Dear Tasuki,
Thank you for supporting me in your response about my last letter, you are truly very kind to me. Also to Black Jade, if you are reading this, thank you! Your letter helped me greatly as to what I should do if that ever happens again... make my own tessen and burn them to a crisp! No, no, no, I could never do that... but I must say that the thought is amusing! *giggle*
Thank you, Tasuki, (and Chichiri!) for making me feel a whole lot better, I hope you did not percieve that I was blaming you (never!), you are just always so sweet, and I should have known that you don't encourage your fans like that. I'm sorry that I had to write to you about that whole thing... for awhile I had thought that I had asked for that treatment, seeing as how wearing the keychain was kind of like me putting a claim on you, which I would NEVER do! I thought this because I couldn't understand why anyone would be angry at me... if anything I thought the girl was pretty and I was about to compliment her on her beautiful outfit, but I never had the chance...
I'm sorry for going on and on, Tasuki-sama! You put a smile on my face and I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for that! Truly you are the sweetest and most understanding seishi!!
(Gomen, for bothering you with yet another letter, I really should write Mitsukake more often...)
Dear Sarah-chan,
Yer very welcome Sarah-chan. An' arigato for all the sweet things ya' wrote about me. Chichiri sez to tell ya' he's glad he was able to help ya' feel better,too. I'm sure Black Jade will read this an' mebbe answer ya' on the website.
Nah, I never thought that you were blamin' me fer what happened, so don't woryy about it. However, the use of a tessen should only be done by a trained Seishi, namely me! So, please don't try to flame at home. I catch enough s--t from Chichiri an' the guys fer what I do to Obake-chan, (he keeps duckin' an' I keep hittin' the computer, whatta wuss!) I don't need to catch any from yer world.
Dear Tasuki,
hmm.... ::reads past mail where Tasuki yelled at all the CHCs (Crazed Hentai Chicks):: wow... u sure do stand up for the meek. ::clap hands:: Yatta!!! GO GEN-CHAN, HEROIC SUZAKO WARRIOR WHO FIGHTS FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE!!! Hey, you should team up with Sailor Moon ...umm... ::thought of Tasuki in sailor skirt pops into head:: ...or not.
And i wanna know if u'd be any good with a sword or daggers. I mean, they're alot easier to get respect with, and that sharp weapon thingie seems to be in style now. If u were a mysterious girl, then a tessen would be too kewl, or a sword for that matter, but u could lower blood pressure LOTS by learnin on a big, sharp, intimidating weapon! U get kewl scars too ::pulls in Koji and points to his cheek:: See? ::hears Ember yellin somethin:: FINE! HERE! HAVE HIM!!! ::throws Koji back:: hehehe.
Oh, and Gen-chan ::tips back n forth on her heels n starts playin around with Tasuki's cape:: u really need something for those stains ::sniffs a stain:: ...strawberry Jello ^.^... and... hmm... something... *.*!?! ~.~!!! ::chucks a gallon of Clorox Color-safe Bleach at Tasuki:: It'll clean AND brighten your bitchin cool colors! Use it!
Dear Angela-chan,
I'm glad ya' approve of the letter. But I ain't dressin' up as no Sailor chick!!! I can an' do use the tessen as a short sword. I don't got scars, because unlike some people, I'm fast when it comes to gettin' outta the way of a sword. Hell, Kouji needs somethin' to get the chicks... heh-heh. Glad to see you an' Ember are able to share. How's Kouji dealin' with it?
Clo-rox Ble-ach? What th' hell do I do with this s--t? Bathe in it? Oi! Chiriko just grabbed it outta my hands an' says he will tell me what to do with it. He says it has to do with cleaning clothing. Maybe I can get the Imperial Harem to help, too. They owe me one...
Dear Chichiri,
O' Blue Monk, we were only playing, but what an enormous insult to the fair blossoms of the Imperial Court, to compare us to "crazed hentai chicks" -- whatever they might be. We have our ways at getting back at those who insult us. Ask your friend Tasuki, who came inebriated into our Inner Court one day. He made fun of Lady Dumpling, well she does like to eat a bit much. However, we got our own back on him. We lured him over to one of the ornamental ponds to look at some koi, had him bend over to look closer, and then a group of us pushed him in! Oh, how we laughed behind our long flowing sleeves.
He's sooo kawaii when he's wet and cursing. Oh, and screaming that he is drowning, in less than four hands of water. He never raised a hand to any of us, and is always (when not inebriated) ready to help us with little tasks. He is actually a very nice little bandit. Yet, we are Equal Opportunity Tormenters and you will have to pay for your affront to us. We are, after all, the Imperial Consorts and Concubines to the Emperor. We will find a fitting punishment for you, and you will never know it is coming. Till it gets you.
Well, the other Ladies asked me to tell you how much we enjoy your, and the other seshi's company. It keeps us in practice with our flirting and other feminine arts. As sadly, his Imperial Highness does not visit us as often as he used to. Remember Blue Monk, you will not know when or from whom it is coming, but we will get you!
The Ladies of the Imperial Koukyuu send you their greetings...
Hotohori no Chuuguu
Dear Hotohori no Chuuguu,
You ladies worry me, no da. Picking on this poor monk for your pleasure, is not very kind, although the picture that came to mind of Tasuki in the koi pond was quite amusing. Gomennasai, if I have insulted you. Do remember, as one who is skilled in the magical arts, I will be difficult to ambush, no da. But, I accept your challenge. I do ask one favor dear ladies, next time you plan to push Tasuki in the koi pond, could you let the rest of us know? Tamahome said he would even PAY to see such a sight (and we all know how HE feels about okane, no da)! Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
Oh dear, he did *not* send that.. --; For the answer to you question, Tokima is a guy. I think that the reason he actually included that question is because he wants to go with you. Seriously. Sure, he won't admit it, but I'm sure that he's worse than any of those hentai girls that you have drooling after you.
Alai --;
Dear Alai,
NANI? I really don't need no Crazed Hentai Guys after my ass! I have enough #@$%*%# problems with all them chicks! Look, Tokima, can't we just do the drinkin' an' brawlin' as bros s--t? Otherwise, I may have to hurt ya'. Unless ya' like that sorta thin'... an' if ya' do, do I got the perfect chick fer ya'! Aidou! My oldest sister, she LOVES to put men in pain!
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