Dear Mitsukake,She feels better now. She DID have a bit of cold over last week and a slight cough today... and she was supposed to sing my new song in her Christmas party... bah, it didn't push through anyway. SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,I'm glad that she is feeling better and resting her throat. Mitsukake |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,*Throws a 100th piece of crumpled paper over my back* Cursed... underdeveloped... artistic skills... my Christmas gift... *Begins to morph into a psychopath* SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,*They all back away slowly...* Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tamahome,Yes, it is!!! WHY did you have to be so HOT?! >_< Just wish me luck in achieving this: I'm walking down a sidewalk (prefferably in New York, it looks so) and I just happen to look up and see a man who looks just like you. He smiles at me and says... "I've found you." It's just so sweet. I wish that happens... I'm starting to think that I'm making people believe I'll perish of depression if that happens (including me). SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,*Smiles* I do wish you luck in achieving that dream. Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,I was about half asleep when I first replied. O.o Her mom doesn't care anyway... Oh I hope this gets better soon. School let out today, so I may be able to get some well deserved sleep. (Yeah... Riiiiight. Me? Sleep? No way in h*ll.) One of my other friends is goin' through an even rougher time. Her boyfriend died around Halloween, so this will be her first Christmas without him... And I'm worried my sweetheart will break up with me. This year... Was terrible. Here's to hoping next year will bring forth good fortune and love. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,*Gives her a hug.* I'm sure things will get better, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Alright... Hikou Hyourui |
Dear Hikou Hyourui,*Smiles* That's better, no da! I'll go with you if you want. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Wednesday, December 20, 2006. 9:25 PM. I don't think so an' you knock it off with dat. John an' me is just friends any who, he's like that with all 'is buddies. An' why can't I call ya darlin'? Ain't no harm in sayin' it. Yer m' darlin' bandito ya know. Ah I give up, I'm too dang tired. I came home an' fell asleep after cryin' out the pain in my gut. I'll probably end up stayin' home tomorrow. I've got too much homework t' do anyway. Gotta finish writin' a story fer creative writin', answer 10 long questions fer teen lit, an' I should be studyin' my spanish fer the final next month. I dunno what I'm gonna do... I just wanna sleep... i hurt everywhere... from my head t' my toes, seriously. I've barely eaten anythin' today too, not good. I'm feelin' another headache comin' on, so I'm gonna get off my computer. See ya later. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,I jus' don't want people gettin' th' wrong impression. But I guess I'm alla my fans "darlin'". Yer gut pain's got us kinda worried. Mitsukake is wonderin' if ya' ever had an upper an' lower GI exam fer it. Get some rest an' feel better. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Tasuki. I have a huge problem! My friend LOVES to look at porn sites and when she types them on my computer they stay in the computer itself. So for example if she types in "F*ck that @$$" It stays in the computers memory and if you press "F" that appears in the choice menu. Whenever when she goes to sites like that I can't help but look. I try not to but I can't help it. I'm intrested in sex, but I don't want to figure it out this way! Tasuki, how do I get her to stop? Oh, and we're both 8, So thats REALLY bad!! Tyra |
Dear Tyra,Tell yer parents what yer friend is doin' an' have 'em talk to yer friend's parents. As fer lettin' yer friend on yer computer tell 'er "no". An' if she tries anyway password protect yer PC so she can't get on. Yer parents can also install software on yer computer that will block sites like that. Good luck! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Hi! My peirced ears feel like they're inffected, but i don't know if they are or not. They really HURT!!! Any help on how to check if they are or not? Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,If they are red and a bit dry/scabby then they are most likely infected. You may want to see a doctor to be sure. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,I also forgot to mention I have 4 ferrets Aya, Linxs, Tyra, Tyson, 6 horses Skippy, Dalas, Ty, Dude, Sweetheart, and Persim, 2 snakes Winder and Venom and one fish Swimmy. Just add those with my 8 dogs and 4 cats that's... lets see 8+4=12+ another 4 which = 16+6=22+2=24+1=25... WOW! 25 ANIMALS!... YAY I did math! I stink at math. Ain't ya proud I got the answer right? And I'm in 12th Grade! sad... *Laughs* I Love Rottweilers! |
Dear I Love Rottweilers!,That's a lotta animals! So, d'ya live on a farm? Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Sure ya can get drunk first and cook the bug! It's fine by me! Silver |
Dear Silver,Gee... thanks... Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hey Tasuki, I forgot what I was gonna say. Hold on, let me think about it... ... ... Oh yeah! We were doin' our culture projects at school earlier, and my friend Brett, (whom I seceretly love) made a video with his best friend, Kevin. It was funny! He presented it to the class. It had him sayin' " Now these weird people are making us roll down a grassy hill on skateboards and scooters. I know it's stupid, but they'll kill us if we don't. Ok. Here we go." So then he gets on a scooter and rolls down the hill and onto a ramp where he makes a jump. Then Kevin trys on a skateboard and as soon as he hit the ramp the... Hold on, my computers aking a mess out of my letter. See? It blocked of "making"! I might have a virus. I' writ some other t ime. !! Stupid computer! Akira Kunon |
Dear Akira Kunon,Mebbe yer keyboard jus' needs cleanin'. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Feh, says you people. It happened again after I got home... I hate my family, maybe THAT'S why I've been like I have. I cna't spend 10 minutes in the same room without my mom having to throw some god d*mn*d snippy little comment in my face, example of tonight. I was looking at a song book from a cd and I'm like "it's in another language" and she was like "hand it over" and I told her "I'm looking at it, wait a minute." But no, she had to snatch it away from me and be all like "It's not in another language!" and I was like "The song is.." and then she has to say "Well, you surely like to find something to argue about with everything" Me: "Well gee, sorry I'm such an annoyance" and then she had to say "Yeah I'm sorry to"... That HURT. I came down here to the basement, sat down at the piano and started to cry! I'm starting to again right now! I'm so sick of not being able to sit in a room with my family without getting yelled at! It happens all the time and I can't take it anymore! And I'm NOT talking to a councelor about that so don't even suggest it!! And now they wonder why the h*ll I'm never upstairs. Well if they'd quit yelling at me for no reason there wouldn't be any problems but NO! I HATE BEING HERE!! I'D RATHER BE AT SCHOOL THAN HERE AT HOME AND I HATE IT THERE TOO!! I just hate my life right now!!! Yuri-chan |
Dear Yuri-chan,*Gives her a hug.* Have you tried telling your mom that her behavior upsets you and that's why you are avoiding them? Maybe once you both settle down you can discuss things calmly together. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Ok! Like I was sayin' before, Kevin made the skateboard tip and he flew off! Than Brett tried and he flew of as well! Than they had to eat grass, and Brett started to gag and almost threw up! But Kevin said that it wasen't that bad. Then They had to make a food for an artifact and we had to eat it! IT WAS GROSS!!... Grass-sicles... It had dirt in it, and it tasted like spinach! *gags thinking about it* Poor Brett, He said that he never tasted it yet and he tried it and was sayin' that it was good through gags. He almost threw up right in front of us! Anyway that's all I wanted to say.^^ I don't know what was happenin' to my computer earlier, but it's fine now. *inspects computer* Hmm, because I went back to capitalize "Brett" because it was lowercase and it replaced the capital "B" in the spot where the "r" was suposed to be, so it looked like this "Bett" and it wouldn't stop. I don't know if that made any sense at all. I re-read it and it didn't sound right... Oh well, who cares. Akira Kunon |
Dear Akira Kunon,Sounds nasty! Guess yer keyboard is doin' ok now. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Oh, Neko's not. No, her friend is. Neko can't stand pain one bit... And the girl's mom doesn't care one lick about her. Neko hasn't talked to me yet today, I hope she's alright... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I knew it wasn't Neko, no da. That's very sad that Neko's friend's mother doesn't care that she's cutting herself. Is there anyone else that Neko can go to to get help for her friend? Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Hello Tasuki! How are ya' doin'? I'm at school right now during computer class, and we're able to do whatever we want! But this is probebly gonna be the only thing I"m gonna do the whole time though. Akira Kunon |
