Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...two hours of kanji homework.... *dies* x_x
Dear Ayame,
I feel your pain …
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Tasuki,
*walks up, and the song "My hero" comes on* Suz? Wussup, man. I just stopped to say hey, cause i aint been talkin' to ya in a while. Wellll... Guess i see ya then, unless ya wanna party on Saturday? Wellz, see yaz.
Dear BumBum,
Mebbe … So, how ya' been?
Dear Chiriko,
Did you know that you are ~really~ hot when you're 16?
Dear Blue-fire,
I am? *Looks surprised.*
Dear Tasuki,
WHERE'S KOUJI!?!?!?! Why can't I talk to him... :-(
Dear Elia,
He ain't a Suzaku Seish so he ain't here. He used to have his own site but that seems to be gone now.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki!
*both* It's us Guni and Lita!
*Guni* How have you been? It's been a while since I talk to you ^_^
*Lita** pops up and sits on Guni's head in chibi form*Uncle Shun'u since mommy isnt here can i halp Guni make you dinner....ill be good!
*Guni* It's alright I can take care of kids well..^^ How's the rose doing and everyone else? am planning to give Lita one too..
*Lita* yep I want one! ^^
*Guni* we're going to plan to cook something for you and you would love Tasuki? Have to wait until we fix it..^_^ Take care
*Lita* Bye Uncle Shun'u! *waves*
Guni Ryuuzaki and Lita Kou
Dear Guni and Lita,
I'm fine! An' so's th' rose an' minna! That's great that ya' wanna help wi' th' kids! I like steak! Thanks fer askin'!
Dear Tasuki,
why are you so hot?
Dear neko,
*Grins* 'Cos I'm so *^%$#@+ cool!
Dear Hotohori,
It is so funny how many ppl want you to go out with you(including myself)^0^
Dear Matura,
I don't know if funny is how I would describe it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh! My anime club is on! Sorry for the confusion.
Dear Matura,
We went there and we couldn't find it. It was just AngelFire's homepage.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
*walks in holding left arm in pain* I just got my tetanus shot, and I can't move my poor arm. It hurts too much if I try to lift it. *winces as she tries to lift the arm* OUCH!!! Any ideas for a pain reducer?
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Tylenol or ibuprofen.
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses another 100 ryou* Yep, I got another paycheck. $_$ Anyhoo, how ya doin? I haven't talked to u since we both "poisoned" Nakago and Tomo with Miaka's cooking. I hope she wasn't offended by us doing that with her food, since she cooked it and all.
Anyways, r u still watching Sora? If so, do u need some help? I'm available for helping if any is needed. Well, sayonara!!!
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: Tasuki wanted me to call you obake-chan, but I said no. I don't even know what that means. @.@
Dear Ayame no Miko,
I am and any help is welcome! Obake-chan means little ghost.
Dear Tasuki,
..Tasuki is horrible with his nieces and nephews...XD *cackles* Perhaps you should hire a woman to take over...or someone who is good with children...XD
Dear Makaze,
I did, Tamahome.
Dear Hotohori,
I'm so bored. Life for me is not full of excitement. What would you do to me if I shave you bald?
Dear Elia,
Have you thrown into the dungeon. Which, by the way, is a very boring place to be.
Dear Tasuki,
I get to marry th' most wonderful women in th' world! *grins* she's so perfect an' smart an' beautiful. *loving sigh* I dun understand why ya dun like her! *sees Aidou and runs over to her and is all lovey*
Dear Kouji,
Yer drunk ain't ya'?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi all! I just got a couple things to say. First of all something to make you laugh. My friend, Angi, slept over here at my house a couple days ago and fell in love with Nakago. Except, she could never remember his name so she called him Kokomo. So now my sister and I start laughing anytime we see him! Next, Angi and I have all claimed three of you! Angi chose Tamahome, Tasuki and Nakago. I chose Hotohori, Nuriko and Suboshi. Now for the questions. Since Halloween is coming soon I have to decide on someone to be and I'm stuck between Hotohori and Nuriko because I love you both the same! Any ideas on how to decide? Here's a serious question. My boyfriend and I haven't been together very long and he's already told me he loves me. I don't feel we've been together long enough for him to say that and I told him it bothers me when he says it. He still says it. What should I do? Love ya all! *glomps everyone*
Dear JunJun,
Well you could flip a coin to solve your costume dilemma. As for your boyfriend, accept his feelings as sincere unless he is using them to pressure you to do something you're not willing to do. If he is, get a different boyfriend.
