Dear Tasuki,
Gods, i haven't seen u in AGES 0.0 ::stares in awe at Tasuki::... I've been away from computers for a whole week! Ick! Do u have any idea how much i suffered?! Anyway, i've been lookin thru past mails n i just wanna write u one where u don't get stereotyped, lead around by sake and brawling, or cursed out. I know u can't be that bad, cuz u're a suzako seishi, and i know u're really a nice guy. And besides that, u so kawaii especially cuz u try not to be! This is just for u, Gen-chan ::gives Tasuki a 12-pack of x-tra large sake and a pair of iron knuckles:: ^-^
Dear Angela-chan,
Arigato for the 12 pack of sake! *gurgle, chug, gulp* It was delicious! The iron knuckles will come in handy next time I go see Kouji an' we hit the town to do some brawlin'. Oi! Yer pretty cool fer a girl. Ya' certainly know the way to this bandit's heart!
Dear Angela-chan,
Why, yes you do know the way to Tasuki's heart! Right through his LIVER!! Isn't that right GEN-CHAN??? You mean old drunk you...
Gotta go. Tasuki is lighting up his tessen!
Dear Hotohori,
Your Imperial Highness, Beloved "Cousin", Hotohori:
With this messenger I have sent you gifts from my Empire. I hope that you find them interesting and useful. Although it is a long journey from my land to yours I hope that everything makes it to you intact. I asked for volunteers from my Court who would like to journey to your land to learn more about it. The following courtiers asked to visit:
Lady Derekuna, please accept her as our official Ambassadress to your Court. She is also a Priestess, and a Sacred Dancer. She will be most honoured to show you some of our sacred and secular dances of our land. Please also give her access to your learned women/men and holy women/men so that they may share knowledge with one another.
Lady Meda, she is a Healer and would like to share knowledge regarding the medical arts. She also trained at the Tamaran Court and is familiar with their healing methods as well.
Lord Opare, he is one of our best weapon's masters. I have sent him to show you the use of our weapons. Also, please do not hesitate to call on him in time of need. He is a superlative warrior.
I hope that these gifts and my representatives will be welcome to your Court.
Life! Health! Warmth!
Arijana Atanastukate, Empress of Kriti and other places
Dear Arijana Atanastukate, Empress of Kriti and other places,
Thank you very kindly for your generosity. Everything that you listed arrived intact and your people arrived safely. I have omitted the list so as to make this a briefer missive to you. Your manner of clothing seems to indicate a MUCH warmer climate than we have in Konan country. I do not believe that I have seen so many bare breasts since I was being wet nursed as a baby! So as to cause no scandal at the Imperial Court we have gifted your people with appropriate clothing for our climate. The fine silks and brocades do seem to agree with them and they do seem pleased to have accepted these gifts and wear them when at the Court proper.
Per your instructions I have paired Lady Meda up with our healer Mitsukake. They are spending quite a bit of time together discussing herbs and medicines. I do not believe I have ever seen him so happy, thank you.
Lady Derekuna spends most of her time with Chichiri, who is my most trusted advisor and friend. He is a monk and he is teaching Lady Derekuna the art of using her chi to defend herself as well as you. The two of them seem to be pleased to be in each other's company. Once again, thank you for making my friends happy.
Tasuki, Tamahome, and I are spending our days training with Lord Opare in your fighting techniques and use of your weaponry. He is an EXCELLENT swordsman and superlative trainer.
One of the other Seishi, Nuriko has asked that I request a favor of you. If it is not too much to ask he would love a dress in the style of your land. Since your ladies clothing is covered in gold and gems, he seeks permission to ask one of the women that you sent to us, for her clothing in exchange for royal silk robes with full accoutrements. If the request does not displease you, I will allow him to ask it of your ladies.
Once again thank you for your generosity and rest assured that your people are being treated as well as you yourself would be if you were here.
Dear Nuriko,
Are you really gay??? You are way to fine to be gay!!
