Letters Archive
Week Ending August 22, 1998

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Ah HA!, I predicted all your answers right!!! well I didn't use your exact words but you know what I mean. Oh just to let you know you can't fish at a water park, the stuff they put in the water to keep it clean ,would kill the fish, unless you planned on fishing for Tauski, My friend Tilly got most of them wrong, except for Tauski's but that was pretty easy to predict. When I said Chichiri would say fish, she called me crazy, and now she's too embarrassed to write back!

Kiwi ^-^

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      HEY! I'm not embarrassed!!! So what if I got most of them wrong no biggie! but now Kiwi's making me watch the whole series over again, for the next time we do this, I'll predict you guys a little better than I did this time. but the thought of watching the whole series over again dosen't bother me at all because Your show's the coolest!!!!!


Dear Kiwi and Tilly,

      Are you sure you aren't the same person, no da? We all hope you both enjoy watching the series again, no da. And I was referring to fishing Tasuki out of the pond, ne no da! Remember, he is a hammer, no da. Thank you for your kind words about our adventures. By the way, if what they put in the water would kill the fish, why would you want to swim in it, no da?


Dear Nuriko,

      Is it true that if Korin didn't die she would be a suzaku seishi?? Cause some one told me that when she died her powers and her symbol transfered to you?? Just wondering..


Dear Usagi,

      Not that I am aware of, but interesting theory.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Great!!!!! So now I'll get my page underway. My Onichan is helping me a little with it, and he says it should be ready in about 30 days. Oh I would like to thank Tauski for the idea "WHY DOSEN'T SHE GET HER OWN DAMN PAGE!!!" arigato Tasuki san!!! Also I was wondering would you like a link to your page on my site?I will stop in from time to time to visit you all!!

Your Miko


P.S. My cookies were burnt by the time I got there!! :(

Dear Miaka,

      COOL! Let us know when it's up an' we'll put ya' in our links section. Yer welcome fer the idea. Obake-chan gave me such s--t fer sayin' that! He thought I'd hurt yer feelin's. HAH! I knew better! Puttin' up a link to us would be fine. You may want to ask the Genbu, Byakko, and (yuck) Seiryuu Seishi if they want to link to yer site, too. Just remember don't give no cookin' advice, OK?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      I absolutely refuse to believe you Chiriko. ::hugs Chiriko:: I am certain that either Tasuki and/or Tamahome were upset about my calling them names. I still want to know why people don't think that Tamahome is bi, after all, he hugged Tasuki once, not the other way around, and it was Tamahome that Nakago kissed, and er, hmm, ah, licked. eeeeewwwwwwwwwwww. Why is it that a person either has to be obsessed with the opposite sex, or their own? And since when did it become trendy to be bi? Why does Tasuki HAVE to be fruity because he doesn't like all those "crazed hentai chicks" chasing after his ass? etchhi-tachi!!! Oi!!!

      Anyway, what I wanted to know, before your little 'accident' occured, was why Suzaku didn't eat Miaka after granting her wishes? I was told that the Gods were suppose to do that. Maybe something about making selfless requests... I do like Miaka, she's a nice girl, if a bit etchhi and baka sometimes. Sweet would be the word. Very sweet and devoted to her friends. Who else would go through so much for a friend that hated her? Maybe Sarah-chan would if she ever got brave enough. Sarah, I would like to tell you, Muay Thai Kick Boxing could do wonders for you. I'm not telling you to actually HURT anyone, but it can really releive stress and give you the guts to curse at such a pissy etchhi girl as insulted you at the fan convention. You'd feel a lot better, and people really look awful when they cry. It is such a disgusting thing. Flame-boy, thanks for supporting her, poor thing that she is. Here, just for proving that you CAN be nice, have some sake. ((And I still say I can drink you under the table. What's the matter? you too chicken to respond to that? Your afraid that I'll beat your ass? I know ya hate women, but you won't even respond to a drinking challege from one of them? Kisssssama, too scared of women to match them in drinks...)) And what is this with you insulting Chichiri's hair?? It might be blue, but at least he doesn't look like he torched his own head with his #?*@^%$ tessen. ::hugs Chichiri:: Your hair is a lovely shade of blue, quince juice doesn't count when discussing styling products, and who needs a hair stylist when you can get bangs like those on your own??

      hugs to all me favorite seishi, (Which is near everyone) especially the etchhi Mitsukake ((catnip on his balls?? you really need to pick up on what some of those things mean in slang...)), and Chichiri. Okay, I'll hug Fang-boy too. He can't flame me while I'm hugging him, right?

