Dear Tasuki,
Oh, what I said (in my letter before) about me living on a farm was an error, I meant to say my grandmother, I wasn't paying any attention to what I was writing, and often make those mistakes. Gomen! I visit her often though, and when ever you need peaches let me know. There isn't many farms that I know of in Mass in the first place *thinks* so how in earth did I make that mistake...... (My grandmother lives in Georgia)
Dear Peach,
I don't know. Were you nippin' at my sake??? Tsk, tsk... Outta my booze woman!
Dear Chichiri,
Because when we see your real face we see the real you and not the mask you put on, we feel privileged and honored to see the face and be able to look the one we respect so in the eye. Especially cause as your friends we want you to know that you don't have to hide things from us including any pain you may suffer. The mask is charming and does have a tendency to make us smile, but seeing your real face is far more beautiful for both aesthetic and spiritual reasons....
Yes I get very grumpy and irritable when I'm sick... I didn't realize you were teasing.....
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ano, that... that is very flattering, no da. Arigato gozaimasu. I don't know what else to say. I am flattered that you feel that way and that my face does not frighten you, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Alright I can take a hint. (hands Tasuki a basket of peaches and a six pack of sake) Oh here I can see you like these too (hands him a few tubes of Pixie stixs) Don't eat them all at once, or you will pass out again. I guess your not scary, as long as what your saying about you not being a vampier is true. Well it's not really my farm their growin on I don't live on a farm. I'ts my Grandmothers farm, and she lives far from here.
You want to hear something that's really weird? I think I know this girl Kiwi, I heard that a girl in our high shcool had her arm and fingers broken by some guys after school. I also heard she came to school today and had to leave because she was being tormented by other students, because the boys were expelled (I think that's how you spell it) from school, and they were really popular. I don't know the guys or this girl personaly, I've just seen them around. I have spoken to Her once she seems really nice and I hope her arm and fingers heal soon. When she returns to school I'll try to get to know her better. Men can be such jerks (no offense, I mean the ones who hit girls)
Dear Peach,
Ummm, thanks fer the peaches an' sake! An' the Pixie Stix!!! Heh-heh... Wonder how a sugar high feels if yer drunk on sake?
That would be so *&^%$#@ cool if you were to make friends wit' Kiwi! An' yer right! Men who hit women are jerks! They're not even real men!! If ya' gotta beat up a woman to prove yer manhood, yer just a *&^%$#@ loser an' a pansy! I STILL wanna come to yer world an' show those bakas what brawlin' an' a ass kickin' from a REAL man is like!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I recently gave a sort of 'survey' at my school. I showed them various pictures of all of you (as well as Miaka and Tomo) and asked them if they thought they were male or female. Here are the results I got:
One person thought Miaka was male, and 14 thought she was female.
Four people thought Nuriko (in a dress) was male, and 11 thought she was female.
Five people thought Chiriko was male, and 10 thought he was female.
4 people thought Tamahome (in drag) was male, 10 thought he was female, and one person thought he was androgynous.
11 people thought Tamahome (in normal clothes) was male, and 4 thought he was female.
7 people thought Hotohori (with his hair down) was male, and 8 thought he was female.
8 people thought Tasuki (in drag) was male, and 7 thought he was female. (Apparently Tasuki's not as convincing a crossdresser as Tamahome...)
Finally, 4 people thought Tomo was male, and 11 thought he was female.
That's all! I thought these results were rather interesting, and I thought you might be interested the impression you give non-anime fans.
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
That is rather interesting, no da. I'm glad to know that people thought I was male, no da! Although, Tasuki and Tamahome were less impressed with your results, ne no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*eyes widen*
That's alot nii-san.....
i.. *looks down* could you please at least read me a story now and then we look some more? Onegai!!!!!
Dear Yuiren,
OK. What would you like to hear? But, make it a short story.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh what an excellent idea! Surely Chiriko should have an idea, and I'm sure he could think of something!
On a side note, I hate my hair, first it's so long it was killing me, now it's short and I can't do a thing with it........
Maybe I should just buy wigs.........
*pulls Nuriko by his shirt's lapel in desperation*
AND why is it that in real life I only have guys interested in me who are at least 5 years my senior and I have no interest in?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ano... Five guys, eh? Not bad... I don't know why, just lucky I guess? Sumimasen, I think I hear Chiriko calling...
