainly a word for it, no da! I still say that Tasuki and I are NOT yaoi!!! It was at least far less disturbing than the other story, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
So Tasuki, how are your sisters doing anyway? ~grin~ Got your sea legs yet? It's really peaceful out here. No it's not boring... put away that sake bottle, I see you! ^-^; Look there's some dolphins!! ~points out to the ocean~ Let's show everybody else!!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Hopefully beaten into submission or dead by now! I'd feel better wit' some sake in me. Takes th' edge off, ya' know.
Dear Mitsukake,
Would you like some chocolate pie?
Dear Sean,
It sounds delicious, thank you. But it shall have to wait untill I return from my trip with Chichiri, Tasuki and their friends.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you use the same stuff for your hair as that girl in "Something about Mary"???? Or are you related.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH....Sorry about that.....**cough****choke** I'm dying!!!!!
Dear Ganorga,
I don't know what you are talking about, no da. I use quince juice. Why, what does she use, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Aw, that's too bad that you don't like Amiboshi-chan, but I'll let it pass just because you're Tasuki. ^_-
Yeah, and on the same note, what do you think of Suboshi? He did pull off pretty good in the end of things, huh? And he didn't do TOO much to you guys. ^^; Please tell me you don't hate them BOTH! Or do you not like any Seiryuu shichiseishi? That would make sense... *bows* I understand.
T-Seishi no Miko
Dear T-Seishi no Miko,
I think you may have them mixed up.
Amiboshi was th' rat-bastard that lied about bein' Chiriko an' screwed up our Suzaku Summonin' an' then tried to kill us!
Suboshi was th' hentai little s--t that slaughtered Tamahome's entire family!! Even th' baby!!! An' he ENJOYED it!!!
Yeah, ya' could say I hate both of 'em.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Great IDEA!!!!!!!
Dear Miaka,
Glad you approve!! DA!!
Dear Chichiri,
Well, my stitches are finally out. Kiwi has not had any further recoveries since she has gained the use in one of her fingers. They were serious brakes. Things are most of the time peaceful around here. That is intill Peach comes over. I like Peach alot *blushes* she is not the problem! It's just P.J who sometimes follows her around. I swear if he comes over one more time, I WILL feed him to Kitty!!!!!! He can be a nice person, he's just annoying and strange, he's very Kowaii!!! in a hentai way!!! I've told him this and he takes it as as a compliment! What does that tell you???? Kiwi won't tell him to go home, because she dosen't have the heart too. If she doesn't soon i think I'm going to lose it...
Dear Rain,
Oh don't let him upset you, no da. He is probably recovering from Black Jade's "treatment" of him, no da. Perhaps if you acted as if he didn't bother you, he would calm down and stop being such an annoyance. It works with Tasuki, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thanks alot!!!!!!! * sacasticly*
I don't care if you don't want to know who I am! BAKA!!!!!!
No Name
Dear No Name,
I apologize for Tasuki's earlier rudeness to you, no da. But you did call us insane, ne no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Why are you blushing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Someone's not talking bout your undies again are they?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
No, no da. And why are you so curious, no da? It was not really all that important, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay........., Well, I think your cute! Your just not really, well mature enough for the word handsome in my books (As in your personality, how it's not that mature) Don't get me wrong, I love your personality! I find guys who are too mature very, very boring. You are very good looking as well. Oh, and I understand the feeling when you just have to kick a person because they are annoying you. I'm not allowed to do that, but I do end up getting into alot of bitch slap fights with other models, including my cousins. So I pretty much understand you, and that's why I like and respect you so much! hey, and thanks for the help, I'm not the greatest when it comes to diffrent languages. So, uummm Arigato!?!?! * gives him a small kiss on the cheek*
Dear Natia,
*Blushes* Do itashimasite! (Yer welcome!) Arigato for th' kiss an' th' compliments.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, pardon me. I did not know that you were asked the same question before. sorry my bad. Also sometimes people just eat too much candy in one night, and in result end up feeling not sick just weird the next day. They don't get a sugar-high on purpose, like Tasuki does.
Dear Ty,
Oh, that's alright. If you must eat something sweet, next time try some fresh fruit or yogurt. Less chance for a sugar high. Or are you just planning ahead for Halloween?
Dear Tasuki,
Hai hai, steaks soaked in wine, and fired by your tessen! That way, we won't have to worry about Mulan poisoning our food. She claims she would never do such a thing....but she's a woman who never forgets....¬.¬
Dear Amy-chan,
She never forgets what? Yum steaks an'sake...
