Dear Tasuki,
Ack! Ya' said please! kowaii... But I guess that koi ponds really are kowaii for ya', and especially that lady dumplin' thin', so okay.
Chichiri doesn't wear bikini briefs, but I'm feeling too nice ta tell ya' girls the truth. We shall just leave Chichiri's underwear a secret from now on, so nobody ask! Also, no matter how good Chichiri set himself up for that one, he doesn't have crabs. He had one crab, that pinched him, and it is a completely different concept. Also, Chichiri's hare-- oops, Chichiri's friends, well if ya' didn't hear me the first time, I'm gonna be good and not comment on that one again, so I'll just say that I was pickin'.
Better? Now get yer ass in gear, because Yuryoku-sama wants ice cream, and I hate apoligizin'.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Thanks! I'm already in deep s--t wit' my sister Aidou an' I don't need Chichiri an' his female friends pissed at me, too. So, what's ice cream? It ain't dairy is it?
Dear Nuriko,
Oh this is gonna be fun ^_^ In fact more than just taking his money, we should only take part... you know how it drives him crazy when he miscounts or is off by even one coin... let's take around 10% of his money and hide it in different exreemely hard to get places... like the women's baths.... in the koi pond.... under the imperial seat cushion.....
MIAKA! WOOHOO! Slumber party for us gals! You pop the popcorn, Nuriko you get the movies and soda, and I'll order the pizza!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Sounds like a good plan to me! 10% and hide it... that's great!! Can my sister Kourin join us?
Dear Tamahome,
*hugs her niisan happily*
Our playmates the nyan-nyans brought us here so we could visit our nii-sans!!!!!!
*smiles happily and looks at neechan* Are you 2 married and happy, happy?
*claps her hands together in excitement*
Dear Yuiren,
We are very happy. And we will be married soon. I am so thrilled that you could come to visit us! You said us, who else is here with you?
Dear Mitsukake,
thank you... laying down for a bit seemed to have helped things somewhat. *SIGHS* Just my luck to have these bad headaches during school.... *SIGHS*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
As nothing I do seems to ease your pain, I am at a loss as to what to do for you. Here, try this... *opens the door and has Chichiri come in and tells him to rub her forehead and temples* does that help?
Dear Nuriko,
*turns around and sticks out her tongue at her niisan* BIDA!!!!! *giggles and runs into Hotohori's suite, runs up to Hotohori, places a finger to her lips and winks playfully as she hides under his desk* I'm not here!
Dear Kourin,
Now, where could Kourin be hiding?? Hmmm... could she be in the Emperor's suite? Too bad I can't find her, I have her favorite sweet. Guess I'll have to eat it all by myself...
Dear Hotohori,
Wadda ya' mean rubbing off?
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
What I meant by "rubbing off" is that by your association with Tasuki you have started to act a lot like him. This is as I stated previously somewhat tolerable behaviour for a mountain bandit. It is not acceptable behaviour for a young lady at the Imperial Court. If you wish, I can have Black Jade instruct you in the proper ways to behave when one is at the Imperial Court. Perhaps she will have a stronger influence on you than Tasuki.
Dear Tasuki,
Mt. Leikaku then it is... I've been meaning to pay Koji back for some things.... *gets up, hits him with a log for good measure, and starts heading for the bandit stronghold*
Dear Aidou,
Get yer ass back here!!!! Ok, fine!! Ya' won't die an old maid!! Happy??? (only reason ya' won't die an old maid is cos' I'm gonna kill ya' if you go to Mt. Leikaku...) AIDOU!!!! GET BACK HERE NOW!!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*sighs with relief*
I'm glad you're okay no da.... let me see your finger na no da.... I couldn't find Mitsukake no da.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
That's ok, I don't think I'll need him, no da. Kiwi got the crab off of my finger, no da. She stunned it with a rock, no da. It seems to be ok, too. My finger is still a bit sore but I think both the crab and myself will recover nicely, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I gotta ask for your advice. Your hardly afraid of anything,right? Well I know that your afraid of water, but I'm sure you have your reasons! and I've heard that your afraid of dairy products. Is that true? Well I have a bad case of aracnaphobia (I think that's right, I'm not sure if that's the right name for the fear) My house is FULL of spiders, of all kinds of shapes and sizes! mostly BIG ones too. but I can't kill ANYTHING no matter how scary it is! A voice says no don't kill it. So I end up feeling sorry for the thing, and then it usually bites me and scrambles away. I'm tired of getting spider bites on my legs. So what do think I should do about this, not being able to kill spiders situation?
