Dear Tasuki,
Koji is your best friend right?Well,how come you use that tessen so much?*A monster comes by* FIREBALL!Allright,where were we: OH YEAH!To do Lekker Shien,right?*Laughs crazily* Anyway ,I`ve gotta go do business with Tomo,I think that`s it.Ja ne,Tasuki-san!*Rides off on a horse laughing.
Evil Guy
Dear Evil Guy,
Yes, Kouji is my best friend. I use the tessen cos' it's such a cool weapon! Oh, Mitsukake sez whatever yer dosage is, cut it in half!!
Dear Tasuki,
*pulls Tasuki into the room by his ear and makes him sit down in front of Chichiri*
*rests her breasts on Tasuki's head as she serves Chichiri some tea*
*glares at her son Genrou to apologize to the holy man*
*Aidou handles a log from the doorway thoughtfully*
Genrou no Haha (Genrou's Mom)
Dear Ma,
Who th' hell let you two in!?! Leggo of my %^$#&^@ ear! An' get yer breasts offa my head! Geez they're so heavy they're breakin' my neck!! Chichiri an' I already settled all this! Fine... gomen Chichiri.
There! Ya happy? Now get the hell outta here! Both of ya!
Dear Chichiri,
Being a "starving artist type" I do not own a computer. However, Glastig-san does. Therefore, I had to befriend her in order to converse with you. But guess what? The university that I attend has computers! We get free e-mail and unlimited Web access!! I must admit though that I am quite loyal to my associates. Finding the computers does not mean that I will abandon Glastig-san (she needs my calming influence). Besides, someone has to be there for her as moral support. I personally believe that Tasuki can be more than a match for her (when he's not drunk), but just try to get her to admit that!!!! Gomen nasai times three that Glastig-san threatened you. Think of it as misplaced aggression, nothing more. I must call her at work tonight so perhaps I can convince her to be civil for at least a few days. Wish me luck.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
I accept your apology on behalf of your friend, no da. It is good that she has a friend like you, no da. Good luck on getting her to be civil, no da. Tasuki and The Glastig need to settle their differences soon. Things are just getting too loud around here, ne no da!
Dear Hotohori,
My Most Honoured Lord Hotohori:
You MUST be joking? As if I do not have enough work, you wish to saddle me with those girls. It would not be feasible on many levels. However, I will take it under advisement and sink it to the bottom of the koi pond. I do not
think that either Miaka, the Lady Owlet or Lady Dumpling would find it agreeable at all.
Black Jade, Hotohori No Chuuguu
Dear Black Jade,
As usual you argue with your Lord and Emperor. I suggest that you take it under more advisement than "sinking it to the bottom of the koi pond." If these girls wish to be in a harem, then so be it! Ladies Owlet and Dumpling can watch over them as an assistance to you. That way they can keep an eye on them and run things as they see fit. It will be your duty to help Ladies Owlet and Dumpling whip these girls into shape. (Put down the whip! That wasn't what I meant!) Once these young ladies realize what they got themselves into, I am certain that they will leave the palace and probably never return. Now please do as I ask. Arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
Since Yuryoku-sama is threatening things about turnin' me into a "drooling crazed hentai chick", I feel I had best state my apologies now. ::hangs head in shame:: She is saying it would be the best punishment for both inu-san and me for our cruelty ta ya'. Though I did only say I'd have ta harm ye if ya' mocked me about my wisp. After all, that was only an artists interpretation. Yuryoku na Miko does a much better job.
Yes Yuryoku-sama, I AM apologizing. ::bows formally ta Chichiri:: I'm... sorry.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Apology accepted, no da. I would really like to see peace between you and Tasuki, no da. With hair like mine, why would I mock you about your wisp, ne no da???
Dear Tasuki,
Gomen nasai Tasuki but I think you misunderstood. I had no intention of "fixing you up" on a date with Glastig-san. For one thing you two would kill each other!!! Then where would we all be? I merely suggested that the two of you engage in a small drinking competition to settle your differences. Who knows? Perhaps you two "social drinkers" will finally see eye to eye and stop tormenting each other. And another thing, Glastig-san will have a fit if she reads this, but once I threatened to call her Yagi-chan if she didn't behave. She said that you didn't need the help (in reference to you two calling each other all sorts of terrible names). I read your most recent response to her, and all I can say is that she was right. I'm almost afraid to ask but what exactly does kyuuketsuki mean? My dictionaries will not tell me.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Kyuuketsuki means vampire or bloodsucker. Very cool website you might like: Japanese<->English Dictionary. Check it out! Yer apology is accepted. We've decided on drinkin', one of my many talents and we will be meeting at the bandit's place at Mt. Leikaku. Will you be there to drag her unconscious carcass home or should Kouji and the bandits "take care" of her?
