Dear Tasuki,
Hey! What do you mean by, First I'm going to "take care" of Miaka.
Dear Miaka,
This, I have Black Jade an' Chichiri no Aijin here. An' they're real pissed an' they both want to have a little "chat" with ya'! Heh-heh... an' I ain't apologizin'!
Dear Chiriko,
I don't know these people... ::shakes head trying to deny O-dango atama's existance:: Chiriko, could you tell me what the blood types mean? I mean exactly what they mean. ::hugs kawaii Chiriko:: And could you hide me from Miaka and Yuryoku-sama??? Kudasai???
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Here are your blood types and meanings. I got them from ABO Fan Web site. Hope this helps you get rid of the strange people. Black Jade and Chichiri no Aijin do not look happy! I think there is an end coming to all this insanity...
Type O - Strongly purpose-oriented,
Straight desire, Conscious of power relationship, Know how to take chances,
Dislike to be subordinate, Excessive
Type A - Considerate about everything,
Prefer peaceful human relations, Slow to trust people, Observe social rules and customs,
Regard social order as important, Restrain action and expression
Type B - Dislike restrictions and one's own way, Non-stereotyped action, Non-stereotyped thinking, Self-conscious and not warped expressions, Makes less distinctions of things, Not conscious of circumstances, Don't care for social rules and customs
Type AB - Rational thinking, Good critic and analyst, To participate and contribute to the society, Good at adjusting human relations, Hope to be in harmony with the society, Feels distant from the society
Dear Chichiri,
we haven't gone scuba diving yet na no da.. we have yet to make it in the water.....
da *GIGGLES* But we won't go deeper than you are comfortable with okay?
Ready? *wades into the water*
Let me check your equipment, make sure it's on right.
And we should go whale watching some time, na no da....
Hmm Kesa patterened briefs....
Oishii *giggles as she gently tweaks his nose*
Ok your equipment's all good... just breathe normally na no da.
*SMILES as she disappears beneath the water and waits*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
OK, no da. These flippers make it hard to walk, no da. And leave my briefs out of this please, ne no da. *sweatdrops* Here I come!!! DAAAA!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you so much for the invitation, all of us will be able to make it. I hope to see you soon.
Genrou no Haha, & Co.
Dear Ma,
There ain't no &^%$#*@ weddin'!!!! Miaka was playin' a joke on me an' as usual it got outta hand. OI! Miaka! Now ya' gotta apologize to my family!
Dear Nuriko,
*giggles and whispers conspiratorily with Nuriko*
Thanks for giving me the bare facts about Chichiri's undies na no da ^^
Oh you wicked, wicked thing....
what else can you tell me?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
A lot! But he is already upset with me for that little bit of information. I know Black Jade has a scroll that he was VERY nervous over. She almost showed it to me, then changed her mind at the last minute. He does have a rather intersting picture of him and Chichiri no Aijin. He also has one of the two you together, that is also, shall we say, interesting.... I would venture that you could tell me a few things about him! Hmmmmm...? Hee-hee.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
[Black Jade enters the room, silks swishing, and fire in her eyes!] May I inquire WHAT is going on here! The guards have come running to me because of the commotion they have heard. [Looks balefully at Tasuki] What is all of this FIRE damage to the palace? BANDIT!!! This is your work, eh? Leave Tamahome-sama be! We do not have infinite resources in the palace. Lots of resources, but not infinite. I cannot keep replacing the things you destroy so easily [Walks up very close to Tasuki, looks up at him straight into his eyes...] If I have to come here again about such a thing, you will not enjoy it. [Turns to Chichiri, fixes him with her eyes] Blue Monk, one would think you could control this barbaric carrying on. Nuriko, do not laugh behind your sleeve at this... you'd better not - or I will give you such a pinch! Well, at least my Lord is not here in the middle of all of this disorder... why is Tasuki-sama in an elaborate white dress?
Black Jade, Hotohori No Chuuguu
Dear Black Jade, Hotohori No Chuuguu,
Gomennasai Black Jade-sama. Miaka was having some fun at the expense of Tasuki and The Glastig because Tasuki said she and all women were meddlesome, no da. I really had nothing to do with this, ne no da. Miaka was planning a wedding between Tasuki and The Glastig, no da. That is why he is wearing the dress. It was just a joke, no da. Ummm... we will all be leaving now, no da. Come along Nuriko, minna!
