Dear Nuriko,
*giggles and calls the horses over, then loads them up*
at least we'll have time at the onsen for some interesting discussions ;)
*makes sure the fire is out, and climbs up on her mare's back*
You'll have a foot massage soon itoshii, and a few other things ;) *Tei tells Ryu of some of her ideas, and they're unpostable content.*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Blushes deep red and sweatdrops.*
Dear Hotohori,
do you love the picture umi did well i got water on the last one but hay thisone is way better. bye bye
Dear kerinda-chan,
I do like it quite a bit!
Dear Tamahome,
Miaka was trying to eat a whole cantalope again... Do you remember what you did last time?
Dear Yui,
Yes, I let her.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ya know how kid here try to dig to China? Where do kids in China try to dig to? Canada? France? Romania?
Dear Tana,
*Smirks* They dig to NY City an' San Francisco. Seems a lot of'em make it too!
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks* Really??? YAY! YER THE BEST! *hugs* ^-^ *dances around* Yayayayayay! *dances around and starts singing* ^o^ yippi skippi! *jumps around and spins around and hugs tasuki again* ^-^ Thx Tasuki-sama! hungry *sits down* *blinks* Imma go get somethin to eat! ^^ Cya later Tasuki talk to ya soon! ^.^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Yer welcome!
Dear Hotohori,
I don't know why ppl say that about chris...he seems like a nice guy to me.
(Gomen i would've respond before but i was in econ class and he was sitting behind me at the time.)
Dear Matura,
Perhaps you need to get to know him better as a friend before you embark on a romance with him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can ya please visit my website too? I am trying to update it as much as i can, but with me being a senior in high school, being in 3 clubs, looking at colleges that i am considering to go to, and taking the act and sat test, it is so hard to fit time in for it. (and to think i was complaining about being bored last year...) ANYWAY, I am going to dress up as a japanese school girl for halloween! I am so happy!!! I am doing a project about j-rock stars, so when i present my project, I am going to dress up as one! When I go to the shoujocon, i am going to dress up as Urd. I can't wait! For the otakucon, i am planning to be ...HOTOHORI!!!! How fun!!!
Dear matura,
It sounds like a lot of fun! What is your website's URL?
Dear Chiriko,
ummmmm... you said you'd look up anything? no matter how usless? Well... I can't find a website to translate english into Japanese... that dousn't involve signing up for some stupid thing. so can you find out how to say these words in japanese? wolf, dog, demon, dark, girl, silver, hair, fur, and moon? if you do do this? thanx in advance!
P.S. sorry about that last question... ^^'
Dear Faye,
*Smiles* Apology accepted. They are: wolf (ookami), dog (inu), demon (akuma), dark (kuro), girl (onnanoko), silver (gin), hair (kaminoke), fur (kegawa), and moon (tsuki). You might want to check out our second links peeji. It has the translators you are looking for.
Dear Hotohori,
AAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Alexis told you my real name?! *looks down and sighs* oh, well. It's not the best name in the world and just in case you don't know how to pronounce it it's just like Jackie. I even spell it both ways. Oh, and another thing I changed the title of my book, it's now called Lasath. I write again soon!
Dear Jacque,
There is nothing wrong with your name. It is a very pretty name. Interesting title.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi My family says I need a job, Can I be your assistant? I do paperwork, shine things. And guess what! I am great at earning money. I'll work for 2 silver ryo a week!
Dear Pixi-chan,
I think they mean you need one in your world. Our money doesn't work in your world.
Dear Mitsukake,
It's time again, my friend. I'm probably not going to write a long letter this time, but rather a nice collection of short things.
I started The Vampire Lestat, and finished Interview with the Vampire. I'm happy, because I don't have to read Queen of the Damned yet! I don't really want to read it because.. well.. I'll leave that to be explained. But there must be some part that does, as I am going to read it and nobody is forcing me.
I have Karsh! In Chrono Cross, in my party! :DD! *hands out party hats*
This is debatable, but I might be able to get a new computer. I figure that if I can clear enough space out of my room, raise $369.50, and be somewhat nice to my brother (the last will be a feat, considering his latest act, but more on that later) I can get it. I'll be so nice to it.. I'll name it Mitsukake, put a picture of you on it, and resist the urge to get myself married to it.
.. You didn't.. hear.. that last one.
Nicole's been sending your mail, and no matter what she says, I was NOT giving her sick mental images. How she came to that conclusion..
Okay, now to my brother. My dad, and I quote, said "She's not gonna spend the night". Cue 1am in the morning. She's STILL not gone, and getting me to the point where I made Cyan-sama aware of her. <3 Well, enough of that, but I asked my dad when he was going to make her go home. Things went on, I kept asking him. He said that maybe he would let her spend the night. He also said I needed to change the fact that I let her and my brother get to me, at which point I informed him 'I can't do that!' and he said I could. I really don't think we're related.
That fight, and a fight with someone else, drove me again to my word writing on my leg. Unfortunately, I, once again, forgot to use a soft pen, grabbing the nearest one I could find. Cue to the morning, where I discover that not only will the ink not wash off, but also that I left some scars. Well, I'm not using that pen again.
Now, remembering the fights, I'm going to tell you the something that irks me. When a person tries to explain something, I don't understand, and they overreact and start to yell at me. I don't enjoy yelling.. (True, at this point, someone who knows The Winner and I will begin to say 'How can you not like yelling?! You like The Winner!' [in a platonic way now, thanks]). You probably will not believe what I am going to say, but I am a quiet person. Not in the respect of talking, no, I love to talk. I like things to be quiet. I hate loud music, loud TV's, etc.. The only time when I made something loud is when I had put a certain song on my stereo and danced around the house. My TV is either on mute or on vol. 8, because I put the closed captioning on. However, the rest of my family must have a hearing problem, as they crank up the volume whenever they listen to something. That's enough for flighting through topics, now I'll go write Chiriko!
Ash-chan, who adores the computer that is not hers.
Dear Ash-chan,
I don't know what to tell you about your brother except, you would be less stressed if you just ignored him and his girlfriend. They aren't going to change and all this is doing is stressing you out. Perhaps if you just ignore the situation it will eventually sort itself out. Good luck.
Dear Hotohori,
*Hugs back* Arigato...
I lost my CD wallet in school on Tuesday, meaning all my anime soundtracks, J-rock, and any other music that happened to be in there... so my week was full of fun days of emotional breakdowns in various classes. And it doesn't help when everyone says they're gone by now, so don't you daaaaaaare... *Sighs* If they don't show up by Friday... well... I never spend my allowance so I do have the $300+ needed to buy replacements... demo, the thought that someone would steal from me... *Shakes her head*
And... in the midst of this, I ponder just how strong my bonds are with my friends. When they're upset, I try to stay as close to them as possible until I figure out what's wrong and help them in some way. Demo, when they see me cry... they all kind of give me a quick pat on the back and scoot away. The most supportive things said to me came from girls I barely know rather than my best friends... I keep getting this feeling that the concept of me crying freaks them out or something.
And such was my week... I'm done rambling now...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Gives her a hug.* I'm sorry that you had such a bad week. I'm sure things will get better. I'm sorry your cd's have gone missing. I do hope they turn up.
