Dear Suzaku Seishi,
YOURE ALL INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would't you like to know ^o^
Dear Would't,
Hmmm... ya' sound too much like that Chi-Bird wack... so no!
Dear Tamahome,
I see.
Could you apologize to Miaka & Tasuki for me? I feel like such a bitch. ()^_^
Dear Myrna-chan,
Sure, but I don't remember/know why you feel that way. Thanks again for the ryou!
Dear Chichiri,
These notions, as you put it, come from very lonely people. Or mabey just someone who has alot of time on their hands, I guess. Yeah, that was the story! You most likely haven't read it because it was one of the new fanfics.
P.S. I HAVE A NAME!! IT"S ASMITH! ASMITH! you don't know how many times I have been referred to as "that girl" Nobody ever takes notice of me!
Dear Asmith,
Gomen, I did use your name,so please do not yell, no da. Perhaps Bannana just forgot when he wrote what person's letter he was referring to. If you do happen to remember the title of that particular fanfic, please let me know, so I can read it, no da. I would appreciate it.
Dear Tasuki,
don't know why I'm writting to you don't worry about those yaoi questions though why did you become a bandit?
Ainashi/Amy Lu
Dear Ainashi/Amy Lu,
To get away from my *&^%ed up family.
Dear Chiriko,
I forgot to sign my name? I'm a baka sometimes.
Dear Myrna-chan,
I wouldn't call that being a baka. Just forgetful.
Dear Chichiri,
So then where is she? * walks into room where a kid is running around with underwear on his head, seishi are chasing after him, there is a girl throwing logs around,* Is this s palace or a circus? * sweatdrops* AAAAAHHH * trips on ball* ITAI!!!!
Dear Loral,
Gomennasi! Are you ok, no da? This is the Palace. Please excuse the insanity, no da. I don't know where Black Jade is, but with all this going on, she's certain to show up sooner or later and restore some order, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
How dare you play with a gal's feelings!
*starts throwing logs in rapid sucession, while her other sisters throw other objects at them*
Aidou & CO
Dear Aidou & CO,
Sheesh! I wasn't playin' wit' yer feelins' an' neither was Kouji. Looks like you were playin' wit' yerself! Kso! I'm gonna die fer that... I jus' know it!!
*Shrugs shoulders at his fate, grins widely, sits down and just starts laughing and pointing at Aidou and the rest of the sisters*
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, no, I don't believe that's me...but if you want, I'll have Mulan pack some green jello. o.O; That way if Aidou shows, we'll have a good defense..o.O; Ara, Tasuki, you have too many fans for your own good. *always slightly jealous* Anyways...*hands him a slice of her rum cake* I think it's edible...! ^_-
Dear Amy-chan,
Glad yer not her. Ummmm... lemme try that rum cake! *cough, choke, wheeze...* Geez how much friggin' rum is in here??? IT'S GREAT!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh other people are coming no da?
OH! Poor Chichiri no Aijin and Tasuki... ^_^ I was just going to suggest that they spend less time beating up the other seishi and more time practicing ^_^
I think Tasuki distracts her too much no da.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Hai, Tasuki, Mitsukake, and Yuryoku na Miko-san will be there, too. It is Yuryoku na Miko-san's friend's boat, no da.
Tasuki spends more time brawling with Tamahome than he does with any of us. I guess that is a good thing for us, no da!
Chichiri no Aijin only swatted at Tasuki, no da. She said she never meant to hurt him. I think the only thing she hurt was his pride, no da. He claims his sisters never gave him black eyes. She apologized and said there is a first time for everything.
As for Tasuki distracting her, ano... I suppose that "honor" falls to me, no da. I keep trying to help her with her studies and penmanship, but I fear I am not a very good teacher, ne no da.
*blushes and sweatdrops*
Dear Tasuki,
Oh no, that's not necessary! Really. Besides your hurt.
