Dear Chichiri,
hmm, mebbe your right i do wish to become a manga artist some day so i suppose it was simply my imagination *cue evil kitty dragging Hawkseye down the hall still bound and gagged*
Hawkseye: MRRRFF!!
*blinks and watchs impassively* i need ta lay off the caffeine *grabs cup o' decaf coffee and starts humming the Folgers theme whilst Kitty continues to torture Hawkseye*
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
Yes you do, no da!
Dear Tamahome,
*wakes up still thinking they're playing hide and seek* Kitty...he founded we gots to go and find him. *smiles and puts Tama-neko on the ground* Where do you think he is?* walks around lokoing under rugs books and that kinda thing* ummmm....*walks into the next room and sees him eating some cake* I found you! *climbs up onto the chair next to him and hugs him*
Dear Lita,
*Hugs her back and smiles* So you did! Good job! *Gives her some cake.*
Dear Tasuki,
There are these two girls from school that I've known for 4 years. One of them has recently been hurting animals and it gets me really p*ssed. The other one only talks about Micheal Jackson. They would always buy the same clothes as me, repeat things that I said, and if I made a new friend then they would act like they were their friends too. We just got into a big fight, and I decided not to talk to them anymore, and they agreed to it. Then I have all the same classes with one of them, and she always talks to me like we were best friends again, and it makes my other friends p*ssed because they dont like her either. This is my last year before I move and I want to make it a great one, but I dont know how to with those two morons hanging over my shoulders all the time. They dont have any other friends because they are jerks so they hound me. Please tell me what to do!! Im about to go insane!!!!
Dear Gazelle,
Th' one that's been hurtin' animals needs to be reported to th' police! I 'm pretty sure there's laws against that! Th' other one ya' to tell nicely to leave ya' alone an' if she don't, then that's harrassment an' ya' can report her to th' schol authorities. Good luck!
Dear Hotohori,
Hiya! I was just pondering while waiting for the horrible dubbed Inu-Yasha to get on sadistic toonami. So i thought i would ask you a pointless stupid question! Arn't you lucky! Well....your always saying how you so beautiful and i was just wondering do you think your more beautiful that your country or just people? Cuz i think it would be cute to hear you say that your country is more beautiful that you ^_^
Dear Tana,
I have my beauty which is unsurpassed and my country has it's own beauty.
Dear Tasuki,
*looks at Mitsukake* he looks scary *hides behind Genrou* are you sure about this?
Dear Kylie,
He ain't scary! *Pulls her out from behind him and hands her to Mitsukake.* Her arm is hurt. Take care of her ok?
Dear Tasuki,
Shun'u-kun....where did you hear I was married to Kouji...? *sighs* I haven't ever been married to Kouji. *covers her ears in case he stars yelling*
Dear Aidou,
Yer not?!?!?!? But ya' hadda kid an' ... an' ... *Starts yelling*
Dear Mitsukake,
Hiya Mits! i was wondering why the evil creepy girls in the new Animerica Extra wnat to gouge your eyes out and enslave you? I figure you would probally know better than Tasuki.
I noticed the evil kid is trying to steal your cat again. Then again.....maybe he came to her.....Hm.....oh well ^_^ im going to buy more saying stickers and stuff maybe i can find one that says "Im not boring im just misunderstood" for you. That would be a nice saying for you ^_^ running out of things to say so, ill write again later ^_^
The person that think Inu-Yasha's dubbing is Evil ~ Tana~
Dear Tana,
Lita is NOT evil. She is a vwey sweet child. I beleive they have issues with men.
