Dear Chichiri,
*swims to chichiri and braids his bangs out of his face* da! *does a thumbs up under water*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Arigato for fixing my hair, no da. This is sugoi, no da! Too bad Kiwi does not enjoy this. Arigato for asking me to do this, ne no da!
Dear Tasuki,
~gestures to crate on floor~ This crate is full of flasks of sake for you. They were extremely expensive, and I hope that they are a good brand. Glastig-san picked them out, so they better be perfect.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Arigato gozeimasu to you and Glastig-san!! Ummmm...*glug, glug* ahhhhh... onishii!! Now I think I'll try to put that "joke" behind me an' go out an' have some fun!! Wanna join me?
Dear Nuriko,
*blushes* Let's just say I've seen the scroll of Chichiri...da.... @_@ it was shocking na no da....
*clutches her Chichiri doll*
*blinks and takes another kesa from Chiriko to blow her nose*
Allergies ne no da.......
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
OOOOOOHHH!!! You got to see Black Jade's scroll?? I'm sooooooooooo jealous!!! Go ahead and tell Nuriko-chan ALLLLL about it... PLEASE!!!! I'm all ears! Tee-hee...
Dear Tasuki,
I wanted to say that you are my favorite character, and that if you need a place to hide from those crazed hentai chicks, I'll gladly save you from them. (Looks around for jello & chocolate) By the way, where did you get that wonderful purple outfit?? Flame Tamahome for me, because I just saw his second adventure in Kutou country.
Thanks. *_*
Dear No Name,
Thanks fer the offer. I may take ya' up on it sometime soon. But ya' need to tell me why you were lookin' fer jello an' chocolate? Hmmm...? As fer Obake-chan, I jus' flame him on general principle. An' yer's was a good reason too... LEKKA SHIEN!!
Dear Chichiri,
da....... *he's kawaii na no da*
*beckons him under the water as they swim*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
This is very interesting, no da. But all I seem to be seeing are blue strands floating in front of my face, ne no da. Tasukete!!
Dear Tamahome,
if we go by the world standards, agents like you get %10 since all those fees come out of my own pocket.
So it's either 60/40 in my favor by Konan Standards, or 10% take for you by the Miko's world.... which would you prefer?
Dear Aidou,
Tsk, tsk, tsk Aidou! Who ever said I was an agent? I'm the promoter of that event and so the aforementioned fees are usual and customary. So after all those fees are paid you will get your 60% fee from what is left over.
Dear Aidou,
Hmph... well sis I think ya' met yer match! Too bad he's already taken. Heh-heh Yep! Just call him Weasel-chan!
Dear Nuriko,
Gomen nasai for the pinch Nuriko-san. I hope that it didn't leave a bruise. Oh well, now that this whole mess is over things can get back to normal right? Here is a gift for you ~ hands Nuriko a package ~. Do you like it? It is a bronze statue of you. It is very special because one side is your likeness as a female the other is you now as a male (short hair and all). Normally I do not sculpt or practice bronze casting, but I felt the need to try a new medium. "Starving artist types" must learn to be flexible so that we really DON'T starve in the future. ~refers back to the sculpture ~ that gold inlay took me hours! ~ Glances at clock~ well I must go now... my Art History class will be starting soon.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Arigato Gozeimasu for the lovely statue! Do you have a picture of it to show the rest of the world or do you wish it to be for my eyes only? It is beautiful! Arigato!!
Dear Tasuki,
Um... don't listen to her. Why shouldn't he listen to me? Because he shouldn't ok? TASUKI I LOVE YOU!!!!! Where can you meet me? When can I see you?
Kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear Kate-chan,
Geez!!!! Not another friggin' crazed hentai chick!?!? Ya' can't meet me! Ya' can't see me! I need a rest an' a kegger of sake after all the s--t I been through! So go home or I'll have somethin' evil make you go home... An' ya' won't like her!
Dear Chiriko,
AAGGGHHHH!!! This isn't funny anymore! I did not think that Miaka would dress me in a tuxedo! ~ Whispers to Chiriko ~ Hey, let's leave this madhouse, change our clothes, and go to a bookstore. We can get some books and have some tea at my temple (it's quieter). Personally, I'd love to have a discussion about things like history and philosophy with you. And don't worry, if your seishi power runs out on you we can always do something a little less "dignified" and go have some ice cream. I promise that I will not try to make you wear it.
