Dear Chichiri,
You are the sexiest of ALL the seishi. Do you like chocholate? How about whipped cream?
Wo Ai Ni!
Bet you're delicious!
Dear Bet,
Gomen, but what are chocolate and whipped cream, no da? Tasuki informs me that they are evil devices that were used by crazed hentai chicks on him during a poker game and at some other times he is reluctant to discuss, no da.
His experiences aside, he does say they taste good (the chocolate and whipped cream, no da). As I do like sweets, I would probably like them, too. Thank you for your suggestive compliment. I don't know if I'm, as you say, "delicious" but you do worry me, do na.
Dear Tamahome,
Does it ever worry you that one day Miaka might get really really really fat?
Dear Dave,
Miaka is fairly active, well OK, she's hyper. She just runs around burning off everything that she eats. If I wasn't a seishi I don't think I could keep up with her. So I don't think she will have any problems in the future.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm..... howcome you wear 2 earrings? Does that mean u're gay or is it a punk thing?
Ones wisely too afraid to sign name ^.^*
Dear Ones wisely too afraid to sign name ^.^*,
Gomen no da. We have had to restrain Tasuki after he read your letter. He is ABSOLUTELY NOT gay, no da. He wears earrings and necklaces as that is his bandit loot and as such he carries it with him in case he needs fast money for an emergency, no da.
I must sign off now as Tasuki has awakened and it is my turn to watch him no da. Not a pleasant task as he is VERY upset. If you see or hear him coming your way, RUN NO DA!
Dear Nuriko,
You know, you had the most beautiful hair! When you wore it down with your first outfit, it looked wonderful. How did you get it to stay that healthy, seeing as there was no conditioner back then? Hotohori has pretty hair to, did he get tips from you ^_~? Oh, and i know that guys hitting on you was probably frustrating, but why cut the hair off? Not forcing you to be a slave to fashion, but the warrior-with-long-hair thing was in.
Oh, and another thing, i just saw your death episode!!! WAAAAAAAH! I HATE that werewolf guy and i'm surprised you didn't squish his brains out. Oh, if only Mitsukakae could've gotten there sooner! And if only u didn't travel alone! Oh gods how i cried!
Dear Luna,
Thank you for your kind words. I am sorry that my death has saddened you. If it makes you feel better I have reunited with my beloved sister Kourin and am still watching over Miaka and the rest of the seishi. OK, enough sadness, onto FASHION!
I used a variety of herbal and organic products to keep my hair beautiful -- perfumed oils, quince juice, etc... The emperor did not take any tips from me, he's just naturally bishonen! I cut my hair off because, once I fell in love with Miaka, I decided to live as a man. No more cross-dressing for Nuriko! But I still have fashion sense.
Dear Chichiri,
I've noticed Taiitsu-kun continually favors Suzaku no Miko and her Seishi. Why do you think this is? Your familiarity with her and her ways should draw a conclusion rather quickly.
John Yap
Dear John,
Taiitsu-kun is the positive force for peace and order in our universe. She favors us because Miaka impressed her with her willingness to give her life to save Tamahome and Hotohori, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
would you ever go out with me tasuki?
Dear ele,
Depends... How do you feel about drinking sake till yer so drunk ya' can't see and then brawling and kickin' ass for the hell of it? Now THAT'S what I call a fun and relaxing night out on the town! Besides what's a few bruises and broken ribs between bros, right? Just remember to duck if ya' see me pull out my tessen, or ya' might get singed.
Dear Chiriko,
Hi! Seems that no one has written to you yet Chiriko-san. Oh well, I can fix that. Anyways, I was wondering, what is the population of Konan? You are the smartest so I felt that it would be best to ask you. By the way, you're awfully cute. Too bad you aren't a few years older. ^_~
Wouldn't you like to know
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for writing to me. As we have no census, I cannot say exactly. My best estimate would be between 85,00 and 100,000 people. That is counting the walled main city and all the outlying villages. Thank you for your kind words, I too wish I were a few years older.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! Do you REALLY dislike women?????
Dear Minha,
If YOU grew up with MY mother and sisters you would too! But, being with Miaka taught me that not all women are THAT bad, some are worse.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is it nice in China? Why does Chichiri always say no
da? Does Tasuki have a girlfriend? How did Chichiri get his hair to stay up? Why does
Tasuki have a fan not a sword or daggers? Does Miaka like Tasuki?
