Dear Tamahome,
*smiles happily*
*skips about the room and starts helping her nii-san look for his money so he can read her a book all the sooner*
Dear Yuiren,
Ok, let's start in this room first... Good girl! You found some!
Dear Nuriko,
Actually the food crazed fangirls scare me na no da! Why else do you think I used one of my wishes when we summoned Chichiri to give him jello portection! If only I had the foresight to have though of other food items, I could have spared him some suffering *SIGHS*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well, I don't think we suffer that much. It's just gross and messy to have sweet sticky stuff smeared on your clothes. And what is it with them and jello?? It's just so weird! I found some magazines that Tasuki, Chiriko, and Chichiri were reading and they showed some interesting uses for chocolate and whipped cream that didn't seem to involve clothing or crazed hentai fangirls.
Huh? Oh, excuse me, Tasuki and Chichiri want a short word with me...
Chichiri would like me to inform you that he was NOT involved with those magazines at all (yeah, right, *sniggers*). ITAI!! That staff hurts you know!!! Keep it up and I'll post a pic of you in your undies!!!
And Tasuki says to tell you he wasn't reading them, just looking at the pictures (What a baka).
Chiriko says Tasuki gave them to him as an educational tool. I'd like to know what Tasuki thinks he's educating him on!
I need to see Mitsukake for a minor headache and some blisters. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
*turns around and throws a volley of logs at him, grabs him by the scruff of his jacket and gallops over the pond and dumps him in*
Then where's Koji, and who's Eiken?
Dear Aidou,
*sputter, cough, gasp* What th' fakku are ya' tryin' to do?!?!? Kill me??? I ain't tellin' ya' where Kouji is, ya' *&^%$#@ jajauma! So why don't ya' jus' kieuseru!!! Eiken is the disgustin' hentai pig that tried to take over in my absence, so Kouji an' me kicked his sorry ass. Generally, I'd never leave any woman with him, including my own sisters, but after today, I'm makin' an exception fer ya'!!!
Dear Nuriko,
No, this is not a joke. I am DEADLY serious. You need someone to be with, and I can think of no one more perfect than my half-sister. Anyway, she is a bit taken with you. Thinks the sun shines out of your posterior. Also, she knows all these really neat pressure points to freeze people. Could come in handy, eh? From your expression when you saw her I think you are quite taken with her. Time to pay the piper, so to speak. Anyway, if you refuse her she loses face. Very bad for an Imperial cousin to lose face. Also, I would take it as a PERSONAL insult. Yes, let's talk my dear sweet Nuriko.
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Well, I'd certainly hate to have her lose face and insult you! But, can we start slow? You know, no marriage today. I would like to get to know her better, and it's only fair if Hotohori-sama has Houki, who looks an awful lot like me, that I should meet someone like your half-sister, who bears a strong resemblance to him.
Dear Hotohori,
*quietly deposits some clothes sketches to Hoto-sama with a note attached*
An Emperor should be well dressed and be the trend setter!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Arigato. I will take these designs to the royal tailor and also show them to Houki and Black Jade for their opinions.
Dear Chichiri,
Go ahead, bring anything you want. And if you can find one, bring a double chesseburger. That`s something good. But the best ever thing is a melon. Love it too much. Oh yeah, than a lemon. Anyway, I`ll take my weopon the axe in case of monsters or street toughs.
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
OK. I was thinking of bringing my pole and I could catch some fish for our lunch, no da. I am a pretty decent fisherman and cook, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Koji's even more fun to pick on then you!
*Evil gleam in eye as she saddles and mounts a horse and goes off to Mt Lekkau laughing like an evil anime villainess*
*before she's totally out of range she throws one last log at Genrou for good effect*
Dear Aidou,
HAH! Ya' missed! Yer eyesight must be getting as old an' crappy as yer looks! An' Kouji ain't there, but Eiken's waitin' fer ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
Oh I'm sick and I got the Glastig confused with Black Jade, my apologies to Black Jade.....
What's Black Jade complaining about? She got a bishounen in her bed.... of course he is really putzy.....
