Dear Chichiri,
Oh! OH! OH! ME! ME ME! * waves hand up in the air* I know why people think that you and WMC are like THAT. I think maybe you should have a little talk with Nuriko... * hint *hint*
Dear Hint,
Nuriko, eh? Arigato, no da! Oh, Nuriko! A word please, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Tasuki can read huh? I kinda knew that, it's just he can't type ^^
If you want to score brownie points with Miaka and Yuiren, put those magazines away, and read Yuiren a story!
It's YOUR job to take care of Yuiren, not Hotohori's.
And if Miaka says to put the magazines away, I'd obey.
P.S. If you're THAT desparate for money (what am I saying, of course you are!) I'll give you all I have ^^
Dear Myrna-chan,
I know, I know. I have tried to read to Yurien, but I guess she is punishing me now and having Hotohori read to her (and glare at me). As for taking ALL your money... the other Seishi won't let me. So I'll just take 2 gold ryou, kudasai.
Dear Chichiri,
A message to Chichiri-san and WMC-san:
Sumimasen deshita! Hontou ni sumimasen deshita! I did not mean to hurt both of your feelings!
I really feel bad of what I wrote now. I thought you were really couples. Hontou!! I hope you can accept my apologie to both of you. If you don't, I understand......
*sniffle* *sniffle*
Very, very sorry
Dear Skuld,
I accept your apology, no da. I cannot speak for WMC-san though. She will have to speak for herself, no da. Although she does strike me as the forgiving type, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
SSSSSSSSsooooooooooo ^-^, How are you? Find any interesting girls yet? Um Um Um , I want to write but I don't to say..... I'm so pathetic! Kay,?
Cherry blossoom
Dear Cherry blossoom,
I don't think you're pathetic. Just shy. The only interesting girl I've met so far has been Black Jade's half sister.
Dear Tamahome,
I heard that..... You know I'm just going to let you have your fun, but I don't understand why you like looking at them, because your just teasing yourself. I would never be caught dead in those! So forget it!
Dear Miaka,
It's a "guy thing". Oi, Keisuke explain it to her please, she is your little sister... and I don't want to get slapped! Anyway, Cindy took them away from us. So how about I treat you to some dinner?
Dear Chichiri,
What do you mean by that? It doesn't matter how weird or twisted or how bratty and annoying and.., Well you get the idea, He is still my older brother and I still have to respect him. No matter how much I would rather not admitt that IT is my brother. You see?
Now as to how to deal with him leave that one to me... Gomen, Miaka. *drags P.J off* Wait intill mom here's about this you know how she is about this sort of thing.
Dear Peach,
Gomen, it is nice that you have respect for your older brother, no da. However, you may want to talk to Tasuki about how he handled your brother. I did not call P.J. it, Tasuki did, I just asked if you claimed him as yours, no da. Regardless, he really must stop stealing Miaka's (or ANYONES) panties and doing hen things with them, ne no da. For his sake I hope your mother is nothing like Tasuki's!
Dear Tamahome,
Don't you think it is getting just a tade on the hentai side around there?
All this talk of panties and Victorias secret and Fredricks of Hollywood.... Which might I add you should not be looking at! *takes all naughty magazines and catalogs that were just lying around* 4 of my cousins model for them! I don't feel comfortable with those kinds pictures of them in your hands. Thank you *takes a catalog that Keisuke was hiding behind him* And as for you Tasuki! I'm ashamed! My cousin Natia thought your personality and your looks were cute too! *tisk* *tisk* ^-^
Dear Cindy,
Gomennasai! But... ano... *sweatdrops and blushes* I think I hear Miaka calling us! Come on guys!
Dear Tasuki,
**does some weird dance**
The Tergila-gila Pehin Hrh Chhibird
Dear The Tergila-gila Pehin Hrh Chhibird,
*sighs shakes head and growls*
Fer th' las' time, NO!!! Now knock it off!
