Dear Chichiri,
CHICHIRI! *Starts crying* If only I was smarter, I would have not only given you jello protection but any type of food product protection from crazed fangirls..... Gomen....
Forgive me...... please.......
*hands Chichiri soap, buckets of water, and some towels, and a spare change of clothes, and leaves him so he can have some privacy*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Gomen, I didn't mean to make you cry, no da. Please dry your tears, no da. This is not your fault! Besides, the look on Tasuki's face when Lady Dumpling sat on him was almost worth it, ne no da! Arigato for the above items (especially the privacy). I had to keep telling Chichiri no Aijin that at the age of 26 I was very capable of bathing myself. She finally left, but whacked Tasuki in the back of the head and said it was all his fault. She hit him so hard, I thought his fangs would fall out, ne no da! I am a bit confused, especially since she puts up so well with him. Women... DAAAAA!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi ya! I just wanted to let you know that, that sympathy card thing, was a practical joke played by Tilly's mom.(I was in on it too)I just wanted to let you know that , because I didn't want you or any of the other seishi to get the wrong impression about my friend. She isn't crazed enough to do anything that wierd!
I finally have the computer all to myself ^-^. Tilly and her family have gone camping for the week, plus when they get back she's getting her own computer (about time) I don't know if she will continue to write in though.
She would only write in, because sometimes when she came over I'd already be on your page. I'm telling you this for you don't take her not writing in anymore the wrong way.
So how are ya? I don't think I've ever wrote in to you before. Have you given Tauski any good beatings lately? If you did, he most likely deserved it. I don't think you would just do that for fun.(wait a minute what am I saying) You know, you would make a pretty cool girl! You could stand up for the women race. You already beat up Tauski enough. Someone's got to keep his ego from going past the charts, and I think it should be a girl just to spite him! Besides he does his own fair share of beatings.
Just to let you know I still think of you and refer to you as a she, please let me know if that bothers you.
Your Friend,
Kiwi ^-^
P.S. at least I hope I'm your friend.
Dear Kiwi,
I'm glad to see that your friend is not insane and that her mother has a delicious sense of humor! It doesn't bother me that you refer to me as she. And no, Tasuki has suffered enough abuse from everyone because of what he did to poor Chichiri. Even Chichiri no Aijin who put up with everything else he did, had a hand in his punishment! He is one sorry Seishi! And of course I help to keep Tasuki's ego in check, someone has to.
Your friend,
Dear Hotohori,
Konnichiwa, Hotohori! Gomennasai,for not writing sooner, but I have been working on my page alot, and that's been taking up most of my time. So how is your court doing? but more importantly how are you doing? I'm doing great! I've made some new friends here in my world. Well I'll try to write again soon ^-^!
Your Miko and friend,
Dear Miaka,
It has been so long since I have heard from you. I am pleased that you are creating your own webpage and look forward to visiting you. I am fine as is everyone at the Imperial Court. They all send their good wishes. I am glad that you are happy and making new friends in your world. Please do not forget us, as we will never forget you!
Dear Tamahome,
Woah! Someone actually wrote you!
::pigs fly around outside my window::
Anyway, I think Tasuki gets more letters because his answers are so darn amusing! Maybe you should get a puppet and call it "Mr. Hat". I'd write you much more if ya did that....
But I have a question, anyway... If you can beat up random gangs of men, and have been known on occasion to beat the crap out of groups that outnumber you, like, 18 to one... how come Miaka can (and does) beat the crap out of *you* at times? I mean, she's just a little girl and she does more damage then the whole Chinese mob on you! It's very funny but what's up with that?
Dear Antigone,
Because I love Miaka and would never raise a hand to her under any circumstances. The one time I did it was because I was under the influence of Kodokou, which is a mind altering drug that Nakago had Yui give to me. So I just try to keep her fed and happy (they usually go together).
Dear Chichiri,
I'm glad that you got your revenge apon Tasuki, and after I meditated a bit (though I couldn't have any tea; I left my honey and sugar at home, the horror!) I actullay desided that violence is not a good thing. Besides, what act of revenge beats being sat apon by a woman?! For Tasuki it must have been the indignity of indignities. I do have one request though, Glastig-san is fuming over Tasuki's act of cowardice, but is really too streamed to take a good inventory, and she is missing a lot of really cool stuff. I'm sure she would like it back. Anyway, can you see if you could find out what he stole? I don't want to hear about any panty-raids however, (she can take care of that on her own).
