Dear Tasuki,
Ara, I obviously wouldn't even try to throw you into the water, because you're a kawaii seishi, and Mulan is a cranky old critical bat, who can't even do one single sit up. It's the best thing to watch her try though. Ehehe...*gets a shoe tossed at her head* ;_; Mulan-chan can't ever take friendly you know supposedly we call ourselves best friends? Anyways, once you learn how to swim, I'll even sponsor a trip on one of those drinking barges, to celebrate. Basically, they just take you on a boat, and you circle various islands, while everyone on the boat drinks to their heart's content...o.O;
Dear Amy-chan,
Well I s'ppose I could try to learn to swim. But why not do th' drinkin' barge first? Hell, if I don't fall off, I don't need to know how to swim, do I?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heheheheh....I decided to send this letter to all of you in general because....**tries to think of a good excuse** I'm too LAZY!!! **or maybe not so good** So if any of the seishi get embarassed...Ampunlah saya ni!!(Please forgive me in Malay) Heheheh...I was feeling a little urm... Weird cos everyone knows these little Japanese phrases and I can't understand a few of them... Do me a favour and learn some Malay!!! Scratch that...All my MAlay is slang...
Tamahome>> Sing with me now!!! It's all about the money!!! It's all about the dum dum dum da dum dum!!**whispers** Would you steal TAsuki's tessen for me if I paid you??(Actually I just want to totally carbonate my Chemistry teacher... MWAHAHAHA)
Chichiri>> You and Wandering Mage Chichiri **face turns blue after saying the whole thing** **gasp** are pretty "close" if you know what I mean aren't you....**winks** Is there something you aren't telling us...
Chiriko>> Do you have an older sister? If you don't I want to apply for the job!!!
Tasuki>> TAsuki doesn't like women but women sure do like Tasuki!! **grins and waits to be flamed** Is your Tessen available in Supasave??
Mitsukake>> How do you cure a sugar high hangover???
Nuriko>> My friends keep referring to you as "the gay one" How do I make them stop!!
Hotohori>> Is sword-fighting similar to tennis???
Tata ppl!!!
Yang Ter-perfect dan Yang Bersuara Merdu Queen Chibird
Dear Yang Ter-perfect dan Yang Bersuara Merdu Queen Chibird,
Here are our answers to your questions:
Tamahome: I may be greedy but it's not worth listening to Tasuki's bitching!
Chichiri: Everybody seems to be very interested in my private life. Why do you think this is, no da?
Chiriko: I do not have an older sister and after hearing about what Tasuki gets put through, I don't think I want one. But, thank you for the offer.
Tasuki: NO, an' I ain't flamin' ya' jus' cause ya' want me to!
Mitsukake: Eat a lot of protein and drink water to flush out your system.
Nuriko: Oh give it up. I have.
Hotohori: If I understand Tennis as Miaka explained it to me, I don't think people die while engaged in tennis.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Oh, I don't really know. She is just a little girl but I have never met her,so I can't really describe her to you. I think she maybe 3 or 4? and what I have heard about her, she is loud.
Dear Loral,
Well that describes many children of that agew, no da! We have some children visiting the palace. Yurien (Tamahome's sister), Kourin (Nuriko's sister), and a child named Willow. I don't know where she came from, no da. Is she the one?
Dear Tasuki,
I"M NOT CRYING!!!!!! and if you stick your tongue out at me one more time I'm going to tie it in a knot (a little thing my mother taught me) It wasn't you who hurt me! I never said that! My baka older brother came to vist today. he thinks whats the point to having a younger sister if you can't play fight with her. By accident he broke my baby toe, but it will heal fast, besides it doesn't even hurt I don't really notice it. As for the sake, alright I''ll be back...
Dear Peach,
Heh-heh, I'd like to see that! glad ya' ain't cryin'. Sounds like yer ma an' mine have a lot in common! Sorry to hear about yer toe. So ya' been helping Kiwi out an' protectin' her? She told Chichiri she got the use of one of her fingers back. We're glad to hear it.
Dear Chiriko,
Hey Chiriko-chan! A couple of my friends and I were wondering if you *try* to look like a girl just like Nuriko-san! Ohhh and why are you so quiet all the time? Any particular reason? I'd think you'd have a lot to say being so smart. ^.^; Well that's all. Ja ne!
Dear Kat,
No, not really. I guess I'm quiet because I don't feel I have that much to contribute to whatever the particular conversation is. When I feel it is appropriate, I speak up.
Dear Tasuki,
Oh My God!!!!!! You killed Barney!!!!!
Dear Nameless,
*smirks, shows a hint of fang, and says proudly*
Yeah, I did. Didn't I?? Heh-heh-heh... Don't you wish you could've done it?