Oh yes before I forget, Arigatou to Black Jade-sama and Chichiri no Aijin-sama for being mature and calling an end to this whole masquerade. I'm more or less myself again so I don't think the joke was funny anymore. Gomen nasai Tasuki!!
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Actually, after all I've been through, ice cream sounds wonderful! Black Jade-sama and Chichiri no Aijin-sama both say you're very welcome. Tasuki accepts your apology but still wants some sake as a peace offering. And an intelligent discussion later sounds delightful! So how about ice cream first and then we retire to your temple?
Dear Tamahome,
I was an innocent bystander... really... So I think I deserve a cut of yer take! Or else!!! ::grabs Tamahome by shirt and growls in his face:: Now give it up!!! And any sake that is around here...
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Here's some sake from Tasuki's private stash, just don't tell him where you got it. And I don't have any "take" *sniff*! I had to give it all back since there was no wedding. That really hurts you know. All that lovely okane... oh, well... there's always Tasuki no Aijin's idea.
Dear Chichiri,
I wasn't going to blow my nose on the kesa! I was just looking at something, Yep just as I thought,there is a thread coming out.
I didn't think Black Jade was angry with me, She's just scary when she's mad and like I said before, scary things like that freak me out. Sure I'll go with you, but only if they don't mind. By the way where are you going? Not scuba diving I hope(gets the shivers) eels!!! Oh (runs into change room) Tasuki here's your clothes.
Ok I'm ready to go now ^-^
Dear Kiwi,
The ladies don't mind if you come along, no da. We won't be going scuba diving, that's another time. I think we are off to the humble cyber-abode for some peace and quiet, ne no da. I hope you don't mind traveling via kesa, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi! You don't think I'm suffering too ya' Gen-chan? Aii-ya. Gomen I made ya' suffer, but it was fun, so I'm not very sorry. bbbbbbbbbbbpppppppppppppppppppppppppp! ::raspberries Tasuki:: And I would not have approved O-dango atama's choice of gowns. Really, pink? With that hair?!! She has no taste. Okay Nuriko-san, you have been acomplise to entirely too much of late!!!!! An' I HATE tuxes. gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. One suggestion though, don't go flaming clothing while you are still wearing them, 'cause, ya' look damned funny!!!!! ::smirks and tries ta control laughter:: I think Miaka hid yer coat over there Gen-chan. ::points:: And how could Tamahome accuse me of being super-oni? ::sniffle:: Of course I'm not going ta kill O-dango atama. I just want ta rough her up a bit! ::hugs Tasuki and kisses him gently on the cheek ta prove she can be nice:: Damn, I hope Miaka and Yuryoku-sama don't read that... I think I am going to go hide somemore... ::wanders off to find some sake to hide with::
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Thanks fer th' robe, Tamahome. Oi! Glastig-san! Wanna split that sake? I know a place where we can get away fer a while...
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How did I get into this? (takes one look at Black Jade and falls to her knees crying) I was just asking for directions! I just want to go home!
Dear Kiwi,
Now dry your eyes, no da. Black Jade is not angry with you. As I am leaving with Chichiri no Aijin and Wandering Mage Chichiri, why don't you join us, no da. I don't think either of them will mind, ne no da. We can drop you at your home if you want. Ahhhh... please don't blow your nose on the kesa, no da. Ladies, a tissue for Kiwi, PLEASE, no da!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok Well, Black Jade, I was really showing Tasuki what meddlesome was, And trying to prove that what I said before was not meddlesome, just an opinion. Did you really think that I didn't realize that what I was doing here was meddlesome? Well gomennasai anyway!(turns to seishi) see guys I don't know why you say all those bad things about her, she's a pretty understanding person!(hears) GGGGggrrrrrr, (looks over shoulder to see Black Jade all red) Uh Oh,
(one of the ladies whispers something in Miaka's ear) NO!!! Tasuki don't burn the dress!!!! The girls didn't put any undergarments on you because....(Tasuki who was not listening burns dress) you wouldn't stay still long enough, Oh My, (covers eye's) Oh dear, Here Black Jade I think you can go talk to Tasuki now! he he he!
