Dear Tasuki,
I'm glad that you liked the ice cream, however I am suprised at what has been going on while I was not looking. You fried Tamahome, and you insulted the Emperor's son!? You have been very busy! Oh well, I was going to send you back to the palace with some more sake, a basket of peaches, and several pints of rum raisin ice cream but you haven't been behaving yourself lately. Oh well...I guess that it's okay. After all, Tamahome did throw you in the koi pond first, but you shouldn't have insulted Boushin. He is only a child. You did apologize right?
Poor Tasuki, I can't believe that Wandering Mage-san slapped you. I think that Glastig-san apologized for her comments. Have a cool compress for your stinging cheek ~hands Tasuki a damp towel~. Poor guy, I hope that Wandering Mage-san forgives you (even though it DID take her a while to catch on). Ooops! I didn't say that!! Well, I didn't do anything to anyone but I feel really bad. Is there something I can do to cheer you up?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Of course I apologized to the Emperor! I'm not a total baka!! Ya' know yer friend says all kinds of nasty s--t about people an' I get slapped!! I don't think makin' her wear frilly clothes is enough of a punishment! I think she needs to spend some time up at Mt. Leikaku being a servin' wench to me an' my bros! An' that's just fer starters... Arigato fer the towel. Let me us know where to find her an' Kouji an' I will take care of the rest... heh-heh-heh...
Dear Chichiri,
Oh, Tasuki, lets just say he called me something I find highly offensive, and I told him so. *sniffles and blows her nose on the kesa Chiriko gave her* I'm glad your finger is doing better. * starts coughing, takes her medicine with some tea* care for any tea?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
No thank you, no da. Do you have a cold? Perhaps you should see Mitsukake. So is this all relating back to The Glastig, no da? I really do not like to see my friends upset by such words, no da. Perhaps I should settle this with her and Tasuki, ne no da! Ummm... why are you blowing your nose on my kesa?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just finished watching your adventures (seriously) Today my friend decided to give me the tape in sience class, because it's the only class we take together. Anyways, the class was watching a documentery, so she past it to me. Unfortunetly are crazed teacher Mr Joyce, saw her. He says he likes to know whats going on in young peoples lifes today, but everyone knows he's just nossy! He took the tape from me and carried it to the front of the class and said "Brice as kindly brought in this tape for your entertainment" and popped it into the VCR! I was mortified, because lets just say they were not the best episodes, they were the weird ones that most people I know, would like to forget. After he took me to the counsler, and said " These tapes are not suitable for childrens eyes " (I'm 18!) So she took me and the tape to her office, and watch some episodes. She didn't say a word the whole time. Afterwards she turned to me and said " Your lucky Tasuki's cute or else you would be in big trouble " and winked. (don't worry Tasuki she's 25 not 40 ) She sent me back to the class I was supposed to be in * with a pass * I saw her talking to Mr Joyce, he was ranting on and on,and when he asked her what she did with the tape, she said she dissposed of it. (not really, she gave it back to me) She asked if I could make her a copy. Isn't she sssoo cool!!!!
I would say who my favorite chacters are, but.... You're all just too cool to choose from!
Your fan and friend
Dear Brice,
We're glad you liked our adventures! Sorry they got you in trouble with your teacher. Your counselor sounds like a very nice person. I'll let Tasuki know what she said about him, when he returns from Mt. Leikaku. Thanks for the cool compliment!
Dear Chichiri,
How can Pioneer dub you, instead of keeping you just the way you are no da?
Dear Horsebert,
Pioneer will keep me just the way I am, no da. If you buy our adventures on VHS, it will just cost you a little more than the version with the American guy who's pretending to be me. Of course, if you have a DVD player, you can get BOTH of us, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::enters looking really girlie and pissed. also carrying a large sack:: I can't believe they did this too me. ::shakes head:: I just couldn't deal with Yuryoku-sama's servants anymore. Look at me! I look so... so... Well Shimatta! Hey, WMC, Tasuki is right, I did start it... and I think I was punished enough, I would rather look like a whore. I hate frillies. Aand Miaka, what you did to Tamahome was just wrong, considering what happened to Black Jade-sama... But I really have to talk to him...
Oh well, I guess I will have to give Boushin some mint chocolate chip ice cream after I speak with Tamahome. And I stopped all special for it too, because I figured Miaka didn't leave any for the rest of you. Everyone, feel free to raid my sack there... Yuryoku-sama's servants sent me off with plenty of stuff. They just live to serve. I think they sent tea, peaches for Tasuki, and of course, there is ice cream for the rest of you. Now, about Tamahome...
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Peaches just ain't gonna cut it babe! You have NO idea how pissed some people are around here! An' once again I GET ALL THE S--T FOR IT!!! I'm goin' to Mt. Leikaku an' kick somethin' or someone's ass! I'll be back later.