Dear Hotohori,
I am hopelessly in love with you! Can you please send me a kiss? And maybe answer one little question?? If I was Suzaku no Miko, would you go for me?
Dear Moeru,
As I do not know you I cannot really say. *Gives her a peck on the forehead.*
Dear Tasuki,
What's the story behind your relationship with Miaka? Didn't you (several times) point out that you didn't like girls?
Dear Akarou,
We're friends 'cos she's th' Miko an' that's it!
Dear Tamahome,
I've try to draw you, and I think it was good, i will put the pictures on web side, after i became a artist, the first person i want to draw is you. I'm a girl, who came from china, and i love to draw manga. that's all i want to say. see you!
Dear tianshu,
I look forward to seeing your site!
Dear Hotohori,
You should read it! I'm on chap. 3 now. It's great! I feel bad for Hester...
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
I have skimmed it but never read it in depth. However, I do agree with you about Hester.
Dear Nuriko,
Heh. Nakago isn't very popular, is he? *grins* Don't tell me why! I've only seen 10 episodes. All I know is that he's a villain and a jerk.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
That about sums it up!
Dear Tamahome,
My senpai. I've seen him sleeping in the library. *blushes* Thursday he wasn't at Japanese class, which gave me quite a scare. He loves the class, and I was afraid something had happened to him. But it turns out his ride didn't go either. =P
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
As long as they are both ok, ne?
Dear Chichiri,
No problem! I'm still trying to think of a Tamahome chord, though...and a Hotohori chord. I'm going to have to think on that.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Good luck, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Waahh...I have a cold...*sniffles* I hate being sick! I hate it! I like being healthy!
How are you doing, Mr. Sexypants? ~.^ Besides being ill, I'm doing pretty all right. I think I'm falling in love. Or I've already fallen. I've never believed in love at first sight, since it's associated with looks and whatnot, but this particular person I seem to be doting on...I don't know what it is, but I can't get him out of my mind. I'm always thinking about or of him, in little ways, dreaming about him too...And I've never even said hello to him...I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone. And I'm so afraid to say anything, lest he think I'm a foolish little girl!
*^-^* I hope you don't mind me going on and on...I know this sort of thing isn't the most interesting thing to you...
Especially since you bear a determined grudge against the opposite gender...Although not all of us are cunning, wicked demonesses out to plague mankind, you know. ^-^
I know I should say something to him, even if it's only hello; I don't believe in the concept of fate, that something is foreordained, yet I feel like...this is who I've been wanting to find, do you know what I mean? Sorry to bug you so much. Give Kouji-chan a big squeeze-crunch! huggle for me, 'kei? Love ya!
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Well ya' at least need to say to 'im! How's he gonna know ya' exist? I hope ya' feel better soon.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, new person here! First, Chiriko don't worry about sikora. Both my cousin and brother-in-law were 13 before puberty hit.
Now for all the seishi. If you have a favorite Broadway musical what is it? (Mine is "Cats")
I'm playing Nuriko in a very strange anime-crossover RPG,(I'll give you guys the URL to the quote page when it's up)so I will sign my name...
Another Nuriko
Dear Another Nuriko,
Welcome to the site! We really don't have any favorite Broadway plays. However Chichiri no Aijin has seen and liked the following plays: Gypsy, A Chorus Line, Cats, and Starlight Express.
Dear Tasuki,
Hehehe Yup! ^^ im very very very tired *yawns* ive been at a party yesterday and it was really fun. but now im all tired and i feel like jello. *blinks* hmmmm *goes to her room gets a pillow and a blanket* ummm... oh *lays her pillow on the floor and lays down, cuddles up in her blanket and falls asleep* zzzzzz ~_~
Dear Kisato-Chan,
*Tiptoes out so he doesn't wake her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, my best friend and I are falling apart. She's always busy and hanging out with her other friends but me! I have to admit I'm kinda jealous, everytime I try talking to her, her classmates bugs in and... just gets her full attention just like that. I want to keep the friendship going, I do not want it to slip away and disappear forever. I talked to her about this before but no help... What should I do? Have this ever happened to you and Kouji?
Dear Elia,
It hasn't. Have ya' tried to mebbe make a date wit' her fer th' movies or shoppin' or jus' hangin' out? If not, try it.