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! I hope this letter finds you and the other seishi well.
I was wondering. Were you ever picked on by other children for being so smart? I hope not, but that seems to happen a lot with gifted people... and you are one of the most gifted people I know!
Have a nice day! (And I hope Tasuki and that Glastig girl resolve their differences... their yelling is getting so annoying!)
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Thankfully Tasuki and The Glastig do seem to be finally making peace with each other. It has been very loud around here. Poor Chichiri has such a headache from that and Black Jade and her scroll. I think he has decided to "get away from it all" for a few days and go scuba diving with Wandering Mage Chichiri. I hope this helps him.
I generally kept to myself in school and so was never picked on by the other children. Although, I was never really befriended by them either. My first real friends are my fellow Seishi. Thank you for your nice compliment.
Have a nice day,
Dear Tasuki,
Oi! When i start somethin' I really start somethin' don't I? One non-hentai femme desides to start a battle, and practice her pick-pocketing skills, and everyone has to start yellin' at him and stealing his tessen. Yuryoku-sama didn't even HAVE ta lecture me on playing more kindly. Now I feel sorry for ya' Genrou. All right, no more stealing of tessens or ya' have ta face me, my sister Leanan-sidhe (I'll just tell her somethin like ya' broke inta a faerie hill or somethin'), and rabid inu-san all in a bad mood. And while inu-san might dislike fightin' women, I'm an equal opportunity warrioress, so leave that tessen with its owner. (Is that better rabid inu-san?) heh, and ya' said i was hentai, you plastered Obake-chan's walls with the stuff. Nice to know Leanan-sidhe can be useful though...
Well, ya' want ta try out drinkin' me? You can find a place for it, after all, I'm kojin. (That does not mean dead, and I'm of no relation ta Nakago so don't even start there.) I'm not as familiar with tha place as ya'.
Mata ne, rabid inu-san!
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
Thanx fer the help, I think. Look, the proper words for wolf are: ookami OR urufu NOT inu! If yer gonna call me a rabid somethin' at least get the animal right! I say we meet at the bandits stronghold in Mt. Leikaku. Agreed?
Dear Mitsukake,
*gives Mits a hug and bows formally*
Domo arigato gozaimus!
I'm feeling much better, and I wasn't made crispy by Tasuki.
I really appreciate that.
And I've learned my lesson, is far better to eat from the vending machines then from the school cafeteria.
If only you could cure my agonizing sinus headaches that I've had for months on end with no relief.
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I am glad that you are feeling better. For your sinuses try inhaling saline solution. You should be able to get some at your local pharmacy. Look for it by nasal sprays. You also might want to try placing warm compresses on your face where your sinuses are and relaxing. That should ease the pain somewhat. Do you have a student health center there? They may be able to assist you, too. Remember, just say NO to University quiche!
Dear Nuriko,
I`m gonna try not to be rude,but why were you so mean to Miaka in the eps. when you came in?I don`t say this with madness,since you`re one of my fave char in FY.
Menien,the Traveling Warrior
Dear Menien,
I had been at the Imperial Court for almost a year and Hotohori-sama never noticed me, yet Miaka just appears suddenly and she has all of his attention! I was sooooo jealous! That's why I behaved so badly towards her.
Dear Chichiri,
DA! Scuba diving is when you go swimming with special equipment that allows you to breathe underwater so you can look at the pretty oceanscape and animals living therein.
Wanna give it a try na no da?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
It sounds interesting, no da. The only thing that Chichiri no Aijin said was that I should stay away from little red speedos. She claims they are abunai, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*tsks at him*
*throws a log at him and whispers the way she'll blackmail him by making him cook an all nite buffett for Miaka, as well as letting Tasuki be in charge of heating the fire*
Now.... I was thinking more along the lines of a 70/30 take.... me getting 70, and you taking 30....
How does that Sound?