Dear Tasuki,
Hiiiiiiiiiiya! You were away along time! If I were an odd stalker person I would think you were trying to avoid me. But,im not (not yet at least ^_~)
Lots and lots have been going around here. I went to the half price bookstore and got some anime on dvd! It was really really scary how much they had it was almost 2 whole thinngys you put them on. Ya know the things with the wheels there kinda short but there ok. OOOO and whats with the new Animerica extra with the girls wanting to "gouge out and enslave" poor Mitsukake. We (me and Steph that is) need some quarters, so we can get more sayings like, "I know what your thinking and you should be ashamed of yourself" and " Hi, i don't care thanks" and my fav "D.A.R.E to keep cops off donuts" they should really make some that say "Tasuki is the best" and "Anime Rocks" dont you think? Some of my friends might think that they need some that say "Tamahome is better than Tasuki" but they have no taste in cute guys ^_^ teehee So...ummm.....can you steal some quarters from Tamahome? He probally has some, and i bet he wouldnt miss them to much umless he still counts him money everyday. Are you glad Tamahome has your evil neice, doesnt she really annoy you sometimes? Oh yeah, before i forget BLUE pepsi is the almighty tiki god of insanity. Have you ever had green ketchup or purple ketchup? Ah well I think im done now, im running out of things to rant on. *hugs him* Lov ya Tasuki ^_^ hehehe
The person that wants to yell at the bad dubbing of Inu-Yasha
Dear Dub-hater,
I think it's 'cos they REALLY hate men! *Shakes out a pair of Tamahome's pants and gives her the quarters.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I think that matuta person means ME, Mitsukake! ^-~
Er, taking a break from hitting on you, I have finally found page 10 of Project Seven, which means I can rewrtie it and continue with the story! Yay! I found garlic pizza at the supermarket today! Yay! I ate smores, even though I'm not supposed to! Yay?
I got mad at my dad yesterday because he wouldn't listen to me and was getting mad at me just because I asked if my brother was ever going to move out. So, we yelled at each other for a while, I ran into my room, locked the door, cried, began chanting 'Revenge.. you'll pay... revenge..' and took out my special blue ink pen and wrote words like 'misery', 'death', 'pain', 'hate', etc.. all over my right leg. I eventually calmed down and washed it off though, even though now I'm still mad at my dad. Marry me and take me away from my brother and my dad's biased opinions about my brother. I can bring FFVIII! :D
Another topic! I've begun to replay FFVIII. I'm at the part after Squall turns into Lord of the Dance. You know, when he absolutely can't dance, then magically becomes a synchronized dancer with Rinoa? Erk. I hate her. >< I will never put her in my party. Ever. Whoops! 5:00pm! Time to call David, hold on.. Okay, he's not home. Continuing..
Don't you think Auron is god? I mean, he's not as godly as you, but close. :)
Ash-chan, with the One Winged Angel mp3 playing
Dear Ash-chan,
I don't think either of us are godly, but he is an interesting character. You should try to not let your brother annoy you so much. It really isn't healthy for you. *Looks concerned*
Dear Hotohori,
Aishimasu, in a friendsy sort of way! *hugs you*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
*Smiles* Arigato!
Dear Tamahome,
Nothing really...I was just overwhelmed from school and very tired, but I'm all right now. *smiles*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Ok. I was worried.
Dear Chichiri,
Thanks, I have nightmares a lot... *sniffle*
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
I'm sorry to hear that, no da. I wish there was something I could do to help you, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Doumo arigatou for the hug! *hugs you back* I'm learning lots of cool stuff in Japanese class. My friend keeps talking, though. -_-
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
You're very welcome! I'm glad to hear you're doing well in Japanese class. Have you tried asking her not to talk during class?
Dear Tamahome,
Hello this is sweet steph and i was wondering if you would be a sweet friend and hold me an d hug me cos i need comfort right now i have been kinda depressed well okay i was bad enough to go to a pysh ward but i need a guy or some one to hold me and comfort me cos i dont have that around here. So would you? I am doin ok right now but taking each day and hour at a time. well thanks and say hio to miaka and everyone else.
your friend sweeet steph
Dear steph,
Of Course! *Gives her a hug and holds her.* Why are you depresed? What's the matter?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey minna how is everyone doing? have u herd from my friend saki?isnt she nice! i see she gave u some gifs or nice commplements.
