Dear Tasuki,
Hey you poor excuse for a seishi, what the hell was all that about being happy that you killed me?! You're a damn sorry excuse for a bandit and would've been dead if @#$%*! Suzaku no Miko hadn't called @#%*!$ Suzaku. Besides, I thought you didn't believe in fighting women you goddamn bastard! So go back to your little town, to your perverted mother and watch you're @#$%*!# back, because if I ever see your sorry excuse for a face, I'll kick your @$$ so hard Ashitare will look better than you.
Dear Soi,
Bitch, bitch, bitch, whine, whine, whine. Ya' know you're just a pathetic excuse for a woman. What kind of woman let's a creep like Nakago use her fer sex magic when he could care less if ya' lived or died. All ya' did was serve a purpose. Yeah, that's right babe, he USED ya'! And if I recall correctly I was aimin' fer yer lover and YOU got in the way! BAKA! So I wasn't fightin' YOU! You were just Nakago's shield.
And my Ma ain't perverted! She's just thinks she's the Empress of China. That's crazy but not perverted! As far as Ashitare looking any better than me, you've been dead fer so long, he probably looks AND SMELLS better than you!
Dear Hotohori,
If you hadn't fallen in love with Miaka, do you think you would have loved Nuriko? Even if you didn't know that Nuriko loved you? It's all so saaaaaad... and what did you do when you discovered Nuriko's death? I never found out!
Oh yeah, and you're a veeeery handsome emperor! I've never seen an emperor that comes anywhere near your beauty! But, my interests are more in Amiboshi's direction, sincerest apologies, Ho-ri-sama!
Hyper fangirl
Dear Hyper fangirl,
In answer to your question, no. I would not have fallen in love with Nuriko. Number one, HE is a man and my tastes are not in that direction. And number two, having heard the legend of Suzaku no Miko I was always in love with the idea of marrying the Miko and having her love me for me and not because I was the Emperor.
I loved Nuriko as a brother and fellow Seishi and grieved for him when I was made aware of his death.
Thank you for your kind words and good luck with Amiboshi!
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever raped a woman?
Has a woman ever raped you?
Do you realize that you're a sex god?
Mina Sukunami
Dear Mina,
In order of askin' here's yer answers:
Almost, but I was possessed by an evil spirit at the time. And I still regret it to this day.
No. But they keep tryin' at the Poker Games. How do I get jello, whipped cream, & drool stains outta my bitchin' cool black coat?
Sex god, eh? Heh-heh... Oh yeah, the problem with all ya' crazed hentai chicks is I'm just too %$#^*@& nice to ya'! One of these days yer gonna push me too far an' someone's gonna get spanked! And I'll use the tessen, too! I MEAN IT!
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you a virgin?
Miboshi no Miko
Dear Miboshi no Miko,
That's a rather personal question, don't you think? Why do you ask? Are you?
Dear Tasuki,
Hi you sexy thing!
If I asassinated Tasuki no Miko would you be upset? By the by, I just wanted to let you know that I have 3 large bottles of sake with your name on them and no romantic interest in you whatsoever. Miboshi's hotter.
Tasuki's Drop-Dead Gorgeous Mega-Obsessed Love Slave
Dear Crazed Hentai Chick,
Hmmm... would I be upset if you assassinated my Miko? Yeah, but not as upset as she would be! As fer the three large sake bottles with MY name on 'em, GIVE 'EM BACK!! THEIR MINE! My name's on'em, I want 'em. GIMME!
And the only reason that little freak Miboshi is hotter than any of us is because I toasted his ass with my tessen!
Lekka Shien!
Dear Nuriko,
HELP! My hair is as long as yours and I can't do a thing with it.... I'm going insane, and I detest short hair!
Any suggestions for my fiendish hair?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
Well let's see... You should of course make sure that either you or your handmaiden brushes your luxurious mane for 100 strokes a day to properly distribute the natural oils down the hair shaft. Of course it should always be kept clean and well conditioned, as befits one who carries the name of my dear friend Chichiri.
Uh, it isn't blue is it? You haven't done the bang thing I hope. Please don't. His are natural and messy to duplicate.
Anywho, you should also go to a good stylist and have them "dust" your hair for split ends. By "dust", I mean they find and trim any split ends that you may have. It should not shorten your lovely hair only trim off a tiny fraction of the ends to keep it healthy.
You might want to try putting your hair in a lovely twist like mine or if you want to frighten people put it up like Miaka's (gomen, Miaka). Braids are nice, but if used excessively can be damaging to your hair. Experiment with different styles and have fun. Long hair is GREAT!
Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Rather concerned about you, you handsome young rogue! I seem to remember something being said about all you bandits having bleeding haemorrhoids. You really should have Mitsukake give you and Kouji something for those. The other worrying thing is how all you guys got them... bad diet... or bad habits???
If it is bad diet, have a talk with Mitsukake or Nuriko about it and straighten up! If it is bad habits, just straighten up!
Oh, and don't EVEN think about flaming me young man... because I have had little boys like you roasted alive before for insulting me, or put in vats of wine after having their hands and feet cut off -- the liquor slows the bleeding and makes the death more exquisitely painful and lasting.
Now, shape up and take better care of yourself! Also, get some manners, you do the reputation of Konan no good by acting like a brawling bigmouth!
Empress Wu Zhao of the T'ang Dynasty
Dear Empress Wu Zhao of the T'ang Dynasty,
Geez Ma, can't ya' just leave me alone?!? Why do ya' think I left home so young? You and my sisters always pickin' on me and judgin' me. GET OFF MY BACK! My diet is fine, I'm fine, and the bleeding hemorrhoids have ALWAYS been Eiken's problem! NOT mine and NOT Kouji's!
I see yer back on that Emperess kick again. Don't EVEN start with that "vats of wine" crap either. Where do ya' think I learned to drink so much? Ya' don't punish a kid by tryin' to drown him in WINE! Hell, if there was enough room in that vat I might have even learned how to swim!
Tell Dad I said "Hi" and PLEASE don't send Aidou here to check up on me. I can't take much more of my "caring family".
Dear Tamahome,
Are you a virgin?
Are in interested in exotic dancing?
If so, how much do you charge?
Do you find Miaka sexy, or just annoying?
Mina Sukunami
Dear Mina,
As to your first question, read manga 18 and that's all I have to say on THAT subject!
As to your other questions, I don't know what "exotic dancing" is, but I bet Miaka would be pissed if I did it. Even if it was for money. I love Miaka, so of course I find her attractive. And yes sometimes I do find her annoying, but that's life. I'm sure there are times she finds me annoying, too.
Dear Chiriko,
Hello! I was wondering if you could help me.... recently there was an archaeological find in northern china where the unearthed people had red hair meaning in life they had blonde. So it looks like the Hin existed in the Miko world as well. But I've been trying to find this article and proof of this and have so far had no luck.
Can you help me?
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
This is all I could find out for you:
There is a show on local PBS stations called "Nova", it showed an episode on this archaeological find in Northern China that you described to me. I believe the people that they found were called 'Tocharians' and that they are thought to be Celtic in origin.
I hope this was helpful.
Dear Tasuki,
Would you mind hookin' me up with your drop dead gorgeous best buddy, Kouji? (No this isn't him. I have breasts) I'll be forever in your debt.
(My hubby is not living anymore...)
Dear Subaru,
While I don't run a matchmakin' service for friends or ANYONE, you CAN find Kouji at the Anime/Manga Dating Service. Tell him Genrou sent ya'. That oughta rattle his chains... heh-heh...
By the way, if this is the Subaru from Sailo, when did your husband pass away? I thought you were both in good health. Either way, my condolences on your loss.
See guys I ain't the total mean spirited bastard ya' THINK I am!!! BINNHH!
Dear Chichiri,
Did you decide to heal your scar? After the fight with Hikou, Mitsukake gave you his Holy Water saying that you could if you wanted to or wait until you felt better about it. So did you?? I don't mean to pry, but I'm your miko and I want to know as much about you as possible...
Jyuuhachigo (AKA Houjun no Miko)
Dear Jyuuhachigo,
You are quite correct that Mitsukake gave me his Holy Water to heal myself with. However, I have not yet healed emotionally or psychically from the events that took place all those years ago. When I do decide to finally heal myself I will let all my Mikos know, no da.
Thanks for asking no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Heh, with that wondeful flame-thrower of yours . . . . have ya considered a job in food service, maybe as a cook??? Y'know, something to do between brawling, drinking, and fighting Seiryuu Seishi . . . and saving Miaka's butt a couple times . . . heh, just a thought! ^_~
Dear Kitsune-chan,
Heh-heh... I'm a helluva lotta fun at barbecues! But I do prefer being one of Suzaku's Seishi. If I weren't a Seishi, then I would go back to being the leader of the Mt. Leikaku bandits.
Dear Tamahome,
What do you see in Miaka?
Dear Kalika,
Miaka is a very sweet girl who cares deeply about the people she loves. She is also VERY independent, strong-willed, and intelligent. These are all qualities that I treasure in her. Besides she can eat her weight in ramen! Gotta love a girl who can do that and NOT be embarrassed!
