Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa minna-san! Whew! It's been a while since I was here. Did I miss any good stuff? University life is so weird. I wonder if Wandering Mage Chichiri-san knows what I'm talking about. In the past two weeks my college tried to kill me AND I've gotten about five good hours of sleep. ~grumbles to self~ Why can't college kids understand the concept of sleep!!
Also, I have discovered that this particular university that I attend can control its gravitational pull on individual students. In layman's terms, I fell down and scarred my leg while going to type a paper for English. I have also been hit in the face with a football by my RA (that's Resident Advisor, or the person who is NOT supposed to maul you during the college experience). That's what I get for trying to be sociable. I'll never play flag football again. Other than those distasteful experiences everything else has been just peachy. Glastig-san got a scanner!!! SUGOI! Now we are working on my very own webpage. I've been hard at work on my first fanfiction. It just so happens that it is a Fushigi Yuugi fanfic too.^-^ It's also a comic, drawn by me so it's taking a while. I have to make sure that everyone looks like themselves. Ah well, I must go now. The university awaits. I bet it wants to hurl me down some stairs or something...
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Well, college hasn't actually tried to kill WMC, no da. Just sicken and exhaust her! I'm going to take her on a short trip to relax, no da! Gomen that you have been so badly abused by the inanimate objects at your school! We hope you feel better soon, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Aw...well I guess going drinking with you is good I know of this great place....where I can get us free sake, ara as long as my friend's boss doesn't find out that is...Mulan-chan says you were right not to trust me as your cupbearer, but that's just because one day when I was mad at her, I dumped a like 6 tablespoons of table salt into her ice water she asked to get for me. ^_^; You should of seen her face, ara but she really did should try that on Tamahome. Ara, but since he might be intelligent enough not to accept a drink for should put some little innocent bystander up to it, and then sit back and watch the fun. ^_^; *blushes* Oh and Mulan-chan drew this little doodle for me since she owed me money....*holds up the URL* Gen-chan kawaii I told her you would look good in flame boxer shorts...^_^;; I won't try anything hentai I promise. ^_^;;; Though you wouldn't mind singing for me, ne? *holds up her collection of Hayashi Nobutoshi CDs*
Dear Amy-chan,
Don't know how I feel about the boxers. But yer website was amusin'. Lots of pictures of me drinkin'! Dr. Stud, ne? You worry me babe.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What would be the weirdest letter you have ever recieved? As in Weird not hentai!
Dear Falicity,
Would that be ones we have or have not posted? We have gotten quite a few that were incomprehensible, to say the least. If you make no sense, you don't get posted because we can't answer that which has no... well anything! The ones that we have posted, well... we have archives, judge for yourself.
Dear Nuriko,
Poor Nuriko, but see first impressions mean alot, and well even though you got better, alot of people remember your faults.
And *whacks him over the head* Please lets keep underwear out of our discussions! Yours, any of the other seishis, mine, or anyone elses! Okay?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Hmmm... not even Chichiri's??? ITAI! How did Chichiri no Aijin get his staff away from him? And does Chichiri know she's wielding that thing as a weapon?? She just clobbered me with it? What is with you two? He certainly hangs out with some violent females for one so peaceful... Anyway, I guess you're right about the first impressions and such. And I'm being reminded about the cross-dressing, again. You women just never forget a thing do you? Well, be nice or no more steamed meat buns for either of you!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ha ha! I have the computer all to myself ! And there is no one to stop MMMEEEE!!! BWAHHAHBWAHA MWAHAHAHA................. * Peach smacks a book in his face* " Baka"........
Dear P.J,
Give Miaka back her panties, please. Or else I may be forced to get Super-Oni with you...
P.S. That was for Miaka's sake. Look if you really want her panties, I'll sell them to you for only 2 gold ryou. Just don't tell her I'm doing this, OK?
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you! ^_^ I'm sure Kate-chan's happy. (Be glad you're not Tasuki, especially if he says no... when I ask, it's cool either way, but if *Kate* asks... it's just plain dangerous!)
Just out of curiousity... does your mask every get itchy or hot?