I saw this picture with some info beside it, with you, Chichiri and Mitsukake trying to pick up some girls. And the person who edits this page says that you were saying "Don't let my fangs scare ya, I don't bite" is that true?
Well thanks!
Dear Evon,
Well, ya' kinda asked the wrong guy about killin' things. I say SWAT 'EM! Smash the eight-legged buggers! Take no prisoners! Or... huh? Chichiri no Aijin says try a bug bomb. What's a bug bomb? She didn't say, but it sounds good an' violent! An' no I don't bite.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, where have you been? I looked all over for you. I couldn't find you anywhere. I know you were hiding but where?
What's this about Tamahome being your next target? Well I guess you wouldn't play a joke on Chiriko, Mitsukake, or Hotohori, they don't deserve it. And I guess it would be more fun to pick on Tamahome. So I suppose I don't mind you playing a pratical joke on him. Just as long as it's not TOO mean, Ok! Don't let him know I said I don't mind, please.
I'm up for it! A night with the girls does sound fun! I have some great Ideas for jokes! Don't worry none of them have to do with cross dressing anyone or a wedding. So tell Wandering Mage Chichiri that I would be up for a WAM meeting.
Dear Miaka,
Cool! We should have a lot of fun! Perhaps Wandering Mage Chichiri will write a short story about it. Gomen you couldn't find me, but I never reveal my secret places. And don't woryy I won't tell Tamahome-kun that you're in on any jokes we do to him.
Dear Tasuki,
Shimatta! What does yer sis mean?!! Just 'cause I like talkin' ta ya' don't make me want ta use ya' fer yer bod! And at least you avoid yer hentai fans that would give ya' crabs.
Also, why is everyone gettin' in on that ice cream action? She invited Chiriko, Mits, you, an' me. She says she don't want no hentai people like Chichiri and his harem knowing where her temple is. They are kowaii to her, and she's had enough, so people, nothin' against ya', but I think we'll be leaving now! ::grabs Tasuki by arm and heads out for ice cream::
Now hurry up Gen-chan, the place is clean, everythin' is peaceful, and we're all ready.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Just ignore Aidou. Hell, I do!! However, those cracks about Chichiri havin' crabs and his friends bein' his hentai harem are gettin' us some evil looks... We better get, as those three are startin' to look pissed an' I already learned my lesson about Chichiri: NEVER &^%$ with th' monk!! I ain't goin' thru that s--t again!! Not fer you, not fer anybody! How about apologizin' to 'em? Kudasai? Then we won't hafta worry about bein' ambushed an' I won't hafta deal wit' Lady Dumplin' an' the @#$%^&* koi pond! An' ya' can't fight, if ya' can't move... found that out th' hard way...
Dear Chichiri,
I try my best to send in positive letters, but there is a big problem I'm having. I can't talk to a school counselor, because no matter how many times they say they are there for you. They are always in meetings and never remember that they promised you that they would talk with you. I remember last year waiting an hour for her to show up, but she never did. I can't talk to my teachers because they are WAY to busy. My friends and family NEVER take me seriously, and when I mention to my mom that I need an outside of school counselor she blows it off. So you are the only one I can talk to, right now. I hope you don't mind? Well my mom and step-dad are having some problems with his ex. They are fighting about my 2 step- brothers. No matter what I do, or what lengths I go to do it, nothing makes them proud of me. Whenever they make a promise that is important to me, they never keep it. They don't give me or my sisters any attention. My younger stepbrothers seem to get all of it! There's been lots of times where My younger sister Kitty (13) came home in tears because she got in a fight, and I was one who cleaned her cuts! and I'm the one who comforts her! Even My older sister Delaney comes to me in tears (19) (I'm 18) To make a long story short they have both on lots of occasions called me MOM! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! no one will listen! (Teary eye's)
Dear Kiwi,
It is difficult to counsel you from so far away, no da. However, I do have some recommendations, no da. Depending on the state you live in you may want to seek help at the county mental health department or family services. A teen crisis or suicide hotline could also give you a referral for someone near you that you can talk to.