And Chiriko? I would love to chat with you, so that makes another supporter. ::one more hug for the short one::

The Glastig

Dear Glastig,

      Oi! Where to start? In Obake-chan's defense, it was Nakago doing all that hentai crap and I don't think Obake-chan was enjoying it at all. Hell, who would? An' at last, someone who understands that I hate havin' all them hentai broads after my ass! It's about friggin' time! As fer drinkin' ME under th' table, I'm up fer the challenge! Not even Kouji can outdrink me! I like yer suggestion fer Sarah-chan, of course ya' got the guy who loves a good fight almost as much as he loves his sake! I think Miaka didn't get "eaten" by Suzaku because she had a strong enough will and mind to resist him. The only things she can't resist are food and Tamahome, I think in that order.

      An' I wasn't insultin' Chichiri I was just stating the obvious! Oi! My hair does this naturally! What the *%$# is up with that "torched his own head with his #?*@^%$ tessen" s--t? Ya' better give me sake an' a hug after that crack! Mitsukake is bein' taught yer language by Chiriko, so no more goofs like "catnip on his balls". Damn shame, we laughed fer hours. Hell, I laughed so hard I thought I'd puke! I'll let Chiriko know about the chat.


Dear Nuriko,

      I Just had to say this,you and Tauski are just SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      (oh and what about Tamahome! friend from other room yells)Oh him well what can I say, I'm just not to fond of you I don't hate you , it's just that you let Miaka run your life,and whats up with WHAT REAL MAN WOULD DO THAT, sure it was cool the first time you said it but it gets old after a while. You should learn some more you new diffrent entery lines. Well anyway back to you Nuriko (I'm really sorry about that a friend who would not like to be named But why should I listen to her????? HER NAME IS MINKY!!! grabbed the key board from my hand)Anyway I cried my eyes out when you died. I was so crushed that a week later, I got a sympathy card sent back to me, With big bold letters on it that said something like THERE'S NO SUCH PLACE! I opened it up and found out that I sent a sympathy card to the rest of the seishi! but the weirdest thing was I don't even remeber writing it!!!!!


P.S. the stuff about Tamahome was done by Minky(MAJOUR TASUKI FAN and supports the flaming of the Tamahome Dolls)

Dear Minky/Tilly,

      Tasuki and I thank you for writing that we are cool. I am sorry that my death saddened you, however, I am concerned that you sent a card you do not remember sending to a place that does not exist in your world. Are you sure that you and Tilly are not just one person of two minds?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Just wondering if all of you were to come to this world and have to go to school how would each of you deal with it??? That includes social matter, Homework, classes...the whole thing. And who would actually survive it??


Dear Miyu,

      That's an interesting question. I asked the seishi and here are their answers:

      Tamahome: He would be the sports hero and he thinks Tasuki would be a dropout.

      Tasuki: Not interested, would rather hang out with his buddies and drink.

      Nuriko: Would love all the opportunities to flirt. Not a huge fan of studying.

      Chichiri: Would enjoy the quietness of the library, studying, and probably not socialize too much.

      Mitsukake: Would major in Pre-Med.

      Hotohori: Would major in law and poli-sci.

      As for myself: I love to study and do homework!!! I would have a wonderful time learning about your world and all the interesting things it has to offer!


Dear Chichiri,

      Do you use live bait when fishing? Also, why were you wearing an American flag shirt in this picture? Seishi Picture

Yuryoku na Miko

Dear Yuryoku na Miko,

      I tend to use little balls of rice or leftover dumplings and meat scraps as bait. That is if Miaka leaves any food behind, no da.

