Dear Hotohori,
Um Heika-sama can i stay at the palace because Eiken wants to kill me and Genrou-chan said i could stay. *bows* please?
Dear Kylie,
Certainly. *Has a guard escort her to her room.*
Dear Chiriko,
Chiriko do you wanna hold your nephew? you can feed him to if you want! ^^
Dear Sam,
Sure! He's very cute! And hungry, too!
Dear Mitsukake,
Can you be my brother? I am mentally depressed and have no one to talk to! Please!
Dear Asha,
Certainly, if you wish.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey! Your friendly Jedi here!
As for my depression, It is still there! Sheesh! You see, I read this book about sun signs by Linda Goodman, and I am an aquarian- *self expalinatory!* ^_^;; Well! I wonder if this depression has anything to do with my aquarian tingy. Cause the book said that we were people who secluded ourselves from the society for a while. But anyways! School reopens monday! *yuck!* I don't hate school but my teachers demand exceptions!>D
How was your day? fine I hope! I feel terribly sorry for all the people who lost their lives in the september 11th attack! I hope they catch Osama and feed him Miaka's cooking *couldn't think of any other punishment!* or perhaps they should make him listen to Nakago trying to imitate Nick carter!
I guess I am feeling much better now! But depression comes in indefenite intervals! I am not making any sense! *hugs Hotohori in a gentle way.*
I really have a question!
You have only one room and you are forced against your wishes to share it with a girl who is really annoying *thinking about that, she ain't that annoying!^U^;;*and you come in and see she has taken the only bed left! Of course there is space for two! But! well! It is for my fanfic! I am going insane! But what do you know!
Please answer me! my fanfic depends on your answer! I guess! May the force be with you!
Anya *starting to feel gloomy again!*
Dear Anya,
I am a consumate gentleman! I would sleep on the floor.
Dear Chichiri,
*casts out fishing line* Ok, there's good news and bad news. The good news is that I may be getting a new boyfriend soon *knocks on wood* But, the problem is (bad news) that this other girl likes the same guy I do. Plus, to worsen matters, her idiot friend keeps telling me to stay away from the guy just because the other girl liked him first. >.< Any advice, big bro? I'm confuzeled. *hugs u tight* WHOA!!! *gets pulled forward really hard* BIG FISH!! *gets pulled out of seat*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
*Helps her reel the fish in* He's big, no da! Well, this really has little to do with either you or the other girl and how you feel. It really depends on who he likes, no da. If he likes you he'll be your boyfriend, if not he'll be someone else's, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*finishes eating the peice of cake and sees Shun'u* Hi Uncle Shun'u! Why are you running? Do you want to play with Tamahome-sama too?
Dear Lita,
Eh? OI!! Tamahome! *Dumps ALL the kids on Tamahome.* Yer great wit' kids! See ya'!! Gotta go! *Runs off*
Dear Mitsukake,
Do I have a chance with you? :P Does it really matter, since I'll hound you anyway? :x
Ash-chan, who would loooove to rant about her brother, but is going to write to Chiriko instead.
Dear Ash-chan,
No, not really.
Dear Mitsukake,
I don't understand why ash-chan put my name in the letter, and don't worry ash-chan you spelled it right^0^, can you explain it to me? Thanky muchy!
Dear Matura,
I think she thought you were referring to her in a letter to me.
Dear Hotohori,
So does that mean that you will go out with nuriko now that he got reincarnated as a girl?
Dear Matura,
I don't know. There is always a chance, but being as we are reincarnated, we wouldn't be Hotohori and Nuriko, we'd be whoever we are in that new life.
Dear Hotohori,
Anya here!
I am so sorry I did not write to you for ever so long! I saw Anastasia and my cousin got engaged on 8th! I am having this nervous breakdown . I feel like everybody is moving away from me! I don't understand. I stayed with my cousin(the engaged one) for 2days. Well, it seems like I am sorta really close to their family. So, i felt really down when I had to come back after one day's stay. But my dad is nothing short of a gem so he dropped me there for the next day as well! That would be the 12th. Now I wanna cry but I have no strength! Why are terrible thing happening to me? Can I hug you? ONEGAI! *hugs hotohori and cries uncontrollably and slowly goes off to sleep on his shoulder*
Dear Anya,
It doesn't sound all that terrible. You should be happy for them.
Dear Tasuki,
i guess but if you go on anymore journey's can i come please??
Dear kylie,
As long as it ain't dangerous.
Dear Chichiri,
What was your first reaction to Taiitsu-kuns face? Um... What is your fav magic spell/trick?
Nuri Ryuu Cho
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
I was a bit surprised. I guess teleportation, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
What was the most interesting book you've ever read? For me it was Robert Jordan's Wheel of time saga and my history text book.
Nuri Ryuu Cho
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
There have been so many. I especially like books by Neil Gaiman.
Dear Tamahome,
How did you get Nuriko's Reincarnation to follow you? And Hotohori's reincarnation? Ya see I am going to write a fic and I need the info and since you found them I thought I could ask you.
Nuri Ryuu Cho
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
We spoke to their parents, explained the situation, and they were sent with us on our mission.
Dear Mitsukake,
Would you ever get a pig? Or perhaps a duck? Oh and how are you?
Um... what is your song called cuz I have the CD but it was burnt and I was woundering.
Nuri Ryuu Cho
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
I have a cat. I feel no need for other pets. Actually, I have two character songs: Hidarite no Kioku and Sora ga Mieru. I think the Hidarite no Kioku is the one that most people know.
Dear Nuriko,
Thankyou for the advice I am using it. I shall let you know of the results when my problem is gone.