Dear Chichiri,
Domo Arigato! I have not slept so well in weeks. I'm now feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day. Now I have to do something nice for you. Have you ever been deep-sea fishing?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Iie, but it sounds like fun, no da. I'm glad you are well rested and feeling better, ne no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Ah....But you have not played tennis with Nuriko! I haven't but I think I have played with his lost twin (A friend of mine nicknamed Fuzzy).!! She's this tiny little brunette and when its her turn to serve everyone gets this really panicked look on their face. As a victim I tell you....I am lucky to have survived!!!
Yang Disayangi Oleh Semua Her Royal Highness Lowness and Niceness Chibird
Dear Yang Disayangi Oleh Semua Her Royal Highness Lowness and Niceness Chibird,
I am not even certain that Nuriko knows how to play this game. Perhaps you would like to instruct him?
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa Tasuki! I have a gift for you. People in the mountains call it moonshine. All I know is that it's alchoholic and very strong. This may seem like I'm trying to kill you, but I have heard rumors that this stuff causes blindness and is illegal (don't ask me how I got it okay). Don't drink too much at one time (it's gonna be hard I know), and if you're worried about side effects just don't drink it. I just wanted to know how you liked it. Oh yeah, DON'T DRINK IT IN THE PALACE!! Ummm... have some more rum raisin ice cream. I feel that I may have to do penance for this later. ~shakes head~ Have I created a monster? O.O
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
*guzzle, guzzle smacks lips with pleasure*
This s--t is GREAT!! OISHII!! Arigato for the cool drinkage! An' the ice cream's pretty yummy, too. So when do I get more???
Dear Nuriko,
Oh! She is here! Doko, doko, doko, doko! Ah! Kourin-chan! Konnichiwa!!!!
*runs up to Kourin Giving her a hug* Here you go, my treat! *an ice cream cone pops in Kourin's hands* Enjoy! Oh, Nuri-sama, you can have one too. If you want! Well, now that your excuse me for a moment, I have to build that healing device I promised.
Be Back Tomorrow!
Dear Skuld,
Arigato for the ice cream! You really don't need to go to all this trouble for me.
Dear Tasuki,
No not really, cause there is or was a person in that costume! I bet who ever he was didn't tell ya that.
Dear Unsigned,
Gomen! OI! Mituskake, I need ya'!!!
Dear Chichiri,
I had this weird, weird, weird dream lastnight!!! I was working late on my article for the school newspaper (I'm the agony aunt...Don't you just pity the ppl who ask for advice...**snicker**) and fell asleep at the desk. I dreamt that you wrote into me with this letter about how you were worried about Tasuki turning into a vampire cos his fangs were getting longer. Naturally I wanted to see how I could help and went out looking for you. I found you next to this car with a punctured tire at the beach. I was about to approach you when Tamahome drove up in this tow truck. Suddenly he asked me for my drivers license and gave me a birthday card. But the birthday card was addressed to Nakago!!! I looked up from the birthday card and Tamahome was kissing you and you were looking shocked!!! Then he drove off and you started crying. then I woke up.... WHat the hell kinda dream was that!!!
Yang Ter-confused dan Bermimpi Chibird
Dear Yang Ter-confused dan Bermimpi Chibird,
A frightening one for me, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
No, No, Nothing like that. Nevermind......... you don't have to leave. *sigh* bye, bye, ice cream sundae.... (sorry Amy-chan, Tasuki is too clueless to get the point)
Dear Miaka,
What point? Where? I didn't see no point! OI! Miaka, eat yer ice cream, I'm leavin' now!
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa Chiriko! You know, I admire you very much being smart, and you`re a great singer! You sing SOOO well in Red Legend, I just can`t believe you actually DIED! Its scary!
Dear Thumpa-Thumpa,
Thank you for your kind compliments. If you thought it was scary, just imagine how I felt! But it had to be done to save the rest of the Seishi. And I got Tasuki's respect!
Dear Tasuki,
I have the guts!!!!! Go ahead take your best shoot!!!! Not so wise, eh? If you need to know who I am, why don't you just ask Kouji? That baka...
Well at least I'm wiser than you?