Dear Chichiri,
how are you i hope you could help me with my problem i have a friend but i think i'm falling for him. what should i do?
Dear shaoranai,
I'm fine, no da. Stay friends and see if he starts to feel the same.
Dear Nuriko,
hello, i'm one of your fan, i made a fushigi yuugi group in yahoo and invited many people to join but only few of them wants to join, would you help me find some more people to join.
another problem is that why are some people don't like me to join their group.and why do i find some people not interested with my thoughts?
Dear shaoranai,
What is the address/name of your yahoo group? People are not always interested in what others have to say. It may also be the way you are presenting yourself to them. As I do not know you I really can't say for sure.
Dear Nuriko,
Wow. Came in, ranted, didn't get banned within the hour! New record! ::sarcastic laughter:: So yes, anyway, I'm glad Ari-chan's been saying GOOD things about me. Forgive her for not writing you too much lately, she's in some pretty heavy chemo right now. She's pretty sick. I get up to see her as much as I can but I think the hardest part for her is that her hair is all coming out which is so sad because it's sooo pretty! She's a redhead and curly curly - all pretty copper orange and she's just been able to pull it all out in clumps the last two weeks. I wanted to cut my hair, make her a wig for later cause mine is real long but she said she loved my hair and she'd kill me if I shortened it even a bit. (I don't really see why I need hair that I can sit on but if it makes her happy.) Anyway, she wanted me to say thanks you you for writing such nice things back cause she needs some sleep now but don't forget I say thanks too cause you've been totally great for her. So anyway - hugs come from Ari-chan and from me too I guess. Thanks so much. And tell me if she says bad things!
Dear Ishi,
She's never had a bad thing to say about you. I'm sorry to hear about her hair, but I kind of knew it would eventually happen. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. *Gives them both hugs.*
Dear Nuriko,
*Takes notes on the response to her little barnyard animal shoutout* No one ever thinks of "Animal Farm" when I say that... ^^;;;;; You're too cool to be a sheeeeeeep!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Thanks! *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
It's me anonymous again, but this time I'll be Rei. See it's hard for me to tell her about this guy because she's my best friend and she's already found out before that I like this guy. And when his brother died, I felt more strongly for him because of his loss. And well I've been friends with her for along time now and I know that if I tell her, or mention it in anyway that she might get mad and wonder why I'm doing this again.
But now I have another problem. My best friend Ami's baby sister has been ill since she was born, she's almost 8 months old and I'm really worried about her. Since Ami is like a sister to me if her sister dies then it would be like losing my own sister. I just want to know if you have any advice for us if something bad were to happen. I mean this is serious. Her sister has some kind of serious problem and she's has phnemonia 3 times now. We're all really worried. Please send good heplful advice for us. We love you
Dear Rei,
All you can do is be there for them if they need you. You can also keep positive thoughts in your heart for the child's well being.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My website is I also have a chat room with them called anime!
sorry anime club! Please join!
Dear Matura,
We went to your site but didn't see anything about an anime club.
Dear Hotohori,
Probably so, he might not even like me so why try? And besides, it is my senior year and if i get involved in a realtionship, it won't last long...
Dear Matura,
You never know what the future may bring. At the very least you'll make a good friend.
Dear Tasuki,
*Takes bottle of rum* Are you sure about this? Okay.
*Starts mixing the concoctions in the brewed-up coffee* Remember, you asked for it.
Okay, we've added the usual ingredients, kahlua, brandy, and now that rum you asked me to add. And I was thinking of making a rum cake sometime in the near future...Oh well, we can always get more of this stuff.
*Hands finished drink to the bandit* Okay, Bandit Boy. Bottoms up! *raises own cup of Spanish Coffee* I gotta warn you, it's gonna have a kick.
*Drinks the coffee* AAAAAAAAAGH! TOO MUCH ALCOHOL!!! MY HEAD'S GONNA EXPLODE!!! *falls on the floor* HOLY S***! What is this cold burning sensation that I am feeling in my head? *drops her coffee and breaks the cup, then looks up at the bandit*
Oh, for crying out loud! You're still standing up? That better not be a snicker you're trying to hide. Okay, fine. If you're gonna laugh, go ahead and laugh. Just help me off the floor. *extends hand* Please?
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Snickers, smirks and the outright busts out laughing as he pulls her up off the floor.* Yer a lightweight ain't ya'?