Dear Chichiri,
Oh Chichiri! *eyes vibrate* I have got to know, despite the pain of your past, if you ever found love again, would you give love a second chance? Or would you be to scared to love again and keep that person at bay?
I've got to know no da, although I don't mean to pry no da. I just want my Chichiri happy no da ^_^ Because you make me so happy. ^_^
Wandering Mage Chichiri
Dear Wandering Mage Chichiri,
I am not sure at this point in time, no da. I would hope that when the time comes I'll be brave enough to accept the gift of another's love. Although my fiancee will always remain my first love, there will hopefully be room in my heart for another love, no da.
Thank you for your kind wishes for my happiness. I am glad I make you happy, no da. Although HOW I make you happy is a puzzlement to me, no da.
Excellent choice of name, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
How did you meet your future wife? What made you decide she would make a good empress? When, exactly, did you give up on your idea of marrying Miaka?
Dear Mei,
I met Houki at my palace. She was one of hundreds of prospective brides that had traveled to Konan. She was intelligent, witty, and sweet. Not to mention as beautiful as I am.
It became evident to me that I should give up the idea of marrying Miaka after I ran Tamahome through and Miaka ran to his side and gave him the sword to kill her as he was dying from his wound. I realized then that those two were destined for each other. I may be the Emperor but even the Emperor can't always win.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i have the greatest of respect for all of you *and hotohori is the sweetest man alive -.o* but one of the answers i saw in the archive disturbed me.
--- quote ---
Dear Lover of Tamahome,
In a word, NO! If your were to do ANY harm to Miaka I would have to hunt you down and take revenge on you. So just get that nasty thought out of your mind if you wish to ever be my friend.
--- end quote ---
how can any of you (chichiri excepted because i already know hes figured it out ^-^) look with hate at nakago as your enemy (ESPECIALLY _YOU_ tamahome) when you just wrote down _his_ answer for life. i love and admire all of you whether or not you hate or dont hate nakago, but after reading this post i couldnt sit quietly by.
president of nakagos fan club
vice president of the swooning hotohori fan club
member in good standing of the chichiri, nuriko, tasuki worshipers, drooling tasuki, and tamahome fan clubs.
Dear msmiko,
Gomennasi, perhaps "revenge" was too harsh a word to use. I wanted to say "never forgive you" and Tasuki being Tasuki was yelling "kill". The compromise was "revenge". It was NEVER meant to upset anyone or suggest that ANY of us would EVER follow in Nakago's footsteps! However, we do want to dissuade people from targeting Miaka for any reason, as she can get herself into enough trouble all on her own!
Nakago caused a lot of people a lot of pain. Myself included. He was the enemy. I don't know about hatred, but at the end when I saw what made him the way he was, I did feel pity for him. But whatever his motovation, his actions were unforgivable and he got what was coming to him in the end. I cried in joy for it all being over, in pity for Nakago's lost childhood and what he was put through by others, and in sadness for my being forced to kill in order to protect those that I loved and held dear to me.
None of us, not even Tasuki with his big mouth, are cold-blooded killers. We do what we must to protect our Miko and defend Konan.
I hope this clears things up for you.
Oh yes, when you read Tasuki's response to the next letter, just remember he's a blowhard!
I must go now or else Tasuki will flame the PC as he is aiming right for me! Third one this month, too!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You guys are pathetic!
The All Powerful Seiryuu Seishi
Dear Whining Bunch of Losers,
OI! We kicked yer sorry asses all over Konan AND the Miko's world and YOU call US pathetic?!? Hell, we beat ya with 4 of us already dead! Oi Nakago! I'm glad I nailed Soi! I'm also glad I killed her in front of ya', ya' big weenie!
So bite us!
Dear Nuriko,
Hey Nuriko, what do you think of Hotohori's wife Houki.
Dear Tama-Chan,
I think I should have tried harder.
Dear Chichiri,
What did you think of the Miko's world? I know you were only here a very short time, and then under great duress (Seriyuu and Suzaku coming down and torching the place and all that). But, it's pretty different from your world. What did you think?
By the way, all my friends think you're the cutest monk they've ever seen! Are you Buddhist or Zen or Taoist or none of the above?
Thank you,
Dear Bella-chan,
The Miko's world was, as Tasuki put it, "congested". It was also very loud and seemed to have lost it's bond to nature no da. Too many stone buildings, although they did come in handy for dropping on Nakago, ne no da!
Thank you for your kind words. I bet I'm the ONLY monk you and your friends have ever seen, no da. As to the teachings that you list, none of the above is correct. I was trained in my arts by Taiitsu-kun and as a wanderer I am also considered a monk as a variation on the use of that word, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What's everyone's favorite color?