He's so much in love it's disgusting, no offense Miaka, but you two are strong, and make most of the rest of us a bit queasy.
Hmmm I wonder if Chichiri knows of the existence of his fanclub, or Nuriko do you know of the existence of yours?
Hmmm Tamahome's been quiet lately he must still be trying to find the rest of his money *SNIGGERS*
Went back to the Doc's today and he gave me some new medicine, let's hope it works.
Otherwise I might purposely make Tasuki mad so he'll flambe me out of my misery.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Gomen you feel so bad. Have you tried an herbal bath of mint tea? Refresh the body and clear the head. Or at least inhale the vapors with some fresh steam. Might make the headache better. I know of my fanclub, and so does Chichiri. What's with the food products and smearing them on us when we're in our clothes? Isn't that a bit strange, not to mention gross and messy? Uh-oh, did I just get us both in trouble for the next time we're summoned? I TAKE IT BACK!!! Gomen in advance Chichiri!
Dear Chichiri,
Hey! I got this from a clown in the hospital. Do you want it? I think it sorta looks like you! (shows him a happy looking stuffed toy) I have enough stuffed toys in my room as it is. So whats up? It looks to me Tamahome is finally getting some attention, wouldn't you say?
Dear Kiwi,
Why yes he is, no da. But I don't think this is the kind of attention he wants, no da. Thanks for the stuffed toy, it is kawaii, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Does Nakago's breath smell bad, or is it rather minty fresh?
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
I was too busy being disgusted by his actions to notice.
Dear Nuriko,
Sure thing, Kourin is welcome to join us, do you think Yuiren would like to play with her nii-san's money and help us out too?
Aw... you must be happy to have your sis around, ne?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ecstatic is more like it! Yurien is helping her niisan search for his money. They do look cute together, ne?
Dear Tamahome,
*giggles happily*
Good I'll stay. OH! *reaches into her dress and pulls a necklace from the folds*
nee-chan, this is to replace the other one...
Read me a story.... I miss having them read to me... and Nakago went on a long time ago and he used to read them to me......
Dear Yuiren,
Oh thank you! Miaka will love it. She really loved the first one you gave her. She was really upset when Nakago broke it. I will read you a story after we finish the search for my okane game, OK?
Dear Nuriko,
My real name is Zere`te, but I never mention it. I like any kind of melon very much, watermelon especially. I... Well,I... Many people call me The Marvelous Zere`te, and I like melons, and... I`m a man. That`s how i ended up with Marvelous Melon Man. I`ve got a friend, Menien, who in his mails is ``the traveling warrior``, and I know he likes Hothori a lot... Maybe I should introduce him to Black Jade. I mean, he`s not like, interested in girls or anything, but he likes royalty... Anyway, have you ever read Prince and the Pauper? I hope Hotohri and Menien won`t take chances of doing that. They don`t really look much the same, yeah, cause Hoto is more beatiful. Anyway, what`s Tama (home) doing?
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Hmmm... what is Tamahome doing?? Oh yes, still searching for his missing money! Hee-hee... I have not read that book, yet. Your friend may find Black Jade intriguing, I know we do!
Dear Chichiri,
Gomen I'm sick and one of the seishi thought having a kesa for my poor runny nose would make me feel a little better.....
*shakes her head sadly*
Mitsukake can't do a thing, I've got to wait till the meds kick in, meanwhile I'm in hell and I feel so bad I can't get any sleep... my throat aches, my ears throb, I have sinus migraines, I can hardly breathe, I'm coughing, twisted my ankle, and I'm upset at Tasuki.
It's been one of those days I wish I had never left bed no da.
And my roommate kicked me out and told me to go home until I feel better.
Not to mention the medicine is icky....
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well you should be at home, no da! Your roommate is right, no da. I hope you will get better and also get over being upset with Tasuki. Well, go ahead and keep the kesa, I don't think I'll be needing it anytime soon, no da. And make sure you take your medicine. You won't get any better without it, ne no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Nii-san..... *Sniffles* why haven't you been spending anytime with me.... you're spending all your time trying to find youur ryu.....