      I am wearing that outfit, because my Miko dressed me funny. Everyone else got the cool clothes, no da. I got shorts and a tee-shirt, no da. I told her I thought I would look kawaii in black leather pants, but she ignored me and the other seishi just laughed, no da. Not that there is anything wrong with the flag, no da. I just would have preferred to be wearing more clothing. Sometimes this poor blue monk gets no respect, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      This is Miaka speaking ^-^ (got any food on you I'm starving!) Well now for a more serious subject. I've been reading some past letters, And noticed some people asking you, why don't I answer letters. Well I've been thinking about this, and I'm in the middle of making a web site, called MIAKA'S PLACE, and I would be happy to answer questions there, but before I do anything like that,I would like to ask you,my seishi for your permission, after all this answering questions idea was yours to begin with, but if you don't want me to, I won't, and will respect that too.

      What I'm getting at here is I don't want to steal my seishi's ideas. well gota go "sniff" "sniff" I smell chocolate cookies in the oven!!! WAI!!!WAI!!!

Your Miko,


P.S. Love ya ! Tamahome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dear Miaka,

      Since when do you ever listen to anything we tell you? You always do what you want to anyway. Nevertheless, we are sincerely flattered that you asked our permission to start your own website. And we say, "Have fun!" But please darling, leave the cooking advice to Nuriko.

Wo Ai Ni,


Dear Chiriko,

      Who or what is a Sunakake-baba? Miaka called Taiitsu-kun this the first time she met her/him.

Yuryoku na Miko

Dear Yuryoku na Miko,

      Sunakake-baba is a character from an anime titled "Ge Ge Ge no Kitaro" who would throw sand into people's faces. That is all I know of her except that she was very old and scary looking.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      I have a question for all of you! If you guys found yourselfs stuck in the middle of a water park that was locked up for the night, what would you do?

      In case you don't know what a water park is,(which you most likely don't) It's a place were people in this world go to have fun and cool off at the same time. There, there's lots of pools ,water slides, well I guess theres just a lot of water!!! A pool is a built in pond, just a whole lot cleaner than a pond would be. And water slides are like man made water falls , just a whole lot safer to slide down.

      Just in case you think this is a pointless question, I'll let you guy's know, why I'm asking it. I'm asking this question because , one day me and my friends were really bored,so we decided to makeup a situation and then try to guess what each of you would do,and that's the situation we came up with, and now we want to find out how well we know you (because we wrote our answers down)

your fan

Tilly (Kiwi's friend)

Dear Tilly,

      I wouldn't be caught freakin' DEAD in a place like that!!! But if ya' insist, I'd be beating the s--t out of Obake-chan!


Dear Tilly,

      Throwing Gen-chan in one of those man-made ponds, while evading his tessen and trying not to get the s--t beat out of me.


Dear Tilly,

      Why fishing, of course no da!


Dear Tilly,

      Healing Tamahome and Tasuki after Chichiri fishes them out of the pond.


Dear Tilly,

      Observing Tamahome as he gives swimming lessons to Tasuki.


Dear Tilly,

      Looking for a secluded pond to enjoy some private time with Hotohori-sama. If that doesn't work out, I'll help Tamahome-kun with Tasuki... hee-hee


Dear Tilly,

      Gazing at the reflecting pools and admiring how beautiful I am.


Dear Tasuki,

      You know the episode when You, Miaka and Chichiri went to save Tamahome. Well I was wondering , um you know after you bandaged Miakas arm up, and she yelled out "Nakago's doing a strip!" Why did you look? I'm not saying your gay or anything, because I think it's obvious that your not gay, But I'm just curious.