By the way, tell Miaka I was not critisizing her fashion sense (directly). But she could take the time to better dress the Seishi she is not romantically involved with. Anyway, I must go and buy art supplies, so have a nice evening, and let's try to be nice to Glasti-san for a while. She needs help dealing with Tasuki... Perhaps I should inlist Tamahome's aid in that... but you don't like violence, so I won't mention anything about that.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Tasuki won't say what was taken, no da. Only that half of it is his, no da. He did show me an interesting cloth slingshot, though. How does one use it, no da? Perhaps a meeting over sake will calm these two down. They are rather the pair aren't they, ne no da? And then you can both show us how the slingshots are used, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Eh Tauski san, Whats this about sending crazed hentai chicks after Chichiri? Tisk tisk tisk, I don't suggest you try that again. Your sisters aren't the only ones who can throw logs you know!!!(picks up log and gets ready to throw at Tasuki)...... just kidding ^-^, besides I told Chichiri I woudn't hurt you.. this time, but if you ever try that again. hey Don't take me wrong I think your pretty cool, but don't get all pissed becuase I got mad at you.You have a bad habit of doing that. Well, I'm telling you now don't pull that with me! People are aloud to get made ya know!!!!!!!!! were only human!!!!!
Kiwi ^-^
Dear Kiwi,
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chichiri already got me back for the Crazed Hentai Chicks. Sheesh! Try to do a fella a favor... At least I learned one important thin' from all of this: Never ^&%$ with the monk!!! I don't know which is worse, the s--t he pulled on me or all th' s--t I'm gettin' from everyone!
Dear Tamahome,
Konnichiwa Tamahome ^-^ I just got finished talking to Tasuki, about that thing he wrote about us. I was just wondering how you were? I'm still hard at work on my web page. Umm Tamahome I have to ask you somthing, Do you see anything wrong with my fashion sense or what about my cooking?
Dear Miaka,
I am fine darling. Unfortunately Tasuki and Kouji broke into the Glastig's place, and so he has his tessen back, and is now quite full of himself. So nothing has really changed...
Now you know I love you so how could I find anything wrong with you. I ate all of your cooking at Subaru's and Tokaki's home didn't I? Although, I do recall Mitsukake using his healing powers and a stomach pump on me afterwards... And there is nothing wrong with your fashion sense! But why were people laughing at me after you had me put the spurs on my boots? You said it was in style...
Dear Chichiri,
If ya happened to read my letter to Flame-boy, ya know how I feel about that misadventure. Tasuki better be glad Yuryoku-sama is meditating. She was getting very kowaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She did say that she saw yer picture in jeans and a turtleneck. She said, in her composed manner, "It's much better, thank you." Hehe. I like it too. And just fer yer peace of mind, she is neither crazed nor hentai. I quote, "I like to think I have a little more control over my hormones than that."
Anyway, tha reason I'm writin' instead of her, is that she was so pissed she about had an anyurism or somethin'. She seems to have this real thing against abusive hentai people and thinks that episode was all Tasuki's fault, which it was, but he was writin' ta me, so I feel a bit guilty. I guess I owe ya'. And tell Tasuki he better do somethin really nice for me after maulin' my name like that. "Chan" I can understand, but why the bloody hell did he call me "Glastie"? But I'm not gonna yell at ya about Flamed-ass. That was none of your fault. And if ya' need to, ya' can always hide from those hentai chicks at Yuryoku's temple. She's got tha coolest servants! They do everything and ya' don't even hav'ta tip 'em. Towel and a water pitcher just happens to be near by after all my work-outs, and other nice things. I love 'em! And I swear there is no chocolate in the vasinity, and even I act a little proper there. Lovely place... hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ::happy thoughts::
Good Luck beating up Tasuki! (especially since he doesn't have his tessen to defend himself anymore. heh-heh.)