Dear Wiser?,
Yup, an' jus' which one of us is standin' on the wrong side of my tessen? Hmmmm...?
Dear Chichiri,
YES!!! That's it WILLOW!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!! * starts to run off* Wait a minute??? Help me locate her?
Dear Loral,
Hai, no da. Are you her mother? She was found outside the palace crying for her mother, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Konnichiwa Chiriko-kun! How have you been lately? ~Hands Chiriko a book about the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina~ I hope you like the book. It has great pictures of the trees turning colors in the fall. it also has information about the people who live there. Enjoy!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Domo arigato gozaimasu for the hon! I have been well. I shall enjoy reading it and learning new things from it. Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!!
Dear P.J,
*smirks, shows hint of fang...*
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrops* nii-san, Tasuki nii-san is popular, ne?*tickles her nii-san's foot helping WMC out*
fun, fun!
Dear Kourin,
Hee-hee... yes he is! Must be the fangs... C'mon you two stop, kudasai!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
O.o;;; *grabs onto Mamoru, Mulan and Craig* Jeez you guys never behave -_-; Act normal for once! *ties them up* Ara *turns to the Seishi* Gomen nasai!! I have no affiliation with these people, really ^_^;; they're um.. well.. um... *glances at Mulan's torched clothes in the corner* different -_-; anyway thanks for not killing them..? ^_^;; *pats Tasuki on the shoulder and quickly drags the three away* O.o;;
Supreme Goddess Mako
Dear Supreme Goddess Mako,
Dare, nani, doushite??? You're welcome.
Dear Tasuki,
Don't temped me, because I can and will. Yes I've been watching Kiwi. It's not an easy thing to do you know, that whole family is full of acciedent prons! If it isn't tripping or faling down stairs it's something else! I've been known to stop Rain a couple of times, from hurting himself!
Yes, I'm afraid that IT does. He is sssoo pathetic! have you ever heard of an older brother getting beaten up by his younger sister? Oh and he wrote into Miaka stealing her last pair of underwear, so she might be looking for these ....., Be my guest!!!!
*looks at P.J.*
Just wait till I get out of the way!
Dear Peach,
*GLARES at P.J.... considers Lekka Shien... waits till Peach is out of the way... walks up to P.J. and smacks him upside the head repeatedly with his tessen...*
Now leave Miaka an' her friggin' panties alone!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
No, it would not! You silly monk.
Dear Scarlet,
So much for bad puns, no da! Everybody's a critic, no da!
*jumps into kasa and disappears*
Dear Nuriko,
*yaaawn* Huh, oh don't mind me. Been up all night.*piku**piku*
Oh, yes , I finally finshed it! And it only took me 12 hours to make it! o.0 My lastest invention, THE MISTER HEALER MARK ONE!!! Oh, what an elegant design and SOOO efficent, my sweet Mister Healer!!^.^*Notices to see that everyone is looking at her VERY strange* *cough* Well then, Just switch it on and it will heal you. Tell me if you need another device whenevers!
Now that you'll excuse me, I'm gonna take a little nap before I go to school....o.0
Oyasumi Nasai!
Dear Skuld,
Arigato! But, I think I'll stick with Mitsukake for all my healing needs. Have a nice nap!
Dear Hotohori,
*claps her hands in delite and curls up on Hotohori's lap listening to the story*
Dear Yuiren,
*continues telling her the story...*
Would you like some ice cream, Little One?
*gives her some ice cream and glares at Tamahome for not being a good oniichan*
Dear Chichiri,
That girl who wrote to Tasuki is out of her mind. You're *way* sexier!
Dear Sean,
Arigato! Ano... *sweatdrops* you are female aren't you, no da??
Dear Tamahome,
O_O AHHH! Idon't!itsnottrue! It wasn't me who wrote that! It was evil Amy-baka and Katie-baka, and Missy-baka! Actually I doodle Tasuki for Amy-baka, in exchange for food...O_O Honestly, I don't have eyes for you, or any man, or any woman either. ^_^;;;
Dear Mulan,
Aren't we protesting a little too hard? But, I guess that's OK as long as you're not doodling dead Miakas.