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen, gomen... Asmith it is!
Oi, and who are you calling a boy, Chichiri?? Do I really sound like a boy?? Well, I'm a girl... last time I checked, that is... yup, still a girl!
So don't feel bad, Asmith... at least I got your gender right... ^_^;;;
Dear Banana,
OH!! GOMENNASAI!!! I am sorry that I mistook you for male, no da!!
Dear Tasuki,
That Chibird whack!!!! That Chibird whack!!!!!!! I'll have you know that I am the QUEEN CHIBIRD of CHILAND!!! THE SACRED KINGDOM OF THE CHI'S!!!! **takes a razor and waves it dangerously** Next time you refer to me as a whack I will shave you BALD....Got that Ginger Spice!!!! MWABWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Next time call me That crazy crazy crazy looney bin Chibird!!!!!! U freak!!!!!
Sometimes I'm goody goody right now I'm naughty naughty....
May the poop be with you….
The New Weilder Of the Witchblade Chibird
Dear Chibird,
Yeah, yeah, yeah... yer still nuts!!
Dear Nuriko,
**stares at the wall** Aiyah…. I think you are ready to play with Fuzzy…**introduces him to a short brunette girl and hands them both heavy duty racquets** **takes out a shield** Okay…. Now Nuriko when she serves I want you to hit the ball back to her and oh yeah…. Watch the ball at ALL times cos she's famous for giving ppl concussions… Okay….START!!! **every other game within range of Fuzzy and Nuriko's game stops and everyone runs for cover** **Fuzzy serves** The ball is flying to Nuriko……
The Hopefully Undamaged Chibird
Dear Chibird,
I got it!!!
*Volleys the ball back to Fuzzy as only Nuriko can...*
OOPS!! Tee-hee. Sorry about your racquet. Is you arm ok?
Dear Tasuki,
*throws a log at him that hits him upside the head, she covers the ground between them quickly, grabs him by his collar, drags him back into the pond and holds him down until right before he drowns, then drags him back on land, kicking his back to both hurt him and clear the water out of his lungs, during all this she's constantly crying*
*kicks him again for good measure, and turns around fleeing the area, glaring with very hurt eyes at Kouji, her sisters throw various objects at Kouji and Tasuki in parting, after taking a brief time out to gang up on Kouji and beat him into a mess of bruises, and leave following their sister in concern, bowing respectfully to Hotohori-sama as they run pass*
Aidou & CO
Dear Aidou & CO,
WE ARE NOT!!!! Yer jus' too damn pushy fer yer own good!!! Ya' bake-mono!!! An' ya' wonder why I hate women!!!
*A small, VERY pissed female figure swathed in silks and brocade glides past Tasuki and Kouji, stopping momentarily to stare menacingly at Tasuki. Then, with a small army of men behind her, continues onward towards his sisters and the Imperial Palace...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*looks up at Chichiri*
Oh I'm alright! just a little shocked is all. So then this is a palace? May I try something if you don't mind?
*whistles loudly to get everyones attention* drops the calm voice*
HEY! LISTEN UP!!!! frist of all where is willow!?!?! second of all, This is a palace not a circus (or so Chichiri claims) so get your act's together!!!!!! This kind of behavior should NOT be tolerated!!!!
*looks at everybody who seems to be in a state of shock gets back to calm voice*
Thank you.
Dear Loral,
Ano... Arigato... However, I think we're in trouble now... Here comes Hotohori-sama's second consort, Black Jade and she looks VERY upset, no da!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Black Jade enters with about 20 Palace Eunuchs behind her. "I thought I heard someone take my name in vain... (looks at the mess) what in the world is going on in here... who are all these young women? Chief Eunuch, round up the one's from our world -- and that big one, the one throwing logs -- how unladylike, and how illegal for her, and these other strangers, to enter the Palace without permission! Well, she will learn her place, and how to behave or I will know why not! Young woman, drop that log immediately, or I will have your head for a room decoration and your intestines for garters! The others, well, I will send them back to their world, but someone grab that boy running about with the cloth on his head. Have the Palace Healer check to see if he is sane, if he is, purge him! Then send him back. By all the Gods, I cannot leave you alone for a moment without some havoc breaking out. Now, who'se fault is this mayhem?" Black Jade turns on her heel swiftly, her long skirts swirling, (a very good impression of an angry tornado)and rests her most baleful gaze on Tasuki... "WHAT are those burn marks on the walls! And these holes all in the walls! Who did this? Whomever did this will pay for it this time!"