Nuri Ryuu Cho
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
You're very welcome. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Wearing it in a bun with pretty chopsticks or something sounds good, but my hair never stays up with those things! And..I'm not exactly so fond of little hair clips. What's a snood?
Dear JJ,
Here is a site that explains and shows pictures of snoods: They also sell hairsticks, combs, and snoods.
Dear Chiriko,
Do you know anything about interpreting dreams, Chiriko-san? Can you recommend any good website on the topic?
Dear Nubee,
Click here for a search page on dream interpretation. Dream interpretation is just not my forte.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just what is Miaka really like? I mean, there are many opinions of her, but she seems to be one of the most disliked characters around! (next to Nakago in some circles anyway) What were your feelings about your experiences as a Suzaku no shichiseishi?
Private Question for Mitsukake
I've seen some tales about you that cast you as a reincarnated (was it Genbu or Byakko?) Genbu no shichiseishi. May I ask if this is true?
Public Q.
Is Miaka really a whiny, greedy pig? *starts to look for a hole to hide in:It's not my opinion! Honest!* How did it feel, to have accomplished your duty as shichiseishi?
Animefan(who can't believe she was so insensitive)
Dear Animefan,
We all feel that she is a very sweet, unselfish, caring person. She is none of those things you describe her as. I was reincarnated but not as a Genbu or Byakko Seishi. We were all proud to have been able to serve our Miko and Suzaku as we did.
Dear Tasuki,
Okay I really don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't seen EikouDen yet...but *gasps,falls over and blinks* Tasuki kun! You have...have...have...LONG HAIR!!!! O_____O;;; Doushite? (did I spell that right?)yep that's right I found a place that has a LOT of anime to rent and I rented the EikouDen one and when I saw you I was like O______O holy!!! You grew!!! XD But yet yer still sexy!!! heehee. hmmm,anyways,guess what? I can form sentences now in my japanese class! Well I think that's all I really wanted to are things in Mt. Reikaku? ^^;
Shukumei MNM,TNNM
Dear Shukumei,
Remind us to show all four episodes on Anime Day. They're ok.
Dear Hotohori,
Hiya, Hotohori! Did ya miss me? *winks* How was your labor day weekend? Today we were celebrating our freedom and showing the terrorists that they can't bring America down that easily. I love my country. Are you familiar with the 9-11-01 terrorist attack?
Dear Guardian,
Unfortunately I am all too familiar with it. Our Labor Day was fun. Of course you were missed.
Dear Nuriko,
I wouldn't know what to say to her! *BLUSH* I care about Ishi, Nuriko, don't get me wrong. I like her alot, but I'm not 'in love' with her yet and I don't want to lie about that...
And to be honest, I'm afraid of this. Alot. Being loved is wonderful, but every day I get a little sicker and I don't know how long I have. I don't want to love her and then leave her in the worst way possible...
Dear Arisugawa,
Then be honest with her. As you get to know her better, your feelings for her may grow as well. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ya know you should just start a daycare... You could call it "Tasuki and Friends" since all the kids seem to love him so much.
Dear Tana,
*Smiles* That's a pretty funny idea!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! I'm friends with Gazelle and I also used to be friends with the greusome twosome. Well I found out that one always talks behind my back and the other is just plain stupid. (Even though I've known that for years...) Anyway, we can't report to the police because she's too young. And we can't tell the school because they dont help...(Trust me I've tried...) so... HEEELP MEEEEE!!!
P.S. I think you're hott!!!!
Dear Faye,
She may be too young to be arrested, but she still needs to be reported. Talk to yer parents an' then have 'em talk to th' school fer ya.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Thank you fer honoring this horrible even with your black background... *starts to cry* I... I'm speachless... it's just so sad... sometimes you just gotta ask Why? why us? why now? -_-
Saya AKK
Dear Saya AKK,
True. It saddens us as well. *Holds her*
Dear Mitsukake,
Dear Jashi,
What's the matter? *Looks concerned*
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! I'm trying to be as polite as I can... So, were you ever in love with Reirei? By the way are you a virgin? :-)
Dear Elia,
I don't thnk so … OI! That's kinda personal! >.<
Dear Nuriko,
I heard eggs make your hair shiny, is that true?? And what can I do about my split ends its so horrible!! *sob* But anyway...How strong are you?? Could you pick me up using one hand?? Huh huh huh?? o.o
Aki Hikari
Dear Aki Hikari,
They can, but I recommend using a deep conditioner instead. Get a good haircut and that should eliminate most of your split ends. Very! Yes I could! *Picks her up with one hand.*
Dear Tamahome,
Mmmmmhmmmm I see. But if it wasn't, would you hurt him?? ^.^
Person man man man
Dear Person man man man,
Possibly …
Dear Mitsukake,
::smiles and climbs onto his back slowly, hanging on as not to fall:: Domo arigato gozaimasu sir. You remind me of my otou-san... ::sniffles::
Dear Saeko,
You're very welcome. *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki-chan! *sobs* my ex boyfriend is back in the church band and my friend adam doesn't want me to sing this year because he doesn't want me and my ex fighting. I love singing and i'm so mad that i want to push them both out the window! What should i do?
Dear Kirsy,
Well, if ya' can sing wit'out havin' to deal wit' 'im, I say go fer it!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
im sorry to hear about your friend Jamie my friend Kristy was also lost September 11th... my prayers are with all of you *hugs all of them and hands them a rose with an American flag on it* wanna have a moment of peace together?
Dear Kylie,
Of course! We are sorry for your loss as well. *The Seishi all gather around her and bow their heads.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
I think you're so kawaiii !
How do you feel about your hairstyle? I think you look taller with it...
And I think you resemble my little bro in many ways...