Dear Chiriko,
uuummmmm... I haven't been able to get on lately... and.... Did you answer my last question to you? and if you did (or didn't) can you answer it now? Japenese word I want to know: wolf, night, demon, blue, fur. please answer!
Dear Faye,
I did answer your question. It is in the latest archive. The word for night is yoru, and aoi is the word for blue. You also should check out this site: for your translations.
Dear Tasuki,
I got my memory back!! (I lost it a long time ago...then I was cryogenicaly frozen for 50 years) I lived in a big house and stuff like that! The house is in ruins now.... UU but at least I can remember.
Dear Faye,
*Looks confused.* ... okay ...
Dear Tasuki,
I'm Inu-Yasha's twin sister... K? And so naturally... I'm a half demon as well... I tryed to stael this shikon jewel thingy to become full demon... here's the problem. the person that gave me a necklace so like Inu-Yasha... (except different words) whenever she says "lay down" I fall face flat. I want to get this necklace off, but it can only be removed by a preistess! I... HATE... PREISTESSES!!!!! Can you help me?
nameless (I lost my memory)
Dear nameless,
As far as I know he ain't gotta twin sister, he's only got his older half-brother Sesshoumaru! I think yer gonna need to find th' person who put it on ya' an' get 'em to take it off.
Dear Tamahome,
hey ya how are you? Im pretty good me and my boyfriend have been together for about four weeks and its great. but yeah how is miaka and your marriage? Hope all is good*smiles* so yeah my friend allie is being very mean to me she has abandoned me and i am sad about that will you sit by my bed and make sure that i sleep okay for one night? Please... cos i havent slept in days... and i am very tired. I need a hero and your sweet and cool as my best friend so would you sit by my side and make sure i sl;eep good just for one night? *looks at him with bags under my eyes, and a lil smile.I hold your arm and look at you waiting for your answer*
sweet steph
Dear steph,
I'm sorry your friend is being so mean to you. Miaka and I are both doing well, thank you. Of course I'll stay with you awhile. *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Dear columbia,
We are working on it, no da. In the meantime, there is on e that is a part of our new message board. There really is no need to be so rude and hostile, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
hi!will you go out with me?
Dear rika,
Thank you for your kind offer. But as I am married, I must respectfully decline.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, Chichiri, Chiriko, Hotohori, Nuriko, etc, tell me jokes right now, OK? I'm supposed to be the angel of humor, well, I'm not feeling very humorous right now. More like depressed and lonely.
Kokkei no Tenshi
Dear Kokkei no Tenshi,
Why are ya' so down? Hopefully this'll cheer ya' up!
Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his cellphone and calls the emergency services. He gasps: "My friend is dead! What can I do?" The operator says: "Calm down, I can help. First, let's make sure he's dead."
There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says: "OK, now what?"
They say that it's th' funniest joke in th' world! Hope ya' liked it!
Dear Chichiri,
*tosses tissues* Arigato, aniki, for the help. I know I've kind of been a downer for a while, but I'm alot better. It turns out that I might have a date... no, I WILL have a date for my Homecoming dance, and a possible boyfriend. ^_^ *glomps* Thnx, aniki! You saved me from a stress-breakdown. WO AI NI!!!
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
You're very welcome! I'm glad that you are starting to feel better and that things are looking up for you, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Miki: Ne, ojisan likes Lita more than any of us ... ;_; *rises, brushing at her tears with the back of her hand, then stamps her foot* Shun'u-oji no baka! *takes Chen and runs off*
*Shukuen was groping his way towards him, following the sounds of her distress* Miki-chan ... ? *hears her run by and turns to follow as quickly as possible* Mikiii!
Miki and Shukuen
Dear Miki and Shukuen,
That ain't true! >.< 'Che! Kids! They're as bad as women!
Dear Tasuki,
kay i need your help *takes out a present* can you hold on to this till next friday and make sure kylie dosent find it! it's her birthday and she has a tendaciy to find her gifts early so! *hands it to him and pays him 3 gold ryou and new earrings* i gotta go before she get's suspicious!
Dear Inu-Yasha,
Sure! Not a problem!
Dear Hotohori,
Have you ever read The Scarlet Letter? It's a really good book. Actually, I haven't even started it. I'm still on the introduction. But it's a very well-written introduction. ^_^;
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
No, but I do know it is a literary classic.
Dear Nuriko,
Ooh, Nakago's not much a musician, is he?
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
No. Nor is he much of a singer either!
Dear Tamahome,
He looks so cute when he sleeps. *giggles*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Who does?
