Dear Tasuki,
I'm glad you enjoyed the sake. Arigatou for the invitation to hang out with you and Glastig-san. Unfortunately I am all ready going to an ice cream parlor with Chiriko-kun and Mitsukake-san. Would you like to come with us? I know Glastig-san loves mint chocolate chip ice cream. Oh wait, I've heard you have a milk complex. Well, that doesn't matter. The village near my temple has a great izakaya (at least that is what Glastig-san tells me), and if you don't mind stopping at a book store along the way, I would be happy to take you along.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Sure, I'll join ya' fer a bit on th' way to the bar. Glastig-san is lookin' forward to her ice cream. But tell her to get her ass in gear an' help me or we ain't goin' anywhere!
Dear Chiriko,
Sugoi! I have never had green tea ice cream. When we go, I must have some. If Mitsukake-san has never had ice cream before he should start out with something mild, like vanilla, don't you agree? Oh, and I hope you drink a lot of tea. When I told my servants what kind you like, they got out green, black current, and mint tea leaves. Yareyare, they live to please. Oh well, Mitsukake-san will be coming too, and I will be sure to provide a nice meal to go along with our tea. Also, I sort of invited Tasuki and Glastig-san along as well. I know that they are "free spirited" but maybe we can help Tasuki get over his milk phobia. Besides, they will probably abandon us once we arrive at the book store. I happened to mention a bar to Tasuki, and you know how he loves his sake!! You don't mind do you?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I look forward to it! Maybe we can convince Tasuki to try some ice cream despite his milk phobia.
Dear Tasuki,
::smiles and sends Miaka on her way:: Sure, I'll help. I did say she shouldn't try cross-dressin' ya' didn't I? I'm beenin' good... really! ::hands Tasuki a broom and sits on a table:: Now hurry up, I'm missin' out on some mint chocolate chip ice cream.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Get yer ass off the *&^%$#@ table an' help! Or you'll be wearin' that mint chocolate chip instead of eatin' it! *hands her the mop* C'mon yer cuttin' into some valuable drinkin' time!
Dear Mitsukake,
::wiggles toes laughing:: Figment of his imagination? Finally, I don't think any of that information was needed. Though smiley boxers are better than kesa bikini briefs. You got lucky. Now let's see how fast a cleaner Gen-chan is, 'cause I really want some ice cream. ::hugs Mitsukake and Tasuki::
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
I think that while Tasuki appreciates the hug, he would appreciate your help even more. He seems to be having a problem with Miaka. Looks like Chichiri could use some assistance, too. After that, we can go for ice cream.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa! Black Jade we're here! To clean up the mess! Tasuki told you right! oh there you are. See Kiwi (yeah thanks Tasuki) wasn't mad with me. So she's going to help me ok. Oh Gomennasai Kiwi for not remembering your name. You know it's really nice of you to help! after what I did to you and all. Arigato Kiwi!
Oh Chichiri you look mad. Why are you still wearing that dress? I hope you haven't gotten attached to it. Your fan girls might not like that.
Gomennasai Tamahome! (runs and gives Tamahome a hug and a kiss) I had to leave before I could say goodbye.
Umm I try not to drink so, I'm not interested in your sake ok! So lets go (just as miaka is getting ready to leave with The Glastig, Kiwi grabs her hand and gives her the puppy eyes) OOoohhh, Kiwi's right Glastig, we can't leave the cleaning up to just her and Tasuki. So Kiwi can come with us! (kiwi gives Miaka a look) I'm guessing that's not what you meant was it Kiwi? Yeah yeah, Look Glastig I should really help so, mabey if you want to, you can help and than we all can go ! Does that sound ok to you?
How about you Tasuki, does that sound ok to you? Kiwi doesn't drink either so, You and The Glastig can have the sake all to yourselfs!
Dear Miaka,
Sake or not Miaka, yer stayin' an' helpin' with th' mess you made!! Now get cleanin'! An' get th' damn dress offa Chichiri already!! He looks ridiculous! Pink on a guy wit' blue hair geez!!! On the plus side Chichiri no Aijin and Wanderin' Mage Chichiri seem to be in giggle fits over it... Huh? Oh, Chichiri can't change because someone seems to have "misplaced" his clothes... Miaka! Give him back his friggin' clothes before those two laugh themselves to death! Oi!! You two stop liftin' his dress!! What is wit' you women today?!? Yer actin' all wacked an' hentai! Miaka!!!! Clothes!!! NOW!!!