Dear Akira Kunon,Good fer ya'! I'm doin' jus' fine. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I hope so tooo. I hate seeing her depressed, she's like a sister to me. (Not really an exclusive thing...) We tell each other everything and I absoluely hate seeing someone do something like this to her. Neko's been worrying sick over a friend of her's because the girl's a cutter. Terribly so. Add on Neko's depression and things have gone straight to h*ll. As for seeing my friend again, I didn't. She wasn't home and didn't come to our meeting place so I left a message with her dad to tell her to call me when she got back. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I'm sorry you didn't get to see your friend, no da. Do Neko's friend's parents have any idea that she is a cutter? If not, and she is cutting herself they should be informed before she does some horrible permanent damage to herself. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,I actually don't think it has anything to do with school. I think it's cause Casey's been sick and worryin' the h*ll outta me. I can't say for sure but I think that's the biggest thing.. BUt yeah, I get off 4th hour frday and my break starts lol. But hopefully I won't have another freak thing happen like yesterday, that scared me. Other than that... I dunno, I've been up about 8 inutes lol. BUt I found out that my parents want me to try out for Ms. Winona! They wan't me ta do it for the scholarship and h*ll, I'd do it for that! But ONLY that. Cause I hate doing things like that lol. BUt My sister is taking WAAAAAYY to long in the bathroom!!! *sighs of relief* Okay I'm better lol. Hey quick question, have any of you heard "Frozen Flower" from DN Angel? It's SO pretty! ^_^ Well I gotta go get ready fer school and the Deutsch party fer the German Klub kids ^_^ Tschau Seishi! Yuri-chan |
Dear Yuri-chan,If that was the trigger, then I'm sure you'll be fine. I haven't seen the anime, only read the manga. Ms. Winona? Cool! Good luck with that and have fun at your party! Nuriko |
Dear Chichiri,*sigh* Okay... but I'd rather be with you Chichi-ue. *makes the cutest lil face possible* Hikou Hyourui |
Dear Hikou Hyourui,I know but it isn't for that long and then we can work on your magic, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Wednesday, December 20, 2006. 12:40 AM. I ain't so strong... after I finished up my letters I curled up an' fell asleep until 11. Now i'm probably gonna be up half the night, but serves ma right fer wakin' me at 7 this mornin', but I had another stupid counclin' appointment. Let's see, I have today, tomorrow, an' only 3 out of 4 classes on Friday. It don't seem like'd be that bad, but I'm so d@Mn tired an' achy. An' ya know Ryan? The guy at my school who thinks he's gay but he's totally just acting that way for attention? Well he's been p*ssin' me off. He comes t' the lunch table an' says stuff like "I'm in such a bad mood! I must be pms-ing!" An' I just wanna kill 'im because he has NO idea what that feels like. He can be as gay as 'he wants, that ain't gonna replace 'is ***** with a ******. I've told 'im that flat out an' he just laughs. He's really only offendin' homosexuals by actin' this way. Oh well, what can I really do about it other than hope he gets 'is life sorted out? Then there's this other guy who said some weird things to me, his name is John. An' John is one of the nicest kids around, his funny in a weird an' quirky kinda way. He's a breath of fresh air if ya think of it that way. So anyway he walked into choir an' we exchanged hellos an' then he told me "You're everyone's fantasy!" Okay, disturbing, coming from John who's usually just silly. I doubt I'm any guy's fantasy thank ya very much! Hmm, I'm gonna try headin' t' bed again. I'm still so sleepy... an' hungry. I slept thru dinner again. -_- That's not helpin' my weight problem. Any who, good night my darlin' an' I'll see ya later. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Darlin'? Friend yes, but I ain't no one's darlin'! Jus' ignore th' fruitcake, then mebbe he'll go bug someone else. Mebbe yer John's fantasy... *Grins* Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Here's Random questions 1. How did ya get yer ears peirced? Did ya do it yerself? And also, did it hurt?2. What turns ya on? I've been wantin' to know fer some time now. 3. What's yer favorite color? Mine's silver and black! 4. Would ya rather eat a bug or go on a date wit Miaka? I konw ya like her. 5. Miaka or Yui? 6. How old were ya when ya met Kouji? 7. What's yer favorite animal? That's all silver |
Dear silver,Here's some random answers: 1. Aidou did it an' she made d*mn sure it hurt like h*ll!2. *Frowns* None of yer business hentai. 3. Red 4. Can I be drunk an' cook th' bug first? 5. Neither. They're both whiney pains. 6. 15 7. Wolves Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,MERI KURISUMASU MINNA-SAN! I hope you have a great time and get everything that you wished for! ^^ Paku Romi |
Dear Paku Romi,Meri Kurisumasu to you too! We hope you have a great one! Arigato! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm sorry! What am I sorry fer? I'm sorry fer lookin' at yaoi! And it's of you! I'M 14! *starts crying* Waaaaaaa! Waaaaaaa! *Sniffle, hic* ... Ok. I'm done. *Walks over to corner to cry again, but a cord appears out of nowhere and trips* Whaaa!! *Stairs appear out of nowhere* Ahhhh!! *Crash* Ow! How the h*ll did that happen? *walks and trips* Oww! Tasuki! *hole appears under butt and falls through and somehow falls out of ceiling* *Thud* Ow!... Huh? Ok I'm officialy confused. How'd I end up falling out of the ceiling!? *Scratches head* Well that was all too weird. *hole appears again, but jumps up and wraps arms around Tasuki before falling through* Tasuki! What's happening!? Is this my punishment? Blue |
Dear Blue,I dunno, but I don't want no part of it! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Tasuki, do you like cats? if you do... wait I already knew you liked cats, I asked you in a previous letter. You know the one with wolves and how I like them too, and how we like the same things. I may have had a different name back then, because I can't remember what it was... Anyway! My cat is WEIRD! Tell me if you think she's weird too. Ok! This is what makes her weird, my kitten Kirara loves to drink water from the sink BUT, every time I turn on the fouscet (I don't care if I spelt it wrong) she loves to play in the water. By the time she's done, She's completely wet, I mean water literaly dripping off her fur! And also I love to take baths (It's sooo relaxing) and she jumps in with me. Also every time I go out to the pool (In summer) she follows and jumps into the water before I even get there. I always thought that cats HATED water, but she LOVES it! And then my dog Takana, who's a Golden Retriever/Wolf - is afraid of water and so is my other dog Kiri who's a Bull-Terrier/Grayhound. (Weird mixes huh?) All of my animals are weird! All together my animals are 4 cats Kirara, Peek-a-boo, Kayko, and Oreo, and 8 dogs Barney (had him since i was 2), Takana, Kiba, Kiri, Tasha, Roxie (Rottweiler!), Chelsea, and Chiko (Doberman!). Wow! That's 12 animals! ...Be quiet! I just figured that out! I Love Rottweilers! |
Dear I Love Rottweilers!,Yeah, ya' got some weird animals alright. Ya' also gotta lot of 'em! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,No need to apologize. As long as we're still friends. Have some sake! *give a bottle* Faye |
Dear Faye,*Grins* Always! Thanks! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,I've lived on the streets when I was about 12-13 and I've lived there all my life until I was about 14-15. My parents orphaned and always used to beat me because I was a girl and not a boy, and I was scared of almost everyboby who walked by. Ain't it sad? And I'm now your age. I was still about the age 14 when some guy about the age 16 tried to calm me down. I was sick with pneumonia and asthma. He picked me up and rushed me to the hospital. I've only let him near me since then. Now I'm getting more used to people. I'm living with him now. It's like a dream come true! I'm very close to him, and guess what? He's cute! My night in shining armor! This may sound like a story, but it's not. I even have the scars to prove it. One's shaped like a "K", and it's on my left knee. Chelsea |
Dear Chelsea,That's a mighty sad way to live. I hope thins' have been gettin' better fer ya' an' that yer friend is takin' good care of ya'. Ain't there any relatives that can help out? Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Ain't dat Miaka grl in any of duh pictures wit' all th' Suzaku Seishi people characters? A Dude You Would'nt Want To Know |
Dear Dude,If she is, it would be in the Misc. Gallery. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Nuriko,Ain't ya' gay? A Dude You Would'nt Want To Know |
Dear Dude,No, I'm a cross-dresser. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Yo! I heard from ma' friend dat ya' and dat Kouji dude used ta' touch each other when ya' were wee-lil' kids. A Dude You Would'nt Want To Know |
Dear Dude,Yer friend's a baka an' don't know what he's talkin' 'bout. I didn't know Kouji when I was a lil' kid an' even if I did I wouldn't do THAT! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hey Tasuki, my boyfriend just asked me to get into bed with him about an hour ago. We started a fight and I blared out "NO!!!" in his face. Than he gave up and ploped onto the bed and fell asleep. Did I do the right thing? I feel bad. Should I crawl into bed with him? I'm sixteen, aren't I old enough? But I don't want to wake up one day pregnant. Fer one thing my mom would kill me, and another thing is I don't want to go to school with a big fat belly. Do you think I should? He really isn't a bad guy, it was his first time asking. Help me!! Kiri |
