Dear Hotohori,
how can you dead?
Dear akira,
You need to watch the rest of the series.
Dear Tasuki,
Sorry, i meant what made you WANT to grow your hair that long, or were you just to lazy to actually cut it...j/k
Dear Matura,
I figured it would look cool.
Dear Nuriko,
The one you had/ have as a lil, girl. Kawaii!!
Dear Matura,
OH! My mother did tat one for me, so I don't know. Gomen.
Dear Chichiri,
Hello!! long time no see!!! ^___^ *huggles* I'm sorry I haven't written in a long time, but not much has been happening, plah, except for this really nice guy I'm interested in at school! ^^;;;;;; Anyways! The reason I write is that I had a weird dream, I don't remember most of it but there was a tiny Suzaku bird in it, it looked so real and cute! ^^! I wish it was real, but I was wondering if it meant anything, but knowing me, it prolly doesn't! XD Oh well! *huggles again* Bye bye now! ^^
a happy singing Neko
Dear Neko,
It probably means you've been watching too much anime, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Help me!!! I'm stuck with this crystal that hasn't been broken apart yet. I'm saying like you have to break the stone in half in order for the crystal which is inside to appear! It belongs to my best friend, she couldn't break it so I decided to help her and said that I WILL break it. She knew I wouldn't but I still say I will. I don't wanna lose this challenge!!! I also couldn't get help from others to actually break it. But I can use a little advice. Little Elia will not lose!!! Help me Suzaku Seishi! Nuriko, why not meet somewhere and you break it in half you your incredible strength. Hotohori, I wouldn't mind borrowing your holy sword. :)
Dear Elia,
Have you tried using a hammer?
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Taaaasuki-chan? *sweet innocent adorable look* Since I have been the bandits little sister for... *thinks* ...for a long time now, I was thinking *sweet smile* If you found a girl that didn't get you into trouble... *gives him some sake* then would ya be interested?
I mean, spending all my time with the guys is fun and all but... it's kinda repetitive. I wake up and do the same thing every day. Feed em breakfast, clean it up, sneak into Kouji's room and try to steal his picture of you... er, I mean, refill the sake stash in Kouji's room... *cute grin* But I'm not trouble. So... what do ya think? *nuzzles and back away quickly and hold out more sake with a cute grin*
A Very Adorable Bon
Dear Bon,
Thanks fer th' offer but I'd rather we be friends. OK?
Dear Mitsukake,
Shai...Shai has cancer. I'm just kind of numb. I want to be there for her. And I am trying to be. But...God, it's hard! I want the world to stop turning, or the sun to stop shining, but I know it won't. She may or may not die, they aren't sure yet.
but i just don't know what to do!
Dear Jashi,
*Gives her a hug.* It's hard I know, but you need to be strong for her. If there is a chance for her to recover then you need to think positive thoughts.
Dear Chichiri,
Will you be my OWN bishounen!?!?!
Dear Johanna,
Gomen, no, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Long week, no chat! I would expect you to ride a motorcycle. That's sooooooo you! You know you will have to give me a ride sometime right?^.~ After a long 3 weeks of school, I got a cold. Still have it. I was sooooooooo icky from Monday-Wednesday. I'm still sick but I'm feeling so much better. I went out and got my weekly supply of anime...and you are on the cover of Animerica Extra! I bought 4 copies^^ ::reads one, frames one, puts one in her locker, and the last is sealed in a vault:: And i bought the piece of crap anime, Miyuki in Wonderland.
Shiaka mentioned that I might be seducing you....would you say I am? Come one, you can tell me^^ ::very innocent:: I'm too young and cute to seduce. Then again...isn't that what all the fangirls are doing? PLus i had noticed that everyone has been asking you the same few questions :Why do you hate girls, what girls do you go for, do you love Miaka... I'm sure you get sick of it. Maybe you should make a 'Popular Question' section and post these so the girls won't keep askin'. Just a suggesion.
Plus I'm gonna get you seishi symbol tattooed on my arm. JUST LIKE YOU! My mom said she would sign the papers and I can get it after x-mas. I am so happy. I don't know how much it will hurt though. Not that I don't think I could take it....I just want an idea. Anyhow, at the moment I am rivaling in my romance life and personal life. And I choose school. Now I wanna kick myself. Oh well. What's done is done.
Sends lots of love- GirlGenChan
Dear GirlGenChan,
Nah, ya' ain't seducin' me. We've been thinkin' of puttin' up an FAQ fer questions we get asked all th' time. We still might do it. My Seishi symbol ain't a tatoo, but I do know that tatooes hurt. But gettin' one is up to ya'. Jus' make sure th' person ya' go to is reputable an' uses clean needles fer each customer. Ya' don;'t wanna get hepatitis or some other nasty disease!
Dear Chichiri,
'Clear out my Internet's cache' piku? What do you mean piku? On my browser, the website says the same thing it said on September 11th piku...
Dear Amy-sama,
If you use Internet Explorer as your browser, you go to Tools and then Internet Options and Temporary Internet Files. Click on Delete Files and make sure there is a check mark in Delete all Offline Content and then click on OK, no da. I don't use Netscape so I don't know where that cache is, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Heya i was just wondering if you would be so kind as to help me abit with this thesis paper im gonna do. I asked my teacher and shes letting me use anime and my thesis is basically "Saying japanese anime is for children is saying that all american movies are westerns." so basically what she told me to do is define Japanese anime and then define cartoons (as in the stuff they play on kids wb and that) in general and prove that they're dirrerent in some way. I really have no clue what im doing but i have alot of notes that i was writing down. I have stuff that they cut to put on american tv, what peple mosty think about Japanese anime in general and then i have what i think its about. I heard from one of my friends that Disney had a lawsuit because of the lion king and kimba the white lion came frist and that type of stuff. So basically my goal is to prove Japanese anime isnt for kids.
Dear Tana,
Well, you could say that Japanese anime tends to have complex storylines and character development that run throughout the series. American sanimation has a severe lack of such things. Japanese anime also tends to deal with mature and difficult subjects such as love, war, death, life, and politics. You could mayebe use anime such as Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, or Evangelion to support your point. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
You know your being kinda mean to those poor kids! *ties him up and drags him back over to them* there kids have fun!
some person that thinks your mean
Dear some person,
I ain't bein' mean! It's fer their own good! *Gets out of ropes and leaves.*
Dear Tasuki,
Ankik... *starts to cry* are you mad at me for running away? *hugs his waist crying*
Dear Kylie,
'Che! Girls! No, I ain't mad at ya' so quit yer cryin'!
Dear Nuriko,
*grins* hai bidanshi ;) *rubs his stubble again* so what fine feast have you scrounged up itoshii?
*sits next to him* aishiteru itoshii
Dear Doc-sama,
A quick bresakfast and then off to the onsen. We've been away from home for a long time. I hope Sora is ok.
Dear Tasuki,
Have you ever been to there is some funny things on there. But you should only go if you have a fast comuter and... mmmmmm... chiiiken....... no Gwendolyn. you don't get any.
Gwendolyn: Meow? (translation: you're mind is under my power... give me your chiken...)
Faye: NO! bad kitty! No trying to control other people's minds!
Gwendolyn: meow... (translation:hmmmm... why isn't this simpletin becoming a mindless zombie....?)
Faye: tisk tisk...
Dear Faye,
Bizarre website!
Dear Nuriko,
Only what I could find of the manga on line. I would like to get it if I ever get the chance. Although at the end of OVA 2 that little girl looked awfully kawaii. Was that really you? And was the boy Hotohori?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Yes and yes.
Dear Tamahome,
Oh forget the freaking interest rates!!! Forget the freaking contract!!!! ::reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet and takes off running::
Dear Chaos,
Hey! Give that back! *Chases after him … *
Dear Tasuki,
What made ya grow your hair so long? Do you like hair long like that?
Dear Matura,
I dunno, it jus' grows. Yeah, I like it.
Dear Mitsukake,
Oh, I get it ash-chan!!! Anyway, when you was reincarnated, did you still have tama-neko with you, or was Tama-neko with Tasuki and Chichiri?
