Dear Chichiri,
So how has life been to you lately? I went fishing for my first time,while camping with my friends. I caught 3 fish. One,since it was the first fish I caught I felt sorry for it and through it back. Another one was a good size so I decided to keep it. The last one died before I could throw it back, and it was too small for me to eat, so since Tama-chan wasn't there to eat it, I gave it to a hungry racoon. I didn't want to see nature wasted. Even though it was my first time fishing,and my friends had fished many times before, I still caught the most fish! My friends told me I must have a natural nack for it, since we were only fishing for an hour. I would like to think so. Hey, mabey sometime we could go fishing! I would like to give it another try. You could ask the wandering mage chichiri, if she would like to come too. I hear she likes fishing, but don't forget to bring Tama-chan. I think cats are soooo cute!
Your friend,
Kiwi ^-^
Dear Kiwi,
I have been doing well, thank you. As has Tama-chan, no da. I am glad that you enjoy fishing as it is one of my favorite activities, ne no da. You are correct about Wandering Mage Chichiri, she does enjoy fishing and has gone with me on more than one occasion, no da. She has also taken me scuba diving. It was an interesting experience, no da. Perhaps someday we can all go on a fishing trip together, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you really love me?
*smothers him to her breast and shoves some soap down his throat*
Watch your mouth young man, and you should visit more often, I miss cooking for you....
*wipes at her misting eyes*
Genrou no Haha
Dear Ma,
Fer cryin' out loud, leggo of me! Geez are ya' tryin' to smother me to death! YACK! Get that *&^%$#@ soap away from me! Ya' tryin' to poison me, too??? Yes Ma, I really do love ya'. An' if alla ya' weren't such pains (especially you Aidou!) I'd come by more often. Yer cookin' is much better than Miaka's!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama... i was wondering if you could give me some advice. I, too, am a leader, and I find it extremely difficult to get help, or have people do what it is I assign them to do to accomplish the necessary goal... any advice?
I was wondering if you could help me.... considering that not only were you a swordsmen, but a horsemen as well..... when did Konan begin to use stirrups? I know when Albion (Britain) began using so, but I have no clue as to parts of Asia.
Also..... how come your hat looks like an embellished version of a burger king french fries box?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
How you ask people to do a task is sometimes more important than the task itself. People do not like to take orders, especially if the person giving them is younger than they are. You might try a different approach from the one you are now using. As I do not know how you are asking for help it is difficult to counsel you on this. You might try finding out what motivates your people and use that as a reward for their help and for reaching their goal. For example, the Ladies of the Imperial Harem can always get Tasuki to help them by offering him sake. I am not suggesting you offer your people sake, only that you find something you can offer them to motivate them. Good luck!
As to your other questions, I believe we adopted stirrups from the Mongols so it was fairly early in our history, although the exact date escapes me right now. And the small object I wear on my head is an Imperial Crown, not a french fry box. I am not angered by the question as I am certain one of the Seishi put you up to it. I know this to be true because they are all snickering as I write to you. Excuse me, a bit of discipline is in order... some people need to be reminded who the Emperor is around here...
Take care,
Dear Tasuki,
Ok ok, I get your point. I won't bother you with a topic like that again. alright? but women aren't meddlesome we're just thoughtful. I guess you just don't know how to appreciate it, that's all.
Dear Miaka,
Look the Glastig an' I settled our differences over sake. We never needed a matchmaker, just a bartender, an' a hangover remedy! An women are meddlesome! My ma an' sisters are perfect examples!
Dear Nuriko,
*looks at Nuriko surprised and nods her head sadly* Don't tell him no da.... I don't want to lose his friendship but it hurts..... *eyes tear up and she blinks them away bravely*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Here's a hug. I see you already have a handkerchief, hee-hee. Don't worry, I won't tell him how you feel or what you are using to blow your nose on. You would not lose his friendship, but he would be saddened to know he was hurting you. So how was the scuba diving? Chiriko says hi, you're very welcome, and that there are more handkerchiefs where that one came from. You two are very naughty and I love it!!