1.You're both look smaller then your age
2.You're both smart.
3.You're both Kawaii!
4.My bro also has a symbol on his foot..!
Just kidding about the last part!^__^
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
I like my hairstyle. Arigato for your kind words!
Dear Chichiri,
What does Kouran look like?
Dear Rumiko,
She was very beautiful with long black hair and lovely brown eyes, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Why doesn't anyone remember the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Dear somebody,
They do, but mostly in Japan.
Dear Chichiri,
Yes i know... she has to take thieriod medicine and something else sorry about my typing i'm in a rush... I've been teaching myself to speak japanese... i'm doing pretty good and next year i'm inrolling in a class... I've been training also to be a chef ... mostly oriental though i want to make some native and celtic dishes as well. talk at ya later!!!
Dear Luna,
Thyroid medicine is not a diabetes treatment. Most people with diabetes either inject insulin or take pills to reduce the sugar in their blood, no da. Good luck in your classes, no da!
Dear Nuriko,
I love Japanese class! Every class we get all these handouts with cool info on Japan and their language and culture! Japan is such a cool country! I'd love to go there someday, but I wouldn't want to live there. I love my country. ^_^
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
It is a beautiful country! The people for the most part are very nice and friendly as well.
Dear Chichiri,
Yeah, but it's more of a recent thing, and I doubt they could help me.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
You never know, no da. You might want to give it a try.
Dear Hotohori,
Arigatou gozaimasu! *giggles and claps her hands because she is learning a new language* And my heart goes out to GenbuseishiHatsui and all the others who lost their lives last year. *hugs everyone*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
You're very welcome! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Tasuki,
Okei, sweety! Leather it is then...of course, that also means bondage...Doesn't that word have a cute ring to it? >D
Hey, I guess purple is kinda...I like pink better for bras, although I'm sure Nuri wouldn't mind the purple, or Cyndi Lauper, for that matter. I am the air-microphone-karaoke star!
Actually, the 'fungus' is a mold...plasmodial is gen. used in those terms...thank goodness it wasn't too serious! The carpet is still getting wet though...I'm afraid it trying to come back. Maybe you should come over and flame it. I need a new rug anyway, this one is old and not performing it's reuired duties.
^-^' It's late, that's why I'm such a silly head...Doo doo doo.. I know you're not Mitsukake (Hi Mistukake-akachan! *kiss kiss*), but what does this sound like, because I think it might be something like Hashimoto's disease:My weight rapidly (within a day or so) fluctuates (I'll be 5 pounds lighter one day, back to normal the next, then again...), my hair is falling out a little too frequently (though I'm not balding or anything)I'm cold or hot, never in between, short of breath, fatigued almost all the time, and some girl problems that are getting terribly painful. For awhile I was trying convince myself I was just imagining things, but it's taking a serious toll on my health, and since I can't go to the doctor right now...Does it sound normal to you? I just feel pretty aweful alot more than normal...*cries*
They should make Seishipop, like Popcicles. 7 delicious flavours! Here's what they would be:
Tamahome: Cherrytastic
Nuriko: Grape (of course!)
Hotohori: Choco (yum)
Chichiri: Blueberry and raspberry (^-^)
Mitsukake: Lemon-lime (eh heh heh heh...*slaps self*)
Chiriko: Strawberry Kiwi
Tasuki: Mmm-mnnnmmnmn...Peaches and cream...Mmmmnnmmnn...
And 7 Seiryuu scary pops for those less cheerful people...Would you eat a Banana-falvoured Naka-chan?
^-^ Give Kouji a kisu for me, sweets!
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
*Sweatdrops* Ya' know yer startin' to worry me … No, yer illness don't sound normal. Ya' might wanna check this peeji.
Dear Tasuki,
Heya in military history 2 we were talking about what types of boats you would want to sink. One of them as a cruise ship with an enemy flag. and another was a battleship and there was a first aid ship and one carring weponds and a cruise ship with an enemy fag and a bunch of guns. So our group sunk the battleship and the ship carring guns. which ones would you sink? Now....I have to do my homework on air combat and ships and all that fun stuff ,., At least i have the chance to get an H in this class. ^_^
Dear Tana,
I'd think we'd sink th' battleship an' th' supply ship.
Dear Tamahome,
*watches u wrestle Nakago to the floor* This should be VERY entertaining *grabs something particularly rancid from Miaka*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
*Feeds Nakago macaroni and cheese and watches him turn green.* Hmmm … Must have been the butter flavored Crisco…
Dear Hotohori,
Arigato Papa :D
*gets into a fighting position like Tamahome-oji told him to*
I'll be able to help our people better this way :D
*practices his punches and blocks*
How's that?
Dear Boushin,
That's much better.
Dear Nuriko,
*comes back after preparing the horses* well Itoshi, I just popped out some stones in their hooves. That'll help alot. :) So are we going to finish off the fish or give it to a local village?
*gives Ryu a hug and a kiss* aishiteru itoshii, you're so good at camp cooking. *touches his new growth of beard* I wonder what you would look like with a beard. *giggles* you'd go from one extreme to another ;)
Dear Doc-sama,
More macho maybe? *Grins* Let's give it to the villagers.
Dear Chiriko,
*toddles by as fast as his little legs can carry him*
*slams into someone and falls back on his butt*
Ji! I want Mama *cries*
Dear Sora,
Shhh … It's ok. *Picks him up.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok I have been wandering things for many a week and have Q's for ya'll. Ok I shall ask:
1: How much is one gold ryu in American dollors?
2: I loved your long hair ^-^. (Ok that wasn't a question but I do!)
3: How did you meet Nuriko's reincarnation?