Dear Tasuki,
Out? Tasuki there is no pixies. That's the name of the candy, Pixie stixs. You are a tad beyonde sugar high. More so insane! This is very bad for your blood sugar! (Yes you do have sugar in your blood, not the kind you eat) Get UP!........... Well at least, it's quiter know, and we don't have to listen to your drunken signing anymore!
Dear Miaka,
Oi! Stop yellin' already! Geez I feel like
s--t! I need a drink! OI! Chichiri how's 'bout joinin' me fer some sake at the inn?
Dear Chichiri,
*very indignant* I DID NOT PEEK! I respect you too much *turns away hurt that he would think that*....................
*long silence*
I prefer seeing your real face.......
Wandering Mage Chichiri
(PS. KIWI get better soon na no da!)
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well, I didn't REALLY think that you peeked, no da! I was just teasing you, no da. Hmph, we're grumpy when we're ill aren't we, no da? It seems a lot of women prefer seeing my real face. Why is that, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Hmmmm how to make him bet against himself..... hmmmmmm... Tell him the odds are in his favor?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I'm not sure. I will need to consult with Chiriko on the math involved in this. This is harder than I thought!
Dear Tamahome,
let's see....
*begins to count*
ichi, ni, san.........shi....roku....
no that's not right....
*counts again*
ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku.....shiichi, and................hachi!
*holds up the last bit of ryu in this stash*
Nii-san, there's hachi ryu!
*smiles proudly*
Dear Yuiren,
Excellent! Good girl you found 8 so far. All we have to do is find nijuu more and then we're all done. Let's keep searching...
Dear Chichiri,
Is Kiwi alright? I feel real bad for her. I know what an arm being broken by someone feels like. The best thing for her to do, would be to rest the arm as much as possible. Oh if you do send her the card can you sign it for me? please. I hope she gets better soon.
Dear Miaka,
We don't know anymore than you do, no da. But, we will pass on your good wishes to her. Her brother said he will help her as much as he can, no da. He too is recovering from an accident, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hhhhmmm a way to get Tamahome to bet against himself, Is this without him knowing he's betting against himself? I'll have to think about that one.
Dear Miaka,
Of course without him knowing he's betting against himself! Perhaps a little fib...
Dear Chiriko,
You need to get a new look cause you look like a woman!!! Get a new image!!!!
Dear Heather,
I'm sorry that you feel that way about me. Perhaps you have mistaken Nuriko for me?
Dear Chichiri,
Hai! Genki des! (Yes, I feel good) I'm finally on the road to recover na no da. And as to your fiancee, I know alot about you na no da *blushes slightly and turns away* and I hate to allow misinformation spread na no da.
Thanks for reading to me, your voice is very soothing na no da. And I love the "Princess Bride"
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Did Black Jade show you something she shouldn't, no da? Were you a bad girl and peeked while I was changing at the beach, no da? I don't know what you would know about me to make you blush so, ne no da. But, I'm glad you're feeling better, no da. I'm flattered that you find my voice soothing. I hope you did not mind that I took off my mask while reading to you, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Your scary!!!!! How pointy are those fangs of yours? Are you a vampier or something? I'm not calling you ugly just scary, so don't take it the wrong way, I just have nightmares about vampiers alot. So I find you scary. Please don't be made with me. I here you like peaches! Guess what I live on a farm and we grow LOTS of peaches! Would you like some?
Dear Peach,
I AM NOT KOWAII!!! An' I ain't no vampire! C'mon, lay off the fangs already. Some women find 'em attractive, so there! BIDA!
I do like peaches, though an' I've been known to fergive a lot fer peaches an' sake...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you were in some big restaurant, let me guess what you might pick...
Miaka - Anything or everything
Tamahome - Maybe some...potatoes?
Hotohori - Meat and more healthy stuff, I believe
Nuriko - Maybe bread with cheese or ham?
Chichiri - Uh...Fish...maybe...
Tasuki - Burnt crabs, maybe?
Chiriko and Mitsukake - A healthy salad
Please answer if you don`t agree with one of these.
Dear Thumpa-Thumpa,
You're actually quite close. It's more like this:
Tamahome - Whatever is the special (gotta save that ryou!)
Nuriko - Prefers fresh fruit and vegetables and steamed meat buns.
