Dear Hotohori,
*runs into Hotohori's arms and cries*
my baka nii-san cares more about his okane then me.......
*sobs heartbrokeningly*
Dear Yuiren,
There, there, I will read to you and have a talk with your greedy brother.
*glares threateningly at Tamahome*
How could you ignore such a beautiful child? OK Yurien what story would you like to hear?
Dear Tamahome,
*ignores him as she cries into Hotori's arms*
Dear Yuiren,
Gomen, Hotohori-sama, Yurien. I will read to you if you want me to. Kudasai?
Dear Tasuki,
Sure you said you wouldn't kill us just scare us a little but STILL! It is wrong to hit a girl for ANY reason! An Whats this I claim not to be a crazed hentai chick!!!!! IM NOT A CRAZED HENTAI CHICK!!!!! That's it I'm not talking to you! BAKA! * sticks tounge out at him* I'm leaving! * walks out side* * a bunch ice cubes hits her*AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!* she turns to her right to see Kouji with a bucket in hand* TTTAAASSSUUUKKKIII!!!!!!! DON'T YOU RUN AWAY!! GET BACK HERE! COWARD!!!!!!! THIS MEANS WAR!!!!!!!!! ...
Dear Peach,
OI! I NEVER hit any of ya'! All I did was to ask you to stand in one place. Not my problem if yer that gullible... An' Kouji wasn't MY idea, but... heh-heh... good job bro'...
Dear Chichiri,
*wakes up refreshed and the nyan-s nyans start scaring her with talk of fix, fix*
I'm not broken!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
*rushes in very worried*
Why are you screaming, no da? What's wrong? Oh, Nyan-Nyan... they won't hurt you, they're there to help you, no da.
*looks at her, takes mask off and smiles*
Cute jammies, no da. Now, if you're feeling better, I can take you back, ne no da.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh no! Saying you took away my pride was just a joke! I guess I'm not very good at being sarcastic? Kiwi is doing....ok ^-^ I say behead them but the almighty man in charge said expell them! So what are you going to do, can't mess with the almighty man in charge (well that's how he acts). Well I have to be going, I have to figure out the best way to get back at Tasuki! Did he tell you what he and Kouji did?
Dear Peach,
I am glad to hear that Kiwi is doing well. Please tell her I wish her a speedy recovery. Tasuki and Kouji have not been by to brag, but I do know what they did. All of this practical joking back and forth has gotten a bit out of hand lately. I now you want to retaliate, but can it be done somewhere other than the palace or cyber-abode? I would like to have some peace and quiet, at least for awhile. Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
OI!Genrou! how are t' babes??? hear ya burn'd ther' clothes off!!!
The almighty man Genrou only wishes he could live up to!
Dear Kouji,
Very funny bro'. I don't know where the girls or my sisters are. But, I think they're out to get us fer that little bit of payback...
An' what is this "The almighty man Genrou only wishes he could live up to" crap about? Like I look up to you?? Gimme a break!!!
Dear Chichiri,
Yes that is an improvement! I don't think I've seen you before? Well I'm Loral! *shakes his hand* and I'm looking for someone, mabey you ave seen her? I was just told to find her, and I'm bad with names. Oh, gomen for the brusies...
Dear Loral,
Nice to meet you Loral, no da. So who are you looking for? Can you describe her, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
-_-; Ara, everyone seems to say something along the same lines....especially from Mulan-chan, when I ask her to draw things like that. ^_^; It's not like I asked for a hentai picture of you wearing something a little less than a bedsheet or anything, but I think she fears I may ask for that in the future. o.O Ara, I honestly wouldn't! ^_^; As for Dr. Stud... I didn't name him. Craig-kun did. o.O; I sincerly hope he doesn't like you in that way...though you can never really tell. ^_^;
Dear Amy-chan,
Ah, so Mulan belongs to you, eh? Well ya' better bring her a change of clothes cause she was mean to me an' so I got her an' the others that have been pickin' on me back! 'Course now they all wanng kill me, I think. She wasn't hurt only soaked.
