Dear Tasuki,
O_O Ara, Tasuki want me to help you get that freak off your leg? ^_^;;;
Dear Amy-chan,
Dear Tasuki,
What was unexpeted, was how you handled my brother. I thought you would fry him, he thought you would fry him. I bet everyone else thought so too.
Then you whack him your tessen calling him a baka and hentai. Have you been drinken again or something?
Dear Peach,
Nah. Jus' everytime I flame someone, this freaky broad gloms onto my leg jus' beggin' to be fried! It's so annoyin'!! An' besides, I thought ya' wouldn't want him fried, jus' beaten.
Dear Hotohori,
For shame Hotohori-sama! Suggesting something so terribly hentai! Hee hee, you're beginning to show your age. I, for one, don't think that's such a bad idea with you being only 20 and all. Just don't scare me like that again. That comment was nothing like you. And to think that I was going to join the fencing club at my university...
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Gomen, I did not mean to offend you. But, is not the Emperor allowed a sense of humour on occasion? You should definitely join the fencing club. Not only will you have fun, but it is an excellent workout as well. Not that you need that, I just think you would enjoy it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This is for Tasuki and Chichiri,
Ok so last night I read this fanfic about the two of you. I don't have any idea on what it is called. All I rember is that it was in "The Shrine of the Almighty Chicken of DOOM!" I had nightmares after reading it! It was about you two falling in love with each other! And it got right into the details too! I fell of my chair at one point! I was just wondering if you got a chance to read it? If so, what did you think about it?
Dear Asmith,
Chichiri no Aijin has actually read it, twice now. She had put it out of her mind and read it the second time as Tasuki and I read it for the first time, no da. It was not about us falling in love with each other. It was about Tasuki in love with and trying to rape me! Personally, I was not too fond of it, no da. I am not yaoi and neither is Tasuki, ne no da! Well, I think I shall go bathe now, I just feel the need to, no da.
Dear Asmith,
Yeah, I read it tonight fer th' first time. Geez!! What is this??? Either I'm a rapist or yaoi?? An' now I'm BOTH?!?!? Sheesh!! You people must really have it in fer me!! Look, I get drunk an' then I brawl till I pass out. Period. I don't try to rape one of my closest friends! There ain't enough sake in the world fer that to ever happen! But, there is enough sake fer me to kick Obake-chan's ass!! Why don't somebody write about that?
Dear Chichiri,
Well I didn't mean to give you that whole lecture on my brother, thats all.
Dear Peach,
Ahhhh, no da. That's OK. I hope he has chosen to behave himself from now on, no da. If not, maybe we can get him to steal Aidou's panties and then she can teach him a lesson, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
HEY! Shut your trap otooto!
*pointedly ignores Genrou as her sisters torture him*
Sisters, lay off the file.... tickle him some more.. hmmm and don't forget his fear of water!
*cackling can be heard*
Now.. Kouji, how come you never ask me out on a date? Hmmm?
*looks up into his eyes from her poistion on his lap*
Aidou & CO
Dear Aidou & CO,
Get offa me!!! Alla ya's!!
*breaks free of sisters and looks at Kouji and Aidou in disbelief*
Let's see, Kouji's droolin' over Aidou, Aidou is making big puppy eyes at Kouji while sittin' on his lap, an'... an'... an' I think I'm gonna puke!!! You two are sooooo gross!!! Yer worse than Tamahome an' Miaka!!! Geez Kouji do ya' really wanna marry Aidou an' be a part of my &*^%ed up family???
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm sorry. I didn't think about it that way, but you're right. The shortness of others really isn't your fault.
If Chichiri went SD and curled up into a small ball, do you think he'd make an effective soccer ball for someone of your stature?
Dear Banana,
Perhaps, but from the look on his face as he read your letter and the way he walked away muttering something about "Chihciri abuse" under his breath, I doubt we will ever have the opportunity to find out for certain.
Dear Hotohori,
Um, what's ice cream?
Dear Yuiren,
It is a delicious, sweet, cold, creamy, confection. This one is chocolate. Here, try some.