Dear Matura,
He is with Tasuki and Chichiri.
Dear Hotohori,
Hiya Hotohori-sama! I stayed home from school today cause i was so tired. I have to come home, do homework, cook, clean, and take care of my grandma cause BOTH of my parents went on vacation. Anyway, I saw your reincarnation and you look soooo cute!!!! I did have a question, but i can't quite remember it... Oh yeah, I really like this guy in my school, but all of my friends say that he is a jacka$$, And i can do better, what should I do? I am making a doujinshi, I feel so inspired to make a doujinshi!!!! What should i make it about i wonder...
Dear Matura,
Why do your friends say that? If it's true, you should save yourself some grief and listen to them.
Dear Nuriko,
You look so cute!!! Of course you look cute as a guy, but i am talking about you as a girl!!!! SOOO CUTTEEE!! I like your hairstyle to!!! Can you tell me how to do it?
Dear Matura,
Arigato for your kind words. Which hairstyle do you mean? My braid?
Dear Chiriko,
I am normally good at math but lately i haven't been that good...could it be because i am tired all of the time, and if so is there any way i can fix it?
Dear Matura,
Probably. Study harder and get more sleep. Eat more nutritious foods.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi everyone! This is my first time here! I'm so happy to have a chance and talk to you. Aye, this question might sound stupid but it's for my science hypothesis assignment. Does any of you seishi feel happy after you eat? Like it brightens up your mood a little. Please be honest. ^_^ Thanks!
Dear Hui,
Sometimes, if we're very hungry. Miaka is the only one that's always happy when she eats.
Dear Mitsukake,
Good evening! I'm not very companion with doctors. Unless you're my doctor. Why can't every doctor has the ability to heal like you? So I don't have to take nasty shots... I even ran away from my mom because she had to take me for a check up. ^_^ I think you're so cool. Why can't you have more parts in Fushigi Yuugi? It's so unfair, you even died. You're neko is soo kawaii! I think Shoka and you are meant for each other. You're a perfect couple. When are you going to propose to her? ^_^
Dear Seraph,
I guess when we're both reborn and old enough for it.
Dear Mitsukake,
::smiles and relief and hugs him tightly,her thin arms encircling his neck::
Dear Saeko,
I'm sure everything will be ok.
Dear Nuriko,
Good idea...@.@'' My hair is so dry...IIE ITS NOT FAIR!! Oh well. Anyways, nI gotta go, I need conditioner and stufs. Ja!! *huggles*
Aki Hikari
Dear Aki Hikari,
Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichi wa! I'm sure you all are doing well. I just have a few questions in mind, so please kindly answer them. *does the puppy face* For the sake of your fan who loves you all so dearly like family...
Do you have any dearing moment in your life during your experiences with Miaka or in different times?
Also, Tamahome, I hope your answer wouldn't the romance Miaka and you shared That includes falling in love with her of course. Hotohori same for you... Whoops forgot about Tasuki. Nuriko you too! Sigh...
Which are your most awful times? Please do not say you don't have any... You all did experience some very awful things.
If you have the opportunity to go back in time and change something that happened what would it be? Please answer me precisely.
Is it me or it's just that when it comes to a question about your opinions, your answers are not accurate. Are you hiding your point of views? ^_^ Arigato gozaimasu! You're all very handsome guys... *blushes*
Dear Riona,
Dearing? We don't quite understand your question. We did and we prefer NOT to think of or dwell on them.
Tamahome: I would prevent the death of my family.
Tasuki: I'd get th' old bandit leader healed.
Chichiri: I would prevent the deaths of my best friend and fiancée, no da.
Nuriko: I would prevent the death of my sister.
Hotohori: I would prevent the death of my sibling.
Chiriko: I wouldn't die.
Mitsukake: I'd get back in time to heal Shoka.
Opinions are opinions, they are neither accurate nor inaccurate.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
I found this site with a very intersting movie on how to make money. I thought you might like to see it ^_^ The address is: Its so very true ^_^ hope you like it.
Dear Tana,
*Laughs* Very funny!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!!!! *Runs up, dives and tackles his legs in one smooth movement* I FINALLY found this site! I'm so HAPPY! Thank you Suzaku, or whichever god lead me here! *Squeezes his legs*
Atashi wa Youbu no Miko. And I am a really good dancer, too. *Lets go of his legs* *Dances around for a second* *Glomps back onto his legs* What do you think? Good, ne? *Huggle, huggle, glomp, glomp* I'm SO happy to finally meet you!
Youbu no Miko
Dear Youbu no Miko,
One of yer friends tol' me 'bout ya'. Nice dancin'. Welcome to th' site!
Dear Tasuki,
It's like this, man... If I do flirt with them... It's not freakin' on purpose, or for the reason of flirting! It's stupid! And it really ticks me off! I'm even more upset now because of what has done with their policies, and deleting a fanfiction because it questioned it.
And wow, that made no sense, didn't it?
Argh.. Tasuki... I think I need a hug... Meeeehhhh...
Dear Kokkei,
Yer right, that didn't make no sense! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Why is it so important for you to wear that mask? Will you every be able to live/walk around etc. without it?
Dear Kitty,
It covers my scar, no da. I don't know, maybe.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello Suzaku senchi! I am a happy fanfiction writer and I was wondering what you might think of a story of mine. It's posted at under the pen name of 'Melyn the Otaku.' The fanfic itself is called 'Man! I feel like a woman.' I was just curious on what you think of it. (this is also a shameless self promotion, if you couldn't tell...)
Melyn Tenshi, the Otaku
Dear Melyn Tenshi,
We read it and Chichiri no Aijin is STILL laughing over chapter 4! It was an interesting tale but Tasuki and Tamahome were not amused. Howewver, I was! I'm looking forward to the next chapter!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I don't know if CnA let you guys see it... but what did all of you think of the recent Tas-bondage pic?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
It was great artwork, you're VERY talented, but it was a bit ano … disturbing, no da. Your Hotohori was wonderful! I liked the pictures of me as well, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hmm...Let me wake him up...*cracks out-cold Tasuki's rear with whip* Yes! I've always wanted to do that! I know it was definately not PG-13...*urk*, but if anyone else is interested in taking a peek at a very yummy Tasuki, it's up in my art gallery:
I just put one of Hoto-chan in it, my very first one. "It feels like the first time..." Oh ho ho ho... Foreigner... I hope I'm not scaring you too much. After all, I just love you, sweetie. Thanks for always listening to me complain. I don't mean to sound so awful, just I get depressed sometimes.
I'm supposed to be leaving for New York this Saturday, so it'll be awhile before I can bug ya again. So can I? *holds up sokubaku outfit* Let's have some fun! ~.^
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
ITAI!!! Are ya' nuts? Stop that! >.< Have a safe an' fun trip! Ya' did a great job on Hotohori! I ain't wearin' that!
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks for the words of encouragement, Aniki. *sighs* I'm actually over the breaking up fact by now. Besides, we made a promise-sort of like on "My Best Friends Wedding." Apparently the two main characters made a promise to each other: if they weren't married by age 30, then they'd marry each other.
Well that's what he and I are doing. Only he decided to change the ages, so...If I'm not married by the time I'm 27 and he's 25, we're going to marry each other. *sweatdrops* I prefered 30, but *shrugs* Oh well.
*huggles* Well I'm gonna jet. I should be studying for a test, which I'm going to study for in a few minutes, so it's all good. Talk to ya later!
Love ya Aniki!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I'm glad you're feeling better, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
hi, do you like bagels?
Dear mo,
What are they, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
Math? Hah! Math is not for me!
Quite seriously, I don't understand it. Nobody can quite explain it to me and get me to catch on. Oh well. So, what I was also trying to get at is if I had a chance. You answered 'No, not really', so you could be answering any question, really. So, do I? o.o
Today was a good day. David was walking around with Nicole and I. I was being melodramatic to my mother. I was told I have 'great talent in writing'. ^_^ I fell asleep yesterday watching some discovery channel show, about death traps in nature or something, at which point, I CAME UP WITH A PLOT TWIST! *fanfare* Also, can you help me with two things?