Dear Chiriko,
* Chiriko's fans come back after they here that the others were not mad at them* You don't have to worry about any jello or choclate stains! We will never do anything like that to you! WE PROMISE!!!!! Ok here is what we want to know! What is your favorite food? Movie, Pass time, scent, pet, song ? the basics! ( -:(^_^):- 0(^_^)0 :(^_^): ) *Almost all the girls give him such a big hug at the same time it makes him fall over* * The shy girl out of the group turns and starts walking away, because she is afraid that Chiriko may not like her as a person and is way to shy to confront him. *sigh*
Well it is about time we tell you are names ( so you don't know us as that mob of girls!
Starting from the left, Anna, Shawna, Cordellia, Tina and the shy one is Emily! there is more of us but they ran away in fear that Tasuki(or someone else with a bad temper) may be angry.
Chiriko's mob of fans
Dear Chiriko's mob of fans,
Why would Tasuki be angry that I have fans? He has more than almost any of us (with the exception of Chichiri). As to my favorite food, etc. Hmmm... I do tend to try to eat a helthy well-balanced diet, but I guess green tea ice cream is a favorite treat. I am too busy with my favorite pastime (studying and learning new things) to see any movies. I like light scents (lavender, sandelwood {ok so it's not that light}, citrus), cats, and I like the songs I sing as well as the ones THTC sings!
It is very nice meetiong all of you. Thank you for the promise of no jello nad chocolate stains, I appreciate it.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
Dear Peach,
Oh, that's ok. Apology accepted. Here, have some hot tea. You'll catch a cold wearing only a towel. Ano... no, I really don't want to know why.
Dear Tasuki,
WHY you! Come on gals!
*the rest of his sisters come out of hiding beat him, up, tie him up, and then aidou retuurns with a feather, takes off his boots, and asks in a deadly serious voice*
Where's Koji?
*runs the feather down the arch of his foot while her sisters look menacingly at Tasuki*
Aidou & Co.
Dear Aidou & Co.,
Heeheeheeheeheeheeheh... That tickles!
*laughs till he's red in the face and crying*
OK already!! He's around th' corner. Jus' watchout fer....
*Kouji nails the sisters with ice and water*
*falls off the chair laughing*
Dear Tamahome,
Okay.......* Jamesbond music comes on * * starts sneaking around* I LOVE THIS SONG! * climbs up wall and while still sneaking around thinking no one can see him, when he is so noticable* *turns his eye to look and notices everyone staring at him looking very confuesed* * quikly turns around* Oh HI guys!!!! What do I have here oh nothing! * loses balance and falls in Koi pond* WWWWWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!* twigs break and a big SPLASH is heard*...
some call me...
Mad man, detictive, P.J.
Dear P.J.,
OI! MIAKA!! Want to meet the guy that likes your panties?!?!?!?! That's what you get for letting her find out about our little deal...
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh. Ah, heh heh heh... whoops. Well... *I* think you have a nice voice... sorta...
I feel better now, thank you. And it's 6:50 in the morning here. I follow my doctor's instructions to the letter!
Dear Banana,
Well good. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm glad someone likes my voice. Certain people have likened it to a Las Vegas lounge singer! whatever that is.
Dear Chichiri,
a...ano... you wouldn't happen to have an extra room for an exhausted Miko anywhere would you? The people in the dorm above me decided to party, Party, PARTY!!! They do this EVERY night but lately they've been even crazier. My room shakes!!! I'm an art major with a T-square, and I have not been able to get much sleep and it shows. One day I'm gonna go up there with my T-square and.... never mind:{ I'll just try to think about good things until the end of the semester. oOwebpage...webpageOo
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Hai,no da!
*proffers kasa*
Hop in! We're off to Taiitsu-kun's, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
..I got some milk.
Dear Banana,
YUCK!! Sorry I only deal wit' sake an' beer.
Dear Mitsukake,
The light bulb is up there............* points to a very very high ceiling*
Dear Alexia,
Well, if we stand on each other's shoulders, 7. If you get me a very tall ladder, 1.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
little girl sits out side of palace doors* * sniffle * sniffle* I WANT MY MOTHER!!!!!!!!! * starts to cry so loud mabey the whole country had heard it*
Dear Willow,
Oh you poor child. Are you lost? Would you like to come inside and play with Yurien, Kourin, and Boushin? Here, take my hand, I won't hurt you...