*notices his eye*
You should know better than to bite someone! even if they do say, "Bite Me" It's only an expression. Think about it. If someone said, "well kiss my ass!" would you do it? NO! Well at least I wouldn't, I can't speak for yourself though.
*looks around*
Hey, Tasuki? Where did P.J go?
*sees a pile of rope on the floor*
OK!!! Who untied the FREAK?, I'm mean P.J?!?!
*an insane cackel is heard coming down the hall*
*Peach goes outside to take a look Ahhh* *looks back at Tasuki and blushes slightly and sweatdrops*
aaaaahhhhhhh Tasuki?, Is that not your boxers that P.J just ran down the hall with, I mean on his head?
Dear Peach,
Oh the expression is "Kiss my ass"!! I thought it was "Kick my ass"!! Guess that explains th' brawlin'!!
*Grins at her because he KNOWS he's being a horrible smartass*
Since yer hearin' insane cacklin' from yer bro', I wanna know if he's a Tomo fan. I'm jus' gonna hafta kick his ass if he is! An' what kinda baka goes through my dirty laundry an' puts my boxers on his head??? Jus' how many screws IS he missin'???
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI! I was looking for you no da. That guy with fangs told me to look for you myself no da! Telling you no da ^_^! At least he wasn`t like a wolf to me no da. And...Where is your kasa?
Chichiri No Samurai
Dear Chichiri No Samurai,
Ah, you must have been speaking with Tasuki, no da. He is pretty nice to women, he wouldn't have harmed you, no da. My kasa? Why right here, ne no da!
*Pulls kasa out from his kesa. Pretty nifty trick, no da?*
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Aidou*
NO! NO! NO!NO! NO!!!!!!!!!!
Well i dunno bout you bro but i'm leavin!
Dear Kouji,
Heh-heh... ya' piss her off an' ya' don't even get any in the process. Yer such a loser!! Yer sooooo lame!!! Heh-heh-heh...
*Tasuki and Kouji start brawling with each other as all the sisters stand around watching in disbelief*
Dear Tasuki,
*sticks tounge out at him as he dodges one of his punches*
Yer a lil to slow for me bro! Thou art a a shell wit' no nut ne? Tres buffon, Oui? Heh heh .. a certain person has been teachin me some new langage! pretty @#$^%* cool, ne?
*smirks as he dodges yet another punch thrown at him by Tasuki*
Dear Kouji,
BAKA!! AHO!! I ain't tryin' to hit ya'! But th' more we brawl, th' further we're rollin' away from Aidou an' the rest of my pain in th' as sisters. Now shuddup an' move yer ass or I really will hit ya'!!
Dear Tasuki,
*throws logs at Kouji and him, and calls her sisters back who unleash their combined attack on them, one of them managing to throw Genrou into the imperial pond, as it splashes Hotohori and Nuriko*
*throws more logs at them, tears in her eyes*
Aidou & CO
Dear Aidou & CO,
*sputter, gasp, gasp, sputter splish-splash*
Gomen, Hotohori, Nuriko. My sisters are in a tizzy because Aidou forced herself on Kouji an' he rejected her. Can you have them punished for this? A beheadin' or at least a hard spankin'??
Sumimasen, Kouji bro'!!! Move yer ass or she's gonna kick it!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh, I got it from a Chinese resturant downtown. You order the lunch special, you get a meal, rice, and an eggroll! I already ate the main dish and the rice, though...
I'd invite you to go, but it looks like you're going fishing. Have fun!
Dear Sean,
Arigato, no da! How about we go there after I get back from my fishing trip, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Ne, just a quick question... what did YOU think of Amiboshi? You know, the Seiryuu Seishi...? I can tell what most everyone else thinks, but what about YOU?
Oh, yeah, and you're still my favorite seishi. ^_^ I made myself a tessen in your honour and gave some to my friends too! I spread tales of your incredible perfection everywhere! (And no, I'm not into that hentai stuff so I won't attach myself to your leg or play strip poker with you, although I AM in the DTFC....I just drool from a distance. You're safe! I'll keep the hentai chicks off you, just call for me!)