Dear Tasuki,
NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! Don't you dare hurt Tamahome!!!!!!! He has nothing to do with this!!!!! I mean it, I'll make both of pay if dearly if do.
Hey,I've been thinking. It would be a nice touch to your wedding if we switch the roles around a little. Ok Tasuki I want to see you in the gown! No don't worry it will bring out the feminine side in you (Get's ladies to put gown on Tasuki) Hey and ladies don't be getting any ideas he's taken Ok! and you Glastig, In the tux. Or mabey you should both be in gowns. No you in the tux. Now now be a good sport. (Get's Yuroka Na Miko to help)
10 minutes later....
Ok so how do you look? (get's both to stand beside each other) Oh now isn't that darling........? (everyone burst out laughing except Tasuki and The Glastig)
Dear Miaka,
THAT DOES IT!!!! I'm outta here!!!!! But before I go..... LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Ya' know, I have seen Gen-chan in a tux. He looked like a koroshiya. So did Chichiri. And Mitsukake looked like the Godfather. heehee!
~I want to be the maid of honor! hehehe!~
Tasukete!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't care if Miaka is joking!!! Shimatta Tasuki, just tell Miaka that women are not that meddlesome so Yuryoku-sama will stop saying that!!!! It's not true!!!!!!!!!!!! Make her be quiet!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Save me!!!!!
~Tasuki no Kak-~
Nonononononononononono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be quiet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Yuryoku laughs insanely~
The Glastig and Yuryoku na Miko
Dear The Glastig and Yuryoku na Miko,
So Tasuki and Chichiri look like hitmen in their tuxes, eh? Pretty amusing thought. I know Miaka is joking, and you two know Miaka is joking, but Tasuki doesn't! Hee-hee... And we all know he'll never back down from he said to her. I'm having soooooooooooooooo much fun just watching.
Dear Tasuki,
Tamahome didn't put me up to this! so guess again! And don't go picking on him either of you. Or no bride and groom figures on the top of your cake!
Dear Miaka,
An' how many times do I gotta tell ya' there ain't gonna be a %^$#@&* weddin'!!!! TAMAHOME!!! What th' hell are ya' doin'? An' why are all these people here?!?
Dear Tamahome,
If YER BEHIND THIS IN ANYWAY, YER HEALTH IS IN SERIOUS DANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That said, I think I am going to do something about the maniacal laughter going on behind me.
~Tasuki no Kakaa-~
That is not funny Yuryoku-sama. I think I will have to hurt something. Since I can't get revenge apon Yuryoku-sama, I think ya' will do very nicely. Then I will find some sort of punishment fer yer baka O-dango atama girlfriend. You had best do something about her. This is dangerous to you.
gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obake-chan, yer gonna get it for this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Oi! I didn't tell her to do this to the two of you!!! But I will say I'm making a small fortune in advanced ticket sales! O-ka-ne! O-ka-ne!
Dear Nuriko,
I think you should have left that last one alone Nuriko-san. Yuryoku-sama is very sick now. I can see why they would refuse to answer.
~"eww, bikini briefs! Ack!!"~
Sorry, I just had to share Yuryoku-sama's feelings about that. ::laughs merrily:: This is amusing, you should hear her!!! However, I think briefs are disgusting, particularly bikini ones. Don't they cut off circulation? Now, I better do something to get that nauseating thought out of Yuryoku-sama's poor mind. Really, she can't take that sort of shock.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Hee-hee... gomen your friend can't handle those thoughts. I was just having fun! Anyway I now have some VERY upset Seishi looking at me as I write this. They all claim that their undegarments were a private matter and not for public display. They also want to know how I knew all that information, but I never reveal my sources... hee-hee. And no, briefs don't cut off circulation.
Dear Chichiri,
I think it would be in your best interests to stongly deny what Nuriko-san said about your choice of undergarments.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
He said I wear WHAT, no da??? This is waaayy too personal, no da. I must talk to Nuriko about this now, ne no da. There are just some subjects that are better left alone, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Oopss...there goes the suprise. Oh well now that you know, What do you think red or white roses? Red roses are sssssoooo romantic but white works well at after wedding parties.So I guess red and white roses on the guests tables? Well I have to go. Much to do in so little time you know. Me and Nuriko have alot to think about! Oh don't worry the invations to your mother and sisters are aready in the mail!(tries to hold back laughter)
Dear Miaka,
If ya' weren't my &^%$#*^# Miko, you'd be DEAD!!! However, as I don't hurt women, I'll just kick the crap outta yer boyfriend!! An' The Glastig wants a piece of his ass,too.