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
What are ya' gonna do wit' my sisters? Something truly horrible, PLEASE!!!!! Burn marks?? Why ya' lookin' at me???
*Glances down, sweatdrops, grins wide grin, and puts the tessen back in its quiver...*
Oh this... heh-heh... Gomennasai Black Jade-sama! Ano... want me to paint 'em over?
Dear Chichiri,
Woah!!!! I am back from my four days in the wilderness and I had a great time but I have something spooky to tell you. When we got of the boat at the Belalong Outward Bound School on our way to the Field Studies Centre upstream one of the Iban's (native people of the forest) told us that that part of the forest has a lot of "hantu" or ghosts. Being the city kids we were (we fell in love with Belalong!!!) quite skeptical. Then the first night when the generator went out (it switches off at eleven everynight) we were staying up late and talking to each other in the dark when suddenly this flourescent green light floated past the room. It was quite fast and I only caught a glimpse of it. I ignored it except when my friend said, "Apakan tu?" (What was THAT???)… I was like… "Relax bah!!! It was a fire fly" Then it passed again more slowly and we saw it was two green eye shaped lights and I was like… "But I do not think fireflies are THAT big!"… After that we all fell asleep but we kept waking up to the sound of people walking around outside our door. Thinking it was the tree squirrels we went outside to investigate to see no one there!!! We were really puzzeld and asked the ppl in the other bunks whether they heard and saw anything in the morning and they did!!! But none of the teachers did!! Today on the way back we asked the same old Iban about it and he said it was "mata hantu" (a ghosts eyes) and when I asked my mom about it she said the same thing. Turns out if you "tegur" (point it out or say something about it) it comes back and tries to scare you…. Velly Velly Scary!!!!
Just thought I'd share it with you since you are a wanderer… Beware the trees of Belalong!!!
The Now Queen Of The Jungle Chibird
Dear Chibird,
I shall be careful if I am ever there. It sounded like a rather frightening experience, no da. Glad you survived it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How are you? I wanna know what kind of boy or girl you like?
Dear Afura,
We are fine, thank you. As to your question, we assume you mean what type of person do we like? A general answer would be someone who is intelligent, kind, thoughtful, and fun to be with. We hope this answers your question.
Hotohori (and the rest of the Seishi)
Dear Hotohori,
How are you?? I just wanna know if you really think that you're handsome?
Dear ...,
I am fine, thank you. It does seem to be more of a fact than my own opinion. However, I do like to make light of myself as this seems to cause amusing reactions in others.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi!, I'm having a slumber party with my friends right now! kiwi's here too! and there's Amber, Shauna, Tilly, and a whole lot of other freaks!!!! Well even if they don't really know you guys that well ( most of them have not seen your adventures) They all want to say something WARNING: THEY ARE SUGAR-HIGH!
Shauna- I have never been so happy over rootbeer in my intier life!
Tilly- long time no see, ne?
Angel- Bonjour mais amis! Commen tele vu?
* pause* P.J GET THE HELL OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nelly- P.J is such a hentai freak, it's really bad around here cause, he is having a sleep over with his friends too....
Kiwi- * sweatdrops* Hi, ^-^ Oh boy, everythings goin fuzzy!
Tamera- I have taken Kouji hostage and I'm not given him back *grin*
Peach- I've got a headache ~.~
Foolish sugar high girls
Dear Foolish sugar high girls,
*Visions of the DTFC Poker Nights and Ritz's fanfics come to mind... all the Seishi sweatdrop heavily and start to look nervous... especially Tasuki...*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Heya! One of my friends has got a slight problem. He likes you so much that he wants to dress as you and color his hair blue and walks around saying no da all day. I dunno what to do about it and quite frankly i'm a little worried. Yeah it may be cool for a while but he's just a little tipsy in the head, if you know what I mean. So like i need advise on how to cure the problem. Fast!
Dear Yumeko,
I don't know a bout a cure, no da. But you might inform him he would have to shave his head to look like me and even then he will just look like himself, but shaven. Or perhaps take him to a costume and wig store and try to dress him like me so that he can see what he looks like in the mirror, no da. Although, I don't think I look so bad, no da! But, it may not be a look for everyone.
Dear Tasuki,
You know what, if you ever get to visit your mikos world again. Try to visit Ireland! You would fit in perfect there! Lot's of Pubs and fighting there! It is also an extreemly pretty country! With lots of old castles and other historical sights.
