Letters Archive Week Ending November 18, 2006

Letters Archive
Week Ending November 18, 2006

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Oh right... I remember... Ok, so I wrote: I should have been dead. Back then... back then... and back then... But why am I still alive? SOOO true... >.> ...I told you about the three times I've almost drowned right?... Yeah.. TT.TT I hates water sooo much.. TT.TT Random... but yeah... I was thinking of Tasuki and I was like "...Tasuki... water... hate... drown... dies!! TT.TT"

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

Ah, so you swim like a hammer, too?


Dear Tasuki,

Wednesday (but it feels like a Thursday), November 15 (Grandma's death anniversary), 2006. 4:30 PM.

Murin: *squeals and pounces on Tasuki* I don't think Hikou's gonna come near ya papa, he thinks yer scary lookin'.

Hikou: Suiren-san, don't leave me with him!! *wailing his little head off* Chichi-ue!! CHICHI-UEEEE!! WUHAAAAAAAAA!!

Murin: Whoa he ain't never been that loud before... oh, mama gave me the link to the video thingy she mentioned in the last letter. http://funnyjunk.com/movies/50/Children+SUCK/stream Hehe, this kid reminds me of Ryuuen before his attitude adjustment. XP

Murin and Hikou

Dear Murin and Hikou,

'Che! Don't this kid ever shut up? He's sounds like th' brat in th' video! Yo' kid! I ain't gonna hurt ya'! So quit yer hollerin'!


Dear Chichiri,

Yeah, it was I suppose, but I'll still be nervous. After all, not many people take young authors seriously because our minds are "too underdeveloped" or we copied the idea from something else. Well, at least, from what I've been told they do. And one guy said the even stole his idea, which technically can't he sue them for doing so as long as he has the original and rough draft? Technically that's plagarism.

I've given up on NaNo, but definantely not the novel. I'm dead serious about this one and there's nothing in the world that can keep me from finishing it! Except... Maybe a free trip to Japan, but thats about it. -nervous laugh- Course I know very little of the language and I just learned Goodbye today... I can say it perfectly! I just can't spell it.


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Well, this is an excellent opportunity for you, no da! Good luck on your novel! By the way you spell "goodbye" in Japanese "sayanora".


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Man, I haven't written here in a while. School keeps me buisey... and drawing in my spair time, I promised my friend a comic wich will hopefully be done by christmas XD. Also video games have been keeping me hooked, I have to wait till next month to get new ones that I so desperatly want, *coughdestroyallhumans2cough* Any of you guys ever play the first one? That was awesomeness! XD; I'm trigger happy on that game. Also the new sonic game wich I wont be able to play probably untill 2008 or longer. Oh, also I found out that for continuing education at my collage next semester they are running a beginners how to draw manga class!! I was sooooo glad they finnaly established something like that, gotta sign up before it goes. So maby i'll do some kind of cool manga after I finish the corse. Well i'd better go it's getting kind of late.


Dear firegoddess,

Ohisashiburi desu! We hope things are going well with your college courses. Gomen, we've never played that game.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Would you rather...

A. Drink sake if it will cause your loved ones to get hurt(only slightly)


B. Drink a half-gallon of sake, then a gallon of milk

You Woudn't Wanna Know

Dear You Woudn't Wanna Know,

Since I ain't got no loved ones, I'll go wit' A! B would jus' make me puke!


Dear Nuriko,

I just looked at the Ebay link Ate (is a respective word for an older girl) Suiren sent recently... and it was available in the Philippines!!! Too bad. Wish I knew about it earlier, I could have tried to bid... but then again, with the Peso (our currency) -Dollar exchange, I can't afford it... gah... if it wasn't for the credits that our country made with the World Market... oh, what many lame, useless bids I could do on Ebay (except the ones for FY, of course!) ... and if only I am allowed, as I am just 11...


Dear Nikkou-chan,

Tsk-tsk... You really shouldn't even have an eBay account if you're under 18; as bidding repersents a legal contract and you're too young to do that.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Oh... XDD... Yeah... those translator fail at life.. don't use them... XDD Anyways, I'd tell you what I said... if I could remember... what did I say again? ^^"

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

Actually, the Jim Breen one is quite good. What you wrote should be further down the peeji.


Dear Chichiri,

One of my friend's mothers is going to let me use her publisher. I nearly killed my friend from hugging her so tight I was so happy. ^^ You think I would have in a week, but no. Either my dad threw it away or the dog got a hold of it. I don't ever think I'll see that thing again. But the thing is, they started mass producing them in stores so if I really want another one, I can just go out and buy it. It won't be even half as special. Heh, I still have a picture my friends took of me wearing it. I looked like a geek. We only tried wearing it one way, but it could be worn tons of different ways. My friend came into school the next day wearing it around her waist under her shirt. ^_^

I found the picture's html finally!

I'm hoping it works out, it has a tendency to... Spazz andd not let people see it. The headbands in the pic are the ones she made for us. Metal peice and all, and yes it does hurt when people decide to poke the metal peice enough for it to to damage skin. I had two lines on my forehead where the metal peice was for about a month.


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Congratulations on getting a publisher, no da! That was very nice of your friend's mother to do that for you. Nice artwork, no da!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Oops! Sorry! It's www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL80SaoNOXk.


Dear Nikkou-chan,

It was good. Did you see the Fushigi Yuugi Action one?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*Giggles* Of course you wouldn't have heard of Congo Grille, it's a native Philippine restaurant. Although I thought you would've eaten at Racks already, because I thought it was foreign. But then, here... sisig (in this case Congo Grille's sisig) is a grill-cooked mixture of bits of meat (pork, chicken, or tuna), onions and mayonnaise. It's best with fresh calamansi juice squirted all over it! Try it at home, just fry a mixture of bits of meat, onions and mayonnaise on a grill... yum... I swear when you do, you'll keep cooking it again and again and again...

(Three days later)

...and again and again and again...


Dear SuzakuAngel,

It cerainly sounds good! I'll have to try it!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

In other words, one is after me (fraternity). It's not yet a real one, but I'm just 11 and I'm afraid to join my friend's circle of friends because I think it'll turn to one. So I'm planning to join the girls' group instead. The problem is, my best friend is the one who started the other group, so she isn't in the girls' group. HELP!!


Dear Nikkou-chan,

Why can't you join both?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,



Dear Nikkou-chan,

You need help with a club?

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Tuesday, November 14, 2006. 12:35 AM. (reason I'm awake: can't sleep)

I dunno... Hikou demands a LOT of attention when he's little. Murin's always been the type to do things on her own, Hikou... well yer lucky if ya can get 'im t' stop clingin' t' someone. *lifts legs up with Hikou firmly attached* He has only three people in the world he'll do this with, Murin, Chichiri, an' myself. Everyone else freaks him out.

Hikou: That man has a scary face Okaa-san... *clings tight*

Murin: NO HE DOESN'T!! Mama said I look just like 'im, is my face scary?!

Hikou: K-Kinda...

Murin: GRRR!! Hikou yer a girly dumby head!

Hikou: ... sorry...

*sigh* Ah children. I'm reminded of a foreign commercial where a father and his son are shopping in a grocery store an' the kid wants somethin', dad says no, kids throws fit. The pitch was "shoulda used condoms". XP But seriously, I've had to deal with tantrum kids before in real life... not pretty.

Okay, I'm gettin' tired here... care to keep watch over these two while I get some rest? (yeah right)

Suiren, Murin, and Hikou

Dear Suiren, Murin, and Hikou,

Yeah, what th' h*ll. Mebe I'll put some backbone in 'im. C'mere kid!


Dear Tamahome,

SuzakuAngel: What's that supposed to mean?

Nikkou-chan: Ahhh... *Stares at eyes with wonder*

SuzakuAngel: What?

Nikkou-chan: Dollar eyes... I love those eyes... *drools*

SuzakuAngel: *To Tamahome* Would you stop flashing those eyes? I own you besides Miaka doing so.

Nikkou-chan: *Holds up donor card* Gimme th' dollar eyes...*Froths*

SuzakuAngel: *Shakes Nikkou-chan* Hey, girl, snap outta it!

SuzakuAngel and Nikkou-chan (I've decide to use this instead-NnT)

Dear SuzakuAngel and Nikkou-chan,

Glad you liked them!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Ehh~?... :( How come you guys never reply to my japanese posts? T.T They're not hard to translate... >.>... XDD

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

This last one didn't make sense and when fed into multiple translaters all they could come up with was unsewn clothes. Maybe they would work better in kanji/hiragana instead of romanji.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Monday, November 13, 2006. 5:25 PM.

*reverts Murin an' Hikou back to toddlers for the time being* Yup, a tame red head is rare anyway. I think I'll keep these two in their younger forms for a while, that way they'll get along plus Murin is just the most kawaii aka-chan! *snuggles Muri-chan*

Murin: *giggles and hugs her right back*

An' Hikou is nice an' quiet.