Tasuki - Not really burnt, more like slightly singed. And he doesn't care much for crabs, but prefers meat.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh... Sure no problem. (hands Chichiri a piece of cake) Would any one else like a piece? No Tasuki not YOU!!!! Here Chichiri, (hands him another piece of cake) I hear that Wandering Mage Chichiri is feeling better. Give this piece to her, OK. Hey, if you think Tasuki clucking like a chiken would be interesting. You should see someone act like a squid! They put a ruber glove on their head and everything! I've seen all these weird things at many diffrent slumber parties, and Birthdays! Truth or Dare is even worse.
Dear Miaka,
Arigato for the cake! You certainly have some strange ways on your world, no da. Well, right now Tasuki is on the floor and drooling, no da. A common condition for him, no da. Mitsukake is checking to make sure he is OK, since this was not caused by sake, but by too much sugar, ne no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you (meaning all the suzaku seishi's) had to pic a direction would it be north, south, east or west?
Dear Lost,
I guess that would depend on where we were going. But I guess South since that is the quadrant that Suzaku rules.
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks for the advice, she still doesn't seem to happy though. If she feels like writing in sometime (I'm sure she will) I'll do the typing for her. They were a bunch of guys, but they got in BIG trouble. Tasuki they are getting what they deserve, don't worry.
Dear Rain,
Well, typing for her is a good start, no da. I remember when Chichiri no Aijin was in a serious automobile accident in June. She fractured her heel and Mitsukake was unable to help her, no da. She too was unhappy for a long time because she was in a wheelchair and unable to do things for herself. It was frustrating for her to be dependant on us and when she tried to do something on her own, she fell and reinjured her foot. You could hear her scream "ITAI!" from the cyber-abode to Konan country, ne no da!!! I had to calm her down, so Mitsukake could check and make sure she did not require a trip to the hospital. Hysterical, upset women are no fun, no da!
So, your sister may not be herself for awhile, but try to be there for her if she needs your help or just a hug and a caring word or two. I'm sure she will appreciate it, even if she does not show it. She has had a very traumatic experience and needs a lot of support from her family to get through this awful time, no da. We are all glad to hear that the guys who did this will be punished. Although, Tasuki still wants to go to your world and give them the business end of his tessen, ne no da!
Let Kiwi know she is in our thoughts,
Dear Tasuki,
Hi again!
Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, i have been so busy with school! *cries*
Anyways, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for how I could make my 90 minute class of spanish more interesting...
every time i call someone "baka" they think i'm calling them a cow <"vaca"> ;_;
i'm so sad.. they don't offer japanese or chinese at our school. ;_;
and i miss you. are you related to Kou Seiya?
Dear Kate-chan,
Donata desu ka? Never heard of 'em. I don't know how to make your class more interestin'. Is there another language besides Nihongo and Chugokugo that yer interested in that ya' can take instead? German, French or Latin maybe? Gomen I can't really help ya' wit' this one....
Dear Chichiri,
Do u ever take that bead neckless of yours off? How come it seems u never change clothes? One more, Do u ALWAYS tie your hair back? ever let it out kinda like Hotohori does when it's not in the bun?
Dear Erin,
I don't have as much hair as Hotohori-san to "let out" as you say, no da. I do untie it to wash it when I bathe, no da. I don't generally remove my necklace and as to my clothes, I like what I wear so I have several of the same outfit, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
*giggles* I like the way yu think, and as a college student I could always use the extra money.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I'm glad, tee-hee. Now to come up with a sneaky plan...
Dear Tamahome,
I don't know how much there is let me see *takes out the money and starts counting*
ichi, ni, san.....
um what comes after san nii-san?
Dear Yuiren,
Shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyuu, juu...
Dear Tasuki,
Now Tasuki, I know this will be hard for you, but let's be reasonable. You are on a sugar high! Get a hold of yourself! You WILL get sick, if you eat anymore, Tasuki! Are you listening? (yells at Tasuki who is singing like a drunk and dancing around the room) Didn't think so...*sigh* Hey Tasuki what are you doing? (looks at Tasuki who is now going through Miaka's bag) What do you have there?!!! NO! Tasuki those are pixie stixs! You can't have those, they're tubs of flavored sugar!.........
