Dear Tasuki,
While your answer to the girl, Sarah-chan, who was verbally attacked at a fan convention was helpful in telling the "crazed hentai chicks" to cool it -- there is more that a person can do if faced with such a situation. Not only is such behavior by the crazed fan wrong, rude, and inappropriate. It is also, illegal in our world. It would be considered verbal battery and abuse. The victim should do a few things to protect herself and other fans from such abuse:
Get the name of the person who is doing it (easy if they are wearing badges), and a description. Take that name and description to the entities who are running the convention, report the misbehavior, and DEMAND action be taken on it. Most information packets given out to fans at conventions include the warning that a fan can be removed from the convention for misbehavior. Most entities running a convention will act on a complaint like this because they are liable and can be sued if something happens to a fan at their convention. Likewise, if the entity running the convention refuses to act you can go above their heads to the owner of the venue and ask that the venue security act on this assault. Because this is verbal abuse. As with the entity running a convention, the venue is also liable to be sued if anything happens to you -- or others -- that they, with appropriate warning, could have prevented. Please feel free to use this argument to back up your rights. The final option is to call the local police and have that person arrested if you feared for your safety. From that young person's letter it is obvious that they did fear for their safety.
In our world we have different rights and obligations. We cannot just go over to someone and start screaming at them or verbally abusing them without being open to legal action against us. We also, and you would hate this, cannot just haul off and hit them. That would leave us open to being arrested and sued.
So, I would say to that fan of yours that was harassed. Stand up for yourself, and others like you, and nail that rude (possibly mentally unbalanced) person to the wall -- legally and appropriately. You have the right not to feel afraid at a fan convention. It is the people who are giving the convention and the venue who MUST do their utmost to protect you. This is why there is security at properly run conventions.
Civility is the oil that keeps Civilization running smoothly. Learn to use it!
Black Jade
Dear Black Jade,
Arigato for that PSA (Public Seishi Announcement). I really have nothin' else to add except, are ya' sure I can't just flame 'em with my tessen? I know, I know... but Black Jade is right an' I don't like seein' my sweet fangirls bullied by "Crazed Hentai Chicks", so take this as yer Tasuki sez warnin', don't harass my fans, cos' (forgive me Hotohori-sama) THERE'S ENOUGH OF ME TO GO AROUND FER EVERYONE! Ok, now I'm gonna back away quietly so I can get at least a 100 yard lead on all ya' chicks... OI! Kouji! I'm headin'yer way and bringin' friends... LOTS of 'em!
Dear Chichiri,
Ha! Tell that "I don't use anything on my hair..." stuff to someone who does not know that you got quince juice from Nuriko to make it stay up so tall and hard! Either that or, well I have heard tell of things called "cow-licks" but with your hair it would have to be a "dragon-lick" and I just do not think that is possible to live through - being licked by a dragon that is.
Although, if the Emperor is considered a dragon... then quite a few of us haved lived through it (and loved it)!
You have the ladies of the koukyuu (Imperial harem) in giggle fits!
Hotohori no Chuuguu
Dear Hotohori no Chuuguu,
Shimatta! OK, I DO use quince juice on my hair. When would I have ever been licked by a dragon, or the emperor, no da? You ladies are sometimes so insufferable, I don't know why I visit you, no da. So I have all of you in giggle fits, ne no da? What did Hotohori-sama do? Stock the harem with "Crazed Hentai Chicks", no da? Hmmm... if so all I can say is, "Oh Tasukiiiii, I have some people here to see you, no da."
As to Hotohori-sama being a dragon, I thought his Seishi mark stood for Sea-Snake, but I guess we won't go there, ne no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I was just wondering, I know your not gay because so many people have asked but, are you bi or something and find men more attractive? I've noticed you tend to beat women, but get really friendly with men I was just wondering and all. ^.^ I hope you don't beat my ass for this one you might who knows. But remeber I didn't ask you if you were gay but bi with a greater attraction to men.