Dear Tasuki,
Me and my friend just came for a little talk *hehe* (sasami and ami pull out some rope) there! now that your tied up what are yougoing to do?I can't hear you! (Tasuki gets himself untied and starts chasing Sasami and Ami) come on Tasuki can't you take a joke?!
Sasami and Ami
Dear Sasami and Ami,
Yes I can. But gettin' abused by all you women is gettin' old! Now just stand there by Peach an' Mulan... heh-heh...
*looks around to make sure that none of the other Seishi are around... *
Good the coast is clear... LEKKA SHIEN!
*Scorches their clothes off without burning them and then dumps whipped cream and then water on them!*
Heh-heh... see how YOU like it!!!
*Averts his eyes as he hands each girl a towel (he is still a gentleman even if he is a pain the ass)*
Now maybe you'll stop abusin' me so much!!!
Dear Chiriko,
Why did you not do anything special in FY before Miboshi took over your body? He`s a really cool character, but he`s so evil! At least you did what was right.
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
I did save the lives of the Miko and all the Seishi when Amiboshi pretended to be me and tried to kill them during the Summoning of Suzaku ceremony. I'd say that's pretty special.
Dear Tamahome,
Dear Miaka,
Hi sweetie! I think I'll go read to Yurien, now. I hear Hotohori calling for me... and besides I was getting 2 gold ryou for each pair!
*takes off running at top speed with a VERY pissed Miaka in hot pursuit*
Dear Nuriko,
Ne, Nuri-sama, Why are you being mean to Chichiri-san's lovers? Did they do something to you? If they did, I'll tell them to stop teasing you if you'd like. If they don't stop, I can Skuld bomb their place for you. By the way, What's this underwear thing WMC-san said about? You weren't teasing her were you?
Dear Skuld,
Please don't say lovers! They prefer to be called his "friends". Although, personally I agree with you. I mean, I have my admirers as do Hotohori (I'm his biggest admirer) and Tasuki. Sheesh, even Tamahome has Miaka. I don't know why the two of them just don't admit that they love Chichiri and that they share him. And why he wishes to hide all this is beyond me! He has two kawaii women who care for him and spend lots of time with him and he just calls them friends? Who does he think he's fooling, ne?
I must run. Chihciri no Aijin just came in with Chichiri and they will not be happy when they read this...
Dear Tasuki,
I think your sexy ;) Lekka Shinen, Baby!!!!
Dear Sayuda,
*blushes and sweatdrops profusely*
Ano.... arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
5'8 huh? wow, your SHORT!
No Name
Dear No Name,
I am not short. In my world that is about average. If you are comparing me to Mitsukake or Nakago (both over 6' tall), then I am short in comparison, no da. But in comparison to people of my world and the other Seishi, I am of average height, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! my friend has been bugging me(she waves to tasuki)AHEM!!!! to write to you all day and hey i have no problem with that.We were wondering.....HEY GET AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER YOU LITTLE WORM!!! sorry little sister(takes out whip) NOW GO SIT IN THE CORNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH now what!? HEY STOP THORWING tHE CAT AROUNED LIKE THAT RYOKO! Alita help me!!!!! NO!!!!!! NOT THE LAMP DON'T THROW THE LAMP AGHHHHHHH!!!! we were wondering if you would help us PLEASE!
sasami and alita
Dear sasami and alita,
Nope. Yer waaaayyyy beyond help!
Dear Hotohori,
*runs into Hotohori's room, and flings herslef on his bed crying, hiding from her nii-san*
Dear Yuiren,
TAMAHOME!!! Why have you made this sweet child cry? You are such a pretty child, would you like me to read you a story?
Dear Tamahome,
*still hiding and crying*
Dear Yuiren,
Come on Yurien, nii-san is very sorry. Come on out and I'll read to you!
Dear Tasuki,
Sure why not! * sits down at table and is about to take a drink * Wait a minute, you didn't do anything to this did you? It's not like you to share your sake with anyone. Oh, and I'm not going to try any funny stuff on you, so don't try any funny stuff on me, Deal?
Kiwi told me to tell you, that she is not the kinda girl who would think something like that just because you signed your letter to her "yers" She says she is not into stuff like that. So you don't have to worry! I'm not into stuff like that either so you don't have worry about me.