Dear Chichiri,
Okay, here's the deal. I borrowed a nice boat from a friend (he said it was cool, I just have to bring it back in one piece), and got us some strong fishing rods. How about you invite Wandering Mage Chichiri-san, I invite someone else(no not Glastig-san ^-^), and we spend a nice day at sea.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
It sounds like fun, no da! WMC said she would like to come along, too. When would you like to go, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah sure Koji can come...-_-;;; But then I get to bring Mulan...then maybe she can seduce Koji while you and I insult Mulan over sake. ^_- Oh wait, she still has that little obsession with Tamahome. *gets the other shoe thrown at her head* >.< I-itai...^_^; Ah well I promise no hentai stuff, but I can't be responsible for any actions that would result from the imparement of judgement after a few cups of sake...and besides who would remember it anyways...^_^;; *picks up the pair of shows Mulan threw at her, and throws them back at her*
Dear Amy-chan,
Cool! Maybe Aidou will leave him alone if Mulan is with him. My best friend an' my oldest sister... ughhhh... As to yer hentai comments... I'd remember it! So no hentai crap! What's fer eats on this picnic?
Dear Chichiri,
Oh Im so sorry when I wrote that I was not awake yet. I read one of your letters wrong! Actually Tasuki says he thinks my mother is alot like his. And that's why it is so fun getting him in deep water with her. Hehehehehe
Again I'm very very sorry.
Dear Peach,
I accept your apology, but I have no idea why you are apologizing, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Just 2? You're worth WAY more than that ^^
Oh well.
*hands him the 4 ryou since she owed him from last time*
I got another question, how do you cope with Miaka's unusually high-pitched voice? I cringe whenever she has one of those wailing lines @_@
Dear Myrna-chan,
I love her, so it doesn't affect me that way. Arigato for the okane!!
Dear Tasuki,
**attaches herself to Tasuki's leg** If you don't flame me I wont let go!!!! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH
The Weird Weird Deformed Freak HRH Chibird
Dear Weird Deformed Freak,
BECAUSE YER A FREAKIN' PEST!!!!! That's why!!! Now leggo my leg!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri please, I'm not so petty as to give up our friendship because other people can't help but gossip. You're very dear to me na no da.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I never thought you were petty, no da. This has to do with me being a source of pain for you. I don't wish to ever hurt you, ne no da. You are too good a friend and person for me to allow that to happen. I am glad that I'm dear to you, no da. Want to join me deep sea fishing? I bet you didn't see that coming, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever gotten a massive hangover from drinking too much sake or are you just very tolerant?
Oh, BTW. I don't think you're gay or anything like that. I understand why you hate women since your sisters treated you so cruelly.
Dear Myrna-chan,
Hell yes!!! But after a couple dozen ya' get used to it. And finally a woman that understands me!! 'Bout time, too!
Dear Tamahome,
hai!!!!!! I'm starving!!!!!!!!!! Oh, Tamahome look what Amy-chan showed me.......... *shows him magazine page 4* *winks at Amy-chan* See.. *looks at Tamahome who has this very upset look on his face* Oh, Tamahome whats that look for, You wouldn't understand it's a *girl thing*....
Dear Miaka,
*Looking quite trapped and embarrassed* OK Miaka, I get your point now why don't you put that catalog away and look at this one... *hands her a catalog of food and snackie products*
Dear Tasuki,
*Grins over to Tasuki* *drool*
Dear Kouji,
Ecchi!!! You two are almost as disgustin' as Miaka an' Obake-chan!! Get a room fer cryin' out loud!!! Oi! what th' hell am I sayin'??? Kouji lay off my sister!!! Ya' don't wanna end up related to MY family!! Trust me on this one... I don't even wanna be related to 'em!
Dear Chichiri,
What? NO! What kind of person do you think I'am. A mother who doesn't know her own daughters name or what she looks like and has never met her? I should say not. No, I was just sent here to retrieve her. It was her mother who left her here? Nobody told me that...
Dear Loral,
Gomennasi! I did not mean to insult you, no da. So who is her mother, no da?
Dear Chiriko,
I just thought I'd drop you a line and say you're the kawaiiest seishi, and also one of the bravest.
Dear Unsigned,
Arigato for your kind words. I only wish you had signed your name.
Dear Hotohori,
Hrmmm..... Teaching Nuriko tennis eh........Not a bad idea.... NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!!! I am a very pure little gal......Hhehehhehehehehheheh....Besides........I wanna know what it feels like to have a concussion.......So back to the sword fighting thingee... How much does a sword weigh and how long is it???? Usually I mean....
