Dear Chichiri,
Now I feel like a real baka for yelling. Gomennasai Chichiri, I never realized that my fashion of writting was similar to her's. I looked at both of the letters on your page, They were really alike but perhaps that's because she always reads my letters before she writes hers? Hhhmmmm I guess thats always possible, but anyway,I don't know about her but I'm going to try not to write in as much "OK" (sweetly smiles to Chichiri as I turn to walk away) OH! and Chichiri theres no need to feel sorry for the fish, because people don't put them in their pools, so they never die because of being in pools, there off swimming in oceans,seas,lakes,rivers, natural ponds and sometimes even fish tanks, but never in pools , so don't worry yourself about such things. I'm trying to be a little calmer to you now (I had a case of Tasuki-itus) Gomennasai for losing my temper.
Your friend,
P.S. If you don't know what a fish tank is ask Chriko and if he dosen't know ask Miaka.
Dear Kiwi,
Gomen, you do not need to stop writing to us, no da. Just that the Tasuki-kun/Tamahome-kun yelling matches are giving me a headache, no da! Poor Tamahome-kun he is so upset that Tasuki is getting more attention than he is, he keeps trying to toss him in the Emperor's koi pond, no da. Which of course leads to alot of Tasuki yelling, no da. Fortunately, Tasuki has been very good about using his tessen outside and away from the computer. I think Nuriko got the point across when he helped Tamahome-kun toss Tasuki in the koi pond and then held him under until he promised no more flaming in the cyber-abode, ne no da. Miaka explained what a fish tank is and we got one, but Tama-chan decided it was his "purrsonal" fishing place. I guess people are not the only ones that like fresh sushi, no da.
Your friend,
Dear Tasuki,
::sweatdrop:: Nani?!! What gives you the right to demand anything from me? Oi! I gotta tell ya, a demand for a hug was not the first thing I expected from ya. I figured you would flame me or somethin. Hey, I hugged ya cause I thought it might suprise ya enough for my ass to excape un-torched. ((unlike your head. hot tempered I see... hehe))
And you defended Tamahome! Hey, yer not getting soft on me are ya? Well, you did say that Miaka is obstinate and loves food more than her guy. I guess I can forgive you.
But thinking of sake- hey! were did Kouji get that scar that's trying to dominate his cheek? I suppose you would say something about his just not being as good a fighter as you, because yer "so %^$# COOL!"? heh heh.
That was a pretty good line about catnip though. Maybe you could stop Chiriko before it is too d--n late. Mitsukake is etchhi too. "God like phisique? he might have height, but someone around there needs to have some modesty, and if Chichiri wants to be pictured in leather pants, it sure ain't him. (Chichiri, aren't there enough people in leather pants there to fill a punk band already? I don't think they need more. Sure, I like punks, but being the best character in there, you need to be different. Oi.) Yes Flame-head, I do mean that Chichiri is best, but yer the coolest and Mitsukake is the strangest (with that humor in his letters, I don't even wanna know what he thinks...). And Chiriko is so kawaii and little. Okay, so I really don't like cute things, but Chiriko is smart too.
Now, on to the sake...
The Glastig. now get that right. there is only one Glastig and that's me. I am THE Glastig. Only if I give you friggin premission can you call me anything else! heh. okay, now that is said, I'll hug ya, because yer really not that bad.
The Glastig
Dear The Glastig (is that better?),
Hmmm... What gives me the right to be demanding?? I'm the cool Seishi with the bitcihn' tessen!! That's what! I ain't gettin' soft on ya'. Jus' that Obake-chan has been moping around alot lately cos' everybody is writin' to me an' not him. He's such a #$@%&*% baby! And besides, I ain't no fan of that hentai Nakago!
Of course Kouji got his scar that way! Hell, he needs somethin' to attract the babes. As for Mitsukake, well, he does have a weird sense of humor, but I don't think he's very ecchi. I told Chichiri that he'd look like a baka in black leather pants, but noooo his fangirls want to see him in them he sez, so I jus' laugh my ass off and Miaka being her own sweet self puts him in shorts and a T-shirt to show off his knees! He ain't salutin' he's tryin' hard to hide a big ol' sweatdrop heh-heh!
An' since ya' said I was the coolest of the Seishi, I'll let ya' get away with sayin' my buddy Chichiri is the best. Oi! He's pretty *&%$#@^ cool, too! Well fer a monk anyways... Now where's my friggin' sake!?!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WE ARE VERY SURE WE'RE 2 DIFFRENT PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -_- (so very tired of being asked this question)
Tilly has been using my computer because she doesn't have one at her house, if that's what you mean, and she comes here ALL the time! To tell you the truth it's starting to piss me off!!!! As for Minky she's Tilly's younger sister who tages a long with her sometimes . She's really wierd but let's not get into that one (long story). If you mean we sound like the same person well you guys aren't the first to say that. We've been friends for like ever!! and people tell us we've grown a lot a like. Do you think so too? Well I hope that answers your question.
P.S. We swim in the water because it dosen't bother us, well the fish die because when you put this stuff in the water, It makes it well... so that nothing can grow in it, Plus fish need Salt or fresh water to live, and water in pools are none of the above.
Dear Kiwi,
No need to yell, no da. We get enough of that from Tasuki! So we are dealing with 3 different people, ne no da? It is nice that you have been friends for so long and that you are kind enough to share your computer with your friend. Being kind to a friend should not upset you. I suppose that you both write in a similar fashion, no da. I am glad that the water does not adversely effect you, but I do feel bad for the fish, no da. Your world is very strange, ne no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I gotta know this.. Why does Tamahome look a lot different when he gets reincanated (I think that's how you spell it)??? I think he looks a lot better as Tama instead of Taka.
Dear Usagi,
He looks different because what was reincarnated was his essence or "soul" if you will, not necessarily his physical body. If you have seen OAV 1 Tamahome was sent back to the inside of The Four Gods Earth and Sky and then reborn without his memories or power as Taka. My understanding is that he and Taka are separate bodies, yet one person, no da. I could be wrong, no da. They both look similar to me, no da. But Taiitsu-kun does not wish to be very clear to me on this subject, no da. Gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
ive always wondered how you came to be emperor at the ago of 14? what happened to your parents, a war? because konan seems so peaceful... and are any of your brothers and sisters still alive. even if they are only half-siblings, with you as a brother i cant imagine any of them being unattractive or nasty. ^-^ i admit somewhat selfish reasons for asking -.- im hoping one of your brothers is alive and single because as much as i love him i cant have nakago. *sigh* this information would be wonderful to know even so though. im sure that the members of your fan club (im vice president *beams*) would be very interested in hearing about your family and your childhood. and if you talk, we get the added benefit of listening to your gorgeous hypnotic voice. *swirly eyes*
Dear ms.miko,
I generally tend not to discuss my family life. Suffice it to say that at the age of 14, I ascended the Imperial throne when my father passed away. My mother soon followed him, and I have had no contact with my siblings since this all took place. As far as my childhood was concerned, it was a lonely one. The only thing that lifted my heart was to hear the legend of Suzaku no Miko, and hope that she would be the one to end my pain. While I did not marry the Miko, I did marry for love. My one regret was dying before Houki gave birth to our son Boushin. I miss them both terribly.
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