Dear Kiri,If ya' gotta write an' ask me whether or not it's right fer ya' to have sex wit' yer boyfriend at th' age of 16, all I gottta say is yer not ready fer that step. When yer older ya'll will know when it's right. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Well I kinda am and I'm kinda not. But after doing some research I think I may be suffering from anxiety. And I swear to the gods, I NEVER want to spend a night in the hospital again. BUt it was cool when they were drawing the blood ^^ I nearly passed out after they took it from the artery in my wrist but man was that cool! but ja lol. I was known as the "mystery child" there at the hospital ^_^ But ja, I've lost A LOT of weight the past few months. When I was at the hospital, I weighed in at 128... That's spooky. But omg, today before 1st hour was over I started to get all jittery and shakey and I got SEHR cold there for a little and then I had to have someone keep an arm around me going to 2nd hour cause I was so close to fainting. Then I swear I am going to hit this one girl at school who I used to call "friend." -_- But CAsey was at school fer a lil this morning but then she went home, but I'm talking to her now and she seems pretty perky, so that's a good thing. So yeah. Just hope tomorrow is an easy day... I don't wanna do anything other than school lol, so that's why mom is taking Jess to comfermation. ^^ but other than that... I donno... lol, I'm gonna get going, I wanna eat my cupcake and play Zelda ^_^ Ttyl Seishi! Yuri-chan |
Dear Yuri-chan,Can you think of any reason you are having anxiety over school? If it continues you may want to talk to your parents or a counselor about it. Of course, Winter Break should be starting soon for you so that's something to look forward to! Maybe you're just anxious to have that break get here already. Take care! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,If it isn't one tragedy its another. -sighs- Why me? One of my other friend's, Neko, is having trouble with a friend of her's amd has gone to a complete depression. I swear I'm gonna have grey hair before I'm twenty from worrying about my friends! Anyway, amazingly, I'm holdin' up pretty well from the chaos. (Normally by just passing out from exhaustion in the desk chair like I did earlier and most likely will do long before ten.) Oh! Tomorrow I get to see my best friend again! Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I hope Neko can resolve her problem and feels better soon, no da. Good luck! Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,Well... Muri-chan's always been there for me. She promised she'd protect me... I know it's not right to have a woman protecting a guy, but I'm so beautiful and Murin is too... wild. So it's hard to tell sometimes. Heh. I don't wanna train with any one else but you and Tarumei-sensei, the grouchy ol' serpent sorceress from Hokkan. Hikou Hyourui |
Dear Hikou Hyourui,*Smiles and pats him on the head.* I appreciate that but I still want you to spend some time training with Tasuki. Besides, it's a good excuse to see Murin, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Tuesday, December 19, 2006. 4:10 PM. Bwuahhh... Tasuki-sama I'm so sleepy. Not like I gotta sleep, but like I wanna just lie down an' not do anythin'. I really want the holiday break to come. All the college kids here have already been off fer a week already! Our district sure enjoys screwin' us younger kids. I can't think of much else t' tell ya. It's been another borin' day. So whatcha been up to? Avoidin' mistletoe packin' fangirls? Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Ya' only gotta couple of days left right? Yer strong, you'll get past it. Avoidin' mistletoe packin' fangirls? *Grins* Ya' bet! Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Yep... She's back to her old self. Cursing at me, and the video game she was playing. And wishing her brother would finally move out of the house. Yep, same old Fox... >_> I actually started on Kyuzo about two months ago and then I just left it alone when I got the last Samurai 7 DVD. (It had the episode both he and Heihachi-dono dies in! I started cryng and cursing Katsushiro out. xP.) The DVD had a little booklet that the producer had done and it would have the words in kanji and the translations below them. And I have this little bit where I HAVE to copy all the kanji I see. I'm still not done... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,That's good, no da. Good luck on the kanji copying! Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hey guys! Exams are FINALLY OVER and I successfully passed the ENTRANCE EXAM! ^_^ You gave me hope n inspiration to go on so THANK YOU GUYS!! I had my hair straightend today and I think it looks good... maybe.6_^ Jamie May |
Dear Jamie May,Congratulations! We're glad we could help. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Congratulations, CnA-san! SuzakuAngel and Nikkou-chan |
Dear SuzakuAngel and Nikkou-chan,*Grins* Thank you! Chichiri no Aijin |
Dear Mitsukake,Gastroentritis... ooh... Is Tamahome anywhere nearby? *Looks around; doesn't see Tamahome; fever worsens* Argh... it burns!!! SuzakuAngel: *WHACK* Trust me, she's better this way. ^_^ Nikkou-chan (and SuzakuAngel) |
Dear Nikkou-chan (and SuzakuAngel),I'm sorry she isn't feeling well but hitting her is not the answer! If she doesn't feel better soon she should see a doctor. Make sure she gets plenty of fluids as well. Mitsukake |
Dear Hotohori,I think Josh Groban's voice is great for you. It's powerful, but still very sweet. ^_^ SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Really? Arigato. I shall have to listen to his voice and hear how it sounds. Hotohori |
Dear Tamahome,Okay. NOW I'm serious about that poetic thing I sent you... *Once I've gone* *Wails* I'm in love with a fictional guy!! WAAH!!! *Tantrum* SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,Gomen! It's not my fault! Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Do you like banananas? Silver |
Dear Silver,They're ok. I like peaches better. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,How is Miaka good at getting into trouble? What does she do? Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,She's VERY good at it! She just doesn't always think before she asks. Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Whacha' doin'? Silver |
Dear Silver,*Grins* Answerin' yer letter. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,I'm sorry! Blue |
Dear Blue,Fer what? Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hey Tasuki? Do You know anything about the Genbu Seishi? If ya' do, can ya' tell me what that freaky doll looking thing is? And what's it's name? It scares me. And I know that this is gonna be a VERY stupid question but... do you like Pokemon? Not that I do or anything, my brother keeps askin' me to ask you. Brother: Did you ask him yet, huh, did ya', did ya', did ya'? YES. I ASKED HIM!!! NOW SHUT UP!! Brother: What did he say? Tellll meeeee!I DON'T KNOW YET! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU SHUT THE F*CK UP!! Brother: *gasps* MOOOOM!!SORRY!!! Urgh! I have to go. My brother's gonna tattle on me... DON'T TELL MOM!!! Mom: Don't tell me what? *Gasp* Nothing! Hahahaha... Tasuki, I'll write to you some other time. Littlemissgrounded for 2 weeks |
Dear Littlemissgrounded for 2 weeks,Do ya' mean Namame? Accordin' to th' Wikipedia "Namame was born from the Seimei stone (Star-Life Stone) near Iferui. He usually takes the appearance of a little stone doll, although when Takiko first found him, he was a stone giant, protecting the oracle Anlu, who was in his mouth. After being traumatized by human cruelty when he attempted to fit in, Namame found it very hard to trust others; it took Anlu a whole day of sitting right next to him to earn his trust. He was "protecting" Anlu when Takiko and Co. found him. Namame was the fourth Celestial Warrior found by the Genbu priestess. His character, "Bi", is typically found on the back of his head. Namame has the power to control the earth, which allows him to manipulate the ground itself, create earthquakes, and shape stones into whatever he desires." Pokemon is an ok show. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,Did my friend say that I sometimes write stuff to you and was sent from "Tamahome dies"? Well she's right, but watch for her. She's the one who writes all the bad things about you... Friend: Hey! Are ya' writing to Tamahome again? Stop sayin' that I hate 'im cuzz I don't! Yer the one who hates 'im, not me! I do not, your the one who hates him! Friend: Tamahome! Don't listen to 'er! I love ya'! I could never say that I hate ya'! You love him? How? He's so ugly, stupid, and most of all, Uh... er, never mind. Friend: HA!! Proof! Tamahome dies + Friend |
Dear Tamahome dies + Friend,Well, yes she did... Thanks for the description. I can feel the love... Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,She's doing MUCH better. Guess I'm starting to rub off on her. She's already back to normal. -nods- I need luck and more talent. I can barely draw characters from a show. Actually, I'm trying to draw Kyuzo. Which isn't hard since half his face is covered by his poofy hair. After I finish up Kyuzo in a, eheh, punk/goth outfit (And get attcked by his fangirls) I'm gonna try Hotohori and Tamahome. Maybe you afterwards, permitting my artwork isn't about as beautiful as a disfigured rock. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I'm glad to hear she's doing much better, no da. *Smiles* I look forward to seeing the picture. Chichiri |
Dear Chichiri,*sniffles* You don't think I'm strong enough to guard myself? I may look weak but I'm tough... and anyway, Murin is the one that does all the fist work. Hikou Hyourui |
Dear Hikou Hyourui,I never said you were weak, no da. Besides, what will you do if she isn't around? It won't hurt for you to learn some defensive techniques, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Monday, December 18, 2006. 8:30 PM. Yeah, Casey's fine. Yuri told me she evidentally just passed out. It wasn't her asthma. Phew. That's a good thing. I remember how bad my lil bro Peter used t' get, but he's over his asthma now. Um, as to your response to Yuri-chan's letter, I didn't say anything about Yuri havin' t' be at the hospital 'r havin' asthma. I think ya'll got confused. I dunno... there's a contest at the local state college next summer that I heard about via the english teachers at school. It was my prompt to get started on somethin' new an' original. I dunno where this story is gonna go an' I don't even have a title fer it yet, but I got time. I'm feelin' kinda blah again tho'. My back hurts, I'm extra tired, an' I wanna draw 'r write, but my brain don't seem t' be focused. Currently I'm organizing my drawings, it's been a while since I cleaned out my box. (I keep all my drawings in a shoe box on my book shelf) I'm gonna get a portfolio 'r somethin' fer 'em one day. *sigh* And now a Random Word: Chicken Doodle. Suiren @_v~ |