*holds him by the scruff of his shirt and glares him in the eye with a wicked grin*
Dear Aidou,
Well you drive a hard bargain... How about 60/40? 60 for me 40 for you? And cooking doesn't frighten me... even for Miaka.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Well I'm entering my first year of high school on Monday, and I was wondering if any of you had any advice to give me.
Dear Julie,
Be friendly and just be yourself, no da!
Dear Julie,
Study hard and get good grades.
Dear Julie,
Most important of all, relax and enjoy yourself! The next fours years should be a blast!
Tasuki, Tamahome, Nuriko, Mitsukake, and Hotohori
Dear Nuriko,
Hello! ^_^ A friend of mine at my high school has recently discovered the glories of anime characters. (Mostly, he just likes looking at girls in short skirts. ^_^;;;) Anyway, as a joke, a friend dared me to find a good picture of a female-looking bishonen and see what he thought. Naturally, I chose you.
Anyway, to make a long story short, he is now in love with you. He keeps the picture I gave him in his notebook always. ^_^
Anyway, now I'm wondering if I should just let him have his dreams, or should I break it to him that you're a male?? Since you are the person involved, I thought I'd ask you.
Domo arigato!
Mearl Dox
Dear Mearl,
Well at least he has excellent taste! So, how badly do you think your friend would be traumatized if he were told the truth? Although, being honest is the best way to be, especially with your friends. You should probably break it to him gently. Do you or any of your friends have our adventures on tape? If so, you could show them to him and let him find out that way if you are too uncertain to tell him yourself.
Dear Chiriko,
*picks him up, swings him around, kisses him on the cheek, plops him down on a chair as she runs out of the room scribbling notes furiously for her research project*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
You're very welcome! Glad I could help a good friend of Chichiri's!
Dear Chichiri,
THIS scroll Blue Monk, here have a look *unrolls the scroll so that Chichiri can see it and holds it so that he can't take it* ... my dearest Lord Hotohori, it is your right to see it too *lets Hotohori get a look -- Hotohori's eyebrows raise and he shakes his head, the faintest trace of a smile on his lips*, but I would recommend that the others retire from the room. Well, Lord Nuriko might... no, one does have to keep the Blue Monk's reputation somewhat intact... No, Chichiri, I will not let you hold it! *Black Jade re-rolls the scroll and puts it in the bodice of her gown, smiles at Chichiri, bows sweetly to Hotohori and leaves... and over her shoulder she says...* Don't blame poor Lady
Owlet, she knows nothing about the scroll...
Black Jade, Hotohori No Chuuguu
Dear Black Jade, Hotohori No Chuuguu,
NANI!!! I don't remember such a thing being done, no da! Your artist has an "unusual" imagination, no da! Do you have any more of that wine left, ne no da?
Dear Tasuki,
Yes!, Tasuki it's fire proof. Me and my friends had it custom made For your stressing purposes. Nothing could bust through that baby! Well of course there's always the excpetion of Lady Dumplin I guess (fwap!!! hit over the head by my older sister, My older sister:How can you say such things about other people!, your being mean) Ow geessssshh that hurt!!!
Miaka's right you know! It does sound like you pick on her either because you like her or (notice there is an or here) your picking on her in an older brother kind of way. Beats me. WACK!!! (My Older Sister: Stop picking on Tasuki! Geeshh your a bother!!) Hold on one sec, I need to settle something! (eye's Tasuki's Tessen) Can I borrow this! Yoink *grabs Tessen*
Dear Kiwi,
Sheesh!! Gimme back the friggin' tessen. What is it with you %^$&*^# women???? Ya' like pissin' me off and toastin' yerselves? I ain't pickin' on Glastig in either way! She abuses me, I abuse her back. It's all very simple, isn't it? Anyways, gimme back the tessen, NOW!!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, its me again... (stop that whining... sheesh...) Ok, well first, to Tasuki and Chichiri, my deepest symapathies to you for having to deal with the Hentai Chicks. I tell ya, they kinda give us girls a bad name! And I thought *guys* were hentai bakas... ::shakes head:: Well, gomen for what ya had to go through....
Also, Tamahome, sorry about the "Mr. Hat" thing. That was more the benefit of the readers... (me and my "witty comments":o). Well, about having no time to really have a sense of humor in your answers just wait until Miaka gets that page she was talking about then maybe she'll stay outta trouble enough for you to get a personality at *least* as amusing as Mitsukake... BTW, Mitsukake, I don't know why they call you "boring" just because you are quiet a lot, at least when you *do* say something people listen!