Dear Peach,
Well, ya' did laugh at me when Mulan dumped water on me, but even I won't mess up good sake! But I will get the both of ya' fer that! Glad to hear Kiwi ain't a hentai chick an' that you claim you ain't either. Tell her I said hi!
Dear Nuriko,
Ok if you stop implying such things I won't hit you!
Hmmmm looks like Tamahome blew it with his lil sis....
baka ne
I feel slightly guilty now for hiding the money.....
Poor lil Yuiren-chan.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Oh she'll get over it. And anyway it's nice to see him grovel once in a while. He has to learn that money is not the be all and end all of life. Perhaps Yurien will help teach him that. So, how was your little kasa trip? Well rested, ne?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki youre all wet!!!!
*points and laughs*
*falls over on the floor laughing*
You look like something Tama-chan dragged in! Here's a towel! heheheheheheh....... :p
Dear Peach,
*&^%$#@ women!!!! Oi! Stand right there, yeah there, next to Mulan... Heh-heh two in one shot... OI! Tamahome, Chichiri, leggo of me damnit!!! I wasn't gonna kill 'em jus' scare 'em a little! Fine! Jus' remember, I WILL get ya' BOTH fer this!!!!
*stomps off squishing and dripping as he walks*
Dear Chichiri,
* trips over SD Chichiri * GOMENNASAI!!!!!! I didn't notice that you were there! Ah... are you alright? * helps Chichiri up *...
Dear Loral,
Itai, no da! I am fine, just a little bruised, no da. Gomen, that I was in your way. Perhaps I should *POOF* go back to my normal size. Better, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
Wow! I was never in the pressence of royal blood before.In the world today their is not much royalty left. (that I know of anyway) so does it gets pretty boring sitting in your thrown all day? (well I know you don't sit there all day it's just an expression) If you want I'll keep you company for a bit? Have you ever played Go fish? (it's a card game) * 2 hours later* you win again *sigh* Are you sure you haven't played this game before? Well I surrender! * starts waving around a white hanky on a stick* You have managed to suck all my pride up in a couple of games of cards! Besides I better go find out what Kiwi, and everyone else is doing. I'll practice too! So next time I visit I'll kick your... *cough* excuse me I almost forgot who I was talking to.
I'll be back to challenge you again! but next time I won't be so easy on you! (Kiwi rolls her eyes) Hey I meant that Kiwi!
Dear Peach,
Gomen, I did not intend to insult your pride. However, this is a fun game and I have enjoyed playing it with you. I look forward to our next match. Say hello to Kiwi from me. How is she doing? I am glad that you two became friends and that you defend her against the thugs that try to attack her.
In Konan, such people would be dealt with quite harshly! Black Jade would like to invite them here for a beheading. *sigh* She is a violent, yet wise and beautiful woman, that is why she is my second consort. Take care. I look forward to our next game.
Dear Tasuki,
Excuse me, but I need to use you for a brief moment to test one of my theory's about fang boys...
*dumps a bucket of cold water on Tasuki's head*
Ah well maybe it's not that one....
*dumps a bucket of cold water on his head*
Eh...*dumps a bucket of sake on his head* Maybe you turn into something when you get angry...o.O; *feels that she will most definately find that out in less than a minute, and end up fried*
Dear Mulan,
Guys leggo of me!!! I'm gonna *&^%$#@ kill her!!! OK, I WON'T kill her but can't I just toast her a bit??? Pleeeezzzeeee????
What do I turn into?!?!?! Try a pissed, wet, Tasuki!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Could it be? No it's just a rumor....yes it's true! Today is the first day of fall!! Yay!! I love fall it is the best season. Ha ha ha... that means that I only have 1..2..3.....31 days until my birthday. Hee hee I can't wait. We'll all have to do something special. Maybe a combination birthday party and Halloween bash for all fall babies. I've not been my usual dignified self lately, but the idea of gifts just for being born brings out the kid in me. Well I hope everyone has a great day and that no one gets hurt anymore. Fate has not been kind to Fushigi Yuugi fans lately.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Ah, well happy early birthday! And we also hope that our fans stay safe. Have a great day!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Ariigato, you're nice!
