Dear Tamahome,
Nii-san is full of himself, ne Miaka nee-chan? *giggles* I want a real story nii-san! Not a boasting tale!
Dear Yuiren,
This is a real story! Look, why don't we finish finding my okane and then I will read to you from a book instead, ok?
Dear Mitsukake,
Sure that would be great! Oh and sorry about that eye gouging thing. Eyes are used in remedies in Amazon tribes.
Dear Tora,
Perhaps by your tribe. But, not all Amazons are like that. There are other Amazons on the edge of the Black Sea that live in harmony with men as equals, and as great warriors and huntresses. Your tribe and the tribe we ran into (who by the way, use eyes to "flavor" their sake) may have been an aberration. Perhaps you should seek out these other women and stay with and learn from them. It may prove enlightening.
Dear Chichiri,
*quickly jumps out of bed, grabs the kasa and tries to jump in*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
*an arm emerges warding her off* You better have real clothing on, no da! And I don't mean jammies! *arm disappears and the kasa floats gently to the floor* DA!
Dear Tasuki,
Anou, I was wondering, if I could, well...^_^;; Be your official cup bearer? I'd bring you all the sake you wanted to your desire! My friend Mulan-baka keeps teasing me and keeps saying it's foolish to fall in love with fang boys such as yourself, often pointing out the only time I would have a chance would be when you have passed out after many a round of sake...-_-; Ara, she thinks I would actually do something to that extent...^_^;;;;
Dear Amy-chan,
I really don't want no slave or servin' wench an' besides if I pissed ya' off ya' might spit in my sake! Nope, sorry. Ya' want to hang out an' go drinkin' wit' me that's ok, but no hentai crap if we get really drunk! OK?
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa!!!! I'm back again and I brought along a little gift! Oof! Ergh! Geez this is more heavier than I thought. Nuri-sama, a little help, please!
*Nuriko puts down a *very* large carton while shaking the whole place*
For my Nuri-sama, I give you the God's food, 500 lbs of Green Tea Ice Cream!!!! No hentai and ecchi included. *Bows down* Please enjoy and tell me if it's good!
Dear Skuld,
500 pounds of ice cream?!?!? We will need to get Miaka here to help eat it before it melts! Oh, and the rest of the seishi, too.
Dear Tasuki,
Um... I don't know his seishi name, but his real name is Ryuuen, have you seen my nii-san?
*looks up at you with wide purple vibrating eyes*
Dear Kourin,
Yeah, I seen him. Want me to take ya' to him? Aw geez, don't start cryin'!
Dear Nuriko,
True no da, but all the men around here are all still stuck in preschool, the only improvement is they are no longer wearing diapers... I'm still waiting to find a guy I can carry an intelligent conversation with.
And the scariest thing is, I'm in college!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ano... gomen for the entire male side of humanity? I am certain that one day you will find your special man and he will just as wonderful if not better than "him". Chichiri no Aijin tells me that some of them you just have to wait for them to grow up (Tasuki) and others are already there (Chichiri). Hey! Why wasn't I an example of perfect manhood? Sumimasen, I must ask her about this...
Dear Mitsukake,
No, just curious I guess.
Dear Tora,
Ah. Well then, you are welcome to visit me in my pharmacy anytime you wish and we can discuss herbs and remidies.
Dear Tamahome,
Sorry buddy your not getting a dime from me or Sailor Mercury! Now for the questions.........HEY WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!!!!(points to a demon)OH MY GOD WE HAVE TO STOP IT OR IT WILL KILL TAMAHOME!!!!! (pretty sammy does her force feild and mercury does her aqua rapsody)YAY WE SAVED HIM!!!!!.Now who owes who!
Baka!! That's NOT a demon! That's a drunken Tasuki!
*looks at Tasuki who is looking somewhat confused and a bit out of focus...*
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That was pretty funny! But, I don't owe you anything.
By the way, you may want to consider leaving, because when he realizes what just happened, he'll be really pissed....
Dear Chichiri,
Lets see, more about my tribe..... Well, the woman are very strict, some I have never seen smile.What we didn't grow or catch, believe or not we stole the stolen. In other words we attacked or rather ambushed bandits, and took what they had. We would never take anything from an honest villager though. You where trained to be a gentle killer. You also learned how to deceive men. Amazons hate men. I was once very good a deceiving men, but one time......My tribe, took the 2 men I had deceived and used them as breeders, and then they were killed. That was one of the reasons I left. The other was, when an amazon bared a male child, her son was sold to people who could not have children. 5 brothers of mine were taken from my mother and sold. The fifth time my mother had to let go of a child she protested, and was sacrificed. The leader tried to convince me that my mother was evil and broke the rules. So I attacked the leader. I was only 14 and could never have won. I now bare with a scar across my stomach. So I lived on stealing from bandits and using what I had learned to help me and others. There were often times I was shuttered away in villages or even escaped from being killed. For long ago tribes used to raid villages. The people were frightened of me, because of the scar, they thought I was a ruthless warrior who could attack them. It was not an easy thing to live through.