Chibi usa
Dear Chibi usa,
We actually live in Konan Country, although Miaka says where we live does eventually become a part of what you now call China. It is a beautiful country with wonderful people, no da. It is common where I come from to say "no da" at the end of sentences as it is common in some of your cities to end a sentence with "you know", no da. As to my hair, it just grows that way.
Regarding Tasuki having a girlfriend, he prefers to spend his free time engaged in his favorite hobbies of drinking and brawling. I will tell him that you were brave enough to inquire after the position, though no da. As to Tasuki having a tessen instead of a sword... well, nobody here trusts Tasuki with sharp objects no da!
Miaka likes all of her seishi, although she LOVES Tamahome-kun, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Are you Latin? (I thought your girl-friend called you Juan) Are you sad that not many people write to you?
I have a growth on my foot and my mother tells me it's just a bunion but I think it's something more serious. Since I have none of your healing ability, what should I do?
Fyvish Finkel
Dear Fyvish,
I am not Latin. I, like the rest of the Seishi, am from Konan Kouko. As to my name, Myo Juan, it is not pronounced the way it is spelled. It is pronounced Meeo Yuon. Since I do not receive many letters, it allows me time for other pursuits, so I am not at all sad. As to your foot, you should go to a qualified healer, as I cannot diagnose or heal people over the Internet. Good luck with your foot.
Dear Tasuki,
Reading through the past responses and questions, I see that you are extremely popular, especially with women. Does this trouble you because you don't like women, or are you flattered by it?
Alonzo Almasy
Dear Alonzo,
Well, being chased by so many crazed hentai chicks is a real pain in the ass. Kinda puts a crimp in my drinkin' and brawlin', if ya' know what I mean. But I guess they all love me cuz' I'm so %$#@*+^ COOL!
Dear Hotohori,
HI-ieeees!!! With all due respect your highness, i wish to inquire about your...umm... royal outfit. Although you ARE a bishonen no matter what you wear, why not keep the hair down and the pheonix overcoat off? Umm... i mean that your hair up isn't exactly.... err... i mean ....the bangs, they... umm... your long hair accents your face in the most perfect way! And don't you like having your hair free much better? And the kimono ..umm.... don't you prefer having the robes floating freely about you...? I mean, you look heroic that way! Just some advice, your highness. Now I shall be goin back to the Doom Tree. Arigato. *cute curtsy*
Priness Sultana of Rub al-Khali
Dear Priness Sultana of Rub al-Khali,
Thank you for your polite questions and compliments. As your customs are different from our own, ours must seem strange to you. In Konan, the imperial court is a microcosm of our belief system that is controlled by strict etiquette. The clothing I wear while in my role as Emperor is regalia handed down by generations of my ancestors. Each piece has a talismanic meaning and as such MUST be worn.
The small headdress you see me use to wear my hair up is much more comfortable than the imperial crown, but is the minimum that I can get away with. The embroidery on my clothing also has special meaning. It is of Suzaku, the symbol of Konan country and our god; thus it protects me and my country while I as it's representative have to protect my people using its power.
Dear Tasuki,
HI-ieeees!!! Howcome u get so many qu's? Oh well, aren't you the popular one? I was just wondering... isn't all that drinkin n brawlin hasardous to your health? I mean, c'mon, a guy who does what u do for fun could have concussions, or broken limbs, or liver disease, or , oh my god, a BEER BELLY (though on u, that would be funny)...
What I'm suggesting is findin some Alcoholics Annonymous place. If that fails, seeing as you're on ancient land, i could offer some private meetings. I'm not a professional, but i always believed in sampling some of the old habit before getting rid of it ^.~
And u thought u could get through a letter without someone hittin on u. U so silly.
Dear CBGirl801,
I guess I get so many questions and am so popular, cuz' I'm so friggin' cool! The brawlin' is only hazardous to the health of anyone who gets in my way. As to the drinkin', a little sake never hurt anyone. And since I don't drink beer I'll NEVER get a beer belly! And I won't get sake stomach cuz' I always exercise while I drink. Whaddya think the brawlin' is for?
Since I know ALL the alcoholics in Konan and they all know me I don't think there are any anonymous alcoholics around. Oi! I'm NOT silly! I don't care what Kouji told ya'! I'm COOL!!
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