Lady Serenity (Chibi Usa)
Dear Lady Serenity,
No I am not gay. I guess I was more of a cross-dresser trying to live my late sister's life for her. I will admit I STILL think Hotohori-sama is the most beautiful man I have ever seen, but I also fell for Miaka's charms. So I cut my hair and decided to live the rest of my life as a man.
Dear Tamahome,
Hehehe...!!! ((giggle/blush))! I found this poem (i didn't write it... at least not yet) and it just reminded me of u so much. This is the only way i can get this peom to u. I doubt u'll dump the love of your life for some strange person with a poem, but anything's worth a try. U deserve a girl after u who doesn't see killing Miaka as her #1 goal. I can get what i want in other ways.
``I love the way your voice hushes
into lower, softer tones when it is
your heart that is the author,
as if the words themselves are fragile
and must be gently passed to me.
I love the way that passion takes your tongue
unleashing fiery words
that own me for as long as you do speak.
I love the way your voice erases pain
and soothes with adamant serenity.
I love your voice."
((grabs a quick peck on the cheek))
((devious smile))
..hmhmhehehehe...((Vampire Miyu Laugh))
Dear CrstlSerenity,
I don't know what to say, I am VERY flattered that you chose to send such a lovely poem to me. *blush* I am also relieved that you have no wish to kill Miaka.
Your friend,
Dear Hotohori,
Sorry if i'm being rude and don't think of this as a really personal question, but i was wondering if any children came out of your marriage yet...
Dear Chibi-chan,
No, you are not being rude at all. I do have a son from my marriage to Houki. His name is Boushin and he is as beautiful as his mother and I are.
Dear Tasuki,
I think you're the best... Did you ever have a girlfriend sometime in your whole life... if so who was it?
Dear Usagi,
Nope. I just don't want the baggage that come's with a girlfriend. Too much to deal with. I prefer my freedom! And my drinkin' and brawlin'! But, thanks fer sayin' I'm the best!
Dear Nuriko,
Why did you have to be first to die in the whole series??? That really sux! Oh I need to know in the episode "Killed in pursuit of being a Suzaku Seishi" why did it show scenes of you in Miaka's world???
Dear Serena,
Well, I wasn't very happy about dying either! But at least I died a Suzaku Seishi and my death wasn't wasted, I was able to help my friends. In the episode "Killed in pursuit of being a Suzaku Seishi", the scenes where I was in the Miko's world, were what I was seeing in my mind as I was dying. Miaka had told me so much about her world that I longed to be there with her and be a part of her life there. That's what you were seeing.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
First, Tasuki, I would like to point out that you DID dress up like a woman in the "bus ride" extras that came with OVA 1 (which, btw, was my favorite part of FY except that you had to see OVA 1 to see them). But, then again, we saw how long that lasted, didn't we?
Next, Nuriko, why did you have to cut your hair to look like a man? All of the other Seishi have long hair, except for Tasuki and Mitsukake. I find it perfectly acceptable for guys to have long hair. I would have to, since I do. :)
And, Hotohori, in response to your response to Chibi usa, I do understand that the Emporor's outfit is kind of necessary, but can't you at least wear different shoes? You ARE the Emporor, why can't you wear what you want?
Lastly, Chichiri is the one! Not only is he one of the only two Seishi that live (props to Tasuki too!), but he studied under a GOD for three years! He also has the coolest personality and can go SD at will. What more could one want from life?
Darlifasino Helmsbane
Dear Darlifasino,
I think Tasuki would like to forget that whole episode of having to dress as a woman, as would we all, no da. It was a real drag, no da. Nuriko decided to cut his hair because he had grown it long to allow him to live as his dead sister, Kourin, no da. When he decided to live as himself and for himself he wanted to cut all ties with his past. His long hair was a tie to his painful past, no da. Hotohori-sama's reply to your query was simply that while in the Imperial Court certain rules of etiquette and procedure apply and that one of them is what he must wear as Emperor while in the Imperial Court, no da. I don't think he cares for the shoes either, na no da!