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
I'm glad Kate-chan I was able to make Kate-chan happy for her birthday, no da. Tasuki is swamped under about 20 letters, no da! He will hopefully answer her soon. As to my mask, since it is magical it looks and feels like skin, so it does not get hot or itchy as a "real" mask would. I do not feel it on my face, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
I have a question... I can't tell anymore if my brain is fried or if the following makes sense... I have a paper due tomorrow, on a topic of my choosing, and needless to say I'm doing it all last minute. But does this make any sort of sense at all to you for the topic of the paper....
The Celtic influence is evident upon the arthurian mythos by the symbolism of ravens, which has become an integral part of that mythos in defining it.
I'm working on 3 hours of sleep, with "miles to go before I sleep", and I have an even longer day tomorrow.
*hangs head in exhaustion*
Also, for future papers, know any other good resources, specifically search engines, or comprehensive pages, of medieval lit, other than the one you gave me a while back?
Wandering mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering mage Chichiri,
Ano... I'm not sure. However, Black Jade is an excellent resource for such things. That is one of her fields of expertise. I shall see if I can find her and ask her for you.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, Tasuki, *bops him over the head with a log* I'm hurt, truly I am. I was going to try to be nice to you, you know beating up on you is fun, but it does get tiring, and so I was going for a change of pace.
And don't you want Kouji as a brother in law?
Come on otooto... where is he?
Dear Aidou,
I don't know... anyway I'm not sure yer good enough fer my best friend... heh-heh... (bet I get my ass kicked fer that!)
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
AAAAAAAACK!!! Have you all missed me.... MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAAA... *chokes, dies, comes back from the dead* I haven't been writing lately mainly because all my time on the net has been devoted to sending e-mails and chatting to my sister in England. :( I miss her man... What the hell am I doing?? You guys don't even know me... Well...Just so u know I cybersurf right on in quite often to read your responses to questions... It's good stuff... Keep up the good work...
Oh yah... HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!! (Why have i been cursed with the Chemistry teacher from hell?) Oh heck! PARTY!!!
*starts to "joget" and tries to get everyone to join*
Mari Adik
Mari Abang....
Kecil, besar,tua, muda...
Mari sama kasih saya...
Berada hidup bahagia...
Dari jauh atau dekat....
Sama-sama muafakat...
*mysteriously dissappears in a puff of smoke*
Yang Teramat Mulia Dan Paling Cantik Queen Of The Joget Chibird
Dear Yang Teramat Mulia Dan Paling Cantik Queen Of The Joget Chibird,
Ano...sumimasen ga? We're glad that you are enjoying our site, your highness. We do our best to be amusing. And all for free, because the other Seishi won't let me charge for it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just want to say HI!
Dear J.M,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Where can I get one of them neat fox-lookin' masks that you have?
Dear Sayuda,
Gomennasai, but you can't no da. It is a magical mask that I use and is made just for me, no da. Gomen.
Dear Chiriko,
A group of 13 year-old girls looks around the corner* CHIRIKO!!!!!!!!!
* Mobs Chiriko* You are the cutest seishi! Why would people prefer Tasuki, or Chichiri and Nuriko, Over you!!!!!!!! You are so much better looking!!!! And Smarter! And talented!!!! Your just so COOL!!!!!!We happen to love your voice!!!!!!! Don't ever change!!!! * realizes Tasuki, Chichiri, Nuriko had over heard the whole thing! WAI!!!! KOWAI!!!! * runs away leaving Chiriko with lipstick marks and roses and teddy bears, looking overwhelmed*......
Chiriko's Mob of fans! ^-^
Dear Chiriko's Mob of fans! ^-^,
WAII!!!! I finally have fans! Hey guys, this isn't so bad. *Nuriko and Tasuki just smile knowingly and pat him on the head*
Dear Chichiri,
All right, I'm sorry for accusing you of flirting with Wandering Mage Chichiri. It's just... well.. it *does* sound awfully suspicious...
Would you do me a favor? Tomorrow is my best friend's 16th birthday, and it would be really great if you could just give her a tiny kiss as a birthday present. Please? It would mean a lot to her! Arigato!
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Ok. Apology accepted, no da. 16, eh? I think she wrote to Tasuki and asked for the same present. He just hasn't answered her yet, no da. Hai, kissu, no da! (A small kiss for turning 16 - on the cheek of course, ne no da!)