Dear Chichiri,
Did I mention the Chichiri chord is one of my favorites?
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
I believe you did, no da. Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Blinks at Seishi of the Week, which she only just noticed* Oh, my God... *Giggles excitedly* *Calms down* I'm fine. I think. ^^;;;;
Umihebiza no Miko
P.S. Don't be a sheep! Be your own barnyard animal! XD
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Baaa … *Giggles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I made this really easy Fy test the link is at but number 7 is wrong when i made it you you have to respond d or its wrong *sigh* if i only knew how to change it...By the way my friend who has seen 2 episodes took it and she got a 60% but she said Tasuki's best friend is Aidou *laughs and falls over on the ground* thats great!
Dear Tana,
Cute test! Chichiri no Aijin took it and got 100%, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki! How's it going?
Just so you know, I've got a job now (acutally, as of 9/10/02) I've been employed as a contract employee. It is a really fun place to work, and it is so easy to get to even though I don't drive there. There are so many great people to work with, and things to learn. (Not to mention a great view of everything.) I feel the same way you would feel if you were working in a bar. You know the saying, if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. Right?
Unfortunately, with every bit of joy in life we receive, we have to take some sorrow with it. One of my relatives on my brother-in-law's side passed away recently. My nieces and nephew were very attached to this person. I just hope they are all okay. They really loved him, especially my youngest niece. With any hope, they will recover with time.
But anyway, do you want some Spanish coffee? I can make some more if you want *places assorted liquors, schnapps, and spirits in front of the bandit*. You pick what you want in your cup, and I'll go ahead and brew up the coffee. And this time, please, don't take too much. Remember, this is Spanish coffee, not a Nuriko Special. (Besides, we're out of rice wine.) And I'm sure Nuriko does NOT want to keep carrying you to your room.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Congrats on getting' another job! My condolences on yer family's loss. Spanish coffee? Sure! *Hands her a bottle of 151 rum.*
Dear Nuriko,
Oh yeah we're great friends... One problem all the girls think he's cute now my friend is mad. what to do?
Dear Erin,
Why is she angry?
Dear Tasuki,
I made a Fushigi Yuugi test on the computer and now you say no da....I hit the wrong button :( its still gonna be funny though >) im not sadistic i sware!
someone you know MWAHAHAHA
Dear someone,
I think yer talkin' to th' wrong Seishi.
Dear Nuriko,
There,s a boy named Ryan who I think is really,really cute,and I want him to like me too.At recess I always play soccer sodoes he he always passes the ball to me and is really nice to me. Do you think he likes me??
Dear Erin,
He might. Why don't you just start as friends and see where it goes from there.
Dear Tasuki,
*Grins evily* Hi Tasuki-oji! *runs around him* can I have some sake..please...? one time...I got some form daddy Kouji! *looks around to make sure Nuriko didn't hear that* Pwease..? ^^ I'll be a good girl and be nice to ya...
Dear Trista-chan,
No, yer too young. He did, did he? I gotta talk to that baka.
Dear Chiriko,
Gomen, if I'm rude for asking, but who are your parents?
Dear Brit,
My father died when I was 9. So, I lived with my mother and older brother until I joined the Seishi.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Where could I find the song played when Chiriko dies? I'm looking all over for it, and I have yet to find even the lyrics! >< That was such a sad part...
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko! Hey, guess what? I didn't just write that poem to you, but I also drew a picture to go with it. If my twin, Alexis, and I ever get around to building our own website maybe we'll put it on so you can see it!
p.s. My real name is Jacque.
Dear Jacque,
Arigato! I look forward to seeing it someday.
Dear Hotohori,
*blushing* Thank you!!!! I know the title is a bit strange but it is named after the main character. By the way unlike most books, Lasath is partially the antagonist (bad guy).
Dear Jacque,
I look forward to reading it. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
You could at least play with Miki. She can't be any worse than Lita is. *grins evily* Ya'know Ma's tellin' Tamahome all sorts of things. Some are even worse than what I told Kouji!
Dear Aidou,
She's WHAT?!?!?!? *Runs off to find Tamahome and his mother.*
Dear Tamahome,
J'aime la pamplemousse et je'taime aussi. Mais maintenant j'ai faim alors, est-ce que je peut te mordre?
Dear Nakago,
No. Go bite Soi.