Dear Suiren,Yeah, that was random alright. It wasn't ya'? I thought it was! Oh well, sorry 'bout that. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Okay I gotta ask this. I know ya hate women an' all, but surely ya have some traits yer attracted to. I don't wanna ask "what turns ya on?" But basically, what is it ya do like about girls? This is a weird question an' I know I'm revertin' t' the pesky fangirl type, but I really wanna know. Maybe this'd make more sense if I gave an example so here we go, this is what I look fer in someone: -Accepting on tolerant (non-racist an' such)-Protective (especially of me) -Funny (so he can always cheer me up) -Strangly charming (very original with romance) -No drugs or alcohol (I will make 'im quit) That's my basic list. I know this is a real fangirly question, but could ya answer anyway? Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Yer list fer a guy is a good one. I dunno what I'd look fer as I never bothered lookin'. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,i have a weird quiestion i wanna ask u... ok heres the story part ok like all the time all the boys in my school tease me or hate me. suddnely like.. 3-4 are being really nice... TO ME??!! its nice and all but... just plain weird.. *backs into corner holding binder defensively* so what do you think's going on? *hands Tamahome a HUGE bag of money* Confuzzled Alisha |
Dear Alisha,It's hard to say without knowing them. Either they have just discovered that they like girls or they are teasing you on a different way. Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,*shrug* Well, it was worth a shot. Faye |
Dear Faye,Sorry... Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,but i love himmm!! angel |
Dear angel,Yeah, but that ain't no reason to let 'im pressure ya' into doin' somethin' ya' don't wanna do! If he really loves ya' he'll wait. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hey everyone... Wow... I can't believe how long it's been since I stopped by to say hello... Wow... Well, I guess I can say I've been alright the past month or so... THough I was at the hospital overnight a few weeks ago. I've been sick with something for a while now -_- I hate being sick. But school's been alright. Been doing a lot of things I normally do... rp mit Casey, play piano... been up in WInona a lot... Um... other than that I dunno... Well, was nice stopping by and saying Hi. Grats on ur good grades CnA. Keep 'em up. See ya's. Yuri-chan |
Dear Yuri-chan,Welcome back! We heard from Suiren that you had an asthma atack. We hope you're feeling better. CnA says thank you! We all hope you're doing fine now. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chiriko,Ah! Guess what? Well... I'll just tell you... I made a 100 on my math preformance plus! That's really rare... for anybody ^_^ I feel so smart! My teacher was all "So, this year somebody actually made 100!" And eveybody was all "Shelby..." and I was hiding and ignoring people cuz I hate it when people treat me like I'm smarter than everybody else (even though it's true!) but only I'M allowed to call myself smarter than everyone else cuz when people say that stuff it puts other smart people down so yeah... that took a really long time to type for some reason! And, I'm sorry I was mean to you in a fanfic I typed at (literally) 3AM after having took (or taken?) Nyquill right before bed and then eating sugar to keep myself up long enough to sneak on the computer... then I got an urge to type a mean fanfic... ^_^ Anyway, if anybody's interested, here's the link to the ficcy: Shelby |
Dear Shelby,Congratulations on your excellent grade! The fic on the other hand was a bit disturbing... Chiriko |
Dear Chiriko,I've been looking for a while, and can't seem to find anything on this. Could you perhaps tell me what the translation (like, the meaning) of Miaka Yuuki is, please? Shikono |
Dear Shikono,When you translate the kanji in "Yuuki Miaka" it translates out to "evening castle beautiful red". Chiriko |
Dear Tasuki,Hey Papa the coyotes are howlin' 'ere in the valley where Suiren-sama lives. Can I go play with 'em? Puhleezzz?? I'll even take Shun'u an' Ryuuen with me if ya want. Murin |
Dear Murin,Sure, go ahead. Jus' be careful an' keep outta trouble. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,M-my magic doesn't require me to be brawny. As long as I can speak and walk around I'm fine. Plus Tasuki-sama is such a meanie. Besides, I was taught that violence isn't the answer and a true man should fight with his mind and his words. Hikou Hyourui |
Dear Hikou Hyourui,*Gives him a hug.* You don't need to be brawny but some basic training will be good for you, no da. Tasuki really isn't mean. He's just a bit rough around the edges. I don't want you to be violent, but I do want you to train with Tasuki and learn some basic self-defense skills, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Monday, December 18, 2006. 4:20 PM. Hm, well I ain't feelin' so bad t'day. My stomach's been a lil upset, but that's to be expected. I'll be over it in a few more days hopefully. I just want it to be Christmas break already. I was so tired by the time school let out today. I dunno if I can take four more days. An' poor Casey-chan went home after she had an azma (sp?) attack. It must not have been that bad because she didn't leave in an ambulence but I dunno if she ended up at the hospital 'r not. Poor Yuri-chan was upset about it too. Well I gotta finish up another letter 'r two then get t' work on my manga. Did I tell ya? I'm finally drawin' one up. I'll sent in the pages once I have more of them done. I have 2 on deviantart right now and only 4 completed in total. I hope you'll like it tho'. Gotta run, holiday kissies! *kissies* Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Glad yer feelin' better! I hope yer friend Casey is gonna be ok. Good luck on yer manga! Are ya' gonna submit it to Tokyopop? Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Not his fault his creator musta been on drugs when he drew him the first time! Heh, right now in the anime in America, he needs a haircut. Its a bit too long and annoyin'. But the scene I wanna draw is really beautiful and would be the best drawing I've evr done. Honestly, the hair's the easy part! Its his face that kills me... xP. When I do manage to draw it, though, I am gonna be parading it around like mad. (After scanning it and posting it.) Anyway, this week started off terribly. My bestfriend's dad died. She called me this morning crying. She acted like she hated him, even said she wanted him to die once or twice. She's doing better now, at least as far as I know she is. I won't know until she calls me back. I've been given the honorable job of making sure the twit don't kill herself! I can help her because she has things to live for. All I gotta do is mention one and she won't do a thing. -looks at clock- She's probably at the funeral home now. I thought everything was goin' great till this mornin' because ever since I got my dragon, we've all had good luck... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,My condolences to your friend on the loss of her father. Please do what you can to help her through this difficult time, no da. Good luck with your artwork! Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Congratulations to CnA for doing well in her Algebra class. I'm sure that made the Humble Cyber-Abode much less tense and stressful. Hopefully all the other classes followed suit and ended up being As. This may be a more general question for the fandom than for you, but I thought it would be a good question to ask anyway. I notice there's a certain emphasis in letters to the money-grubber and the drinking bandit, with the beautiful emperor and the courtesan coming soon afterwards. Is there any particular reason that people send letters to these four more than the others? (Maybe Chichiri's up in the top four, I'm not sure, but it seems to be mostly "Why the mask, no da?") Silver |
Dear Silver,Thanks! Critical Thinking was also an A! I don't don't know about History, yet. All I have left is Statistics next semester and then onto university and finishing my BA! YEA!! That is an interesting question. We'd all like to know the answer. Chichiri no Aijin |
Dear Tasuki,did nakago kiss tamahome? No Name |
Dear No Name,Yeah, he did. It REALLY p*ssed off Tamahome! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,Ok, I was reading some of the recent letters and you are WAY prettier than stinkin' narcisitic (I bet I spelled that wrong) Hoto. Don't listen to them. You rock. Oh, and to Tasuki and Chichiri-kun (my other 2 favs... it's a tie between u 3 for some strange reason) Hullo! Shelby |
Dear Shelby,Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles* I'll pass on your hello to Tasuki and Chichiri. Nuriko |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Just wanted to guys rock! It's not very common to come across an active FY site anymore (either that or I'm retarted ^_^) So yeah...that's it for now! Thanks! Shelby |
Dear Shelby,Arigato! We appreciate the kudos! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,i dont know what to do tasuki!! my bf just said that if i realli do trust him i should be able to sleep with him but i dont want to!! to told him this alread... but still be asks me!! i love him lots and i dotn want to let him go!! angel |