I bet you are the strong one of your group and it's always unnerving to see the strong people we lean on all upset.
Dear Hotohori,
I only drooled a little bit! Sorry if I made a puddle. Don't worry about me thinking about you and Legolas, I don't like yaoi. In fact I absolutely hate yaoi!>.< Alright, you and Legolas are tied. You both get a 10. How does that sound? Legolas is the hottest elf and you're the hottest anime character. Sound good? You are so cool! You're really good at fencing! I fence too. I'm not really good, but I'm one of the best epeeists in the club. The only other person that is as good as me at epee is this evil b*tch, but someday I will be get better than I am right now and beat her! Do you have any good fencing tips for me? You are one of my fencing heros, I really look up to you. Like that one time when you fenced Tamahome when he was evil, that was so awesome. He was doing really good until he came in with the sword raised above his head, he left his hole body besides his head exposed! Guess what else? I get to be in the Junior Olympics if I make in the Qualifiers! Wich me luck! The Qualifiers are in November and the JOs are in February.
The Pixies
Dear Pixies,
That really wasn't fencing, that was sword fighting. The best advice I can give you is to pay attention to your instructor. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
Guess what!?! I got fangs for Halloween! They're fake and they're not as cool as yours but I still love them! Your fangs are awsome! I was watching the 1st OVA series and in the funny bus trip/vacation thing after the first 3 episodes you did something weird. When you had to dress up like women the ladies told you guys that if they found men they would be used as breeding studs and then you took off your girls clothes and you were like, "Wait! I'm a man!" Why'd ya do that? I thought you didn't like women? Well, that's all for now! Bye!
The Pixies
Dear Pixies,
Jaaa... ano... They're a pain an' get me in trouble but sometimes... well it's a guy thin' ...
Dear Hotohori,
Hey, there Hoto-sama. I'm sorry it's been awhile since I've written you. But guess what?
I like a guy! The only problem it's my ex. We already went out and then he broke up with me and this was about four months ago. But I still like, I told him that, but I also told him that I didn't want to do anything that would jeoperdize our friendship.
Well I just thought that I should tell ya that. *huggles* Love ya, Hotohori-sama.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
Take it slow and just try to rebuild your relationship from the ground up. Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
If you had to choose, would you pick Miaka or your family? (for any reason)
Dear Scherzarde,
Tough choice! But I would pick Miaka.
Dear Tamahome,
Will you make Tasuki go to homecoming with me? Ill pay you... as much as i have... *holds out her 46 cents* okay... well... thanks
Dear Tana,
*Laughs* As much fun as that would be, it really isn't worth the grief! Gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
Do you LOVE Miaka as a man/boy? What would you call yourself as a person with "different" qualities?
Dear Dradigo,
I'd say I love because she's a girl! I'd call myself a person. Why? What should I call myself?
Dear Tasuki,
Can I have you for christmas? Please...Ill be nice and take care of you. And you can have some sake if you buy it cuz im not old ebnough. Okaie Please Ill cry if you say no.
Dear Tana,
No, ya' can't. Do I look like a Christmas present?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
OK everyone i need your advice for my new hampsters name everyone needs to vote.
3:tama (^^)
Dear sikora,
We all like either Tama or Hamtarou.
Dear Tasuki,
*sweatdrops* I dun' think i could tame Aidou! Shes 'bout as tame as she'll ever be... She's nice to people... She jus' gets that way some times... It's jus' 'round you... Shes really sweet and nice any other time.
Dear Kouji,
Yeah, suuuuure she is ... *Smirks*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why is everyone in love with Maika?
Dear Kattrina,
We all aren't in love with Miaka. But she is a very caring, sweet, unselfish girl, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Aww Tasuki!! I didn't want to hurt ya! Thats why I let you push me! I mean, wouldn't be humiliating for some girl to come and beat you in a fight? I figured it would help you keep your big tough guy status if you beat me. Plus, if I won you woulda been pretty mad, right? If I hadn't been worried about your social status and self esteem I woulda creamed ya ^_^
Dear Bon,
Ya' know, that's what they all say!
Dear Tasuki,
but ya said ya hated girls and... *yawns* and... *falls asleep before she can go on*
Dear Kylie,
'Che! Nowadays I jus' find everyone an equal pain in th' @$$! >.< So quit yer worryin' over nothin'!
Dear Nuriko,
You're always the one that gives good advice about relationships and although I don't have one to speak of right now, the one that I want is giving me enough grief.
I'm depressed right now, I guess because I'm letting myself think about it.
My friend Kris is now dating her friend Thom. This was decided last night at the first dance of the school year. They make a nice couple and I'm happy for them, except that I really like Kris and I'm stupidly jealous.
She knows that I like her, and she's told me that she doesn't want a girlfriend right now. We're still good friends. I respect what she wants and I'd never try to 'make' something happen for us. But I can't watch her with her new guy without thinking how jealous and sad it makes me.
I hate feeling like this. She told me I shouldn't wait on her and I'm not trying to but there's no one else around that I'm interested in. There are a few people who are interested in me but neither of them really know what they want and I don't get along very well with them. And my ex-boyfriend, who wants me back, is still wrong for me for all the same reasons that made me break up with him in the first place. He lives too far away and I can't trust him and I don't have feelings for him anymore...
If I don't think about it alot I get busy and it doesn't bother me. But if I dwell on it I want to cry. No one has made me this sensitive the everything before. Even if Kris looks at me the wrong way it makes me so upset and I get so angry-jealous when she pays attention to other people more than me when we're together.
I don't know how to get over this. If I didn't have schoolwork or other friends I'd be wallowing in wanting her 24/7... I don't know what to do about this... it just makes me so upset but I don't even want to touch it.
Got any advice? At all? *sniffles*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Kris is being a good friend to you by telling you her true feelings. Accept that, be her friend, and move on with your life. That's the only way you'll meet the person that is right for you. I know it's hard, but you need to do this for you. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
There's one thing that is still confusing me. Suzaku is the element of fire isn't he? There has to be a reason why he's all red. In addition, Miaka broke free of Tomite's (or the other guy, I forgot...) ice thingy by the 'Fire of Suzaku.' So he has to be fire. Seiryuu is water, it's kinda obvious isn't it. So how can fire defeat water? Pure luck? Sorry to ask you stupid questions but I kinda wasn't paying attention to the final battle.
Dear Silfee,
The final battle is not between the actual elememts of fire and water. You should rewatch it.
Dear Chiriko,
Thanx! my site is still a work in progress but i'm trying!
Dear Kirsy,
Ganbatte kudasai! You're off to a good start.
Dear Hotohori,
Ah well, they don't deserve a cute word like baka anyway. I'm mad at them for breaking my pencil and drawing dirty pictures. *pouts*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Perhaps you should not associate with them at all.
Dear Nuriko,
Well, I decided to dub you the C chord, because I was playing it wrong the entire time! Just like everyone thinks you're a woman at first. *smiles and hugs you*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
*Smiles* Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
Um, no, I can barely even call him by name, much less ask him for his e-mail address! *blushes like heck and covers her face*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
*Smiles* Maybe you should ask him. You know, nothing ventured, nothing gained...