SAKI:hi everyone
sikora:^^so how was your vacation?where did u go? u ppl seem to go on alot of vactations and everytime u do i always need to talk to u....*yawn* mmm i just woke up at around 7:30 my time and fell asleep like 3-4 times and woke up every was kinda wierd but now its 9:57 and im about to go on neopets so...have a nice day
saki:bye bye minna-san
Dear sikora,saki,
We went to the northern wine country. Tasuki drank his way through every winery we passed. @_@;;;
Dear Mitsukake,
sorry, i meant girlfriend^0^
Dear matura,
Do you mean Shoka?
Dear Hotohori,
i just wanted to tell u that you are so beautiful and hot and...~drool~
Dear Starla,
*Smiles and sparkles* Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
TASUKI!!!!! ~glomps~ omg ur soooo hot, hotter than Tamahome! omg, i love u! ~swoons a bit~ neway ... i wanted to ask u why youre in love with Miaka? and would u ever fall in love with another pristess if another came along? ...oh and how old are you? is it true youre afraid of women? and if so why?
Dear Starla,
I ain't in love wit' no one! I ain't afraid of women! I jus' find 'em a bother. How old am I? In what? Th' series I'm 17 an' in the latest OAV I'm in my 20's.
Dear Tasuki,
*the four sisters emerge, each carrying or leading a small child*
Li'an: Oi, shrimp, got t' ask you a favor ... though unfortunately you don't have a choice. *fanged grins and winks*
Jiang: *looking embarrassed* We must go for a short time to tend to okaasan, otouto-san ... she is most upset about Aidou's marriage. And you know how she is when she gets upset ... *hesitates, eyes slipping away*
Li'an: We're thinking it best not t' have the children 'round.
Mai: *smiles softly* And we knew you would be so kind as to tend to them for us, ne?
Pa'liu: Arigato, otouto-san, you're the best! *bounds up to plant a kiss on his cheek, beaming, tugging a little one with her* This is Shukuen ... we adopted him. Four years old ... I'll have to warn you, though; he's blind. But he won't be much trouble. He's pretty quiet.
Mai: And you remember Chen, of course. Just a year and a half old now. *smiles and reaches to place him in Shun'u's arms*
Jiang: This is my Miki ... *leads a girl of about seven forward, who smiles up at him*
Miki: Konnichiwa, Shun'u-oji! I gave you that daisy chain you looked so pretty in, remember? ^^
Li'an: Kasen's 'bout six months old now ... left her in her cradle asleep. You'll want t' check on her soon. *eyes him* You take good care of 'em, shrimp. We'll expect 'em t' be in one piece when we get back home. And don't you dare dump 'em off on someone. They need t' bond with their ojisan.
Mai: *smiling* Arigato gozaimasu!
*the sisters leave, not waiting for a reply*
Li'an, Jiang, Mai, and Pa'liu
Dear Li'an, Jiang, Mai, and Pa'liu,
Nani?!?!? Ya' can't leave me here wit' alla these kids!!! *Panics and runs off to find Tamahome and Mitsukake...*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
"Nice person"? I hope so... but me and Xelloss got inro a debate, I hurt her without meaning to, and I apologize, Xelloss. I was wrong. You were right. I did not know thw whole story; thank you once again for setting me straight. I couldn't let go of all of you; now I can. That's not to be mean, I have to move on. Thanks again.
I still love you, always will. You're NOT a mazoku; you have a good heart. And you're not under the Xelloss destiny; I'm sorry for saying that, I was misguided. Thank you, whatever your human name is... your real name. Thanks to the real person behind the Xelloss mask.
Goodbye, all.
Dear Skywise,
Arigato, but we are concerned that you are saying goodbye. We are hoping this is because you are off to college. We do want you to know that you will be sorely missed.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
how did u all get soooo extremely delisious!?!?!?!?