4: What is your opinon on Nuriko?
1: I love pretty guys with long hair ^_^.
2: Why did you never pay attention to the women of you herem?
3: Do you and Nuriko get together when your both reincarnated?
4: What's your opinon on Nuri-chan?
1: You are too cute!!!
2: Um... How old are you again?
3: Do you think Hotohori and Nuriko make a cute couple?
4: How many books have you read?
5: What is your opinon on Nuriko?
1: Even though you stayed with her for a long while, are you scared of Taiitsu-kun's face?
2: Where can I find prayer beads like yours?
3: Do you think Hotohori should of got together with Nuriko?
4: What's your opinon on him? (Nuriko)
1: What was Hotohori's obsessive bandits name?
2: What is it like to be bandit leader?
3: Do you like pizza?
4: Don't you think Nuriko is pretty?
5: What do you think about Nuriko?
1: Is healing fun?
2: Do you like piggies?
3: How would you react if Tasuki or Tamahome farted next to you and it ranked?
4: Who do you think makes a better couple Nuriko/Hotohori or Nakago/Tamahome?
5: What's your opinon on Nuriko?
I have but few quetions for you... I think...
1: I think you an Hori-sama make an excellent couple ^_^.
2: How can I get bracelets like yours?
3: Your sooo preeetttyy!!
4: What is with the green straps on the outfit you wore in Miaka's world? Ya know with the blue shirt and pink and purple tie?
5: I wish I could meet you in my life time.
6: can you sing perfect world for me?
And for all:
1: What's your fav coluor?
2: Food?
3: Music?
4: Applience?
5: TV show?
6: Actor/Actress?
7: Piggy name?
8: Fav Ayashi no Ceres character?
9: Fav Invader Zim character?
10: Animal?
Well I guess I shall end my long questions for now.
Nuri Ryuu Cho
PS: Nuriko, minna you guys rock!
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
WOW! That was one LONG letter!! @_@ Here are your answers:
Tamahome: I have no idea, but probably a lot as it is antique money. We run into her in a village. He was a good friend and Seishi.
Hotohori: I was more beautiful than they were. Not that I know of. He was a good friend and Seishi.
Chiriko: Arigato! 13 NO! They're both men! Lots! He was very nice.
Chichiri: No. If you can find the wooden beads, you can make them yourself, no da. He will be sorely missed, no da.
Tasuki: I dunno. It's ok. Never had it. Huh? He's a guy! He was a h*lluva fighter!
Mitsukake: I don't know about fun per se, but it is tiring. NANI?? Neither! He was a good friend and Seishi.
Nuriko: Me too! EBay? Arigato! I liked all the colors. Sure, *Starts singing to her.*
All: 1, 2, 3, and 10 - check the archives. 4-9 we really have no favorites. Arigato!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
I am sooo BUSY!!!! How come teachers ALWAYS give you so much work on the VERY same day another 5 teachers give you ALOT of homework?!!! I barely have time for myself!!! Oh yeah, anyway, at the end of the ova's we saw you reincarnated into a little kid, so my question is are you now younger than your son? And are you still married to your wife( don't worry i am not trying to take you this time, but i was just curious..^0^
Dear Matura,
As a reincarnation, yes I am younger than Boushin. In that sense no, she is a widow.
Dear Tasuki,
I' m Yudi Kanazaki. I know you said not to ask you about you and Kouji but are you and Chichiri-sama a couple?
Dear Yudi,
NO! >.<
Dear Mitsukake,
[(Matura)- Ack! Sorry for mis-spelling!]
Why are you so concerned, Mitsukake? Have my irresistable female charms taken their toll on you? ^-~ (Please comment on that. Please? ^^;;) Well, you know, a friend and I basically decided it'd be bad if one of two of your fangirls on the site got hurt, soo..
Today was a good day, I'm doing a stupid experiment on whether or not calling my teacher 'the winner' will make him happy or not. Everyone's joining in on the fun! :D
I don't know if I told you this, but a while back there was this one girl who was extremely rude to me, and ended up biting my hand. Well, I reported her to the school, and since then, she's been starting cr*p with me that I don't need. She tries to insult me. How? By calling out 'Salutations!' 'Yo!' and 'Ms Big Words!'. I swear, the first time she (and her friends) started yelling that, I laughed really hard.. How can they insult me by telling me I have a broad vocabulary? XD She tries to trip me too, something that I can avoid, usually because Nicole and I take an abnormally long amount of time getting to our lockers, but also because I do little dance steps. XD It's funny! Heh. If she keeps it up, though, I'll probably report her again. And again. Heh, I'll probably keep doing it until some kind of action is taken.
I also have to mention that, after the first incident (biting me), two of her friends tried to be my friend. However, I was all, 'Go away, man! I'm loyal to Amy, Nicole, Alicia, and David only!', and after about 2 days she went away, only now, she's the head propagator. XD I'd really hate to be her friend, y'know?
Also, about the whole writing-on-me-thing, I consider it more healthy than.. say.. cutting myself or anything. When I'm nervous, I chew at my fingernails, or the skin around my fingernails (though I'm trying to break that habit), when I'm sad, I usually cry, throw things, and hide under my blanket. :| Ah well.