      I know lot's of poeple who watch Fushigi Yuugi,and you seem to be their favorite seishi, every single person and trust me that's alot of people, including me! About half of them think Tamahome's a dink, and the other half thinks he's cool, Me I like him but I just don't think he should take up a singing career. (sorry Tama)

      Hey, I know your not fond of women, but I know a girl, who I think would be perfect for you! Not me, but My sister, she's loves your show, loves to drink, she thinks violence is the only way to solve things (not seriously she just jokes about it) she hates women too!!! becuase she can't understand them, and she claims to completley understand you. by the way she's 19. so do you see why I think you guys would be perfect for each other?


P.S.She's is anything but a crazed hentai chick, in fact she hates those kind of girls!

Dear Kiwi,

      I looked cuz where else are ya' ever gonna see anythin' that weird? An' cuz I was an idiot to believe anythin' some broad says to me. Even if she is my Miko!

      Oi! Of course I'm everyone's favorite seishi, I'm the %$#@&*^ coolest of ALL the seishi (and I can sing). So yer friends think Obake-chan's a dink? Heh-heh... I wanna be there when he sees that in black an'white.

      As far as settin' yer sister up with me, I just ain't lookin' fer a girlfriend right now. But she does sound like a cool chick. I'd send her 'round to Kouji, but he has his hands full already.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

      Actually this is for Sarah-chan I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY

      I wasn't myself yesterday. And I feel really bad GOMEN,I wrote that because my brother dared me to(NO NAME)I'm sorry I know in my heart that you shouldn't put a dare before someone's feelings. Please accept my humble apologies,(No NAME) also feels incredible regret. We also hope that we may become better friends in the future. I also apologize to all the seishi I'm REALLY SORRY.

Your friend,


Dear Miaka,

      Apology accepted on everyone's behalf, no da. That wasn't very nice of Keisuke, now was it? Tasuki wanted to answer and say something to your oniichan, but he's tied-up at the moment, ne no da. Good thing for Keisuke, too. Thank you for your letter, all the Seishi (even Tasuki) appreciate the courage it took to write it, no da. But, that's why you're our Miko!



Dear Tasuki,

      I didn't realize your sisters were so violent Gomen, for now on I'll be nicer to my brothers.:) ( As I write this my brother stands behind me,SIS YOUR AN IDIOT!!!)

      WWWACCCKKK!!!!!!!!! TRY TO BE NICER TO THEM (I can not lie)

Older Sister

Dear Older Sister,

      Ok, now just put down the log and count to 10... Feel better? Just remember that they could grow up to be just like me if yer not careful...


Dear Chiriko,

     I think it's a great Idea to put up a schueled chat!


Dear Kiwi,

      Excellent! The more people who show interest in it, the more likely we are to do it. When we get to a reasonable amount of people that are interested in a chat, we will investigate setting one up for a certain day and time. When we are all ready for it we will announce it on this site.



Dear Suzaku Seishi,

     Being nice to you is not considered bad is it? I must say this idea has hurt me very much, as now I think people might just think I'm trying to get on Tasuki's and everyone's good sides. I just think you all are very kind (especially to me!) and I thought you might like some positive letters among the negative ones. The things I say are truly what I feel and I just want to make people feel better, I'm sorry if this offends or annoys anyone, I thought it was just the opposite. Though the thought saddens me, I will no longer write letters to you if this bothers anyone else.

Hurt and confused Sarah-chan

Dear Sarah-chan,

      Being nice to people is never considered to be bad but, since when does Gen-chan have a good side? Anyway, this is an open forum so if you want to write to us you should. The only people you have to worry about offending are us! And if we can put up with Tasuki, you know we can put up with a lot!


Dear Sarah-chan,

      Tamahome is right, no da. But, you do need to stop worrying about what other people think. If you are being sincere and nice from the heart then that is all that matters. People will say lots of hurtful things, either because they don't think or may not feel good about themselves, but you must learn to rise above it all and be your own person, no da. Like Miaka, you need to be strong and believe in yourself as a person, no da. There is nothing wrong with being a civil and polite person. It does not always mean that you like everyone. It just means that sometimes you have to wear a mask, no da.