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! How have you been? I've been reading past letters ands it sounds like things are pretty crazy around there. Well I also had Peach going through my closet of clothes in a towel. She didn't want to go back to her house in a towel because what would her parents think. So anyway, there's not much going on here. It is just very boring. One of my fingers that were broken works now, 3 more and an arm to go!
Dear Kiwi,
Glad that you are on your way to a full recovery, no da. You are letting Rain type for you, ne? Well, Tasuki probably should have chosen a better revenge, I suppose I can't blame him too much, no da. There is a lot of Tasuki abuse going on around here, ne no da. What you call boring, should really be a peaceful, relaxing time for you. Try to enjoy it, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm wondering... when the writers wrote up everything did they forget to give you a personality? Or are you just hiding it from everyone? Did something happen where your personality got transferred into Tama-neko and his into you? Just wondering ^_^;
Dear Craig,
Ever hear of the"strong, silent type"?
Dear Tasuki,
AAAaaahhh, thank you very much! The problem is not the dinosour though that was only the first step you see *opens door* SEE KIDS HE KILLED BARNEY!!!!
*kids come pouring into room* * shouting* KILL KILL KILL THE FIRE FAN BOY!!!!!!! No No No!!! If you really want to bug him kids just cry" *all the kids start crying* Now what you going to do?
Dear Not-So-Wise,
Leave and go after yer ass! Now how do ya' prefer yer punishment? Rare, medium-rare, medium, medium-well, well-done, or the "Tasuki is pissed an' jus' toasted my ass" special??? Lots of blisters!! Lemme know, if ya' got th' guts.
Dear Tamahome,
I have seen about 12 episodes and I think you're totally goregeous!
(hides in case a certain brunette hits her on the head)
I have one question, I've been reading these little letters and I don't like how Miaka and Yuiren make you sound like a total idiot.
You cuuuute! Oh yeah.. *hands him 5 gold ryou* There's the fee. =)
Myrna-chan (Who is totally gone over Tamahome-sama)
P.S. Tasuki talks weird..but don't tell him I said that. I don't need to be charred ()^_^
Dear Myrna-chan,
Thank you for the very sweet compliment! I don't think either Miaka or my little sister make me sound like a baka, because I really haven't been as good to them as I should have been. I do let my greed get in the way, sometimes. Thanks for the ryou! And I won't tel Tasuki what you said, but do realize thatif you wrote he will read it. Yeah, he can read. Hard to beleive, isn't it. Ha-ha...
Dear Tasuki,
*turns around and with lightning quick speed nails Kouji with a full arsenal of logs, knocking him to the ground, and gets over to him before he can get away, and sits on his back as her sisters tie him up.
Oh you think that's funny.....
*dumps the ice & cold water on Tasuki and Kouji*
Kouji why did you do that to me?
*sits in his lap, opens his collar up a bit, and runs a feather tickling him around his neck, as one of her sisters resumes their torture on Tasuki*
Aidou & Co.
Dear Aidou & Co.,
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Hey cut that out! I think he likes it! OI BRO'!! Just remember that she's my evil OLDER sister! Don't fall fer it man, it's a trap!!
*Kouji smiles and gives a thumbs up, but doesn't seem to be struggling very much...*
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-san, I was wondering if you'd ever like to date a girl that looks like a guy. Think of it, everyone would think you'd be the girl and she'd be the guy. It'd be a blast! There's a girl I know of... I think you'll like her. Here's a picture : Haruka Tenoh Pic
Isn't she cute? See this way you can say you're straight if you want while still being feminine! No more gay boy jokes ^.- ? Plus if you're in the mood to be more masculine, she can transform into Sailor Uranus and wear a miniskirt for you!
See? What do you say I think I can hook you two up...
::whispers to self:: That oughta get Haruka out of the way... ::dreams of Michiru::
Dear Mamoru,
I don't think so! She is no where near as beautiful as Hotohori-sama! And shame on you for sending that naughty second pic! You sukebe little bishonen! I'm going to tell Usagi, Haruka and Michiru about this!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
NNNNNOOOOO!!!!!!!! Let's not even go there! I've seen those magazines before! I will never wear anything my onichan showed you.
Tasuki can you burn that please? I didn't say keep it I said burn it!!!!! NOW!!!
And Nuriko may I talk to you for a second?...
Dear Miaka,
Oh, why not? I bet you'd look so kawaii in this. *points to a picture in the catalog* Maybe in black or red.... Oh, by the way, Tasuki insists on NOT burning the catalog. Gomen, I couldn't convince him to. Oh, here comes Nuriko!