Dear Tamahome,
She should have never said those things to you. I don't think it's a good idea to post that letter up, It would just encourage her. I have know idea why I'm writting this letter she should be, so here I'll let you talk to her. (grabs sister by the ear, Now tell Tamahome your sorry) Sorry is not in my vocabulary! (pushes her face to screen) What was that? Ah well, I ya umm. "Gomen for my siters rude comments!" yeah that's what I wanted say. (Pushes sister off her chair) Honestly I don't understand why I admit to being related to her! (sisters head pops up from floor) Yeah I wish you would stop doing that too! WACK!. Sorry this letter was not supposed to end up this way. Anyway as I was saying I don't think it's a good idea. If you wanted to respond to it though, you can add your response to this letter.
Dear Kiwi,
Apologies accepted. I have already deleted her letter, so I won't bother to respond to it. Hope you had a nice time camping. Tasuki says to tell you he is thinking about what an appropriate punishment/joke might be for your sisters, but he hasn't come up with anything yet that doesn't cause either death or permanent disfigurement. Gomen.
Dear Chichiri,
DA!!! *appears in a kesa patterned diving suit*
First off before we can go scuba diving we need to have some instruction....
This is an oxygen tank, it contains air so you can breathe, this is the mouth piece, it keeps the air pressurized under water so you can breathe....
*points out the rest of the stuff*
Now this is important... never swim back fast to the surface, otherwise you depressurize too fast and it'll make you very sick, and can lead to death.... but we won't be diving deep today since you're learning... so no fear of that ^_^ We won't go more than 30 feet down. Kay?
*straps the gear on him and ahnds him some goggles*
OH! Don't forget the flippers, it makes it easier to swim under water ^^
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
30 feet, no da? I don't know if this is such a good idea, ne no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Let me put it to you this way.... 60/40 in my favor, or you'll never be able to have a wedding night with Miaka
Not to mention without me you couldn't charge admission cause there'd be no show.
Dear Aidou,
After discussing your offer with the people that distribute the television series about our adventures, I realized that a 60/40 split in your favor, is reasonable and quite acceptable.
Of course, we will share this profit after I have taken out the traditional fees for publicity, promotion, printed advertisements, distribution, packaging, administration, insurance, event completion bond, venue, craft service, and of course, legal fees.
I'm really getting to like the Miko's world.
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko..... I.. umm....
*SIGHS* how were you able to be around Hoto so much when you cared for him and he didn't return those feelings?
*mutters under her breath about falling in love with someone who'll never see her in that way*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
First let Nuriko give you a hug. Now are we talking Chichiri or a young man from your world? If it is a young man from your world there may be hope. Sometimes friendships get deeper and blossom into love. If it is Chichiri, I have little to offer you since we both know that the scar on his face goes straight to his heart. His friendship may be all he can offer to you or anyone in this life.
I was able to be around Hotohori-sama because my feelings for both him and Miaka had changed. I was grateful to be his friend and fellow Seishi. And although I knew Miaka loved Tamahome, I still loved my Miko as a man and died for her and my fellow Seishi as a man. I had no regrets.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is this some kind of pratical joke? I go away camping for a few day's and when I come back I find someone else has been writing as me. I'm not yet sure of who it was. but I think it was either My older sister or my younger sister , or both of them! yet I can't get either of them to fess up. After I told Chichiri that I felt better, I left with my friends to go camping.
First of all I would never throw a log at Tauski! When I ended the letter to Chichiri, that thing about (eye's a pile of logs) was just a joke. I would never do that. Or steal his Tessen!
Second of all, I don't agree with Miaka. I agree with, Yuryoku na miko, they would kill each other!
3rd of all, I Would never say those things about Tamahome.