This first is that I'd really, really like to speak in Old English, but I don't know how exactly to do about that task. I can say a few short phrases, like 'Thou art a knave!' or 'Why would it be that some person attacks thine own allies?', etc.. which, are probably not correct at all. Yeah. I want to learn Latin too, but I plan to see if I can ake it in college or something. Yay, long-term planning!
The second is something I'm tired of discussing, so I'm not actually going to type it.. Maybe tomorrow. Suffice it to say, the one friend I mentioned numerous times (Tony) is no longer my friend due to how he treats my other friend, Nicole. I'll explain it when I'm less lazy.
David told me to call him at 5. Another cheer for me! By the way, what color would you want the text on your internet shrine to be? (The backround is black, default peach. BWAHAHA! You're going to be a girly man.)
Ash-chan, the girly-man maker. Go her!
Dear Ash-chan,
I think we should just be friends. If the background is black then perhaps the letters should be white?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I just gotta ask this question... Cna-chan how much was your cell phone and where did you purchase it? And how much a month is it to have it? I would really like to have one of those japanese phones,than the one I have cause the one I have is crappy x.x; so can you tell me where and how much? Thanks that'd be a life saver!
Shukumei MNM,TNNM
Dear Shukumei,
I got it through ATT. Here is their website: I have the Versio phone. Keep in mind that if you cancel a plan before the contract is up you could end up owing them $150.00 or more.
Chichiri no Aijin
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I would like to know about the image of the bird on the Fushigi Yuugi DVD cover. I don't know anything about anime but I am interested in the artwork. I love this bird and have been looking for more images of it. I can only find images of the characters. What role does the bird have in the storyline? I would love to know and see more about it. Can you help me?
Thank you!
Dear Kelly,
You mean the phoenix? That would be our god Suzaku. If you watch the series you'll learn more about him.
Dear Tamahome,
ok i think i solved a problem to either calling you Taka or Tamahome, how do you like this? Takahome? i dunno! ^^ just trying to help! *gives him 6 gold ryou for the h*ll of it*
Dear Kylie,
Thanks but I prefer Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
*dosent feel like running from Genrou anymore and comes back* i dont feel so good... *lies on the floor* maybe there was something in that sake i drank? *stands up and lays on Genrou's lap and falls asleep*
Dear Kylie,
Nothin' was in th' sake! Yer jus' all worn out from runnin' fer no good reason.
Dear Tasuki,
*coughs* hrm..O-x yes,I think I was Hyped up on chocolate that day.. X_X ** tries sweeping away her odd letter** Ah well... ^^;; That's just me.
But Thank you for takeing the time to read it anyway! ^^;; *Coughs* even if it made no sense.... ~.~ Well,hrm...anywho o.o;...*tries to think of something to say,but it's only 6:30am,and her Brain is on not working right yet.* ....uh..Oh! Ya!
I think my Spanish teacher is going to be LEAVEING SOON ,Tasuki-kun!^__^
* dances happily* We got a student teacher, and she's sooooooo nice! And she acutally knows what she is talking about! ^_^ I'm so happy now!Maybe I can acutally make it through Gym first period today! x_x Doubt it but..oh well!^^ *Plans on banning the mile run somehow* Ja,Tasuki-kun.I must go TO that evil spanish and gym class now x_x
Dear Laura,
Have fun in class!
Dear Tasuki,
I like this girl right, should I get her a dozen roses when I see her next month, or should I lay low and see what happens? Thing is, I wanna let her know that Im serious about all the things I said to her. What can a brotha do, eh?
Da Brotha
Dear Da Brotha,
A dozen roses sounds like a good idea to me!
Dear Tasuki,
why don't you hush or I'll beat you sensless. * hands Gong to Tamahome, as well as 2 gold ryo, taking a mallet out of her top* Uwhahaha
Love and Bandages Aidou
Dear Aidou,
What th' *^%$ d'ya think yer doin'?!?!?!?
Dear Chiriko,
sooo... What's you're power again?
Dear Faye,
My intelligence.
Dear Mitsukake,
Why do you look so tall and buff but you are the most gentle and you're power is to HEAL?!
Dear Faye,
It's just the way I'm drawn.
Dear Hotohori,
Ok... in the first episode I think it was... Why did you say "I am so beautiful..." It just kinda scared me and my friends...
Dear Faye,
Because I am. *Smiles and sparkles.*
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you say "no da" so often? Did you just learn to speak that way?
Dear Faye,
It's just the way everyone on my village speaks, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I have a problem... I got my ears pierced a few months ago, and they coninually get infected even though I clean them every night!!! Can you help me?
P.S. I think you are cool!!! ^^
Dear Faye,
Arigato for your kind comment. You may be allergic to your earrings. What are they made out of? They should be either gold or surgical steel.
Dear Tasuki,
You give the best info. so... here it goes! My French class has this trip to Frace for spring vacation. Here's the problem... It cost's $1784 not including Souvenires, and the passport, and I have to earn my own money!! So far I'm going to: dog walk, petsit, babysit, and clean houses. Do you have any other jobs? I'm not old enough to get a real job!!! And how do I advertise?! HEELP MEE!!!!!
P.S. I still think you're hott!!
P.P.S Why don't you reply to my other messages?
Dear Faye,
We can only answer so many letters, so if ya' write a buncha letters an' other people only write one, alla yer letters may not get answered. Have ya' considered sellin' lemonade, washin' cars, an' fetchin' groceries? Mebbe mowin' th' lawn or rakin' leaves? Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Are you related to David Bowie? if so, please call 8675309!! hee, just kidding. I've been wondering, why do you hate women so much? Not all of us are as bad as Miaka!!! ja!
britt-chan ya know!
Dear britt-chan,
Who? He didn't sing that! Tommy Tutone did. It's all my sisters' fault!
Dear Chichiri,
Piku...why did you guys change your web page back to black again piku? It's a bit weird piku. Anyway, my dad might be putting me in a teddy bear making class this Christmas piku. I'll name my floppy bear Chichiri, okay piku? Yes, 'piku' is becoming a large part of my speech pattern piku. Weird, huh piku?
Dear Amy-sama,
It's not black; it's back to its normal color, no da. You may need to clear your browser's cache, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Hey again!! I didn't talk to my doctor, and I knew for a fact that the reason for my peeling nails was not a fungi thingy. That's just wrong! >.< But, I have been drinking more milk and keeping them moistened, and that really helps. Arigato, Nuriko-kun!!
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: I'm bored on Saturday. Ya wanna come shopping wit me? I'll ask Miaka to come too. ^_^
Dear Ayame no Miko,
You're welcome! Shopping sounds like fun!
Dear Chichiri,
*thinks* Ya know, aniki, u just read my mind! It is the guy's decision, and for that other girl to call "dibs" on him is just immature. Wo Ai Ni, aniki!! Thank u so much!!
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: One more thing... *smiles and sparkles* Thanks for the hug and for being such a good brother to me.
Dear Ayame no Miko,
*Hugs her back* You're very welcome, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
*looks sad for a second* Aw, it's ok, buddy. I can always ask for some tips in whatever subject I have from ya, right? ^_^
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Yes, you can and I'll do my best to help you.
Dear Nuriko,
WAI! Do you have any idea how kawaii your reincarnation is? SHE'S SOOOO KAWAII! Wait a sec... she... er... you... er... oh, fuzzy. Now I'm all confuzzled on how to refer to your reincarnation. And of COURSE the site I found doesn't give a name, thus increasing my frustration.
Anyhoo, the URL for the site is:
There's even a coupla pics of a scene with you and Hotohori-sama's reincarnation... and you're blushing! KAWAII! Wait, there I go again with the pronoun problem, darnit. If only that site gave a name...
Houkakyou no Miko
PS: Of course you're cute in this life, too!
Dear Houkakyou no Miko,
Arigato! Thanks for sending in that site!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichi wa! Remember me? Huh, huh, do ya, huh, huh? o_O Gomen, I'm a bit hyper today. You'd almost think I had a bonfire going in my backyard, which I can't have due to the weather where I live. Freakin' drought, going ahead and ruining all my fun. Anyway...