I can't help but get upset about my brother, because he's a freakin' moron. He sucks. (I've noticed, though, whenever we do get along, we bond.. x.x) Yesterday, he asked, 'why do you just clean up my stuff? I never leave trash, dishes, etc..'. Whereas, he keeps leaving dishes and soda cans and candy bar wrappers everywhere, and I clean everyone's stuff. Too bad for him, I just knocked his only defense. Another thing that irks me is that he leaves his TV up really loud, and when I try to sleep, he says 'It's not up loud!' and I'm stuck in a ditch without a ladder, because my hearing is really good, so I can hear better than him, my dad, my mom, etc.. I wish he'd move away. He's pathetic. He still uses words like a child (etc, 10..), he's extremely defensive (not to say I'm not, but if I even say, 'Yo Peter' he'll get all upset and go 'What do you mean by that?!'), My parents refuse to do anything. He fights dirty. That, in itself, is pathetic. If you have to cheat just to win a fight.. And he ate my candy! :x
Erm, okay. You are godly, Mitsukake. Repeat that sentence to yourself. You ARE god, Mits. Repeat that too. And please comment of that first (true) sentence. ^^;;
Ash-chan ('WE ARE FIGHTERS!')
Dear Ash-chan,
I may not be in love with you but I still consider you to be a friend. I suppose you're right about the writing thing, just please use a soft marker. Have you tried earplugs for when your brother has the TV up too loud? They might work. Take care!
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: Ok, would you want to kiss Kaiho-baka?? O.o
Kaiho: hmm... Angel, I think you should really go see on of those shrink people... do they have those in Konan??
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
No. I don't wanna kiss nobody! No they don't, but mebbe they should…
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'm sorry to bother you about this. I am researching information about the four Beast Gods - Seiryuu, Suzaku, Byakko and Genbu. I think I remember seeing a site listed in the archives that had this information and other myths. But it's been so long ago, and I don't remember where I saw it. It would take me *hours* to wade through the archives (I've tried) and it's possible that the answer may no longer be there. Can you help me?
Dear Tasuki,
Arigato, fer tha compliment!! ^_^ by tha way...would ya's happen to want a cat? jes askin'...
*kawaii innocent look*
Kitty: oi!! you can't give me away!! I control your brains!!
umm... yea... he's special... kind of... oh look a weapon of utter mass destruction
Kitty: O.O! ooooh!!! where?! where?! *runs off into tha distance*
And he's easy ta please too, ehehehehehehehehehehe...
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
One cat around here is quite enough, thanks!
Dear Nuriko,
I have have a problem with my hair. No matter what I do to it the dandruff won't go away. Please help me.
Nuri Ryuu Cho
Dear Nuri Ryuu Cho,
Have you tried Selsun Blue or Head and Shoulders? If they don't work you might want to consult a dermatologist.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi, Nuriko. I only have a few questions to ask you. I will be waiting for your reply, so you may take your time answering them. Who do you love more... Hotohori or Miaka? Did Hotohori and you ever got together when both of you reborned? I saw you two holding hands... You two would've been a great couple. Do you realize it's destiny? I really wish you two would become a couple. Of all things why the braid...? When you had the braid you reminded me of the love of my life. (And yes it's an anime character) I was kinda sad when you cut your hair... That's all I have to say. Thanks.
Dear Riona,
I love them both as dear friends. Not exactly, but I don't want to give away OAV spoilers. I'm sorry my haircut upset you.
Dear Tasuki,
hello! I'm the person that was with bon (rae: hi!*waves insanely*^__^ ) yeah so anyway for the longest time i was he suplier of manga, wait i still am. well just wanted to say hi ! tell ya more about me later.
Dear Chiriko,
SHE HAD THE BABY!!!! *Sam come in with the baby*
Sam: see Chiriko we named him Dokun after his brave uncle!
Kengo: it's a boy!! and im a dad! o.o;;; WAI!!!
Sam and Kengo
Dear Sam and Kengo,
Omedeto gozaimashita! You did?!? Arigato!
Dear Tasuki,
*shows him her arm* it's all better now! -^^- can i come with you on you on your journey's i wont get in the way and im a good fighter! pleaaase??? *hugs him* if i go back to the mountain alone Eiken will kill me he even said so!
Dear Kylie,
Good. I'm goin' back to th' palace. Ya' wanna stay there instead?
Dear Tasuki,
Hallo again! I went back to the surgeon guy and he put the chain back in. It doesn't hurt anymore, but the chains annoying! Oh, and Rae says Hi.
Rae: HI!! *waves insanely* ^___^
o.o uh, yeah. Um, so, I'm in Computer App and bored so, I thought I'd update you on how I'm doing... I hope I don't need to write another one, cuz that would mean something ELSE went wrong and... ah.. nevermind.
Jaa! *lick*
Rae: Bai Bai! *waves insanely* ^___^
Bon (AND RAE!)
Dear Bon (AND RAE!),
Glad to hear yer teeth ain't hurtin' ya' no more! Hi Rae!
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you like fishing?
I thing that is very boring. My english is patetic. ^^ Sorry for that.
You are fantastic. Kyaaa!!! Bye, bye. I hope taht you forward my letter soon.
A lot of kisses.
Dear Cristi-chan,
Arigato, no da. I find fishing relaxing. Your English is quite good, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichiwa! I have an important question for you: Do you have a relationship with Nuriko???
I think that you are the best Suzaku seishi ^^. A lot of kisses.
Dear Aya-chan,
We're friends an' that's it! Thanks!
Dear Chichiri,
Well, don't worry. I doubt that's going to happen any time soon.
Anyway, on another note, my parents bought me a Gamecube and Super Mario Sunshine. :D And there was joy throughout my house...
I've been seeing a lot of anti-Inuyasha dub, and I don't really know what's so bad. So far they've only show two episodes on Cartoon Network's 'Adult Swim' and they were fairly decent...nowhere NEAR as bad as Cardcaptors, at least. :p I mean, yes, it's dubbed. It's not going to be as accurate as getting a subbed tape, but as my dad says, 'Some people want to watch the action, not read the entire time'. I just wished they didn't changes 'Shikon no Tama' (which they called it in the first episode) to 'Jewel of Four Souls'. Other than that and the pronunciations, it was a pretty good dub. They had enough sense to leave the opening and ending themes alone, anyway. ^_^ Remember, this is my opinion.