Dear alexa,
Ano ... we're just drawn that way?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Urgh! Finally! I've been trying for EVER to sign up for the new message board since CnA chan put it up >.< and when I tried to sign up,someone already has my NAME!! So I guess now I'm called Clouded Dreams on the message board -_-. AIYAH! Anyways,guess what guess what?! We learned a new move in tai chi on wednesday after taking a test! x.x it was fun though. heehee...and guess what else?! I'm actually going to try a Chinese class next semester. ^___^. heehee. I hope I'll be able to learn both languages fluently. heehee I can already say my name is in japanese,and other things already. Anyways,I haven't heard from you guys in a while,so how's everyone's labor day weekend? What did you guys do? For me? It was good and hot! Well,I went to Raging Waters for a second time in a LONG time (had a bad experience there the first time I went),and I actually did something I never thought possible. I went on HIGH EXTREME! On the way up,I was kinda freaking out (Okay I wasn't kinda freaking out I WAS freaking out XD),cause we were so high up,but once we got on the slide it was fun! I also went on the Dark hole which I never thought I'd do either. heehee. that was extremely fun. I went on it by myself too. XD. Anywho, I really don't know if I should post my new number here,and have you guys just edit it out or what should I do? Well,I guess that's it...sorry if this post doesn't make any sense.
Dear Shukumei,
Labor Day weekend was fun. It was also CnA's and Cory's 11th anniversary. They went to the nothern wine country and stayed in a cool hotel. We're having another Anime Dau on Sept. 14th! We hope you can make it as John is going to try to get Rico to come as well. See you then!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'll make this short and simple.What did you guys do to your classmates if any of you went to school?
Dear Chaos,
we never went to school as you do, so we never had classmates.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*cries really hard* god, these people at keep flaming me! they're all, "you can't do this, you shouldn't do this.." blah blah blah blah blah!
god. i read these and i'm like, god and i start crying. i should take my fic down....but then i would feel bad. what do i do?
Dear Jashi,
Now take a deep breath and calmly think about what I'm asking you. These people, are they truly flaming you or are they criticizing you? If it is criticism, is it at all helpful? If it is not criticism and not helpful then you should report them to: If it is criticism and may be helpful to improving your writing, then perhaps you can try what they are suggesting and see if that makes a difference. All artists face being criticized. If you can't deal with it, then you need to learn to.
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: *sniffles as she is pried off* Nii-saaaaaan....
Kaiho: *looks around* Hey Gen-chan where's your bandit friends?? I hear they're really hot hehe...
Angel: Nii-san, did you really kiss Miaka or was it mouth-to-mouth as you claimed?? =^_^=
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
It was mouth-to-mouth!! I didn't kiss her!!! >.<
Dear Mitsukake,
::whimpers some and looks back over her shoulder then back up at him:: Please sir, I am looking for my outo-san, I'm lost and I can't find him or my kaa-san...I'm scared of the scary men on the road!! Please help me sir...please? ::looks ready to cry::
Dear Saeko,
Of course I'll help you.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sighs* School blows. I remember why I hated it last year, now. People make out in the hallways... which are really small. Today, these two people started making out and I didn't see them... so I walked right into them. They told me to watch where I was goin, so I told them to get outta my way. Then, in a really obnoxious, stereotypical cheerleaderish voice, the girl said "don't talk to me!" --;;;;;;;;; They need lives. ><
Dear Ayame,
Yer right! They do need lives! I'd ignore th' losers!
Dear Tamahome,
I misseedd you!! *glomp* Here's your money *throws a bag of gold ryou*
Anyway just here to tell you that I did a Which Fushigi Yuugi Character are you most like test (or somthing like that)And I'm most like you!0_o,@_@ Is that good or bad?
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
*Smiles* Arigato! I think it's good!
Dear Tasuki,
will Mitsukake hurt me? *holds her arm and looks at him* this was all Eiken's fault he threw the sake bottle at me and Kouji tried to protect me... when are you coming back to Mt.Reikaku? *hugs him cause she's scared*
Dear Kylie,
Mitsukake ain't gonna hurt ya'! I dunno when I'm comin' back. I got my Seishi duties now, ya' know!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey! What is up with you guys...? I have a question...(especially for you Chiriko). How do you get ready with an exam. Especially in algebra. How do you guys keep those formulas in your head without having a mental block in the exam. How can you all cool off? Sorry for botherin you guys. But...MY ALGEBRA EXAM IS COMING UP! I really need your help!