Hikou: *grabs Suiren's pantleg and hides his head*

Ahh... finally, some peace an' quiet. The one good thing about being a creator is that you can control them... for the most part anyways. I get along much better with toddlers than any other age group. ^^

Murin: Paaapaaaa!! *reaching for Tasuki*

Well... Murin still doesn't get along with me. :( Guess that's another character that needs a little development. SUiren an' Murin need some sort of common ground so they can get along in my story better. Now I gots to go deal with this lil critter.

Murin: NOOOOO!!

Suiren, Murin, and Hikou

Dear Suiren, Murin, and Hikou,

Ya' know mebbe Chichiri can raise Hikou better if ya' leave 'im lil' fer a bit. Whaddya' think?


Dear Chichiri,

Even if I don't finish that novel in the month, I'm still going to keep writing on it until it is finished. Then I'll do everything I can to get it published. I think I've already said this, but thats a little dream of mine. To become a published author.

-nervous laugh- If I can ever find the html for it... I know I tried to send it to someone yesterday, but now I can't find it... Oh well. I will find it eventually, I always do. Well, with the exception of a headband a friend made for me. (Not really a loss, she lost her's too and we both looked weird when we wore them. And I only noticed it had been missing because I wanted to wear it for Crazy Day at school... A year after it was created.)


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Good luck on getting published, no da. So, did you ever find the headband?


Dear Tasuki,

W0000t, birthday drinking! *gets booze for herself and Tasuki* *sips her lychee-grape cocktail*


Dear Ayame,

Yeah! Thanks! So lessee if I can drink 'em outta more n' 2000 yen in booze. Bring it on!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Okay. So my grandparents work for an international food and research multi-level marketing company called Reliv Int'l. They got a P10,000 check from the Top 5 PGPV 'cause they did good last month, and if they stay on the Top 5 PGPV list, they'll be going to Japan next year! Please wish them luck for me. It had to be in March 5-11, I might not be able to come, man... but... oh, fond memories with us they will share... *sulks in a corner*

Nikkou no Tenshi

P.S. Have you guys, by any chance, watched this video? Have fun!

Dear Nikkou no Tenshi,

We wish them luck and hope they can take you with them! We tried the link but it doesn't work.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I got 1st Honor in class again! Whee! Party again! And this time, with lots of KFC, Racks and Congo Grille (have you eaten at Racks?)! *Party stuff enter once more*


P.S. My grades went down a bit, however. I went down by .61 %. It used to be 94.66, but now it's 94.5. Trust me, you don't wanna know why.

Dear SuzakuAngel,

Congratulations! Ano... we haven't heard of Racks or Congo Grille.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Okay. I think I've been watching WWWAAAYYY too much FY lately. Here's my latest(and weirdest yet) dream(by the way, Tamalycious, shove off for a while, would you, please? Thanks.):


So Miaka, Hotohori and Nakago were all inside a blue room (but later on, in my living room). So Miaka was really scared so she was just, like, holding on to Hotohori (my brain's apologies to Lady Houki and Boushin ^_^"). Nakago kept teleporting Hotohori away from Miaka (again, my brain apologizes) to lessen her protection. This happened a number of times until they appeared in my living room... and Nakago was SITTING on my sofa... and then the same thing happened again and again in my living room.


(Okay, Tamalycious, you can come back in now.)

I was sitting on the chair by our wengue study table, doing nothing but twirling the chair around (see, it's a computer chair). By the study table was a verical jalousie window. So I was just sitting there, and then, suddenly, a dark-blue-haired person with blue clothes peeks through the window, and this person turns out to be (yup, you guessed it) Tamahome. I was like "Wha--?" and then Tamahome's eyes peek in through the unfolded jalousies at me, and I was like "o.O".

Someone quote me. ^_^


P.S. Tamahome, please don't blame me if you start crying over part 1, I asked you to go away...

Dear SuzakuAngel,

It's an interesting dream, but I don't see why I'd cry about it.


Dear Tamahome,

*Show picture of a bag of money hanging off a fishing rod hanging off a New York City skyscraper's window*

SuzakuAngel and Nikkou no Tenshi

Dear SuzakuAngel and Nikkou no Tenshi,



Dear Tamahome,

I asked the Suzaku Seishi what Oni ment and the said "Oni can mean both ogre or demon. It can also mean "it" in a game of tag!" What did they mean by that? Were they making fun of you or something?

Most annoying thing gone soft

Dear Most annoying thing gone soft,

No they weren't. It does have all those meanings. The most common is ogre.


Dear Chiriko,

What does Odiwa mean? (Sorry if it's mis-spelled)


Dear Bear,

I can't find that word. If it's not spelled correctly, I can't tell you what it means.


Dear Mitsukake,

Hi Mitsukake! I don't think your boring. *Now for the question* Whats your favorite animal? Mine's the wolf hands down!

Nakago's Girl

Dear Nakago's Girl,

Arigato! Cats are my favorite animals.


Dear Nuriko,

Why did you cut your beautiful hair? Although I must say you do look hotter with it short!!! (But not as hot as my Tasuki!)

Tas AND Nuri fan (you don't have to make "and " all upper case letters)

PS: This is why my name was Tas Fan! Now I'll change it!

Dear Tas and Nuri fan,

I wanted to be a man again. I'm glad you like my new look.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey Tasuki, I had the most embarrassing dream last night, and one of the best ones I've had too! Oh I'm trembling just trying to type it. Anyway it was about me and you. I drempt that I was anime and that you and me were, dare I say it, sleeping together! Oh now I'm shaking! This is a little embarrassing telling you this, but I had to get it out of my system! Oh I'm so naughty! Now I can't stop shaking! What do you think of me know? *Oh! I wouldn't mind having that dream again!* (STOP SHAKING ME!) Tas, have you ever had a dream like mine?


Dear Vanessa,

I ain't ever hadda dream like yers. I think yer still th' typical fangirl.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey Tas! how are ya'? I've never written to ya' cuzz I jus' bearly found th' Ask Th' Suzaku Seishi thin' under th' picture of Suzaku. I always go to Byakko so I can go to Abyssal Flames an' look at all th' pictures of ya'! Yer voice is cool when ya' sing! Personally I like Even Though It's Painful... Always an' Make a Glittering Star Bloom in th' Heart! Those are my fav songs sung by ya'! Well gotta git goin'! See ya'!

Nakago's Girl

Dear Nakago's Girl,

Welcome to our humble cyber-abode! Thanks fer alla th' nice stuff ya' said 'bout me. Ain't Nakago gonna be mad that yer here?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Boku wa, shinu hazadaita. Anotokimo... anotokimo... anotokimo... Sora demo, nade ikite iru? (If you knew what I said...It's actually kinda true... hence why I don't like water.. XDD)

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

We couldn't get most of it translated except where you kept repeating "um clothes that come unsewn (anotokimo)". Sorry.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

How dare you mock me!! B*sterds, you will die by my hand!!

Soi: Nakago, calm down!

Nakago: No! I've had enough of those #@$&%@# Suzaku Seishi!

Soi: ...

Amiboshi: Nakago please!

Nakago: Get out of my way!

(Ashitare pees on throne.)

Nakago: !! (Pulls out whip and starts beating Ashitare.)

I'll deal with you b*sterds later, Ashitare! look what you did to my throne! (Continues to beat Ashitare.)


Dear Nakago,

*Snickers and smirks* If ya' can't even paper train yer dog I don't think yer gonna be able to kill us.


Dear Tasuki,

Indeed. I have faith in your ability to drink, Tasuki. Shall we go then? ^_^


Dear Ayame,

*Grins* H*ll yes!


Dear Chichiri,

Heh... I found out yesterday I have no reason to worry. Things have been getting hectic lately apparently. On both sides of this, myself for the acursed novel and him for random reasons that love to torture us. God he's accident prone... I have become bitter towards word count and decided to ignore it all together so far. I'm beginning to hate it more and more every minute. I kept saying that I wanted to shoot whoever came up with the d*mn thing yesterday. That and there's this ever constant urge to start back up on one of my stories which went on temporary hiatus. And to top things off, my sister finally decided to get the four Inuyasha movies I've wanted ever since they first started coming out. -_- Took her long enough... So, I've had my eyes glued to the TV screen watching them... Repeatedly. Especially the last one, but I always complain that they make Suzaku look gay and act gay... -sighs- The dragon must always look cool apparently... If I didn't think easterns were so cool, I'd be a bit more bitter...

Oh! One of my friend's edited a picture we found and it has a really deep meaning to us, we even passed it around and all our friends who received it put it in their signatures, if you want to see it, I can send it to you guys, it's real pretty. It doesn't relate to Fushigi Yugi at all, but it's something sweet to pass around.