Dear Amy-sama,
That's good to know. I'm glad your parents got you such a nice present, no da. I have no opinion on the dubs for Inu-Yasha as I have never seen them, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
...why is my life horrible? *collapses, sobbing*
Dear Ayame,
Why do you say that? *Hugs her*
Dear Chichiri,
You'll be happy to know things have gotten better now that the initial shock of losing my friend has passed. Granted, the pain and the "lead weight" feeling in my limbs is still there, but it's not searing as badly.
Your advice in writing a letter to my friend helped. I then burned the letter in a clay pot in my backyard, then soaked the ashes in a bowl of water before dumping the mixture in the back of the garden. So there was no fire danger involved at all. The letter wasn't read by any earthly eyes at all. Not even my dogs saw it. Only my friend will ever see it. (I wonder if any flowers will grow in the spot with the wet ash mix.)
It's still hard to believe she's gone though. You would have liked her, she always had some great stories to tell, and she would have drawn you beautifully. And her mother hasn't sent me any more details surrounding her untimely death. Not that I'm going to push them any. They need time. It's going to take them a long time to recover too.
Say, I have an idea, Chichiri. What do you say we have a little letter-burning ceremony of our own, since you were nice enough to suggest it and help me not drink myself to the point of alcohol poisoning. (Ask Tasuki about the plum sake sometime.) I'll write another letter to my friend, and you can write to Hikou (and Kouran if you want). Then we'll burn the letters together...that is, if Hotohori-sama will let us burn them on palace grounds or in the temple. Whichever works best. And thank you again for being there for me and persuading me not to drink the sake. Who knows what would have happened then?
But anyway, please give my idea some thought. Thank you in advance.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
You're very welcome, no da. I like your idea. We should do it, no da. I'm really glad I was able to help.
Dear Mitsukake,
*gives him a sticker that says "Im not boring Im just misunderstood"* I think its a good saying for you ^_^
Dear Tana,
*Smiles* Arigato.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki. I have a reaaaaaally big problem and I need GOOD advice. I just moved out into the country, and made best friends with my two neighbors that live on either side of my house. They are both boys.. I'll just call them "Jak and Daxter" since they are a lot like those guys. Well, we are all close friends, and we do lots of stuff together... horseback ride, motorcycle, and all that stuff. Well the other night I was sleeping in the barn with my horses, (up in the hay on the second floor) and "Daxter" came at midnight, and I was half awake. He was talking to my horse about me, and then he left to go look in my bedroom window. (I couldnt say anything because I was just in my underwear and I didnt want him to see me practically naked) So I watched him look into my window. We always act like we hate eachother, but he was telling my horse to exact opposite.... I dont know what to do!! I didnt know he liked me that way.... he even tried to be a peeking-tom to me. But the thing is.... I kinda like his best friend "Jak".. I dont want to tell either of them what I heard and saw, (or who I like). So please, tell me what to do!! This is messing up the way I look at them. HEEELP!!!
~~Rebel Chick
Dear Rebel Chick,
I'd not say anythin' or yer gonna mess up a whole lotta friendships! I dunno what t tell ya' 'bout yer feelins'. Yer jus' gonna hafta sort 'em out yerself. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
WHY THE #^$% are ya yellin' at my poor Aidou! *hugs her* Ya make her cry an ill beat the #$^#^!^ OUTTA YOU!
Dear Kouji,
Ya' told me th' two of ya' were married!! Why'd ya' lie? Ma is SO gonna *)^%$#@ kill th' two of ya'!
Dear Tamahome,
*swooooosh* HELLO!!!! *gives him a truckload of gold* Were you mad when Tasuki gave Miaka mouth-to-mouth or had you not seen?? ^.^
Person man man man
Dear Person man man man,
He did what?? Of course, he did save her life, so that's ok.
Dear Mitsukake,
::smiles greatly and hugs his leg tightly:: Domo arigato gozaimasu sir!! Will you please pick me up? I'm really tired and my legs hurt sir.
Dear Saeko,
Certainly. *Kneels so she can climb on his back.*
Dear Tasuki,
Personally, I think you'd look cute in both, although a combination of the two might be interesting.
*^-^* o.0 'Depends on who's wearing it'? *^-^*
I'd wear anything for you...though I'm partial to leather when I'm in a 'Rebel Yell' sorta mood. *sighs* Yum, Billy Idol! Lace is nice for bras though. I have this really pretty purple one that's all lacey and fluffy and feminine, I love wearing it and dancing around and singing to Cyndi Lauper and whatnot.^-^' Oop..I've said to much.
Well, it'll be you or Kouji, or maybe Chiri-chan if he doesn't mind, I don't want to p*ss off a monk or anything. I saw this thing on the Discovery channel last night about Buddhist monks who train in the mountains, Shaolin style fighting. I would not want to have beef with those guys, let me tell you.
It would be very interesting to see Chiri bust a move like that, though...Not on you, of course ... *lightbulb* Ump! Gotta fly, innate calling. *kisu* Bai bai sweety-hunney-drop!
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
LEATHER!!! LEATHER!!! I vote fer leather!!! *Has fearful visions of purple lacey bras…*
Dear Nuriko,
I was reading one of the letters you answered recently, and I couldn't quite understand your answer. You said something about you and Hotohori-sama being meant for each other in the new OAV, I think? So, does that mean you're together in that story? Romantically? I was just kinda confused reading that answer.