Also my friend Alai........ *Waves to her and grins* .... wanted to know what you think about watase-sensei saying that you'll never going to get a woman? Does that mean you'll get a man or something? I wouldn't be suprised for some reason. ^.^ BTW, will you abuse that man if you love him? Anyways thank you please don't hurt me. =pppppp *Giggles*
Tokima the possibly soon to be decessed(sp?)O_o
Dear Tokima,
No I'm not bi nor do I find men attractive! I just tend to find women very annoying!! Yer a chick aren't ya'? I can tell cause yer annoyin' me. I don't beat women, not even my OWN sisters! (They'd kick the cr... oh, never mind.) As to your friend Alai's question, Watase-sensei also said that I wasn't gay, so why would I end up with a man? I just think she has better things in store for me and that I will be too busy for a girlfriend right now. Hell, she already wrote a separate novel all about me and besides Kouji, I know there's a chick in it. Heh-heh,who knows...?
Dear Chichiri,
I know a lot about you,but still,what about that ``mask`` thing?
Dear Jacek,
I wear the mask to hide the scar that is on my left eye, as I feel it makes others uncomfortable around me, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I had been recently skimming through your archives, and had come across some disturbing letters written by a now-member of the Mt. Leikaku Bandits, Ember. In them she stated that she had wanted to challenge the Leikaku Bandits and that she was pursuing Kouji-san. This greatly saddened me, seeing how I also carry affection for Kouji-san. I have always admired him, and also your friendship with him. You constantly insult each other, but are always there for each other, no matter what! It's so caring of you.
But, I do have a reason for writing this letter, I have a question. Now that Ember is officially a member of the bandits, does this mean that Ember has claimed the adoration of Kouji-san? This depresses me. Please ask him if this is true.
Dear Tatiana-chan,
Spoke to Kouji and he says he ain't quite ready to settle down. I don't know if she has his adoration, but she sure has his RESPECT! Heh-heh... no matter what he says I KNOW she kicked the snot outta him! Ya' know where to find him, so see if Ember is willin' to share. But no FIGHTIN' ladies!! That s--t is such a turnoff, that ya' might chase him back into the Tasuki PJ's and bedsheets! An' I won't come near there if he has that crap out again!
Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Before I possibly die I have one question, do emperor's eat potaoes? ^^ Sorry bother you but I'm curious and what kinda potatoes do you like?
^^ Anyways praise the spud man. =ppppp Laterz *gulps* I hope
Dear Tokima,
What are potatoes? We eat a lot of rice with our meals. We also eat steamed lotus root and bamboo shoots, too. Do you think you might be able to send some of these potatoes to the Imperial Court? I would be curious to try them.
Dear Chichiri,
hi-ya, sasami here
i got only one question. what hair products do u use to make your bangs stay up like that?
Sasami J. Masaki
Dear Sasami,
Hair products, no da? This is natural, no da! Regardless of what Tasuki is trying to imply, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Recently, I was wearing a keychain of your likeness at an anime gathering, when an unfamiliar girl came up to me and verbally battered me about not having the right to wear it since you belonged to her. She insulted me and shattered my feelings and I had to leave crying. This incident has left me (I'm sorry to say) emotionally scarred and wary about outwardly showing any sign of affection towards you, being afraid of any more confrontations from your more obsessive loyalists. I suppose I can understand why girls can be posessive of you, seeing how popular you are, but please say you don't promote such behavior among your fans. I'm afraid that other shy, sensitive girls like me will be scared away of having you as a favorite because of such cases. Can't we all love you?
Dear Sarah-chan,
I apologize for that "Crazed Hentai Chick" who attacked ya'. Look all ya' "Crazed Hentai Chicks" LEAVE SARAH-CHAN ALONE!!! I hate havin' to apologize to ANYONE fer ANYTHIN'! Don't make me do this again! NO ONE OWNS ME!!! How many times do I have to tell ya'! Not even fer all the sake in Konan! I'd say there's enough of me for everyone, but then you'd storm th' palace again and that REALLY pisses off Hotohori-sama. Can't ya' pick on Chichiri for Suzaku's sake??? Rip his clothes off and cut his hair for a change? Hell, with those bangs he NEEDS it! Sheesh, they're blue and stand straight up! Give the monk some friggin' attention! But stop pickin' on each other! I'll start to really hate women if ya' keep that up!
