Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome what are you doing going into Black Jade's room? Now you got her mad at me. (unties Tamahome) You should know better than that (takes gag out of his mouth). You were even looking under her mattress.
Dear Miaka,
Part of my money is missing and I got an anonymous tip that it was hidden under her futon. How was I supposed to know she would be sleeping at this hour? I didn't mean to dump her off of the futon when I turned it over!! Really!!!
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey thanks for making me feel better... I think... I"M 15!!!!!!! I should have grown a loooooong time ago.... Oh well.. Better than being shorter than Kae... hehhehehee... I hope she doesn't read this...
HRH Chibird
Dear HRH Chibird,
Actually, a lot of young people continue growing throughout their teens and early twenties. So there may be hope for you yet.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko, Miaka, have we gotten operation "money hiding" underway yet? I've been out of pocket the last few days......
I had to go buy Tasuki for a friend
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
You bet we did! He was caught searching through Black Jade's room. Tee-hee... She hog-tied and gagged him! Hahahahahaha I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Of course, she is now out to get us for pulling that stunt, but it was worth it!
So you bought Tasuki, eh? How much sake did THAT take? I thought Tamahome was reconsidering his pimping of Tasuki since Tasuki threatened to end his "married pleasures" before they had even begun... I hope he was worth it and that she enjoyed it... heeheeheeheehee
Dear Tasuki,
Thanx for saying I could write ya! Yer just sssooo freakin cool!!!!!! What is she doing calling me "cute" on the net. Oh she's gonna pay! However I don't think the person who gave her the doll knew it was worth so much. Better keep it far from Tamahome. That's right pre-teen! I'm 12, not 5. She is right about one thing, the people in this family are alot like you. so I hear you had a run in with kitty? She's only a year older than me but she acts like queen sheeba or somethin like that. I hate older sisters! All they want a little brother for is a punching bag! Well, Kiwi's alright but the rest of them bug me to the ends of the earth! Don't tell her I said that. Well gotta go! Kitty's coming down the stairs! I guess she found that little "surprise" I left her, heh heh heh.....
Dear Rain,
Heh-heh... A surprise, eh? Ya' do me proud kid. But don't get too carried away or else yer sister will beat th' livin' snot outta ya', cos' that's what big sisters do! Be glad none of 'em throw logs at yer head!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, you didn't start drinking sake at a legal age, you're what, 17? I'll be 16 on 9/23 so come on, i can sneak it w/o my mom's permission! god knows our families are similar ^_-
*tosses you a peach*
Come on... you know you want me to be a bandit w/ you ;)
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Well, what works in my world don't always work in yer's! Don't be sneakin' no booze wit' out yer mom's knowledge or permission! That s--t don't work in yer world! Ya' wanna be a bandit ya' gotta do as I say an' so far ya' ain't! Yummy peach though. Thanks!
Dear Nuriko and Miaka:
Would you please retrieve this [points elegantly to a hog tied and gagged Tamahome at the foot of her bed]... I found him digging under my mattress, now why would anyone in their right mind be doing that? I mean, to sneak into my
PRIVATE rooms and go digging through my things. I would guess that this is some joke of yours... hmmm, now I will have to get even with both of you, as I did with Chichiri... by the way, the scroll is in a safe place... and Miaka, be glad I am Hotohori-sama's second consort, because otherwise to lose such a HANDSOME young man is to LOSE such a handsome young man... at least to someone like me... ah, well I did tickle him into unconsciousness, but he looked so
angry and serious tied up there... I just couldn't resist... Nuriko, you are strong... you can carry him away easily, take him back to your quarters before I change my mind.
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Sure, but I don't think you can do the same to Miaka as you did to Chichiri, Black Jade-sama. Me, on the other hand, I'm worried... But I'm sure I will be up to whatever you mete out. Uh, Miaka, let's take the unconscious Tamahome-kun and be on our way, NOW!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey *psst* You don't like Tasuki, ne? *hands you 3 plenty packs of gum, and 400 gold ryou* get him to me wrapped up in a pretty box with ribbons and such and have him delivered to my door for my b-day ;) but don't tell him i sent you. *hands you 300 more ryou* deal?