Dear Nuriko,
Well I finally found this site that Ari-chan raves about so much so I thought I'd write a letter too. I suppose you don't know me so I'll explain. The girl that writes you sometimes - maybe you remember her - Arisugawa. I'm Ishi that she talks about. I just thought I'd look around this place and maybe write to you too. This is a very cool site, btw ::thumbs up:: So yeah. That's really all I wanted to say - and if Ari-chan talks about me too much just tell her to talk to me instead. I don't mind hearing nice things about myself. (She does write nice things, right?) Thanks now!
Dear Ishi,
*Smiles and shakes her hand.* It is so wonderful to finally meet you! Ari-chan has written so many nice things about you! Welcome to the site! Thank you so much for being there for her. I know it means a lot to her as well as to us.
Dear Tasuki,
how can you watch moreeriesn english? Where can you see them?
Dear ryo-ohki,
Ya' buy 'em. Yer local anime store should carry 'em.
Dear Tasuki,
I dunno... I tink it does it itself?
Dear Lita,
That's pretty cool!
Dear Tamahome,
Guess what? I got a PS2!! I'm so happy, now I can finally buy the FY DVDs!!
Also, I recently recieved a gift (of money - something I'm sure you would appreciate ^^) from my aunt. She wants to help support my cosplaying! I love going to conventions. But you know what sucks? I didn't see very many Tamahome cosplayers last time I went! There were only about 3 or 4 total, and only one was really good. He was very nice too, he let me take a picture hugging him, and even said "I've got a goddess!" (since I was cosplaying as Belldandy from "Ah! Megami-sama!" at the time.) But I did see a couple really good Tasuki cosplayers. ^_^ And Chichiri must be the most cosplayed seishi! I wonder why? Maybe because he has so many cool props...
I'm a bit confused about the Eikou Den stuff I keep hearing about. Is it a new FY anime? Is it coming out in America? I know a little of the story already, but have been avoiding reading up on it to avoid spoilers. Unfortunately, this means I have only a small clue as to what it is. ^^() Also, what about the FY Gaiden (?) Novels I've heard about? What are those? Are those going to be available in America anytime soon?
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Dear Zara,
Eikou Den is a 4 episode OAV that will be coming out in a month or so from Pioneer. The novels are out but only in Japanese as far as I know.
Dear Hotohori,
*Stares wide-eyed at Kerinda* *Looks slightly embarassed* Ara... thanks for your support...
Anyway... *Pulls out a purple CD wallet and smiles* There is integrity in the world... I got it back! ^^ And nothing's missing! XD
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* I'm very happy for you! You seem to have good karma!
Dear Nuriko,
Doc smiles and shakes her head," That's my Ryu.. protecting his rep. Shall we?"
Doc nudges her horse gently, and starts moving down the road.
"mmm at least we'll be able to get some good soaking time soon. You've been working too hard with Miaka and keeping Shun'u in line"
Doc turns to look at him," Ryu, did you want to head back home? You're so quiet"
Dear Doc-sama,
Gomen, I'm sure Sora misses us but I know he's in good hands. We'll get to the onsen have a soak and a meal and decide then what we'll do. OK?
Dear Hotohori,
*bows respectfully* Hiya. *grins* Ok, here's the deal.
I told him how I felt. What's his name- you ask? His nickname is Bean from a book he reads. Well, I told him, but he hasn't said anything back to me yet. So we're just staying friends for now. Maybe later it will change, maybe not.
I just thought I should tell ya that. Well gotta go.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
That was very brave of you! Good luck! I hope things work out the way you want them to.
Dear Tasuki,
Do you think you are cool?
Dear hannah,
Ya' betcha'!
Dear Nuriko,
What Kimono color do you think would be good for fall? How do you keep your hair purple, 'cuase I think it's really cool and I want my hair that color.
Dear Yaten-chan,
Yellow, orange, or rust are all nice fall colors. It's my natural hair color.
Dear Tasuki,
Haha! Ive got to riddles fer ya! Ma friend Rinoa-chan told um to me ^^ well here ya are!
1.If yer Mother had 3 children One was named Penny the other named Nickle what was the third named?
2.If you step forward yer faceing north, If you step backward and facing back yer faceing north, if you step to the right and face the right yer facing north if you step to the left and face left yer faceing north Where are you?