Dear Chichiri,
Well, now I have season affected depression to deal with. I should be fine by Halloween, though. *gives you a hug and skips off*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Try having more bright lights on around you. It may help you to feel better, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
How did you and Koji meet? When did you meet? how did you know about the Tessen? Do you honestly love your life and your friends?
Dear Zora,
We met at th' bandits hideout when I was 15. Th' old leader told us 'bout th' tessen. Yeah, I guess so.
Dear Chichiri,
do you love life? I mean like even though your past was very tradgic and very sad, do you honestly love your life? do you regret anything else besides your past?
Dear Zora,
I do, no da. Aside from my past I have no regrets.
Dear Nuriko,
Heeelllloooo! *smiles* Do you remember me? I'm the one who wrote you that lovely poem. I know it was a while ago but I haven't been able to write to you. So, I wanted to say your welcome and to return the nice hug you gave me here is one for you. *gives him a hug*
p.s. I hope you still remember the poem.
Dear Guardian,
I do remember it! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
(Cont'd last letter) Iie! It was sooo hot in there!^o^ I was sweating,and I had to dacne too! That was to much or me it just?__? Oh! and afterwards I got paid because the girl that was surpose to do it didn't show so, I got landed with the job. I guess it was fun after all! ^~^
Questoin! Would you put on the maskscott if someone didn't show up?
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
If we had to, yes.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
...never's back to normal...
I had a 'fight' with my friend. I said I was a Puritan, as it were (I'm not). She concluded that I was a Protestant then. I said I wasn't. Then we got into a brief 'discussion' about Protestants and Catholics, I got depressed, we said 'bye', that's all. I want to hurt people. Lots of people. Help.
Dear Amy-sama,
I believe that the Puritans were Protestant. They were followers of John Calvin. However, that is by no means any reason for the two of you to fight, no da! Why not try to talk to her and explain yourself better to her, no da. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I was.. in a depressed/crazy stage when I decided to leave the site. I'm no longer Skywise; I have a new name, Kokkei no Tenshi (Angel of humor). Please call me Kokkei for short.
I'm not going anymore; I'm staying, as Kokkei. So... I'm not leaving.
One thing about me is, I cling to my friends and can't let go.
And Hotohori, thank you for replying to my last letter: "you will be sorely missed."
That gave me a big self-esteem boost, and made me feel like I was a needed part of the chat, a welcome member of it.
Kokkei no Tenshi
Dear Kokkei no Tenshi,
You are a welcome of this site and of our chat. You will always be welcome here no matter what you choose to call yourself. Welcome back! We're glad you decided to return.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*sighs* Today wasnt such a good day cept me gettin a B on my shelf I made in Wood Shop. heh but Still. Everyone was talkin bout their older/younger brothers. No sisters just brothers. and it reminded me of mine. *sighs* its kind stupid worrying about this since it was so long ago but i cant get it out of my head. I really want an older brother. mine...died..when he was born he had something wrong with his brain. The liquid wouldnt drain out of his head and something clogged it. I keep thinking about how i never got to see my brother when he was born. i also keep thinking how cool it would be to have an Older brother..not a younger sister who is very annoying. I always think of brother that is. I ask my friends how it is to have an older brother. They say its annoying. some say its nice to have someone older to look after you. But i wanna know in my opinion. my point of view. But i guess i can never know. but thats just how life is. i guess i was ment not to have an older brother...and to have a younger sister. Ya know what...i should stop thinkin about this. its all gettin to my head...g2g thx for listening to what i had to say tasuki..i had to tell someone who would understand me. *hugs* cya later Tasuki.
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I'm sorry 'bout yer older brother. I guess I can be an older brother to ya' if ya' want.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay...I have one tiny request from all the seishi...can you each use your special power against Mark and just literatelly kick his toosh? He's being mean to me! He told me that when he's around me he feels awkward...and that the reason why he hangs out with Rose more is because they have the same class so that's why they hang out...but he won't hang out with me at all. I feel really hurt by this...can you please do something to him? please???? ;____; I think I'm gonna go and bury myself in harrison ford movies! Yeah....I think I'll go do least I know the movies can't hurt me =)
Dear Shukumei,
Tell him he's being an insensitve oaf that's hurting your feelings and that you want nothing more to do with him until he stops being such a jerk!
Dear Hotohori,
*Smiles wryly to hide her embarassment* Even if you are just saying that to be nice so I won't burst into tears and make you feel bad, I thank you for the compliment. I've had a week from hell, and words of encouragement always sound nice... *Sighs* Can I have a hug? Please?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Of course! *Gives her a hug.* And I wasn't saying that just to be nice.
Dear Chichiri,
*holds a tissue* I just had a really bad week. First, I haven't been doing as well as I could have in school. Then my friend Gretchen was all upset, and I felt like I should've given her better advice than what I did. And, to top it all off, I've just been rejected (AGAIN!) by the guy I thought would be my boyfriend for my other friend! *blows nose* My friends tried to cheer me up, but the last week just really threw me off wack. *tries to dry eyes* I'm sorry, this must really be annoying you. *sniffles*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Not at all! *Gives her a hug and another tissue.* I'm sure things will get better for you, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Miki: *misses, falling with a harsh splat onto the floor* *sits up slowly, curling her legs beneath her and begins to cry softly, though not just with the pain of her landing*
Ojisan doesn't like us ...
Dear Miki,
It ain't that! It's jus' yer safer an' better off wit' Tamahome!
Dear Chiriko,
I know this may sound reeeally dumb... I don't read fishigi yugi very much...)(or watch the T.V. series...) but... (-.-* I swear I'm going to kill myself for asking this....) are you a boy... or a girl...? (>.< D*MN IT!!!! this is going to get me killed!!!!)
Dear Faye,
*Looks upset.* I'm a boy.
Dear Tasuki,
Hello Tasuki its kyle again how are you doing? Im glad to see you liked my letter. Its cool to get a response from you. Ive got my old friend Damien with me today, he wanted to speak to you as well. Dont worry I warned him about asking dumbf... questions, those d*mn hentai questions and not to be too d*mn chatty (from what I know we both hate that)here he is
Damien. HEY TASUKI!! Whats up man?!! HEY how are things in bed with koji?! HA HA HA!!
Kyle. Damien!!! You d*mn dirty little creep! Im gonna kick your f.....g @$$!!! D*mnm*t I warned you! Tasuki forgive me dont worry Ill kick his @$$ for you.Just a minute man I gotta go take care of Damien.
Kyle. Im back. Just had to teach Damien some respect.
Damien. RESPECT?!! He picked up the chair with me still in it and threw me across the room!!! Jerk!! He really did!! I didnt think he would but he did!!
Kyle. You can agree he deserved it cant you? Dont worry Tasuki Im not letting dumb@$$ back on. I just wanted to thank you for responding to my letter. Thanks. It meant alot to me. Your the only person in the series thats really cool and I remember You were the first charactar I saw. You became very special to me. Not in a dirty way a more brotherly way. You are like an old friend to me and I will could never forget you. Your too wonderful to forget Whoa. Im getting a little chatty. Sorry. Your the only person I think I could spend alot of time talking to. Hey! Last question. If you ever miss Koji why dont you write a letter to him?