Dear Tasuki,
No the words hell know have no meaning to me... Kidding! Can't you take a joke? lightin up a little
Dear peach,
Yeah, yeah, BIDA! *sticks his tongue out at her* Glad to hear yer takin' care of Kiwi. I like yer fire! So, wanna join me in a sake?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
ARIGATO!!!!!!! * gives each of the seishi a hug * The card was a real surprise. I was shocked, It really helped. Oh yeah, I also thank, Chichiri no Ajin, Black Jade, Wandering Mage Chichiri, and Miaka! I have been getting many many cards from teachers, Friends, relatives even the janitor gave me a card! It is nice to know that some people don't want me dead (for what reasons students have to want me dead, I have know idea). I'm likely going to have to switch high schools.
My second language teacher, (I can speak more than one language too) gave me the singles cd. As I have had much time on my hands lately, I have been listening to it all the time. Today I put the cd up really loud. Tasuki do you know if you listen to your single (on the case it calls the song Do Be) You can hear wolves (either that or my cd player is broken) I am flatterd that you guys are worried, just I don't want you to worry so much, I'll be ok, really.
Your friend
Kiwi ^-^
P.S OH MY! I almost forgot Tama-chan! *pets Tama-chan on the head* Here you go Tama-chan, I picked this up at a pet store for you! * drops a catnip ball in front of him*
Dear Kiwi,
Glad to hear yer on th' mend! Chichiri no Aijin plays that cd so much I'm sick of me! But, I don't remember hearin' no wolves. I'll try to listen harder next time. Chichiri an' the guys all say hi & do itashimashite (yer welcome) fer th' card. Th' girls all say hi an' send their best. Tama-chan loves his catnip ball an' so does Chichiri, 'cos it keeps Tama-chan away from his beads (sharp claws, ya' know).
Yers (but don't get no funny ideas),
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! I just wanted to ask you if you have ever heard of MAGICAL GIRL PRETTY SAMMY?
Donata desu ka?
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Banana,
Chikuso! How about a beer?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I will let her know you said hi! Kiwi did indeed meet peach yester day when she went back to her school. She thinks she's really nice, yet after they got kicked out of school for the day! If you ask me they did nothing wrong, Peach and Kiwi took all the blame. I was surprised to see that Peach hadn't told you. You see, Peach and Kiwi were talking in the hall (during break).
They were about to go down the stairs when some boy (attempted) to push Kiwi down the stairs, That's when Peach grabbed her before she fell. Peach was so mad that she slapped this kid across the face, so hard the whole school may of heard it (this is what peach told me! about how loud it was,I think she dramatised that a little) One thing led to another and they both were kicked out of school for the day! Kiwi did not do anything, but she took partial blame because she felt that it was her own fault. If this continues she's most likely going to have to change high schools. I have no idea how this started up in the first place. the fighting and stuff! Kiwi was never teased or anything, she always has had lots of friends.
Don't get so concerned, I'll be fine.(kiwi told me to say that)
Dear Rain,
We are all very glad to hear that Peach and Kiwi have become friends and that Peach is also Kiwi's Seishi. We hope that if she has to change schools that they will still remain friends. We're also very relieved to hear that her spirits ar up and she is not as depressed. Arigato for the news.
Dear Mitsukake,
I have a friend who is not eating because she is afraid of her weight. She calls herself a cow all the time. She is really way too skinny! It looks like she is sucking in her stomach all the time (but she is not). No matter how many times I tell her, she doesn't belive me. Her mother and father know, but say she is just going through a stage. She hasn't eaten a thing in a week! I have told the school nurse, teachers just about anyone and evryone I can think of, but no one is taking it seriously. Have any suggestions on how to get my friend to eat?
Concerned friend
Dear Chiriko,
That loud? I would never be able to stand that. I have way senitive ears. Oh ok, than it's just me and some other people I know. I know someone sounds real good at singing when they are drunk, and really bad when their not, is that weird? I'm into voices and stuff, because I take lessons and perform sometimes. I also act in musicals for the community. My sister does a really acurate impression of Chichiri, you should hear her. I can't tell the diffrence between their voices. I'm trying to figure out if that is a bad thing for Chichiri (becuase she is a girl) or if it's a bad thing for my sister (because he is guy) What do you think?