The main reason why I'm writing is because my best friend Kristen, AKA Youbu no Miko, has recently discovered this site, and disclosed to me that she will be writing soon. There's just one little catch, though... she's a MAJOR fangirl of yours. Being a fellow pyromaniac, I decided to give you a heads up on her before she cuts off the circulation to your legs. You'll thank me for this later.
Oh, and by the way, I agree with you. It's definitely NOT a bikini. A bikini is what Obake-chan is wearing, people!
Well, I gotta go now. See ya when ya have to flame Kristen (Seeing as how that's the only way to get her to let go)! Ja!
Houkakyou no Miko
Dear Houkakyou no Miko,
Thanks fer th' heads up!
Dear Tamahome,
come on... could ya lend my some cash?! It's for a "good cause"
Dear Chaos,
Is it? Well I do charge an interest fee on my loans. *Takes out a HUGE, THICK contract…* Here, you need to read this and sign this. My interest rate is 30%. *Smiles greedily.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hello! *Bows deeply and smiles*
Before you scream "Dear Suzaku! How can we miss this girl if she won't go away?!" don't worry, I am keeping busy with my new classes. How are things holding up here? It looks as though you have a new messageboard...that's great, EZboards are much easier to navagate so long as the ads are gone (ads killed my EZboard, I had to move to another).
I'm just writing to help overcome my slight homesickness... yesterday I turned 18 and it felt different not having my friends or family around to talk with. (It also means that I first came to this site three years ago, yikes!) I'm holding up much better than I thought, but there's still the fact that I need to keep in contact with people. :)
Thanks for listening to me...I have some new art to send you as my old art here hurts my eyes... that will come sooner or later. Have a nice day! ^_^
Dear Hoshi,
18! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu! Happy birthday! If I had known I would have sent a card. Gomen. I do look forward to seeing your artwork.
Dear Hotohori,
.. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *Stops screaming* Okay now that that's out of my system...
*Laughs and huggles him* And you're one of the good boys that grew out of it. ^^ Wai for men who have working brain cells!
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* I guess I am.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, Gen-chan. I have a bone to pick with you. You always complain about girls getting you into trouble... you guys AlWAYS get girls into trouble! Take me for instance. It seems that I'm not allowed to have any guy friends. Their girlfriends all hate me because they talk to me. That really sucks because I don't get along with girls at all (except for a few exceptions) What am I supposed to do? Stop talking to my friends just because they're guys and their girlfriends hate me? I'm not one to back down, but it kinda hurts that I'm not liked because I talk to guys.
A Rather Depressed Kokkei
Dear Kokkei,
I don't think it's yer not liked, I think th' girls are all jealous of ya'! Ya' sure ya' ain't flirtin wit' their guys? *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
^-^ It may not be decent, but it's very fun. *grin* Don't worry, there isn't any nudity or anything too obscene. It's all good fun! At any rate, even if it doesn't make it into the gallery, I'll still be interested in hearing what you (and the other Seishi) think.
Why is life so sad? It just seems like everything is always falling in on me and my family. No matter what we do to attain peace, or how we try to help others, their is always pain. Like this big, distorted ugliness consuming everything, hurting everything. Over the past two weeks, it has seemed to worsen with each day, and I've even thought that dying would give more release than living. To close my eyes and sleep forever, to not feel anything anymore. I know how selfish it is, though; and how much pain it would bring on everyone.
No one understands. These aren't 'trivial'problems that have a solution. They're life-altering, and there is so much pain and suffering. If I had the power, I would wish it alll away, wish this world away.
I'm going on and on...Sorry. I just needed someone to hear what I have to say. Even if it doesn't mean anything at all.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I'm sorry this is happenin' to ya'. Anythin' I can do to help? *Gets tapped on the shoulder by CnA ... *
CnA: Check this out! *Shows him Erinu's picture of him.*
Tasuki: What th'???? *Passes out*
CnA: Great artwork but it's uh ... past PG-13. Gomen, I can't post it. Think I should wake him up?
Tasuki and CnA
Dear Tamahome,
How do you feel about fanfic writers or artists pairing you up with other guys, especially ones you don't know or people you don't even like? ^_^;
Dear Kristi-san,
It's their story, but I dislike yaoi.
Dear Nuriko,
I don't know how to really ask this, maybe I should give you some insight into the problem. I have a friend who was going out with this one guy. He broke up with her and they've been apart for awhile now. He kinda asked me out and I said yes. She says she is ok with it but I don't know, she seems mad at me. I really like this guy, and she DID say it was ok. Do you think I should stop seeing him because my friend seems upset?
Who in the world cares...
Dear cares,
She did say yes so, I'd go out with him and see how things work out. You may find he's not right for you either. But keep in mind if you do date him, she probably doesn't want to hear about it. You can also ask her again if she is uncomfortable with this arrangement. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
I don't think I said this yet so I will now. You were such a wonderful character, that your death touched just about every single FY fan who watched the show, myself included. I was proud of you for the way you tried to protect your Miko and the other Seishi, you were very brave. And I was sad when you died, your presence in the anime was missed, I felt as if a best friend had died. I missed your adorable smiles and quiet and gental beauty. I was deeply saddened when you died.
P.S. *And I was routing and cheering for you and Hotohori to get together.* I'd like to think it happened for you, you deserved to be loved so much. *I'm so glad you were given another chance at life and got what you always deserved "love", though I hoped for a slghtly different ending for you in the 3rd OVA*
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your kind comments. Have you seen the last OAV? I think you'll like it.
Dear Mitsukake,
I think what you did in episode 48, was very heroic of you, I don't think I complimented you yet for that. Tama-neko looked so sad. I think the cat really felt close to you, I can tell you took good care of the cat really well cause he really loved you.
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato for your kind words. I missed Tama-neko as well.
Dear Tamahome,
*Here's two gold ryu* Has Miaka's cooking gotten any better since you got married?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Arigato! Hai!
Dear Hotohori,
Does that imperial hat feel uncomfortable?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Not really, I'm used to it.
Dear Chichiri,
Do you eat the fish you catch? Or do you do it as a sport and once you catch them you let them go?
Dear Sakie-chan,
I do if I'm hungry, no da. If not, I throw it back.
Dear Nuriko,
Do you ever get split ends? How do you fix them?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Rarely. I condition my hair and get it trimmed regularly.
Dear Tasuki,
Did you ever have to beat up guys for messing with your sisters and making them cry?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Nah, they always beat up th' guys an' made 'em cry!
Dear Tamahome,
ALt 157 is the yen symbol ^_^ hehehe....see % you have to hold alt down and then use the number buttons on the side of the keyboard not the ones above the numbers. *goes back to the quest of finding important thinngys*
Dear Tana,
Ano … That's interesting …
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Today in lunch my frineds and I came up with a very interesting thought. Its not to important or anything,its just something to think about. What would happen if Nakago an d Hitler were to meet each other?
Our theories:
1) Nakago is part of his perfect racem so they could get along.
2)Nakago is a decent general, he might be able to help Hitler take over the world.
How wthey wouldn't get along:
3) Nakago really wants to take over the world anyhow, Hitler weouldn't be much of a macth against his powers.
What do you guys think? Now for questions, I bet your so happy about that?
Tasuki: Now that you've found out Adiou isn't married how do you feel? Do you wanna kill kouji?Thanks for the quarters! ^_^
Tamahome: Have you seen the new m & m's contest where you could win 100 million yen? The last prize was 1600 pennies, they also have paso and eura prizes. *gives him a pack of m & m's* I hope you win. ^_^
The Crazy Peeps
Dear Crazy Peeps,
We all agree on #3.
Tasuki: Not really. I'm jus' amazed anyone was interested in my old bag of a sister!
Tamahome: No, I haven't seen it. Arigato! *Looks at Tasuki* You know, Aidou is SO going to KILL you for that comment!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
You're very welcome!! ^-^ My friends say I look like and sorta act like Miaka cause I'm the fastest on my track team, I eat alot, and I have brown hair and green eyes!! Now I'm popular because of it.I think I do sort of act and look like her, but I wanna be known for my own person and not someone else.