Dear kate-chan,
I'd consider it except, I'm still recovering from Tasuki's visit to the koi pond. Let me think about it. And let the blisters heal...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(looks up) Oh me? I'm wasn't crying! He he he he, but do you really think the cooking classes would be a good idea? and if I took them would you try my cooking again?
Dear Miaka,
(In unison) Yes we do Miaka!! We also would be willing to try your cooking again if you took the classes.
The Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
Green tea ice cream is oishii! I love it! Mitsukake-san, how do you like your ice cream? ~sneaks a spoonful to Tama-chan~ Tasuki, how much rum raisin are you going to eat?!! Why don't you just take a few containers with you? By the way, I am curious as to how you ended up in a koi pond when you were here with me the whole time... So that is were you went when you said you had to use the restroom. You sure dried off quick!
Oh, Chiriko-kun, I almost forgot, I was writing a letter to Hotohori-sama. I also sent him that large package of ice cream. ~whispers conspiratorially to Chiriko~ Good thing that rum raisin can't make Tasuki drunk. I think he is over his milk-phobia now. ^-^
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Glad you like the green-tea iace cream. Tasuki does seem to be enjoying his rum raisin. Although, he keeps mumbling something about the smell of burnt Obake-chan. Do you think we should head back to the palace in case Tamahome is in need of Mitsukake's services?
Dear Nuriko,
Ok so did you hide all of it? good now all we have to do is wait.....
Dear Miaka,
It has all been hidden. We even hid some in Black Jade's room under her futon. That ought to be interesting...
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, so lets see what time is it...... Tamahome should yell in 3,2,1....(a yell comes from his room) Now to find out if it's his okane he's upset about, or if Tasuki didn't listen to me and just fried him. Ok, cover me I'm going in..........
Dear Miaka,
Be careful! I'd hate for you to caught in the crossfire...
Dear Tamahome,
Oh, Tamahome why are you making all that racket? We're trying to watch a movie. So spill it whats wrong?
Dear Miaka,
Several things! I can't get my money to count out correctly and Tasuki is after my ass for that little koi pond incident! I think we need to send him back to the ice cream parlor!
Dear Tasuki,
NNNNOOOOO!!!! TASUKI!!!!! DDDDOOONNN'TTTTT!!!!!! stop! Stop I say! I command you to stop right now! Sit! Down! sit boy sit. Don't do it!!! OH come on. Please......
Dear Miaka,
SIT!!! DOWN BOY!!! What th' hell do I look like a &*^%$#@ dog?!?!?! NO, don't answer that!! You people truly annoy me, I'm gonna go back to Yuryoku na Miko an' my Rum Raisin ice cream! OI! Obake-chan... LEKKA SHIEN!!!! Hmmm... I wonder what's burnin'? Heh-heh...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK! These I can't cook comments are beginning to bug me! Can you at least go through one letter without mentioning it? I think everyone gets the point. I CAN'T COOK!!! OK !!!! I can't help it, I try you know *sniffles* I really do, honest! "I promise that Miaka won't cook it" "Miaka cooked so we don't know if we like it" "anything not cooked by Miaka" sniff sniff, I've heard it all. I'm not made of stone... (bursts out crying) Women are sensitive about their cooking! You know, you guys are lucky I don't hit you over the head with a frying pan, everytime you say those things! Some guys have that disadvantage!, but me no I put up with it, but a person can take only so much. If it will make you happy, I'll take a cooking class or something. Just please don't joke about it anymore!
Dear Miaka,
Gomennasi, we did not mean to hurt your feelings. We're all very sorry, please stop crying! Tamahome is starting to go Super-Oni! Although the cooking classes sound like a great idea...
The Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
Sorry to bother you, but I'm having guy troubles. You see I have these guy friends. Not too long ago I found out that most of them were my friends because they liked me, I mean "liked" me. I like one of them, but alot of the girls in High School like him too. Including all my girl pals. Now that everyone in school knows that these guys like me, I've been getting pushed around, shut out from all my friends, I've even been threatned (not seriously) just about stuff like, making my life a living hell if I go out with him, and to make matters worse These guys who like me are fighting over me! I'm no one's girl, nobody owns ME! I just feel like screaming at the top of my lungs! I don't know what to do?
Dear Tina,
The one guy that you like, you said he likes you too, right? Then you need to make that clear, if you wish to date him exclusively, to all your male and female friends. And if all you want to be is friends with that boy make that clear to all your friends male and female. Friends that shut you out because you are popular with these boys aren't real friends and they aren't too bright either! You could possibly get them dates with these other guys that you don't wish to date, so they shouldn't shun you. Make it clear to the fighting boys that you won't tolerate that behavior in your friends and that you certainly won't be interested in them if they continue to act like barbarians. The girls are just jealous and you should let them know that the rest of those guys are "up for grabs" so to speak. Maybe they will calm down and treat you better, once they realize you aren't hogging all the boys to yourself. If this doesn't work, well, girls can be pretty petty creatures and all you can do is hope they grow out of it.
Good luck,
Dear Tasuki,
No Tasuki, stop hitting your head! Thats not how you get water out of your ears! look, you take your finger and towel, place your finger under the towel, and from there it's just like washing your ears! Please say you've done that before?
HEY! where do you think your going with that tessen? TASUKI NO!(grabs on to the back of his jacket, but it doesn't stop him, he just keeps going. Draging Miaka behind him) Stop, stop, stop STOP!!! Don't even think about frying Tamahome!!! (grabs her pillow, and wacks Tasuki over) Tasuki... Tasuki... are you alright? Tasuki....Uh oh.
Dear Miaka,
ARE YOU TRYIN' TO FRIGGIN' KILL ME?!?!?!? That was no pillow that was yer knapsack! Ya' crazy girl! An' ya' made me slip on the koi that fell outta my pants leg! GEEZ!! Yer more dangerous than the entire bunch of Seiryuu Seishi an' Tenkou combined!! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a little somethin' called "payback" to "discuss" wit' yer boyfriend.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Sorry Chichiri, I haven't been keeping in touch. My cute younger brother who lives with my dad, got in an accident. I needed to visit him at the hospital. (he's my favorite brother) I just got home!
Nuriko! theres these people across the street. They have some kind of band going on. THEY CAN'T SING!!!!!You have such a nice voice, you should give them singing lessons. Aaahhhhh (they keep dropping the microphone) It makes this annoying sound that hurts the ears. Make it stop!!!
Tasuki, my brother would like to write into you because, He thinks your quote SO FREAKIN COOL!!!! unquote. but he's says you don't like kids, uh sorry, he wants to be called a pre-teen. He says he wants to be just like you. To tell you the truth he already is! and everyone else in this family! I gave him a UFO doll of you for a get well present, he has not let go of it since!
Dear Kiwi,
Sorry to read that your brother was in an accident and in the hospital. We hope he is better and out of there by now. Chichiri says,"Hi, no da!" And as much as I would love to give your neighbors singing lessons, I'm sorry, but I can't go to your world right now. How about ear plugs? That's Tasuki and Chichiri's suggestion they say they use them whenever... I... sing... Hey guys, that's not funny!! Hmph, I'll deal with them later. Sorry that living with your family is like living with a bunch of Tasukis. One is quite enough for us, thanks! So you gave your brother a Tasuki doll? WOW! You must really love him! Miaka says they go for over $100.00 in her world! Lucky kid. And Tasuki says your brother can write into him if he wants. I think Tasuki only has a problem with young kids, not pre-teens or teens, he can relate very well to that age group.