Dear Tasuki,
Ara, well okay we can do the drinking cruise first. I'll make sure you don't fall off or anything. O_O Ara, Tasuki-kun, you'll really go out for a picnic with me? <3.<3
Dear Amy-chan,
I guess so. But no hentai stuff!! An' don't ferget the SAKE!!
Dear Chichiri,
It looks like people are still assuming and insinuating stuff about our relationship....
It's annoying...
(thinks to self: Especially since I wish it was true)
Wandering Mage Chichiri call me WMC for short
Dear WMC,
Yes it is annoying, no da. But people are like that. *sigh* You will still be my friend, ne no da???
Dear Mitsukake,
Why are you so muscular? I mean, you're a healer, right? So where do you get time to sit around and exercise? You're like, huge!
Dear Banana,
It's from all the exercise I get breaking up fights between Tasuki and Tamahome and fishing Tasuki out of various and sundry ponds. He's not light, you know.
Dear Nuriko,
*sweatdrops* you're utterly hopeless.... and the promsie was you not going on about Chichiri, Chichiri no Aijin, and I.... we're not gossip fodder ok?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Oh yes, THAT promise! HAI!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*a yell comes from Miaka's room* HENTAI!!!! HENTAI!!!!!! HENTAI!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!! THAT's MY LAST PAIR!!!!!!!! *P.J runs out of her room* GIVE IT BACK!!!!!!! THEY ARE NOT MEANT TO BE HATS!!!!!!!!!
very violated Miaka.
Dear Miaka,
Gomen, Miaka, no da.
*has P.J. by the back of the shirt and looks at Peach*
Do you claim him as yours, no da?
*Looks at P.J. with a frown on his mask*
Didn't Tasuki teach you anything, no da?
*Takes panties off of P.J.'s head and tosses them back to Miaka*
Now apologize to Miaka and give her back the rest of her panties, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
NO! NO! NO! *snatches catalog from Tamahome* Why would it matter what color it is there is hardly any material! That's it I'm taking this catalog far far away from the both of you!
Dear Miaka,
Aw c'mon Miaka! OK, Tasuki, Keisuke she's gone. Now where is that Victoria's Secret catalog you were talking about? OOH! Oishii!!
Dear Tasuki,
Aw but Tasuki...... wouldn't you like him as a brother in law?
*looks at Kouji and runs the feather caressingly up his cheek, as she sits in his lap, cuddling him, and tickling him alternatingly*
*One of her sisters breaks out into evil laughter as she begins to braid flowers into Tasuki's hair, while another tickles his feet, and another, takes a file to his fangs, to try to trim them down.....*
Kouji.. why have you been hiding from me?
Aidou & CO
Dear Aidou & CO,
OK! Alla ya's KNOCK IT OFF!!!! Leave my friggin' fangs an' hair th' hell alone!!!! An' you stop that s--t wit' Kouji! He's startin' to drool. Yo!! Kouji bro' snap outta it! She's my sister fer cryin' out loud!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Yes He is the one typing for me! Did I mention how wonderful and charming and incerdibley handsome he is? *"hey I didn't say that"*
Dear Kiwi,
But he is a very good brother, ne no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nii-san, Tasuki nii-san can we make flower crowns? Onegai????
*looks up with kawaii eyes*
Dear Kourin,
Sure, just as soon as Tasuki gets back from taking care of P.J.
Dear Tasuki,
*runs in room underwear still on head* *runs right over Tasuki* I don't see any hentai people? huh? Oh, Tasuki I didn't realize you were there?
Oooopppppsssss... :p * Peach P.Js younger sister comes up from behind him* IIIIIIITTTTTAAAIIIIII!!!!!!!! STOP!! STOP! STOP!!!! UNCLE! UNCLE!! OOOWWWWW!!!!! IT HURTS IT HURTS!!!!!! * Peach stops beating on him* Hey Tasuki? What are going to do with that fan???? Uh Oh..... * braces himself *
Dear P.J.,
*Looks at Peach, points tessen at P.J. and says*
Does this belong to you?