Aki Hikari
Dear Aki Hikari,
Then just be yourself and stop comparing yourself to Miaka.
Dear Mitsukake,
::sniffles:: Sir, do you think that they are alive?
Dear Saeko,
I have no reason to believe otherwise.
Dear Tasuki,
Okie dokie! 1 fer Neon Green and 3 or maybe 4 for Gold!! ^.^ So far gold ish winnin! >D this is so fun! i had a fun day today. me and my friend in school are makeing these shelf thingy's in wood shop and i had to help Jami loosen this one thingermabob and when i did the wood on it cut into my skin and burned it. Now its a huge cut and all purple and blue. lol i was laughing so hard when it happened that i could barely breath. x.x; So jami kept saying "Ok ill get you a band-aid!!" and i yelled back "IM ALERGIC!!" and then she chased me around the room swinging band-aids over her head yelled "YE-HA!!" and then she finally stopped and oh god was it funny....o.o; me and jami are known as the psycho's of the class >.> lol ^.^ its fun though! erm i found a good use for nail polish. I used it to paint my piggy bank >.> <.< hehe tis all blue now ^.^ And sumthin great happened today!! IM SO HAPPY!! Rinoa-chan(er she changed her name alot but im stickin wit rinoa) told me she got a call from Xia and they found a way to get sum stuff i forgot about out of her system and she can get healed faster from lukemia!!! IM SO HAPPY!!! YIPPI! *does alittle happy dance* *.* *sings Alittle happy song* ^^ Well i g2g now. Im tired x.x *hugs tasuki* cyaz! ^^ *runs off*
^-^ Kisato-Chan ^-^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Well, I'm glad to hear ya' an' yer friend are both doin' so well!
Dear Chichiri,
she takes glukofuase or something any way thanks... chat to ya later.
Luna^-~ noda!!
Dear Luna,
Glucophage is one of the drugs. As long as she takes her medicine, exercises and is careful with what she eats, she should be fine, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Blinks at your pic on the 'Bishounen Catching Page',and starts to blush and giggle* Gomen,Tasuki-kun,*coughs to stop her giggleing*,but why are you dressed as a 'girl' in that pic?(sorry if you aren't)^^;; hee hee ** coughs again* **clings to you around the waste yawning* I can sing a japanesse Sailor Senshi song now,^_^;*ish semi-proud,because in her town it's hard to get anything japanese or anime.* ^^; Ya..forgive me for the eairlier question,thegirl thing,I don't have basicly any reasourses for anime,or manga,besides my computer and an expensive bookstore,a few music stores sell anime dvd's,but I dont have a dvd player ^^;.*sigh* Ah well,as long as I can draw,I should be happy ,ne?^_^ * smiles innocently as she sticks bunny ears on your head* Besides I have you to cheer me up,ne?^_^
*takes the bunny ears off cause she knows they'll anooy you,and sticks them on her own head* hoo hum..*blinks and starts hoping around before falling on the ground willingly and looking up at the clouds* Science was funny though..Science class I mean...we were watching a video on lab safety,and this guy had to strip down,to shower,because he had spilled chemicals on himself,and whenever that happens the teacher will leave only one person of the same gender as the 'showering' person in the room to help them (I'm scared of chemistry now O_x),and in the movie the guy was WATCHING the person shower a little too closely if you get my drift O_x...he was lookin' DOWN THERE! *coughs* @_x
Love and Fae dust,
Dear Laura,
This has to one of th' oddest letters I've ever gotten!
Dear Chichiri,
ChiChiri-sama!^^ *huggs* How are you no da?*giggles* Your so cool! *^^* Best wandering monk in world!*presents you with the award* ^__^ I hope I can hurry up and find the manga when you first appered in it,(I think it was 2 or 3) but whenever i go to a bookstore ,they have all the ones i dont want O-x*weep*Evil-ness.*coughs and falls over willingly* fwe....*blinks*Ya Know,maybe i should start collecting hats of famous 'fictional' people,like your cool hat and Gandalfs from LOTR's!^_^
I love LOTR (Legolas!*drool* *^_^* he even beats Tasuki-kun in the cool-dude hottness area @_@ hee hee,don't tell'em i said that.)Did you ever read LOTR?(Lord of the Rings) ^_^ Tis a very good book,just loads of description...X_X Psst..*whispers* I cheat sometimes by scrolling down till i find a name,or someone talking..xx XD hee hee.I know I shouldn't,but I'm reading this books at an earlier age then my Dad and Mom did.^^ I feel .....acomplished,I'm almost done with the last one.^_^ Ja! Kisses and Party Favers *giggles* (Yes that made no sense ^_x)
Dear Laura,
Arigato, no da! I've never read LOTR. I hope you enjoy it, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
who did you marry?
Dear Nuriko,
actually, she was kinda jes interduced ta me an' i jes learned she's a extreme fundamentalist, lovely situation ne?
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
Ne! well, if she can't behave, then nothing says you have to stay friends with her.
Dear Chiriko,
*runs in Chiriko's room and see's him reading* oh im sorry i didnt know someone was in here... Can i stay here for awhile?
Dear Kylie,
Dear Tamahome,
*runs to her room but slams into Tamahome almost knocking him down* im sorry sir... but Genrou-chan hurt my feelings and im his lil sis and... well he said i get him into trouble and i dont... can you do me a favor and dont tell him where i went? *runs down the palace halls*
Dear Kylie,
About not liking girls? Don't mind him, he doesn't like anybody.
Dear Tasuki,
since you dont like girls does that mean you dont like me? *feels like crying* i dont get you into trouble that's Miaka-sama's job! *runs to her room*
Dear Kylie,
*Watches her.* Che! See! I don't do nothin' an' I'm in trouble! >.<
Dear Chiriko,
*takes a picture of Chiriko holding Doukun* threr i'll put that in his baby book! ^^ oh ya he likes to be read to! ^^ i think he might turn out to be just like his uncle! ^^ i kinda hope he does! cause maybe some of your sweetness and charm will rub off on him! ^^ but Kengo is still outta it! - -;;;
Kengo: @_@;;;;;;; im a daddy...
Sam: yes i know that already... ,,;;;;
Dear Sam,
*Smiles and hands Doukun to Sam.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm going to be dense for a moment here. How can I interpret your letter?
And, Matura, I was being somewhat sarcastic. I, of course, know that my love for Mitsukake is unrequeted *enter melodramatic mode*, but I hound him and hint at it, because I will not give up until I have landed him into my fishing net!
.. As a sidenote, isn't it funny how you couldn't get me this motivated for any kind of math? Heh heh, go me..
Ash-chan, who writes this at 1am, and has still not written Chiriko.
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles* I think of you as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. Now, time for you to do some math …
Dear Tasuki,
Ok. First off, I'm not one of those people who thinks you have a relationship with a guy, second, I think you are really hott with long hair or not, Third you are the coolest of all of the people!!!!! AAHH... It's finally out of my system...
Dear Faye,
Thanks! *Grins*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hi Mitsukake! Where did you ever find such an adorable neko like Tama!? He's sooo cute and smart! May I have Tama for my Early Christmas present!? Please! I'll take good care of him.
Dear Elia,
Arigato for your kind words. No, he's not a Christmas present. Sorry.
Dear Chichiri,
Ok, present company and seishi excluded, I hate MEN!! Remember that guy I was telling you about. Yeah, we are no longer an item. We're friends. I sorta knew that a long-distance relationship wouldn't really work out, but geez. Now I'm feeling like worthless, cause I'm having no luck with guys.
It's not like I need them to survive, but this is the second guy in half a year to dump me. That has to be a record. *sighs* Aniki, is there something wrong with me?
*begins to sob* It's not fair! I'm just going to swear off relationships. They just become dead ends. At least this one didn't lead me on, like my last one did. *sighs* I hate men, again present seishi and company excluded.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
This is a normal fact of life, no da. Men and relationships aren't bad. Just sometimes things don't work out the way we want them to, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-kun!