Dear Tasuki,
Me and Ami want to apologize for our actions,and hope you can forgive us (Sasami and Ami look at him with big starry eyes) we also have to tell you something, there's this girl that goes to our high school and she thinks your so stupid and said you look like an IDIOT! we got so angry we threw a tree at her.
sasami and Ami
Dear sasami and Ami,
I see you have been takin' lessons from my sister Aidou. Glad to know she's good fer somethin'. An' yeah, I forgive ya's.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! me and my twin sister Asami just wanted to say hi and we love you!
the twins Sasami and Asami
Dear Sasami and Asami,
Hello to both of you. As I already have a wife, I cannot really return your affections in that way. Perhaps a friendship would be morein order? That is if the two of you have no objections.
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah I guess Mulan belongs to me! *starts to cackle but gets hit over the head* ;_; She says she belongs to no one...teehee! That was great! After she came home clotheless I laughed at her for over an hour...well not that long, just until she started throwing things at me. Ehehe, I just love the way you handle things...^_- *hands him a six-pack with a big red ribbon on it* Here! We have to celebrate because my page one its first award...ah and I just have one other thing to really do look super kawaii when you're wet and super angry...^_- Perhaps one day you can visit my place, and we'll teach you how to the kiddy spring. *hands him a package of little orange swimmies* Ehehehe, Mulan can't swim either...but that doesn't stop us from throwing her into large bodies of water. ^_-
Dear Amy-chan,
Yum! Thanks fer th' beer! So if ya' have no problem tossin' yer friends in th' water, how safe am I around ya'?:
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! I just wanted to say that your the most sweetist guy and I think that your wonderful with or without the mask.
Sasami No Miko
Dear Sasami No Miko,
Arigato for your sweet compliment, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know it's depressing how you guys, start dropping like flies in the end of the series. It almost makes you stop watching the series! (Oh the HORROR!) However, you all do die with honor, I'll have to give ya that. (I know that some survived) I felt like it was my own friends who died! It is SO sad! I saw the end of the series at my house and then saw it a second time at a showing, they were doing a Fushigi Yuugi night, it was all the episodes from when Nuriko died to the last episode! It was a long night! Anyway, I was sitting in the room and trying my best to keep from crying.
But everyone bursted out crying and sniffling and screaming (the screaming was just annoying) So as soon as one girl burst out in tears so would I. This happend every time one of you died! I don't think some of you realize how popular you are! Like you Chiriko, People were balling their eyes out when you died! And you Mitsukake some people were asked to step outside they were crying so loud!
Dear Coleen,
Gomen, that our deaths (especially mine) made you and your friends so sad. We are glad to be remembered as having all died with honour.
Dear Tasuki,
::nods and pours him some more sake:: Certainly, don't worry, I'll do my best not to be annoying, and I'm not a very hentai person. Besides, I just got back from work, I'm too tired to be hentai ^.~
Anyways, I was wondering, what have you and Chichiri been up to lately? I mean, after the battle with Tenkou, what did you guys decide to do? Did you just try to go back and live a normal life? Surely that must have been difficult after all you've been through. Gomen if I'm getting too personal or serious ^.^*
A nyways...::blinks:: Finished already...? ::pours more sake:: Don't worry...I brought alot ::grins:: I figured you'd be...thirsty. Oh yeah! ::hands him some chocolate:: Something from the Miko world. ::grin::
Tasuki Seikun
Dear Tasuki Seikun,
Basically we've been wanderin' around together. Well he wanders, I hang wit' him. Nothin' terribly excitin'. But we really are enjoyin' this new cyber-abode! It's cool hearin' from our fans an' writin' back to 'em. UMMMM... good chocolates! More...?
Dear Tamahome,
Will you read us a story?
the twins Sasami and Asami
Dear Sasami and Asami,
Gomen, but you will have to wait until I have read some stories to my sister Yurien. Unless you wish to listen while I read to her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Nii-san! *giggles happily as Tasuki removes her from his head and runs over and hugs her Ryueen, ni-san happily*
Nii-san no baka! You lost me!
*gently cuffs her nii-san on the arm, then runs back over to Tasuki, gives him a big hug, pulls him by his necklace, until his face is in range and kisses him on his cheek*
Arigato! You're nice Tasuki nii-san!
*big happy smile*
Dear Kourin,
Well, well, Tasuki, looks like you have at least one female here that isn't out to kill, maim, or otherwise hurt you. Good for you!