If you ARE, I'm poised and ready to sew the plushies I have of you two together. At the lips. PERMANENTLY. *Holds up her sewing kit and needle* My goodness, I love yaoi. Yaoi gooooood.
Yaoi no Miko
Dear Yaoi no Miko,
Well, we're reborn so it's not quite what you're thinking. Gomen.
Dear Tasuki,
*blinks, then darts after him, leading Shukuen the best that she can* Shun'u-oji, matte, onegai! I can't run so very fast! :( Okaasan said you'd take care of us ... why are you running?
Dear Miki,
I'm gonna get someone who's good at this! *Looks for Tamahome.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay well first of all,I just wanted to say to CnA chan and Corey HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! heehee...and secondly...I know all of you know I like Tasuki kun muchly and would never tease him...but this time....I really can't help it. These pictures are SO FR*CK*N funny! (are we aloud to say that?) anyways here they are.
Gomen nasai Tasuki kun,pwease don't hate me! *hides underneath a blankie in back of Tamahome*
Dear Shukumei,
Thanks for your good wishes and the really funny Tasuki pictures!
Dear Tasuki,
you are my favourite Seishi because you are very cute and loyal to suzaku no miko. And I want to ask you. You have a relation with someone in your way?
Dear Cristi,
Thanks fer yer nice words. I ain;t in any relationship wit' anyone.
Dear Hotohori,
It was my homework for Japanese to say that to somebody, but that doesn't mean I don't mean it!
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
And you did it quite well!
Dear Tamahome,
You're so sweet! Miaka's lucky to have a guy like you.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
*Smiles* Arigato.
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you. I'm obsessive-compulsive, and most of them are about bugs.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Have you considered seeing a therapist, no da?
Dear Hotohori,
Um, my friend is a him. I really don't care if he talks. I just don't want him to distract people or get a bad grade.
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Then you need to tell him to be quiet and pay attention in class.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey Aniki. I have a little prob. Not too big but big enough to bug me.
Ok, I like a guy. The problem: He's three years younger than me and lives about 2 states away, oh yeah we've never met in real life, but we write letters and send pictures, talk on the phone and IM each other.
We both decided not to have a long distance relationship since we both know we can't handle one right now. So we have a non-formal on-line relationship.
My friends don't approve. I know why they don't, but I would also like to know that they're glad that I'm happy. And only one really supports me, but when I bring up the fact to two of the others, they say "Well you know..." and they point out all of the above problems.
I can see why they don't approve, but I also know that every time they want to do something, I support them, even if I don't really like it. Now when I'm asking them to support me in my happiness, they just keep pointing out reasons why I shouldn't even be talking about this "relationship".
Is there anything I can do? I just would like to know that they're happy for me. But I know it's a big thing to ask, since it is crossing lines, I guess. *sighs and huggles Chichiri* I don't know anymore. I just stopped talking about with them.
Well if you have advice, which you probably will, since you're wise, I'm open to hear it. Thank you, Aniki.
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
You could try talking to them and let them know you understand that they are concerned about your relationship with this person, but it makes you happy and you wish they could at least be happy that you're happy, no da. Good luck.
Dear Tamahome,
*falls backwards as Tomo runs to throw up* I think he got the point of that little exercise. um... do u think u could handle Nakago? He's a wee bit to huge for me to handle. *tosses 20 ryou* thnk u!!!
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Sure! How about the same for him as well?
Dear Chichiri,
*sits by a lake and thinks* I guess ur right, big brother. I just hate being a later bloomer, and it really bothers me emotionally. Ur fiancee was really lucky to have u *smiles and sparkles*. *picks up her fishing pole* U wanna fish with me? I still need to think some more. *gives another hug* ur the best big brother I've ever had. Thanks, Chichiri-san.
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Arigato, no da. I know it's hard, but everything happens in it's own good time, no da
Dear Chiriko,
My evil lil hampster, the Baka-Yasha i was telling you about before. It got out of its cage. But i found him ^_^. Maybe i didnt name it right...hmm.....*sees it trying to climb on top of its wheel* Nope! Guess not. How are you? *gives him some sprite* that shouldnt make you as hyper as the red mountian dew ^_^
Dear Tana,
I'm fine. You hamster seems rather … ano … peppy for a hamster.
Dear Tamahome,
How many gold Ryo would it cost for you to hit my idiot little brother with a gong? I have 5... and a gong.. would you dear old Shun'u with it?
Dear Aidou,
*Grins* Sure!
Dear Tasuki,
Kaiho: Looked like a kiss to meeee... ^.^
Angel: Would you want to kiss Miaka-san? o.o
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay,so you didn't go to school(lucky you). If you guys had gone to school how would you treat your classmates?
Dear Chaos,
Well, I would try to help the others with their studies. I think Tamahome would sell his services as a bodyguard, Tasuki would just cut class and beat up people that annoyed him, Mitsukake would heal the people that Tamahome, Tasuki, and Nuriko beat up. Chichiri would be the peace maker, Hotohori would be the class president and everyone's friend, and Nuriko would pound anyone that got between him and Hotohori!
Dear Mitsukake,
Yes, i meant shoka. Because at the end of the ova i saw (i assume you) with a little who i thought was shoka, so since you two are about the same age( even though she seemed older than you..)you two would've start dating.
Dear Matura,
That's true. We are both fine, thank you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
okay, yes, yet again it is me. now, are you sure they aren't comming out with a new series? No, not an OAV, but like...a whole new series. You know how...certain anime had season 1, season 2, ect? I mean...are you posotive?