Dear Tora,
Gomen that your life has not been an easy one, no da. I think we came across some of your tribe in one of our manga adventures. They were certainly a kowaii group of women. They captured Mitsukake and were about to gouge his eyes out when I came to his aid, no da. It is a goo dthing that you escaped. Good luck to you, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
I do agree with that Nakago comment, very true. (I didn't want to say anything rude about Mitsukake so I said he had a good voice) Yes, Tasuki and Chichiri are also very talented. Miaka is not that bad either. I was just wondering, what do you think about, Tamahome, Hotohori, and Yui's singing talents? I just want to know if it's just me, who skips their tracks on my cds? Please don't tell them, I don't want hurt thier feelings.
Dear Peach,
Actually the only track that gets skipped around here is Mitsukake's, but only when Chichiri no Aijin is playing the CD. All she ever wants to play are Chichiri and Tasuki's tracks, with an occasional Tamahome interlude. She played Meccha by THTC so loud one day that she frightened Tama-chan off the computer. But when she is not here we play all of the tracks.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! me and my friend Sailor Chibi Moon are just wondering if you are in love with Miaka or something?HEY!!!!! don't yell at chibi moon like that!!! see now you made her cry!!!! (pics up a vase and throws at Tasukis head)take that! NOW SAY YOUR SORRY!!!!! and keep this in mind don't ever mess with MAGICAL GIRL PRETTY SAMMY or SAILOR CHIBI MOON!!!
Magical girl pretty sammy
Dear Magical girl pretty sammy,
Oi! I ain't in love wit' Miaka or any other girls! Did my sister send you here to annoy me? 'Cuz you are!
Dear Tamahome,
HAI! Go on nii-san! *smiles up at Miaka* Nee-chan! Hi but be quiet, I wanna hear my story!
*big happy smile*
Dear Yuiren,
Ok. Now the roku bishonen were very smart and very brave, but the red-headed baka was always yelling and getting into fights and trouble. He too was very brave but, not too bright. He was not as handsome or talented as the roku bishonen...
Dear Chichiri,
I love it when you do that.....
now where did you go, what are yo up to you sneaky little monk you?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
*she sees a kasa float by and hears a voice coming from it*
Wouldn't you like to know, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not going to tell. He is gone to the inn anyway to get a drink. I was only worried he might overhear you, that's all.
Dear Miaka,
Well, if he's at the inn for a drink, he'll be gone most of the night. So I'll continue...
Dear Tasuki,
Oh, aren't we the modest type. There are poeple in my world who pay losts of money to get fangs. *looks over at Tasuki who's glowing, and quikly looks away* But there freaks. So anyway, I just finished talking to Chiriko about his taking voice lessons. You are a really good singer too, did you take voice lesson, or is that just your a natural talent of yours? * thinks to herself: ya right like he would say he took voice lessons* so did you?
Dear Peach,
Oi, I got this voice naturally, babe! So does Chichiri! We're just sooooo @#$%^&* cool!
An' enough gripin' about my fangs! We fang boys gots feelin's, too, ya' know!
Dear Mitsukake,
What kinds of healing erbs does this culture use? I am not a custom to them. I do have my own erbs, that have been past down in the amazon culture for many years. Would you like to see them?
Dear Tora,
We use many different herbs depending on what the ailment is. Did you have a specific illness in mind?
Dear Chiriko,
Well Chiriko any ideas to get Tamahome to bet against himself in finding all his ryu?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Gomennasai, but I do not think that this is a very good idea. Contrary to what Tasuki might have told you, Tamahome is very intelligent, and certainly very shrewd when it comes to money. If you get him to bet against himself, he will simply stop looking, so that he will win your bet and make more money than he started with.
Dear Chichiri,
Aiyaaaaa! You were wearing Wandering Mage Chichiri's clothes?! 0_o You're exchanging clothes with her, and you ask why people think you are flirting with her?! Orooo....
I don't blame Chichiri no Aijin for whapping you with your kasa! Bad Chichiri! Bad!
Crossdressing... are you sure Miaka wasn't telling the truth when she said you were a woman inside like Nuriko was?