Goodluck! It may take awhile to think bout um but once you get it its pretty simple. Very easy if ya heard the joke before lol ^^ well ill give ya the answer next letter! ^.^ bye bye! *hugs*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Here's my answers to yer riddles: 1) Tasuki 2) Th' South Pole
Dear Tamahome,
Je t'aime
Creepy French Speaking Nakago
Dear Nakago,
Go away … I think I hear Tomo calling you ...
Dear Tamahome,
Remember how i was talking about the M & M prize thinngy? Well today i got my own pack and i was reading the rules. I thought you might be intersted.
For the Japanese Yen ($756,430) your chances would be 1:88,375,000 only 1 person wins
The Euros ($521) chances are 1: 3,767,500 10 people win
Brazilian Real ($428) chances are 1:941,875 50 people win
Mexican Pesos ($111) chances are 1:376,750 and 200 people win
Pennies ($10) chances are 1:3,768
All that just for gettiing a bag of only purple M & M's and the winning game peice... But the way the way you get the money is a certian amount of money for 20 years with no interest. (I think it only applays to the first prize but that okay ^_^)
Knowing this how many bags of M & Ms do you want? They're 70 cents at my school plus the interest rate you charge people when they ask you for money (since you wont make Tasuki go to homecoming with me) Don't worry about the chocolate making you sick Im pretty sure Miaka'll eat them for you!
Dear Tana,
None thanks! Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
*picks up Kylie and puts her on his back*
Inu-Yasha: i hope she wasnt to much trouble for you...she likes to run off cause she's only a baby wolf youkai and you know how they can be....
Kylie: hey!!!! i wanna be a bandit sister!
Inu-Yasha: AFTER ya come home and check with me!
Kylie: *hugs Genrou* i wanna stay with him!
Inu-Yasha: leave the poor guy alone come on! *picks her up and takes her home* * pays Tasuki some Ryou and 13 bottles of sake for all the trouble*
Inu-Yasha and Kylie
Dear Inu-Yasha and Kylie,
Thanks fer th' sake! She wasn't that much trouble. *Thinks to himself, "This guy is ALMOST as cool as me!"*
Dear Tasuki,
*grin* Hi, I'm back! I missed you, akachan!
Well, my first time flying was very nice. I've decided that I really like it, especially when you're way up in the sky, looking down at the clouds. It's like an entirely different world.
I got to see Niagra Falls, and left the country for about 4 hours (Canada) to get some yums. The weather was soooo perfect, nice and cool, unlike sticky swamp-bog FL. I also went shopping, and I didn't forget you! *throws him a huge stuffed Afro-Ken*
So what have you been up to? Not drinking yourself into a stupour, I hope. ..I'll behave myself from now on, no more sudden sokubaku intrusions. But wasn't it fun?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
*Sweatdrops* It was disturbin'… I'm glad ya' had a good time in Canada.
Dear Nuriko,
Well, my Nuriko chord is sounding much better, and my Nakago chord has improved, but just in the slightest bit.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Hopefully his chord sounds better than his singng.
Dear Tamahome,
Well, I will ask him for his e-mail at the end of the year. Until then, I'm going to try to get to know him better, so we can be friends.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Good for you! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Actually, I'm feeling much better. In guitar, I call the G7 chord a Chichiri chord, because I thought of you when I played it for the first time!
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
I'm glad you're feeling better, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello its Tasukis friend Kyle. I have a question for all of you. You have all had to deal with the great pain of losing beloved friends or family how in h*ll are you able to cope so well? For example Tamahomme, if my whole family was killed Id join them join them in death. You have all suffered such terrible loses how do you all go on? Sorry for asking such a sad and personal question. I promise next time I write to you all it will be about happy things. Oh,Tasuki Can I call you my friend in my letters or is that to wierd? Tasuki? I never had a big brother but always wanted one. as far as Im concerned youd be the coolest d*nm big brother in the world! So want to? (sorry if this is another wierd question but I think you so d*nm awsome!) Well thats all for now. until I can write again farwell,love you all,wish you all well.
Kyle Diamond Bandit
Dear Kyle,
Sure I'll be yer friend! How do we cope? We have no choice. We do what we have to because we are Seishi. It still hurts but we can't let their sacrifices be wasted!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay,I don't know who to really ask this,but I guess I'll ask everyone...