And further more, I do have Chinchilla named Zoey, but since when was she sick?(looks sister in the eye)
Gomennasai, for all the rude things they may of said or did, that I'm not yet aware of, please let me now and I'll make sure they get what they deserve! one good joke deserves another. Mabey they will continue to write in using their own names. Again Gomennasai for all the trouble they may have caused you. I can't help but feel some what responsable.
To make it up to you, her's a list of all the things that are in this box. (hands over list and pushes over box) The list reads. A new fishing rod for Chichiri. A case of Medicine for Mitsukake so he dosen't have to use his talent so often. A chain for Tasuki's Tessen to hook to a pocket or something for nobody can take it anymore. A big book about my world for Chiriko can learn much more. Some gold ryou for Tamahome. A picture of Hotohori's son, I visted them and they're doing fine. And last but not least a gold plated brush for Nuriko.
The one and only,
Kiwi^-^ (the original)
Dear Kiwi^-^ (the original),
Arigato for all the wonderful presents! We all enjoyed them very much! Almost all of your letters have all been posted so you can see what your siblings were up to while you were gone. The one to me hasn't been posted yet and we are debating as to whether or not to put it up. Your siblings are telling me to get a life. So, except for Tasuki, there was no real damage done. And he will soon recover from the crazed hentai chicks. Thanks again for everything! The ryou will certainly come in handy!
Dear Tasuki,
*whallops him over the head with a frying pan*
You should respect your elders! Especially your own Mother! *Starts crying*
You never appreciated me!!!!!!
*runs from the room after breaking several pieces of china over his head*
Genrou no Haha
Geez Ma!!!
Gomen, but I do respect ya'! But what do ya' want from me??? All you ever do is beat and abuse me! Why the hell do ya' think I left home so young? Look, I love ya', OK? But stop breakin' an' throwin' s--t!
Dear Chiriko,
*sits crestfallen beside him*
After all that help.... the whole reason I needed that info, and the teacher says "oh never mind.... we don't have time at the moment to cover such trivial things..... we might address it later in the semester, but most likely not."
All that work for nothing...... da........
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Gomen, but at least you did gain some knowledge and new resources and skills to use those resources. Here, have some extra kesa cloth so you can blow your nose. Just please don't let Chichiri know I snuck it out for you. It's from a spare.
Dear Chichiri,
Ummm... Chichiri have you seen Tasuki lately? If you know what happened your most likely upset with me. I'm writing this to you because, well I don't think it's a good idea to talk to Tasuki right now. UH..I just want to let you know that, I'm sorry about what I did to Tasuki Well kinda sorry, he did get me really ticked off. It's just I'm tired of guys acting like girls are wimps. Well I know it's a good thing that he dosen't hit women. I guess I don't like it because I'm kinda a tomboy, I've been hanging around boy's all my life with the exception of Tilly, And they always took it easy on me, intill one day 1 guy got me real ticked , and I smacked him. After that they all treated me like a guy. Nobody's ever cut me slack for anything ever since. I guess I kinda regretted becoming one of the guys because of that. Anyway I may have been happy that Tauski said what he did, but I was really stressed out a the time, and took some, well more like all of it out on Tasuki. Do me a favor and let him know what I told you. Oh and what happened after I left him in the pond, at the mercy of the crazed girls? I didn't stay long. I can be real nice you know if your on my good side and if I'm having a good day, but if you say anything that even kinda offends me, when I'm having a bad day, WATCH OUT!
P.S Hurricane Bonnie is going to hit where I live Tomrrow, and I live a block away from the ocean, to be totally honest with you, even though I can swim the ocean freaks me out! Yikes!!!!!!!!!
Dear Kiwi,
Well, you speaking to Tasuki right now is probably bad for your health, no da. Don't worry, he will get over it, no da. Bring lots of sake next time you visit, ne no da! This is a PG-13 page so I cannot say what the crazed girls did to him after you left, but he is recovering nicely, no da. I heard that your hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm so you should be ok.