Dear angel,If ya' don't wanna sleep wit' 'im don't do it! If he can't respect that dump 'im! Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,I just got my ears pierced! Yay!!! I'm so happy! But now I have to twist the back and front on both ears and it hurts! I also have to clean them up to 2 to 3 times a day and that hurts too! (heh to, 2, to, too, too many "to's" Heh! I said "to" two more times! I said it again I crack myself up!)... OWW MY EARS! THEY HURT!!! Can you help me? Oyasumi! Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,Congratulations! Take good care of them so they don't get infected. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,I've got more "Would ya' Rather questions"! Okay here we go! Would ya' rather 1. A: Be locked in a cage with a ferocious tiger orB: Lick peanut butter off a hobo's foot? *Explain why* 2. A: French Kiss Tamahome infront of everybody with feeling for 5 minutes or B: Screw Miaka making Tamahome p*ssed off? 3. A: Jump off a skyscraper or B: Learn how to swim? Akira KunonPS: You still have to answer! Here's another 10 bottles. *Holds box with sake in it again*... And also my grandma said that you would come looking fer me if I asked #2. you won't ...right? And I'm being serious. We're going through Sex Education right now, you know STD's and AIDS... yeah, and she's extra cautious now.... And yes I live with my grandma, so be quiet! |
Dear Akira Kunon,Question 1 is dumb, 2 NEITHER!, and 3 I guess B. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I have been, for the most part. I've moved on to working on my drawing of Amaterasu now! I'm trying to draw her with the three objects she gives to her grandson to bring to earth but I can't draw swords that well so I'm havin' trouble with Kusanagi.. Other than that, the mirror and the jewel look good. I'm gonna try to draw a Naruto fanart from my first Naruto roleplay. Its a beautiful scene, but it requires the ability to draw Sasuke. -_- I am gonna sit here practicing till I am old and grey... I just recently managed to get to page four of my novel.I've been taking a break though for, eheh, last Christmas shopping and decoratin'. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Good luck with your artwork, no da! As for drawing Sasuke, I've heard his hair resembles Daffy Duck's rear. I hope that will help you, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,They're a pain, but you're still a guy... Here that everyone?? Proof that he's not gay!! It's okay. There was never a doubt in my mind... So how 'bout it? Just one night...? No consequences...? *bats eyelashes* Faye |
Dear Faye,There's always consequences. So no. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,Tamahome, sometimes it's not even me who writes you some of the things from "Tamahome dies" it's my stupid friend. ...OH NOO! I just remembered! I had science homework! I'll be right back, I got to go see if it's in my backpack! *runs of to see if the book is in the backpack* ...... ... NOOOO! it wasn't in there!!! Now were all gonna have to take a hundred questioned test... Now everyone's gonna hate me even more than they already do... Once I get to school should I just ask someone for the answers, or do it myself? Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,You should do your own homework. Ganbatte kudasai! Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,I ferget if I showed ya my new AMVs, so here are the links again. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,We had already seen the first one, but not the second. Arigato! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,TASUKI!! How dare you say that I'm too young to be lookin' at yaoi and lovin' boys! Yer right about the yaoi part but not the boys part! I'm 16, one year younger than you! Only reason I go to daycare (afterschool daycare) is because my mom works till' like 9:00PM and she won't let my drive my car to school, and she says that I'm too young to stay home alone... yeah, she baby's me. So don't go on sayin' that I'm too young to like boys CUZZ I'M NOT!!! *steems*... Sorry, I was just a little p*ssed off because of the way you were talkin' to me in my first letter, I'm fine now!... Jus' don't p*ss me off even more, I'm goin' through my period, and ya wouldn't want to get me mad during my period! I start screemin' and throwin' a fit like you would not believe! Just the other day, I nearly made my lil' sis deaf just by screemin' at 'er! ... Yeah it's that bad, I even made my mom step back, and usually it's her the one screemin'...heheheheheh... ... Yeah Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,Ok, so yer 16 an' old enough fer boys. But ya' should also be old enough to know better than to show yaoi to lil' kids! 'Che! Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,Sorry Tamahome. It was my cranky part of the month when I go through my you-know-what. I was just mad because you got Miaka instead of Tasuki. I don't hate you, I just don't like you all that much. I don't want you to die, in fact, your my favorite person... Wait! That didn't make any sense! Your my favorite character, but I don't like you? does that make sense to you, it doesn't to me. Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,Sorry, it doesn't make sense to me either. Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Hey Tasuki! Almost everything I own has you on it! Lets see, I have a huge poster, messenger bag wit' ya' flamin' Tama, bunch of other lil' posters, my binder, my backpack, pictures, mousepad, I even have yer CD's, a mug, movies, lil' plush doll (soooo cute!), and I have an artifital Tessen, Etc. (I spelt artifital wrong didn't I?) Anyway, Now I'm gonna collect things of Nakago and Touya! I LOVE TOUYA!!!!... and you too... (not as much as Touya though.) Touya's from Ayashi No Ceres. ILOVETOUYA!! |
Dear ILOVETOUYA,Cool! Nakago? Why would ya' like that loser? Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Ha! My girlfriend doesn't love ya' anymore!... sorry fer flippin' ya' off. *grrr* Now she love someone else, Tooya was his name I think... stupid Tooya. StupidTasuki (Now changed to "StupidTooya") |
Dear StupidTooya,Heh-heh... guess she's into Ayashi No Ceres now. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,You guys said that you would be back after DECEMBER 13th... 13th, not 17th, 13th! Liars... Anyway! how are all you guys doin'? hdj |
Dear hdj,We're not liars. We were mistaken. We're fine and you? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Alrighy, here's the next lil section of art ya've missed. Enjoy as always. Shunu JR and YuuenSuiren presenting Doukun Wedding Chibis Kirou-sama Genbu Seishi What will happen now A Family Pic Alec Deshi Hikou and Rakuin (Murin: HIKOU!! EXPLAIN THIS!!) Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Arigato! Great artwork! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Kinhou: Houjun, oh it's been a while, I don't think we've spoken since my birthday in September. I guess we've both been too busy I suppose. Suiren-san has been... stressed. Poor dear is going through another rough patch and a bit of the Holiday Depression. Oh well, season's greetings to you reguardless. This is the family picture Suiren-san made for us. Hikou: CHICHI-UE!! *clamps onto your leg* Tasuki-sama was so mean to me! Muri-chan too! They picked on Tarumei-sensei an' Hebi-chan!! *cries* Kouran :Tou~chan no da~!! *giggles and waddles over to you, hugging your other leg* Kinhou: She's really missed you. Kouran: My Tou-chan no da! *snuggles* Hikou: Chichi-ue don't make me go back to Tasuki-sama! Not when I somehow escaped! Please! I don't wanna hit him! I just wanna learn magic! Please Chichi-ue!! Kinhou: Hikou-kun, please settle down. We're supposed to be wishing a happy holiday to everyone. Hikou: SHUT UP! I was here FIRST!! I matter more! I don't care if it's Christmas or not! Kinhou: Oh... I... I just thought we could all do something nice. Hikou: NYAH! *sticks his tongue out at her* Kinhou: *Blind, so that doesn't really matter to her* Kouran: Why Ani-ue so mean no da? Huh? Why Tou-chan? Why? SuirenPS from Suiren: CHICHIRI PICS!! |
Dear Suiren,Arigato for the wonderful pictures, no da! *Looks at Kouran and smiles.* I missed you, too no da. *Looks at Hikou and frowns... You were sent to Tasuki so you could train your body as well as your magic skills. You will go back and train with him as well as learn respect for others. If you cannot learn respect and discipline as well as strengthen your body how can you expect your magic to grow and improve? Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Yes, muwahahaha! The Tasuki/Chichiri love child. Behold! (Two possible combinations) Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Nice picture! We were all amused, well Tasuki and Chichiri less so but we're sure they'll get over it. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,(Prewritten because my weekend will be hectic) Friday, December 15, 2006. 