And even though your hair is funny it's nifty too.... ^^
Nii-san! *giggles happily*
Dear Kourin,
Oi! Nuriko does this belong to you? Please take her she's breakin' my neck! There ya go kid... Oi! Leggo of th' hair already, wouldja?!?!
Dear Chiriko,
What happened to your family, anyway? I mean, do they even exist?
Dear Banana,
Yes they do exist. They are fine and still living on the outskirts of Konan. Thank you for asking about them.
Dear Nuriko,
I just want to say that I think you would have been a good example of the perfect man! You can sing, your strong, understand women, Not to metion those charming good looks of yours! Yep, sounds pretty perfect to me. I would call you the perfect man in a second! (oopss I already have) I have a question for you, why is it all the good guys live in other worlds, or something? Boy that's a depressing thought. All the heart throbs (as girls put it) are Leo (gross!) matt Damon (they look alike so gross) and other people they only cast in movies, to bring in the teenage girls!
Dear Falicity,
I don't know why we all in another world. It would be much more fun to be able to visit your world. Arigato for saying I'm the perfect man. Wandering Mage Chichiri and Chichiri no Aijin have no idea what they're missing!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I mean it ! I lookd in my back pack and they were gone! So mabey none of you took them, but do you know who did? Or why they did?
Dear Miaka,
Sumimasen, but I think I saw Tamahome selling them to that strange P.J. person. Just please don't tell him I told you.
Dear Tasuki,
Poor Tasuki, Here have yet another sake to cheer you up. * hands him sake*
I'm sorry that alot of people make fun of your fangs, really.I know how you feel I used to get teased because of my bright orange hair, I was called stupid things like Ronald Mcdonald and stuff, Now my hair has tond down a bit and looks sort of a peach color, and People stopped teasing me. It's not normal to have odd shades of colors for hair in my world. In your world out of the many diffrent colors of hair. I think orange is the most charming. It looks really good on you! I think it suits your personality.
*gives Tasuki a hug* Better?
Dear Peach,
Arigato fer th' sake! *guzzles it down as only Tasuki can* So ya' get teased, too, eh? Sucks don't it. Hmph, except fer fryin' the annoyin' ones, what's a fang boy to do? Ano... got anymore sake???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys are really pathetic compared to the Seiryuu Seishi...especially Tamahome....Eh heh heh.
Akuma >:)
Dear Akuma,
You rotten devil! At least OUR website works! The Seiryuu can't even get their mail files to go anywhere, but then again, ALL OF THEM ARE DEAD!!!! Heh-heh-heh-heh.... An' hell most of us can sing! Even Tamahome!
Dear Tasuki,
Ah, I never really had much sympathy for
your plight till I realized we are in much the same situation ... many of my dorm mates
think I'm gay because I say that I hate men! *grumblegrumble* WMC is right about
college guys, I have plenty of goods reasons not to like males at this time,
it doesn't mean I've turned to women!
oh, and you guys aren't in the despised group. You've all displayed maturity, morality, and even on occasion common sense. I'm still waiting on the guys around here ...
But hey, if they're really your friends, they'll stick with you even if you are gay. Just ask Nuriko.
Miome ^_^
Dear Miome,
So I'm mature, now... that's a new concept! But fer th' last time I am NOT gay!!! Maybe I just haven't found th' right woman yet. Ya' th' kind that don't annoy me or do stupid s--t that damn near gets me killed.
Dear Chiriko,
You have a very nice voice! You know what people say, you are your own worse enemy. People can be hard on themselfs. It would not hurt to have a little more confidence about yourself or your voice. bye * starts to walk away* Oh and Chiriko * turns around really fast and vollies a beach ball at him* CATCH! ^-^( I love doing that)
Dear Peach,
OOF! Got it! Thank you for the nice compliment and your words of encouragement! Oh, and thanks for the beach ball!
Dear Chichiri,
*da's softly in touched surprise, waits till he's gone, slips into the pj's and into the bed and finally gets some sleep, dreams nice da filled dreams no da*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
*whspers softly so he won't disturb her* Do itashimashite, no da...
Dear Tasuki,
Nope, sorry.