Dear Tasuki,
So what do you mean by Chichiri's "friends" ? I'm his friend and I'm not after him or anything. I don't think he's of doing something like that either! Don't be sick Tasuki. You can be funny when your not being gross too, you know. Must be all those hentai chicks, they must be a bad influence on you. Well I got to go, I told Miaka I would help her clean up. I make a nice offer like that to her, and she dosen't even remember my name! Theres a friend for you. Just kidding. Well at least you remembered my name, that's always a plus, I guess ^-^
Oh tasuki I forgot! Good thing you didn't leave yet I just thought I'd warn you about...(whispers in his ear, Tamahome is going to try to sell you to this girl , you know like a pimp would) You better keep your eyes peeled I don't know how or when he's going to. So be careful! and don't tell him I told you ok.
See ya!
Dear Kiwi,
Obake-chan wants to do WHAT with me?!? He's one dead Obake-chan!!! I'm sure ya' can be Chichiri's friend an' not part of his harem. Ya' probably ain't old enough to be part of his harem anyways. Course, when he figures out what me an' The Glastig have been callin' his lady friends he'll probably be pissed... heh-heh. He's sooooo much fun to tease!
Dear Nuriko,
Please answer my question as soon as possible! On friday i have to give a speech to my english class. I am going to dress as a man, and i wanted to know if you had any hints on making a girl look like a guy! I need a cheap and quick way to press my chest, and a way to do my hair.. it is waistlenght and i don't intend on cutting it.
Thank you!
English Bishonen-wannabe
Dear English Bishonen-wannabe,
Depending on how umm... er... "gifted" you are a wide ace bandage could be used to bind your chest and the easiest way to deal with your hair would be to put it down the back of your shirt.
Good Luck!
Dear Chiriko,
I`m entering 4th grade on September 9, and if you can give me advice on it... Yes, you! You, the smart one! Ah! So, like, did you like it? Was it hard? Answer please quickly, there isn`t much time left!
Chiriko, how much pages of a textbook do you read in one day? (Since they say you study a lot and is very smart) Maybe 134! hehehehehehehehehehhhhhheeeeeeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I went crazy there did I not. Anyway, the Crazed Hentai Guys are gay right? Oh, no wonder. They like Tasuki,or should I say, love him? Well,answer soon!
Weirdo Dude,who appears little
Dear Weirdo Dude,
Well, your nom de plume is certainly accurate! As to 4th grade I did not find it all that difficult, but do keep in mind that I like learning and reading lots of books. I have never really counted how many pages I read in a day. But 134 may be a bit excessive. I'd say I would read the assignment and maybe a chapter or 2 past that. Crazed Hentai Guys?? That sounds even more frightening than Crazed Hentai Chicks!
Dear Tasuki,
DON'T, I said I DON'T really want ta know what kinda undergarment Chichiri wears, I just said it was funny that ya' guys never denied any of it. So no more undergarment raids fer Kouji and ya', get it?!! And I just thought that Kate-chan needed psychological examination, but apparently she's takin' her medication again. Ya' Seishi have exposed me ta more ecchi baba... Shimatta, why da ya' think I avoid frat boys? Their always tryin' ta get me drunk and do somethin' hentai ta me. Jigoku, keggers are sooooo much easier ta cope with. Now, finally, I'm sayin' this last so ya' remembers...
I AM NOT A GOAT-GIRL!!!!! That is a vicious little rumor started by some freakish historian that I think was massacred in the 5th century, CE. Da ya' got that? I'm not a goat!!! Am I gonna have ta get a scanner so I can prove it ta the world before ya' get over that?!! Just 'cause ya' read it in a book don't make it's true! And I'm beenin' good. I think it could at least merit Akutenshi or Aku-chan.
::picks up a case of sake flasks:: C'mon Miaka, let's leave Gen-chan ta clean up this mess, just promise not ta try settin' me up again. I thought ya' were suppose ta' be a nice kid, what are ya' doin' usin' me in yer hentai little plots?? An' no more cross-dressin' me or my friends (includin' Tasuki), even if Nuriko-san does suggest it. Deal?
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Heh-heh, too late!! I'll be sendin' 'em to ya'!! Whatever ya' say "Yagi-chan"... jus' remember if ya' send me a scan of ya' it goes up here!! Oi! Whaddya mean by leavin' me to clean this %^&*%$# mess up??? Aku-chan my ass! Gimme back my friggin' sake an' gimme some help cleanin' this s--t up!!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! I am Karen. I want to ask you how is the feeling to be a king? and why you are a king but you can always play with your friends like Miaka?