10:05 PM. Well as of now, the problems at school ain't that bad. Just strugglin' a lil bit t' learn my Spanish, but apparently the reason I've been sick is because my body was already AGAIN. ARGH!! But only one week left now and Juniors get out an hour early because we won some contest thingy. I'm gonna go over t' granny's place an' chill there fer a bit. She's a lonely ol' woman now... ever since 'er dog died, but she don't want a new one. It's sad, it really is. Poor ol' folks, but I'll do my best t' cheer 'er up! Anyway, I hafta tell ya this lil story. Okay, so earlier in the week I was craving sour gummy worms and crunchy carmel corn. My parents were gonna head out grocery shoppin' so I told 'em that's what I wanted. My ma looked at me an' asked "are you pregnant?" (And of course I'm not because there's no man on this earth who'd ever touch me. *cries*) But I can't help what I wanna taste. I want sour gummy worms, I love 'em. Currently, I'm just cravin' chocolate an' anythin' t' drink. My throat is dry an' such. An' OMG my f*ckin' back is achin' like someone took a jack hammer to it! It hurts so much. *sniffles* But I must be strong. Tomorrow I go to Keshi-chan's b-day party. Sunday is her actual birthday, but since everyone seems to be travelin' on Sunday, she moved it back a day. I got her a Rock Lee action figure!! (I want one too...) I hope she doesn't already have one. I don't think she does, but I got the last one at the store an' gift wrapped it with love an' made a cool lil card fer 'er an' Ayame-sempai is pickin' me up early Saturday mornin' t' head out to Keshi's fer fun an' num nums. Then on Sunday we're goin' t' my Aunt Peggy's in Rochester. That should be interestin'... We don't see 'er much now that she remarried an' moved away. But hey, family is family. We're still tryin' t' find a time t' head up to the cities t' see my Onee-san an' Matthew. As usual, we've bought him Elmo themed baby toys. I hope he likes 'im. What else has happened? Well we did our Christmas choir concert on the 11th, I lost part of my robe afterward but I found it the next day. Surprisingly I didn't get a long lecture on responsibility. An' Ryan the "homosexual" has just been super annoying and overly gross the past few days. I'm losing patience with him fast an' I've asked 'im nicely t' cool it but he don't listen. If I hear one more "Adam is so cute" I'll rip 'is tongue off. Even straight people don't go 'round spoutin' stuff like that out every 5 seconds! An' I'm havin' a hard time believin' he's gay. I think he's doing it fer attention an' hey, I know what he's goin' thru. He don't really fit in with no one else so he wants to keep close with me an' my posse. Even tho' he annoys me an' I yell at 'im sometimes I don't have the heart to just turn 'im away because there's nothin' worse than feelin' unwanted an' unimportant. I told my ma about this an' she said I was noble t' do it, but I did it simply because I don't want ANYONE to go thru the kinda pain an' sufferin' I've gone thru. Plus it's Christmas an' I really should try t' be more lovin', but he's still so god d@mn annoyin'... Saturday, December 16, 2006. 7:00 PM. The party was GREAT! Keshi-chan loved 'er action figure. Besides me, only Ayame-sempai an' Maureen-chan showed up. More people were invited but I guess they just didn't wanna come. I had a belly ache the entire time but I felt a bit better than I had at home because I was havin' fun. Let's see... we played Play Station 2 games, went for a walk, had a cat follow us an' we named her Kumosuki, ate chocolate mousse instead of cake, along with pizza an' fruit. All in all it was funful, 'cept now my tummy is hurtin' me again an' my back aches too. I guess I really don't wanna hafta tackle my homework, but tomorrow like i said earlier, is gonna be busy. I wonder whaz wrong with me... Sunday, December 17, 2006. 2:20 PM. Well we ain't goin' to my aunts. My sister got sick an' ma didn't think it was a good idea to drag 'r 45 min away from home. Oh well. Least now I have more time to work on homework. I really don't wanna tho'. NOW that I've caught up with the past events... TASUKI-SAMA!! *tackles with hugs* I missed you so much! I felt so lonely an' bored without ya. Yer gonna stay with us a lil bit before ya close fer the holidays, right? Are ya even closin' fer the Holidays? Well anyways, I made this pic special fer us. ^.^ *kisses yer cheek* Love ya hun. SuirenPS: Two Bonus Tasuki Pics! |
Dear Suiren,Nice artwork! Sorry yer not feelin' well. I hope ya' feel better soon. I dunno if we're gonna close down fer th' holidays, but it wouldn't surprise me. Glad yer friend liked 'er present. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,I like the heat... Not a big fan of the cold... Okay, I loath winter... Heheheh... Yeah, falling is not fun. Its so easy to fall though, expcially when dancing to Vicarious. One of my personal favorites because it is the second fastest song I've ever heard. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,Just be more careful in the future, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,ok... not gonna give the whole explaination but to answer my own quistions... yes to both.... anyhow.. *Hands Tamahome a huge bag of money* Alisha |
Dear Alisha,*Grins* Arigato! Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,TASUKI!! OMG!! I made the "A" Honer Roll! I am so proud of myself, BIG TIME! This is very exciting to me because I always get "F's" every stinkin' f***in' quarter. I'm still surprised how I made it to 8th grade without flunking at all through all my life. 8D I hope yer as proud as I am!! YAY!!! *bounces around like a retard than slams face into the edge of the table* OWWWWW! That hurt! *realizes head's bleeding, than runs to bathroom grabbing as much tolit-paper as possible.* No more bouncing fer me... ow. Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,Sorry ya' hurt yerself, but congratulations on makin' th' Honor Roll! *Grins* I'm proud of ya'! Tasuki |
Dear Hotohori,OMG! I think you are the prettiest seishi out of everyone! *girly squeel* Nuri-Chan, yer not nearly as beautiful as Hotohori!... *Runs fer her life.* Peek-a-boo! |
Dear Peek-a-boo!,*Smiles and sparkles* Arigato for your kind words! Hotohori |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,You'll all get what's commin' to ya' eventually... expesually you TAMAHOME!! Tasuki aint' included! ...TAMAHOME... MUST... DIE!!! >.< *Steals all of Tamahome's money and runs off, but stops to give Tasuki a kiss first.* *sighs* ...Tasuki... Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,What do you have against us? Especially me? Tamahome |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Wellp. I've met a guy. Online (of course). Gaia... and he's pretty much everything I would want in a guy. But it's one of those "when h*ll freezes over" things. There's just... no way that he'd ever be attracted to me. ._.; So I'm probably going to spend the next couple of weeks moping. T_T Ayame |
Dear Ayame,Why are you so down on yourself? I'm sure he would think you're a wonderful person! You need to have more confidence in yourself girl! *Gives her a hug.* Nuriko |
Dear Nuriko,Hey Nuriko! I heard from Tasuki that you loved me... is it true? Nuriko, do you love me? Miaka |
Dear Miaka,I love you as a dear friend. Nuriko |
Dear Tamahome,why do ya' ask fer money in order to answer a question?... Oh that's right! Here's yer money. *gives 10 platinum blocks* ^-^ I still don't like you that well, I'm jus' in a good mood, so don't ruin it! *stomps on foot then turns backside to Tamahome and secretly blows him a kiss to make him feel better*... sorry... (to self) Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,Itai! I like money. Conflicted aren't we? Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Oh God!! *laughs hard enough and starts crying* Hahahahahaha! I jus' put socks on both of my cats heads! It was so funny to see them squirm around on the floor!! They hit everything when they went one direction! I should have video taped it and then sent it to you! Or send it to Animal Planets Funniest Animals! *laughs even harder* Wish ya' could've seen it!! Big Fat Moose (actual nikename given to by a seventh grader) |
Dear Big Fat Moose,Or sent it to YouTube. That's really mean! Funny, but mean... Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,*Looks at Tama angrily, then looks up* AACK!! A mistletoe!! *Stares for a minute then jumps up and grabs mistletoe ripping it up to shreds.* HA!! NO KISS FER ME!!... ... * looks down then walks away sobbing*... tamahome... (quietly) Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,*Looks confused...* Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,*Pulls Tasuki over by the door.* Tasuki, lookie! We're standing under a mistletoe! *grins*... AND NO CHEEK, FOREHEAD OR HAND!!! *bigger grin* I'll give ya' sake if ya' kiss me. Akira Kunon |
Dear Akira Kunon,*Thinks about it...* Heh-heh... No. *Walks away.* Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,how do you keep yer hair so shiney? can ya' tell me how ya' do it? i want hair as long, beautiful and shiney as yers. and i luv the color!!! purple's my favorite color. ^-^ what's yers? BadHairDayGirl |
Dear BadHairDayGirl,Arigato! I wash and condition it daily. I also get it trimmed once a month. Purple is my favorite color, too! Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Dec/5/2006 Tuesday 5:47 Hey there Tasuki! I have a lil' problem. My mother caught me readin' an' lookin' at yaoi of Amiboshi and Suboshi. Now she's gonna tell my teachers and principal an' then have a meating 'bout it. They are all very cencerned fer me, I'm in deeeeep S**T!! But then again, it was wrong fer me to even look at it or read it. *sigh* Tasuki, I really need comfort right now. I'm in sooo much trouble! I even got caught at daycare telling lil' third an' second graders about it, than they taddled on me an' told the P.E. teacher an' I got yelled at fer talkin' inapropreat (I spelt it wrong didn't I?) to 'em. Than she started sayin' that I should "fruu fruu" my hair to impress all the boys and attract attention. I said everythin' I said was jus' to attract attention, and I started to cry. But what she said was true and now I feel so much better 'bout myself than I did when I first entered daycare. I'm not quite sure why I'm tellin' ya' 'bout this. (cuzz I was readin' yaoi 'bout ya' too... I feel so Bad!!) Anyway, what I was meanin' to ask ya' from the start was how do I get my boyfriend's attention back? He went back to 'is ex-girlfriend... I feel like doin' the cuttin' thing like that other girl who keeps writin' to ya' does. I feel so lonely. Tasuki, will you please give me a hug and kiss? That's all I'm askin' of ya'. I'll stop lookin' at yaoi and' give ya' 20 bottles of sake... please? I feel like my heart is bein' torn out of my chest. I know he's with 'is first girlfriend, but I can't help but think of 'im. Will ya please comfort me? Yer the person who's kept me goin' in life, and givin' me the inspiration to do things. I need yer help now. Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,*Gives her a hug.* Well, if yer young enough to be in daycare yer too young fer a boyfriend an' to be lookin' at yaoi! It was very wrong and not too bright of ya' to be tellin' lil' kids 'bout that kinda stuff. Shame on ya'! Don't do it again! As gfer th' boyfriend, if he's wit' 'is first girlfriend, I'd leave it alone an' get on wit' my life if I were ya'. Yer gonna find someone better. Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Sick... urgh... *Faints* Nikkou-chan |