Well sorry for going on so long Tasuki. So long until I can write again.
Respectfully and sincerely,
Kyle Diamond Bandit
Dear Kyle,
Yer welcome! *Smacks Damien for his obnoxious question.* I guess I jus' don't miss Kouji enough to write to 'im.
Dear Hotohori,
Uhh...This is wierd...well ANY WAY! The q is:
After takin' a shower do u/could u see yourself looking in the mirror and saying : " I am soooo gorgeous! Could there be anyone more gorgeous than me? I think not!"
Could ja?! I can... No offense. In your answer say idf it's that u do or if you can c yourself doin' this. K? Note I USED to b KlownBoy so this is still da same annoyance.
Cryo Chan
PS. This was brought on be me and Pinkie watchin' an Arron Carter comersial and claiming him to be a pretty boy. 1st i said i could c HIM doing this then i thought of u! ^_^ Oh q 2! Can u go to my site? It's FF8 but I need 2 know if u guys like it k? It's OK! C YA! CIAO NO DA!! (I luv Chichiri...and u of corse!)
Dear Cryo Chan,
I don't think so. Your site, unfortunately, has a lot of broken links.
Dear Tasuki,
@_@ Orooo... Hectic times lately. First off, my mother got operated to prevent further cancer... Oh, I didn't mention she'd gotten cancer, did I? ^^;; Silly me. She's doing great, though, so I'm not really worried. Then, last weekend, I (at least) aided in preventing a friend from doing something she'd regret forevermore (And yes, I DO mean forever). That was Saturday... It had to be the most emotionally shaking Saturday of my life... Thankfully, my friend's okay, too. I seem to be rather lucky lately... Hm... Much randomness... o.o Actually got down to re-drawing my character for an RP I'm participating in... Whee. Funfun. ^_^ Almost finished her... Just gotta think up an outfit. x_x; That'll take awhile. Major writer's block for just about everything I'm writing... Okay, I take back my earlier comment about being lucky. I'm lucky in some things... but not with writer's block. x_x; Ah well.. At least I'll learn how to beat it back... ^^;; I think I may have to resort to whacking it with a stick. @_@ Oro... And that leaves me wondering... Just how does one exactly manage to pull that off? Hm... I guess that's just one of the Great Mysteries of Life. ^^;;;;
Hm...Random question. Isn't it ironic that a daughter of two Seiryuu Seishi turns out to become a Suzaku Seishi, by some odd, and extremely unlikely (I think), twist of fate? *cough* Well... In a nutshell, that's my FY-based RP character for ya. ^^;;;;
*cough* And before I forget... *drags a large crate of sake in* x_@; Whoa... Heavy. ^^ Enjoy, Tasuki! ....x_x; Oh man. I also should remember to carefully plan out my next fanfic. ...I had the odd idea to write an Enishi/Kaoru fic. o.o Please don't ask. I'm almost afraid to know how that idea came into being. Feel free to comment, however. ^^; My insanely random ideas never cease to amaze even me...
And I have an odd fetish with giving my characters angst-filled pasts. o.o Only one so far hasn't suffered... much. ^^; I guess I find such characters more interesting to write about and stuff.
Oooooone more thing. Would you be my aniki? I may be random, but I hardly ever even think of throwing things at people. I only do that with good reason. ^^ Personally, I doubt I could ever find a good reason to throw anything at you, Tasuki.
Skriana, the Randomly Metaphoric One
Dear Skriana,
Thanks fer th' sake! I'm glad to hear yer ma' an' yer friend are both ok. Sure ya' can be a lil' sister if ya' want.
Dear Chiriko,
what does konnichiwa minna mean?
Dear candy,
It means good day everybody.
Dear Tasuki,
You know whats scary is that you hate your sister but you want her to marry your best friend.
person that thinks your a baka
Dear baka,
I don't think that's so scary! He may be able to tame her. An' I ain't no baka!
Dear Nuriko,
people are making fun of my gender again... they say i'm a guy, and...reallyl other mean stuff...but i'm a girl! i don't get why they do it. it's just making me feel bad, but that's kind of why they're doing it again. i'm not making too much sense, but... i'm really tired, because i keep having insomnia. how do i get to sleep when i have insomnia? thank you.
Dear Jashi,
You need to stop worrying and stressing over these idiots. At night have a hpot soaking bath and some chamomile tea. That should help to relax you.
Dear Tasuki,
WO AI TASUKI!!!! You are the best Fushigi Yugi character EVER!!!!! I just wanted to know if there are any other series other than the OAV and the TV series? And if there are, does Tasuki ever end up being with Miaka?
Dear Yui-chan6190,
There's a couple of OVA's an' th' series. 'Course not! She's married to Tamahome!
Dear Matura,
Thank you! Nice site!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey brother guess what! i was in Japan for a trip *is tired* anywho i broght you some okane i managed to get from a few people buy selling a few things!*hands it to him*
Dear Kiara,
Arigato! I hope you had a good time!
Dear Tasuki,
do you in favor of the love of miaka and tamahome
Dear tin-tin,
'Course I do!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-sama, no da! What's new in your world? My friend Anika Kou Tsukino has a crush on you. Will you please go out with her?! Please ask Chichiri if he will go out with me?!! I'm desperate!!! What happened to the Seirryu seishi at the end of Fushigi Yugi? Are there plans on any T-shirts, movies, video-games, or stuffed-animals? Please let me know.
Kacyn(AKA Piccolo-sama)
Dear Kacyn,
We ainlt in yer world so ya' an' yer friend can't date us. Ya' need to finish watchin' th' series. Ya' can find tee shirts, plushies, an' other stuff on eBay.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Its true that you're the god of love. And it's true that you're in favor of the love between miaka and tamahome.
Dear cielo,
You must mean Suzaku and you would be right, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
heika-sama how do you get rid of a guy who sexually harasses you? cause some guy in my school does! do you think i should tell my brother Tasuki?
Dear Kylie,
You tell the school authorities and your parents what is happening and let them take care of it.
Dear Tasuki,
ok Aniki... somethin has been botherin me....i wanted to know if ya hate me for runnin off and causin you sorry...*gives him a bottle of sake as an apologie* bye-bye! *hugs him and kisses his cheek and walks off to her room to sleep*
Dear Kylie,
Thanks fer th' sake, but I don't hate ya'!
Dear Chiriko,
Sorry I left you out before I couldn't think of anything else to ask you.
But I don't think I said this yet, but Chiriko your were a very brave kid. What you did to save your friends and defeat Miboshi, took alot of courage for you to have done.
You made poor Tasuki cry to.
And here's my question for you. Out of all the Suzaku Seishi which Seishi are you the closest to?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your kind comments. I would say that would be Tasuki. He's like a big brother to me.
Dear Tamahome,
I will make it short. You are cool. There! ^^
Dear Faye,
Arigato! *Smiles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does anybody have advice on how to get a date to a school dance? My friends are all going to have a pity party, but I want to go!
Dear Me,
Have you tried asking a male friend to accompany you? Or you and your friends could all go as a group.