As for me, thanks for your kind words, no da! I am glad that Tasuki, Tamahome, and I survived, although I do wish the other Seishi had survived, too.
Dear Tasuki,
Grrrrr... thats not what you sed last night! *snicker*
Alright, I got another question for ya.
Do you ever do any perverted things with those summoning papers of yours?
Az Rat
Dear Az Rat,
Hell No! Although Kouji keeps wantin' to borrow them an' I think it's fer somethin' hentai... As fer last night, what I say under a spell don't count! Anyways, spellcastin' on me fer THAT sorta thing just isn't right! An' I visited th' link ya' sent me, yer 15! Sheesh! Are ya' tryin' to get me in trouble on yer world? Like I don't catch enough s--t here in Konan from the guys for all the "Crazed Hentai Chick" letters I get! Don't let 'em fool ya', they're all jealous right down to Obake-chan and he has Miaka fer cryin' out loud!
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you say "Na No Da" after every sentence??? It sounds weird.....
Lady Serenity (Chibi Usa)
Dear Lady Serenity,
I do not always say "na no da" at the end of all my sentences, no da. Just "no da". It is the same as someone from your world saying "you know" or "eh?" at the end of their sentences. I am sorry that you think it sounds weird, but that is how people speak in my village, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
I know that many people asked you if you were gay but I didn't. I just want to know if Kouji was gay???
Dear Unhappy Face,
Nah, Kouji's not gay. But, you may have to fight some chick named Ember fer him. She's already managed to kick the snot outta ALL the Mt. Leikaku bandits, hmmm... I wonder if she kicked Kouji's ass, too? If she did ya' may have a chance, male pride an' all that.
Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey girlfriend!!! I am an aspiring Drag Queen and I was wondering how you take care of your... friend. I've tried duct tape, but that's such a painful situation!!! Ouchies! I've heard that they make special jock straps for "us girls" but I haven't been able to find any in the stores!!! Also... how do you find shoes? It's getting increasingly hard to find shoes for the "lady" with big feet. All I can find are pumps. What about platforms? Since when is it a crime to look fabulous? Stay beautiful dahling. You're my idol!!! And if you ever want a good time... call me ^_~
From one transvestite to another!
Dear Brucie,
I don't really have that problem as women here wear layered kimonos. Since I learned a few things about tailoring from my family, I just created clothing to suit my "special needs". I really don't consider myself a Drag Queen per se, as I was allowing my late sister Kourin to live her life through me by dressing as a female. I was rather devastated by witnessing her death as a young boy.
As to where you can buy the things you need, there is someone Miaka has told me about named RuPaul. This person has their own website, The Official RuPaul website, you may find the information that you seek there.
Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi Genrou! How's life in the cyber-home? See yer callin' yourself "Tasuki" now. Guess ya got really into this whole seishi thing. Whoa. Readin' past letters... seems yer REALLY popular with the chicks, bro! (Psst, taught him everythin' he knows, ladies. Hehe.)
Hey, whatever that crazy Ember chick told ya, I didn't say it! (@#$% girl tried to take on the whole friggin' mountain of bandits after yer letter.) Y'know, ever since the #$@% war with Kutou, I've been *swamped* with new recruits!! D'I let girls in, or what?
Last, most important question: When the hell are ya comin' back t' the mountains?!? I swear, it ain't the same without yer ugly carcass mucking around! Ya gotta visit us, at least - life's been good, we got more booze than ever! Unless, 'course, you're havin' too much fun with those palace ladies... hmmmMM?? Hehe. Anyway, s'pose I've wasted enough of yer time, I mean, with all those fan girls' letters an' all.
Seeya, bro!
OI Kouji!