Dear Nuriko,
So what do you think of the little joke I'm playing on Tasuki? I hope he doesn't believe me. What a disaster that would be. Well he says I'm meddlesome, well I'll show him what meddlesome really means. Want to get in on it? I'm not going to carry this out too long though. Just long enough to get my point across.
Dear Miaka,
It think your little joke maybe hazardous to Tamahome's health. You have managed to take what little peace and quiet that we had here and turned it upside down! The only good thing is that Tasuki and The Glastig aren't yelling at each other, just yelling as they plot to really hurt Tamahome. I think I will choose to watch instead of participate. However, Tasuki in a tux is an interesting thought... but scare him by saying he has to wear the gown! Tee-hee!
Dear Tasuki,
Nani wo iu tennen Miaka?!! Death to the o-dango atama!!! Miaka aapaa!!! And you! Tasuki you little genjin! This is all yer fault.
~Yuryoku na Miko laughs uncontrollably in the background~ gggrrrrrrrrr... I am so long suffering. Hey, don't say that Yuryoku-sama! That's not fair!!! I refuse to let any of you know what she is saying. ::shakes head:: Yes, I think Obake-chan needs ikijigoku for this... ::grins::.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Good! But first I'm gonna "take care" of Miaka. An' what th' hell d' ya mean it's all my fault?!? An' what's this genjin s--t? I ain't primitive! But I like yer idea fer Obake-chan...
Dear Chichiri,
Great! Scuba diving were you not nervous? I could never go scuba diving. I would love to see the tropical fish in the water, but it's the big scary fish with teeth, like sharks that I'm afraid of. (gets the shivers just thinking about it) Or eels!!! I went on a deep sea fishing trip, when I was little, but didn't fish because I was afraid that I would get pulled over board, by some large fish. I simply went to watch the whales. You should try that sometime.
Dear Kiwi,
Wandering Mage Chichiri never told me about those things, no da! I don't think she wanted to worry me, no da. It was a lot of fun! I would love to do it again, ne no da! Whale watching would also be fun, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Here's what all of my friends want to know about all of you:
Boxers or briefs?
Dear Smiling Face,
After consulting with Miaka as to what boxers and briefs are, I would have to say... neither! In our world men wear fundoshi (breechcloths) under our clothes. I suppose if we were to wear clothes from the Miko's world that would be different. So here's what I imagine everyone would wear (I'm answering this because the others are too embarrassed... heehee...):
Tasuki - Red briefs with polka dots or little flames on them
Mitsukake - Boxers with smiley faces on them
Tamahome - Briefs with hearts on them
Chiriko - White Briefs
Chichiri - Kesa patterned bikini briefs
Hotohori - Black briefs
and as for me... I'd wear silk!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh dear, Glastig-san got over that hangover quick. Unfortunately she got to the computer before I could get to her. Please disregard her thoughtless statement in referance to Wandering Mage Chichiri, and Wandering Mage, please forgive her for that remark.
~grabs the Glastig by the ear~ Excuse us, we are going to have a nice discussion about consideration for other people's feelings.
""No! Not another four hour lecture! No no no! Tasuketeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!""
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Nani? I am confused, no da. There have been no letters with any references to Wandering Mage Chichiri or myself from your friend, ne no da. If I get it what would you like me to do with it, no da? Perhaps it was lost in cyber-space, ne no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Oi!!! Did ya' have ta give Miaka any ideas?!!!
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
She never listened to anythin' I ever said to her before. I don't know why she is now! I'll bet Tamahome put her up to this! Wanna have fun kickin' his ass with me?
Dear Tasuki,
Well now that you mention it.......
Dear Miaka,
NANI?!?!?! Shimatta!!! Don't EVEN go there!!! Me an' my big bakana mouth! Why, when you don't listen to what anyone ever tells you, do you now decide to take what I say seriously???? Back off!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
We women are not meddlesome! I understand that maybe your mother and sisters are. I hate to break it to you..but, not all women are like them! If you could give me a few more examples, than maybe I woud consider you being right, but until then, women aren't meddlesome!
Dear Miaka,
Oh yes you are! You tried to fix me an' The Glastig up on a date! How much more &*^%$#@ meddlesome can that be?!? Whaddya gonna do next? Plan our friggin' weddin'???
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