Dear Peach,
Well Chichiri certainly is no basso profundo when it comes to his voice. That honor would go to Mitsukake. So, I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing for either your sister or Chichiri. I'm just hoping my voice will change someday!
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles happily* YEAH!!!
*while up on his head and laughing she starts poking at his hair*
Funny hair! How do you get it to do that?
I'm going to my nii-san! Nii-san!
*hugz Tasuki's head in thanks and happiness*
Dear Kourin,
*growls softly in irritation*
Leave the hair alone kid, it's natural.
*sighs and sweatdrops*
Geez, that's nice kid. Glad yer happy.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh since you're only try to protect yours and mine reputations... I'll concur.
*bips into the restroom and changes real fast into some jeans and a t-shirt with her mocassin shoes pops out of the restroom and heads towards the kasa*
I need a vacation, between my Shakespeare homework, Arthurian Lit reading assignment and major paper due tomorrow, not to mention the homework I already completed for astronomy, my web design class, and my history of world lit class, my brain is so fried and needs a bit of a respite. Ready or not here I come!
*dives in*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Hai! So where do you want to go today, no da? The Imperial Palace, Taiitsu-kun's, the humble cyber-abode? Or shall I surprise you, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Gommen for that rude intrution! That was P.J., one of the odd friends of Kiwi. He was just visting, and helping me with something! I'm SO sorry!!!! He wasn't supposed do this! *wacks P.J. over the head* Give Miaka her underwear back NOW! Thank you * hands it to Tamahome* I'm really really sorry! He has had to much sugar! If Kiwi finds out what he did, he's gonna be in for it!
Very Very sorry Rain
Dear Rain,
Never mind Kiwi finding out! Worry about Miaka, no da! So, how is Kiwi doing? We are all still very concerned about her, no da. There is a girl that goes to her school named Peach who wishes to better acquaint herself with her and be her friend. We think that is very sweet of Peach, ne no da. Tell Kiwi we said Hi!
Dear Nuriko,
Well Hotohori is nice, but I agree with Chichiri no Aijin, Chichiri is the prime specimen of a hunk ^^ and the ideal man, he's got a sense of humor, he's deep and caring, and kind... and oh so kawaii...
*dreamy sigh*
And he can sing! And has those nifty little magic tricks ^^
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Yeah, yeah, and the kesa patterned bikini briefs... hee-hee... ITAI! I was just whapped by Chichiri no Aijin! She said to leave his briefs out of this! *sticks his tounge out at her* BIDA!! Hey I can sing! And I have a sense of humour. I can be kind, too... *he is reminded about how he first treated Miaka and fumes a bit* OK, fine! Have it your way! You picky women... *grumble, grumble...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
* walks in the room cool and collective like* I'm going to ask this once, and I expect a stright answer. WHO TOOK MY UNDERTWEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????
Pissed Miaka
Dear Miaka,
NANI?!?!? Why would WE want YOUR underwear????
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Would you consider an insatiable impulse to write letters to fictional characters a sign of impending mental collapse? (ooh, lots of 'i's in this letter)
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
I would call it a healthy exercise of the imagination. So, who are these fictional characters you feel compelled to write to?
Dear Chichiri,
Catching fish on a pole, humane?! No way!
First of all, the hook half of the times ends up not only piercing the fish's lip, but it can go through their eyes or other cavities! While the hook is ripping and slashing flesh left and right, you pull this poor innocent fish out of the water, and usually let it suffer in it's last moments, bleeding and choking to death! You'd consider it inhumane for somebody to say, um... throw Tasuki a bottle of sake with a large barb in it, then yank him by his mouth into the water and hold him there until he dies! This isn't any different!
Stop fishing now! No longer let loose thy wicked barb! It's *wrong* to kill for fun, even fish!