Dear Miaka,
S--T!!!IfeelGREAT!!!Sothisisiasugarhigh?? Pretty*&^%$#@cool!!!YUMMY!!!So,where'sth'pixies??ILOOOVVVEEEEtheirstix!!! GIMMEMORE!!!Thisisalmostasfunasbein'drunk!OI!WhyamItalkin'sodamnfast??
Dear Chichiri,
Hi. I need to ask your advice. You know my sister,right? Umm hey! my wounds are healing I'll be getting my stitches out soon. Anyway, even though my wounds are getting better. Things around here were getting better, but they have gone back to being bad. As I was saying You know my sister Kiwi. Well yesterday after school, she was beaten up by other students, for no reason at all. They were caught and are being chraged with assualt and battery, or something like that. They broke her right arm and a couple of her fingers, for fun. She hasn't been acting like herself. I hate to see her this way, she always seems unhappy. Do you know anything I can say to her or do for her, that would help her? I'm writing this to you becuase you know her a little and is her friend. I'm just drawing a blank and and want to help her some how. Thanks!
Dear Rain,
We were all very sad to hear about Kiwi, no da. The best thing that you can do for her is to offer to help her do things, as she will be unable to do a lot for herself. Certainly a hug and telling her you care about her and are worried about her, cant't hurt either, no da. We were glad that the thugs that did this were caught and will be punished. Tasuki wanted to come to your world an punish them his way, no da!
We would like to send her a get well card. So, if you want, you can send us her full name and real world address (this information will not be posted nor given to anyone) and we will send her our best wishes for a speedy recovery, ne no da. If you do not wish to do that, please give her our best and let her know we are thinking good thoughts for her, no da.
P.S. Black Jade and Chichiri no Aijin also send their best to Kiwi.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya!! Just wanted to tell you that you're my favorite Seishi. You got the looks, the hair, the eyes, the fangs...heck, you have EVERYTHING! I love your attitude too, all this is what makes the girls go crazy over you. Heh, you and I have a lot in common, gets me in trouble a lot. -_-* And it's so cool that you like wolves! They're my favorite animals!
Anyways, I know you hate women, so I'll just admire you from a distance.
But.. ::waves a few sake bottles:: maybe we can be good pals, ne? ::grins::
Dear Ranko-chan,
Hmmm.... pals fer sake... SURE!!! But no gettin' weird an' hentai on me if I let ya' be my friend, OK?
Dear Nuriko,
Alright, Nuriko you can vote for Hotohori..... I really wasn't expecting any of the seishi to vote, but sure why not. You can also let Wandering Mage Chichiri know, that I haven't said a word on were Tamahome's okane is, and don't intend to.
Dear Miaka,
Arigato. I will let Wandering Mage Chichiri know that you won't be telling Tamahome where his okane is hidden or that we are involved in hiding it. Now, how do we get him to bet against himself?
Dear Chichiri,
Just rasberries, cake ingredients, the usual, there is sugar in it. I've been warning Tasuki about it. If you had 4 piceses of cake and wanting more, you could be bouncing off the walls too. I think it would be best if we hide the rest, Or else, who knows Tasuki could be clucking like a chicken or something. I've seen it happen, trust me.
Dear Miaka,
Cluck like a chicken? Hmmm, I've seen him drunk and imitating a dragon fly, no da. But a chicken would be interesting. Best to hide the rest of the cake, no da. For his own safety. Ano, may I have a second piece before you hide it, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Your vote doesn't count..... the polls just for fun anyway don't take it too seriously. We all know you could of convinced ANYONE that you were a women. Ok, better?
Dear Miaka,
Well, OK. But then I am going back to your website and vote for Hotohori!
Dear Tamahome,
*giggles* YEAH!! *runs around the palace and finds some of his ryu under Hotohori's desk.*
Nii-san, Hotohori-san is so kiree....
Dear Yuiren,
OOh, how much ryou did you find? You know, you're pretty good at this! Yes, Hotohori-sama is quite kiree, for a man.
Dear Tasuki,
*blushes slightly* Kouji's fun! And we get along quite nicely thank you, we both enjoy talking about how we beat you up and plot against you.
*whacks him over the head with another log*
You should send Enki or whatever his name is to mother, I think she'd enjoy teaching him out of his barbarian ways.