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig,
I have no intention of beating up Tasuki. You should know I do not advocate violence, no da. But, I think he did tell you what I did to him, no da. It was an appropriate punishment, ne no da. You may want to check your abode, as Tasuki and Kouji just came back looking quite pleased with themselves and Tasuki was brandishing his tessen, no da! They also had cases of beer and sake. And a bunch of strange things that I don't know what they are, no da. Although, Kouji keeps laughing about something called a "panty-raid"? I don't know where they are getting these strange ideas from, no da. But I think they got the strange objects from your place, no da!
Dear Mitsukake,
I was wondering if you know what a Chinchilla is? If you don't know ask Chiriko, if he dosen't know just tell me in your reply , and I'll try to explain what they are to you the best I can. Anyway I have one named Zoey. She has this infection on the bottom of her foot. I've taken her to a doctor who gave me some medicen(I think that's spelled right)I've been giving it to her for about a week now, but it dosen't seem to be getting better. So do you know anything that might help her? You most likely have no idea, but I thought that it's worth a try. I've taken her back to the doctor but She really dosen't know what I should do.
Your friend,
P.S. How are you doing with my worlds slang language? Are you still being teased about that Catnip thing?
Dear Kiwi,
I believe that a Chinchilla is a small furry mammal that people in your world make coats out of. Poor creatures. As to her infection, I do not know how to treat it any better than your own healer does. Have you tried looking up veterinary sites on the web that specialize in Chinchillas? They may be more helpful to you. I am getting a better grasp on your world's idiomatic speech, thank you for asking.
Good luck with Zoey,
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!!!!!!WACK! (hits Tasuki over the head) I told you I would be checking in now and then. What's this about me and Tamahome getting a room with a cold shower thing! That's not somthing you say about your miko! Even you should know that! You really know how to tick me off, don't you!
Ok Miaka take a deep breath(saying to myself.)HOW COULD YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmhp and after I've been talking so highly about you to everyone, and may I ask you , What's so bad about my cooking? sure I've burnt some cookies and stuff, but so what! Oh, who am I kidding, I was meant to eat food not prepare it. So I guess you were right about one thing.
Still your friend and Miko,
P.S. How could you do something like that to Chichiri? (you know what I'm talking about)
Dear Miaka,
ITAI!!! Miko or not knock it off! Yer not so bad, but Tamahome-kun is a drooling sukebe pain in the ass when yer around! He's just a pain when yer not here. He needs a cold shower or somethin'. How could I do something like that to Chichiri? Easy... I was gettin' bored pickin' on yer boyfriend. But don't worry, I'm back to brawlin' with Obake-chan!
Dear Chichiri,
I'm all rested up now! Thanks for the hug, and tell Chiriko that I said thanks, for his advice. Um Chirchiri?, (I take a better look at him) just out of curiosity ,what happened to your clothes? Whats this, chocolate? I see your crazed fans have gotten to you. Well I guess these things happen. Just a tip about chocolate stains, try to find some stain remover or have Miaka or Nuriko check what type of material your clothes are made of, you might be able to bleach it out. Tasuki cheered them on I hear, I'll have to have a "friendly" chat with him. Don't worry I won't hurt him, I know how you feel about violence. Good Luck on getting that chocolate out!(starts off to talk to Tasuki, eyes a pile of logs), I'll be needing these.
Kiwi ^-^
Dear Kiwi,
You are welcome for the hug. I'm glad it helped, no da. Chiriko says he is glad his advice helped, too.
Well Tasuki and I came to an agreement with the help of the ladies of the Imperial Koukyuu, no da. It is all detailed in his letter to The Glastig, no da. While I was not happy about being amushed and coated in chocolate sauce, it was a rather interesting experience. However it is one that I have no wish to repeat, ne no da! Nuriko is making me new clothes as there was very little left of my old ones. At least I escaped with my hair and most of my dignity intact, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
What is this calling me Glastie-chan? We all knew you're illiterate, but now ya' can't friggin' type? Baka! You mauled my name! Or did you do that on purpose, hmmm? What were you meaning by that? ::shakes tessen::
Yes I still have yer tessen! Kissssssssssssssssssssama... trying to bribe it away from me? I'll just let Obake-chan be flame-free for a damned while now! And Yuryoku na Miko taught me how tha *$%^#?@ thing, so ya better watch it or yer ass will be tha same bright orange as yer hair!!!!!!