Dear Chiriko,
Why does your hair stick up the way it does? Do you like it that way, or would you rather have it fall down like most people's hair?
Have you ever turned around and accidentally smacked someone with your hair?
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
I guess for the same reason as Chichiri's does, quince juice. I do like it this way because it keeps it out of my face and off my neck. I'm too short at this point to "hit" anyone with my hair. However, as I get older, I may wear it in a style similar to Tamahome's.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm sorry that I have not had the time to read all of your (and the other seishi's) replies to questions! But I pose one to you now in spite of that, and I am fearful of a question which looms large before me: Has it been asked before?!! Ahem, anyway..
Why does Koji talk to himself? I believe he talks to himself, doesn't he? or you could say he talks to the door, but.. ::looks dubious::.. well. I think talking to yourself would be more interesting than talking to a door, anyway.
Do not get the wrong impression and fry me, please! I adore Koji. He is one of my most beloved FY char-*COUGH* I love him most out of many of the men I have met in my lifetime. His way of talking to himself is beautifully strange, and I admire it greatly. I am thinking of creating something similar to the "No da" Mission.. but.. what would I call it? The "Be-Like-Koji" Mission? Talk to yourself at least once a day? Have a hundred people witness you talking to yourself? Hm..
Dear Jade,
No need to apologize about not reading everthin'. Hell, we barely have th' time to read all the letters comin' in every day! An' no one has asked that question before.
Kouji doesn't really talk to himself, so much as he answers the door all th' time. Yeah, it's interestin' unless ya' gotta live with him, then it gets weird an' annoyin', then ya' just don't hear it after awhile. I got as much of a clue as to why Kouji does that, as I do why Chichiri says no da. They're both weird guys, but th' chicks dug 'em. Why don't ya' call it th' "Kouji Konck-Knock Mission"?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What are your favorite foods? Are any of you vegetarian? Have you ever had Okonomiyaki? Is there a seishi who is a BIG fan of Ukyo from Ranma 1/2?
Kate-chan, the kawaii tsukino usagi
Dear Kate-chan,
Our favorite food would have to be anything not cooked by Miaka! None of us are strict vegetarians, but we do eat alot of fish, fruits and vegetables and of course, rice. (I like my fish and veggies flame broiled and I love peaches!) We've had okonomiyaki, but since Miaka made it none of us are sure if we liked it. Who are Ukyo and Ranma 1/2?
Dear Hotohori,
::hugs Hotohori's kawaii little son:: What did Tasuki do to you now? Don't worry, I'm sure he was not in his right mind. See, it's okay. ::smiles sweetly at Boushin:: I must go now, but if you have anymore trouble with Tasuki, just call on me, okay? ::kisses Boushin's forhead:: Be a good boy. ::smiles and picks up a small bundle::
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Unlike Tasuki, you do have quite a lovely way with children. Tasuki did not harm the child, he was just rude and obscene to him. I believe that it was a one time occurrence, as he has behaved himself since finding out that Boushin is my son.
Dear Tasuki,
Erm...I wasn't sure who to ask this question but I figured since you were a *mountain man* I thought u would know the most about it... Urm... U see in October my friends and I are being brought on this outward bound trip to a place called Belalong in the wilds of Brunei (which you probably have not heard of!) and well... Urm... What should I bring??
The Not Sure What To Bring Empress Chibird
Dear Empress Chibird,
How th' hell should I know?? When I sleep outdoors, it's in my clothes, no tent, I catch my food, an' use my tessen to cook it! I doubt you'll be doin' it that way! Clothes, sleeping gear, water, food, weapons, tents, medical supplies... that's all I can think of. Why don't ya' ask th' people takin' ya' fer a list of stuff to bring? They would know better than I would.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello again!
I originaly wanted to ask Nuriko but I figured I'd ask everyone's opinion for this question.
I finally made some time for writing my first fanfic. Got any suggestions?
Please write back soon!
PS. Please no lemons or yaoi. I'm still too young to write any of those.