Weeping Willow
Dear Weeping Willow,
I study before my exams. Maybe you can get some of the other students together and form a study group. If not, try studying for 20 minutes, take a 5 minute break, then go back and review what you just studied then move on to the next item. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
*sits by the water with a bottle of sake* In case you're wondering, I swiped this from Tasuki. He doesn't know, and please refrain from telling him. I feel like drinking myself into a coma.
A very close friend of mine passed away last July. I didn't find out until today. Her mother sent me an email relaying the bad news, but didn't say how or when (exact date) it happened. Just that she passed away last July. It was the most horrible news of my life. She was a very unique friend. We were on pretty much the same wavelength as you and Hikou. She was a very dear friend. We went to high school together, and we did a lot of great things together...went to conventions, had sleepovers, did crazy shopping sprees, the works! She was a fantastic artist, and an excellent storyteller. The last time I saw her was in 1995. (She had moved overseas the year before, which was another terrible experience.) We tried keeping in touch, but sporadic emails seemed to be the best we could do. Now all I have is the memories. Even now, my eyes are tearing up. *wipes eyes angrily* I just hope her mother emails me back with more details of what the h*ll happened. Why did she wait so long to tell me?
All day today I tried to get my mind off of this incident, but after all the trips to the anime store, the dentist, and losing myself playing video games, it all came back! It would be so nice to have a happy mask like you, Chichiri. You seem to handle everything so well, despite all that happened. And if nothing else, at least you could spend all your time with Hikou up to the end. Not me. I never got to say goodbye to my best friend. Like I said, I feel like drinking myself into a coma. I wish I could see her again and tell her how great a friend she was to me. I miss her so much! *looks intently the bottle of sake*
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
*Takes off his mask and puts his hand on hers...* Sake is not the answer. I understand how you feel. Perhaps you can write your friend a letter telling how you feel and how much you will miss her as well as saying goodbye to her. Then light a candle or two and burn somw incense in her memory as you burn the letter and let the flames carry your words up to her. Remember all the good times you had together and don't be afraid to cry.
*Gives her a hug and puts his mask back on.* I can't come to your world, but if you need me I'll be there in spirit for you. Just don't burn your house down, no da!
Dear Hotohori,
*bows deeply* Ur Highness, I have a question that's been bugging me for days. Well, whenever I see u posing in ur imperial robes (which are very VERY impressive, by the way), I always see u tugging at the left side of ur collar. Why do u do that? *bows again* Thank u, ur Highness.
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
That is where my Seishi symbol is located on my neck.
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses ten more ryou* that's a very good idea!!! *reaches into open space, grabs Tomo, and duct tapes him to floor* Quick!! Get something really rancid from Miaka's cooking!!! I can't handle him too much longer!
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
*LOL* Here, try some macaroni and cheese!
Dear Tasuki,
*tosses Tasuki a towel while still hiding behind Chichiri and Tamahome* ok, ok... I'm sorry about soaking u. Just don't crack Chichiri's skull ever again and we'll be even. ^_^
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
*Dries off* OK, but it ain't my fault if he has a thin skull!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Does anyone of you thinks Miaka is chubby? And don't you think Hotohori's hair is quite disturbing...? I mean, he sure needs a hair cut.
Dear Yuna,
We neither think that Miaka is chubby nor that Hotohori's hair is anything but beautiful.