Dear Sarah-chan,

      Oi! What th' hell does Tamahome-kun mean by "since when does Gen-chan have a good side?" I do to have a %^&*^@+ good side! An' he calls me 'Gen-chan' one more time an' I'm gonna fry his ass! Ya' don't gotta worry about pissin' off anyone but me, b'cause I'm th' one with th' tessen! Just ask Obake-chan... Heh-heh...


Dear Mitsukake,

     I'm sorry to hear that you hardly get any letters So how is it in Konan latley? Why are you always so quiet on the show, You should speak up a little more, Dont get me wrong or anything but mabey that's why you dont get many letters. Oh I'm being mean! Gomen, I'm only giving you my opinion I begg of you not to take it the wrong way.

     Just to let you know I'm not trying to be a suck up but I'm mean either It's just not matter what I say I end up putting my foot in my mouth.



Dear Zoe,

      There is no need for you to apologize. I understood the meaning behind your words. I do not speak much as I do not always feel I have that much to say. Konan is quite lovely this time of year and since I do not spend all my free time answering letters I am able to enjoy Konan's beauty, as well as keep up on the latest healing practices in my beloved country.


Dear Hotohori,

     Hi! I was just wondering if you could set me up with one of your brothers. After all I am a princess, of the moon that is. And since you are taken I was wondering if I could get hooked up with one of them. Besides, Mamo-chan is spending more time with Chibi-usa rather than me. Thanks.

Princess Serenity

Dear Princess Serenity,

      I would if I knew where they were. When my father passed away and my mother arranged for me to be Emperor, my siblings were sent away and I haven't seen them in years. Gomen, but I cannot arrange such a meeting for you.


Dear Tasuki,

     Hoi there! Eh? So other girls want Kouji too, huh? Aww... that means I gotta share, don't it? Fiiiine... *sigh* More fans for Kouji. Oh well, his ego couldn't get any bigger I s'pose. (Famous last words, Ember...)

     Heh... Tasuki, the bandits started their page already, but we have a little twist here. See, there was this girl that wanted in on the action. I mean, REALLY. Ya don't tell HER "no". I think ya know her. *innocent smile* Aidou, I think her name was... but you STILL are coming to visit us, aren't ya? *laughs* Drop the bandits a line! leikakubandits@hotmail.com - seeya soon! Ahaha!! *cheerfuly waves with a bottle of sake*


Dear Ember,

      So Kouji and the guys finally got their s--t together enough to start a page, eh? COOL! Is there a URL yet fer it or just the email address that ya' gave? I guess ya' want it published so I did. If my sister Aidou is with ya' I ain't goin' near the place! She's more dangerous then them Crazed Hentai Chicks!

Good luck!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

     I was wondering... why are none of the Suzaku Senshi women??? Actually I don't mind cause all of you are cute. Especially Tasuki, Hotohori, and the beautiful Nuriko. (Hotohori, Miaka is dumb for not choosing you over Tama)! And Tasuki, I love the way you dress. That is way cool! And Nuriko, don't change. You are the sweetest of the sweet!

(Tasuki, don't fry the computer fry Tama. And make sure you get him good!)


Dear Usagi,

      We all thank you for your kind words and complements. As to why none of us are women, we don't know. There are Seishi such as Subaru and Soi that are women, but it does seem that the majority of Seishi are men.

      I'm glad someone likes the way Tasuki dresses, sometimes that boy just has no fashion sense! But does he listen to me? NOOOO! I keep trying to get him to add more color and update his look, but he refuses. Oh, well...

      Now stop encouraging Tasuki to fry Tamahome. Poor Obake-chan is Suzaku red most of the time and one big blister! And poor Mitsukake is worn out from healing him every day. And let's not even go into what Tasuki has done to our once beautiful cyber-abode, or all the computers and monitors, etc. he has melted. Hotohori-sama is not very pleased with him right now, as this is costing him a fortune! It's cheaper to feed Miaka!