Thanks for answering. i am waiting for you reply.
Dear Karen,
Being the Emperor is a huge responsibility as you are responsible for an entire country and all of its' people. It is because of friends like Chichiri that I was able to travel with Miaka for a short time. Unfortunately, I had a country to run and could not follow her and the Seishi around on all of their adventures. They are always welcome in my palace and I will do my best to make time to spend with them. But, my duties do come first.
Dear Mitsukake,
how far did you and your g/f go? and does it have anything to do with why you wear smiley boxers?
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
I left our village without her, so we did not go far together. I do not wear smiley boxers... that is a figment of Nuriko's hentai imagination.
Dear Chiriko,
What will you look like when you're older? Heck...I'll take you now if your interested!!!
Dear Anonymous,
Probably taller and more mature. Thank you for your interest, but I'm not interested in dating, just yet.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was just wondering if you guys prefer boxers or briefs? And what kind do you all like best? I hope that isn't too personal. Thanks!
A somewhat crazed fangirl
Dear crazed fangirl,
That question has already been answered, no da. It is in the archives already under "Week Ending September 5, 1998, Peeji 2", no da! We refuse to re-answer that one, ne no da!! Or to confirm if what Nuriko says is true, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, look Tasuki....GOMENNASAI! I feel real bad know for playing that joke on you. I well had a talk with one of the girls from the joke, that I made wear a tuxedo. I think her name was Kiki? (I don't think that's right) she came over to return the tux.I have no idea how she knew where I lived, I am guessing Chichiri showed her? She told me that she wasn't angry with me, but that you shouldn't have to tell me that women are not meddlesome now. After all I put you through. She talked to me for awhile, untill I saw her point. Again Gomennasai!
Tell Black Jade that I'm coming back to clean up the mess. Kiki (NO NO I know that isn't right) has offered to help me. GOMENNASAI!!!! I just feel real bad. Oh I would tell you where your clothes are but Kiki (her name is on the tip of my tounge) told me that she already gave them to you.
Dear Miaka,
OK. Apoplogy accepted and her name is Kiwi, not Kiki. I guess she opted not to hang wit' Chichiri and his harem... heh-heh. Hmmm... I wonder what he's gonna do wit' Chichiri no Aijin an' Wanderin' Mage Chichiri...? Heh-heh... I'll let Black Jade know yer' comin' back to clean up yer mess. I'm leavin' wit' th' Glastig to get some rest an' some sake. You can join us when yer done. I don't think Chichiri really wants company right now... heh-heh...
Dear Tamahome,
I want to ask you how much you love Miaka? If you meet a girl who is more beautiful and nicer than Miaka, will you love her?
Dear Karen,
I love Miaka with all my heart and soul. No other woman could ever take me away from her.
Dear Tasuki,
Away?!! Away sounds VERY good. ::sweatdrops:: At least O-dango atama is done now. I think she carried that a bit too far, don't you? PINK gowns?? And Yuryoku-sama didn't sound to pleased about being dressed up in a tux. And it seems like everyone is leaving the palace... Chichiri and his harem are going ta the beach again; Yuryoku-sama and Chiriko are heading out for ice cream and books, and I think she invited Tama-neko and Mitsukake along too. Not to mention that Nuriko-san seems ta be hiding out from the rest of the seishi after that undergarment incident, and Miaka's weddin' scene... I find it very funny that none of ya' have denied the underwear accusations, but I really don't want ta find out if Chichiri really wears bikini briefs. Anyway, this leaves Tamahome and Hotohori-sama alone... perhaps we should invite tha emperor along too, so that Obake-chan has no company. If yer thinkin' of yer bandit stronghold, this could be very amusing. I quote, "You have such a lovely big body." Poor Hotohori-sama, maybe he should stay home.
One question though, are ya' calling me akki? Perhaps I am an aku tenshi? Hmmm, well, lets go. I would be happy to help ya' with yer Kate-chan problem first though... ::eyes glint and a menacing grin forms::
All right, so I forgot... Now that I'm in a good mood (the thought of excape did that I think), I would like ta make a couple comments... After seein' yer balancin' act last time I saw yer bandit lair, I've desided that yer chest is not wimpy and bird-like, though Yuryoku-sama will never admit that she inspired that comment ta begin with. heh-heh... Does that make yer no Miko happy? Also, I think Kate-chan needs therapy more than a bit of roughing up. Does she just seem ta be screamin' "split-personality" ta ya'? I vote for insitutionalization.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Well, you are supposed to be a blood-sucking goat-girl. That's gotta be akushuukan on some level! So ya' say Chichiri has a harem, eh? I wonder what he and his "friends" gotta say about that! Yer right, I don't think Hotohori-sama wants to come back to th' bandit stronghold. Thanks fer recognizin' I ain't got a wimpy bird chest! 'Bout time, too!! An' leave poor Kate-chan alone, I already scared th' hell outta th' poor kid when I yelled at her!