*waves at him, sitting on the green grass* It's been a while since we talk to each other... I would have talk to you soon but I had a alittle virus on my computer... *sighs* lucky it's gone... But still am alittle upset cause I was doing redoing my two sites to a Halloween Version...I wouls have been done with it but no..thanx it that virus. well am stilling working on it... ^_^ I also did something for *hands him a small lunchbox like in japan with chopsticks* I didn't made it for something personal?! *blushes for a second then stops* ^^() no nothing personal...It's just I learn how to cook something new ... and I wanted someone speical to taste it for see if it's good... I understand if it's not...I can't be good at cooking everything... At the same is the rose still doing fine? If you want I can give the other Seishi a flower? I have my own garden in my backyard..*smiles at him*. Now Can you try my food please? *waits for him to try it*
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
The rose is doin' fine. *Tries food* Not bad! Thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko-senpai!*hugs you 'round the waste* ^-^ I'm so glad to see you! ^_^ Here here here!Happy Mabon!*hands you a basket full of berrys,fruit and nuts,and some hair accsessories** ^^; hee hee.Mabon is a wiccan holiday that my friend and i shall be celebrateing soon ^^. And I figured why not spread the Mabon-love to my favorite purple haired Nuriko-senpai!Shh...*looks around for a certain red-head* Don't tell Tasuki i got them for ye though,I haven't gave him his present yet ^^;;;,my bad,eh?Well,anywho,I love your Hair nuriko-senpai!;_; it's so purple-long-and straight!;_; I wish i had hair like yours!I got stuck with evil curly hair,~_~ I'm offically a frizball,and since i dont like make-up,it makes it worse O_x.
Dear Laura,
Arigato! Happy Mabon to you and your friend. I know there is a line of products called "Frizz Ease". You
may want to try it.
Dear Tasuki,
Oy! *flops onto Tasuki-ku,clinging to him around the waist* Tasuki-ness!I've had such a sucky week!*weep* ;_; I got hardly any sleep do to evil nightmares,and no food intake,and school has been tortureing me.*wimpers and flops onto the ground* ;__; First I had to go sing for the elderly people in the taylor nurseing home,and i sucked,big time,i kept on coughing,but they were so nice that they smiled and clapped for me anyway,;_; i feel so bad for them,there was this sweet guy with parkinsins deisese(sp?) who stuttered and shook while he read a speech he made for the victims of september 11th. It was so heartwarming and so sad at the smae time!*wimpers an wipes eyes with her hand,sniffleing*
Then this girl kept on making me draw pictures for her,and she was being really mean to my friend,who is a neo-pagan,and dissing her religon,and my beilefs as well,why couldn't i stand up to her?She just a white girl who wants to be black!;_; *wimpers and hugs herself* Curse me and my non-fighting-non-hateing ways!
But that's not all,nope not by a long shot,I got cursed with the most evil-sick-minded teacher in the world,as my spanish teacher.(I didn't even want spanish!I wanted Latin but my school got rid of it,now we only get to choose from german or spanish)Wanna know what he did?-__- trust me,yer 'gonna love it,he looked down my shirt,and my friends,mine twice!And the school won't do anything!Just because he has f***ing ten-year! *shudders and begins to cry again curling up into a fetal postition once more*
Tasuki-sama I don't know what to do.....*sniffles and tries wipeing the tears away again*I feel empty now ..~_~..argh *sniffles* Blasted tears,make me sniffle... Ja.
Love thee and Bless thee,
Dear Laura,
One, ya' need to get more back bone so ya' can stand up to th' stupid people dissin' yer friend. Two, yer parents need to complain to th' school 'bout that teacher! Tenure or not when parents start screamin' th' school will do somethin'! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you have a favorite childhood memory? If so what is it?
Dear Sakie-chan,
Not really, gomen.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! it has been such a LONG, LONG TIME since my last letter... sumimasen.. I'm so busy!!! @_@ Anywayz I'm here to tell you that I'm fine... how about you? ^_^ Well, the first quarter of the school year has ended, and I'm happy that I got 4 rewards - Best in Social Science, English, Research and Computer (that's only within the classroom, but I guess that's an achievement since I'm a new student. :) My adviser said that I should have been in the Top10 (I'm not sure if it's w/in the classroom or the overall 2nd year), if it weren't only for Algebra... I got line of 8 in all my subjects except for Algebra - I got 77.5. -.-' )) But I'll study harder! ^_^ Well, goodbye for now... still have lots to do... take care minna! ^_^
~Angeli~ ^_^
p.s. ~Please say hello to your fellow Suzaku Seishi.. arigatou gozaimasu! ^^ ~Please save this letter (and your reply).. since I don't know when I can check out the site... Arigato Hotohori! Thanks for your time! *hugs him* ^_^
Dear Angeli,
The letters and replies can always be found in the archives. I'll make sure to give everyone your regards. Congratulations on your good grades! Keep it up! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay,this has been bugging me since I got off the phone with CnA chan on friday night...she told me that her and John were basically talking about Rico and I? What exactly was said? Is what John says correct that Rico does like me? Oo;; did Rico actually tell him that? I need details. I didn't really want to ask about this in front of Mark I was kinda quiet about the whole thing,but I was thinking about it. So could you let me know so that I can be bug free? ^___^ If so thanks that'll help a lot. Oh yeah btw, John said he was sorry that Rico couldn't make it today Oo;;; *blinks*
Shukumei MNM-TNNM
Dear Shukumei,
I think she asked John if Rico liked you, because there may be a chance you like Rico. Mark seemed very nice. Hope you guys had a good time!
Dear Nuriko,
hello! i wasn't able to use the interent for a-while so i had to search for an answer to my question... *hugs nuriko* thank you so much for the advice... well... right now we're still a weird stage. ^___^ *hehe* he's really nice to talk to! a real gentleman.
i don't know if he still likes me, but i sure told my "friends" off... they're not teasing me anymore, no da. he's a really cool guy... he's just too shy.. XD *well, can't have it all.*
anyway, that's all. thank you so much for your wonderous advices! *that didn't sound right... i'm still bad at my english (++)* oh well. *hugs* arigatou gozaimasu Nuriko-chan!!
Dear tin2,
You're welcome. *Hugs her back* Shy can be good. Take things slow and you should be fine.
Dear Tasuki,
Who is Rei-Rei?
Dear me,
She was a good friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey you put yourself in the cr*p that girls put you in! But I won't harp on you. I'll just make it the subject essay later ;p
Boss Man, I was shopping and I found a DVD that's supposed to be the third and final OAV series!!!
If it is then what the HECK HAPPENED TO YOU?! You now have Miaka's brothers hair style, and you rival Mitsukake in tall broad-sholdered manliness. Alas, I could not find out why for I have no DVD player and it is only on DVD! WHYYY? I think I'm gonna cry now. *tears up* I am. WHAAAA!
Thea (WHAAAA!)
Dear Thea,
I grew up! What's wrong wit' that?
Dear Chiriko,
Hey, study buddy! I've been doing a lot better in school lately, all thanks to u! Could u be my tutor, pwease? *gets puppy look*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
I'm glad to hear that! If I could come to your world I'd be happy to be your tutor. As I can't I won't be able to, gomen.
Dear Hotohori,
Ayame no Miko - *sweatdrops with embarrassment* heh, ur highness, I think my friend Michelle got kind of... er... loudmouth in front of u. I'm truly sorry for her behavior.
Michelle - BUT I LOVE HIM!!!
Ayame no Miko - *drags Michelle out of room* I'm sorry, ur highness!! Come on, crazy woman.
Ayame no Miko and Michelle
Dear Ayame no Miko and Michelle,
*Smiles and looks amused.*
Dear Tamahome,
*cracks up as Nakago runs away* Thanks, Tama-san. I feel alot better now. Chichiri's been counseling me too, so I feel better. *hugs u tight* Thanks again, Tamahome!
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
You're welcome! That was actually a lot of fun!
Dear Tasuki,
ok ok.... if you don't want to reply to my question about you're IM... at least e-mail me
Dear Faye,
I ain't got IM an' we don't do personal emails.