Your parents may not be showing they are proud of you, but parents are like that. Black Jade did not know how proud her mother was of her until after she had passed away. Her relatives were the ones to tell her this, not her mother. It is also sometimes very difficult when adults are fighting to get them to focus on their children, no da. I am sure that deep down your parents are very proud of you, but are just too preoccupied with their own problems to acknowledge it to you, no da.
Try to get the outside counseling on your own. If you feel it is a good idea you may want to bring your older sister with you, no da. If you want, you could show your parents the letter that you wrote to me, no da. Perhaps the fact that you wrote such a letter will "wake them up" and then you will get the help you have been asking for.
Good luck and keep in touch, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
nee-chan, Miaka nii-chan!!!
*runs into the rooms and wraps her arms around Tamahome's leg* I'm home!
Dear Yuiren,
NANI??? How did this happen? *hugs her to him with tears in his eyes* Niisan is very glad to see you, but a bit confused as to how you got here.
Dear Nuriko,
*winks* He would be fun, and definitely needs to be humbled... but we better not tell Miaka... she won't let us have our fun!
*laughs sadisitcally* So, what shall we do to him? And I figure Tasuki has enough problems with those crazed fangirls of his, and I'd never do anything like that to Chichiri, worse I'd ever do is play with his hair. ^_^
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
How about we hide ALL of his ryou? That should drive him nuts! He's too used to being fried by Tasuki, so physical pain really has little meaning to him. I say hit him in the moneybelt! Right where it hurts!
Dear Hotohori,
Due to Gen-chan misunderstanding one of my comments, I have some unwanted objects of Chichiri's. ::hands over neatly tied box:: I also have some kesa cloth for him, as all his spare has been used for 'kerchiefs. ::hands over other box:: Would you like us to bring back a pint of ice cream for you? ::hugs Hotohori-sama and goes to clease herself because Chichiri has crabs::
Oh yes, and harem gaishous, I can assure you, they are not bikini briefs.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Arigato for returning Chichiri's things. And also for supplying him with new kesa cloth. Ice cream does sound interesting as I have never tried it before. I am certain I will enjoy whatever flavour you choose. As to Chichiri having crabs so to speak, I beleive he had one attached to his finger when he was at the beach with his friends. You really do not need to cleanse yourself or besmirch his reputation in such a manner. As to his friends, I believe that they would take great umbrage at being called prostitutes. One would think that you have been availing yourself of Tasuki's company for so long that his rude ways have been rubbing off on you. It is somewhat tolerable behaviour from a mountain bandit, however we find it unacceptable in a young woman.
Dear Chichiri,
Oh Dear! let me take a look at that crab for you. I have had a crab cling to my finger before.*trys to shake it off Chichiri's finger* There's only one thing left to do, You better not look this may hurt a little. * looks away , and picks up a rock and hits the crab , a second later it lets go* hey it looks like it's OK! Just stunned I think? Oh your finger looks ok too. A little blue but we won't need to operate. You don't need to go Mitsukake for every little thing you know. You're lucky I was walking near here and saw you two. Or else the crab could of cut off the circulation in your finger.
So how was scuba diving? Did you see any eels or sharks!!!!
Well I have to go know see ya both soon!