Dear Skuld,
How about a story about Chichiri? Since you won't be writing lemon or yaoi (ARIGATO!), he may enjoy a story that is about him. There are very few stories about Chichiri to begin with. Most of the stories we've seen about him are generally lemon. I think he would appreciate a nice, normal story about him that doesn't abuse him. Of course, if you want to abuse your main character, use Tasuki!! Hahahaha...
Dear Chiriko,
Let's make a deal. ~hands Chiriko money for ice cream~ You and the others order our ice cream, and I will save us some seats. I have something I need to do first. ~pulls out pen and paper~ I want green tea ice cream, okay? Please help Tasuki and Mitsukake-san with their choices. Arigatou! ~moves to nearest table~
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Here is your ice cream Yuryoku na Miko. Arigato for the treat! I got chocolate marshmallow, Mitsukake is also having green tea, and Tasuki is having the rum raisn. I think he thinks it will make him drunk. I do hope not, as this is a nice, peaceful place and he can be very disruptive when he is like that. So, what are you writing?
Dear Hotohori,
I didn't mean to insult you when I said your, headdress looked like a McDonald's fry box. I have only the greatest of respect for your ha... headdress, and as for fry boxes, well, I admire them too. I mean, I didn't want you to be insulted. Consider it an honor! McDonald's fry boxes bring fat-filled joy to millions of people every day! How many hats... or headdresses can do that??
(Every time I say "headdress," I keep on picturing you in Tomo's headdress... it's kowaii...)
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
I don't understand your point, but I will accept your apology. Please try not to picture me with anything that has to do with Tomo. From what Tamahome and Miaka have told me, he was an evil freak and I would prefer not to be associated with him. Thank you. Besides, even you say that thought is kowaii!
Dear Mitsukake,
Does depressed-about-life-itis exist? Why am I so short!!!! I wanna be 5'4 at least... I have this feeling that I am gonna be 5' for the rest of my life!!!!!! I am a SHRIMP!!!
Curious Little Cat Chibird (Got runover by her Physics teachers shopping trolly)
Dear Chibird,
Yes, it does. It is sometimes called puberty. You will eventually get over it and probably grow taller in the process.
Dear Tasuki,
~outside of ice cream parlor~ I do not know if this shop sells sake flavored ice cream. However, it does sell green tea ice cream, so you never can tell! If it doesn't, you can always try rum raisin ice cream. Rum is a type of alcohol so you might like that.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Hmmmm... rum ice cream eh? Sounds good to me!
Dear Nuriko,
GOOD! I'll be right with you once I get a dry pair of pjs on, Oh I invited Tasuki to watch some movies, I don't know if he's going to come though. I hope you don't mind?
Dear Miaka,
Oh, I don't mind. But I think he's off with Yuryoku na Miko getting ice cream.
Dear Tasuki,
Gomennasai Tasuki!!! (helps him out of pond) I mean it. I never meant for you to feel offened, because there was no offense intended. Here dry yourself off. (hands him towel) I was only trying to explain why it was taking me so long. Oh Tasuki your tessen's still in the pond, hey I think I can reach it (falls in head first) CCCOOOLLLDDD!!!!! I'm ok, the koi pond is only so deep, you know. I got your tessen though, I'm going to have to get another pair of pjs, Can you pass me that extra towel, please? If you want you can watch some movies with me, Nuriko, Wandering Mage Chichiri, Kourin, and Black Jade. I would invite Tamahome but he's counting his okane tonight. Oh yeah his Okane *giggles* There's pleanty of food,and I could ask Black Jade if she can get you some sake, but You don't have to if you don't want to.
Dear Miaka,
Thanks fer yer help outta the koi pond. My ear feels funny an' sloshy. I think I got water in my ear! How th' hell do I get it out? An' somethin' else feels funny, too! Shimatte!!! I got a *&^%$#@ fish in my pants!!!! I'm gonna kill yer boyfriend!!! Right after I get the damn fish outta my pants! S--t!! Now I know how Chichiri felt at the beach... OBAKE-CHAN!!! YER ASS IS MINE!!!!