No more rambling. I'll stop. Hope ya rule forever! Fry an Obake-chan for me! ^_^
T-Seishi no Miko
Dear T-Seishi no Miko,
Not much! Bastard tried to kill us! I ain't as fergivin' as Miaka, ya' know!
I'm glad I'm yer favorite seishi. So ya' belong to th' DTFC? Are ya' sure I shouldn't be worried??
Heh-heh... one deep fried Obake-chan comin' right up... Oi, Tamahome! Some chick wants to give ya' some okane! Heh-heh... watch this... LEKKA SHIEN!! Heh-heh... sorry Tamahome, I meant to do that!
Dear Tasuki,
HI TASUKI!!!! I think you're the most nicest and Kawaiiest guy in FY!!!!!!! I think that's it's really kawaii how you can do anything for woman. Anyway what's you're favorite animal??? Is it a cat??? Is it a shark?? Or is it a wolf??? Mine is a cat. I have two of them. One of them's named Sabrina and the other Cassie. How old are you??? I'm....umm.....*ahem*......*Mummbles*..8............AND A HALF!!!! well at least i'm alomost 9. * A monster walks by* OH NO!!! TASUKI DON'T WORRY I'LL PROTECT YOU!!!!!!!! PINK SUGAR HEART ATACKUU!!!!!!!!! * little plastic hearts start annoying the monster* OH NO TASUKI!!! I THINK I'M HURT!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!
Chibi usa
Dear Chibi usa,
Wolves would be my favorite animal an' I'm 19 years old.
*flames monster and picks her up and takes her to Mitsukake to make sure she's ok*
Yer fine, kid. Now quit annoyin' th' monsters.
Dear Chichiri,
Lime jello? No, I'm allergic to jello.
I do have an eggroll from lunch... have you ever had an eggroll? They're good! (offers eggroll)
Dear Sean,
Arigato, no da! Oishii! Where did you get this, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Yo Hot-Stuff!
Just a few Q's for you:
1) What's your coat made of? (suspects PVC...)
(Hey, was bothering me ^_^ My curiosity got the better of me...)
2) I hurt my back today - wanna rub it better for me ^_~
(It was a shot in the dark, but hey... can you blame me!)
Anyway - usual *hugs* and stuff...
mata aouze,
Dear Nina,
My coat is made of wool an' silk. Pretty bitchin', eh? Can't rub yer back fer ya', gomen. Maybe someone in yer world can help ya' out...
Dear Mitsukake,
I've hurt my back, Mitsukake-san, dasukete onegaishimasu!!!
*falls over*....
Itaiii.... ;_;
Dear Nina,
Try laying on a heating pad or get a friend to rub a soothing balm into your back. If you have a homeopathic pharmacy near you look for Arnica gel or Trauma One. Arnica is a good remedy for muscular problems. I use it on Tasuki and Tamahome all the time. Also, take some aspirin or ibuprofen or Tylenol to take care of the inflamed muscle tissue. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
some strange person
Dear some strange person,
Hi to you, too.
Dear Chichiri,
Poor Chichiri.... Don't worry I'm sure someday sombody will write a nice clean non Lemon, Fanfic about you. Hey, if nobody does, I will. Here, these bath beads will help you get that uky feeling off you. They are made to cleanse ones mind and are very soothing. *drops them in Chichiri's hand* Don't look so confused.When you put them in water they break open and let out kinda like a perfume type thing. Have a nice bath.
Dear Asmith,
Domo arigato! I shall try them now, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*has Mulan try to pry the freak off Tasuki's leg* Ara, well I can't really cook very well...*sweatdrops* Maybe a step up from Miaka's cooking level....I can make keeki though...o.O; Or rice, but that's all I can make. ^_^;;; So, ara Mulan-chan will be handling the food. Just make sure she eats some of it first...just in case she tries anything...¬.¬ She says I can make the rum cake, but I know I'll just end up pouring the whole bottle in....which really isn't a bad thing, ne?