Long time, no hear from bro'! How's it hangin'? Life is good here, I get to abuse Tamahome on a regular basis, good eats, GREAT BOOZE, an' well... the chicks are a bit crazed but still kinda fun. I just gotta remember to take the brawlin' outside as Chichiri is not very happy that three computers have been melted. GEEZ! It's not MY fault that Tamahome ducked at the last second. Sheesh! Whatta wuss, I was only gonna singe him a little... maybe medium rare...
Ember, eh? What the *%$# is up with ya' tellin' her I'm afraid of women? And what's this s--t about me cuttin' my hair with a weed whacker? I oughta Lekka yer Shien, smartass!! I told Ember she could join IF she was able to kick the crap outta all the bandits, so I know she's able to defend herself against all ya' hentai guys.
So how'd she do? If she kicked all yer asses, she's in. Take any chicks that can kick the snot outta you guys.
Oi! I'll be by fer a visit soon.. So did ya' finally get rid of the bedsheets, PJ's, and posters? If not, I ain't goin' near the place.
Let me know & I'll be by fer a visit,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like to know....Was Taiitsu-kun a man??? I'm so confused... I saw the whole series like 10 times and at first i thought Taiitsu-kun was female then male... What is s/he????
Silr Moon
Dear Silr Moon,
Well, we don't know for certain, either and while we are all brave men, none of us are brave enough to "check". Suffice it to say that Taiitsu-kun is Taiitsu-kun. If YOU want to check under the robes, be our guest!
Dear Tasuki,
You are the coolest of all... Even though you hate women I still love your attitude towards things. Go beat up the Obake-chan... He deserves it because he hit such a wonderful person such as yourself. Oh and I have to say you are the best dressed seishi that I have ever seen. You beat out everyone in everything. Stay the same forever. And don't Get killed or I'll get really depressed and flood the world with my tears.*smiles* Remember to kick Tama's sorry ass! Tauski #1 forever!!!!!!
Tuskino Usagi
Dear Usagi,
Arigato for all the cool things ya' wrote about me! Believe me I kick Obake-chan's sorry ass every chance I get. *GRINS* Someone's gotta keep him in line! He seems to think he's the big hero around here, but we know better don't we Usagi-chan...
Dear Hotohori,
I have to admit you are the finest guy I have ever seen. I wish you could be mine, but you're married. Darn! I need to ask you did you actually fall in love with Miaka or the legend of her coming into your world. Oh and how do I get into your world. i don't want to take my algebra 2 final next week! Take care of your family.. I love you. Lots!
Miss Moon
Dear Miss Moon,
Thank you for your compliments and kind wishes for my family. I cared very deeply for Miaka, but I had been told the Miko's legend ever since I was a young boy. So perhaps it was a bit of both. To enter into my world, you will need to find the book called "The Four Gods, Earth and Sky" from your world. Miaka says you may be able to find it in the National Library in Tokyo.
Good luck,
Dear Tamahome,
Gomen, Obake-chan, for calling you that, but I have called you it ever since you were little. As to the other Seishi calling you Obake-chan, don't take it too seriously, isn't there a saying in that world, "sticks and stones...?" Maybe you should find out about it, I think it will help you.
Oh, I heard from Chiriko that you and Miaka have found something interesting to do that none of the other Seishi can participate in (I KNOW what he was talking about). If I'm correct, the boy is 13 years old and should be told about these kind of things, preferably by Mitsukake, NOT TASUKI. No hard feelings, Tasuki-chan, you just remind me too much of Tokaki.
Dear Subaru,
I don't think that Chiriko is nearly as innocent and naive as he acts. You should see some of the books in his collection. He is quite the little hentai. Miaka showed me one his books and I blushed! And I was raised on a farm! Don't let him fool you, this is just his way to avoid all the "Crazed Hentai Chicks" he sees chasing Tasuki. Compared to Chiriko, what Tasuki knows on the subject could fit in one of Tomo's shins!