Dear Kiwi,
Arigato for getting the crab off of my finger. I hope it wasn't hurt too badly in the process, no da. Scuba diving was a lot of fun, ne no da! But we didn't see any eels or sharks. I think Wandering Mage Chichiri has gone off to find Mitsukake, no da. Again, thank you for the crab removal, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
Too bad you can't come to my school with me, and totally shock my tech teacher! like he did to me! He seemed really nice at first and then he turned on me. He ask me to demonstrait friction to the class, by trying to push his tool box (it's more like a dresser than a box) across the room. I said sure, then he told me to only use 1 finger. I tried than I gave up and said I coudn't, then he said Oh it was a mistake to ask a girl anyway! I should have asked Jim to (football guy). They all made a great laugh about it considering I was the only girl in the class! Nobody could push it with one finger anyway, they all tried.
It would be the greatest thing if you could come in,(dressed like a girl) and push that desk with one finger! I could just imagen what he would say * I said push it across the room! Not through the wall!* That would be soooo cool! but you can't come to my school! and that bites! You are way to busy to be doing something like that! So mabey you could give some advice on how to handle the situation. without getting my teacher in to trouble, or if you could come to my school that would work too. I don't think you could though, because there's that little problem of you being in another world.
Dear Evon,
You may want to privately ask your teacher to refrain from making sexist remarks as they hurt your feelings, are inappropriate, and illegal under Title IX of your laws.
Other than that you might want to try putting a piece of cardboard under the box and see if that makes it easier to move. If it does, you can demonstrate that you can move it with one finger, and then secretly remove the cardboard before anyone else comes up to try. Then they can be shocked that they can't move the box.
Good Luck!
Dear Mitsukake,
*comes in with an ice pack on her head*
help.... I'm having one of my sinus, migraine equivalent headaches at the moment..... please make the pain go away....
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Gomen, I feel your pain. Here, lie down with this warm compress and rest.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Actually this letter is just for Tasuki, Mitsukake-san, and Chiriko-kun.*
Okay, I'm ready for ice cream now!! Nani?? What do you mean Tasuki has to clean up that mess??!! Glastig-san won't help him? Alright, looks like I've got to take matters into my own hands!!! Stand back minna-san!!!
~Raises hands and mutters arcane language~
Hmph, the mess is gone now!! Chiriko-kun, Minna-san, LET'S GO!!!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Arigato for taking care of the mess! Since all Tasuki and Glastig-san wanted to do was argue over who would clean it, and Miaka ran away, leaving poor Chichiri in a dress. Ah, Chiciri no Aijin and Wandering Mage Chichiri have stopped giggling long enough to get him his clothes. Once he's dressed, we'll be on our way.
Dear Nuriko,
Nee-chan no baka. You didn't need to do that for me... weren't you the ones who always told me to be myself?
*gently thumps him on the head* Baka..... *smiles and gently taps his nose* Tag you're it!
*runs from the room*
Dear Kourin,
Hee-hee... ready or not here comes your niisan!
Dear Tasuki,
*eyes widen in hurt and she punches him hard*
BAKA! It's not my fault that only you and the bandits are the ones who don't cower from me....
*starts thinking*
I should join the bandits and refine you guys
I wonder what Koji would think....
Dear Aidou,
Keep th' hell away from Kouji an' th' bandits! Amber and Angela-chan are almost more than he can handle! Here, why don't ya' write to 'em an' see if they even want ya'! ( But Kouji will never see my ass up there again if he allows you up there to stay!!!
Dear Chichiri,
*yells after Chichiri*
Should I get Mistukake no da?
*wonders what it is and has hentai thoughts of where it is*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
No, no da!! I should be fine, no da! It was just a crab, ne no da.
*Chichiri comes walking out in his normal attire rubbing his backside and holding a large crab*
Itai, no da! Tasukete!!! I think I may need Mitsukake, no da! This crab has me by the finger, no da!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ah ...Tasuki I didn't take Chichiri clothes. You didn't take Chichiri's clothes(I hope) Then who took Chichiri's clothes? Uh oh, I hope it isn't those girls!(terrible sounds of screaming girls outside of palace) huh *looks out window* Would you two stop looking up his dress!! Not at a time like this! There are many MANY girls outside and Eww GUYS TOO! And I don't think there just here for Chichiri! They must be the guys who are still denying that Tasuki is straight! Chichiri put these on. *hands clothes to Chichiri* Now everybody I MEAN IT RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. (says while running) HEY! while I'm on the subject! Why do you always think of me, when someones clothes are missing??? I don't care what you say! I'm NOT hentai!!!!!!