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
ITAI, NO DA!!! Stop hitting me, no da! I am NOT exchanging clothes with Wandering Mage Chichiri, no da! Nuriko is the crossdresser, not me, ne no da. I landed once in Wandering Mage Chichiri's closet and got tangled in her clothing and she called that "wearing" her clothing, no da. I can assure you that I am a man inside as well as out, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
So, what is this funny thing you call sake, that your drinking? (takes a sip of his drink) *spits it out* When last did fang boy brush his teeth? * pours herself her own glass and takes a drink* This stuff is pretty good, when it hasn't already been drinken by someone! * grins and keeps drinking* I see why you like this so much. *falls over in chair* ITAI!!!!
Dear Tora,
Lay off th' *&^%$#@ fangs already!! Enough fang abuse!! What is it wit' you people?!?!? There ain't nothin' wrong wit' sake from MY glass!! I brush my teeth regularly, jus' like Miaka showed us. Heh-heh... Fallin' outta yer chair... serves ya' right fer sayin' that s--t about me!
Dear Chiriko,
Me, uummm... I personally like Nuriko's voice myself. His voice is very srong and he can keep it steady, even whan he reaches high notes. He is very good at making his voice go high, without making your ears hurt. Unless you are listening to your discman. Once I was on the city bus, and was listening to the cd "Memories" and it was on track 9, anyway I forgot to turn the volume down like I normally rember too. The whole bus heard the high picth notes, and heard me yell Itai!!!!!. You are also very good at hitting high pitch notes. So I figured you had to have lessons from Nuriko. Mitsukake's voice is also good, but I find his voice too deep.
Dear Peach,
The only voice worse... er... deeper than Mitsukake's is Nakago's! Tasuki and Chichiri have interesting singing voices. I find they are rather pleasent to listento, but all in all, Nuriko does have the best vocal control of all of us.
Dear Tasuki,
got milk?
Dear Banana,
Nope. Got sake?
Dear Chichiri,
Konnichiwa! So you like wandering place to place? I do, I can never stay in one place for too long. It was about time I ended up here in Konan Country. I've been wandering ever since I was 14, When did you start? Why did you start? I ran away from an amazon tribe that I belonged to. I didn't like being an amazon. Say didn't you run into an amazon tribe, at one piont in your adventures? Than you see why I didn't like being in an amazon tribe. Well, I may rest in this country for awhile. I hear you like fishing, do you know how to catch fish with yours hands? Or spear a fish, Oh ya you don't like violence, so you most likely use that funny pole thing?
Dear Tora,
I started wandering after my fiancee and best friend died. I was 18. I have never come across a tribe of Amazons, no da. I do tend to fish using a pole as it is somewhat more humane than spearing the fish. So, tell me more about your tribe, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What! Are you crazy! I don't think so. I would never nip at anyones sake let along yours. I don't drink things that have had fangs in them, God only knows where they have been. When last did brush your teeth? Or at least changed your tooth brush or flossed? HHhhmmm, mabey you should see a dentist. I'm only kidding, don't freak!
Dear Peach,
Oh, yer reeeeaaallll funny! There ain't nothin' wrong wit'my teeth! Miaka taught all of us about brushin' an' flossin' an' all that stuff. My fangs are *&^%#@$ cool! So there!
Dear Tamahome,
Do you and Miaka get married? I hope you do!
My brothers are so mean to me! they make fun of me just because i think your kawaii *sniffle*WHAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Dear Sasami,
I'm sorry that you have such mean brothers. But, I'm glad that you think I'm kawaii. Miaka and I did our own private marriage ceremony but, I'm sure we will do another one soon.
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen, but I don't know if people recognize you as male or female... I didn't use you in my study.
I am considering making another study, with more varied subjects. I may use you this time, too. I hope that people can recognize your gender better than they recognized Tamahome...
Oh, and tell Tasuki not to feel bad about people thinking he was a girl. After all, that was him *trying* to look like a girl... Hotohori managed to convince a lot of people he was a she without even trying!
Have a nice day... and quit flirting with Wandering Mage Chichiri! ^_-
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Tasuki read your letter, but I don't think he feels any better, no da. His one consolation is that with Tamahome dressed normally, people still thought he was female, no da. I would be curious to know what they think of me. Hotohori-sama, unfortunately, is able to pass for feamle without even trying, ne no da!
I am not flirting with Wandering Mage Chichiri, no da! Why do you think such a thing, no da? Even Chichiri no Aijin has said the same thing to me and then she whapped me with my own kasa, no da! Itai!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you in love with Miaka?
My friend Alita(waves and blows a kiss to to Tasuki)wants to know if you will go out with her? oh and i think your really cool, also i think it was mean of your sisters to beat you like that(sniff)WHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
My brother is so mean! he says your stupid and I am stupid for thinking your cute! *SNIFFLE* please help me WHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
Dear Sasami,
No, I'm not in love with Miaka. Tell Alita hi, but I ain't interested in datin' anyone. Thanks fer sayin' I'm cool an' cute. Tell yer brother he's a baka an' I'm gonna come to yer world an' kick his ass fer fun. Heh-heh... Yeah, I think my sisters are mean, too. But they're women, so I can't do much about it.