*looks up at him with sad big, kawaii eyes*
Dear Yuiren,
Now sweetheart you know I would do anything for you, but my ryou is very important and I have to find all of it. Why don't you help me search for it? We can play like it's a game...
Dear Tasuki,
I wont as long as ya promise me ya wont tell Kiwi,what I said about her. So is it a deal? You were the youngest too! Thats cool, Well I mean cool because that means we have somethin in comen. I guess ya could say Kitty is more like Adiou than you, just she pushes me down hills in the middle of traffic!, instead off throwing logs at my head. Ya must be used to it by now.
Dear Rain,
Well, I heard of playin' in traffic, but I thought it was just a figger of speech! I think I've seen yer sister out here takin' lessons from Aidou. Stick with Kiwi, at least she won't kill ya'! Mitsukake said she actually took good care of ya'. He's real proud of her fer that. Chichiri says she's a very nice girl, too.
Take it easy,
Dear Tamahome,
Don't say youre sorry, it's not your fault. It's really my own, and my friends. We never should of traded tapes in the middle of class. So how is Miaka? and everyone else? If you ask me everyone sounds busy, so I wont take up anymore of your time.
Dear Brice,
We're all OK. Miaka, despite her best efforts to the contrary is fine, too. Gomen, that we haven't been on as much lately, but unfortunately things do pop up unexpectedly (or fall down wells, or just trip on the air and fall down, or... well you get the picture...) and we have to rush out and attend to them.
Dear Hotohori,
My Emperor, do you think we could be friends? Heh. I definitely would like being a piece of royalty like you, and you want to be some kind of traveler like me. You are right. I have my own, my own free will. But I will vist Konan anytime I can. But I`m gonna have to watch the roads I take not to disturb Chichiri`s and Marvelous Melon Man`s picnic. Yeah, I read the mails, thats how I know about it!
Ja Ne for now
Menien, the Traveling Warrior
Dear Menien, the Traveling Warrior,
I would very much like to have you for a friend. I will welcome your visits to Konan and we will have a feast the next time you are here. You can regale us with tales of all the wonderful and interesting places you have been. I'm certain that even if you are on the same road you will not disturb Chichiri and his friends during their picnic.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
It's clear to me that you guys are real busy. Is Miaka getting into more trouble then usual? I notice that you must be busy, becuase you normally update this page ALOT! but you have only been updating it once a day, and it's always late at night or early in the morning (I can't tell) You guys desevre a break!
Dear Brice,
Summer vacation is over and things have been busier here, but we are doing our best to keep up with the mail. We may not be able to answer them all, but we're trying, especially Tasuki but we all know he's "trying". Hee-hee...
Dear Nuriko,
[Black Jade enters the room leading a small slight figure with a veiled hat on] O' Nuriko, I have someone here that Hotohori-sama and I want you to meet... [she slowly removes the veiled hat, and reveals an absolutely
exquisitely beautiful woman who looks like an ultra feminine and petite
version of Hotohori-sama]... this is my half-sister Seikou Joudama. She is
your bride, Nuriko. [Seikou Joudama peeps up from beneath half closed eyes to
look at Nuriko and blushes]... Any comments, any questions... Everyone come
and join us, the Wedding Banquet is beginning... [Black Jade laughs behind her
sleeve...] Gotcha!
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Nice, very nice. Er... ah... joke, yeah... the joke. Good joke! Uhhh... can we talk about your half-sister in private...?
Dear Chichiri,
*sits next to Chichiri* Lovely day, woudn't you say? Do you ever just look up at the clouds, and try to make out pictures or shapes? It's very relaxing. Here I wanted to give you this (hands him a bracelet) It's only made out of diffrent colors of string, so it's really nothing spetacular or of any importance, I just want you to have it. My mom came home early today to spend some much needed time with me. I just want to say thanks for all your help! Oh by the way the bracelet is a symbol of friendship. I have one too see. Well I hope you like it! * starts to run off, then turns back and gives Chichiri a hug and a kiss on the cheek* THANKS AGAIN!!!!
Dear Kiwi,
You are very welcome, no da! Thank you for the lovely bracelet. I shall keep it with me always. I'm glad to hear that you and your mom are starting to talk and work things out, no da.