The Warrior Queen Of Chi-land who is sesat with her sword Chibird
Dear Chibird,
How long is it and how much does it weigh??? *cough, cough* Ummmm... Oh a sword! Swords can vary in length and weight depending on where, when, and how it is put to use. Fencing swords are about 3 feet long, yet are very thin bladed and do not weigh as much as say an English broadsword. The ancient Romans used short swords, with blades about the length of one's forearm. So you can see that swords can come in many different lengths and styles.
Dear Mitsukake,
Mitsukake-sama!! Oooh... no matter what anyone says I think you're the best of all the Seishi! I mean.. you've got so much going for you! You're so tall and strong and masculine looking.. and you have that really sexy chin.. and it just goes great with your personality! And you do have one, no matter what anyone thinks!
You don't talk much but whenever you do say something it's important and I just love guys that don't talk a lot. See.. I talk quite a bit and I don't like to be interrupted when I talk.. so you'd be perfect for me!
*Sigh* Nope.. no matter what anyone thinks.. you're the best Seishi.. and the most sexy too!
Your loyal and completely devoted follower...
Dear Kume,
Dear Nuriko,
Soooooo.........EHehehehehehehhehe..... Tell me Nuriko....Have you heard of the game tennis??? **hands him a racquet and some balls**.....( I dun think that came out how I wanted it too......)
The Tennis Mad Sword Mad Mad Mad HRH Chibird
Dear Chibird,
NO. OK, I got the balls and this hitting thing, but what do I do now?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I started a Tasuki trend at my school!!!! It all started with a paper fan in the Plantetarium, I was sitting behind some of my friends, and I would swish the fan at them and they would get this big Gush of wind *instead of fire that is way too dangerous* but to make a long story short, now everyone is swishing around fans at school yelling "LEKKA SHIEN" and I was stuck in detention. *sigh*
And Chichiri I do belive that the name " Sean" is a boy's name, and is very rarely used for a girl unless it was short for Shawna?
Dear Scarlet,
Tasuki was very happy to hear rhat you have started a fad in his honor, no da. Sorry you were punished for it. So Sean is a boy's name, ne no da? I am getting worried, crazed henati chicks were bad enough, but crazed henati males??? KOWAII, no da!!
Dear Tamahome,
Are you trying to be MACHO or something? It's just what you said about it being a "guy thing" You sound like my father! I wouldn't let Miaka have those catalogs if I were you cause.... *grabs catalog from mailbox* See look at this section!!!!!!!!!!! *shows the mens section to them *men in thong things and other scary stuff like that*
Dear Asimth,
*Sweatdrops and blushes* I didn't know this stuff existed!!! HENTAI!!! OI! Miaka! I think you need to toss those awful catalogs! Oh geez, I hope she doesn't get any "ideas"...
Dear Tasuki,
Falls over in shock* That was unexpected.............
Dear Peach,
Ano, what was unexpected??
Dear Chichiri,
Well I ment Tamahome not tama (the cat) So.. are u going to asnwer my question or not?
Dear Folken,
I thought I did, no da. Some things in life are meant to be a mystery, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
In the Anime you have a very high piched voice, I mean beside when your serious, you voice gets deeper. Y is that? most men have deep voices like Mits, Tama, and Tasuki.
Dear Folken,
Actually Tama's meow is fairly high pitched, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Okay. That explains why you are muscular... sorta... So why are you so tall? And... you weren't a scrawny wimp when they first met you, either. So you had to be strong *before* you started saving Tasuki and stopping fights.
And why do you have a headband when you barely have any hair?
(Yes, I'm full of questions. Gomen. But at least you get letters!)
Dear Banana,
I don't see myself as tall. I am exactly the right size. It's not my fault that everyone else is short. As to my hair, it's not as short as you'd think, and I wear the headbands to keep it out of my face.
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrop* I wouldn't try anything, honest.^_^;; Ehehehe, after all I'm not as desperate as Mulan, and her obsession with Tamahome...hehehe...*gets a showe thrown at her head* I-itai... *whispers* We all know she wants Tamahome anyways... Ara, I've got plenty of sake to bring along too. ^_-
Dear Amy-chan,
Sake,eh? Can Kouji come, too? I gotta get him away from Aidou! Jus' remember, no hentai stuff!
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