Dear Sarah-chan and Tasuki,
While I appreciate the offer Tasuki, your fans scare me, no da! And what is wrong with my bangs, no da? So my hair is blue and my bangs stand up, just what are you implying, no da? Sarah-chan, I do know that Tasuki absolutely does not promote such behavior among his fans. They would probably have a better chance with him if they were more like you, no da. But they are fun to watch, ne no da. Hee-hee, you should see Tasuki run... It's a good thing that speed is one of his Seishi powers or he'd be strpped naked and shaved bald by now, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori,I don`t know ANYTHING about you.You girl or boy?I have a pic of you looking cool.But in the op you look like some priest guy or somin`.I haven`t seen the FY series,so don`t think I`m crazy,OK???!!!
Dear Jacek,
I am a man. I am also Emperor of Konan. We Seishi do not think that you are crazy, but we do agree that you should see our adventures. If you cannot borrow them from a friend, I have been informed that a company called Pioneer will be producing them on something called VHS and DVD for sale to the general public later this year. You may wish to obtain them this way.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
This Question is for all of you. Who do you think has the best seishi powers??? Personally I don't know. I think Tasuki's fan is awsome and Hotohori's sword fighting is way cool, and no to mention Chichiri's magic and Nuriko's strength. Who of the seishi mentioned above has the most powerful powers??????
Oh Tasuki, Burn Tama's ass!!!
Vampire Princess Miyu
Dear Vampire Princess Miyu,
Well, all of our Seishi powers are well suited to the Seishi who use them, no da. There really is not one of us who is better or worse powerwise than any other of us. I may not be able to throw fire from a fan, but then Tasuki can't do magic or change his form, no da. There really is no best, as we have no equal for what each of us can do, no da.
Dear Vampire Princess Miyu,
What Chichiri says may be true but I still have the COOLEST power!! Now, just for you... Tamahome Flambe!! Heh-heh...
Dear Mitsukake,
About your cat:
Did Tamaneko adopt you?Is it true Tamaneko likes to hang around Chichiri,no da?(I love Chichiri,I love Tamaneko,and you`re so really cool!!!)Anyway,I wanted to say you and Tamaneko look a bit alike if you close your eyes,no da.
About you:
Who`re your main best friends?
Jacek No Da
Dear Jacek,
Well, as everyone knows, cats always pick their people. So, I guess you could say that Tama-nekko adopted me and he also eventually adopted Chichiri, too. Which is nice, since I consider myself closest to Chichiri out of all of the Seishi.
Dear Tamahome,
Saaaaaaaaaay, u said that manga Vol 18 is your proof that ch'ya did it, right? But it was Taka that wuz doin it!!! Umm... so he looks n acts like u, but is he u? Cuz i kinda didn't get it.
Oh, and u're still Godawfully kawaii!!!!!! ^.~
Dear Angela-chan,
Since Taka is me reincarnated, but without my Seishi powers and I believe we become one person by the end of that whole mess, I'd say that's certainly close enough. The whole thing was VERY confusing for all concerned. Especially for those of us that had to live through it!
Dear Tasuki,
Wait a sec who`s Koji?
I haven`t seen the series yet,ok?
Dear Jacek,
Kouji is my best friend and leader of the Mt. Leikaku bandits while I'm away doing the Seishi thing. Ya' really oughta see the series, Jacek! I'm the best one in it!
Dear Jacek,
Yeah and he's soooo modest, too!
The real hero of the series,
Dear Chichiri,
Who does you hair?
Dear Dave,
Nobody does my hair, no da. Why? Do you think that's a problem, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
'Allo little sushis. oops, that's Miaka's world.
Chichiri, Mitsukuke, don't sweat missing all those letters that Tasuki gets. After all, they are just crazed chicks who want snogging. Bed sheets indeed. Why can't they just challege him to a drinking contest? ((I could drink Fang Boy under the table, no problem. heh heh...)) Besides, you little fellows have that sweet tragic side. So much more character. Shoka-san, and then Chichiri's fiancee. **Psst... Chichiri, don't get rid of the scars, they make you unique. Important to who you are, and the mask too. Who else looks like a happy head most of the time? The "no da"s as well. Makes more of a distinction when you really get down to business.**
Is it true? Misukuke? you really don't have a no Miko? Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. Hehe, there has got to be one out there somewhere. if not, I'll be your no Miko, but don't get sad if I don't drool or spend all my time trying to summon you. After all, you are all just Seishi ((and so have to defend Miaka)), not actually gods. Well, some people seem to think that Fang Boy, ((you know, the drunk one in the corner...)) is a sex god or something Maybe if Tasuki made up some story about about broken heartedness, and never being able to have the girl he loves, he could get some peace. Hmmm, ack, what a story that would be. Maybe Nuriko and you fellas could help him out a bit.