Dear Tamahome,
*walks up behind Yuiren and Tamahome* ... *clears throat, and puts hand on his shoulder* Tamahome..., where is this story your telling cute little Yuiren going? Hhhhmmmmm, don't you think you should tell her something a little more appropriate? Perhaps a story that won't end with you getting fried? * smiles*
Dear Miaka,
Well, I'm making it up as I go along and if no one tells Tasuki, then I won't get fried. OK?
Dear Chiriko,
I was just listening to a cd, you know you have a pretty good voice! Did you take lessons from Nuriko?
Dear Peach,
Arigato! Hai! It was either voice lessons from Nuriko or voice lessons from Mitsukake. Which would you pick?
Dear Chichiri,
I knew it! But if I ever see you pop out of my closet again, I might have to kill you *mock glares at him recalling the time you popped out wearing her clothes*
You looked so kawaii in my favorite cape...
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well, that is, as I've said before, the manner in which I travel. Gomen for landing in your closet, no da.
*goes SD folds his hands over his chest and rocks back on his heels*
So you liked me in your cape, no da?
*pulls out his kesa, gets a mischievous look on his face and disappears in a poof!*
Dear Tasuki,
um, mister? Have you seen my nii-san? He was taking me to meet someone and I got lost...
*tugs on his blue overcoat*
Dear Kourin,
Oi kid! Hands off th' coat! Ya' know, ya' look a lot like my bud Nuriko. Is that who yer lookin' fer?
Dear Tamahome,
silly nii-san you're talking about Tasuki nii-san, ne?
Dear Yuiren,
Umm, hai! Do you want to hear more?
Dear Tasuki,
Oh ya, sure sure. Going off and getting drunk is not going to help you feel better. Have a glass of water, or gingerale, that will help you more than sake!
Dear Miaka,
Have ya' forgotten who yer talkin' to here? It's TASUKI! In my book sake makes everythin' better!!! Ja mata! I'm gettin' a drink!
Dear Nuriko,
Well in my case it's just not a good thing for the age difference, because my world and theirs are quite different... @_@ not to mention I can't think of these persons as more than friends...
It's hard when you know who your perfect guy is and you can't have him cause you really are worlds apart *SIGHS*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ah, we are back to "him" again, eh? He does treasure you as a friend, but I doubt he will ever get over his past loss. I know there are times when I want to tell him to get over it and get on with his life but, I do not wish to hurt my friend. Perhaps, you should try to see the qualities that you love in him, in other men. You never know, you might be surprised.
Dear Hotohori,
I just wanted to say, that this is the most beautiful country I have ever seen, and I have seen many. Most of the the people are quite pleasnt here, unlike some countries. You do a great job of running it.
Also I want to give you this, it's to help keep your hair up and beautiful. * hands him gift* Amazons sometimes wear them, to keep their hair up when in battle, so it's strong material, and works well.
Dear Tora,
Arigato gozaimasu for the present. I am wearing it as I write this to you. Thank you also for the kind words about my country and people. I am glad that they are happy under my rule and that this is evident to visitors.
Dear Chiriko,
Your so KAWAII!
Sasami and Alita
Dear Sasami and Alita,
Arigato! I am getting tired of other people telling me I look like a little girl. Thank you for your nice compliment.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you have a girlfriend? hey I have blue hair just like you!
Dear Sasami,
No, I don't have a girlfriend, no da. My fiancee died many years ago and I still mourn for her. I do have many female friends, but I am not looking for that kind of relationship, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
No I said guys who are 5 years older than me, not 5 guys....
*bops him playfully over the head*
Dear WMC,
Oh, gomen! My mistake. Depends I guess on how old you are. If you're 13 and he's 18, in your world that's probably not a good thing. But, if you're 22 and he's 27 that's not too bad. If he's nice looking and not a bad person, perhaps you should give him a chance. If he's a real baka, perhaps you should introduce him to Tasuki and then you won't ever have to worry about him!
Dear Tamahome,
I don't know.... I just wann hear a story!
*raises her arms up at you to be picked up*
Dear Yuiren,
*picks her up*
Ok. Once upon a time there were roku bishonen and ichi fanged red-headed baka...
Dear Chichiri,
Frighten? The only time you ever frighten me is when you appear out of nowhere.... but I have a sneaking suspicion you enjoy that no da.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
*blushes & sweatdrops* Ano, whatever made you think that, no da? *cough, cough, blush* I... errr... well that is how I travel, no da! Ano, gomen, no da?
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