Dear Miaka,
No but only you would hide something where no one else, including you, could find it!! Here, let me get rid of 'em... LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
*takes a log and whallops him upside the head and pins him to the ground* Why don't you just !@#$%#@ shut up!
*bows her head and sobs*
Dear Aidou,
Knock off the water works, sis. They don't work on me an' ya' know it!!! Hell, if ya' weren't such a ^&%*$#@ jajauma you'd be married by now! Why don't ya' marry the *&^%$#@ woodcutter, ya' spend enough time wit' him!!! Ya' better be gettin' a good deal on that wood, too! Or at least take it out in trade... nah, the wood's worth more'n that!
Dear Chichiri,
*throws a towel at Chichiri*
Had fun no da? *smiles as she dries out her hair some*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Hai! *suddenly looks uncomfortable and starts to sweatdrop*
Excuse me, no da. I seem to have caught a sea creature in an "unconventional" manner, ne no da!! Be right back, no da! ITAI!!
Dear Nuriko,
*blinks and smiles* nee-chan, pretty *reaches up and gently tugs on the braid* But why are you wearing a dress? NE? Let's go play........
Dear Kourin,
I wear it to honour you, Kourin. Now what would you like to play?
Dear Hotohori,
Don't let people pick on you because of your hat. I like your hat. And it doesn't look like a Burger King fry carton. Anyone can tell it's a McDonald's carton.
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
It is not a hat. It is an Imperial headress. And I do not think it looks like anything that has to do with "fast-food" from your world.
Dear Chiriko,
Aahh Chiriko, I was reading what you said about blood types, and I'm B, Yet that sorta dosen't sound like me. That sounds more like Tasuki, (Wait that is his blood type..I think) I don't think I act that way. (don't confuse with my younger sister kitty) Do you? Oh well I'm confused. I guess that happens alot latley. Everyone in my imediate (I spelled that wrong) family act's alot like Tasuki, we all have type B (that's always a fun issue to deal with) I do too but I'm the only person who ever seems more down to earth. More like a type A. Well I was just wondering what your opinion on the situation would be?
P.S. You should try some other kinds of ice cream too! Like cookies and cream, New york cheese cake and Mint chip! There so good, of coarse chocolate and green tea would be also up there with my favorites!
Dear Kiwi,
Well, the blood type thing is just another divination tool like astrology. It is not necessarily based in scientific fact. Sorry you have to deal with a family of Tasukis, one is enough for ALL of us! I will also take your ice cream recommendations under advisement and if they allow me to sample them, I will.
Dear Mitsukake,
Is it awfully boring being dead?
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Not really. I have Shoka and the rest of the late Seishi to keep me company. We also have Taiitsu-kun and the Nyan-Nyan to keep us company. And when Miaka comes to visit she always says hi and brings the remaining Seishi with her.
Dear Nuriko,
Do you know what`s cool? Our girl school uniforms look somewhat like Miaka`s! Do you think it should be different, or is it OK like that?
Marveleous Melon Man
Dear Marveleous Melon Man,
I think that's really kawaii!! But you should probably avoid the restricted sections of public libraries. Hee-hee.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OI! Miaka, NURIKO!
You know the three of us should go out and have a girl's nite out. Slumber Party, pillow fights, anbd a WAM meeting (women against men) so we can complain to our heart's content, and maybe plot some pranks on the guys around here. ^_^
*winks conspiratorily at her honorary sister in womanhood Nuriko*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ok, but I'm tired of picking on Tasuki and Chichiri. Who shall the next target be??? How about Tamahome? He could certainly use some abuse as he has done nothing but try to profit from Tasuki's plight. He's even approached Black Jade and tried to buy her scroll of Chichiri off of her so he could make copies and sell them to the Crazed Hentai Fangirls! She, of course, said no, but I think he deserves something for his greed....