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Perhaps you should just concentrate on doing a story you'll enjoy, no da. If you want to forward the picture that would be fine.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

SWEET! ^^ Let's be Genbu 5 buddys!! ^^ XP

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,


Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I have new artwork!



Dear Suiren,

Nice artwork! Arigato!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Saturday, November 11, 2006. 11:55 PM.

Hikou: Wh-What did I do?! I swear I've been clean for three months! I can't do much with my leg all messed up anyway. *grumbles sarcastically* thank you Suiren-sama.

Murin: Ah ya've always had a gimpy leg anyway.

Hikou: But now I need a crutch t' walk! Our creator enjoys torturing me!

Murin: Hey it's torture fer me too, now I can't beat on ya. Hittin' cripples ain't cool.

Hikou: -_- please don't call me that.

Murin: Nya!

Hikou: You took my ability to walk, my sorcery, my drugs, when will you be satisfied?!

Murin: When i take away yer perversion.

Hikou: That you're never gonna take.

Murin *pulls his bangs*

Hikou: OW! You're so mean.

Murin: An' you want me t' be a f*ckin' housewife! I don't care how messed up you are, you do yer own laundry, cook yer own food, an' h3ll you pleasure yerself!

Hikou: You can't cook anyway!

Murin: An' yer gettin' fat just sittin' around all day.

Hikou: O.O I... I'm fat? NOOOOOOO!!! To the thigh master!! *limps away*

Murin: Egotistics are so easy to control.

Murin and Hikou

Dear Murin and Hikou,

She sure takes after her aunts don't she? *Grins*


Dear Tasuki,

*drops huge case of sake and runs*

alisha and (kaiya)

Dear alisha and (kaiya),

*Grins* Arigato!


Dear Tamahome,

hey! alisha's back with a new friend for the suzku seishi!! say hi kiaya!


oh and tamahome... she thinks you are sooo cute... so dont be mean k? .um basically i had no other reason to send this later... keep an eye on tasuki for me... im still in hiding.. heh ... oh almost forgot.... *hands over 500 ryo* alrighty then ..buh bye.. say bye kiaya and anything else you wanna say...

bye bye! (cutie)

Alisha + kiaya

Dear Alisha + kiaya,

Welcome back! I'm never mean. So, why are you hiding from Tasuki?


Dear Tasuki,

Yeah, I know 20's the legal age in Japan. H*ll, I've been drinking already. :D

But there's still something to be said about being able to legally drink when I return home.

There's a pretty spiffy place nearby where it's all-you-can-drink for 2000 yen. There's a 90-minute time limit, though. I didn't do so well... I actually lost money on it. However, you'd probably make up for it; I have no doubt that you are capable of drinking more than me. ^^;


Dear Ayame,

*Grins* I bet I MAKE money on THAT deal!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

All of you shall die eventually. *Persistent idiots.* We shall crush your goal and reach ours! *Laughs evily*


Dear Nakago,

That's true... of old age!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Hey Tamahome! It's been a long time since We've seen you! How's Miaka doing? Actually We're not aloud to even be talking to you. Nakago's been uptight lately. He says we stop at nothing until we awaken Seiryuu, but me and Suboshi slipped away for a little bit. When Nakago finds us who knows who will happen.

Nakago: Amiboshi! Suboshi! >_<

Amiboshi, Suboshi: Oh no! He found us! O.O

Nakago: Amiboshi, Suboshi! Who are you writing to?

Amiboshi, Suboshi: Uhhh, nobody...

Well gotta go! Wish we could have chatted more! We'll check your response once Nakago settles down. Bye!

Amiboshi and Suboshi

Dear Amiboshi and Suboshi,

We're all fine. Good luck with Nakago!


Dear Tasuki,

Thanks! Maybe I will! It's always great to have encouragement from your favorite bishounen. *grin grin*


Dear Faye,

No problem! *Grins*


Dear Tamahome,

Hey Tamahome, do pronounce your name the way it looks? Home as in I want to go home *example1*, or as in hom mae? *example2* I know the tama part, I'm just not so sure about the home part. If you could tell me that would really help! Could you just answer Example1 or Example2 please? Oh! And I feel so much better due to your hug, Thanks!^-^

Most annoying thing gone soft

Dear Most annoying,

It is pronounced Tamahomae. You'e welcome!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Minna, aishite'ru. ^^ *hugs all* Anyways, anything new with you guys? I myself just bought Genbu Kaiden 5 today (along with other stuffs ^^)!! So happy. ^^

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

Arigato! Nothing much is new here, but we do have Genbu Kaiden 5.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Do you know any web-sites that would be able to teach me Japanese, and about how many letters have you recieved so far? Because from what I've checked you haven't goten very many, so heres another one for you right here!


Dear Bear,

Ano... I think you forgot to include it.


Dear Chichiri,

I think I can do it, long as I stay calm and relaxed. In short, I need to get more Green Tea. I swear, it automatically relaxes me within seconds. That and I end up staying up till lord knows when which means more time to write, but that's not important, is it? Not when I can write a mile a minute.

But other than that, I've been a bit depressed. I haven't seen my boyfriend a lot lately, and I'm getting worried that he doesn't care about me anymore. I shouldn't be worried about it, right? I'm probably overreacting, he's told me he loves everyday. I shouldn't worry... Right?


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

I'm sure he still loves you, no da. How is the word count coming along?


Dear Tasuki,

My beloved Tasuki, Why is it that when I looked at the previous questions, people kept asking if you are gay? I don't think that one bit, consitering all the letters I've sent to you. Some people are just stupid right? I cannot see myself asking you that question whatsoever! My heart would just explode if I ever did. Well see ya around!


Dear Vanessa,

They jus' like to annoy me.


Dear Tasuki,

Friday, November 10, 2006. 5:30 PM.

Ah I suspect he'll get over it. Ever since Kyuuen died he's become very protective of his other younger twin. Ya can't really blame the boy, he's just confused and Shun'u isn't exactly a good role model as a big brother for him. *sigh* I gotta work on developing their characters.

Murin: Not everyone can be as beautiful, smart, and sexy as myself.

Shun'u: Ya fergot modest Nee-chan.

Murin: Least I can fight.

Shun'u: Well I can cook! Ya talentless house wife!

Murin: I'm not gonna be a housewife!

Shun'u: That's not what Hikou says...

Murin: Yer dead!! *tackles*

Ryuuen: I may have issues but at least I don't go picking fights with my siblings. Shun'u is just an idiot. -_-

Suiren and Kids

Dear Suiren and Kids,

I think Hikou is in deep sh*t...


Dear Chichiri,

'Course it's my duty t' know an' I know everthin' 'bout Watase-sama's works. ^_^


Dear Suiren,

Then I guess you are the ulimate watase-sensei fangirl, no da.


Dear Chichiri,

Dang straight, an' anyone who cares to challenge my title... BRING IT ON!!


Dear Suiren,

*Smiles* Be careful what you ask for, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

Friday, November 10, 2006. 3:25 PM. (Home from school early due to snow)

*chuckles* I suppose I am a bit dangerous aren't I? But I love ya an' there's no way I'm like Aidou 'r yer other sisters, besides, I'm only like that when I'm asleep. I've never hit anyone and was conscious to make the decision. Honest! Tho; I've been tempted quite a few times... An' you got some nerve sayin' we might be related.

Murin, Shun'u, Ryuuen, Kyuuen, Kyouen, and Doukun: EWWW! What does that make us?!

Murin: Must wash away the sin...

Ryuuen: This explains my lusting for my younger sister!

Kyouen: This explains my health problems!

Shun'u: AHHHH!! I'M A FREAK!!

Doukun: Aw that means we really are one big happy family.

Kyuuen: Seiou... shut up.

Now look what ya done. Ya done gone an' rattled up the kids. I hope yer happy. Our blood lines are completely separate... I think. Getsumu's parents abandoned him as a baby so I suppose they might of been relatives of the Kous. But I doubt it, the only thing my father has in common with the ya is the mischeivous nature. An' my ma's side of the family has been secluded in the woods fer over a hundred years.

Murin: So we're not mutant children of sin?

No Murin, yer not a child of sin... tho I might question that a little...

Suiren and Kids

Dear Suiren and Kids,

*Laughs* I didn't mean it literally! Ano... I think ya' need to talk to Ryuuen 'bout 'is feelins' fer his lil' sister. That jus' ain't right.