And chocolate sause? How dare you send yer crazed hentai chicks after Chichiri! Yuryoku na Miko is ranting about kicking yer two dementional ass! I'm just glad she's gonna let me at ya first, cause I doubt she will leave any scrap for me to torment! There is a lot of muttering about large bodies of water going on behind me. She's gonna let me have a turn fishing using yer ass for bait! I hope tha crazed hentai koi like the way you friggin' taste! I might just let Yuryoku-sama at yer tessen. She's gonna melt tha thing and turn it into a friggin' iron tiara for ya'!!! Now she's saying yer a baka juvinile rabid dog. Uh-oh, I think I might even hide from her now... kowaii...
And anyways, it's not that I have anything against yer whimpy bird chest. I would be looking at it either if it wern't that yer droolin' fans have all the best websites, and it's not cause yer on 'em! But they just go plasterin' yer whimpy bird chest all over the internet fer all tha world to see... Just tell me, why is it that all yer etchi fans have all tha best Mitsukake and Chichiri pictures on them?
Ya' better know this too, now that you have mauled my name, you owe me... And don't try bribin' me with yer cheap ass sake either. I won't give ya yer tessen again til you pay me back fer callin' me "Glastie-chan" AND explain yerself! I don't care how long Tamahome goes un-toasted!
The Glastigggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Dear Glastie-poo,
CHECK AGAIN BABE!!! Iron tiara my ass! Kouji and I broke into yer place so's I could get my tessen back. Nice place,too. Too bad we trashed it! Heh-heh... But at least we got all yer beer an' sake. Kouji sez thanx fer the cool s--t! Well, ya' had some cool stuff out an' hell we're bandits, so we helped ourselves! Oh yeah, that melted charred thingy on yer desk... THAT'S YER *&^%$#@ KEYBOARD!! LEKKA SHIEN!!!!!
Oi! Chichiri an' I already settled our differences! I don't sic the crazed hentai chicks on him ever again, an' he promises to never put a binding spell on me an' leave me at the mercy of the Imperial Koukyuu an' Lady Dumplin'! I won't go into all they did to me, but because of him, I couldn't move a muscle to defend myself. At least he released me before I hit the friggin' koi pond. And Chichiri enjoyed a hot bath an' entertainment, at my expense! Sheesh! Who knew he could be so sneaky? He got me to go with him to the Imperial Koukyuu by tellin' me the ladies were gonna treat us to all the sake we could drink. Hell, I wasn't passin' up that offer! Next thing I know he's enjoying a warm bath (he needed it after the chocolate), I'm helpless an' bein' abused by Lady Dumplin' an' the rest of 'em, an' he's lettin' them do it saying, "So Taskui-kun, how do you like your chocolate sauce, no da? Lady Dumpling has a special treat for you, no da. I guess you should not have called her mean fat names, ne no da." Then that crazy broad sat on me! Finally the whole damn lot of 'em pick me up an' toss me in the koi pond and Obake-chan sold tickets so everyone could watch!! So I don't wanna hear no s--t from amybody else!!!!
Chiriko got an interestin' book from Black Jade called "Faeries" by Brian Froud & Alan Lee. It has a description of a Glastig in it: "The Glaistig is a water faerie and is part seductive woman, part goat. The goat-like attributes she tries to hide under a long flowing green dress. The Glaistig lures men to dance with her before she feeds, vampire-like, on their blood. Her nature is typically faerie-perverse - for she can also be benign and gently tend children or old people. She will also sometimes herd cattle for farmers." Is there somethin' yer not tellin' me???? An' I called ya' Glastie-chan an' Glastie-poo to annoy ya'! Worked didn't it? An' I ain't got no friggin' wimpy bird chest! YO! DTFC where th' hell are ya' when I need ya'? Ya' gonna put up with this insult to yer idol???? Especially after I put up with the poker nights an' jello???