Dear Amy-chan,
YUM!! A whole cake soaked in rum!! I think I remember you from one of Ritz's fanfics... There was a mention of an Amy-chan in but I don't remember it very well, except I was being jello'd to death!! Are you her???? An' should I start to worry???
Dear Chichiri,
Well, you don't have to worry about him for awhile heheheheheh..
*pokes tied up P.J with a stick* "Have you learned your lesson yet???" So as I was saying no need to worry about him...
Dear Peach,
Ahhh... that's good to know, no da. It seems you have the situation ano... 'well in hand', no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh I see...., I guess your right it's better that you just beat him.
Dear Peach,
I mean, I could still toast him to a crisp if you REALLY want me to. But a tied up target holds very little challenge for me.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh you didn't offend me Hotohori-sama. I was just suprised by your comment. A sense of humor is a quality that many members of royalty seem to lack, so I'm glad that you have one. As for the fencing club, I don't think that anything could really keep me from joining. Hey, if you're not too busy one day, would you mind giving me some pointers. Then I could one up the fencing club. Hee hee, kidding. I'll let you know when I join. Take care!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I'm glad you were not offended. I hope you enjoy fencing as much as I enjoy my sword practice. Take care.
Dear Tasuki,
Lead me to Chichiri no da!!!!
Oh. Gomen. Didin`t mean to get mad no da. i just...i just... when i get mad its dangerous to be around me no da. Gomen...Now no da. Why do you have fangs no da?
Chichiri No Samurai
Dear Chichiri No Samurai,
One, yer his Samurai, you find him! I ain't th' information service.
Two, I did answer yer question already!!
An' three, I aleady told ya' I was born wit' 'em 'cause I'm soooooooo *&^%$#@ COOL!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are any of you interested in coming over to celebrate my late 18th birthday...? (REALLY late - it was last month ^-^) Need to liven the place up a bit... You know, ice-cream, saké... ~ahem~ the Suzaku Seishi...
So long as Tasuki promises NOT to incinerate the furniture or try out amateur Barbeques in the back garden, and so long as Hotohori can manage to tear himself away from the lounge mirrors then fine! And disappearing acts no da! (Bring Tama-chan too - got some fish in the freezer =(^0^)= Hehe!)
Best wishes!
Dear Nina,
Well, as much as we would love to come over and help you celebrate your birthday, we can't leave the humble cyber-abode as the letters are pouring in! However, OTANJOUBIOMEDETEGOZAIMASU!!!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm sorry for implying that I'd like to see you used as a soccer ball. I was not saying that anyone should actually *try* this... just asking if it was possible. After all, Mits is so tall, and you're pretty short SD, and besides that, you seem to be pretty sturdy so you could probably take being kicked around some...
Oh, and I think I know the story that girl was talking about. Tasuki comes on to you, you rebuff him, he goes off and sulks, you hunt him down and say you've changed your mind, yadda yadda yadda, you get depressed and he drags you off to Mt. Leikaku. You leave him, but you let him cuddle up in your little cape-thing. Different from the one where he tries to rape you...
Dear Banana,
Uh-huh... no kicking the monk please, ne no da! As to the story you are referring to no one here has ever seen it. But I will still say that Tasuki and I are NOT yaoi, no da! I do not understand where these notions come from, no da. Do you?
Dear Hotohori-sama,
Out of curiosity, just how DO you manage to stay so good-looking AND keep your hair so GORGEOUS!?!? O_O Shame I don't meet more men like you, ne ^_~
P.S You got any ice-cream going spare over there?
Dear Nina,
Arigato for your kind observations. According to Mitsukake, it's good genes. And I wash and condition my hair daily as well as brush it 100 strokes a day.
Would you prefer Chocolate or French Vanilla?