Dear Chichiri,

Yep... Course, I know I've got one thing backing me up if writing doesn't work out, writing an advice collum. Lord knows I give out enough advice, I should start getting paid for it d*mn it! But I don't think I could handle that job, I get stressed easily with my problems, though I have been able to help alot of people with theirs. But I'm not giving up on my novel! I managed to hit one thousand yesterday before I wrote myself into a corner. So... Now I'm listening to Jpop and looking up pictures of Eastern Dragons or Phoenixes and reading Japanese legends. Thats where all my inspiration arises, from Japanese music, artwork, legends even. Namely Kaguya's legend only because of my fascination for the moon. But I'll be reading a legend about two lovers or something and an idea will just hit me and I start writing or drawing. I swear I have a permanent muse... Well, off to go look and some more pictures, see ya!


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Good luck to you, no da!


Dear Tamahome,

That's it! No more gold for you! *Swipes all your gold; walks out*

SuzakuAngel: *snicker*

*Comes back moments later driving a truck carrying--*

SuzakuAngel: *S-SNICKER*

*--a platinum block*

SuzakuAngel: ROTFLMAO

Yep. No more gold for you. Take platinum. ^_^

Nikkou no Tenshi and SuzakuAngel

Dear Nikkou no Tenshi and SuzakuAngel,

Platinum? Arigato!


Dear Tasuki,

Has anyone ever expresed their love twords you as I have? Oh Tasuki. Like I said if you were real nothing would or could stop me from finding you. I would search till' the ends of the earth. *sigh* That's how much you mean to me.

Do you think of me as annoying telling you how I truely, deeply feel about you? Please answer sincerely and truthfully, I don't really think my heart would be able to take it if you said "Yes."


Dear Vanessa,

Alla my fans have said stuff like that at some time or another. Yer not annoyin' me.


Dear Nuriko,

Nuriko, have you ever loved any girls at all?


Dear Vanessa,



Dear Tasuki,

Tasuki, you are and always will be the only man for me. *sigh* If only you were real, I'd stop at nothing to find you. I have always loved you. Every time I turn on my computer, a picture of you appears on the screen for my desktop background. It shows you smileing with your eyes so calm, and at the bottom in subtitles it shows that your saying 'Exactly! The world where you were born is the best one!" *sigh* Tasuki... I know you dislike women because of all your older sisters and mother but I don't care. You my beloved are my favorite of all Seishi. if I can somehow find a way to see you it would make me the happiest person on earth. *Right now I'm listining to your song which I think is best out of all of them. anyway it's Even Though it's Painful... Always then it doen't show anymore because it ran out of space to write the whole title. Can you tell me what the whole title is? Anyway I think your voice is beautiul when you sing that song. Well bye.


Dear Vanessa,

Even Though It's Painful...Always is th' full title. Thanks fer alla th' nice thins' ya' said.


Dear Tasuki,

It would be so sweet if he did like me. ^^ But I doubt he does. We're pretty different people, and we don't talk too terribly often...


Dear Faye,

Mebbe ya' should talk to 'im more. Good luck!


Dear Chiriko,

Hi I'm Bear! I just wanted to ask you something. I know your 13, but how come you look younger? Oh! And do you know how to get to the site Ask the Shiryuu Seishi and actually be able to ask the questions? Cuzz I've been wanting to ask Amiboshi and Suboshi something for a while. I mean I know how to get to the site, I just don't know where to go to ask the questions after that. Can you help me?


Dear Bear,

I guess I just look young for my age. I believe the Ask the Seiryuu site has been closed to new letters for several years.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Dear all of you,

found your website by coincidence, and to one question I have'nt found an answer. Who are those characters? What is the goal of all this? Teenage counsil?


Dear Nico,

We are anime characters from a Japanese anime called Fushigi Yuugi. There is no goal, the site is for entertainment purposes only. As for the teen counsel, if someone writes to us about a serious life situation we will take them seriously and answer them seriously.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Hmm. One of the other exchange students DID say something about curry packets. o_o;

..how bad is it that I'm less than a week away from being 21, and I've got a crush on an anime character? Cause... yeah... I thought that I would've outgrown that kinda thing by the time I was in my 20's. x_x;


PS: Tasuki, will you be mah drinkin' buddy? XP

Dear Ayame,

Sure! Ya' know 20 is th' legal age fer drinkin' in Japan. So, where d'ya wanna go? *Grins* Nah, ya' never outgrow yer first anime love.


Dear Tamahome,

I read Most Annoying Thing Gone Soft's message, out of interest in your response (LOL much...). Akumu no Akatsuki thinks otherwise; she thinks YOU'RE the gay guy... -o-...


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Well, that would make her wrong then wouldn't it?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Is Ms. Watase planning on putting fan fictions on television as well in the future?

SuzakuAngel: *covers Niky's mouth* You dream too much. ^_^;;;

Nikkou no Tenshi (and SuzakuAngel as a special guest)

Dear Nikkou no Tenshi,

We doubt it. If she were to allow anything it would probably be the Gaidens.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chiriko,

Umm, Chiriko, please just read my recent letter addressed to you guys, I don't wanna have to type it again here. But don't you agree with the point that Miaka could have DIED (I'm not complaining, Nikkou-chan! >.< If you dont stop that, GOOD LUCK!!!) with that lethal combination of blood? They were blessed, but they should have been more careful with that next time, I mean, instead of curing her, they could have WORSENED Miaka's condish. You're the smart one, you should know... >.<


Dear SuzakuAngel,

I did read it and I agree with what Mitsukake said.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Aww, thanks a lot! I brought a brownie to school today (which was coincidental) and me and Mariel acted it out, me as Miaka (seeing as I am her long lost twin) and her as Yui. Haha. Glad you liked it. ^_^


P.S. I have just recently watched episode 7(thanks to my FY DVD which screwed it all up), courtesy of YouTube. And now that I've seen it, I want to ask a question...

Nikkou-chan: And a good one at that. ^_^

Thanks, but still no Starbucks.

Nikkou-chan: WHY?! >.<

To Tamahome, Hotohori, Mitsukake (because you're a doctor):

Okay. So in episode 6, Miaka wounds herself so as to wound (and possibly kill) her "evil side" as well. Taiitsukun (who was partly why Miaka tried to kill herself in the first place) transfused blood from Tamahome and Hotohori to replenish Miaka's lost blood. I remember Miaka saying that the blood of the three of them "are mixing together inside of me." However, Miaka's blood is a type B, Tamahome's is a type O, and Hotohori's is a type A (just like me!), right? So if the three blood types mixed together, apart from healing her, wouldn't there have been a very dangerous side effect, like comatose, or maybe even death? I'm not complaining that she was able to live despite that, I'm just wondering why because it's scientifically inaccurate. ^_^

Dear SuzakuAngel,

That's a very good question. First, Type O is a Universal Donor so Tamahome's blood would be fine for Miaka. Hotohori's would make her sick and possibly kill her. But you have to remember that it was done by magic so she may have been protected that way.


Dear Chichiri,

Hi Chichiri! It's me Vanessa again! I have always been wondering, how did your eye get scarred like that? Who did it to you?


Dear vanessa,

It's a very long story, but if you read the manga or watch the anime you'll find out, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

Hey Tamahome I'm really sorry. *Sobs* I was just kidding about the 2 gold ryou thing. *I think I need a hug* Can't you take a joke? I'm reeeealy sorry if I upset you in any way. I would pay you as much gold ryou as you want. ^-^ but I don't know exactly how much a gold ryou is. Can you tell me that at least? ^-^ oh and I ment what I said when I said I loved you! I was also wondering, If you had to choose between Yui or Soi who would you choose?

Most annoying thing gone soft

Dear Most annoying,

Now, now, don't cry. *Gives her a hug.* In todays money, I'm not sure. I wouldn't choose either of them, I'd choose Miaka.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey Tasuki-Chan, that really wasn't the answer I was expecting. Don't call me a pokemon please! *Changing the subject* I have a huge Math test, Social Studies test, Spelling test, Grammer test, etc. My teachers Ms. Sopicki (Ha! funny name!) and Mrs. Daley are giving them to us. Why does it have to be tests!? Me and tests don't get along very well, I always fail them. I don't know maybe it's the pencil I use. but why am I talking to you about this? I guess I just need someone to talk (type) to. Love ya! Buh-bye!!

Tasuki-Chan Fan!

P.S. I'll even change my name!^-^

Dear Tasuki-Chan Fan,

Good luck on yer tests! I'm sure if ya' study hard yer gonna pass 'em.


Dear Chichiri,

-sighs- Ignoring the phone would help too... But eh, I tend to get very bored just writing my novel all day, it stresses me out too much. I just need to balance out things a bit.


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

True, but you do have a goal. Just do your best and you shouldn't be disappointed, no da!


Dear Chichiri,

Ah don't fret it Chichiri, you need t' know anything about Watase-sama an' 'er works just ask me. I know everythin' except fer 'er real name. I know absolutely everything about FY, Ceres, Alice 19th, Imadoki, Zettai Kareshi, Genbu Kaiden, an' all the other ones. I'm a master of Watase Yuu.