Hugs and a kiss (on the cheek),
Dear Tasuki,
GEESH!!! Excuse me for confusing people when I feel miserable.... *eyes water up* I just want to feel better and the docs can't do much for me....
Even Mitsukake can't help, and you made me so upset I tripped and sprained my ankle!
*limps away to her room crying using Chichiri's kesa*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Fine be that way! Ya' know, I really hate when ya' women turn on th' waterworks. Well, I'm sorry that yer sick an' that yer klutzy an' hurt yer ankle. But it ain't MY fault! Ya' gotta stop takin' them Miaka lessons. Get well soon.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, since I think you know this girl Black Jade best, does she have a "thing" for Tamahome? sorry I coudn't help but noticing something she wrote in her last letter.
Dear Clueless,
Well, I do know that she adores the emperor. Perhaps she wouldn't mind Tamahome, but she seems to have more fun toying with him than anything else. Besides all he has on his mind, besides money, is Miaka.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello, you really like fishing don't you? Do u ever get sun burn, or tanned for sitting out in the sun for so long? um.. do u even know what sun burn is? ^_^
Dear Ishboo,
I do love to fish, no da. I generally am wearing my kasa, long pants, a long sleeved tunic, and my kesa. And sometimes I will be under a nice shade tree, so I do not get too much sun. This comes from having experienced sun burn first hand, no da!
Dear joe,
Too *&^%$#@ bad! Chiriko says next time you should study harder.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. What are you people doing? Wandering Mage, I insulted you, not Black Jade-san. Do you have some sort of vendetta against her that you have to think she said that?
Aii-ya. I go off to have a peaceful time at Yuryoku-sama's temple, and her servants harrass me about behaving myself. Fine. I can cope. I agreed to be good. Wasn't I nice to Boushin? Poor lad, being picked on, he's just a kid! He was all teary-eyed! Then her little servants made me dress up all nice like a lady. I hate frillies. They make me nauseous. What do I come back to? I get assaulted for something that is so far back in my mind I hardly remember it. And some girl is blaming it on some perfectly innnocent person, namely Black Jade-sama. Now if you are going to get all pissy about it, at least get your target right. And why the &^$% did she slap Tasuki? If you are brassed enough to hit them, do some damage! Slaps are the most pointless way of hitting a person. Besides, Tasuki was technically innocent. And before you tirade about my calling them his harem, just look at it! Chichiri has at least three girls-- if not more-- that all share his name! We have Wandering Mage Chichiri, Chichiri no Aijin, and some where out there is a Mrs. Chichiri that complains about talking like her husband, no da. Just check Wandering Mage's guestbook. Now who am I missing?
Now I do understand that men were allowed to take more than one consort, but they were called a harem! So stop ragging on me! (Note: I was not including Kiwi-san in Chichiri-san's harem because she never expressed any thoughts about being in love with him.)
Now returning to the fact that Wandering Mage Chichiri and Tamahome are being at least as childish as me... Wandering Mage, Tasuki never did anything to you. He laughed, and he also defended you. So you can stop talking about his bathing habits and get over it! Look at the Manga, there is that gratuitous bath scene, don't you remember? If not then just check out the link. There is Tasuki... in water... having a bath... (And NO, I was not looking for that, I just happened to find it, so don't get any ideas.) Now about Tamahome, you should quit saying he doesn't bathe as well. And even though you didn't care to respond... People, I did lecture Tamahome on why he should not sell Tasuki, or anyone else, as a slave. So I am not aku, and get over yourselves!!!
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Please do not yell at or abuse Wandering Mage Chichiri, no da. She is quite ill and in her delirium got upset with the wrong person. Her letter will be up shortly. As to my "harem", as you yourself pointed out, quite correctly, men are allowed to have more than one consort. I, however, do not have ANY consorts as the woman I was to marry is dead! What I do have are good friends that happen to be female and for some reason that I can't fathom, like to take my name as part of their own. That doesn't make them my "consorts", no da.