Dear Chichiri,
Ummm... Let's go now (or as soon as possible). I've got some homework that's just begging to be put off till the last minute, and I need a break from college and my roomates!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Hai! Where are Mitsukake and Tasuki, no da? Aren't they coming with us no da?
Dear Chichiri,
WELL! What are we waiting for no da? Let's go out to sea!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Hai! We are waiting for everyone else to show up, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Domo arigato for allowing me some leeway. How about a raincheck on the sake (I promise to bring you some nice Miaka's world stuff to sample on occasion). By the way, I'm probably crazy for asking this but would you like to go deep sea fishing with me, Mitsukake-san, Wandering Mage Chichiri-san, and Chichiri-san? I know that you don't swim well and that you don't like large bodies of water. I'll tell you a secret though, I don't swim that well myself. That's why we'll be wearing THESE!! ~holds up an orange plastic vest~ If you fall in the water, you'll float. I'm going to insist that everyone wears them. So what do you say?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Cool clothes! Goes great wit' my hair!
*puts on vest and preens like Hotohori*
So, whaddaya think? Looks good on me? I guess if you swear not to push me in an' promise I won't drown wit' this on, I'll go. Hell, wit' Chichiri an' Mitsukake there, I should be safe. Yer not invitin' the Obake-chan are ya'???
Dear Tasuki,
Sure Tasuki you look great ^-^;; Tamahome's not going to be on the boat so you should be fine. Furthermore, I'm not the type to throw someone in the middle of the ocean. C'mon let's go, eveyone else is waiting for you.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
COOL! I'm ready! An' this is a great way to escape my bitchy sisters... heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
Of course you may bring Tama-chan! I love cats. One thing though, I insist that you wear a life jacket. You know, the weird orange thing that I was talking to Tasuki about. No seishi are drowning on my boat. I don't care how good you may swim. Safety first and all that.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
That's fine. Do you have a life jacket for Tama-chan, too?
Dear Mitsukake,
It's funny that you mentioned a life jacket for Tama-chan. See i work at a pet store and we have life jackets for pets. Here's one for Tama-chan. Let's get Tasuki and meet up with the others.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Hai. Thank you for the life jacket for Tama-chan. He looks quite kawaii, doesn't he?
Dear Tasuki,
let him go
*her sisters look oddly at her, but cut his bindings and run for it*
Kouji-chan.... will you marry me?
*throws a log at genrou for the muttering she can hear under his breath and looks into Kouji's eyes*
Aidou & CO
Dear Aidou & CO,
I think yer answer is below... heh-heh...
Dear Tasuki,
*breaks out of daze*
Hey! Genrou wer ya goin?
*pushes Aidou off him*
I said nothen bout marrige. An I never wen' on dates with ya cause you are way too aggressive! Hey Genrou! I'm comin with ya, so wait up bro!
Dear Kouji,
Yo' bro'!! Knew ya'd come 'round! S--t!! Duck!! She's tossin' logs at us!! ITAI!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yeah, I really loved the card no da! But someone's hiragana could use some practice no da..... @_@ Arigato no da!
*gives all the seishi another enthusiatic hug and kisses everyone on the cheek*
*blushes ever so slightly as she kisses Chichiri's cheek, winks at Tasuki*
Hey count your blessings! I don't want you for your body Tasuki! So who's idea was it anyway?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ano... It was mine, Tasuki's, and Chichiri no Aijin's, no da. Right now she and Tasuki are both nursing bruises, no da. Seems she read your letter and came to the part about the hiragana and exclaimed, "Bite me!" Tasuki heard her and being well, Tasuki, bit her, ne no da!! So, as a reflex, she accidentally punched him, no da!!
*sigh* Daaaaa...
She has an ice pack on her neck and he has one on his eye. Tsk, tsk... I suppose I should be amused, those two certainly are laughing now, no da. We are all glad you liked it. Just please don't critique the kanji, ne no da!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*WMC comes running in the room, and tackles the seishi in a big group hug, and kisses them all on the cheek*
ARIGATO! I loved the birthday card! You helped cheer me up na no da.