Dear Tasuki,
I didnt say you had to tell them to f*** off!!Im just sayin' that for someone who hates women, you sure do... touch them a lot. I mean, I hate men and Im not sittin' here giving them hugs just because they ask for one. 'Che... men!!
Wolf Chick
Dear Wolf Chick,
They're still people an' when they are hurt I can't jus' do nothin'!
Dear Hotohori,
hey hero. how are you? say what? why did i call you hero? well your my new hero. i've been practicly idolizing you lately. anyone who disses you off gets the cr*p beaten out of them by me and my twin. i'm not talking about p*ssy slaps i mean they get thier faces beaten in.yeh enough with the violence hows your wife and kid? good? guardian told you about her new book.i'm excited. it would be awsome if she got it published.if she gets it published she's going to tell you her real name eh? well i'm tellin you early. her name is Jaque as for me it's alexis.i'm not going to call myself the other curious fan any more.well guess that's it for now. chat with you later.
Dear alexis,
Arigato for your interesting letter. Houki and Boushin are both well, thank you. Take care.
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! It's me. Sorry for not writing to you in a while but I just haven't had anything knew to say (and I still don't). So, how have you been? *perks her head up* Hey, I do have something to tell you. Remember when I first started writing to you and I told you that I was writing a book? Well, I stopped because the idea was sort of short and a bit complicated so, I started on a new one. It's called Black Angel. I know you might have heard the name Dark Angel or something similar, but has it actually been turned into something like the title of a book or movie? I don't think so. I hope it will get published because I'm trying so hard to make something good. And by the way my twin and I are hoping to make our own website(hopefully soon). Write to you soon even if it's about nothing!
p.s. If Black Angel ever gets published maybe I'll tell you my real name.
Dear Guardian,
Dark Angel is a TV show in your world, but I am not aware of any books by that name. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Houki comes into her husband's office carrying a tray of food "Saiai, you've missed your dinner. so I've brought you something simple"
Houki places the tray on a table next to the desk, and moves to touch his shoulder. "Still having a hard time with that agricultural report my love? Perhaps we should find a real farmer to write it?" Houki pulls up a chair next to him and sits in it. "I haven't farmed in many years, and they have softened greatly" Houki holds up her hands "But do you still see my calluses Saiai? I have never seen these on that man's hands." Houki drops her hands back down and sits back. " Our people plant the same crops on the same land over and over. Making the soil weaker and weaker each year"
Houki looks up into his eyes.."Gomennasai, I came to bring you food, and end up lecturing you."
Dear Houki,
Not at all! It was quite fascinating.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Bro when ya comin' back? Yer Ma wanted me to come to yer house for dinner romarrow. Shes scary... will ya try to come too? Aidou sadi not to worry but... I think she hates me... *mumbles* I dun think me livin' wit Aidou and havin' a kid helped any... Where's Lita anyhow... she hidin' from you or somethin'?
Dear Kouji,
I'll be back soon. I left alla th' kids wit' Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
lol yea thats it! cept she spells it Aido e.e; ^^ im makeing a shelf! XD it sucks so much!!! XD nails kept going out the ends and my shelf ish all screwed up. its so funny XD!! Jami's shelf is screwed soooo much. Hers is about to fall all apart! The nails kept going out the ends and flying everywhere! Her shelf ish so messed up. We all laughed and she started laughing to. Ashly came and started hammering her shelf makeing HUGE hammer marks everywhere! She's like Oops didnt mean to oops didnt mean to! Lol then Ashly came to help me but she did the same thing e.e; So now me and jami are screwed o.o. our shelfs all banged up x.x oh well. I aint the best in shop anyway! X.x but beside that its been fun. ^^ AGH! i g2g! imma go out to eat! im so hungry x.x Cya later Tasuki! ^^ *hands him some sake and runs off* Cyaaaaaaa!!! ^-^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Well, at least yer havin' fun!
Dear Tasuki,
Yep, I got a great place to go to if i decide to get the tattoo. A friend of mine owns a tattoo shop and is really good at it. I'm glad my mom is gonna sign the papers to let me get it. I just don't know when I'll have it done. Sometime after christmas I hope. I think I might just have to wait until I have the guts to get it done. I don't like pain, but I have a high tolerance. Maybe I should wait until I'm older...I mean its not really normal for a 15 year old to have a tattoo^^;
After a whole year of waiting, I am once again going to the Pa Renaissance Festival! I've gona every year since I was 10. This year I'm going in scottish warrior garb. My leather armor just came in! I just have to choose the weapon I'm gonna carry around. Hmmmm axe....hammer....sword...? Plus I get to meet some of the people I met at Otakon there. Too bad you can't go, there's a ton of meade selling booths^.~
Now here's just a random question I have for you. If Mt. Reikaku was in America, what mountain range would it be? Rocky, Catskills....? JUst a little somehting I had been thinking about.
Dear GirlGenChan,
15 is kinda young fer a tattoo. It would be th' Appalachians.
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Ji's neck* Ji, Papa and Mama don't want sora anymore ;.; Mama, Papa went away from sora.. is it because Sora smell bad? Sora wants to be a good boy.. ;.;
Dear Sora,
They should be back soon. Here, let me change you.
Dear Nuriko,
Didn't we leave Sora with Juan? He knows we'll both hurt him if anything happens to Sora. I miss him too, so let's hurry and get to that Onsen before I decide to go back early.
*eats the hot oatmeal Ryu prepared* mmmm.. diced apples. I'm going to miss this when we get back home, you're so good at this. Arigato itoshii :)
*cleans their bowls in the pond then packs them away* Here I'll help you take the tent down. *starts pulling up tent stakes*
Dear Doc-sama,
True, so let's get going! *Pulls up all the stakes and rolls up the tent.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
You know what the yearbook crew did today that was really kind of stupid and mean at the same time? They passed out a flyer today that asked about first kisses. You know, stuff like "Can you remember it?" and junk. Now I'm seriously ticked off and depressed because of two things:
A) I don't think information like that should be made public via yearbook.
B) I, uh, kinda haven't been kissed by a guy in the boyfriend sort of way before.
What do you guys think? Was it unjust for the yearbook people to hand that kind of stuff out when they probably KNEW that not everyone had been kissed before? I'm just wondering if you agree with me.
Houkakyou no Miko
Dear Houkakyou no Miko,
We all agree with you that this is inappropriate. Now you have a choice, do you hand this survey to the school officials and complain? Or do you just ignore it and throw it away?
Dear Tasuki,
Will you be my Mommy?
Cute Little Kid
Dear Cute Little Kid,
I ain't no one's ma kid!
Dear Tasuki,
alright aniki i wanna see ya out drink me! *pulls out a couple jugs of sake* go! *is aready on her 6th one*
Dear Kylie,
*Chugs his jugs of sake and starts on his 8th … *
Dear Hotohori,
Yeah, I was happy. Actually, I still am.
I sit next to two very stupid guys in my Japanese class. They're always asking me for help. And no, that's not the reason why they're stupid. I know a lot of people have trouble with languages.