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, Mitsukake, is it true that you don't get many letters? I don't know why, you're very nice! I think it's very kind and caring of you to help sick people and animals! Anyways, I have a question for you! It's true that Miaka named your kawaii Neko-chan Tama, right? Did you mind this at all, seeing how he was your kitty? Oh, and if you had named him, what would it have been? I think Gen-chan's a cute name! Er... does Tamahome-san mind having a kitty named after him? Well, I guess that's more than one question... oh, and ARIGATOU for answering my letter from before!
Dear Sarah-chan,
Yes, it is true that I do not receive many letters, so thank you for writing to me. And thank you for your kind words, both Tamahome and Tasuki speak very highly of you, and we all know that Tasuki RARELY speaks highly of ANYBODY! I did not mind that Miaka wanted to name my cat, although Tamahome-kun was not pleased with her choice of name. If he had his way the cat would have been named Chichiri-chan, but Gen-chan is also an amusing choice of name for a cat. Although, Tasuki would certainly NOT agree with me.
I really do not know what I would have named Tama-chan. I suppose if I had put more thought into it, he would have had a name before I met Miaka.
Dear Tasuki,
Oooh, NICE comeback! Is that the best you could do?! Look at me, I'm shaking!
Dear Soi,
Gomen, but this is pointless, no da. Tasuki is right. You are dead, no da. Soi, we are all sorry that you had such a horrible life and that the love you felt for Nakago was never returned to you, but it is time for your spirit to move on, no da. Nakago is DEAD! You should give up the petty squabbles of this earthly plane and seek him on the other side, perhaps there the two of you will find the love and peace that you both so desperately need, no da.
Since the war is over and Kotou is now in the process of rebuilding, I will journey there and check the palace for your body. When you were killed, Nakago carried off your body, no da. I do not know if he ever gave you a proper burial, no da. If he did not I will do so and pray for your spirit's peace, no da.
Go Soi, seek Nakago, find some peace, and forget about Tasuki. It isn't worth it for either of you, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! ...Ah! I can't believe I'm writing you! In my mind you're like one of those gorgeous paintings that you can stare at for hours, but are deathly afraid of touching... um, anyways, I just had to know, would you be disappointed if you had a baby girl with Miaka? I heard that you wanted boys, but what if Miaka doesn't have any? Not to get your hopes down, or anything... also, do you realize how uncommonly handsome you are? I mean, you don't seem like you do, I'd be so nervous having you around other girls if I were Miaka!
Oh, and do you get alot of "Crazed Hentai Chicks" writing you, as Tasuki-san puts it? Maybe it's just him... he's too sweet. *blush* I'm totally getting off the subject! Umm, one last question, you don't really hate Tasuki-san, do you?
Thank you for reading!
Dear Sarah-chan,
Thank you for your sweet compliments. I could never be disappointed in any children that Miaka and I would have regardless of their gender. As to the "Crazed Hentai Chicks" that Tasuki seems to attract, the other Seishi and I don't seem to have that problem. And no, I don't really hate Gen-chan, he is like a brother to me.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey your my boy whether you like it or not! *snicker*
what was you thinkin when you got yer ass kicked by Tamahome?
Love n kisses..
Az Rat the twisted
Dear Az,
I don't think so babe! You were fun, but I ain't NOBODY'S BOY!!!!
What was I thinkin' when I fought Obake-chan? Basically, how I REALLY hated women because I was allowin' that jerk to kick my ass fer one!! If it weren't fer Miaka beggin' me to hold back, I'd of killed Obake-chan. Anyway, he deserved it fer hurtin' Miaka. Real men don't do that. Heh-heh... so I guess Obake-chan isn't a REAL man!
Gotta go Obake-chan is goin' Super Oni again and I promised Chichiri that all brawlin' an' flame throwin' would be done outside. Heh-heh... toasted Tamahome-kun, I love the smell of that in the mornin'!
Dear Guys,
I was just at the Seiryuu question page and Yui is answering. Why isn't Miaka? I read a letter that she wanted to answer questions. Tasuki wasn't very nice (and I thought Seiryuu were supposed to be mean). Oh well, it was before my time.