*Motioning the tessen at P.J.*
Mind a little brotherly Bar-B-Que??? Heh-heh...
*Smirks evily at P.J.*
Dear Nuriko,
*comes back in, tackles, him, and gets help from Kourin to tickle him silly*
Just keep your word, okay?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Heeheeheeheeheeheehee...! Sure, whatever you say! But you tickled me so much I forgot what I promised! Heeheeheeheeheehee...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*pointedly ignores her nii-san and sniffles up at Hotohori*
*reaches up and touches his silky hair*
Oh.... hmmmm... tell me about.... the Emperor's New Clothes! I always wanted to hear that story but no one would ever tell me....
Dear Yuiren,
Looks down and smiles that beautiful smile of his at her*
Don't pout little one I shall tell it to you. Once upon a time there was an Emperor...
Dear Tasuki,
Alright, I guess mabey they had it coming.
So anyway, I have to do a favor for someone. So could you do a favor for me, and leave? Just.... why don't you go for a picnic with someone? You need to get out of this palace. Why don't you take uummm Amy-chan? or someone? You could have a great time you know! I'm not trying to be meddling so don't even go there. It's just to do this favor I need you out of here. Perhaps this favor is to get you out of here! pppplllleeeaaasssseee.......? I get an ice cream sundae if you just do me this little favor. *puppy dog eyes*
Dear Miaka,
Why do I jus' know this will involve me gettin' wet, tickled, hit wit' logs, or some other crummy abuse??? *SIGH* Sure Miaka, whatever ya' want... I'm outta here!
Dear Chichiri,
HI! okay I feel so retarded I was at school and I was looking at one of the Fushigi Yuugi comic's and FELL out of my chair, I was so humiliated!
Sasami No Miko
Dear Sasami No Miko,
Gomen you fell out of your chair, no da. What part of our adventures were you reading to cause such a thing to happen, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
I'm...secretly in love with you. I've denied this fact for many a year. That is because I have sworn to love nothing more than ice cream, ramen, and various other types of food. But you, oh Tamahome, have stolen my heart... only to torture me, because yours belongs to Miaka! That is why I always doodle Miaka dead on my latin hw.
Dear Mulan,
Doodles of a dead Miaka?!?!? You worry me!! Besides I saw that picture on the Genrou website, seems you have a "thing" for him, too. I'm sorry you feel that way about Miaka. Perhaps if you were less homicidal we could be friends.
Dear Hotohori,
You know.... there's been rumors that you really *do* have a harem. You might deny it but we've all seen those girls running around your palace! I want to join.. please please please!! I'll pay you! How much do you want? Do I have to pass some kind of a test? ::Gets a determined look::I won't fail! Do I need to know some kind of secret handshake or password or something. If so, I vow to find out! Anything for Hotohori-sama!
Nuriko's evil twin
P.S. Dump that Houki chick. She's only trouble! I'll be your new empress! ::Practices cooking and sewing and stuff::
Dear Nuriko's evil twin,
To be a part of the Imperial harem one must be of noble blood and sent to the Emperor as a potential bride. The women who are not chosen to be my bride are part of the Harem because to send them back to their families would ionsult the family and disgrace the young woman. She might even be put to death!
I am not about to "dump" as you say my Emperess as I love her very much! If anything were to happen to her my second consort Black Jade would take over the running of Konan until my heir Boushin were to come of age and become Emperor. Gomen, but what you ask is not possible.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you know what your seishi sign means? I thought it was "Well" or something (thats what it said on the subtitles) Then I found out the acurate meaning, I find kind of weird (man who gets water from a hole) What? I think that sounds really odd. Correct me if I'm wrong. I may or may not have been given false information.
Dear Scarlet,
Well, both meanings are correct, no da. Chiriko helped me with the research and we found that well was referred to more often than man who gets water from a hole as the meaning of sho. If somone has done more research, they are welcome to write in if they wish, no da. (If they wish and my symbol is well... does this make me a wishing well, no da??)
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