Dear Tasuki,
Hiyee Tasuki! How are you and the seishi? Enjoyng Tamahome flambay and barbecue? Tsk, tsk...Take it easy on the poor guy, after all, he has Miaka to look after. No offense to Miaka-chan. Anyways, quick small questions, Have you ever considered braces?...I mean with those fangs of yours..wowe! And how do you brush your teeth? And what exactly does LEKKA SHIEN! mean? Sorry to be such a bother. But of course, I am but a part of the ever-perfect female race...(female crowd claps behind her) Hee hee =)
Hugs and Kisses, (oh boy, I see the DTFC running after me with knives and a lynching mob)
Dear Maurora,
Well, Chichiri's recoverin' from his crazed hentai chick attack, an' I'm recoverin' from his "thanks". Hell, I thought he'd like all that attention. The rest of the Seishi are fine.
What th' hell are braces? There's nothin' wrong with my fangs! How do I brush my teeth? Well, Miaka brought us this stuff she calls "toothpaste" & these funny sticks with bristles she call "toothbrushes". She showed us how to use them, so that's how we brush our teeth. Why, how do you brush yers? Lekka Shien means "Blazing Holy Flame". Bet ya' thought I had no clue about what I wuz sayin'!
"The ever-perfect female race"? Gimme a friggin' break! Perfect pains maybe...
Dear Nuriko,
Konnichiwa Nuriko! How are you and everyone? I hope you and everyone are well. Anyways, I'm writing because it seems that Tasuki is getting all the letters. I could just see his head and his ego inflating. No offense Tasuki. Anyways, on to my point. I let my little cousin "read" the famous stories of the Suzaku seishi, and she found a picture of you, and she looked at me and called me Nuriko! Wow...maybe becasue I have that distinguishable mole right under my left eye (as you do) and my new green contacts. No, I don't have purple hair, I had it tied back as you did when you were So that's my strange story, and No, I was not offended when I was called Nuriko...actually it was more of a compliment *beams and smiles* By the way, I'll ask you a question....just because it says "Ask the Suzaku Seishi"....*clears throat* What makeup colors would do well for a person with green eyes, dark brown hair, and medium complexion???
Ta-Ta-For Now,
~^~Meg~^~ aka Nuriko Clone
P.S. I won't tell my little cousin you're a guy...she likes you better as a girl...don't tell her either =)
Dear Meg,
We are all fine here. Well, Tasuki is a bit bruised and Chichiri is recovering from a crazed hentai chick attack, but aside from that we're OK. So your cousin thinks you look like me. How cool! As to makeup colors, I would stick to deep greens like an olive green, nothing too bright, you want to stay with a natural look that will bring out the green in your eyes. Browns and light pinks would also be nice eye colors. As to blush and makeup that is harder without seeing you. Your base color should be close to your natural skin tone and your blush should look natural, not like huge blotches of color invading your cheeks and face. Keep your lipstick a natural color, too. No bright reds or peculiar colors. I'm trying for a fresh natural look for you. You may want to visit a store near you that specializes in makeup or has a makeup department and tell them what I told you. Just don't go crazy buying everything they try to sell you! Only get the absolute basics that you need.
Good luck,
Dear Tasuki,
"Course it's great sake. I get nothin' but the best. And yer bein' a pussy again. If yer leaving out "The" cause ya' want to, why the (^&$ did you ever put it in? Yer just afraid that I'll hurt ya', and now yer trying ta be all tough. Ha! Ya' putz. And yer being nice again! Damnit Flame-kun, what's wrong with ya'? Favors? You? If yer so %#*@ cool, why are ya' doing favors for anyone? Heh. Doing favors for Obake-chan. (Thinking of which, why do you call him Obake-chan? Other than him hating it.) Next thing we know, you'll be nice to your hentai fans. ::sneakily steals tessen::
Ya' know, Chichiri already got a letter saying something about chocolate and him tasting delicious. It just gave such a mental image of Chichiri as a worried happy-head. I was laughing like mad, and Yuryoku na Miko was just being all pity for the poor fella. Sha said it was sick. (Yes, we know each other, and if there is ever any similarity between our letters, it's cause I take dictation for her. She's a staving artist type.) But leave Chichiri OUT of those etchi poker games! Poor fella', he's already messed up enough to want leather pants, and he doesn't have enough hair for them to go taking locks of it. He'd loose all his kickin' bangs. Yuryoku-sama was taking drastic measures to tell him about jeans. Very out of character for for one so proper. She says he should leave the leather to Hotohori.