Dear Nikkou-chan,Are you ok? *Carries her to a couch...* Mitsukake |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,The other night I was workin' on a new character design. I wanted a foxy guy, quite literally so I gave 'im the closed eyes, wide smile, an' red orange hair t' top it off an' when I was done I realized... it was the Tasuki/Chichiri love child! Ayame-sempai (Amy) said it probably happened after I drew this one pic of Tasuki and Chichiri about ready t' hop int' bed thinkin' they're gettin' in with Suiren. The caption bein' "YER NOT SUIREN!" Now don't ya go judgin' me you two, Amy asked me t' make that fer 'er because she wanted somethin' funny t' laugh about. That was a year an' a half ago... I can't remember what it looked like but she said she'd eventually scan it an' post it on 'er deviantart account. I'm gonna redo the guy a lil bit, addin' in some white highlights int' 'is hair an' such. Now what else did I wanna say...? Anou... I ferget. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Tasuki and Chichiri's love child... That's just disturbing... Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,r u and faye dating?? u should, ur cute together some chick |
Dear some chick,We ain't. An' quit givin' 'er ideas! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,*innocent* ... Maybe? ... and what's that smirk for? I thought you hated women!! Faye |
Dear Faye,They're a pain, but I am still a guy. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Let's play a lil' game. Would Ya' Rather... *Read through the whole thing before ya' answer.* 1. A) Kill Kouji orB) Sleep with Miaka? 2. A) Drink two gallons of milk or B) Drink a gallon of acid? 3. A) Kill all Suzaku Seishi *excluding yerself* or B) Kill the last animal of it's kind making it become extinct? That's all I can think of right at the moment. Can Ya' think of some fer me? They're quite fun to make up. Akira KunonP.S Ya' have to answer. You may not want to, but then what would be the point of the game? They're supposed to be hard. Personally I think 1 and 3 would be the hardest to answer. If ya' answer I'll give ya' 10 bottles of sake! 8D *Holds box with sake in it.* |
Dear Akira Kunon,That was kinda hard but here are yer snwers: A,B,B. Now where's my sake? Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Have you ever heard of a CD called System of a Down? Does the song B.Y.O.B. ring a bell? Heres part of it... Everybody's going to the partyHave a real good time, Danceing in the desert Blowing up the sunshine, I can't really understand any more, but it has something to do with " Why do they always send the poor?" ...I dunno. All I know is the main singer screems and sings. I'm listening to it right now. Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,I heard of th' group but I ain't never listened to th' cd. Tasuki |
Dear Tamahome,Aint' anyone gonna send more pictures to yer Fan Art Gallary? Ya' only gots 5. Yer probebly gonna git no more anyway. I don't want ya' ta' git no more. That 1 wit' ya' in th' bikini's funnier than s*it! Ohh! An' a reminder, YOU MUST DIE!! Tamahome dies |
Dear Tamahome dies,What do you have against me? Tamahome |
Dear Tasuki,Tasuki, YOU SUCK!! My girlfriend loves ya' more than she loves me!! *flips Tasuki off than spits in his face.* Humph! His girlfriend: STOP THAT!! Stop talking to my Tasuki that way! Sorry... *flips Tasuki off again* StupidTasuki |
Dear StupidTasuki,It ain't my fault yer not me! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,I read the responce you gave to Faye. Doesn't everybody want to jump inna bath wit'ya? I sure do!! Vanessa |
Dear Vanessa,I'm beginnin' to think so! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,I'm sorry about my boyfriend. He's just a little jeaolous. I'M SURE HE FEELS BAD FOR FLIPPING TASUKI OFF!! *sarcasticly* Boyfriend: Shuddup! I do not! Yes you do!! Boyfriend: DO NOT!!! DO TOO!! *Starts argueing* Rekka Shinen! |
Dear Rekka Shinen!,An' this is why I don't want a girlfriend! Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,I have gone WAY beyond weird... When you get dizzy or knocked down, what do you see fluttering around your head? Thanks... SuzakuAngel |
Dear SuzakuAngel,We usually see the datk inside our eyelids. Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Really? Thanks! Ron: Honestly, what's the point in talking to a copuder? Hermione: For the umpteenth time, Ron, IT'S A COMPUTER! Besides, the computer isn't actually talking. HTML... Harry: Oh, snore... here we go again with the lecture... Ron: Get off my face, Lady Smartypants! Really, all this Muggle-ity(?) is just plain RIDICULOUS! Hermione: Argh, I give up! *Stomps off* Ron: What's with her, eh? She looks like a tevelision was smacked into her face...Harry: Tevili...? ... HERMIONE!!! The Golden TrioP.S. Harry: Wait a minute, who gave us that name anyway? Ron: Golden Trio? Dunno... maybe some setero was haywire? Harry: *Thinking* Setero... stereo... >_< |
Dear Golden Trio,You're welcome. Now Harry, you live in the Muggle world part time so you should be able to explain computers, stereos, and televisions to Ron. Is Hermione ok? Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Monday, December 4, 2006. 5:35 PM. Aw that's sweet of ya t' say, but I feel kinda bad that ya'd be my second. *snuggles* I don't wanna betray Tasuki, but I'm just so much more comfortable with you. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,I don't think he'd feel betrayed, no da. I'm sure I'm a lot of fans second or third favorite, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Hikou: Anou... *walks up to ya an' taps a fist into yer gut* There, I hit ya. Murin: That ain't no punch! *slams her fist into Hikou's cheek* THAT's a punch. Hikou: I'm a lover not a fighter... you don't see Chichi-ue throwing his fists around. Besides, training in sorcery is hard work too. Murin: NYAH! Yer just a lil sissy boy! Murin and Hikou |
Dear Murin and Hikou,Knock it off ya' two! Tappin' ain't hittin' but at least it's a start fer ya'. An' Chichiri may not use 'is fists but I have seen 'im use 'is staff. Magic may not always work, so ya' gotta learn this as a back up. D'ya understand that? Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Monday, December 4, 2006. 5:25 PM. I sure as h3ll hope I feel better soon. My mind is startin' t' ache as much as my body does. I dunno what's wrong with me, but it may be that I'm getting more lactose intolerant and dairy is startin' t' mess me up. 'R perhaps it's the anxiety, but I dunno. I dread havin' t' go t' school every day... I want winter break to get 'ere soon. 3 more weeks... arghh... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,Sounds like anxiety to me. Are ya' havin' problems at school? Tasuki |
Dear Nuriko,I wonder if there aren't many girls or boys write to you. But, I must tell you that I'm too short and too fat. I'm 159 cms tall and 57 kgs. I want some awesome clothes, but no one fits my body measurement. What clothes' kind should I wear, and sorry if my grammar is bad Shierly |
Dear Shierly,You are about 5'2" and 125 pounds. You aren't THAT heavy! But if you have problem areas or clothing stores where you live only carry clothes for beanpoles tryTorridand Lane Bryant. You can order clothes from them on the web if they don't have any stores near you. You would want to wear clothes that elongate your body to make you look taler and thinner. No horizontal stripes! You also want to wear clothes that accent your curves. Nuriko |
Dear Tasuki,Well, we did do that, but apparently she still keeps on doing those stupid nasty things. She's starting to get on my last nerves. Zaiachi |
Dear Zaiachi,Then she's doin' it fer attention. If everyone ignores 'er she should eventually stop. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Yeah... I have recently started dancing again. I have no reason to for I'm already a toothpick, but dancing is fun... At least until I slip on the carpet and land on my face six times. On another note: ITS COLD!! I can't stand the cold... And its about a minute from snowing here... Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,I like the cold, no da. Dancing is good exercise, just be careful not to fall! Chichiri |
Dear Mitsukake,Howdy there partner!... (Hyperventilates) I-I love you!! I'm An Evil Gay Hobo! |
Dear IAEGH,Ano... nice to meet you? Mitsukake |
Dear Chichiri,Sunday, December 3, 2006. 1:20 AM. Ah Chichiri-sama! *hops on yer shoulders and lays chin against the crown of yer head* Just the monk I wanted t' be seein'. It's been months since I've actually watched my FY DVDs in full, not that I needed refreshin' of the episodes since they can play in my mind. But I noticed how serious yer introduction was. I've kinda been missin' ya, but I haven't had much of a reason t' talk with ya. I miss ya y'know an' I have this lil situation. Ya know I'm the kinda girl who's easily taken with the fiery red head, but then a fox faced guy who has a hint of mystery about 'im an' I get torn between who I love more. Like with you an' Tasuki, (then there's Ichigo an' Gin) but I don't get it. I can't really have a defined favorite favorite. Generally I think I get along better with you an' Tasuki could care less, but then again I have more in common with Tasuki. *sigh* This is all pretty pointless but I wanna talk with ya, but unfortunately there really ain't much I have t' say. Ah... *watches episode 10 fer a bit* Hmm... why the h3ll didn't ya stop Miaka from goin' t' Kutou insteada staulkin' 'er an' watchin' from the trees like a pervert? Honestly the more ya try t' convince me ya ain't a lil pervy the more I don't believe ya. *thinks for a moment* DAA!! A great idea has come into my lil head no da! My hands are trembling with joy! *goes chibi and hops of yer shoulders* I must draw the awesomeness that has entered my mind!! Oh! Btw, i have a couple new pics on my deviantart account. Check it: Rangiku and GinSekisa-san Near Death and In a Choke Hold Suiren XP |