-I remember when I first came 'ere an' you thought ya had an elder sister, but I corrected ya an' told ya it was a younger sister.

-I know all the different names of the english voice cast as well as the japanese anime AND the drama -I'm always able to provide sites that no one else can seem t' find

-An' of course yer fergettin' one thing. I'm Suiren! XP I can figure out anythin' if I put my mind to it an' even tho' I don't know a lot of japanese I'm the ones my friends come to fer translations an' most of the time I know what it is.

Not meanin' t' be rude, but I know more about FY than you do! Partly because I have no real life... *sweatdrop* but ya can always trust an Otaku like me t' know the answer so feel free t' ask me anythin'! I remember a while back someone asked "what's the fruit loop lookin' thing on Hikou's head" an' you replied "it's just part of his outfit" WRONG! It's a jade coin ya gave Hikou as a kid. (course Volume 17 wasn't out in english at the time) I didn't say anythin' back then because I was still knew an' didn't wanna go around correctin' people all the time.

I guess I'll ask ya an' actual question now. What don't you know about Fushigi Yuugi? Go on, ask me anythin' an' I'll see if I can answer. I will prove my otaku-ness!


Dear Suiren,

Well, I'm only one of her creations and never said I was an expert on the subject. But you're a fan! Isn't it your duty to be the expert, no da? *Smiles*


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Stop apologizing!! XDD It's not your fault!

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

We know! Ok! We'll stop!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Wednesday, November 8, 2006. 9:10 PM.

Hehe... after I finished up my letters t' use guys I fell asleep fer three hours. Apparently my ma mad the mistake of tryin' t' wake me after I've only been asleep fer an hour an' I kicked at 'er. Recently I've learned I'm violent if you try to rouse me from my slumber. When I first came out of my oral surgery I found out I punched a nurse in her jaw. Oops. I didn't even know! It's weird havin' to apologize fer things ya don't recall doin'! So that whole sayin' about "let sleepin' dogs lay" That applies t' me! That'd be funny t' see tho'. I wish i coulda seen myself sockin' that nurse in 'er pretty lil face. *evil grin*

Least those 3 hours helped me feel a lil better an' I'm takin' my meds now an' then. I know to suddenly stop is bad. Either way my stomach still hurts but I guess that's just the way it's gonna be fer a while. Life just ain't fair... which really sucks.


Dear Suiren,

Yer an abunai onna! Are ya' sure yer not related to me? *Smirks* Ya' soiund like ya' could be one of my sisters!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

How did you guys all end up the as the Suzaku Seishi in the first place? Are you born with the Seishi symbol or did you recieve it at a certain age? I'm confused. Oh! And Tamahome, I read your novel and it said you had the symbol Demon. I always thought it was Ogre.


Dear Kirara,

It was more of a destiny thing. We were born with the symbols. Oni means both ogre and demon. It can also mean "it" in a game of tag.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

How do you get your hair to stay up like that?


Dear Vyvian,

It just grows that way, no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Will one of you please tell me what the hecks going on between Chichiri and Tasuki ^^?


Dear Vyvian,

Nothing's going on between them.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Will you marry me? >.<


Dear Vyvian,

No. Sorry.


Dear Chichiri,

Hi! What would you do if your friends didn't realy listen to what you had to say? Also, if you realy wanted to do something with them (ie. hang out, roleplay, ect.) and they kept making up lame excuses, what would you do? Just asking


Dear Keshi,

I'd ask them why they are treating me the way they are, no da.


Dear Tasuki,

I wish... *sigh!*


Dear Faye,

Ya' never know...


Dear Tasuki,

Wednesday, November 8, 2006. 5:10 PM.

I've been tryin' to stay upbeat. Don't tell my ma but I stopped taking my medication an' guess what? I'm able to fall asleep more easily too! But my poor skin... without ANY acne meds, my face is itchin' like crazy an' the dots just keep appearin'... burnin'... itchin'... i don't like being able to feel my face like this! I woke up an' my sheet are doted with lil bits of blood... argh... but my stomach has been hurtin' too much fer me to really give a d@mn about my face...

Ya know that feelin' where ya just wanna crawl into a dark hole fer a while? That's what I want. I wanna just go to sleep fer the winter. It's hard fer me to stay peppy an' even so I think i'm teaterin' on the edge of just being rude an' annoying... but if I don't say anything everythin' an' everyone gets bored. I'm tryin' to keep things interesting.

Ah Tasuki I dunno what the heck is goin' on with my body. I feel better without my meds, but physically... i dunno if it's just anxiety 'r what but somethin' must be buggin' me... so sleepy... head hurt... i have some coke t' settle things down an' hopefully t' keep me up as I still have some lil bits of homework to finish up but... my body just feels... whaz another word fer sh*tty? I feel both gross, lazy, beat up, an' a lil dead. Hmm... i guess sh*tty works pretty well here actually.

Okay... better finish up those bits of spanish an' english before supper, maybe then I can soak in the tub an' get to bed right away... maybe i should wash my sheets t' get the blood out first... stupid zits... ah screw it, it's my blood an' I'm too tired t' do anymore laundry. Where's that nice dark an' quiet hole? I'd like to crawl into it now please.


Dear Suiren,

Ya' can't jus' stop yer meds wit'out lettin' yer doctor know! It can be bad fer ya'! If they ain't workin' tell yer doctor an' have 'im change 'em or th' dosage fer ya'.


Dear Nuriko,

Wednesday, November 8, 2006. 4:55 PM.

Most people don't care so long as they get their fat ol' pay checks. My therapist is one of those overly nice sugar coatin' ol' ladies an' that p*sses me off, GREATLY. I do not like havin' t' go an' talk to her because she starts out every sentence like this:

"WELL, how are you feeling today Gretchen? What did we discuss last week, as I've forgotten?"

Half the time I wanna sock 'er right in the face. Everytime I see 'er I either feel angery or I don't wanna talk. An' not only is she one of those overly nice people, she's gettin' so ol' her memory's slippin' an' she can't even remember what we talked about the week before. I sure do lady as yer annoyin' as h3ll an' yer sugar coated voice burns in my mind 24-7.

An' the doc can just go shove it, just gimme a f*ckin' blood test, send me to a gynecologist, 'r rip out my god d@mn stomach so I stop sufferin'. I don't care how long they're been in the business, I'm not a patient patient. If havin' somethin' shoved up my @$$ will tell ya if there's anythin' wrong with me just do it already an' not have all these crazy diets set out. I already do not consume a lot of milk an' I do eat lots of grains and pasta.

I just dread all these appointments... I'm not any better since I've started goin'. My stomach aches are worse than ever an' I'm still unable to gain back my weight I lost when I was sick. I'm 108 pounds at 5'5"... that's not good. *sigh* My stomach aches have been gettin' worse too... hopefully it's just my you-know-what which has been missing for almost 3 months now. I'm gonna go lie down... I'm tired, my head aches, my stomach hurts, an' my lower back could use a good massage... my feet hurt too. (oh gods please let me have my period so I know there's nothing wrong in that area of my body...)


Dear Suiren,

I hope you feel better soon. I'm sorry that your doctors are so incompetent.


Dear Hotohori,

Huh? Why be sorry? I said I always cry when I listen t' that song. I mean Nuriko's death was really sad an' all, but you didn't just love Miaka an' Houki, you loved yer entire kingdom! So I cry, especially seein' as ya died before yer kid was born... *taps fist against heart* right here man, it gets me right here... cuz it really does happen in wars.


Dear Suiren,

*Smiles* You have a good point.


Dear Chichiri,

In reguards to chengker; Watase-sama's newest projects are Genbu Kaiden and Sakura Gari Chichiri-san... Zettai Kareshi (Absolute Boyfriend) has been done fer a while now but only volumes 1 and 2 are out in english. You can read the whole series at these sites if ya need it.






Dear Suiren,

*Sweatdrops* Gomen, you are right, no da. I don't know why I forgot them.


Dear Chichiri,

Yay! I'm actually getting somewhere with my novel. In less than thirteen (My lucky number apparently) minutes I managed to write a little over three hundred words! The entire time I was listening to random Anime music, but I'm not really sure if that's whats motivating me or not, all I know is I write better listening to Japanese music (It's the truth!Honest!)... -blinks- And I just noticed I've been listening to Fushigi Yugi for the past thirteen minutes... I swear I pay about a flea's worth of attention! I think I should do well enough as long as no one calls me and bugs me today, otherwise all that work will be for nothing... When I'm on the phone, my attention span is limited, which explains why I haven't hit even the thousand mark yet, but I'm going to today! I've dedicated my entire heart and soul into this novel and I am going to finish it and pray it gets published, hopefully, it wiil. Then, with enough luck, I should be able to get enough money (I have three other stories to back up on my little fund just in case this isn't a big hit.) to go to Japan for a year. I know not to be hopeful, but a girl can dream, right? I already just a little bit of the language and learning more everyday. ^_^ I already sound like I've got an accent though, and I can sing in Japanese. (Half the time, however, I have no clue what I'm singing unless I look up the english lyrics, but I tend to be too lazy to do that.)