And thinking of clothes, what is this with all those shirtless pictures of ya'? Yer 17 years old! That's friggin' child pornography and statutory rape and you don't have to take it anymore! (And yes, I do know you are 19 now, but there are enough of you when you were 17. Just put on a damn shirt.)
Like a Chein!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
::toasted Glastig:: gggrrrrr. Damn, wrong words. Well I'm keepin' this thingie until I can figure out how ta use it!
The Glastig
Oi Glastie-chan!
GIMME BACK MY %^&$#@* TESSEN!!!!! Yer gonna hurt yerself, heh-heh, seems ya' aready did. Serves ya' right! Anyways, I can't toast Tamahome without it. An' we all like toasted Tama-kun don't we?? Look, the Emperor wants me to lay off Obake-chan, so's I gotta be nice to him! An' of course I call him Obake-chan to piss him off! I don't wanna be THAT nice to him! He's a drooling sukebe pain in the ass! He and Miaka need to get a room, preferably with a cold shower!
Chichiri would survive a poker game an' besides it's been 8 years! I jus' think I should share th' "wealth" of hentai chicks with him. Chocolate sauce and Chichiri, eh? Heh-heh... OI LADIES! I know where Chichiri's hiding! Get yer chocolate ready! An' he ain't gettin' away cos' I hid the kasa, kesa, staff, an' beads. Hell, alls he's got is the clothes on his back! Heh-heh... he'll thank me in the mornin'...
An' jus' what is the problem with me shirtless? Ya' don't like my looks don't look at 'em! Although, it was them pictures that got all them crazed hentai chicks on my ass to begin with... Ah, jus' deal with it! I have to.
OI! Ya' should see Chichiri! He's still got ALL his hair, sorry I can't say th' same fer most of his clothes... Hey Chichiri, chocolate is yer color bro'! Heh-heh, ya' can thank me later. Uh-oh... gotta go Chichiri looks REAL pissed!
Dear Chichiri,
First of all, I would like to commend you for not advocating worm death. As my dear sweet mom would say, in a sing-song voice; "Worms are a farmer's friend. :)"
Now about this leather thing. My advice is that you forget leather and go with jeans. MY favorite would be jeans, a turtleneck, and a flannel shirt (for cold nights), or you could wear a t-shirt (without the American flag o_~ ). I mean, you are a wandering monk, right? Jeans are perfect to wander around in and very comfortable, while leather is not. Also, jeans look good on almost everyone, while leather either makes men look fruity, or reminds me of bondage and other hentai things. This seems more kowaii than kawaii.
Finally, if you want to be dressed properly, I would recommend getting advice from Nuriko-san instead of your Miko. Nuriko's fashion sense transends time and space, and we all know it.
Yuryoku na Miko
Dear Yuryoku na Miko,
Thank you for your advice, no da. I will leave the leather to Hotohori-sama from now on, no da. I tried to get a pair of jeans for that picture, but the other Seishi got to them before I could. You are correct about Nuriko and his fashion sense! There was another picture with all of us dressed in the clothing of your world and I am wearing black jeans and a turtleneck shirt, thanks to Nuriko, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
HI ^_^ I just wanted to write to you because it seems that people have been putting u down, ignoring u and tasuki keeps frying u =( Well, i just wanted to say that i think you're the sweetest guy, and i dont care what everyone else thinks. I think you're the coolest, well second after AMIBOSHI O_O
Oh, and if you ever need some money, i'll give u some, as long as u give me a kawaii pic of you =)
Dear Tiff,
Thank you for your kind words. Second to Amiboshi? Well, it could be worse I could be second after Tauski! (I just know that's going to get me fried...)
Dear Chichiri,
No..No..No..Chichiri, When I said I was going to TRY not to write in as much, I wrote that so you didn't think I was offended by anything you said(It's just that I haven't been feelng so well lately, and I think I might be coming down with the Flue ~_~ , and the computer gives me a headache when I'm sick.)but you still took it the wrong way. Boy I tell ya, you easily take things the wrong way. I will write again when I feel better so don't worry.