Well Obake-chan come by and visit since Tokaki seems to be on a second childhood (why did I ever use my power *sigh*) I have a plate of FREE food for you & Miaka (bring by all your little, seishi) Give my love to Miaka-chan.
Oh! How is that young boy, Chiriko was his name I believe, doing? Honestly obake-chan you should write more. Rather crowded in the house. Who knew there were this many men in Sailo country?
Dear Subaru,
Please stop calling me "obake-chan"! The guys are staring to call me by that name now! Especially Tasuki. Sorry about Tasuki and his tirade, we "discussed" it offline and ummmm... Chichiri and Nuriko finally had to ummmm... moderate the "discussion" as Tasuki nearly fried our monitor. But it was rather amusing to see Nuriko knock Tasuki out with his own tessen!
Anyway, Miaka and I would love to come by for a visit, she adores your cooking. Chiriko and the rest of the seishi are fine. They all send their love.
Hope to see you soon,
OI! Subaru,
Obake-chan failed to mention how Chichiri had to whack his Super Oni ass into submission during our little "discussion". It was pretty damn funny, let me tell ya'!
Dear Chiriko,
i think its wonderful how tasuki is "mentoring" *cough cough* you. ^-^ i wonder how tasukis tessen would work in SPACE though - taking into account the differences in combustion in microgravity. and if scientists can create spheres of fire in space, erm... i wonder what tasuki could get away with? ^.~ the following is a short excerpt from an article by nasa which i thought was really cool.
Common sense tells us that the flame should leap across the chamber,burning everything in an instant. Instead, it produces the tiny glowing dots
- 1 to 10 mm (1/25 to 1/4 inch) across) that float for up to 500 seconds
before they are extinguished by fans in the chamber.
so does this mean if tasuki screamed "leika shien" while in the microgravity of space all he would get were floating balls of fire (groans as she realized what all the hentaii minds reading this are thinking o.o) instead of that nice all-consuming flame of doom?
Dear Ms.Miko,
If Tasuki were screaming in space it would probably be because he is not wearing the proper garments and is in the process of dying. (Gomen, Tamahome MADE me write that!) My thoughts on this matter lean more towards the metaphysical, as all of our gifts from Taiitsu-kun were imbued with magic and therefore may not neccessarily follow the phyical laws of your world.
Dear Tasuki,
Poor, Poor Tasuki....
I must say I was impressed, you saved Miaka from drowning of all things, and you know what.... you never realized you were in the water. I think you'd make a great swimmer, and knowing how the DTFC is, I'd learn how to swim to throw them off. Just don't tell them and you might find a safe haven.
I don't think Koji has those bedsheets anymore.... one of those crazed fangirls stole them. ^_^ I'm sure he misses you, you should go back to him.
Just how did you two meet anyway? ^_^ I'd love to know, that is if I'm not prying. Shall we discuss it over some drinks?
*motions at a bottle of sake why she takes out some water since she's allergic to alcohol*
And I promise not to take advantage of you. ^_^
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear WMC,
So ya' think Kouji misses me, eh? Well maybe I'll pay him a visit. It's been awhile since I've had a good brawl. As to how we met, that's a long story, but let me know where you and that sake are and I'll tell ya' ALL about it!
Gomen on yer bein' allergic to booze... but that means MORE fer me!!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hmm, um... I was just wondering, you guys answer every letter you get, don't you? That's very nice of you! I say this because I was reading some of the other letters and questions from other people... it's very considerate of you to answer those, er... strange questions, but I'm afraid that you might get some insulting or hurtful letters, like poor Tasuki has... oops! I'm rambling, gomen. My question is, do you ever get any letters that you understandably decline to answer?
Oh, yes, and thank you Tasuki, for so sweetly answering my letter from before, it made me very happy! I just hope now everyone can see you for the sweetheart that you are!