Dear Chichiri,
*looks up with very sad and tired face* Big brother! *runs to Chichiri and throws arms around his neck in tears* Why does being a teenager have to be so difficult? WHY?! I hate this so bad!! First, I'm convinced that life hates my hormones, as I am the only one in my whole Sophomore class who hasn't had a real boyfriend yet. I always hear all the girls talking about all the guys that call them. "oh, jimmy called me last night..." "oh yea, this guy kept flirting with me, but I had to say no..." THAT'S ALL I HEAR!!! *cries harder* Chichiri-san, I'm sorry if I'm being immature, but this is really ripping me into shreds. *takes a breath* U were a teen once... how did u deal with these problems? I need help and advice. *cries self to sleep*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Things happen when they do and you must be patient, no da. You are probably a late bloomer and when you finally come into your own you will have more suitors than you'll know what to with! Don't worry about what the other girls are talking about, you'll be there soon enough, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
ok tasuki.thanx for your help it was worth it. *kisses him on the cheek* *runs off to appreceate herself* * looks back and wave goodbye to tasuki* thanx
unwanted one
Dear wanted one,
Yer welcome!
Dear Tasuki,
OH! SO YER GONNA PLAY THAT WAY, HUH? (gulps down the whole bottle of sake and slams it down on the table) (grabs another one out of her "secret supply") That was d*** good! Im up for another one!! What about you, tough guy!!
ps: Nice bikini, oh great leader of the bandits *fanged, evil grin*... *cracks up laughing* SOME LEADER!!! I AM SOOO GOING TO WIN THIS!!!
Dear FireFly,
I'm already 6 up on ya' slowpoke! *Chugs his 8th and belches*
Dear Chichiri,
My friend "krisy" wishes that she had a if there was a way you could actually get one...DON'T TELL HER!!! She is going to use it to see her boyfriend and probably distract him. AND she will probably use it to steal me and megan's dvd. WAIIII don't tell!!!
Dear matura,
Don't worry; my magic doesn't work in your world, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
What do you usally do fun? And how is your realationship with your little girlfrien? How is tama-neko?
Dear matuta,
Tama-neko is fine. I like to read medical texts. My what?? *Looks confused*
Dear Chiriko,
Did you ever have a childhood love Chiriko-kun?
Dear Chichiri,
Will you ever consider falling in love again Chichiri-san? I want you to be truly happy because I know what it's like to live behind a happy mask and you are just to awesome to have that happen to you. So would ever consider falling in love again or are you determined to live without love for the rest of your life?
*huggles you*
The CHC, Shiaka
Dear Shiaka,
Arigato for your kind wishes, no da. I really don't know.
Dear Hotohori,
I have to ask: If Nuriko had been female would you have married him.. er... her?
The CHC, Shiaka
Dear Shiaka,
I don't know.
Dear Nuriko,
Ne Nuriko Did Hotohori-sama ever directly speak just to you in the series... *ponders* I think he kinda avoided you cuz he loved you to but had to do what was best for his country. I hope you are happy wherever you are!
The CHC, Shiaka
Dear Shiaka,
Thank you. I'm fairly certain he did speak to me alone.
Dear Tasuki,
I have to say I'm not really suprised that Kouji married Aidou... I mean after all he couldn't have you so she was the next best thing ne? *laughs* just kidding Gen-chan! ^^ Anyway i was just wondering what was up with Aidou having a kid before she got married... How did Mama feel about that one? *laughs* i think she's been spending too much time around your bandit friends!
Oh and btw... *whispers* i think GirlGenChan is trying to seduce you... just to warn you ^_^ Course then again so are half the people i know...
Dear CHC,
I don't remember Aidou doin' that! She was wit' Kouji an' married an' all …
Dear Tasuki,
*sigh* I know, you've heard enough about me and my poor mouth, but I must vent. I went to the orthodontist and they were attaching the chain to my braces an everything. I told em it hurt a lil, they just pulled tighter until SNAP! the chain broke. so, that stunk, and they put it back on (getting cement on my 'battle wound' which still burns) and reattched it to my braces, snapping the chain again. By now they were ticked (and it MAJORLY HURT) so they sent me back to surgeon. He says he'll replace it next week, but he'll need to do more cutting since it'll have begun to heal over... then I gotta do it all over again!
Aie.. thank you for sitting through my probably boring accounts of my mouth -_- (that sounds cheesy...)
Bon ... again
Dear Bon,
GEEZ!!! That sounds like torture! What did ya' do to deserve that?