Runs after Nuriko... Get back here!!!!
Dear Miaka,
Gomen, Black Jade we do not say bad things about you. Now Miaka, I think you owe poor Gen-chan an apology, unless you really enjoy seeing more of him than you ever did before... Miaka! I see you peeking! Stop that! You haven't seen that MUCH of ME yet!!! Tasuki, here is a robe, put it on, NOW!
Dear Chichiri,
I want to ask you a question: You always wear a mask on your face but how can your mouth move when you are talking? Thanks!!!!!
Dear Karen,
My mask is magical so that it can move when I speak or eat, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
(finally catches up to Nuriko) Sure, sure, you stay around when everythings fun, but once something bad happens your out of there. That's not loyal! Well let everyone know the joke officaily ends here! (grabs back pack) I have to go home. Tell Tasuki not to worry I talked to his mom and she knew it was a joke and just wrote that because she knew that it would freak him out! Ah by the way you may want to get Tasuki some clothes before Black Jade get's really mad! Oh tell Tamahome that I said bye ok, I would it's just I don't want to hang around too long.
Dear Miaka,
My loyalties are to me , the seishi, and you always. This does not apply, however, to practical jokes that backfire and piss off Hotohori's second consort! Gomen, but it is their palace and we are there at their sufferance. No need to be upsetting the Imperial Court just to annoy Tasuki.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks quietly and shyly into the room and forgiven her yet for being sick all over him, and appreciate your apology and the basket of peaches*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Yeah, it's cool. Mitsukake explained how it really wasn't yer fault. Bad eggs, bad aim, somethin' like that. Thanks fer the peaches! And my coat no longer has jello an' whipped cream stains, so I guess it was worth it! But next time can ya' aim elsewhere like, oh I don't know... Chichiri's kasa?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So I was kinda wondering, If you had to take dancing lessons, And it had to be out of these, Ballet, Tap, Modern,Or country. What would you take?
Dear Smiling Face,
Hell at least it ain't underwear! I remember ya' from yer last hentai question! Actually, none of the above is the answer. It would be Tai Chi.
Dear Tasuki,
After reading the first couple pages of "Genrou Den" it's come to my attention that you have a "milk complex". I feel so bad. ;_; ;_; ;_; Believe me, If I had only known how you felt about dairy products I would never had chased you around with those cans of whip cream. I am soooo sorry. Please accept my apologies with this case of sake and be assured that dairy products will be forbidden from all future poker games. (BTW, having gotten a glimspe or 2 of your magnificent chest at those DTFC poker games, let me say it is definitely not a "whimpy bird chest" as Glastig says!!!) Am I forgiven?
A side note to Sarah-chan,
Please don't let one unkind "crazed hentai chick" give the rest of us "crazed hentai chicks" a bad name. The whole point of the DTFC was for us crazed hentai fans to be able to get together in peace (Granted there have been a few fights when it comes time to decide who gets to sit next to Tasuki during the poker games but I believe Kouji started half of those and we all know how he likes to fight.) and enjoy Tasuki together. After all, if we're busy fighting each other over Tasuki that just gives him the opportunity to get away from us. ^v^
Tasuki no Miko (DTFC Secretary)
Dear Tasuki no Miko (DTFC Secretary),
OK. Yer f'given. Apology an' sake accepted. But what took ya' so long? D'ya know what I've been put through by Miaka? An' all the abuse by The Glastig? Hmph... Good sake, though... Well, maybe next poker game, I'll sit next to ya' just to piss off Kouji! Heh-heh...
Dear Tamahome,
*beckons Tamahome into a dark alley and whispers in his ear*
I'm sure you could trick Tasuki, and pimp him off to those crazed hentai fangirls of his and make a very nice profit..... And I'll be customer number one.
Tasuki no Aijin
Dear Tasuki no Aijin,
Hmmmm... I wonder if he'd let me get away with that? Ohhh Tasuki....