Dear Sarah-chan,
Yes, we have received some letters that we have declined to answer. Tasuki, for example, rarely responds to requests for sex (from either gender). Also, those of us who get many, many letters do not have the time to answer each one.
I would like to point out that I am NOT one of those overburdened Seishi. I would welcome the opportunity to answer more letters!
P.S. Tasuki told me to tell you "Thank You" for your kind words.
Dear Chichiri,
I was reading one of your responses about what type of monk you are. I thought you were a Zen monk because of the accesories you carry and wear, as evidenced by
And as to how you make me happy, it's your charming personality, your strength, and those kawaii no da's. ^_^ Trust me I drive Ms Miko crazy with them no da... they're just so catchy, and fit my own personality well.
And of course the hentai chicks aren't chasing you, cause I as your substite miko gave you an anti-jello protection!
Cause you've gone through enough and don't need to be fighting off crazed fangirls na no da. You deserve a little peace, especially with having to put up with Tasuki, now there's a test of patience. ^_^ Even though you and I both know he's a softy deep down na no da. ^_^
*reaches up shyly and takes off his mask*
^_^ And don't think we can't handle the real you, I think you'll find that we are charmed by it, and the scar doesn't phase most of us at all, cause we all have scars, just most aren't quite as visible na no da.
*smiles up at him*
Kiree na no da......
*blushes & kisses him on the cheek*
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Ahhh... I am speechless, no da. You wrote such sweet things that I am the one blushing, na no da! Ahem, but back to your original question, no da. I do carry what appears to be the accoutrements of a Zen Buddhist monk, you are correct. However, as Konan is ancient China and not Japan, I am not a Zen monk. I do believe Zen Buddhism comes from Japan and I, being from ancient China do predate it somewhat, no da. I would more accurately call myself Taiitsu-kun's monk as that is who I trained under for 3 years. And before that I wandered the country seeking academic and arcane knowledge, no da.
DA! and a kiss,
Dear Nuriko,
hi! ^-^ you always look so nice so i thought id bring my problem to you. you see, i have a being called THE FIEND that lives on top my head and tries to pass itself off as hair. things were pretty bad when i tried to go swimming and got it wrapped around my neck. it tried to _kill_ me. o.o so i went and chopped 5 inches off. *sigh* but its still wild. do you have any tips for what do with massive quantities of unruly hair? i cant do those elegant up-dos you do because my hair is too thick but not course enough to hold the arrangement. i know its important for a woman to be polished but what can i do?
Dear Ms.Miko,
Find a good stylist! They make ALL the difference in the world! If it is very curly or frizzy you may want to use some of the products that are out today to tame it. Check your local Body Shop, they make wonderful all natural products (No, this is not an advertisement for them. I just use a lot of their stuff.) Have you tried pretty headbands or ribbons? There is also something called a 'scrunchie' that is used to hold the hair back. Perhaps that will be useful to you.
Good Luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Hoi there, Gen-cha... Tasuki!! I tried to sign up for the Leikaku Bandits, but Kouji refused to let a girl in, even if I DID have potential!! Oh, come ON. Can ya talk to him about that? I can drink booze fast as any of ya, and brawl! Sheesh! Anyhoo, how come you didn't let Kouji keep the tessen? He WAS the new bandit leader, after all. (Hella cuter than you, to boot!! AHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, okay.... sorry, before ya shoot that mouth of yers off. *smug grin*)
Ah... one more thing. What do you trim your hair with? A week whacker?! *snicker* No, don't get mad at ME... Kouji told me to say that... and he wants to know if you're still AFRAID of women. *wide grin*
Now for the good news! I wrote you and I'm not in love with you!! (It's KOUJI I'm after... heheheh...)
Dear Ember,
I'll talk to Kouji about lettin' ya' join AFTER ya' beat the crap outta EVERY guy there. Why do I want ya' to do that? So I know ya' can defend yerself. They're a horny buncha guys and I don't want to see anything bad happen to ya'. Beat the crap outta them, get their respect, show ya' can defend yerself, and THEN we'll talk.