Dear Tamahome,
You ask for 2 gold ryou? I won`t give you it! I`ll give you 102 gold ryou! Hehhehheh. Maybe you should thank me... If you have a carrot, that`d be a good reward.
Carrot and Money Crazy
Dear Carrot and Money Crazy,
Sure! 102 gold ryou for a carrot... You are crazy! But whatever makes you happy...
Dear Nuriko,
pssst..... Nuriko.... if Tasuki's afraid of water how do you think he'd handle a water amusement park?
I was thinking of inviting everyone to one... and we can just forget to tell Tasuki what's involved..... ^_~
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
So we can have a Raging Tasuki at Raging Waters... hee-hee! I like the idea!
Dear Chiriko,
Does it disturb you that you seem to get a lot of people who want to date you? For pity's sake, people, leave children alone! Is the Emperor of Kotou on the net or something?!
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
I certainly hope he isn't! Actually it is somewhat unsettling as I'm only 13, and I have no idea how old some of the girls who write to me asking for dates are. But I guess it is part of being a Seishi. Luckily Tasuki seems to be keeping all the Crazed Hentai Chicks away from me.
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles again, hands back the hanky* I can't use it.. i talked bad to Chichiri too! *starts crying again* I think I'm gonna be scarred for life.. I haven't stopped crying since you got all upset and all... *sniffles* i'll just... curl into the corner and *sniffle* *sniffle*... i'll just fade away just like that... *sniffles*
Kate-chan ;_;
Dear Kate-chan,
Please shut off the water-works!! Glastig-san thinks ya' got a screw loose! Keep the handkerchief. So what did ya' say to Chichiri? Heh-heh... It couldn't be that bad!
Dear Nuriko,
Dear Kourin,
Hai! I did this to keep your memory alive because I loved and missed you so much. I hope I meet with your approval.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you here like Yui? Of course, except Miaka, we know that. And since Ask the Seiryuu Seishi doesn`t really work, I can`t ask Yui herself. Oh, and if you want my first 3 favorite Seishi of both Suzako and Seiryuu:
Yeah,and I don`t know any Genbu or Byakko seishi, so I can`t mention them, OK guys? Oh, for almost each seishi:
Chichiri: Does your staff have any special powers?
Chiriko: What does your foot power do?
Tasuki: You use your metal fan the tessen,not the club like in one pic?
Tamahome: It`s true Tomo has a crush on Nakago? Since you know most...
Hotohori: Is it good and cool being so beatiful its scary?
Mitsukake: Tama-neko can`t talk right?
Nuriko: Huh? You love Hotohori-Sama, i mean the emperor?
All right, I believe that will be it, OK? Please answer, Suzako Seishi!
Marvelous Melon Man
Dear Marvelous Melon Man,
We all felt sorry for Yui and liked her because she was Miaka's friend. We certainly tried our best to not harm her when we would have to fight her Seishi.
Here are the answers to your questions:
Chichiri: My staff has no special powers of its own. Although I do use it at times to focus my chi.
Chiriko: The symbol on my foot represents wisdom. So my power is my intellect.
Tasuki: Yes, my weapon of choice is my tessen, not a club.
Tamahome: How the heck would I know about any of that hentai stuff???
Hotohori: I would not say it was cool being "so beautiful it's scary". But it is interesting and sometimes quite a burden.
Mitsukake: As far as I know my cat cannot speak. If he ever tells me otherwise, I'll let you know.
Nuriko: Well, I did until I fell in love with Miaka.
The Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*throws a forest at Tasuki*
OLD MAID! You'll be lucky if you ever find a girl willing to actually talk to you and not use you for your body! Old Maid indeed, and you'll be old and alone! *eyes mist up*
Dear Aidou,
Yeah, at least somebody WANTS my body!! That's more than you can say sis! Keep throwin' them logs. It's sooooo ladylike... Maybe one day you'll marry a chipmunk! Nah, even the woodland creatures avoid yer old maid ass!!
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