Dear Banana,
No beer??? No sake??? well, what do ya' got?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, stop implying such things, it's like implying that you slept with Miaka! And it's hurtful, for not just me but for Chichiri and Chichiri no Aijin.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
And for me,too! You should see the lump she left on my head! I may be strong, but I'm not invulnerable! When did I ever sleep with Miaka?? Ohhhh... I get your point. Ok, no more teasing the two of you. But no more hitting Nuriko, ne? Or I'll have to have Chichiri punish you both... nah, make that Tasuki!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
There is nothing on T.V, All the radio staions are playing real bad music (it sounds like a yak in mating season) My fish Pepper died! I'm sick! What else can go wrong!!!! *light bulb burns out* Figures. Do you normally get fans who run around the room with underwear on their heads? Is that the kind of crowed you people attract? I will admitt it was funny, but in an insane way! Your lucky he or she didn't start doing the Macarena (is that how you spell it? oh who cares!) That dance goes on forever! Tasuki are you sure that guy or girl was not one of your drunken friends? Anyway now for the question....... How many seishi does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Cause I could use yer help, * runs into box* ITAI!!!!!!
Dear Alexia,
Gomen that your fish died. Our condolences. Tasuki assures me that he didn't know that strange person. So, to answer your question, that depends on the location of the light socket.
Dear Tasuki,
I promise that if you do me an itty bitty favour i'll never
bother you again....
Would you give me a kiss for my birthday (Sept. 23)? I'm gonna
be sweet sixteen and never been kissed.. and I guess I should
at least get it with someone who's family name is Kou!
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Hmmm... OK. Kissu on the cheek! Happy 16th birthday! Gomen, I was a day late... bad blackout...
Dear Chichiri,
How tall are you?
No Name
Dear No Name,
175 cm., no da. Which is 5'8". Unless I go SD, then I am more like 3" tall, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
Does it bother you that people talk about your voice like that behind your back? Poor Mitsukake!
Today I had a dentist's appointment. After the doctor finished torturing... er, putting braces on my teeth, my mouth was all sore. Do you have any suggestions for how I can relieve the pain?
Dear Banana,
It didn't, until you told me about it. Take two aspirin. And write me in the morning.
Dear Tasuki,
::politly knocks on the door and enters when answered; pours him some sake and passes it to him, sitting down:: Right, arigato gozaimasu for letting me speak with you, it's an honor. Generally I like to get to know a person better before asking them questions, but seeing the circumstances, and that I shouldn't take up too much webspace (^.~) I'll get right to the point.
First off, fangs are kawaii, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, I love 'em. But I was wondering, from where did you aquire them? I mean, as a general rule, mortals don't have fangs, so is there more to your blood line than that? Or is it something from the nickname, Genrou-sama? Sorry if that's too personal.
Also, as a general rule, do you automatically hate women off the bat? Or do you come to hate them over time? After all, at one point you said, "From now on I won't hate women, if I don't like 'em, to hell with 'em." Because I really would enjoy becoming friends with a fascinating person such as yourself. ::pours him some more sake when he'd finished:: Is that okay with you? ::smiles::
Tasuki Seikun
Dear Tasuki Seikun,
All I know is that I was born wit' 'em. As to women, I don't hate all of 'em, just th' ones that annoy me. I'll be yer friend as long as ya' don't aanoy me or try any of that hentai crap on me. More sake, please...
Dear Chichiri,
Hmmm Surprise me no da!
I need it, in the last 4 days I've had 10 hours of sleep..
*piku, piku*
School is killing me!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Funny you should say that, Yuryoku na Miko said the same thing, no da! We're almost there... OK watch your step, no da! *you see a beautiful bedroom with a large bed with silk sheets and silk jammies laid out on it. You also see Nyan-Nyan! Sleep, sleep, fix, fix, cure, cure! They help you out of your clothes as Chichiri turns away (he is a gentleman after all!) to leave you in their care* Pleasant dreams, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
nee-chan, thanks but
*turns and looks at her nii-san*
I want you to spend time with me....
*leaves the room crying and hides*
Dear Yuiren,
Ano... Hey guys quit looking at me like that! Fine! I'll stop searching for my okane and go read to her... YURIEN!! Chotto matte! Nii-san will read you a story... REALLY!!
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