So ya' wanna know about Chichiri and his briefs, eh? I'll see what I can "borrow" fer ya' while he's away... heh-heh.
Dear Tamahome,
hmmmm Well if you're going to be this way, we can just forget it, you just won't be able to profit off of me abusing my nee-chan....
*lets go of his shirt and he falls to the floor and walks out throwing a log at Tasuki's head*
Dear Aidou,
OI! I don't mind ya' being pissed wit' Tamahome, but why th' hell do I get a log to th' head????? This is why you'll die an old maid!!!
Dear Tasuki,
YEAH! *throws her arms around him and gives him a hug* You forgave me! *lets go of him and bounces around the room a bit, then turns and smiles up at him* I'm so glad na no da!
^_^ Here let me treat you to some sake!
*produces a jar of sake and hands it to him, and sits down with a pitcher of water for her*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Good sake! Of course I forgave ya'! I'm not a total bastard! Ya' been listenin' to Obake-chan, haven't ya'?
Dear Chichiri,
I guess..... so although I've never traveled that way before. I've seen it done though. Eh, Chichiri you might want to change out of that dress before you go, don't ya think?
Dear Kiwi,
Dress, no da!?!? Miaka!
Dear Chiriko,
Sure! I would be glad to have ice cream with you before we go to the bookstore. What is your favorite ice cream? I don't really have a favorite. I like them all except for the ones that have raisins or cherries in them. Also, what kind of tea do you like best? I need to know this so that I can prepare my servants for our arrival (they are slightly anti-social). How about we invite Mitsukake-san and Tama-neko along too? Mitsukake-san is a very nice guy, and I think he deserves a vacation, and I love cats. ~walks over to Mitsukake~ Do you like ice cream?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I like green tea ice cream and chocolate ice cream. Although, not at the same time! As for teas, I like either green tea or blackcurrant tea. I also like mint tea. I would be happy to invite Mitsukake and Tama-chan along! They are nice company. Mitsukake says he has never had ice cream, but is willing to try it.
Dear Nuriko,
The scroll er.. ummm *Sweatdrops* I don't think I should no da... I saw it by accident... and well *GULPS* no.... it's just not something people should talk about na no da.
And well it really is a private matter and I don't want to intrude on Chichiri's privacy anymore than I already have...
*TURNS bright Suzaku red*
Definitely not.... the scroll gave me nightmares....
It was scary!!!!!!
And it definitely colored my thoughts of him na no da.
And that's all I'm saying on the subject na no da...
besides the fact that Black Jade is evil!
And Chichiri looks really kawaii in kesa swimming trunks... you think one of these days I might be able to talk him into tucking me into bed?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well, Chichiri assures me that the scroll is a fallacy. But, well inquiring minds want to know... As to Black Jade, she has at least kept her promise to Chichiri and refuses to show the scroll to anyone! She always has it on her person, so I can't get Tasuki to steal it. Of course, if she were truly evil, she would have posted it everywhere in Konan country. Now, you did say you wanted Chichiri to "tuck you" into bed, right? Tee-hee...
Excuse me for a moment, Chichiri no Aijin just came in and... EWWWW!
No, it wasn't the scroll. She just wanted to remind me I was leaving PG-13 waaaayyy behind with my last remark and when I stuck my tougne out at her she smeared some white stuff on it called cream cheese. Pretty tasty once you get over the shock! I chased her into Chichiri's room and he wouldn't let me at her. But I did see that "interesting" picture of the two of you again. Looks to me like you already got your wish...
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffles* I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem so hentai and all.. I just wanted... *sniffles* All i wanted was to be... *stiffles a sob* to be... loved... but.. *sighs wistfully* I suppose I'll have to *sniffles* move on, ne? *wails* again, i'm sorry for what i said, i don't know what got into me. ;_;
Kate-chan, the sad (but cute) bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Oh geez! The only thing I hate worse than women, is a cryin' woman! Stop cryin', kudasai! I didn't mean to make ya' all weepy... here have some kesa to blow yer nose on. Just don't tell Chichiri that we've been raiding his spare stash an' makin' handkerchiefs outta 'em fer all th' sniffly women. He'll be pissed.
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