On another note, it's getting to be very beautiful here. The way the leaves are falling in the wind outside remind me of Okami, except prettier. And in the backyard, we have this maple tree whose leaves always turn yellow so the ground beneath it always yellow and beautiful, last year I sat there writing poems until one of the horses came up and tried to take my notebook. This year, even if the horses decide to bug me, I'm going to write my plans for my novel. THat is, if I can ever manage to find my favorite sweeter and pen... Between my being unorganized and my dog's love for eating and chewing on things, it's a miracle I can find a pair of socks in the morning.

Oh! And I am happy to report, my friend who tried to commit suicide has realized living is much better than dieing and now spends her days reading Fushigi Yugi manga thanks to me. -sighs- Why must I turn everyone I know into a -insert random manga/anime, videogame name here- fan?

Have you ever seen a plant called "The Burning Bush"? My mom has a couple in the front yard. They're so pretty, but a pain to trim... They grow like weeds, kinda like my hair does. I swear, every time we get it cut, it grows back to the length it was in two days...

I just remember, my dad is gone for an entire week! Which means he won't be coming in my room everyday to try and read my novel... When I say not to read it till it's done, I mean it! Besides, I don't like my family reading my work. Though, I don't mind if a complete stranger reads it...

...I just now noticed it was the eighth... Attention span of a flea, I swear! -snickers- At least I HAVE an attention span, I know someone who doesn't. Guess I need to write more, huh? I will get to 50,000 words before the end of the month, though I can't guarentee I'll keep my sanity...

Oh! Weird news... I have two different, yet similiar dreams every year. One in December, and one on my birthday. I had the one in December just last night. (Odd, I know.) I remember it clearly. I'm standing on a red bridge wearing a red kimono (Apparent what my favorite color is, no?) and there's a koi fish swimming in the lake below (A fairly large koi I might add) and it's just swimming in a circle for a long time, then it just dies and it's spirit floats up to the moon... I have very confusing dreams... Well, gotta get back to work! Sayanora!


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

That's all very interesting, but you need to buckle down and work on your novel, no da. Perhaps you should write more novel and fewer letters for now, no da.


Dear Hotohori,

Why didn't you ever get close to Nuriko-Chan every time he tried getting close to you? I mean you did'nt know he was a man until Miaka-Chan said it. I fell in love with him the first time I saw him, I new somehow that he was a man, I don't know how though. Oh Well! I fell in love with you too the first time I saw you, so don't feel left out! ^-^ But first I loved Tama-Chan, then you, then Nuriko-Chan, and right know I'm in love with Tasuki-Chan! And I don't think thats ever going to change! I have a picture of Tasuki-Chan on my lovely desktop on my computer! ^-^ I love his piersing eyes and his singing voice when he sings The Do=Be's Are Comeing and Make A Twinkling Star Bloom In The Heart! Your voice is pretty good too! My favorite song from you is In My Universe Is You (something like that) And my favorite song from Tama-Chan is To The Sacred Battle Named Love!

Suzaku No Miko

Dear Suzaku No Miko,

I wasn't interested in anyone at that time. Arigato for your kind words.


Dear Mitsukake,

You are so cool? Where did you get Tama the cat?


Dear Hi,

Arigato. Tama-neko actually found me.


Dear Nuriko,

I need help. Do you have any spare time too help me? I have a boyfriend who's losing intrest in me. Do you think I should change my apperence twords him, or just forget about him and dump him? But I really don't want to dump him because I love him. What should I do? He's seeing my best friend Akira, and she likes him back. Please help me, I don't want to lose the only man I loved.


Dear Girl,

Why is he losing interest in you? What does he see in your best friend that you might not have? I can try to help you, but if they are already dating each other, it may already be too late.


Dear Nuriko,

Hey Nuriko, have you ever wanted to have sex with Hotohori? ^-^ If so, how would you?... I'm sorry for asking such an personal question. Changing the subject ^-^ Your hair is so beautiful! How did you get it to grow so long without cutting the split ends off?


Dear Hi,

That's a bit personal don't you think? Arigato, I'm glad you like my hair. I do get it trimmed regularly.


Dear Tasuki,

Hey Tasuki-chan, have ya ever had a girlfriend? Cuzz if not, I'm always up for grabs! Yer so HOT!


Dear Typhlosion,

Ain't ya' a Pokemon character?


Dear Tamahome,

I've never seen such a HOT, greedy person in my whole life! You even said to Miaka " Sorry, I want more money than love." (How cold) Just my type of man! I LOVE YOU!!!


Dear Tamakitty,



Dear Tamahome,

D*mn you Tama-Chan! Stop picking on and beating up my beloved Tasuki-Chan!!! I'll never forgive you for that! Why do you hate my Tasuki-Chan so much?


Dear anomonous,

I don't hate him! He just gets a bit annoying at times.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Thanks for the cooking info. I'll definitely be looking into making some of that stuff. Though I am a bit scared... I tend to burn things. ^_^;; I feel a little pathetic. More than a little pathetic, actually. But whatever. ^^;


Dear Ayame,

You're welcome! Here's something that CnA made last night for dinner that should be very easy to do and you can't burn it. She used 2 pouches of Aijinomoto Beef Oriental with Onion and 1 pouch of S and B Golden Curry Sauce with vegatables (medium hot), boiled them in water till they were heated thru (5 minutes or less), and then microwaved a package of Shirakiku Rice. She opened the pouches (be careful they're hot!) and poured them into a mixing bowl and mixed them together. She put the rice in 2 bowls and then spooned the curry/beef mixture over the rice. OISHII!!! UMAI!! These are all Japanese foods she found at Maruaki in SoCal so they should be available in Japan as well. Ganbatte kudasai!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Chichiri,

Hi Chichiri!


Dear vanessa,

Hi Vanessa, no da!


Dear Tasuki,

I went to the beach for a retreat with my singing group, which was fun in itself... So at one point, we went to the beach, and the sand was kinda wet, and I didn't want to get my shoes dirty, so I took them off. To make a long story short, I got my pants entirely soaked, and my feet were all dirty. So when it came time to walk back to the cabin, I didn't want to put my shoes back on, getting them all dirty and therefore, defeating the purpose in taking them off at all... So we were walking down the road, and the asphalt was kinda sharp and it hurt, so Jeff (my third grade crush who, incidentally, is incredebly hott now) insisted he carry me the whole way back... so he did... It was sweeeet... ^^

And then (Part 2) the choir has a tradition in which the guys:

1. Make dinner for the girls
2. Are assigned a girl
3. Write her a letter
4. Call her down the stairs, read it to her, and serve her food...

So because we were spying, we found out it was a hawaiian theme... We got all pretty, and then the guys started to call us down one by one... And then!! My NEW not-boyfriend called my name. I walked down the stairs to see him totally decked out (hawaiian shirt, straw hat with all the straw sticking up, martini-shaped sun glasses... he looked rediculous...) And rather than reading a letter, he sang me a song he wrote for me while playing the ukelele.

Pretty sweet weekend if I do say so myself *nod nod*


Dear Faye,

That does sound sweet! So, is her yer boyfriend now?


Dear Tamahome,

dont tell me your seriuos about the 2 gold ryou thing, cuzz im not payin! anyway! i missed school today wanna know why? i was sick! oh, and why did nakago kiss you? is he gay? sorry to ask. ha! im askin random questions. how many times did you kiss miaka? whens your birthday? whats your favorite color? am i driving you crazy with my questions? did you know i love you? (wo ai ni) why did nuriko kiss you? hi!! Tamahome I'm sorry for asking so many questions can you forgive me?

most annoying thing gone soft

Dear most annoying,

You ask a lot of questions for someone who's not willing to cough up 2 gold ryou.


Dear Nuriko,

Hey Nuriko I LOVE YOU! I'm a female just to let you know. I was reading Fushigi Yuugi on the internet and then you showed up. I serously thought you were female until Miaka found out you were male. You are so tottaly COOL!!

Tas Fan

Dear Tas Fan,

*Smiles* Arigato! But shouldn't your name be "Nuri Fan" instead of "Tas Fan"?


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*sigh*....Well, the first time I sold something on eBay, I ended up getting ripped off... They pretty much paid for just the s and h... I told them to pay for the books too, but they said they were gonna report me for my 'lies' (if only they read the description properly... >.>)

I 'could' get it chipped, I wouldn't mind that...but I don't know where to get one... I can't even find an actual Japanese PS2... TT.TT

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

Sorry about that. We don't know where you could go in Canada either, gomen.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Nothing but mess up even more of my teeth and leave me in pain... >.>

Paku Romi

Dear Paku Romi,

Oh, sorry to hear that. I hope yer teeth feel better soon.