Dear Tasuki,

     Hey! Tauski!why do you say such things about your sisters! I mean what if they were ever to come on to this page and read some of your replies like...( mabey the crazed girls will steal them) I'm an older sister to 4 younger brothers(there fans of yours even though there pretty young)and I'm speaking for all the misunderstood sisters out there! WERE NOT ALL THAT BAD!you must have said or did somthing to get them mad at you. but don't get me wrong being the youngest and only boy out of 6 kids would be hard., and you have my sympathy.

Older Sister

P.S. You and Nuriko have to be my fave seshi and don't be mad with me :(

Dear Older Sister,

      Well, do you abuse your younger brothers by throwin' *&^%$#@ logs at their heads?! Oi! My friggin' existence is enough to piss 'em off! An' my mom's just as bad! They ain't misunderstood, they're the reason I hate women!!!


Dear Hotohori,

     Hi Does it bother you when people think your a woman? Were you ever attracted to Nuriko before you found out that She was a he? do you still have feelings for Miaka even though your married and have a son? I hope these questions don't give you the wrong impression I just want to know. By the #1 fan of the same gender

P.S. I'm not gay

Dear No Name,

      I do find it somewhat annoying that people think I am a woman. But what can one do when one is as beautiful as I am? When Nuriko was posing as a princess at the Imperial Court I never even noticed he was there. So, I was never attracted to him. I have feelings for Miaka as my Miko and as a dear friend, but I love my wife and son very much.


Dear Chiriko,

     How does it feel to be the youngest seshi? because I'm your age and When I hang around my step sister (18) and her friends who love anmie and go to her showings I really feel little.


Dear Zoe,

      I will admit there were times I felt a bit "little" as you put it, but I soon realized that each of us is unique and has his own special gift from Suzaku. Mine was my intelligence. I may not have been as strong as Nuriko nor as skilled magaically as Chichiri, yet I was still an important member of the Seishi in my own right. The other Seishi generally treat me with respect and as an equal, well, OK Tasuki likes to tease me sometimes, but I don't mind as I look up to him as my oniichan (big brother) and have no problem teasing him, too. Right now we are working on his reading and computer skills. (He doesn't want anyone to know, so that will be our secret, OK?)

      I think it's great that your step-sister takes you to anime showings with her. Perhaps her friends have siblings in your age range that also like anime or share other interests of yours that you can make friends with. If so, you should take this opportunity to meet new people and maybe make some new friends.

Good Luck!


Dear Tasuki,

     Alright!!!! You burned Tama's ass like I asked you to. Hee hee!!! Keep up the good work!

Vampire Princess Miyu

Dear Vampire Princess Miyu,

      At least somebody *^%$#@& appreciates my talented efforts! But, I have promised the guys I would go easier on Obake-chan for awhile as Mitsukake is getting tired of healing him and also because of "the server incident".


Dear Tamahome,

     Hey Tama-home I have been reading some of the letters in the archive, and I have a question for you, do you ever get tired of girls sucking up to you or any of the other seshi(no offense Sarah-chan)Well because...well...even..I.am...well...sorta..kinda jealous.


Miaka :)

Dear Miaka,

      I don't think of it as "sucking up" and neither should you. You have nothing to be jealous of as I have already said I want to make you my bride. That is my promise to you and I would never go back on such an important vow! As to the other Seishi, I just find it annoying that Tasuki gets more letters than all of us and still finds time to try and set my ass on fire! At least after last Friday's incident, he's been forced to knock it off for awhile. Both Mitsukake and Chiriko are getting pretty fed up with his flaming me and everything else in the area.



Dear Tasuki,

     N...n...nani?! So what if im 15?! Miaka was too and you went for her in the manga, dammit! And Im no crazed hentai chick! Grrr.... just wait for the second part of the story... *evil laff*

Az Rat

Dear Az Rat,

      I think ya' got me mixed up with Obake-chan! I was possessed by an evil spirit in the manga, otherwise, I wouldn't have done that to her. Anyway, what is normal fer my world ain't always normal fer your world.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

     Earlier, I heard Tasuki-san mention something about you guys putting up a 'chat'. I just wanted to let you know, I for one would love this!!