Uhm; this weekend Mark and I were texting back and fourth to each other (and this time he was decent,although I felt like I didn't want to be but I was),well we got to talking about the supernatural stuff (which we're both in too)and some other stuff <.<;;; anyways,he told me that he was going to return my movies to me on monday (today)and such. So I was like okay...but after we stopped texting each other I told myself,I really don't want to see him...So coming today,Rose and I were talking and I was making a funny saying how I'll just grab the movies and run...well..she comes up with a theory that I still have feelings for Mark...and I'm guessing she's right...but i don't know...she told me that the reason why she can tell I still have feelings for him is because I'm mad at him one minute,and than I want to avoid him at all costs. I don't know if this is true or not,but do I still have feelings for him? I thought I was a little over him,but I guess I'm not even over him...x.x I know I should be because of the way he feels about Rose,and such but I can't shake these feelings. Is there anything wrong with me???? Will these feelings ever go away,or will these be here for a long time? I know I should move on but for some reason something is telling me not too...what is that something? Why is it telling me that I still have feelings for him?????
Okay,gomen nasai for the long post...but I just have to know. Also,guess what? In our japanese class we're already in chapter five! ^___^
Dear Shukumei,
You're really the only one that can answer that question. However, in my opinion, I think you do still have some feelings for him, but you will eventually get over him and get on with your life. Be patient, these things take time.
Dear Chichiri,
I AM NOT A PURITAN! THAT'S MY POINT!!!!! >.< The 'as it were' was to point out that, although I compare myself TO Puritans, I'm not a Puritan. I am not happy right now. ...
Actually, there were Lutherians, Calvinists, and Puritans. Yes, Puritans were Protestants, but I'm not a Puritan. I am not a Protestant. The next person who start questioning about my religion, I will gut like fish.
Death... pain... kill... torture... Ignore me... I want to kill something or another... preferably a male...
Dear Amy-sama,
Ano … Bad day, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Would you say that walking into a locked, 1-2 inch thick metal door repeatidly is bad for you? ^^;;... not that I have had experience... ,,;;
Dear Gekijou,
Yes, very.
Dear Tasuki,
You are cute, too. And whoever is Tohi or Toji forget her. let's go out if Tamahome and the royal prince rejects me.
Dear mishiko,
Kouji? He's a guy an' my best friend! I think ya' need to watch more episodes.
Dear Hotohori,
You're so cute too. If I never get a date with tamahome, can you go out with me. It'll be cool we'll go everywhere. You are such a nice person. Scratch that you're a great person. Got out with me and no I'm not desperate.
Dear Mishiko,
Arigato for your kind offer, but as I am married I must respectfully decline.
Dear Tamahome,
You are so fine. You are so so so so so cute. Will you go out with me. Forget Miaka. Please go out with me. I'm begging you. Please and don't think I'm desperate.
Dear Mishiko,
Thank you for the offer but I'd never leave Miaka.
Dear Nuriko,
I never seened you on tv. But I go to these web sites all the tie and so far this is one of the best ones sites yet. Nuriko I want to know how you keep your hair so pretty and where do you get all those neat outfits.
Dear Mishiko,
Arigato. I'm glad you are enjoying our site. I wash and condition my hair daily and I make my own clothes.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Uncle Shun'u! Lookie what I can do *looks at his tesen and it floats down to her* Heheh... ummmm... *trys to get it to light and it frys Tamahome* Uh oh... I didnt mean to... gomen... *gets all teary eyed and hands it back to him*
Dear Lita,
Cool! How'd ya' learn that?
Dear Tamahome,
Shun'u-Wunu... *looks around* Oh Shun'u Wunu? *sees Tamahome* Are you one of my dear little Shun'u's friends? Ya'Know when He was 5... *continues to tell Tamahome embarasing stories of when Shun'u was little*
Shun'u's Mother
Dear Shun'u's Mother,
*Soaks up every last embarrassing detail.*
Dear Tamahome,
Its stuck She tried to eat it all in one bite...
Dear Yui,
Two words; Heimlich Maneuver!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you saying I'm like all the other girls? I don't see many of THEM helping me be Bandits' lil sister!! *wide grin*
Bon, the Devil's Advocate
Dear Bon,
No, but they all say th' same thin'!
Dear Tasuki,
ok...*lays on his bed* do you know Inu-Yasha? he's my brother too! sept he dont like mortals and im a wolf demon so he like's me! ^^ *snuggles up on his bed and goes to sleep.
Dear Kylie,
*Leaves to sleep in a spare room.*
Dear Tasuki,
*sticks a christmas bow on his head* Now you look like a christmas present ^_^
Dear Tana,
>.<;;; … great …
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