Dear Tasuki,
I for one know you are not gay! Those other #%^&@*$# are just stupid! But since you are not gay...would you go out with ME? I love drinking sake and brawling and kicking ass for fun! Yes, I am a woman and I would like a romantic relationship in addition to the brawling. Plus, I'm gorgeous.
the woman of Tasuki's dreams
Dear Woman of Tasuki's dreams,
Well it's about %^&$#@* time SOMEONE realizes that I'm not gay!! But, if this is really Koji, you are so #@$%^*+ DEAD! If not, you do sound interestin', but I'm not lookin' for romance right now. Can we just be drinkin' buds instead? Who knows, if I decide I like ya', I might even teach ya' how to use a tessen.
Dear Hotohori,
Your Imperial Highness:
I thank you for your prompt reply, albeit in the negative. However, my Imperial self-esteem is such that I can appreciate your previous commitments and not be dishonoured by your answer. You cannot blame an Empress for trying. There are so few men worthy of being the Consort of the Imperial Lady of Kriti -- and you seemed a possible choice. You are it is obvious: handsome, wise, and of a gracious manner. That you are honourable is evident in your reply to me. Many Emperors, Kings, and Lords would have thrown over their previous associations in an instant to consort with me and my extensive holdings. I wish you joy in the upcoming birth of your heir and good health to your lady wife.
Although you will never be able to visit my lands, and I will never be able to visit your lands, perhaps we can benefit by a mutual trade agreement.
What would you like me to send to your far off land? Kriti has beautiful artworks, ceramics, gold, silver, gems, jewelry, wood, textiles, perfumes, and oils. What sort of things can your Kingdom export? We also have terrific healers and sailors. Is there anything of use that I can send to my honourable Imperial cousin?
Arijana Atanastukate, Empress of Kriti and other places
Dear Arijana Atanastukate, Empress of Kriti and other places
Thank you for your kind wishes for my family and for your kind words for me. I am quite flattered by them. As for trade between our countries, I find that to be an interesting idea. I will consult with my ministers and advisors on it.
We have fine silks and spices that you may find interesting to trade for what you may feel is best representative of your lands. We also have exquisite artwork that I feel you would greatly enjoy. I will arrange for an offering of such to be sent to you at your court.
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi! umm... how did you use all your energy (and died ) to heal all those people when the suzaku power was sealed?
Dear Kalika,
I did not use my Suzaku seishi power to heal the villagers and soldiers. What I did was use my personal chi. You might call it my life force. I died because I used all of my chi when I was in a seriously weakened state.
Dear Tamahome,
If I killed Miaka, would you be interested in me???
Lover of Tamahome
Dear Lover of Tamahome,
In a word, NO! If your were to do ANY harm to Miaka I would have to hunt you down and take revenge on you. So just get that nasty thought out of your mind if you wish to ever be my friend.
Dear Nuriko,
If you hadn't lifted the big rock that blocked the cave, and just rested and waited for Mitsukake to come, would you still have died?
Dear Kalika,
While it is quite possible that I may have survived if I had not moved the boulder, I wasn't certain that I would live long enough for Mitsukake to heal me. My first duty as a Suzaku Seishi was to make sure that my Miko got the Shinzaho, so I chose to move the boulder and sacrifice my life for her and my fellow seishi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi hi! i love fushigi yuugi andd kenshin!! do you know kenshin? probably not since hes in ancient japan... ok.. i see from tasuki's past responses that he probabaly won't go out with me. will any of the suzako seishi go out with any one?? i mean tamahome's taken by miaka, hotohori got married, nuriko ummm... loves miaka and hotohori, but... , chichiri , tasuki, mitsukake won't go out with anybody, wait a sec.. how old are you chiriko? 14??? i think, not sure, will you go out with me??? if not I'll have to find a site where i can ask kenshin out. what about the seiryuu seishi? or miakas brother??
Dear Kalika,
Actually I am 13 yrs. old and do not date yet. However, you may find a suitable date by trying this site, Anime/Manga Dating Service. I cannot speak for Keisuke-san and am rather confused as to why you would want to date ANY Seiryuu seishi. I guess to each their own...
Good Luck!
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