Dear Asmith,
Sound's great! Thanks fer th' suggestion!
Dear Chichiri,
Uhh...I`m a boy no da.
Chichiri No Samurai
Dear Chichiri No Samurai,
OH! Gomenansai, no da!! I guess I am used to having female fans, no da. It did not occur to me that I had any male fans. Gomen, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Ohayo Gozaimasu!!!! O-genki desu ka? I'm fine, arigato! I just wanted to say that ANATA-O AISHIMASU!!!!! You are one of my role models! Seriously! And I think you are way SUZUSHI!!!!
*hits Miaka on the head*
NO VEGTABLE FOR YOU!!! You want rice? ^-^
*offers rice to Nuriko*
It's the best! Anyway! Write me back!!! Kek-kon shte kuremas-ka? Genki Genki! Anata ga inakte sabishi des!!! We all love you!!!
Dear Yumeko,
I am fine, arigato. Thank you for saying I'm cool and your role model. Your rice was very oishii! I'm sorry that you miss me and want me to marry you, but at this point in time there is no way for me to come to your world. I hope you will still be my friend.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, everyone!
Today's my 17th Birthday... do I get any presents? ^_^
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Ano... only from your friends and family, no da. But from us you have our best wishes for a very happy (belated) birthday! DA!!!
Dear Tasuki,
ALL of them!!!!!! No, he is not a Tomo fan. I'm not going to let no brother of mine worship that freak! Or wear boxers on his head for that matter! I know what you mean, even worse it's YOUR boxers. Who knows when you have washed them last or how long they have been sitting in that pile of dirty clothes! It's a pig stye in here! Ok Tasuki you go get the broom! If you won't clean up your room, I'll make you! I MEAN IT !!!!!! and wash that grin off your face! I know your trying to be a smartass just to piss me off!
Dear Peach,
Oi! Now ya' sound like my sisters! Glad yer bro' ain't no Tomo freak! Git that friggin' broom away from me! I'm a bandit, we don't clean! Heh-heh... Yer funny when yer all pissed off...
Dear Chichiri,
I just thought I'd stop in and say HI!!!!
Dear Rain,
Hello, no da! How are you and your sister Kiwi doing? Both recovered and doing well, I hope. Say hi to her for me, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
Hi Tahamoe sad you don't have too much money so I'll give you ten pounds of gold. ::holds ten pounds of gold::
Ainashi/Amy Lu
Dear Ainashi/Amy Lu,
DOMO AROGATO GOZAIMASU!!!!! OKANE! OKANE! OKANE!! WOO-HOO!! Now I can afford to feed Miaka for a whole week!!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! last time I saw you I was grabbing a Victoria Secret catalog out of your hands! Um anyway, you know that cousin I was talking to you about? Well she is here and wants to meet you, Konnichiwa? I think that's right? * Natia blushes*
Cindy and her cousin Natia
Dear Cindy and her cousin Natia,
Good afternoon to ya', too. Actually it's Hajimimashite! Suzaku Shishiseishi no Tasuki desu! Dozo yoroshiku! Heh-heh... I'm th' *&^%$#@ cool an' amazingly handsome Seishi!!
Dear Chichiri,
That's a good idea, I'm sure Chiriko and Hotohori-sama will help her refine her brush technique.
But you still didn't answer my question as to why you are blushing no da.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
*stammers and sweatdrops...* No reason, really, no da...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well my poll resulst are in, and I just thought you guys would like to know the results.
with 1 vote Nakago
with 3 votes Hotohori
with 5 votes Nuriko
with 7 votes Tamahome
And the winner is TASUKI!!!!! Who by far had the most votes , 20!!!!!!!!
Dear Miaka,
Is this your "Who makes a good woman" poll? And Tasuki won?!?!?!?!
*Nuriko and Hotohori look stunned (and a bit disappointed), Tamahome is pointing at Tasuki and laughing so hard he's in tears, and Tasuki, quite upset by the whole thing, glares at Tamahome, then incinerates him*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yes that was the poll! *glares at Tasuki* Put down that tessen! Don't take it so hard, I'm sure that people voted for you because they knew it would piss you off if you won. Tamahome, let's not forget who placed in second, and don't encourage Tasuki. Now both of you say your sorry! *walks over to Nuriko and Hotohori* Gomen, if my poll has disapointed you. Well now I have to come up with a new poll question any ideas?