Dear Hotohori,
Anya here! Thank you! Thank you for answering my query! You are so kind! Well, I am very happy for my cousin, no doubt! why I would hang myself if I wasn't! Can I ask you for one simple request? Can I get a hug? Please? You were the only one who answered me! ::sniff::
*tears start to comedown slowly* Thank you Hori-sama! Thank you for being there for me! *hugs Hotohori and starts shedding tears of joy* You are the best!
School reopens tomorrow (16/09/2002) >.<; EEEPPPP!!!!
HOW ARE BOUSIN AND HOUKI? FINE I HOPE!*sends boushin a dress of traditional malyalee style. houki is presented with a saree of pure kancheepuram silk* boy that is heavy!
HEIKA! Good news! My cousin gets married on the 3rd of november. So, that is on a sunday! So, I can be with her from 1st evening! And 4th is holiday! DIWALI!!! see ya soon! (school gets started ya know!)
Thanks for being there for me! *kisses on the cheek*
Dear Anya,
We're all well. Arigato for the lovely gifts. *Gives her a hug.* You're very welcome. Besides, what are friends for? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u...Ive been thinking about letting your sister marry that bandit. *sighs* She could do much better....But anyway I would like to ask you a few questions dear, since i know you would never lie to you very loving mother. What exactly do you two do when your together? I would never let my Aidou marry someone who drinks. *looks at him suspicously* you don't drink to you dear? How many other women has he slept with? I don't want him to cheat on my poor Aidou. Do you think he would take care of Aidou. *hugs him* You should come home more often dear, your father and i miss you very much.
Your Mother
Dear Ma,
*Sweatdrops* Well, we have a nice business together an' of course neither of us drinks! I dunno tsat kinda stuff! Geez!! Let 'er marry 'im if she wants! She ain't getting any younger!
Dear Tasuki,
*holding log* Shun'u-kun... didnt our sisters tell YOU to watch the children? *evil glare* You better get them NOW. *aiming the log*
You Very Loving Sister Aidou
Dear Log Throwing Psycho,
Not a *)^%$#@ chance! *Ducks log and takes off at top speed.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hi, Hori-chaaaaaaaan! *Glomp* ^^
Okay, down to business. Everyday after the last bell at school, there are these guys that hang around my locker and just ask me stupid questions. Quick snipit of conversation:
Me: *Packing backpack to go home*
Boy 1: Why do you wear that hat?
Me: Because I can. (I often wear a kasa to school.)
Boy 2: Are you Chinese?
Me: ... I'm black!
Boy 2: Yeah, but are you Chinese?
Me: No.
Boy 1: What're you listening to?
Me: Some Japanese band you wouldn't know...
Boy 1: Are you Japanese?
Why are fifteen-year-old boys such IDIOTS?! x_X Anyway, I want to get them away from me before I rip off an arm and beat them with it. Anything at all you can tell me?
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Well, because they're 15 and one or both of them may like you.
*Sweatdrops* Chichiri no Aijin says it's because all men are brain damaged, but the lucky ones grow out of it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Are any of you kind enough as to lend be a couple bucks?oh,say a 5,a 10,a 20... a 50...
Dear Chaos,
*They all look at Tamahome… *
Tamahome: What?
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
I kinda feel weird typing this...But my friend insisted...^^; I'm obsessed with FY so I ended up at this site...Umm...Yeah...See the problem is that my family is breaking apart slowly...My Father is having an affair with a young (21 years old) woman...My Father is the boss of a big company so he often dates the secretarys or picks up girls at bars...My mother who is totally devstated about this has depression and constantly tries to suicide but I stop her from doing so...I team up with my Mother and I always give her comforting messages but my little brother always teams up with my Father...Although he is too young to know why the heck my parents are fighting for... Ah...Thank you for listening to me...I kind of feel better letting it out now...^^;
Dear Sylvia,
*Gives her a hug.* Has your family ever considered going to counseling? Even if your father refuses to go you, your mother and your brother should consider it. Good luck and welcome to the site.
Dear Tamahome,
Heyyyy... Remember meee? Ha ha ha!!! Wussup, boy, aint seen ya in a while, so how ya been? was the restation of critisium long enough, man?well, i aint have much to say, so bye!
Dear Tower!!*,
Yes, I remember you.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you hate girls so much??? There not all bad. Well except maybe Miaka. She's a big fat d*mn pig!!! Do you plan to have a woman in your life someday???
Dear Kitty,
They're a pain! Miaka ain't none of those thins'! I dunno.
Dear Tasuki,
why is it you uh... hate women so much what are you scared or some thing? you know some women can be like family which you ran away from because of five older sisters i beleive, like maika sure she's an air head she is still your friend. well i guess i forgot to introduce myself i am shadow the silver fox at your service any time you need a pick pocket i'm there. haha, e- mail me back kay? bye
shadow ^-^
Dear shadow,
Women always get me in trouble! That's why I don't like 'em!
Dear Tamahome,
hey thank you for the support i have been sad and breaking down cos theres so many intense situations in my life that just wont go away. Such as a drunk and abusive father and friends who have been mad at me and not supporting and comforting me like i wish they would and i feel they should. And then too cos i just came out to my friends and family that I am bi and it takes alotta time and accepting from them and yourself to be okay and comfortable with the whole thing. And life around me seems sooo hard and soo lonely I need someone perfferably a guy to hold me at night and make sure I am safely okay once in a while. So thank you! So now on to better things did you enjoy your friday the 13th? I did I had a horror movie night it was awesome.... and i wish you could have been there. My new boyfriend Bryan was there and he was great to have near me he didnt cuddle with me or hold my hand though which was a bummer cos i wish i was more brave to have held his hand myself but i wasnt. Well anyways say hi to miaka and thanks for being there i hop in the future you or my boyfriend will hold me to comfort me.
Sweet Steph
Dear Steph,
I'm sorry things are so rough for you right now. But, I want you to know I'll do my best to be there for you if you need me. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-san, i have a problem i need your help with. ok, im going out with this guy and he says he loves me and i care for him alot. the problem is ive started to like someone else. I dont want to hurt my b/f by breaking up with him. plus he's very unstable right now. What should i do?
Dear Tyrosuma-Chan,
Well, they do that a bird in th' hand is worth two in th' bush. If he's treatin' ya' good try an' stay wit' him. If ya' really gotta chase this other guy, well, let 'im down gently but realize that rejection hurts no matter what. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Yet again i have another problem, recently i have made a friend who is a devout fundamentalist she firmly believes homosexuals are wrong an' sick and that they don't know real love cause' theirs ain't blessed by God. I told her that love is love an' one is not better than tha other blessed or otherwise, she really diden't care ta listen ta me ... even worse my very best friend is a lesbian an' i'm haveing my birthday party soon and i invited both her, her girlfriend, and my religious friend ... i fear tempers are gonna flare when they're put in tha same room together but i already invited them all ... wut should i do?
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
Well, you can either keep them apart and away fron each other or let them meet and see if your fundamentalist friend changes her mind. By the way, why on earth would you want to be friends with someone so narrow-minded?
Dear Nuriko,
Nuriko, you're a sweet heart you know that? I may even have the chance to fall for you. But I think I'm too young... XP I'm glad to have known you from Fushigi Yuugi. You're a beautiful character. :)
Dear Riona,
Arigato for your kind words. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
I'm not feeling well, so could you sparkle for me?
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
*Smiles and sparkles gently for her.*
Dear Tamahome,
I feel miserable. I had to stay home from school today, and when you're a junior in high school, that is not a good thing. My head feels like it's either going to explode or just roll off my shoulders. It's raining outside, too...I think I'll go take a nap.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Maybe rest and some headache medicine is the best thing for you. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI! I haven't written in so long! Maa, school just started and I hated it the first week...I really wanted to quit. I have 4-5 hours of homework a night, I have to run between 4 blocks of campus for all of my classes, my bookbag is so heavy that I have brushburns on my shoulders, and everyone is an @$$. I go to a prep school so I am surrounded by sefl-centered smart guys and rich little snobs. This week I finally made some likes anime and is cute! Man, things are looking up. I guess I can relax a little now that it's the weekend. I wish I had more time for my computer, but I can only get online on weekends.