Why didn't I give Kouji the tessen? Hell, I'M still the leader of the bandits, he's just takin' my place while I'm busy being a Seishi. And this way no one can steal it from him. Anyone screws with him, I'll come back and kick their ass and they KNOW it!
Yeah, yeah... Tell that smartass Kouji that I was NEVER afraid of women, they just annoyed me. And I'll give him a haircut he won't soon ferget next time I see his ugly mug around. So ya' want Kouji, eh? Heh-heh... This is gonna be fun...
Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Is it true that you hate women? Are you and Nuriko an item?
Dear northstar,
Nah... Now I just hate whoever. Nuriko and I aren't a damn item! We never were! He's always wanted Hotohori-sama. Are you tryin' to get on the "whoever" list?
Dear Hotohori,
Emperor-sama! What is your standing on bandits? Are they a nuisance to you? Have you ever considered wiping them out?
Sai of the Leikaku Bandits
Dear Sai of the Leikaku Bandits,
My standing on the bandits is actually very favorable as they were of great service to Konan during the war. Since they were willing to fight for their country and Emperor, I do not consider them a nuisance nor do I have any plans to "wipe them out" as you say.
Dear Tasuki,
@#*&!you! At least I helped Seiryuu no miko by helping Nakago, unlike you, you poor bastard, who tries to rape your miko. And don't give me any of that bull about being posessed.
As for me dying, I would gladly do it again to save Nakago-sama and if it meant giving you lame &*@#$$-ing suzaku seishi a harder time. Your a @#$$-ing loser and poor excuse for a soldier since you didn't kill your target in the first place. YOU KILLED A DEFENSELESS WOMAN.
Your @!!-ing mother is perverted. What would you call it if she laid her breasts on your head when you were home? (Vol.14) I guess that's where you got the gay thing, ne?
Go to $%*@-ing Hell.
Dear Soi,
Get a ^%$&*#@ life! Oh... ya' can't, yer dead.
Dear Tasuki,
I just wanted to let you know that you are the sweetest most caring seishi I've seen. I love how you claim to hate women, but always try to cheer Miaka up, also how you are always so dedicated to your friends and ready to defend and protect them no matter what the cost to yourself. Your witty sense of humor and firey disposition always keep everyone in high spirits. Just wanted to remind you how wonderful and kind you are, no matter what anyone might say; stay as sweet and cute as you are forever!
Dear Sarah-chan,
ARIGATO GOZEIMASU! At last someone who REALLY understands me!!!! Arigato, arigato, arigato for all the sweet wonderful things you wrote. If I ever decide to pair up with someone, you'll be at the TOP of the list!
Dear Chiriko,
How are you? Obake-chan never writes enough letters, he's too cheap to buy paper. So I decided to get this new-fangled computer to communicate faster since I seem to be alone most of the time (Tokaki's living his second childhood) Anyways, I was just wondering if you've read the book "Shogun" by James Clavell. If so, what did you think of it? Stay sweet and stay away from that Tasuki fellow, he sets a bad example.
Dear Subaru,
I am fine, thank you for asking. Tamahome-kun really isn't cheap, he is just very busy with Miaka. It seems they discovered something new to do together that none of us may participate in. Tasuki says I am too young to know the details of what they are doing, but he will tell me when I am older and find someone to demonstrate to me what he is talking about. I have heard of the book you mentioned. However, I have not read it. Chichiri says that it was made into a "play" that I can rent and view at my leisure. Perhaps I will, in the near future.
Tasuki really is not THAT bad. He has decided to "take me under his wing" and teach me interesting things. So far he has taught me to spit and scratch like a bandit! Next week he promised to teach me to drink and curse like him! He's VERY cool. Sort of like a big brother to me. Maybe the week after that I can teach him something scholarly.
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