Dear Hotohori,
Sugoi! I did not know that Fed-Ex exised in Konan!! Hopefully , this letter finds you well. Right now I am having ice cream with Mitsukake-san, Chiriko-kun, and Tasuki. Tasuki is actually going to try ice cream. I am so proud of him. There is aslo a large package accompanying this letter. It is your ice cream. I bought both chocolate and french vanilla. Try them both, keep whichever you like best, and give whatever you don't like to Miaka and the others at their little party. Perhaps Black Jade-sama would give the ice cream to them for you. I know that you would probably be to busy to do it yourself. Enjoy! And watch out, because the ice cream is really cold, and packed in ice to keep it frozen.
I know that you probably do not want to hear about Glastig-san anymore, however, Glastig-san said before she left, that she was refering to your comments about her, not you personally. Glastig-san has calmed down, and understands that this whole mess started because of cultural differances. She is now at my temple, and perhaps will learn more about the customs and behavior of the people of Konan.
Arigatou for defending Glastig-san's life from Black Jade-sama's wrath. Please tell her that I am sorry for what happened.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Arigato for your wonderful gift!! I have never had anything so delicious! I do like both flavours, but I will share them with Miaka and her party. Nuriko said it was a girls only party and that he would deliver the ice cream to everyone else along with your good wishes. I just hope Miaka doesn't eat it all before eveyone can have some.
I am glad that Glastig-san understands what happened between us. I am certain you will be an excellent tutor for her. Thank you again for your delicious ice cream! Please come back soon.
Dear Tamahome,
NO NO NO no no no no! I wasn't, I didn't, mean it that way, really! Gomennasai if that's how it sounded. I was trying to explain why it was taking me so long. I think your page is great just the way it is! If I didn't like your page I wouldn't be putting up my own. Really I think your page is so COOL!
Dear Miaka,
We're really glad you like the page so much! Even Tasuki. So I guess I didn't have to kick him into the koi pond, eh? Awwww... what a shame... hahahahahaha! He was going to answer you too, but right now he's trying to get some water out his of ears and a couple of koi out of his pants... hahahahaha. You should see him! It's really quite a pathetically funny sight! Uh-oh... I see the tessen! I'm out of here!!!
Dear Tasuki,
I couldn't keep Chichiri's hanky.. it would be mean. And besides, it would only make me comforted by Chichiri.. not you.. and you broke my heart... *sniffles*
The only way i'll forgive you is... um... if you let me be one of your bandits? the only thing that i have to train in is sake-drinking... but my mom refuses to buy me sake even for japanese cooking. ;P~
Dear Kate-chan,
No way for 2 reasons! One, if ya' ain't old enough to buy yer own sake, ya' ain't old enough to be a bandit! An' two, ya' gotta be able to kick the ass of every bandit in the stronghold, including Kouji an' I don't wanna see ya' get hurt. Gomen if ya' don't wanna fergive me, but I didn't mean to hurt ya'.
Dear Chichiri,
Why can't my cousin ZAmmie see that she is madly in lurve with Tazzio? I mean... Everyone else sees it...
Dear Dallie-kins,
Well, there could be several reasons, no da. Your cousin just may not be in love and you are all mistaken or your cousin may be in love with this person and wish to deny the truth of their feelings, no da. Either way, your cousin will have to decide for his/her self how he/she feels, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko!!! I love your voice in the japanese FY! Its so cool. And its Sailor Star Healer`s voice too! I also think you`re very cool when it comes to strenght.
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Arigato! I'm glad that you find my voice so pleasing. And I'm glad that you think I'm cool because of my strength. However who is this Sailor Star Healer person and what is she doing with my voice?