But they're stupid because of the way they act. We were playing sushi (a "Japanese" version of bingo =P) and they kept looking to see where I marked my card, because they didn't know the answers themselves. Or they were too lazy to think about it. It's hard to explain, but if you knew them, you'd see why. They're always goofing off in class. Worse yet, I laugh VERY easily, and they're always distracting me, and then they expect me to help them! I sound like I'm complaining, but it's actually amusing. I'm very happy to help, and they don't distract me, but they might distract the other students. Worse yet, they drew a picture portraying two of my friends (whom they insist are an item, even though I keep assuring them they aren't) as stick figures doing something inappropriate. I didn't see the picture, so I didn't know what it was, but I had a good idea.
Also, one of them asked me three times if I was on crack... ,, I answered "No" as if he had asked me if my hair was blonde, and as if he was asking me for the first time. I lovingly refer to them as "anora bakara." If that's grammatically incorrect, please correct it for me. ^_^
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
That term is not familiar to me nor could I find it in a dictionary. They do sound annoying though.
Dear Nuriko,
Have you ever tried to play an F chord on guitar? I call it the Nakago chord because it's such a pain! It sounds all plunky. >.< I'm trying to work on a chord for you, Tamahome, and Hotohori. I don't know the last three seishi enough to name a chord for them, but I already have a Chichiri chord: It's G7. I'll think about it in guitar class tomorrow. ;p
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
I've never played guitar, so I really have no point of reference. Gomen.
Dear Tamahome,
I'm really happy 'cause I went to Japanese class and got to see my senpai again. I think we might be able to become friends. I really hope so, 'cause he graduates this year. *sniffle* I'll miss him. But until then, I hope to get to know him better! Yeah, I have a crush on him *blushes* but I don't really want to be his girlfriend. I'd really rather we be friends.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Well, have you exchanged email addresses with him so you can keep in touch?
Dear Chichiri,
Yes, that's pretty much what OCD is. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow, but it's for allergy treatments, and I won't be able to get into therapy until next month, but thank you for your help!
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
You're welcome. Good luck, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
how do you make a page like this? It's cool! and how do you make it without being connected to geocities or anything like that?
Dear Faye,
You use a program such as Homepage or FrontPage and you pay for space on a server.
Dear Tasuki,
*wakes up from being passed out from kneeknockerbellytwister* HIYA BUDDYYYYYY!!! can I advertise? OH! OH! do YOU want a kneeknockerbellytwister? It's pure alchahol! NO WATER ADDED!!!! Also... do you think this shirt is too tight? *points to yellow skimpy shirt she's wearing*
Dear Faye,
Thanks fer th' drink. Yer shirt looks fine. Ya' know, there's a lotta Cowboy Bebop pics out there...
Dear Hotohori,
*Just saw her drawings in the fanart gallery* WAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIWAIAAAAAAAAAI!!!! ^^!
Of course, I'm still not good enough to completely capture you beauty on paper... ^^;
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Yes you are. Arigato. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ugh...why does men have to suck the big one?! *Shakes head* I guess you're wondering why I'm writing this? Well,I'll tell ya...Do you guys remember Mark? Well,if you remembered him you'd probably also remember that I have a crush on him ne? Well guess what baka kun said to me!!!? He said he feels something more for Rose!!!! *cries* This so hurts!!! I had such strong feelings for him! Grrrrrrr...why do men have to be such...such...grrrr I'm so p*ssed off/upset/sad that I don't even want to say that word! What do I do? I really like him...and well...on sunday night I thought we actually bonded when we were talking online,cause he told me some secrets that he hasn't told Rose. And when I text Rose what we did,she said it felt like a slap in the face,and that she felt cheated on and than she finaly realized that she has feelings for him too after she said she cried when I told her that he told me some secrets!!! Maybe,I should've kept my mouth shut! But...I don't know... *sigh* I don't know what to do. So monday night is the night I text Mark and asked him that question,and well...that's what he said. I just don't know what to do. I really liked him,and I feel something more...but he keeps telling me that he doesn't want a girlfriend but yet he feels something more for Rose? WTF!! I asked Rose what are you going to do? and she says that she's not going to do anything...but she still has feelings for him...why....why for once I can get a guy?! *shakes head and cries* I think...I'll...go...crawl in a hole in the wall and die...I feel like something important inside of me has been ripped out and stepped on...*cries even more* Why?!
Dear Shukumei,
*Gives her a hug.* I know it hurts and I know it sucks but your friendship is worth more than a guy. If it were me, I 'd tell Rose what he said about her and then I'd step aside and just call this a learning experience. There's always another guy out there. Mark just wasn't the one.
Dear Tasuki,
Aidou told me you just love when I show my huge amount of affection tward you *pinches his cheaks* Oooh!!!! My lil baby Shunu-wunu! *hugs him and sufficates him* AWWWWW! My sweet lil baby! *goes on for hours about all that embarising motherly stuff*
Your Very Very Loving Mother
Dear Ma,
NOOOOOOOO!!!!! *Runs away … *
Dear Tasuki,
How do I advertise my work? (You didn't answer that part) ^^'
Dear Faye,
Have ya' tried makin' signs an' puttin' 'em up around yer neighborhood?
Dear Tasuki,
Can I hurt/injure/kill the freshmen in my photography class? They don't listen and they are really annoying. And I have to teach them how to do stuff cuz the class is huge. And there only one teacher and like 2 groups, plus i did this last year. Listen to some of the stupid things they did.
Me: "Make sure the water is at 68 degrees"
stupid freshmen 1: "what if its not"
me: "then your film wont come out"
freshmen 1: "but what if we use a different time on the chart?"
Me: "then you time yourself"
Freshman 1: "is it time to get the developer out yet?"
Freshmen 2: "is it hard to do this?"
Me: "not really the hardest part is rolling it on the real in the dark"
Freshmen 2: "why does it have to be dark"
Me: "because if the film is taken out of the canister in the light it will be all black"
freshmen 2: " how much light can be on it before its developed"
Do you understand my frustration?
Dear Tana,
Yeah, but yer their sempai so ya' gotta train 'em, no matter how stupid they are.
Dear Tasuki,
Alright, Alright. But can I at least be "upgraded"? I mean, being little sister is tough! Why can't I be IN the bandits! I would've beaten you in the fight if you hadn't pushed me so hard ^_^
Dear Bon,
That th' point! Ya' didn't beat me an' all I did was push ya'.
Dear Chichiri,
Dear whimsical chiciri how are you? Are you still in your unusally happy mood? I have but one question to ask. Do you consider Tasuki your friend? You should. He has nobody but koji and hes rather far away. Quite sorry I can not talk much longer but I must depart. Just try being kind to poor Tasuki. Until I can speak with you again, Layfette... NO DA!
Dear Layfette,
Of course I consider Tasuki a friend, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
Hello your divine and elegant mageisty. How are you doing? I hope my letter finds you in good health and joyful in spirit. Please forgive me if I am being impudent for asking but do you ever feel terribly lonesome? Do you ever feel as though your heart may break? I can only emagine that being a emporer can distance you from people and make some intimidated to seek your love because of your position. If so do not feel sad you have many who love you including me. Your faithful and loveing subject, Layfette.