No one important
Dear important,
Why Suzaku Red of course! Actually I'm not certain, so I tried asking them:
Tamahome: The color of money. O-ka-ne! Some things NEVER change.
Tasuki: Either fiery orange like his hair or anything the color of booze.
Hotohori: Any color that accentuates his natural beauty.
Chichiri: He won't say. It's just like him to be mysterious.
Mitsukake: Favors shades of gold.
Chiriko: Too busy studying. Won't come out of his room.
And as for me: Purple or any color that highlights my beautiful hair!
Dear Tasuki,
Dear Hopeless,
Yeah, right. When monkeys fly out my - 'scuse me... Hotohori-sama has "suggested" that I politely decline for now and I got his point (at my throat). So no. I have no wish to marry anyone at this time, thanks fer askin' and please tell Hotohori-sama to put the sword down, NOW!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey!! Why i can't answer to their questions too????
Dear Miaka,
Now darling this is the page for the Suzaku Seishi, not for their Miko. Please calm down. Nuriko has made some FABULOUS noodles, bao, and other yummies for my sweetie. Now go along, eat up, and don't worry about answering letters.
Wo Ai Ni,
Dear Miaka,
OI! Where does it say "Ask the Suzaku Seishi AND their *^%$#@& MIKO?!?!? It DON'T! Gods Tama-kun you are such a PUSSY!! Stand up to yer woman and please for the love of Suzaku STOP FEEDIN' HER!!!! We're goin' broke ya' know! Miaka, ya' know I like ya'. We ALL do. But this is for Seishi only. Sorry no Miko's allowed. Ya' wanna answer letters and give opinions, GET YER OWN DAMN PAGE!
Gotta go now Tamahome's lighting up again... ITAI!
Dear Miaka,
Gomen from all of us for Tasuki's outburst. He has been under a lot of pressure, no da. He really did not mean to be so rude. But as you can see he has a lot of what he calls "crazed hentai chicks" chasing after him no da. We don't know why. In fact I'VE only gotten one letter and he has received DOZENS! What does he have that I lack no da? Oh, gomen this is about you Miaka. Once again our apologies, but no you can't answer letters on our page no da.
Dear Tasuki,
TAAAAAAAAASSSSSSUUUUUKiiiiiiiiiiiiii! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *runs up to huggle you (hmm.. topple, rather)*
Ah! Tasuki!! You are the coolest guy in the world.. (tho u already know that) and, and, and, and... AHHHHHHHHHHH! when i grow up, i'll be a mt. bandit, just like you, and i'll cut my hair like urs, and i'll.... *hops up and down* and i'll give you swimming lessons! yea! its easy! *pushes you in the LochNess Lake* this! Dont let the monster getcha....... *cackles* hehehe..
Well anyways, i have to ask you.. where'd you get those earrings of urs?! and the necklace! i totally adore them.. and where'd u get ur funky haircut? tee heeeee...
Here's a rather interesting question. Who do you think is more beautiful, Hori-sama or Nuriko-sama? i wont telllll.... i think. hehehe..
I'm 14 years old, from Hawaii.. and they dont have much anime there ;P
Well, do u have ICQ? cos i have a loottta Tasukis, Tama, Miakas and etc on my list ^.~ Theyre all rather.. interesting.. and i'd like you to meet them... Do you go on the net a lot, Tasuki-sama? Have you been to Hawaii..?
Well, thats about it..................... more soon! ^o^
Asrielle-chan ^o^
Dear Asrielle-chan,
Thanks for the compliment. But I think I'll avoid the swimming lessons, Hawaii (wherever that is), and since I'm 19, 14 yr. old girls. But hey, ya' sound like a nice kid so I'll answer yer questions.
Hell, I'm a #$@%^&* bandit where do ya' think I got the jewelry? I STOLE IT!!! The hair is natural so lay off...
I'm a guy, Hotohori-sama & Nuriko are both guys. Neither of 'em are beautiful to me, maybe to each other... ITAI!
Excuse me. I need to have Mitsukake heal some broken ribs and a few fingers...
That's better. Wait till I get Nuriko in tessen range... Oh yeah, this is my only cyber-home. But, me and the other Seishi have been talkin' about settin' up what Chiriko calls a "chat" if enough people show an interest in it. Yer the first. So we'll see what happens.
Dear Tamahome,
If you and Miaka have children, how would you call the boy??
Dear Smiling Face,
If Miaka and I were to have a son I would most likely name him after my late brother Chuei who was killed while defending the rest of our siblings. Unless Miaka has a problem with that and then I'd just bribe her with a plate of meat buns!
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