Dear Aidou,
Heh-heh... so ya' got a thin' fer Kouji. Hell, I could do worse fer a brother-in-law. Send Eiken to Ma... ya' know you are one evil woman! That's why I put up wit' ya'!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Chichiri's fiancee's name is not Tenmei. Neither in the manga or anime series was a name ever given to her, and hse is yet unnamed. NOW.. TENMEI came from the people who fansubbed the OVA first, the sentece where her name supposedly is mentioned does in fact sound like TENMEI, but when you see what was actually spoken in that sentence it's far from it. It was actually 2 words that the fansubbers smooshed together and realtered the sub to give her a name.
She is still unnamed by Both Watasee Yuu and the animators of the series, it's only the fansubbers that gave her the name.
I feel that this is important, and should be posted, as a sort of aside note. For all tntents and purposes I call her Chichiri's fiancee, and when I need something more personal sounding I will call her Tenmei, but I put in a disclaimer, I want to prevent the spread of misinformation.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
You are correct, no da. But since that is what Miome/Hikou had put in their letter, I allowed it. You are also quite correct that my late fiancee was never named in the manga or series, no da. Very observant, no da. Perhaps my reading "The Princess Bride" to you has helped your ailment, no da? As to what her name is, well, if they haven't told you by now, I certainly won't, ne no da! Glad you are feeling better.
Dear Hotohori,
Yes, I believe I will go. Of course, I believe Zere`te (Yes, I know Marvelous Melon Man`s name.(I read the letters.)) will go with Chichiri and the others later. I shall try to bring back a gift for you, highness. *Bows slightly* And... who is this Black Jade person?
Menien, one of your best friends (I do hope so)
Dear Menien,
Black Jade is my second consort. She helps Houki run Konan in my "absence". I too hope we will become good friends. Safe journey to you.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Miome speaking. I have someone here who wants to talk to you ...
Ok, go ahead.
Houjun? Since we're getting on the questions ... why are you *still* using that fake accent?? Suzaku, it was funny the first day or two,
but that was when we were about 10 years old! *sigh* it's getting
old ....
For that matter, when did your hair start sticking up like that? Miome suggests that when you first saw Taitsu-kun, you were so scared it
stuck straight up. *snicker* That sounds right.
Oh, and I've met lots of friends of your friends ... Korin's a nice kid, Shoka and Tenmei are getting along pretty well, and the bandit's old
leader says hi. *don't expect any peace in the afterlife - it's a riot
up here!*
Miss ya,
ps "catnip on his balls* ... bwahahahahahahahahaa!!!!
*whew* channeling is hard work.
Dear Hikou,
Is that really you?!? I miss you and Tenmei so much, no da. What do you mean by "fake accent"? I've always spoken like this, ne no da. Hmph, how soon you forget... As for my hair, well... maybe it did have a little "help". If you've never seen Taiitsu-kun before, well... She does take some getting used to, no da!
So how are you doing, no da? How is the afterlife treating you? And about the catnip... don't believe everything you read, no da.
Miome, arigato for allowing my friend to contact me!
Give Tenmei my love,
Dear Tamahome,
*pouts* But I want money so I can buy you something nii-san.....
*sits down sadly*
Dear Yuiren,
Well, maybe if you're a really good girl I may part with a little ryou. But you have to help me find it all first.
Dear Nuriko,
OH? *eyes widen* I thought you didn't like girls except for me *giggles and sticks her tongue out* BIDA!
Dear Kourin,
Well, perhaps I've had a change of mind. Wait till you meet her... *sigh*
Dear Tasuki,
Yes, yes there's more cake, (looks over at Tasuki who has already eyed the other cake) TASUKI!!!!!! Let everyone else have piece! You will get a sugar high if you eat all that anyway, a sugar high is like being tipsy (drunk) just you're really, REALLY hyper.
Dear Miaka,
An' what's wrong wit' that? This is great cake! Gimme more! I only had 4 pieces so far! I feel really full of energy!! Like a tessen about to explode... more cake! MORE, MORE, MORE!!! When I'm done here, I think I'll beat on Obake-chan an' then smack Aidou wit' some of her own damn logs!!! Yeah, that sounds like fun!!!
Dear Miaka,
Ahhh... what is in this cake of yours, no da? Tasuki is yelling and dancing around here like a drunken madman! I have NEVER seen him like this, no da! I'm afraid he will spontaneously combust, ne no da!
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