Dear layfette,
I'm fine, thank you. That used to be true, but now that I have Miaka, my fellow Seishi, Houki, amd Boushin in my life, I no longer feel that way. Arigato for your kind thoughts.
Dear Nuriko,
Dear astondingly beautiful Nuriko, How may I ask do you keep your skin so soft and lovely? How do you keep you facial hair so nonexistent? You never have even a shadow how do you do my couquette? You see I am a very pretty young man and I wish to keep my skin nice and soft but my bothersome facial hair does so mare my otherwise perfect face! 'oh i may be pretty but i shall never have beauty such as yours' Well thats all I had to say dear one so please help me Im at the brink of despair!
Dear Layfette,
Arigato for your kind compliments. I guess it's just the way I'm drawn.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa!!! Gomen nasai I didn't write in a long time. ^~^ I'm learning how to speak Japanese! Isn't that cool!? Then maybe I can understand what everyones saying. Anyway last Saturday I had to be my school's maskscott. No one knew it was me until Deserae told everybody! I was sooooo upset. And the sad thing about is I'm still now. ~o~ Can I have a hug?
Dooms Day
Dear Dooms Day,
Sure! *They all give her a hug.* Aren't mascots in costume from head to toe? If so, how could anyone know it was you?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Aniki, I need a hug :(
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Sure. *Gives her a hug.* What's wrong, no da?
Dear Tamahome,
Hello! I just wanted to ask a couple quick questions of my favorite seishi. ^_^ First of all, what did you think of the way your voice was dubbed into English in the American relese of Fushigi Yuugi/Mysterious Play? What's your opinion of Midorikawa Hikaru? And finally, if you were to attend an anime convention, who would you most want to cosplay as?
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
Dear Zara,
It was better than Chichiri, Tasuki, and Kouji's voices! I think he is an excellent seiyuu! I'd like to go as Heero from Gundam Wing.
Dear Tasuki,
What can i say about somone as wonderful as you? Many things, I admire your strength your ability to let no one walk upon you, but there are so many things I would like to say but I know you do not like chatty people (I can understand that!) In closing I would like to say that I hope you see your best bud Koji soon and just ignore those stupid people who ask those filthy f.....g hentai questions about you and Koji. sincerly and respectfully Kyle. (we will speak with one another again soon)
Kyle Diamond Bandit
Dear Kyle,
WOW!! Arigato fer all th' cool thins' ya' said 'bout me!
Dear Tamahome,
Im poor can I have some money? I just have... 46 cents that i found at the mall. Really... Im poor... help me be able to afford my education, and my lunch. i'll pay ou back when I have money to gicve you... but it might be a while since im poor.
Poor Person
Dear Poor Person,
Anybody ever tell ya' he's th' greedy one? He NEVER gives money away!
Dear Tasuki,
Heya Tasuki! somethin new! KOKOMO and KOKOWAM! they ma' new words i always say! and also Oro o.o; im gettin hooked on No da too e.e; anywayz. Im very tired..*yawns* ive been drawing alot..I drew Kenshin kenji sanosuke and other pplz from Rurouni Kenshin o.o; Im hopeing to draw some people from Fushigi Yuugi ^^ *sits down* hmmm *drinks some sake* Ive been drawing some Sonic pplz too. And cat ppl o.o; ive been drawing lots of anime! ^^ well anywayz. How have ya been these past days? Must be very tireing typing to hundreds of people. Id fall asleep in the middle of a letter prob. o.o; but thats just me. Rinoa(i forgot her new name o.o; it was the name of one of yer sisters, it started with an A i think) Said Hello ^^. Well thats about it. Short day today hehe Well i must be goin ta bed now. G'night Tasuki. ^-^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Aidou? Yeah, well tell 'er I said "Hi" an' I'm doin' fine.
Dear Nuriko,
do you know that you are my favoritest bish ever created???!!! anyway... i was wondering... do you cook??? can you cook chinese food and japanese because you live in ancient china, and yuu watase (bless her soul) created you and she's japanese?? and how come you're sooo pretty??? us fangirls go nuts over you!!! and how do you keep you're skin so pale?? with all of that sun and what not...? anyways, gotta go ashiteru koi
Dear britt-chan,
Arigato for your kind words! I do cook both Chinese and Japanese dishes. I wear SPF35 or higher sunscreen.
Dear Tasuki,
HIYA! *hugs him* your still mine even if you say your not ^_^ okay ^_^ Now....lets see....i guess if im writing to you i neeed to ask a questsion huh? so are Kouji and Aidou getting along? Tehy actually gettin gmarryed anytime soon? Then Kouji could really be your brother. You Mom is watching Fushigi Yuugi now and its starting to scare me....she likes Tamahome. Thats even more scary. are you ^_^ thats enought useless questions from me right now,I will write again thiough...^_^
Dear Tana,
I'm fine. I hope so! I can't say much fer yer Ma's taste in Seishi!
Dear Nuriko,
Dear god help me.... I'm a girlfriend...
*hugs Nuriko's arm* Am I supposed to be this chronically ill and this happy at the same time? It seems weird... *blushes*
I really never thought things would be like this, that I'd ever find somebody this cool. Ishi's always up here visiting me, we're always on the phone and talking on my laptop over the messenger program...
She's always telling me hilarious stories and stuff but I guess it just bothers me that we talk for so long but we never seem to hit on anything important. She never wants to talk about how I might die. It's like she won't say it so that it isn't even a possibilty. Except that it is and she won't touch it with a ten foot pole...
I hate thinking about it too, but it makes me wonder if it's fair to her - to let her get so close to me and then maybe slip away overnight. She's wonderful Nuriko. I really think I love this girl ... but is it really fair for me to put her through this?
Dear Arisugawa,
I can't answer that, only she can. I can tell you that life isn't fair and that you should enjoy the precious gift she is giving you. You never know, her love may be what helps heal you and helps you to pull through this and get healthy. Don't squander her gift. You're loved. Be happy.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi, you're sucha cutie... But besides that, Why are you (or were you) in love with Miyaka... or did it just seem that way. Well I'm going to dress up like you for Halloween, what hair dye do u use? That is so @#!*ing kool!
Dear Ashley,
I ain't in love wit' Miaka an' I don't dye my hair!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri-sama!! *Runs over and squeezes you, squealing with joy* I haven't posted anything since ... Anyway! I just thought I'd say hello and all that dandy stuff. Please tell the rest of the seishi I said hi. I'm off now, whoosh! *Pecks you on the cheek and runs off, waving behind her* Byeeeee!!!
Dear Zellezra/Missumi-sama,
I will! Take care, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*beats up keiron and comes back* dirty little bandit... i dont need savin.
Kouji: you alright?
Kylie: yep... *sits down and fixes her hair*
Kouji: *thinks then smiles ever so evilly* Genrou was really worried bout ya! *laughs then runs off before idiot can catch him*
Kylie: *looks at Genrou blushes then turns away*
Kylie and Kouji
Dear Kylie and Kouji,
*Growls at Kouji* I jus' wanna know how ya' managed to leave th' palace? Ya' were safe there, baka!
Dear Tasuki,
But... but... but how can I advertise my work? 0.0 mmmmmm... kneeknockerbellytwister... *drinks it and passes out*
Dear Faye,
I guess ya' won't.