Dear Tasuki,
Pain in the ass, yes, gentlemen, mabey! *grabs towel from him* Look you! I'm not having a good day! Let's just say were even, for now. No more jokes dealing with no clothes, ok? You better not be going hentai or anything. Don't you think you went a little too far this time? Look, I'm sorry for laughing at you or whatever else I did that pissed you off. I am very tired, injured, and now have no clothes. Are you satisfeid now? *looks him in the eye fighting off her tears (God forbid she lower herself to crying in front of people)* *sniffle* *blinks the tears away and gives Tasuki a little smile and runs off*
Dear Peach,
Oh stop th' waterworks already. I didn't hurt nothin' but yer dignity! I left ya' wit' yer bare necessities on an' a nice, big, fluffy towel. An' I didn't peek! So there! *sticks his tongue out at her* BIDA! Now go dry off so I don't hafta hear how I gave ya' the flu! Then, if ya' want, I'll pour us some hot sake.
Dear Chichiri,
I suppose your right, gomen for calling you short.
No Name
Dear No Name,
Oh, no need to apologize, no da. That is quite alright. Like I said it is all a matter of comparison, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Um Tasuki............. I was only dared to do this , so here goes..... I have tracked down the big boy himself and he wants to meet you! Now you just stay right here, * walks out of room* * enters a big purple dinosuar*
Hi I'm Barney and I want to be your friend, How about a hugg. I want to teach you a song! I love you, you love me, were a happy family with a great big huug and a kiss from me to you....
One, oh, too wise to sign name
p.S I am not a girl, (just so you don't think it's them trying to get back at you)
Dear Wise,
I took one look at the bake-mono, my eyes widened in disgust, and I uttered just one thing...
LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then I walked over and kicked the smouldering heap lying on the floor.
Heh-heh... That'll teach ya!
Dear Nuriko,
Hee Hee.... Baka *Whaps Nuriko lightly on the head* You shouldn't tease Chichiri-san's lov... oops I mean *friends* too much or you'll get hurt more often. *bandges Nuriko's wounds from Chichiri no Aijin whacks* You don't want to mess your beautiful face like that, do you? Looks like I'm gonna have to make a healing device for your bruises, hm. Oh yeah, Is your sister here? I got something for her too!
Dear Skuld,
Luckily she never goes for the face, only the head. Well, sometimes the butt, knees, and ummmm... groin if she's REALLY pissed. So far, I guess I only rate headshots. I suppose I should thank Suzaku and consider myself lucky. I use arnica for my bruises, unless there is an open cut on them. But, so far she hasn't drawn any blood, yet. Kourin is here. What do you have for her?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*4 girls in towels run past door way, Miaka trailing behind them* You can find some new clothes in there. *turns and walks into room* *says to ALL the seish* Do any of you know what Tasuki did to those girls?!?!? They came to me asking for some clothes! Because Tasuki torched them off, and dummped whipped cream and water on them! *Tasuki seems to shrink in his chair, as the rest of the seishi turn and glare at him*
TASUKI!!!!!!!!! You don't just do that to girls, you know!
And as for you Tamahome! I'm not speaking to you!
Dear Miaka,
OI! Whaddya all glarin' at me fer?!?!? They abused me, had their fun an' laughed at me while they did it! Hell, I left their underthins' on 'em, an' gave 'em each a large towel, an' I didn't peek! At least I ain't no hentai sellin' my girlfriend's panties to other hentai that wear 'em on their heads!
*glares at Tamahome, who looks VERY embarrassed*
Dear Miaka,
But think of all the new panties we can buy with all this okane! And Keisuke's been telling me all about this thing called lingerie. He had this catalog from a place called Fredericks of Hollywood...
Dear Chichiri,
*Jumps into the kasa while holding Chichiri`s arm, making Chichiri go in too* Well we`re finally at the picnic place! *Sets up picnic* What should I eat first? *Eats a melon, and fireballs 300 ants coming and trying to steal their food* Ants are annoying...Aren`t they? Hehe. Oh yeaH!*Yells to a tiger who was about to call 400 ants *YOU STAY HERE FOR A MOMENT OKAY, TIGER GUY? *Scares the tiger away* OK, I never knew picnics could be dangerous hehehe. Allright lets start eating.
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
This food is quite interesting and tasty, too no da. Gomen, but I cannot stay very long as I have several obligations, but let's enjoy this while we can, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
I should hit you, here you are talking about Chichiri, Chichiri no Aijin, and I behind are backs again!
*glares at him menacingly*
Yes I love him, but his heart is closed to love, I can only be a friend to him, not to mention we're from 2 different worlds....
Stop.. please...
*eyes mist up and she leaves the room*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Would you please stop crying!! I feel bad enough as it is. Now I know what Tasuki abuse feels like (poor Genrou)! Gomennasai!!!
I don't think he is closed off from love just scared to death of it. And that's very different. Think of what he's been through, and then realize just how special you are to him...
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