Take care,
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou for the link to the Japanese/English dictionary; it is very helpful. As for accompanying you and Glastig-san to Mt. Leikaku; I'm not so sure that I can. My attendants are shrieking about evil bandits, hentai poker games, and other things that I cannot even mention. They have also forbidden my leaving the temple. Gomen nasai but I just do not trust Kouji and the bandits with Glastig-san. He still has her undergarments doesn't he? That's not a good sign. I suggest that you either help me escape my over-protective servants or find someone else to mediate between the two of you.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I will send Kouji to you so he can help with the escape and get a break from Ember and Angela-chan (I think they are wearing him out... heh-heh). As annoying as she is I don't wanna see yer friend drunk an' then whatever'ed by the bandits. I ain't that much of a bastard! So he will sneak ya out an' get ya safely to an' from th' stronghold. Glad ya' liked th' link!
Dear Tamahome,
*still holding him pinned she hefts her log thoughtfully*
Well it's amazing how much damage one can do with a log.... I could enable it so you could never have children... that would disappoint Miaka so much.... I think she'd be very good with children.....
*smirks at you*
I think 60 for me 40 for you sounds better......
Dear Aidou,
Well after much consideration, how about 55/45 in my favor. (We can always adopt...)
Dear Tasuki,
What do ya mean by that! Women can be just as good at fighting as men. You don't have to cut me anything! just because I'm a girl! If you keep up these little comments of yours someones going to get hurt! And it's probably going to be ME!!! wait a minute that didn't come out right. Well at least I CAN swim. and I have taken Karate lessons for 10 years, so I can take what ever you dish out, unless You plan to use that fan of yours! but I've got that covered too!
I've heard people saying that the reason you don't hit girls is because your afraid of them!( throws bucket of water at Tasuki) Your probably wondering what I did that that for, and I will be happy to answer that. Because I was getting you ready for this!!!(pushes Tasuki in Koi pond)Look your my favorite seishi and everything but.. Never tick a girl off, but more importantly never really tick ME off!!! Oh looky here Tasuki! Here comes your love,Lady Dumplin! oh and whats this...(looks closer) a group of girls trailing behind her with..(looks again) yep Jello whip cream and chocolate, I don't know for certain but I think it's safe to say that, your beloved fans are here! Oh well look at the sun, Gomen but I'm afraid I don't have the time to help you out. but I'm sure they would be more than glad to. (points to crowd of crazed girls) For your sake I hope Black Jade get's to them before they get to you!
See ya! *grins*
Dear Kiwi,
Ya' know kid yer startin' ta bug me!!! Look, a real man never hits a woman! For any reason! Obviously, the men you know aren't real men! Black Jade had the eunuchs take care of the crazed girls. She's gettin' real pissy about them, too. So watch out fer her.
Dear Chichiri,
Speedos no da?.... those things scare me na no da! *thorws him a kesa patterend pair of swimming trunks*
Go get those on and meet me over by the shore ^^ I need to change into my stuff as well na no da...
(what does abujin (SPELLING) mean?)
OH! No.... is Black Jade showing that scroll around? *turns bright red*
(thinks of a way to get tasuki to burn the scroll)
*runs off and tells Tasuki that Black Jade has a scroll that tells of a hot steamy night between genrou and Kouji and he better burn it before she makes copies*
DA ^^
*changes in privacy and shows up and waits for Chichiri at the shore*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Thanks for the nifty swimming shorts, no da! Nice pattern, no da. Tasuki will not approach Black Jade for any reason, no da. She is very... ummm... abunai and kowaii, ne no da! Even I do not wish to incur her wrath! She made a promise to me and I know she is honourable enough to keep it, no da. She has even said when she passes to the next life the scroll shall follow her into the flames, no da. That is good enough for me.
Abujin??? I don't know, no da. Do you mean abunai (dangerous) or aijin...? We can discuss the latter some other time. Let's go swimming, no da!
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