Dear Miaka,
Hmmm... how about the poll for the kawaii-ist Seishi, no da? *big grin*
Dear Nuriko,
**takes Nuriko to her tennis club** Okay…This is the wall we practice on… **points at concrete wall** This is how you serve…**shows him** Now you try…
The Velly Velly Clazie Female Indiana Jones Chibird
Dear Chibird,
Gomen! There must have been something structurally wrong with the wall for it to break so easily...
Dear Hotohori,
Hmm... Chocolate or French Vanilla ice-cream...
OH THE CHOICE!!! After much deliberation I think I've opted for the French Vanilla..
(I eat Choclolate ice-cream too much ^_^ )
Dear Nina,
An excellent choice! Now how many scoops would you like?
Dear Chichiri,
Oh? Wonderful! Well, tell me when you're back, okay?
Dear Sean,
Sure, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
You`re cool.
Dear Thumpa-Thumpa,
Oi! Thanks fer th' compliment! Hell, I certainly think so!
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-san, I had a scary dream last night where you ran around in a black trenchcoat, waving a tessen and screaming...and then you took out a big sword and jumped off the ceiling of this weird place and stabbed Miaka through the back, and this pearl thing fell out of her hair... Can you explain it? I'll never be able to look at you the same way again!!
T-Seishi no Miko
Dear T-Seishi no Miko,
Well, Freud would say you are experiencing anxiety over either the loss of your virginity or losing control sexually.
However, sometimes a cigar is JUST a cigar. A sword is just a sword and a bizzare dream is, well, just a bizzare dream.
Pleasant dreams,
Dear Tasuki,
*starry eyes* I've found someone who eats my cooking willingly...ah how much? *sweatdrop* It said 2 cups so I just dumped the whole bottle in...^_^;;; Mulan-chan says I should try to make chicken in burgundy wine sauce next...but I think she was just teasing me. -_-;
Dear Amy-chan,
Th' whole bottle, eh? COOL!!!! An' th' chicken should be done wit' white wine, no red. Bu, who knows, it might be interestin' wit' a burgundy sauce. How's 'bout we soak some steaks in burgundy an' then I char broil 'em?
Dear Tamahome,
Oops, I forgot to ask you if you would visit my mini Image Gallery ^-^
Dear Myrna-chan,
I just did and it's very nice, thank you. Although don't you think the rest of the Seishi will be jealous?
Dear Tasuki,
Ehh, I've seen worse woman-haters than you.
Ever read Archie comics? There's a character called Jughead who can't stand women.
So I guess after reading those comics for several years I get used to the woman hater types.
Oh yeah *looks around suspiciously and carefully takes out a large green bottle* It's sake. I smuggled it in. Enjoy ^-^
Dear Myrna-chan,
Never read that comic. But thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Chichiri,
and just why are you blushing no da?
Seriously no da, that letter looked like my teacher's writing, and she says her's is the worst! Then again no da, she's complimented me on my kana.... Says I ahve very good kana, then again I practice the whole alphabet every week, so I have all the brushstrokes etc memorized. ^_^ DA!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Chichiri no Aijin and I spend lots of time together on her studies and she has actually gotten quite good at copying my hiragana style. Gomen, that it is not up to snuff, no da. Perhaps I shall let Chiriko and Hotohori help me train her in penmanship as mine is so poor, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
When I'm older, and you're older, will you marry me?
Dear Katie,
Before I ever made such an important life decision, I would have to get to know the other person quite well. So at this point I would have to respectfully say no, as we do not know each other and being from two different worlds, I doubt we will ever meet face to face.
Dear Nuriko,
Ara, Nuriko-sama...perhaps you can help me. ^_^; Miaka-chan helped me win a picnic with Tasuki-kun...(and he actually likes my cooking too..,o.O;, but now what should I do? Ara, I don't even know what I should wear. ^_^;;;
Dear Amy-chan,
Well, if it looks good on you, red would go over well woth Tasuki. It also depends on the weather. If it is hot, nice shorts and a nice short sleeve shirt, with suglasses and a big brimmed hat would be cute. If it's cooler out, jeans, a nice shirt and a nice jacket would work well. Don't forget your sunscreen!
Dear Mitsukake,
Is there such a think as a sugar high hangover? and if there is , how would you treat it?
Dear Ty,
I remember answering a similar question several weeks ago. Anyway, I would have the person eat some protein and drink a lot of water to flush out their system.. I would also remind them that they are not Tasuki and so should not be doing things to excess, including sugar.
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