Dear Tasuki,

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOU!!! Most of my friends think your hot too! But, why is your weapon a fan?... Anyway! In that one episode when Miaka was drowning in the water how did you swim to her and save her if you can't swim? Here's another question! Why do you hate Tama-Chan so much? Well gotta go! See ya Tasuki! ^-^

Tas Fan

Dear Tas Fan,

Thanks! Why is my weapin th' tessen? Are ya' sure ya' watch th' show? Mebbe ya' missed that part. I didn't swim. I ran in an' got 'er! I don't. He's jus' fun to annoy. *Grins*


Dear Hotohori,

I was listenin' t' all my FY music today an' when I came t' Dengon, yer song, as always, I started cryin'. It's such a beautiful song.


Dear Suiren,

*Smiles and sparkles* Arigato, but I'm sorry you cried.


Dear Nuriko,

Tuesday, November 7, 2006. 4:25 PM.

An' people wonder why I hate my family so much. My ma is smart so she's able t' lie t' all these doctors an' stuff, while I still have to put up with her verbal abuse. It doesn't matter what I say because all my 'rebellious' behavior is blamed on my depression and the fact I'm a teenager. No one believes me... I'm not even sure you guys believe me, but it's the truth. I never wanna be a liar again. I use 'creative truth telling' methods instead. They're not lies, just another way to phrase the truth so it's never that bad.

An' that's all I gotta say about that... homework time. *sarcastically* Oh goody!


Dear Suiren,

Well, we do believe you. I don't understand why your thearpist and other doctors would take her side in things when they can see how they affect you. Gomen.


Dear Tasuki,

Tuesday, November 7, 2006. 4:15 PM.

I guess I should be lucky that Ma's pickin' on Paul right now. The other three of us are free to jerk off fer a while!

Bara: *snickers* you couldn't have phrased that better?

Shut up Bara... What are you doing back here anyway?

Bara: You needed good ol' lovin' from yer number one fanboy ^^ an' you know I'm the one who helps keep yer spirits up.

I suppose yer right... but I was way too peppy today at school. As soon as my boney butt is set in my matress, I get sleepy. *yawn* I went to sleep early but then I got up way before my usually time an' couldn't fall back asleep...

Bara: That explains it. You do tend to be really hyper when you're sleep deprived and hungry.

Yeah... I guess... well, I'm gonna try an' finish this bizarre homework assignment, read a lil, an' draw some more... or I'll nap. What ever occurs first.

Bara: Sleep well my darling. *snuggles*

Suiren and Bara

Dear Suiren and Bara,

At least ya' sound a lil' more cheerful.


Dear Chichiri,

That's like telling my bestfriend to actually DO her homework. Impossible. I can't guarentee A's, but still. Least I do the work!


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Good luck, no da!


Dear Chichiri,

hello! i'm just wondering.. what's watase-sama doing recently? what's her latest project? thanks a lot!


Dear chengker,

As far as I know her latest work is "Absolute Boyfriend", no da.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

YES! I found out (through several sources) - there are two English dubs of FY - the North American one ('Mysterious Play', widely condemned by many) and a Singaporean English dub. The Singaporean dub is called 'Curious Play'*. This is the version that aired in my country (and Animax is going to show re-runs! yay!) and I must say, it's much better than the North American release! I wasn't aware of it (the NA English version) and I thought that people were unfairly harsh to the voice actors! (But then, I saw the NA Eikou den dub and I understand the condemnation). Anyway, Nuriko's voice is really pleasant in this dub and Nakago and Tomo actually have pretty good voices. Same goes for the rest of the casting - it isn't a bad job at all. I'm now trying to find out as many details as I can because I was really lucky to have seen this version, not the other one. And if Animax airs the American dub, I won't be able to watch FY! :( Perhaps you could check out this dub, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. :) * http://www.funtrivia.com/en/Television/Fushigi-Yugi-2435.html (confirms what I just posted)


Dear M,

Arigato for the information!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tamahome,

Actually, I also got a picture of you from episode 5, when you were doing that cute little pout of yours, and I also got Miaka's picture paired with your own from episodes 1 and 5! You are such DOLLS!

Nikkou no Tenshi

P.S. I'm using your episode 1 picture as my cellphone's wallpaper!

Dear Nikkou no Tenshi,

Arigato! I'm glad you like the pictures!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Oh, I sifted through the responses and I realized that my post about two versions of FY seems redudant... :( Anyway, thanks to whoever provided the info! And personally, I think the "rejected" dub is much better.


Dear M,

You're welcome! Informationis never redundant.

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

I am happy anyway that Fushigi Yuugi was featured in the comics section, since Fushigi Yuugi isn't THAT popular in the Philippines, unlike Yu Yu Hakusho, which is being shown on GMA for like, what, the umpteenth time? Well, it used to be pop... It was once the hottest show on TV, but *sighs* that was 2001. Although, coincidentally, the show stayed on air long enough for it and our school's United Nations Day celebration to coincide, so I decided do sign up as Miss Japan (though at first, as Miss China, because I didn't know-- until my sister told me!!), and the moment I did, there was only one song on my mind: Itooshi Hito no Tameni!! I was happy with singing the song, but, however, I didn't get Best in Talent (it went to Miss Hawaii who did, obviously, a hula dance), I got Best in Costume! Well, to whoever lent me the costume (I can't remember), thanks a lot!

...*Shakes head* Whoa, I talk too much... Well, ja ne, minna! Arigatou!


Dear SuzakuAngel,

Congratulations on your win!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Suzaku Seishi,

You each find yourself locked in a room with your worst enemy, but the only way to escape is if you work together. What do you do?

It's Fun Question Time!

Dear Fun Question,

Well, if th' only way to escape is to work together, we'd suck it up an' work wit' 'em!


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

*Laughs at comment* You had to say it... when I finished reading the comic strip, I was so ashamed even to think of it. And I know I can come up with better puns than that, I've done it, yet I don't understand why Akumu no Akatsuki doesn't understand the word "pun". -o-... Well, about comic strips, I made one of Miaka and Yui myself today. ^_^ It's about them studying for a computer examination while having snacks, and Miaka was so herself. Here... please tell me what you think. Thanks!

Miaka: The four steps of the machine cycle are... fetch *picks up brownie*, decode *looks at brownie*, execute *bites into brownie; chews*, and store! *Swallows brownie; licks lips* How'd I do, Yui?

Yui: *Turns SD* You pig! THAT'S MY BROWNIE!!!

Miaka: *Turns SD; panics* Yikes!!!

My classmates Mariel and Caren(the one who showed me the comics strip) say that it's cute and bubbly, but... *shivers* Well, thanks anyway!


Dear SuzakuAngel,

LOL! That's a lot funnier than the pun!

Suzaku Seishi

Dear Tasuki,

Monday, November 6, 2006. 10:40 PM.

Yeah... he apparently was screwin' around in class again. That an' he's still NOT turnin' in his homework even when ma threatens 'im 'an such. Now if I can just keep her angry at him, my mishaps won't be called into question so seriously. I may sound like a bad sis fer wantin' my bro t' take the blame fer a lotta stuff, but he's a gross an' irresposible lil dipwad with no respect fer his elders. That an' he's just a f*ckin' idiot with no common sense. Thankfully he hasn't been playin' with 'imself lately. Probably too cold out as he's back t' wearin 'is long underwear.

-You know it's autumn when ...3+ birds crash into your windows during early migrations.-

Yes... the kamikaze birdies are back. Some have crashed an' died. One crashed, lived, recieved a name, then flew away. The one I named this year was a bird with yellow tipped tail feathers so I called him Tipper. ^^ Two years ago we had Pudgy an' last year none of them lived... the neighbor cats also seem most active around this time of year too. Easy pickin's I guess.

Hmm... well I'm tired an' wanna get my shower in before it gets too late. Though I think I could fall asleep right here an' now if I really wanted... *yawn* G'night Tasuki-sama. Keep flamin' Tama-f*ckin'-home in yer dreams, I know I will.


P.S. My new ideas fer upcomin' drawings will include Tasuki torturing Tamahome in chibi form. Tamahome Must Die! (in theaters Summer 2007)

Dear Suiren,

Too bad fer th' birds... Hopefully she'll keep 'im in 'er sights fer awhile.


Dear Nuriko,

Monday, November 6, 2006. 10:35 PM.

But I don't have any real preferences fer appearances! I'm confused... ya think with my cute lil body I'd have some hound dog tryin' t' get with me.

Bara: But I'm not real so... yeah... sorry Suiren-sama!