The reason your letter to Tamahome was not printed is we Seishi have decided that we do not support our fans insulting each other and we will no longer print letters of that nature, ne no da. This is a forum for our fans to ask us questions, not flame and hurt each other. We are sorry if you do not agree with this, but that is reality. As far as Tasuki and Tamahome sniping at each other, well, that's an everyday occurrence around here, no da. They do care for each other like family (a rather dysfunctional family, but family nonetheless) and we all think that that is their way of showing it, no da. As greedy as he is, Tamahome wouldn't stoop to selling Tasuki and we all agree that Tasuki does bathe on a regular basis, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I hope that you are having a good time with Kouji and the other bandits. As Glastig-san's friend I cannot give you the details of her current location. It's a loyalty thing, gomen nasai. What I CAN do however is lecture her endlessly until she understands the difference between teasing someone and really hurting their feelings. This may not seem like much of a punishment but then you've never heard one of my lectures before. Let's just say that they are lengthy and preachy. A person with Glastig-san's personality can barely stand still long enough to learn anything let alone being preached at about etiquitte and tact. Besides, knowing her, Glastig-san would enjoy being your serving wench. Not for any hentai reasons of course, but there would be all that sake as well as some very disgruntled bandits to fight. I don't think you want her there (no offense meant Glastig-san).
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
OK, sounds painful to me.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Which of you is the strongest? Miaka, being Suzako No Miko? Tamahome`s fighting skills? Nuriko`s cool strenght? Mitsukake`s healing power? Maybe Chiriko`s Foot Magic or Chichiri`s Magic, or Tasuki`s tessen and Lekka Shien, Hotohori`s sword fighting?
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Tasuki, when he hasn't bathed in awhile.
Dear Tasuki,
this is a test
Dear Joe,
Did ya' pass?
Dear Chichiri,
Howdy, You say you are a wanderer correct? um.. exactly what do u do all the time? Just walk around alot? isn't that kind of boring?
Piccolo No Miko
Dear Piccolo No Miko,
My life is not boring at all, no da! When I am not protecting the Miko, I travel from village to village, seeing the countryside, meeting new people, practicing my skills, and helping where ever I can. I also get lots of time to fish, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Well if Black Jade wants to come after us I have a bone to pick with her.... how dare she call me that *FUMES*
Well at least we're driving Tamahome crazy....
*starts to snigger and goes into a bad coughing fit*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
What do you think Black Jade called you? She, to my knowledge, never insulted you. She just wants to prank us back for hiding Tamahome's ryou under her futon.
And you'd better take care of that cough.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Help! My roomate is crazy. What should I do?
Helpless in Kana
Dear Helpless,
Only crazy, huh? Okay then. We're willing to trade your roommate for Tasuki.
Dear Mitsukake,
I am not short!! I'm not short I'm just petite and if you keep telling ppl I'm short I'll stick a 80-foot-satellite dish up where the sun don't shine !! *looks meaningfully at chibird who looks innocent*
Kae the Petite
Dear Kae,
I am unsure as to why you feel compelled to tell me that you are not short. Especially since to me, everybody is short.
Nevertheless, should you make good on your threat to your friend, I'm sure she would be receptive to several effective procedures I can recommend for its removal.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmmm I should definitely go to MT lekkaku.. it's time you and the rest of those overgrown boys were made to grow up be men, and stopped your illegal ways.
Not to mention it's gonna be fun to pick on you!
Oi! Adiou,
Yeah, why don't ya go to Mt. Leikaku! Koji says he needs another servin' wench, an' I like him too much to inflict The Glastig on him.
Dear Nuriko,
Why does everybody mention Black Jade in their mails! Even if you guys answer, you mention her? Why don`t you mention anyone else?
Marvelous Melon Man
P.S. Me and Chichiri are going on a picnic, so soon you probably won`t be seeing me or him.
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Goodness, we do mention alot of other people! And I am sure that Chichiri will mention your picnic. We have been at the palace where Black Jade is second consort so she is a rather prominent figure. Miaka, Wandering Mage Chichiri, and myself decided to have some fun at Tamahome's expense and she was accidentally involved. So why are you the Marvelous Melon Man? Any particular type of melon? I'm kind of partial to watermelon myself.
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