What kind of fish did you put in there? Because I can't imagine that a goldfish or angel fish would taste that good, to a cat or anything for that matter. You should tell Tama-chan not to eat the fish in the tank , because there meant to be pets not sushi. Imagine how the poor fishy feel, I'm sure Tama-chan woudn't like it if a dog or something came along and fried him for food.
Really is Tasuki really behaveing himself? wow I never thought I would hear that from anyone. You should give him a pat on the head ,and what the hell throw him a bone! or mabey he would prefer a hug and some sake instead, but don't throw the sake to him because he might get pissed off if he dosen't catch it.
Sorry to hear that Tamahome's a little down, but you know even if people don't write into him, dosen't mean that nobody likes him, despite what Tauski might tell him. Infact I think he's propably got just as many crazed fans as Tasuki(ok mabey not that many but there are alot)because I found these 2 websites, called, The Anti Miaka Page, and the, International torture Miaka Chamber. they said mean stuff about her and blah blah blah, but what it all boiled down to was one cold fact, Tamahome loves Miaka and there just jealous. I was very upset about the pages, I felt like wacking each and every one of those ditz over the heads with something really hard, like this log for instance, Only if I had the energy, then they'd be sorry, He He he he. Well that's just about everything I wanted to say for awhile, but just give me some time to get better and I promise I'll be back.*Cough* I need to get some rest -_-ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz
Your friend,
Dear Kiwi,
Gomen that you are not feeling well. I wish I could send Mitsukake to you, no da. Instead, I send wishes for a speedy recovery, ne no da. I think there were goldfish in the tank, but unfortunately Tama-chan thought they were catfood. Oh well, we may try again. Tasuki has been taking his flaming outside, as it was costing us a lot of time and ryou whenever he would hit the computer, no da. I think a bone is more appropriate for Ashitare, but a cold six-pack works well for Tasuki, no da! Chiriko suggests that you drink plenty of fluids and have lots of chicken soup, no da. He says it will make you feel better.
Good wishes for your health and a hug, no da!
Your friend,
Dear Tasuki,
much better thanx. ::hugs Tasuki:: Oh, and you can tell Tamahome that I have a friend who thinks that he is tha best. She also really like Miaka. So that might get you a few koi pond free moments. And what is wrong with Nakago? Sure he's etchhi and a bad guy, but he's so $#&* wierd I can't help but like his character a bit.
Well, it seems that Kouji's scar is working. Now Ember has to share. Personally, I think that someone ending up with a big ol' scar on the side of their face indicates poor judgement and weakness, but I'll just leave Kouji alone now. No reason to pick on him.
One question though. If Chichiri's fans want to see him in black leather pants, wouldn't that make them as hentai as the chicks chasing after your ass? I thought he said your fans scare him. Damn, they scare me too. I think they need a trip to an asylum. I supose I should amend that statement a bit. Yer also the most fun and would be my fave to get in a brawl with. And since you've proved that yer not turning into a pussy, you can leave off "The" once more. ::hugs Tasuki and hands over the sake::
The Glastig
Dear Glastig (not cos' ya' said it's OK, but cos' I want to!),
Great sake! That's better. So at least one person likes Obake-chan, eh? I'll make sure he, knows so he can stop his whinin'! Geez, you'd think it's all my ^&%$#@* fault I get the bulk of the letters! Well, this seemed to work fer Chichiri, so here goes, ladies, somebody, fer all our sakes pay the greedy Obake-chan some friggin' attention!! At least the big wuss can't say I never did him any favors.
Yep, I s'pose some of Chichiri's fans are as hentai as mine, but they seem quieter about it. Sneaky broads, ain't they? Heh-heh wait till he encounters the dreaded Jell-o, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup! I wonder if any of them will invite him over for a poker game, like mine did to me? If they do, that'll rattle his "da's"! Especially when he finds out what kinda poker these chicks play... Yep, they'll strip him down to his kasa, heh-heh. 'Bout time someone else 'sides me got some abuse.
Uh-oh... gotta go. Seems Chichiri don't like me suggesting s--t to his fangirls...
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