Dear Tasuki,
*has a servant deliver the following letter*
Black Jade may be responsible for the turn of phrase, but you did not have to use it. You are as much to blame. I am to angry to talk with you further at this point in time.
But you definitely overstepped your rights. *a couple of angry tear stains on the letter*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
P. S. You better not take out your anger on this servant!
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
What th' *&^% are ya' talkin' about?!?!?! Black Jade??? She NEVER said you were part of any harem!! She informed me that ya' gotta be sent to th' Emperor as royal marriage material an' turned down fer that. Seems ya' don't get him fer a husband an' get sent home yer family loses face an' then ya' most likely die. Sheesh, that sucks! An' she sure as hell NEVER called ya' guys gaishou! Cripes how can ya' confuse Black Jade wit' The Glastig! An' I stood up to Glastig-san fer yer honor! Friggin' women... grumble, mumble, Chichiri, mumble, growl....
Dear Chichiri,
How many Chichiris are there? You, Chchiri no Aijiin, and Chichiri no (Something, the one who went scuba diving with you). Or am I missing someone?The picnic,it`ll be 3 miles away from Konan,you know the big field where you can look down and it looks really cool and pretty. Anyway, I`m a boy. (Well,I guess you already knew.)
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Why there is only one Chichiri, no da! Chichiri no Aijin, Wandering Mage Chichiri, and Kiwi are very dear friends of mine, no da. If they want, and you don't mind, I would like to bring them to our picnic. I think they will know where to get the foodstuffs that you requested, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you not have at least 1 nice sister? And who do ya think cuased these injuries! Even though it was an acciedent it was still Kitty's fault! The reason I like ya so much is cuz I can relate to ya. I have 4 older sisters and 2 older stepbrothers! I hate being the youngest.
Dear Rain,
Well, the other 4 are not as pissy or deadly as Aidou. Since she is the oldest an' still unmarried, she's a bit ummm.... "difficult". An' as much as we fight, I do care about my sisters (don't ya' ever tell 'em that!). But I know where yer comin' from kid, cos' I'm th' youngest, too!
Dear Mitsukake,
I was wondering, after someone gets stitches, if it's normal for the wound to still bleed? I'm babysit..opps " watching" my brother, and one of his more serious wounds are bleeding. He tells me it dosen't hurt, so I'm not too worried, but I don't want his cut do get infected or something. So can you please answer this as soon as possible. The rest of my family is out for the day, and it's just me and him.
Dear Kiwi,
When you say it is a serious wound, are you referring to a chest or abdominal wound? If so, I would page your family healer ASAP. Once a wound has been stitched it generally does not start to bleed again unless it has been opened. If you are unsure, I would call for your family healer, anyway. It is always better to be safe, than sorry. I hope he is better soon.
Dear Chichiri,
I have returned from the land of the fanboys who do not bathe
*wrinkles nose*
And I wanted to say hi, and I missed you, and how is your finger doing?
Is it healing nicely?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
My finger is fine, no da. What did you do to Tasuki? He is slinking around here looking very guilty about something. He won't look either me or Chichiri no Aijin in the eye, so to speak, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I think you can just drop him here. I thought Black Jade knew you hid some of his okane in her room. Oh well, do you know what she means by pay back on us, like what she did to Chichiri? Mabey I don't want to know. (looks over at Tamahome) Oh, look he's awake.
Dear Miaka,
Oh yes, he is. Should I pick him up and drop him on his head? Hee-hee... Hmmm... Pay back like she did to Chichiri? You, I think are safe bercause you're still young. Me, on the other hand, I'm in for big trouble...
Dear Tamahome,
Oh... the others have gone on by now, I'm the only one left, I'm lonely... but I do have Kourin-chan to play with for a while and the Nyan-Nyan's but I miss you and them.... nii-san....
*swiffles as she hugs his leg*
Dear Yuiren,
I miss you, too Yurien. You can stay here with me and Miaka as long as you like.
Dear Tasuki,
*glares at Tasuki walks cooly up to him and slaps him*
I don't appreciate being called a member of a harem, my standards and my beliefs are against such an arrangement. You have highly offended me.
*turns around with her eyes misting, and goes find Chiriko and his stash of Chichiri kesa's to dab at her eyes and blow her nose with*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Itai!! Geez woman!! Can't ya' take a friggin' joke?!?!?!? Anyways it was The Glastig that started it all! Hit her! Sheesh! Uh... you ain't gonna tell Chichiri an' Chihciri no Aijin about this are ya'? I mean The Glastig called you an' her gaishous an' I defended ya'! Don't that count fer somethin'?
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