I joine a creatibe writing club and got a bit og a crush on the president of it....then I found out he was gay. What a let down. And I joined the Model UN and I represent Iraq....I can't believe it. Well at least I have my cozy anime to come home to at the end of the week. If only you were real then I would be looking forward to the work week so i can hang out with you! Oh, and if you could have a choice of a vehicle....what would it be: Motocycle, Jeep or a Hummer?
Dear GirlGenChan,
Sounds like ya' got an interestin' year ahead of ya'! I'd ride a motorcycle.
Dear Tasuki,
my name is ryoko. Umm... I wanted to know if you like any girls because one of my freinds likes you a whole bunch. She wants to know and she don't know this site YET!!! So any excepetions?
Dear ryoko,
I don't like girls 'cos all they do is get me in trouble!
Dear Chichiri,
Well, I've had nightmares all my life, so it's nothing new. They're not always about bugs, either.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Well, we all suffer from nightmares on occasion, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Somebody told me that in Japan marriage is more about social status than about love. That's not really true, is it?
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
I think it used to be but isn't anymore.
Dear Tamahome,
I've become a money grubber...probably more of than you are! XD AHA! ...yea. o.o I wander the halls and campus of my school looking for OKANEEEEEEE!! ^^ ...yea...I wanna get money for are you, Tama-chan? ^^ *pet* Keepin' outta fights I hope. u.u Fighting isn't the way to solve stuff...yea...can I spike your hair? o.o I got hair gel! *holds up numerous hair products* Pleeeeease? ;-;
Dear Keiko,
I'm fine, but no hair products, please.
Dear Tasuki,
*pauses, frowning* Kaasan told us you'd try to do that . . . Ojisan, that's bad! Kaasan told us *you* would look after us, not everyone else!
*from Shun'u's arms where Mai placed Chen, Chen stirs and begins to fuss*
*lets go of Shukuen's hand with a whispered "Stay here."* *chases after her ojisan, making a dive for one of his ankles*
Dear Miki,
*She misses him.* Look, I don't care what yer ma' said. I ain't no good wit' kids! Tamahome is, so that's why he's gonna take care of ya'!
Dear Chiriko,
...I'd just spent several weeks practicing a song so that I could try out for District Choir, and then my voice teacher suddenly said that I wasn't ready for it. That it was too advanced for me. Basically, without music, I have no life. If I'm not good enough to sing for a District Choir, what can I make of myself?
Dear Ayame,
You should keep trying and ask your teacher for help so you can try out next time. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Nuriko,
I gots a problem, i have freaky long hair i haven't cut one day in my life and this often earns me a bunch o' peeples all in my face sayin' i should cut it or bein' pulled aroun' by it like a freakin' turn this earned them all a through b*tch slappin' but still i have my reasons!! Before my Dad died he tol' me he liked my hair tha way it was and not ta change it, that an' my buddy Dina *she has longer hair than me* are rivals in tha area and are waitin' ta see who cuts first, besides beatin' tha cr*p outta those ignorent jack*rs*s is there another way i can make them understand tha methods ta my maddness?
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage ,
Have you tried explaining it to them like you did to me?
Dear Tamahome,
AH. I see. Now, I saw an OAV episode, or at least I think it was, where you were transported back to Konan but you couldn't enter the shrine to the Suzaku Seishi, and you were called Nakago? I can't remember the ending, but why were you called Nakago??
Person man man man
Dear Person man man man,
It was an OAV and if I told you why, that would be a spoiler. Gomen.
Dear Mitsukake,
::rubs her eyes and tries not to fall asleep:: Sir, you are very kind.::looks around but sees nothing:: I miss my outo-san and kaa-san...
Dear Saeko,
Well, if we don't find them soon, I'll take you to the palace. Perhaps his highness the Emperor can send people to find them.
Dear Nuriko,
*claps and giggles then kisses his cheek* Thanks Nuriko!! You're so cool!! ^.^ You're my favorite seishi!! *hugs*
Aki Hikari
Dear Aki Hikari,
*Smiles and hugs her back.* Arigato for your kind words. You're very welcome!
Dear Chiriko,
u know chiriko u dont look like 13.13 is a teenage and u look TO young to be a teenager..u look more like...o.o umm...around 9-11 i quess your CUTE lil baby face says it all ^^not much else to say about that.well one more question are u dont wit the book saki gave u o.o dout it though it hasent been long enough for ANYONE to read a book wit EVERYTHING in it.if there was someone who could read a book that big...they wouldnt be real.
Dear sikora,
I'm not quite finished but close.
Dear Chiriko,
Hajiemashite!, Chiriko-san i gots this question thats been buggin' me fer years an' i jes wanted ta know if ya could help me wit it "if we evolved frum monkeys how come monkeys are still around?" i asked my teacher this question and his head imploded....then he keeled over an' started ta smell i gave im' a cupcake *~^__^~*
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
We and other primates had a common ancestor. At some point in time we diverged evolutionarily speaking and we evolved into humans and they stayed apes. We are not the direct descendants of modern apes/chimpanzees. Although, the way some of us act does make me wonder ...
Dear Tasuki,
Blek. Ive had a crazy week this week. o.o; well first off, My sisters mouse died...Poor jerry...we buried him in the garden. He loved the garden ^^ And i taught maya to talk on the phone >.> so when you put a phone by him he starts squaking and chirping and makeing all sorts of sounds and then he bites the number dials. o.o; Um oh yeah! im going to dye my hair!!! Itll either be...Neon green or...Gold..or maybe the same as yer's o.o I wanted to ask you which was better but since you have no clue what i look like maybe telling you what my real hair color is? well its a Blondish brownish color...o.o Imma look funny e.e; it may be only highlights though...i was asking my friends "would i look better with neon green highlights or gold highlights or maybe orangeish redish???" o.o and they look at me all wierd and say im a psycho o.o; which i am >.> and im most proud of that <.< hehehehe anywayz thats about all...
oh yeah and i found something out!! If you want money you could knock on yer friends/brothers/sisters door to their bedroom or house or whatever and when they open it you sing "Dashing threw the snoooow! On a billion dollar sled!! I need another one!! so gimmi sooome cash!! and iiif you dont!! i will never stop singing! so gimmi cash right noooow! or youll be annoyed by my singing ooooh!!" and then you sing that again and again until they give you the money o.o It worked for me >.> i got 5 dollars for singing that song over and over again to sikora ma' sister! *laughs evily* it comes in handy when yer out of money >.> ^_______^ Eehehehe well i must be going now o.o *gives him a jug o' sake* have fun and take care Tasuki ^^ cya soon *walks off singing the song*
^-^ Kisato-Chan ^-^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Sorry to hear yer sister's mouse died. I think I'll stick to bein' a bandit! I think gold highlights sound th' best.
Dear Tasuki,
I think you were in love with reirei and your just pretending you didn't. :p If i remember you were crying when she died.
Dear Tana,
OI! It's sad when people die!
Dear Tasuki,
Oi, thanks for looking into that page for me. It just seems kinda weird that I would have a lot of the same symptoms, yet I've never been examined for Hashimoto's disease particularly.
Oop, I don't mean to scare you...with the Seishi Pops and all...but I think it's a splendorific idea, something new to draw! Hmmm...yummynummy!*licks a Tas-pop*
Hee hee, I am anti-commercial art, and here I am rambling about a potential popcicle product...^-^'
I drew the piccie! This one, is, of course, a little more dangerous than I originally intended. Sukobaku hentai!I hope it won't freak you out to terribly much! I just loooove bondage. It's too much fun. But there isn't any lace, just leather, so don't worry...>D I'll send it to CnA today if I can. I just know Kouji-san will like it.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
*Sweatdrops* Stop lickin' stuff ya' named afetr me! It jus' ain't decent! >.<;;; Jus' to let ya' know if it's too hentai it ain;t gonna make it into th' Gallery. We're PG-13 ok?
Dear Kylie,
That was very sweet of you. As you requested, I have already signed your book.
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