Unlike Tasuki and his big mouth. Still, I think all those girls jealous of Miaka aren't jealous because of Tamahome but because you give her mouth to mouth once, Tasuki. (Just so you know... I ain't no chica de hentai!)
Hi Chiriko... you are the cutest ya know that? (not in a hentai way, no offense but you remind me of my youngest brother. That's a good thing! Well, if only my little brother was a smart as you and could give me study tips!)
And Hotohori... how do you keep that beautiful hair of yours in that tiny little hat you have to wear? And Nuriko, even though you are my favorite, I can't think of anything to say to you... except you are my favorite... well, ja ne... I think I have blabbered enough.
Dear Antigone,
Tamahome accepts your apology. And Chichiri and Tasuki say thank you for your kind words. I too thank you for your kind words about me. Perhaps you should be the one giving your brother the study tips, instead of the other way around. Nuriko says hello and Hotohori wants me to tell you that he puts his hair into a bun and places the small crown over it and then he puts a long hair type pin through the crown and the hair.
Dear Tasuki,
A "little somethin" my dear boy, you do yourself an injustice! The Lady Dumpling tells me that you do have quite a something...
Black Jade (A.K.A.) Hotohori no Chuuguu
Dear Black Jade (A.K.A.) Hotohori no Chuuguu,
NANI?!? What is that crazy woman tellin' ya'? Is she tryin' to ruin my good reputation? I was referrin' to a slight singeing from my tessen. What the hell was she talkin' about?
Dear Chichiri,
Hmmm.... I was wondering, would you like to go scuba diving? I thought if you loved fishing so much, you might find it fun. ^_^ We can invite Tasuki along for a swim *GIGGLES* I'm sure he'd accept the invitation *rolls her eyes in sarcasm* ^_^ DA!
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
What is scuba diving, no da? If it involes water I don't think Tasuki will want to join us. He is a kanadzuchi after all, no da. Perhaps Tamahome-kun will be kind enough to give him swimming lessons again, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
(walks up to Tasuki with head held low, might I add burnt to a crisp. and hands Tasuki back his beloved Tessen) Lesson learned, Never try to use Tasuki's Tessen, on someone who is sneaky ER than you are, and can grab it from you in less than a minute, and who knows how to use it better than you do, plus never do that if the person who takes it from you has no intentions of giving it back to you or Tauski. Here's your freaken Tessen back! I got the ..... kicked out of me trying to get it back from my sister! I hope you apreciate that! You know you really got to get better reflexes, what's this the 2nd time someone grabbed your Tessen from you?
Oh, I forgot to give you these, they're pictures of Tamahome, I figure you'll need them after him calling you stupid and all. You can put them on your punching bag, but the pics are not fire proof!
P.S Careful using the punching bag, because they can be sneaky things you know, somtimes when you punch or kick it, it will punch back and trust me I know, and they don't hit lightly!
Dear Kiwi,
Sheesh!! 'Bout time ya' gave it back! Reflexes, hah! I just don't like smackin' women around, that's why I cut you and The Glastig so much slack. Let a guy try that an' he's *&^%$#@ toast!! Hope ya' learned yer lesson. Thanx fer the pics, they go well with the punchin' bag. But the stuff I got from The Glastig is now plastered ALL over Obake-chan's room! Heh-heh... wait'll he sees that!
Dear Chichiri,
Just so that you understand, the following were my suggestions and gifts to the esteemed and learned Lady Owlet: the scroll from the Hindu Kingdoms, the lovely gown, the scented oil, the "special" meal, and the medicinal wine.
"Just Friends" oh, Blue Monk, how you make me laugh! I had one of the court
artists behind the draperies draw a picture of your encounter. That Blue
Monk, "blue" in more ways than one, is my revenge! Not even Tasuki will ever
find that picture scroll.
Black Jade (A.K.A.) Hotohori no Chuuguu
Dear Black Jade,
Arigato for your suggestions and "gifts". They explain alot, no da. Especially the "special" meal and the "medicinal" wine, ne no da. It seems the wine went to my head and I do not remember much of that night, no da. Perhaps a viewing of this picture scroll that you claim to have will jog my memory, no da. As to myself and Lady Owlet, I maintain that we are just good friends, no da.
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