The Glastig
Dear Glastig,
There actually are mikos for me, although, admittedly, I feel somewhat uncomfortable with people treating me as such. As you point out, I am a healer and a seishi, not a god (although it's easy to understand their confusion, given my godlike physique and extraordinary good looks).
As to women chasing Tasuki, most of them seem to be young girls around Chiriko's age, so he's welcome to them. As for me, now that I've put Shoka to rest, I've found several ladies in the emperor's court who are more than willing to fill the time between answering the occasional letters I receive. Plus, I do have frequent medical duties around the palace (usually treating Tamahome-kun for burns).
Tasuki, on the other hand, is too busy answering letters to actually have a life... so who's really the luckier seishi, hmmm?
Dear Chiriko,
Only one question:
How old are you?
Dear Jacek,
Only one answer: 13!
Dear Nuriko,
Wait a second here...Are you a girl or a boy?
Oh and yeah was the werewolf guy tough no da?
Dear Jacek,
I am a male. Are you related to Chichiri? You seem to have the same speech/writing pattern that he has. Was Ashitare tough? Hmmm... I guess we were sort of even, in that he inflicted mortal wounds on me and I managed to crush his head enough to at least kill his human side.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi-ya! Sasami Masaki here! Serena told me about this page and i decided to write something. i don't really know much abt FY, Zelgadis is supposed to get the tape soon but it's talking years. i would appriciate if u guys would tell me more abt the show and yourself, thx
Sasami J. Masaki
Dear Sasami,
Well, hopefully Zelgadis will be getting more than one tape to you. In what we are told is the "fansubbed version" of our adventures there are 13 tapes to that set. However, an American company called Pioneer will be doing subbed and dubbed copies on what is called DVD and VHS. So you may not have to wait for your friend much longer. There is more to tell about us and our adventures than would fit in one letter! You may want to try The Shrine of the Almighty Chicken of DOOM! or one of the other sites we have listed on our links page for truly detailed information on us.
Thanks for writing and hopefully you will be able to see our adventures soon,
Dear Tasuki,
Hey! don't laugh! The bandits are really gonna put up a page!! Tessen or not, we outnumber ya, man....
Just foolin. Your still our leader and crap, so stop on by soon. NEway, how's the Imperial Palace? Chicks there? how far did ya get? Come on, don't spare the details.... ::grin:: mata ne, O leader!
Sai of the Leikaku Bandits
Dear Sai,
Just remember Sai, I got attitude an' I KNOW how to use it! Anyways, life at the palace is OK. A bit too peaceful, but GREAT booze an' LOTS of it! As far as the chicks there and what I do between drinkin' an' brawlin', well I ain't the kinda bandit to kiss an' tell... at least not while I'm SOBER! Ya' want details, I want SAKE! 'Nuf said.
Oi! When ya' guys put up the page, I wanna get the address, so's I can visit ya'. Tell Kouji I'll be seein' him soon.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko~chan!!!! You are such a cutie! But I can't help but wonder with that tottemo kawaii voice of yours that you might be my adorable Yaten Kou (sm) dressed up! Are you? You & Yaten-kun's personalities are similar too,hmmmm....
Anyways, you are just such a sweetie!!! ~_^
Love ya' ~ Kakyuu Ouhi
Dear Kakyuu,
Thank you for all the sweet things you wrote but, last time I looked I was Nuriko, not this Yaten Kou person you asked about. Sorry to say, I never heard of them. But at least Nuriko is STILL Nuriko! Fashion bishonen forever! ^_^
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ummm... if you're from Ancient China, why do you speak Japanese?
Darlifasino Helmsbane
Dear Darlifasino,
We don't. Through the powers of the "Shi Jin Ten Chi Sho" or "The Four Gods' Heaven and Earth" as you call it, the Miko is able to communicate with us in our language and we with her, in her language. This special power seems to extend to all people she speaks with and not just her Seishi. Although she has yet to be able to communicate well with Tama-nekko. But as Chichiri has pointed out the cat does seem to be able to deal well with "higher bandwidths". Perhaps Miaka's "bandwidth" is not high enough, yet.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Genrou! Me again! Yo, I told ya I didn't tell Ember t'say any of that!! And HELL NO did that chick beat me up!! (Ember: Huh? But -...) SHADDUP, EMBER!!! Hehehe. Erm... she did... ah... fine. ANYway. Whattup with that "I'll Lekka yer Shien"? Hah, don't think so, bro! All that cushy livin', sounds t'me like yer getting soft there!