Dear Chichiri,
Okay, I followed the first two steps of that and then I couldn't find anything else you were talking about piku. I think I'll just get my dad to do it...
Dear Amy-sama,
That might be the best thing, no da.
Dear Hotohori,
When is my sister coming back to Sacramento?
Dear Chu,
I don't know. I don't even know your sister.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can you do a split?
Dear Scherzarde,
Yes, we all can.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What do you do when you're bored? I mean really bored. Once you do that thing you do, do you realize that it's amazing what boredom can do to you?
Dear Dradigo,
Here's your answers:
Tasuki - Drinkin' an' brawlin'
Tamahome - Count my okane!
Mitsukake - Read medical books
Chiriko - Read
Chichiri - Fish, no da
Hotohori - Look in the mirror.
Nuriko - Do my hair
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I knoooow I sent you guys artwork. Demo, I have no clue if you even got it. So... yeah. Just wondering.
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
We did, arigato! We haven't had a chance to post it to the Gallery. Gomen nasai.
Dear Chichiri,
How do you get your hair to do that...gravity- defying- bang- thingie...? It is so kewl! Just like you! ^^ You and Suboshi are my two favs!
Dear Yuki KIKI,
It just grows that way, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
Heh, you are so cute ^^! Why don't you get a bigger part? I wish my brother acted as sweet as you >.<...Would you like to join my army of kawii chibis? I'm certain they'd all be glad to have you, and so would I :D!
Dear Yuki KIKI,
Arigato for your kind comments, but I must decline your offer.
Dear Nuriko,
Why!? Why in the manga,before you died why do you have to lift that $$%^+* bolder high in the air?! Why can't you just push it away!? *sobs* Why!? Why!? Maybe you would't die...Why!? *sits down and sobs*
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
That's what I needed to do, gomen ne. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
In your own opinions, which one of you is the most "beautiful"?
Dear SiriousB1/Mary,
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
HEY! For someone who thinks women are a pain.. you sure are quite the gigalo!! Man, you are hugging all of these girls and such... what are you gonna do next? Kiss all of em'that want you to? Sheesh... you guys are sooo dumb. And by the way... I think my friend "Faye" would like a little smooch while you are at it. *grins and shows her little canines* Buh bye now, Smoochy head... geez, guys like you are sooo hypocritical...
Wolf Chick
Dear Wolf Chick,
So, if they ask me fer a hug I should be mean an' tell 'em to *)^% off instead? 'Che! Women! >.<
Dear Nuriko,
Sorry to bug u again, but I have one more manicure problem. I have a habit of picking at the sides of my fingers, around the cuticle areas. How can I get out of this habit? My fingertips always bleed, and it doesn't look good.
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Try to keep your cuticles trimmed and your hands moisturized. That should help.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi papa... I've been gone for awhile. *smiles slightly* Did you miss me? *mutters* please don't ask where I was... ^^; *stands there, wrapped in her heavy coat*
Dear Trista,
Hai! Are you ok?
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichi wa, Tasuki-sama. Watashi wa Reicheru desu. I am soon to become the wife of Lynx, your descendant from the 21st century. Will you give us your blessing? *bows deeply* Doumo arigatou gozaimasu.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Another fanfic/RPG thin' eh? Sure, ya' got it.
Dear Hotohori,
Arigatou gozaimasu! I feel much better now. Hey, guess what? I actually held a conversation with my senpai! And I did it without fainting, too! =P
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Good for you! You're welcome!
Dear Tamahome,
Ah, thank you! Oyasumi nasai!
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
You're welcome!
Dear Chichiri,
Yeah, but I have nightmares a couple of times a week.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
You seem to have a lot of unresolved/conflicting emotions, no da. I still think therapy is a good idea.
Dear Kirsy,
Your link doesn't work.
Dear Chichiri,
CHICHI-SAN!!! Can i be you're pupil? Pweeese!!! I wanna learn magic too! i love the stuff that you do! it's soo cool! although i wanna learn how to turn sd more then anything...and that mask thing is awesome! i wanna learn! Onigai!
Dear Kirsy,
If I could come to your world or you to mine, I would consider it no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you Tasuki-Chan (do you mind if i call you that?) you always make me feel better. I decided not to throw them out the window. (although with jake it's very tempting...Jerk...) i don't think i'll sing this year. I'm in the choir in school so i guess that's enough. ^-^ Thankies for making me feel better. *nibbles on her lower lip* Um Tasuki-chan i know you don't really like girls all that much...especially 16 year old girls...but um can i...can i have a hug? it'd mean alot if i could...but you don't have to...i mean i won't be mad if you don't...i just wish...i now i'm babbling so i'll just stop typing. till next time!
Dear Kirsy,
Yer welcome an' jus' call me Tasuki!*Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I hope so sir.
Dear Saeko,
*Smiles* Here we are. Welcome to the Imperial Palace.
Dear Mitsukake,
HI, I'm Nicole, Ashley's friend. What should I do about the anonymous friend(cough, cough)(Tony)? I sat on his lap today. He said it hurt his knee. Then he told me that I have a nice @$$. Then Skippy said he agreed with him. Then I went home.
Ashley is over at my house. She is brainwashing me with wrong thoughts of the horn of gondor, the arrow of mirkwood(GO LEGOLAS), and you. She has a sick mind. HELP ME!!!
My breath is minty fresh. Would you like an ALTOID? They will make your breath minty fresh, not that it already isn't.
How is life and stuff?
Mrs. Legolas(a.k.a. Nicole)
P.S Please give loonnnggg answers.
P.S.S.S.S. Legolas is better than you!
P.S.S.S.S.S. I am not on crack.
Dear Nicole,
Life is fine, thank you. I think you shouldn't be associating with those people.
Dear Tamahome,
First of all i'm a her not a "him." Here's your precious wallet.::hands it back empty::
Dear Chaos,
OI! Give me back my okane! *Runs after her.*
Dear Tasuki,
what would you do if your mom di dthis to you? *pinches his cheaks* awww my little shunu-wunu i love you so muh and just basically was all lovey like that
Dear Nameless,
*Pulls away from her.* I'd die of embarrassment! I HATE when she does that!
Dear Tamahome,
HA looks like the choas will do anything to get there money.^^ lol its kinda funny.but i think it should be the other way around u asking everyone for money not them. o.o well i wish u good luck with the choas ^^ bye bye
Dear sikora,
That's true, but I at least EARN my money!
Dear Tamahome,
hey are u doing?^^ just wanted to say hi and see hoe your is going well,middle school is MUCH better then elementary except the food in elementary was a lil better >.>.so..anything new with u or miaka?or anyone else for that matter?hope your having fun talk to ya later
Dear saki,
Nothing new here. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Hotohori,
I have a small question. Say that you introduced your best friend to someone who you've known a while and now their relationship is falling apart, but you're getting closer to that someone and your best friend doesn't know it. What would you do? I mean cause it's happening to me right now and I'm afraid to tell my friend about all that's going on.
Dear anonymous,
Talk to your friend and find out what her feelings are for him. Based on that is how I would make my decision. Good luck.
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