But I don't wanna change who I am either. My personality is fine the way it is... but no guy seems to really like that about me. I dunno what to do! My ma keeps yellin' at me t' go to these dances yet lectures me fer hours when I ask if I could try an' find a date.

My Ma: Boys don't like girls like you! Just give up! Go study! Yet go to the danced anyway so you'll have fond high school memories.

Bara: She's such a horrible woman, treating my Suiren-sama like she'll never be attractive. *nuzzles*

Only my characters seem to love me. *huggles Bara* And look for my story about it! '2Darling'! (My Two Dimensional Darling) coming to my website spring of 2007!

Suiren and Bara

Dear Suiren and Bara,

Don't listen to your mom. All she's doing is killing your self-esteem. I've seen your picture and you're a very cute girl. I'm sure that there is someone out there for you.


Dear Tamahome,

You'll get what's coming to you... just you wait.

No Name

Dear No Name,

Na... Nani? What did I do?


Dear Nuriko,

Lookie what I found on Ebay! Thought you might get a kick outta it^


Dear Suiren,

*Grins* That's awesome! Now I'm a doll!


Dear Tasuki,

Monday, November 6, 2006. 4:35 PM.

You bet yer @$$ I'm awesome! I'm gonna be the best... uh... what ever I am! My colorin' still needs improvin' but it's a lot better than I remember.

2nd term has started. I start the day off with Creative Writing, followed by Teen Literature, Spanish, then Choir. It's a relatively easy lookin' term this time 'round too. No tests 'r quizes in my English classes. It's all writing an' reading. I can't wait! Creative writing is gonna help me become a better writer an' thus improve my fanfics, an' later on I'm takin' Web Page Design 2 so I can make my site even greater! SQUEE!!

Plus given the fact I have english classes fer the most part, I get to be with teachers I know because they're friends with my mom an' people I know outside the classroom. Juaire-sensei's class is probably gonna be the most fun because she's given us almost complete writin' freedom! An' we get points fer it so long as we write plenty enough! Jensen-sensei is a lot different in the class, she's usually a lot louder but in class she talked a bit softer an' had a faint southern accent... 'course maybe I was just hearin' 'er funny. My spanish teacher is the same an' so is my choir director. That ain't gonna change any time soon.

I don't have many buddies in my classes tho. In first hour there's a few seniors that I know but none whom I'm really close with. Ayame (amy) is with me in Teen Lit an' I have a few 'so-so' friends with me in Spanish. I changed hours an' I miss first hour spanish. All the funny guys were in that class. In third hour there's 4 guys an' like 20 girls. *snore fest* I like coed because guys just keep it more interestin'! Grant... T.J. ... Chris... all funny, funny guys an' now I'm in borin' ol' 3rd hour with a bunch of girls. XP

I'm stuck eatin' at 1:30 tho'... if they ain't tryin' t' freeze ya, they try starvin' ya with C lunch wave. -_- Our school needs a major makeover. The outside is bareable, but it's the system that needs a fixin'. I'd do somethin' about it myself but since my ma ain't tenyeared (sp?) I can't say 'r do ANYTHING an' by the time she will be, I'll have graduated an' will need t' get goin' onto college. They just KNEW i'd do somethin' if I could... they know of my ways from the catholic school. If someone crosses me, I get 'em. An' I get 'em good. *devil grin*

Well I have some easy writin' assignments t' get to! I guess these letters are a good prompt! An' they're a lot easier on my fingers... my writers bump on my right ring finger is growin' already from all the writin'... (an' the fact that I don't hold my pencil the correct way an' never have since I learned t' write).

...Oh cr@p, sounds like Paul did somethin' stupid again cuz I hear ma yellin'. *evesdrop* Whoa... he got detention. Oh this'll be good when pops comes home from work an' he an' ma have one of those lil chats. Hehe... I just heard ma say "you were supposed to be the easy child" HA! The youngest is almost always the troublemaker, ne Tasuki-sama?


Dear Suiren,

Yep we sure are! *Fanged Grin* Yer classes sound pretty good fer ya'. At least yer not gonna be yelled at while she's busy wit' im.


Dear Tasuki,

I would love to do that, but my sister lives here. I have been talking to my doctor though, and she is arranging for me to go to this college. That way, I will be able to move out and I won't tell my sister the new address or anything. Home free, though with a lot more bills. *Snort* And the therapist that I plan on going to is within walking distance. Everything seems to be working out at the moment. I hope it stays that way.


Dear Kasti,

That sounds like th' best plan. Good luck!


Dear Nuriko,

Monday, November 6, 2006. 4:30 PM.

I don't think I've put out that many limitations! Fer sure I don't a guy who does drugs! It's such a vile an' icky thing an' I ain't kissin' a guy with that smoke smell on 'im! It makes me sick! (really, it does. I have sensitive lungs) I suppose I'd be willin' t' work on habits like that but he'd hafta be willin' t' stop fer HIM, not fer me. Yeah the only think I want is someone who'll be kind t' me an' think I'm the greatest lil thin' ever. I actually wouldn't mind all that much if a guy cheated on me... I believe in fergiveness, but that'd be no excuse fer 'im t' go out with any other woman. Okay, maybe not... oh I dunno. I have no preference fer what he looks like either. My chances of the golden blonde Adonis on the white horse are pretty much zero. XP Ah well, what'll come will come.


Dear Suiren,

Oh that's not what I meant! I meant in looks and such. Like CnA's husband used to just date short, petite girls, but hefellin love with and married her. She is the opposite of what his "type" was. That's what I meant.


Dear Chichiri,

Oh. Thanks. ^^ I probably will be able to hit the three thousand mark today, hopefully... Even if it means staying until two tomorrow morning with a case full of sodas by the desk. That nearly happened last night. -nervous laugh-


Dear Kaguya-Hime,

Good luck but don't neglect your homework, no da.


Dear Tamahome,

You are so... CHARMING... Heehee. Just for Miaka. I got a picture of yours from episode 1, the part where you had just saved Miaka... for the SECOND time (in a googolplexy number of times). You know, you were staring at Miaka and she was staring at you... you just looked so... so... MAGICAL... *drools; eyes sparkle*

Nikkou no Tenshi

Dear Nikkou no Tenshi,

Arigato for your kind words.


Dear Nuriko,

Nuri-chan, I need your help. Can you please tell me this song's title?


Hey baby, when we are together
Doing things that we love
Every time you made me feel like I'm in heaven
Feeling high... I don't want to let go girl


I don't wanna run away
Baby, you're the one I need tonight
No promises
Baby, now I need to hold you tight
I just wanna die in your arms
Here tonight


I don't know how the rest goes, but I bet that should be enough. Thanks a lot! *Hugs*

Nikkou no Tenshi

P.S. If you're wondering why I chose such a mushy song, it's not for me. The lyrics struck me with a crazy idea that it could be Miaka and Tamahome's theme song. Really, you have to agree that it suits them somehow. XD Sometimes I even imagine Tamahome in Keisuke's clothes, singing in the limelight, while all else is dark, and the rest of you guys are the band. And funnily enough, Tasuki is the backup singer. ^_^"

E.P.S. Gucci! Yay! *Hands Nuriko the latest Gucci release* You may not be a girl, but, really, one has to admit, you'll look FAB in it!

Dear Nikkou no Tenshi,

Arigato for the nice present! I have no idea what the song is titled. Gomen.


Dear Suzaku Seishi,

Whoopsie! Sorry. I wasn't able to check it out yesterday, seeing as it was Family Day. Besides, I wrote the last letter when the song still wasn't in the peeji. Well, anyway, glad you liked it! If you want to, you can check out my other song, "I Am Someone". Just ask for it from Tamahome, I wrote a copy to him, and I just can't remember when I wrote that. ^_^ Thank you guys SOOO much! *Group hug*


P.S. Tell Miaka this for me, okay? My classmate Caren's sister, Ate Camille (Ate [meaning]: respstive word for an older woman or sister), who is, by the way, a college freshman, attends a university with their own school paper. Miaka and Yui were featured in the comics section (I wish our school paper had a comics section, and I wish I could write for it! T_T) in a comic strip called "Filipino Dictionary". I had no problem with that (or the drawings XD), but the conversation was just... *pulls a bored face*. It goes something like this (I translated it into English, of course):

Yui: Okay, Miaka, so what is "persuading"?

Miaka: Umm... to entreaty to belief?

Yui: No, silly, it's "kan ueddingu (pers = first; uading = wedding)".

Okay... how about "icepick"?

Miaka: Isn't it a tool used for chipping ice?

Yui: No, it isn't!

Miaka: Then what is it, huh?

Yui: Why, it's "watashi to-ku (i = I; -cepick = speak)"!

Oh, man... it's so... so... corny. >.< I do NOT believe it... oye vay...

Dear SuzakuAngel,

They are pretty bad puns aren't they?

Suzaku Seishi

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