Dear Nuriko,
Ah, Nuriko-san think nothing of your little joke about the undergarments. Normally I'd never admit this but it was actually sort of amusing. Glastig-san's influence must be rubbing off on me. But never fear! I will not be stealing tessens or screaming vulgarities at anyone any time soon. By the way, don't you think this "wedding" joke is soooo funny?
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
At first it was amusing, biut now it has gotten WAY out of hand! Black Jade is VERY displeased. She walked into the room and the temperature droppped by 40 degrees! And when I giggled behind my sleeve she gave me such a pinch, ITAI!! I think the joke has ended and hopefully Miaka will behave from now on.
Dear Chichiri,
do you really wear kesa patterned bikini briefs? Do they give you pleasure?
kate-chan, the cute bunny girl of the moon
Dear kate-chan,
Why do you really need to know this, no da? What I choose to wear and whether it gives me any pleasure to wear it, is thoroughly irrelevant to anyone but me, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
(runs after Tasuki) Hey! What's wrong Tasuki! Don't like the color? Oh and I think white looks so good on you too. Oh well it's your wedding. (drags Tasuki back)
Awhile later........
So how does it look?(Tasuki comes out in pink gown) I bet you feel so manly in that gown too! Nuriko I need your help for his Make up! Now let's see well she's doing that, I know, now we need best men and brides maids! Yuryoku na miko your the maid of honor. Here's your tux! Um now we need more maids. (looks around room) Grabs Wandering Mage Chichiri and Kiwi from the group. Now here's your tuxs now hurry put it on! Now for the best men well, Chichiri, Mitsukake, and Chiriko, follow these ladies and they will get your dresses, Oh and Chiriko your the best man ok!
Sometime later.......
Ok so how do you girls look? Ok very nice and how about you guys? Very nice. Ok when you guys are doing the opening to the wedding, you have to be paired off, so Wandering Mage Chichiri and Chichiri, Mitsakuke and Kiwi, and most important Yuryoku na miko and Chiriko!
Takes a look at the crowd that is now crossed dressed, I'm getting the funny feeling I've seen this before....... Oh I know it's The OAV Bus Tour all over again! That reminds me we shoould show that episode to the guests while there waiting for the wedding to start!!!!!
(goes over to Tasuki and whispers in ear) you know I can get a change of heart if you say what I want to hear!
Dear Miaka,
Not a chance in hell!!! Oh, wait a minute we have some surprise visitors Black Jade and Chichiri no Aijin. OOOHHHH Miaka! They look sooo... "pleased" to see you... How'd yer little "chat" go with 'em? Did you choose to ignore them, too? Heh-heh... I'm gonna LOVE this!! Now excuse me while I burn this ^&%*$#@ dress!
Dear Miaka,
How many times must you be told this behavior at the palace is totally unacceptable and inappropriate! This ends NOW! I will bring Hotohori-sama into this matter and he will be most disappointed with ALL of you!! Boys, out of the dresses. Girls, those male garments are unbecoming to a lady. Miaka, you have proved your point to Tasuki and everyone else that women ARE meddlesome. He need not apologize to you. You, on the other hand should apologize to ALL of us!
Black Jade
Dear Miaka,
If I were you I'd knock this off now! Black Jade is like Nakago in shorter form with a shortened fuse. She does have compassion, but I think you've used up your quota for the rest of this year. And don't go running off to hide behind Chichiri, we're leaving this fracas with Wandering Mage Chichiri to get some peace and quiet. You've given the poor man a migraine and I don't know if I'll ever forgive you for that!
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Miaka,
You never said that Black Jade was displeased!!! Gomen, I'm out of here! You're on your own!
Dear Tamahome,
I think I deserve a cut of yer take for not killing your O-dango atama. Other wise, I might try finding out how good a koroshiya Genrou makes, and get him to help me with my setsujoku. It was in akushumi ta begin with, but did she have ta make me wear a tux? Let alone Gen-chan in a dress... That could cause nightmares for his drooling fans, wait, they like the pics of him in a gown, that is sooooooooooooo hentai!!!!!! Ewww!!!!!!!!!
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Heh-heh... did I say I was willing to give away any okane? I'll tell you what, you don't kill Miaka, and I don't go Super-Oni. Deal? Awwww... c'mon isn't Gen-chan in a dress and humiliated worth all of this agony?
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