Salmon Girl
Dear Salmon Girl,
Gomennasi, who said I only fish for fun, no da? When one is a wanderer, one makes very little okane and must still eat and survive. I do enjoy fishing, but I also do it as a practical way to survive as I wander from place to place, no da. Of course I remove the poor fish from the hook and put him into a pail of water so it does not suffer. And when it is time to prepare it, I thank the fish for giving it's life to sustain mine and pray for it as a way of saying arigato, no da. I am not inhumane, ne no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*raise eyebrow*
Tasuki was that a friend of yours?
Very confused Peach
Dear Peach,
Do the words "HELL NO", have any meaning???
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome if you want, you can finsh looking for okane, and I can read here a story? I broughts some fairy tales from why world with me. Would you like that Yuiren?
Dear Miaka,
Ariagto sweetheart! Yurien, go with Miaka and she will read you a nice story.
Wo ai ni!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, I'm sorry. I was just messing with your head. *sweatdrops* ah.. Tasuki are those tears in your eyes? Oh boy, this is not a good time to show your sensitve side. I get the point! Your just kidding with me right? hehehe funny joke? Ah Tasuki are you ok? Tasuki? Can someone get Tasuki a tissue or something! Why do you cry now, after all this time acting tough like? Why on me? WHY?!?!?!
Dear Peach,
Those ain't tears! But ever'body always picks on me about my friggin' fangs! Oi! I was just born that way ya' know! Don't bother wit' a tissue, just get me some sake!
Dear Chichiri,
What's wrong with my jammies! I go to restauraubnts, computer labs, and all over my dorm in these things!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Oh stop pouting, no da. There is nothing wrong with your jammies, no da. It's just that so far I have been accused of having my own harem (of which you were a part) and flirting with you! As we are friends I do not want a shadow of impropriety looming over that friendship. And I don't like being accused of such things when they are not true, no da. So, if for no other reason than out of respect for me, please put on some proper clothes, no da! No shoes, no clothes, no trip in the kasa, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm so bored, I'm so bored, everybody knows it, I'm so bored! *sings well balancing on head* So if you were an animal, what would it be? As in the animal that best describes you? (Tasuki there is no such think as a drunk animal, so don't even try it) Well......?
Dear Sakari,
OK. Here is what we think best decribes us:
Tasuki: A wolf (Genrou)
Tamahome: A falcon
Chichiri: A fox
Nuriko: A cat
Mitsukake: A bear
Hotohori: A dragon
Chiriko: An owl
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*pours her nii-san some sake* So where has Kouji been hiding these days?
*innocent smile*
Dear Aidou,
A: Like I trust ya' enough to drink or eat anythin' ya' make or give me?!? B: Do I really look stupid enough to tell ya'???
I think yer losin' yer touch, sis!
Dear Nuriko,
You're just too beautiful to be believed, you're too perfect Nuriko. *GIGGLES* Of course some would say crossdressing is less than ideal....
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Arigato! She explained her reasoning to me and it had to do with her tastes in men and not with me personally. Although, crossdressing did come up as somewhat negative to the ideal idea of masculine manhood. But I still say why Chichiri??? At least she could have used Hotohori-sama *SIGH* as a shining example of a perfect man. I know Black Jade would back me up on this! I guess there is just no accounting for taste...
Dear Tasuki,
HAI! *starts sniffling* I want my nii-san... my feet hurt from all my walking... carry me? Onegai?
*looks up with threatening to cry eyes*
Dear Kourin,
Oh geez, don't start wit' th' waterworks, kid! Gods, I hate kids! *grumbles to himself, then kneels down in front of her* Hai! Go on get on my back. I'll carry ya'. Jus' don't cry or anythin' while yer up there!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*runs in with underwear on head* HA!HA! look at me! I'm a NUN! @_@
* continues to run around room * *singin* I don't wanna be a duck I don't wanna be a chiken! I just wanna be ME! * while doing the chiken dance*
YMCA! YMCA! everybaody now Y...M...C...A!!!!!! * does Richard simmins impression* I'm a pony, I'm a pony! Groovy baby yeah! The captian must go down with his ship *wipes tear from* (hampton impression) Tha's all folks!!!!! * jumps like a bunny out of the room*
Dear ???????,
*ALL the Seishi look at each other in confusion and sweatdrop in unison. Tasuki finally breaks the silence, as only Tasuki can...*
Suzaku Seishi
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