Dear Sarah-chan,

      That's great! You're the second person who wants to do this. Minna, if you are interested in doing a scheduled live chat with the Suzaku Seishi, please write in and let us know. The more people we have interested in this, the more likely it is to happen.


Dear Nuriko,

     Hi! Whatever I write please still be nice! @_@; It's about your sister, if she was still alive, would you still be gay?

A 12 year old

Dear 12 year old,

      I don't think so, since I dressed as a woman to allow my late sister Kourin to live through me. If she were still alive, there would be no need for me to do this.


Dear Mitsukake,

     Hello! How are you? I'm great, seeing how nice everyone's been to me! The Ladies of the Imperial Koukyuu haven't been giving you much trouble I hope? Poor Tasuki and Chichiri-san!

     I was wondering, since I figured you are an animal lover (like me!), are you a vegetarian? Not to be judgmental or anything, I was just curious. Also, when you use your healing power on someone, do you aquire their illness? Because you always seem to be in pain when you do it! (Poor Mitsukake, that's not fair!) I wish I had your healing power, I hate to see anyone in pain or suffering... my father's a doctor, I kinda like to think of him as my very own Mistukake, because he helps people who are hurting just like you do!


Dear Sarah-chan,

      No, the Ladies of the Imperial Koukyuu do not give me any trouble as I try not to provoke them. Unlike other Seishi that we both know...

      Although I am not a true vegetarian, the mainstays of my diet are fish and rice. As to getting the person's injuries or illness when I use my power on them, I do not get their symptoms, however, it does drain me of my chi and that is why I seem to be in pain. It is a very tiring experience. Especially with Tasuki and Tmahome. I will only use my powers on them if it is an extremely serious injury, otherwise they can heal naturally and we can all get some rest!


Dear Tasuki,

      I don't know what to do, I just moved from Canada to the States. And I have no friends becuase there isn't anyone my age that lives near me. when I started school I made some but they all make fun of me for likeing your show, and other anmie. I get slamed in to walls and get pushed into the middle of physicsal fights all the time. and ever since my friends started making fun of me everyone in the else in the school started too, even the teachers. And I am afraid of going back this year.


Dear Zoe,

      Chiriko brought your letter to my attention, as he wisely realized that Tasuki's reply would be somewhat rash, and likely to worsen your situation, no da.

      As a wanderer, I have often found myself in a village where I knew no one, and was treated harshly because I was an outsider, no da. Yet, while it was always difficult to make a start in a new place, it was even harder to later leave that place, and the friends I met there that would eventually treat me as one of their own. This is the way of things, and I am certain that you will one day discover this for yourself, no da.

      Unfortunately, children often make fun of, and sometimes bully those that they think are different from themselves, or those that focus solely on interests that are different from theirs. Likewise, they befriend those with similar interests, no da. While it is important for you to be yourself, perhaps you should look to expand your interests into other areas shared by the people you like. This will make you a more rounded person, and give you more to talk about, creating opportunities to build new friendships, no da. Perhaps there are clubs at school that interest you?

      As you grow older, you will make many groups of friends with whom you share interests in some areas, and not in others. I, for example, discovered that the other seishi all fall asleep when I start to talk about fishing. As a result, I no longer talk much about fishing around them, but still love to fish, and chat happily with others around the royal court that share my passion, no da.

      As to being teased by others, if it is coming from friends, it is probably meant to be playful, not hurtful, and if they are friends, they will likely tease you somewhat less if you make it clear to them, nicely, that it really bothers you, no da. If teachers are teasing you, they should stop if you ask them to. If they do not, you should let your principal and your parents know, and they will be able to help.

      As to how to deal with fights, gomennasai, but I cannot advise you on this matter. It is true that we seishi will fight when forced, or when our Miko or companions are in danger, although most of us generally avoid battle whenever possible, preferring to use our minds, rather than our fists or weapons, no da. In the end, like our Miko, only you will be able to decide what is the right thing for you to do. Seek the advice of parents, school counselors, teachers, siblings and old friends, no da. They will help your heart discover what it needs to know.

Your friend,


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