*smiles happily, and ruffles Tasuki's hair, and winks at the rest of the seishi*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Do itashimashite! We're glad you liked it! It was a picture of the Imperial Palace of Konan.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Why does Chichiri stay super deformed al the time, and why is he always saying no da after every sentence?
Mokona no miko
Dear Mokona no miko,
He doesn't stay superdeformed all th' time. His mask jus' makes him look like that. An' his "no da's" are jus' how he talks.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey there Chichiri!
*HUGS* from someone to the cutest darn person I've ever seen... oh, and how do you get your hair to stay up like that??? Surely your hat squashes the damn lot down again when you put it on O_o
*HUGS* to Tama-chan too!! NYAN!!
Dewa mata aouze minna-san!!!
Dear Nina,
Quince juice, no da. Arigato for the hug, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*Stares at him*Uhh...
*Stares at him even more* Why no da...
*Stares at him once more* Do you no da...
*Stares at him MORE* Have no da...
*Stares at him closer* FANGS NO DA?!
Chichiri No Samurai
Dear Chichiri No Samurai,
OI! I don't care if ya' are Chichiri's Samurai, LAY OFF TH'FANGS!!! I got 'em 'cause I'm so *&^%$#@ COOL!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
There is pain in life na no da. This little pain is nothing. HAI! I'd love to go deep sea fishing, maybe we should ask Tasuki along no da?
*Giggles and winks playfully at Chichiri*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I'm glad you feel that way, no da! Bring Tasuki?!?! Well, Mitsukake will be there if he falls over, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki babe!
Hi.... hey what's that I hear about you and Koji??? Hehe ^-^ No seriously... just passing through, and rather than do something rather obvious like admit my undying love for you (bet you hear that a lot ¬_¬) I thought I'd just ask whether or not you really like Miaka??
I mean, you're better than that nonce Tamahome ¬_¬ I mean, hey - your get-up ALONE just says miles more than he could...
Enough with the sucking up routine - later then!
Dear Nina,
Of course I like my Miko! Hell, I think I'm better than Obake-chan, too! Heh-heh... An' cooler, too!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! Watch it! I make one lil comment, and all of a sudden I'm a crazed hentai? Some guys just don't know how to take a compliment...
Oi, is there something wrong? Why are you staring at me like that? Male? Female? What's the diffence? (Aside from the obvious...)
Dear Sean,
You aren't carrying any lime jello are you, no da?? I suppose it is just that men don't generally tell other men that they are sexy, ne no da!
Dear Tasuki,
More!? Have pity for Suzaku's sake Tasuki! I'm a starving artist type; I don't have much money. Besides, I got that stuff from some toothless, wrinkly old mountain man who kept leering at me. Brrrrrr.... I don't want to deal with THAT ever again. I might be tempted to give you some more ice cream though. Here you go. Don't eat it all at once. You CAN let it last you know.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Ohhh, rum raisin!! OISHII!!! Ok, since yer a starvin' artist type I'll let ya' off th' hook on the sake.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh,no that's alright. To tell you the truth I don't know who her mother is. Or where she went.
Dear Loral,
Hmmm... poor child, no da. Let me take you to her, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*whacks Genrou over the head with a log*
HEY! Don't you want your sister happy with the man she loves?
*eyes mist up and she looks at Kouji sniffling*
Dear Aidou,
UGH!! Get off my best friend already!! How desperate are ya' woman?? Yer too old fer him anyway!
S--t, I give up....
Dear Mitsukake,
Konnichiwa Mitsukake-san. How have you been lately? Will you be busy any time soon? If not, how would you like to go deep-sea fishing with me? I'm trying to repay Chichiri-san back for a favor and I'd like it if you joined us.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I have been fine, thank you. Deep-sea fishing sounds intriguing. Would it be OK to bring Tama-chan along? He loves fresh fish.
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