Dear rekushi,
Very sure! At least if such a thing is happening, no one has told us, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi chichiri well it's been confirmed my sister is diabetic..... so i might be to but i'm to much of a coward to get my blood drawn. My biolagical father faints at the sight of a needle. I just freek. Any way i'm a bit worried about that. My chef training is going excellent i should be a pro in a couple years my chef name is Chef Tsuki ^-~ . Any who, how have ya'll been?
Luna^-~ noda!!!
Dear Luna,
We've been fine, no da. Does you sister have to take pills or insulin injections? You really should be tested as diabetes can lead to serious consequences if left untreated, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
lol seems like tasuki had a fun time on your lil vacation ^^.but i wouldnt blame sister might have done that to o.o.well glad u all had to ya soon
Dear sikora,
*Smiles* He did! He's just lucky that Mitsukake was around to cure his hangover!
Dear Mitsukake,
Okay, okay! So chickens do taste good! They're very good! But must you refer to them only as food? Chickens are living things too! We found our kitty! Yay! She was in our back yard in the little house we have for our cats. And guess what!? We got another kitty! We adopted her baby as well! She's very cute. So now we have 4 cats! We have a big Siamese named Spooty, a black and white not so little anymore kitty named Mistophles, the one cat that I told you about before named Roxy, and her baby Tuck. Tuck is cute but's she's vicous! My hands realy bad because she scratched them up >.< Oh, and guess what else? The kitty that got his leg run over was adopted and now he has a new home and they're going to keep him inside and spoil him! I'm so happy for him! It's okay that my parents never talked to that kid's parents who ran over my cat's leg. He'll always feel bad about it, guilt is a cage. Well anyways I have to go. It's fun talking to you!
The Pixies
Dear Pixies,
I'm glad you found your cat as well as adopted some others. I'm also happy to hear that the other cat is safe in a loving home. *Smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
Hallooo! ::gives him a gentle, but friendly bear hug::
I know it's been a while, but school and my new job is keeping me busy, and the band is practicing constantly to be ready for upcoming games and marching contests. Despite the fact that I am quite tired, I still feel like I could take on the world!! I just had to give you an update. I hope things are going well for you. *yawn* If you don't mind, I think I may just curl up right here. ::Curls up close by in a corner:: I'll give you an update again on how things are going when I get another chance. ::smiles:: Until then, laterz.
Dear Tigress,
I'm glad to hear things are going well for you. You seem to have quite the busy schedule!
Dear Nuriko,
Ishi told me she loved me tonight Nuriko... I don't know what to say.
She was sitting there by my bed and she asked me how many hearts I'd broken. I told her, not one to my knowledge, barring my own.
She gave me thsi big sigh and said. "Not a one? You're telling me there's a big long list of people who've loved you to death and never told you?"
So I rolled my eyes and she said, "Well, you need a new list. I'm in love with you, and now you know that. I wasn't going to tell you, but I'd feel guilty about joining the list of chickens who never told you how great you are."
So I didn't say anything, because I was busy blinking at her like she had three heads. She kissed me again when she had to leave and now I don't know what to say to her... I just... wow...
Dear Arisugawa,
*Smiles and hugs her.* That's so great! Well, if you feel the same way, tell her! I'm so happy for you!
Dear Nuriko,
Beauty tips? Okay, help me with my hair probs. I've got straight hair that goes half way down my back. The problem is that the only thing I can do with it is tie it into a braid or make a pony tail. It's so boring. Can you suggest any better (simple) hairstyles? THANX!
Dear JJ,
Have you considered wearing it in a bun or a twist with some pretty chopsticks or a pretty clip or barrette to hold it up? You could also wear it in a snood or a pretty bun holder as well.
Dear Hotohori,
Oh my God! Like how can you stay that beautiful? I'm a girl and I can't even come close to that beauty of yours...*Swoons*
*_* Setsuna *_*
Dear Setsuna,
*Smiles and sparkles* Arigato for your kind words. I was just born this way.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oh God! You are like the best! *Squeal* You are so dreamy, cute, handsome...*Swoons* Will you marry mee?
Dear Hinoto,
All of us? I don't think that's legal!
Dear Tasuki,
oh, oki then perhaps i could pawn him for plushies if i can get im' away from my demonic kitty, *thinks 4 a sec* but Chi-kun says i have a overactive imagination so it probably not that bad *smiles*
Kitty: you boy!!! You will bring me catnip of goodness!!! I tire of this world I wish to be swept into the sweet delusion catnip provides meee!!!
*stares at kitty for a minute then sips the decaf coffee again*
Hawkseye: *wriggles out of gag* FOR THE LOVE OF THE DARK MOON HELP ME!!!
Savage; The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
Ya' know, yer weird!
Dear Tasuki,
Aaaaah....We had some plasmodial cr*p growing underneath our brr-brr carpet, and it gave me a bad, evil cough. >.< Is that how you spell brr-brr? Wait...isn't that a sound effect? *sweatdrop*
Anyway, I thought I'd tell you what is making me happy right this minute! I decided to enter a contest represented by TOKYOPOP (CLAMP...) and the first prize is getting your manga published! Weehee!! I think I might have a chance, wierd as it seems. I'm pretty good at writing and drawing, and since I've been planning my manga for over four years...well, it should come right along.
Well, I missed ya baby! *glomps* *kisu* *squeeze* o.0 Gomen, I just love ya...Give Kouji a huggle for me! *wink* And a question: Which is better, leather or lace? (Uh-oh, this could be a trick could determine your next picture...^-^)
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I think it's spelled "berber". Sounds like ya' hadda fungus. I hope yer gonna be ok. Good luck wit' th' contest! Leather or lace? I guess it depends on who's wearin' it! *Fanged grin*
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