Dear Hotohori,
Gomennasi, Hotohori-sama, but what I said was true, even if I did not express it very nicely. I find it very chauvinistic to say that what is acceptable for a man is unacceptable for a woman. I have always felt that men and women should be treated equally, no matter what. That is one of the reasons I like Nuriko-san. He can relate well to both men and women, and would have expressed what you had to say better. I will admit that I play rough, and I'm sorry for that, but not for being who and what I am. I am a bit curious as to what you took "toff" to mean, to react thus to a bit of street slang.
By your leave, ::pays respects to Hotohori-sama and exits::
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
I was not asking for you to change, just to behave better when at Court. As to my accepting Tasuki's behaviour, I said it was somewhat tolerable, not acceptable. I tolerate his rude ways because he has put his life on the line many times for his Miko and for me and Konan. There are few here besides the Seishi that can claim the same. However, I do accept your apology. Black Jade and Chichiri no Aijin explained "toff" to me as an insult to someone who either is or acts as an aristocrat. To be toffee-nosed or as it was put to me, "stuck-up". I am the Emperor of Konan, which does not necessarily make me a toff. It does, however, mean I do expect people to behave properly in my presence and in my home and to refrain from insulting my comrades and their friends. I do not believe that is too much to ask of anyone.
Excuse me, I must deal with Tasuki who has been rather obscenely rude to my son. See, even the mountain bandit can push his limits...
Once again, arigato.
Dear Nuriko,
Did you get it? I gave it to Wandering Mage Chichiri, all 10% of it. That's how much you guys wanted right?
Dear Miaka,
Yep. Got it and we are hiding it around the palace. This ought to be fun! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
Why are you so bad with kids? quote: Damn you hard headed bratt! Crown prince! Oh kowai!!! dont tell your dad what I said earlier ok: un quote cough:proof:cough! heh heh heh.....
You will never know! hehheheh
Dear Anonymous,
I didn't call him a hard headed brat! I called him a "Rock headed s--tty brat! An' I said he was kawaii (cute) not kowaii (scary)! C'mon at least get it right when ya' quote me! Ummm... gomen Hotohori-sama... I really didn't mean it!
Now look what ya' did! Now Hotohori's pissed at me! Kids are a pain! An' I ain't got no patience fer 'em!! Good thin' ya' didn't sign yer name!! Cos' now I'm pissed!!!
Dear Tamahome,
Oh no no, no problem, besides it's a WAM meeting you can't be there. (Miaka goes into Tamahomes room, seconds later comes back out) No my bag of goodies isn't there Oh well, but I did find this (holds up walkmen to Tamahomes face) I've been looking for this, you weren't planning to sell it were you? (hands small pouch to Wandering Mage Chichiri, while Tamahome isn't looking, and makes a go sign with here hand) Also what this about (so she claims) It's more then a page where people ask me questions, that's why it's taking so long hhhhhhhhh..........
Dear Miaka,
Sorry dear. I wasn't putting down your efforts. We'd like to see it up as much as your fans want to see it up. You will let us know when you're ready for a public unveiling, won't you? Tasuki wants to know what you mean by "It's more then a page where people ask me questions". He thinks you're criticizing us. So, I kicked him into a koi pond for you. Uh.... no, I wasn't going to sell your magical music machine... really! But I could get a lot of okane for it if I did!
Dear Chiriko,
ARGH!!! I saw my Physics teacher just now and he threatened to smash my nose in for drawing my graph wrong in a test and not knowing Hooke's law... *sob* I knew it but... You see... I always remember the law but I screw up the names of the laws!!!! So...anyway... How can I remember the names of the laws along with the laws?
Dear Dallie-kins,
Well, you might try studying harder or try to associate the name of the law to an example of what the law represents.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Chichiri! Would you like to go on a picnic with me? If you liked scuba diving...
Marvelous Melon Man
P.S. I`ll bring 10 Melons, 6 cheeseburgers, 4 hamburgers, 7 pickles, 12 potatoes, and 1 picnic basket O.K.?