Y'know, it's about time ya dropped by to visit us! Know what - even yer sisters and Ma showed up, wonderin' how the hell y'were doing. (No need t'worry about THEM among the bandits...) And the "Tasuki Merchandise"? Don't worry, it's all gone. Damned crazy chicks stole everything! Our best guards... *shakes head* they didn't even have a chance against 'em. Bro, I'd watch out if I were ya. Those girls are somethin' else.
Things have been pretty good down here in the mountains. The bandits are even thinkin' of putting up their own cyber-home. Oi, what's the world comin' to? Well, seeya soon, bro!!
PS! No, ladies, I'm NOT GAY!!! Genrou and I are VERY straight!! (Even if he IS afraid of wome - oops...)
Dear Kouji,
So Ember's in, eh? Bet she kicked yer sorry ass good! Hey, she sounds pretty cool an' she seems to have a thing fer ya'. So ya' got a thing fer her? I'll show ya' how "soft" I'm gettin' when I get up there! I got a new set of iron knuckles with yer name on 'em smartass!
So all the "Crazed Hentai Chicks" stole all that Tasuki crap from ya'? Some buncha badass bandits you guys are! But since ya' got rid of all that stuff, I'll be by as soon as ya' get rid of my family. Maybe some of them crazy chicks would be willin' to steal 'em...
So the bandits want to start up their own cyber-home, eh? That's a laugh, you guys can barely read let alone type! But if they really wanna do it, hell let 'em! Maybe they'll get them crazed chicks off my back.
See ya' soon Kouji and I AIN'T afraid of women ya' bushy browed pain in th' ass!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Konichiwa!!! ^_^ or is that Konbanwa!!! ^_^'
I just want to say that I'm a really REALLY big fan and probably the youngest fan that actually said that. Heh Heh.......I know it does sound
pretty lame, doesn't it ^_^'. But don't worry, I'm to young to think of
those hentai stuff like those other fans of yours. So when I finally have some time to write fanfics about you, you don't have to worry about any hentainess.
Why don't you admit that your much more better than Hotohori himself? I mean it is true. Every one of your fans probably thinks so too! I mean your cute, your nice, you understand a girl's feelings, YOUR PERFECT!!!!!! BY the way, since Miaka is going after Tamahome, can I be your girlfriend? Even though I am 5 years younger than you, We would probably make the perfect match! (Other Nuriko fans, PLEASE DON'T KILL ME FOR WRITING THIS!!!! I GOT A FUTURE AHEAD OF ME!!!!!) Oh yeah! I hope you fianally got to meet your sister again! She's so KAWAII!!! ^_^
Please Write Back Soon!
Dear Skuld,
Thank you for all of your fabulous compliments! I am very touched and flattered by them. Although I don't beleive that I am better than Hotohori-sama (he is SUCH a beautiful man), I do thank you for saying so. I am not looking for a girlfriend right now, especially one so young. However, I would be very happy if we could be friends.
And yes, I did get to see my sister Kourin again. We are very happy to once again be together.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi peeps ::waves 2 seishis::! I wanted 2 know, just for the sake of b-day presents and inside jokes, what u're favorite animals are!!! I know that every1 just wuuuuuuuuvs the big red chicken of doom ^.^*, and Tasuki wuvs anything that tastes good with sake (no offense Gen-chan! I'm sure u'd be a great pet-taker-care-of-er ::hugs his arm:: ^-^), but the rest of ya guys, what kinda pets do ya like?
Dear Angela-chan,
Oi! I had a Koi once! An' I didn't eat him, even with sake! We all seem to be partial to cats, I guess due to Tama-chan. He's kinda cute an' always seems to be there when we need him to help us out. He's pretty smart too, for a cat.
Dear Angela-chan,
Well, compared to Tasuki even the Koi had more brains! So of course Tama-chan is a GENIUS in comparison! Heh-heh...
Hmmm... smells like something's burning
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