Dear Suiren,Arigato for your kind words, no da. Nice artwork! I think Tasuki will always be your number one favorite with all others coming in second. Chichiri |
Dear Tamahome,Do you really love miaka thet much hey!! joanna marie c mendiola |
Dear joanna marie c mendiola,I do! Tamahome |
Dear Chichiri,why are you always putting a mask miaka |
Dear miaka,I've told you before Miaka, because my scar scares people, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Darn! Operation "Improve Tasuki's Hygene Using Feminine Wiles" didn't work! Faye |
Dear Faye,My hygiene is jus' fine! I know all ya' wanted to do was jump inna bath wit' me. *Smirks* Tasuki |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,I finally have a new AMV, it's been over two months! Suiren |
Dear Suiren,We've never heard of the song, but it was a prety funny AMV! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Tasuki,Saturday, December 2, 2006. 2:15 PM. Nah I dunno. Fillers ain't really worth it, besides, Gin ain't gonna be in them. As always I love the red head an' the fox face... heh. My stupid stomach still aches like h3ll... I wonder what's wrong with me. It's gotta be more than my... uh... "monthly visitor" an' I don't think it's the Flu because other than my belly an' a dry throat... my back aches but I don't think that's really relevant. Suiren |
Dear Suiren,I dunno much 'bout that stuff but yer back could jus' be cramps. Feel better... Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hikou: WHY?! WHY'D YOU'D HURT MY SHIHAN?! Murin: Papa, I think ya dang near killed 'er. *pokes Tarumei with a stick* Hikou: She's gonna be so p*ssed when she wakes up. *makes kissie noices to draw Tarumei's snake over to him.* Come here Hebi-chan. Help Hikou out. *snake stays by Tarumei* Hikou: Hebi-chan... Murin and Hikou |
Dear Murin and Hikou,Quit yer whinin'! She ain't dead! If she were d'ya think th' snake would still be alive? Yeah, yer angry at me ain'tcha'? C'mon lil' man! Come at me wit' all ya' got, jus' yer fists, no magic! Les' go... *Gets ready to spar Hikou who's blindly rushing at him.* Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,You love wolves too!? Sweet! That's my favorite animal as well!! We have so much in common! I have anger management issues, you have anger management issues, I love wolves, you love wolves, my favorite holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving, and your favorite holidays are Christmas and Thanksgiving, and we both get p*ssed easely! One more question, What's yer second and third favorite animal? My second favorite animal is the tiger, and my third are penguins! ^-^ O.o |
Dear O.o,I dunno. I like cats. Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Hi Tasuki! I've been away for some time now! I've missed you guys! -hands Tasuki some sake- just like always. -^^- So how have you been? Anyway, I have this problem. This girl is ruining everyone's life, including mine. So what do you think, should I give her a kick in the you-know-where, or should I just leave her alone? Zaiachi |
Dear Zaiachi,Welcome back! Mebbe ya' should get together wit' th' other people she has hurt an' expose 'er fer the gossipy, nasty brat she is. Tasuki |
Dear Chichiri,Hey there Chichiri-san. How are you doing? I hope you're fine. -^^- Anyway, Im kinda confused. I'v been having such a lousy month and I dont know what to do. People are just being to mean. I get scolded without any proper reason and the likes. Im very unlucky and then horrible things keep coming up. I've tried every possible thing... but nothing really works! Its just so horrible. And then I got into a quarell with this traitor-friend person. She was spreading horrible things about all my friends. I hate her so much! I've confronted her once and spoke my mind out. Still, I want to solve things. How to make everything work out for the best before I start to kill her... ...... ... What should I do? ...... ... -sits down- I think I need a hug... Zaiachi |
Dear Zaiachi,I'm fine thanks. Killing her is NOT an option, no da! *Gives her a hug.* Without knowing specifics it's hard for me to counsel you beyond that things can only get better from here. Chichiri |
Dear Suzaku Seishi,Hi guys! its been a long time since ive written to you... Well life here... really busy! Well I have high grades in the 2nd qtr and Im proud to say I have a chance to be an honor student so il try my best to be. Anyway 3rd qtr exams will start on Dec.13 upto 18th so You wont really hear much from me but i promise i will message you guys after! LOV YA! Jamie May |
Dear Jamie May,Ganbatte kudasai! Keep up the great grades! We're very proud of you! Suzaku Seishi |
Dear Chichiri,Heheheh... Especially when a certain character ticks you off... Roleplaying is good too, but that gives me an adrenliene rush like mad. But then I can't sit there and drool over the samurai swords all night because the internet goes out sometimes. But I guess since the only way I'd ever get that book is if I had the money in my hand. Kaguya-Hime |
Dear Kaguya-Hime,As long as you get it out of your system without hurting anyone, no da. Chichiri |
Dear Tasuki,Friday, December 1, 2006. 10:45 PM. Nah, my sis ain't that crazed out in 'er head. Let's try to think rationally. I'm the newest feedling for the creatures of the night; ie vampires. Okay, that's not rational, but the bites are two lil marks about two inches apart from each other. They ain't bug bites cuz they're too big an' they ain't itchy. Or maybe I'm just slowly loosin' my mind. I finished up with Bleach. Yup. I'm not watchin' any of the fillers because they don't count as any actual story plot. It's just more made up sh*t t' p*ss me off so I'm not gonna give into the lies. But I wonder whaz happenin'. I gotta get me hands on the japanese manga. Seein' as I've got all the current Naruto manga there's gotta be somethin' 'bout Bleach on the net somewheres. Oh well. My stomach continues to be relentless with pain, tho I was able to go to school today. But I found out that my choir teacher an' his wife lost their first kid. It was only a month or so along an' she miscarried. That sucks because he's really a nice guy an' he'd make such a good dad. But the sorrows were lifted when none other than Amber-chan came burstin' into the choir room at the end of school. I haven't seen 'er in months! An' guess what Tasuki? She's pregnant. Yup. I know it's like the stupidest thin' t' be doin' at 16, but I'm hopin' bein' pregnant will help open Amber-chan's eyes so she matures a lil an' stops makin' all these bad choices. Her current boyfriend (the father of this kid I'm assumin') is definetely a much better guy than the last bf. He was a total d-bag that was no good fer 'er at all. So while I'm both happy an' upset with Amber-chan, hopefully some good will come from this. I mean a baby Tasuki-sama! My lil sister Amber-chan is gonna have a baby! SQUEE! I'm gonna be an auntie again. ^.^ I know teen pregnancy is one of "those" subjects but nothin' could be more pure than a baby. *huggles my babies* Oh I don't care if all my babies are 2d I love them so much! An' someday I'm gonna have a real baby an' I'm gonna be the best d@mn mom in the world! Even if the kid don't come from me, I will adopt an' give a kid a good home an' still be the best d@mn mom in the whole frickin' universe! But maybe it's still too early to be thinkin' about babies... Suiren |
Dear Suiren,I don't think 16 year old's should be out gettin' pregnant, but she is so I hope she grows upo an' takes care of 'er baby. I also hope she can finish school an' do well fer herself an' her kid. Sorry to hear 'bout yer teacher, that's sad. Ya' should watch th' filler fer Bleach! It's really good! Tasuki |
Dear Tasuki,Murin: Yer gonna get first degree burns on yer @$$ Hikou if ya don't do somethin'! Hikou: I JUST WANNA CHANGE MY PANTS!! Tarumei: Enough of this! *a snake slithers outta no where and eats the flame* Hikou: Shi-Shihan! Shisen Tarumei-sensei! Tarumei: *grabs Hikou by his shirt collar* Stupid brat, you never listen to your elders and you wonder why you get in trouble. If I wasn't strictly forbidden by your father, I'd whip you silly for this last stunt. *hands him a clean pair of pants* Change RIGHT NOW. Hikou: H-Hai Shihan! *scurries off* Murin: Yer Hikou's teacher? Tarumei: Speak when spoken too brat! And for future reference I am the great Shisen, Tarumei. *picks up her snake and lets it coil around her shoulders* An' this is yer pathetic excuse fer a father? Tsk, I've seen tougher stains on silverware. Murin: He'd kick yer @$$ any day! Tarumei: Are you retarded? I'm the most accomplished sorceress in Hokkan, this lil pansy couldn't fight his way out of his own mind. Now I'm here to take MY student back. He won't learn anything hanging around smelly, unmannered brutes who have the nerve to call themselves men. Murin, Hikou, and The Great Shisen Tarumei |
Dear Murin, Hikou, and The Great Shisen Tarumei,*Smacks her from behind with his closed tessen and knocks her out.* Who th' h*ll are ya' callin' "smelly, unmannered brute"? I DON'T SMELL!! 'Sides, if yer so *^%$#_+ good why're ya' unconcious at my feet? *Fanged grin* Yer "student" needs to learn to get phyiscal an' fight like a man so when 'is magic don't work he won't end up dead. *Grabs Hikou* C'mon gakki ya' got more trainin' to do... Tasuki |