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
A picnic sounds like fun. Sure I'll go, no da. That is a rather intersting combination of foods, no da. May I also bring some food to the picnic for you to try? I promise that Miaka will not cook any of it, ne no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Oh, sorry Nuriko! I couldn`t find anything for you except this. *Throws her an ancient book, and on the cover it shows a guy with big robes, a face looking like Nuriko`s, but with Tamahome`s haircut, and Hotohori`s sword. It says, ``The life of Powerful Miko no Miko`` * Gomennesai!
Menien,the Traveling Warrior
Dear Menien,
Arigato for your gift. I will read it later when things are a bit more quiet in the palace and I can concentrate on it.
Dear Hotohori,
Ah,Hotohori-Sama! I was much do you enjoy royal life...I wonder if I`d like to try it out, man...But I`m just a warrior what can I do about it. I guess nothing. Unless they crown me king for no actual reason, which would be completely crazy, probably their minds would have exploded or something. Ye, I know, I know, talkin` too much in front of the Emperor! No brain, do I? Anyway, I`ll probably make a little coloring book for children of Chichiri and the Crab, haha... Anyway, give this to Tasuki.
*Throws him 16 bottles of sake* And this to Chiriko. *Throws 3 textbooks signed ``How to be smart``* Oh and this to Mitsukake *Throws him a book titled ``Healing``* And this to Tamahome! *This time, its a bag with 78 gold ryou* Oh and this to Chichiri! *Throws a 4500 pound book to him, with the title of ``How to be a nice and powerful mage``. Oh and Emperor... *Hands him his sword* For your reward for delivering all those things for me, Emperor! Arigato Gozeimasu!
Menien, the Traveling Warrior
Dear Menien,
I do enjoy my royal life. But there are times I wish I had the freedom that you enjoy to be able to travel around and see different places and things.
On behlaf of the Seishi and myself, I thank you for your wonderful gifts. I am certain we will enjoy them. Arigato gozeimasu.
Dear Tamahome,
You are right, I better go find them. Wait uh, I think I forgot something in your room, and we need it for the party. So may I get it? (winks at Wandering Mage Chichiri)
Dear Miaka,
Certainly sweetheart, I'll just chat with Wandering Mage Chichiri while you get your things. Hope you don't mind if I don't join you, I want to count my okane tonight.
Dear Nuriko,
MUCH better slection, then when I spend time with my onnichan! eeeeewwwww you wont belive the movies he gets! I just always call it a night and go to bed. He really worries me sometimes.
Eh, a large pizza with the works? Are you CRAZY! that's not going to be enough!!! I'm not dieting,you know.
Dear Miaka,
Glad you liked what I picked. Black Jade will be joining us and bringing food from the Imperial kitchens. But try to control yourself, we would like some of it, too you know! Have you gotten Tamahome-kun's okane yet? Better get going, so we can play that joke on him...
Dear Tamahome,
Why can`t we talk to Miaka?
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
Well, this is the website just for us Seishi. Besides, Miaka will be putting up her own website shortly (or so she claims) and when she does we have asked her to let us know so we can announce it for her here. I'm sure she does appreciate your asking about her.
Dear Nuriko,
[Black Jade blowing feathers away from her face, and waving them away from hair and dress... sneezes behind one of her long sleeves... straightens her headress] Nuriko-sama... come away with me for a bit... we need to talk... we
haven't spoken alone in such a long time... I have some lovely fabric to show you... when we come back maybe I will try some of this stuff called popcorn -- [says rather loudly behind her] -- I would expect the room to be more orderly when we get back... I've been in meetings with the Minister of the Right, and the Minister of the Left all day... I need a break!.... hummmm, let's bring back something really yummy... let's see what the Imperial chefs can whip up!
Black Jade...
Dear Black Jade,
Certainly Black Jade-sama. Gomen for the pillow in your face. I thought you were Tamahome. Miaka, Wandering Mage Chichiri, and I were having a sleepover and were just being silly. I hope you understand. Can we bring back extra food? You know how Miaka can eat!
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