Dear Hotohori,
*a girl with shoulder-length sky blue hair and red eyes walks up to him* Konnichiwa, O-genki desu ka? Or perhaps... Good afternoon, how are you?
Dear Saeko,
Fine, and you?
Dear Nuriko,
genki ka? uhm, question. at the end of the manga series...and you have that last page where you see a little 'person' who looks like you, and a little person who looks like Hotohori...uhm, is that you? and, if that is, are you a girl? And if Hotohori a guy? and if so, is that saying that cosmically, you guys were meant for eachother? *ponders* please respond, onegai shimasu.
Dear lexi,
I don't know about cosmically, but we are in the new OAV.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
genki ka? I have a question. I have heard that a new Fushigi Yuugi series is comming out, when Miaka is pregnant, or something. Do you know of anything like this? ...personally, if that is true, that is rather stupid. *is tired of Miaka and Tamahome romance scenes* If anything, they should make it her daughter. Ahh. that would be cool. Anyways, please respond, kami-sama.
Dear lexi,
It's a 4 episode OAV.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*sighs in exasperation* I was just reading the responses to previous letters. I have to say something. Fans (this is very general) are allowed to like what they please. I respect that. But I have had it up to my ears with people complaining about the english-dubbed versions of anime. Just what is wrong with it? I admit, there are some real clunkers as far as english-dubbing goes. But that can be true for the subtitled versions as well, can't it? Why does it seem that the subtitle fans always bash on the english dubs?? To me, that is a personal insult. Like I said before, I respect everyone's tastes. But I am so *sick* of hearing people complain about the english dubs. No one is forcing you to watch them. *sighs, winds down* Okay, that's over. I feel better. Sorry to rant at you guys like that. It's just that when I read that letter.. I was furious. I felt I had to say something. My first anime, the one that got me started on anime in the first place, was dubbed in english. All I'm saying is, don't judge something before you've seen it. *Then* judge.
Dear Mitzi,
You do have a point, however, we are not terribly pleased with the dub of our adventures.
Dear Chichiri,
hello mister! *bows* i was just thinking that you look better without that mask! you should show your true self! sorry just felt like being supportive!
Dear Kylie,
*Smiles* Arigato, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
guess what my birthday is coming up and im gonna be 16! well anyway Aniki im gonna give you something! *kisses his cheek and giggles* well see? that wasnt so bad was it? oh well... it's not as if im expecting anything back! well Kouji needs help!i'll see you around! asuming ya aint mad at me!
Dear Kylie,
Happy birthday! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
do you really hate girls? or you said that because you like miaka but you know that miaka likes tamahome?
Dear alba,
They always get me in some kinda trouble! So, yeah!
Dear Tasuki,
Aniki... *wipes her eye's* when Kouji and Eiken were fighting i got hurt... *shows him her slashed arm*
Dear Kylie,
C'mon, I'll take ya' to Mitsukake. He'll fix ya' right up!
Dear Tasuki,
Konnichawa, Tasuki-chan!! i gots an' offer fer ya!!! *heaves up tied and gagged Hawkseye* How'd ya like yer own personal punching bag? I guarantee this ones a H*lluva lotta fun ta smack aroun'!! funny story how i got him tho y'see i was waltzing around the park looking for shiny things to poke *i likes shiny objects ehehehehe!* then this pink haired arse wipe jumps down from a tree and starts blathering about how he's gonna steal my beautiful dream, half-way through his little speech i kinda spaced out and launched into my own fantasys of nekkid bishounen, then of all the horrid things to do to a innocent young girl he disrupts my daydream and smacks sum retarded wooden board into my back!! *the nerve!!* So before he could do much else i leapt on him and beat tha ever liveing sh*t outta him with my golf club Bob. He was soooo much fun to beat up i decided to share tha joy!! i'll sell im' to ya for only 10 Yen. How about it?
Savage: The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
I don't need to buy someone to beat up! That's what bars an' brawlin are fer!
Dear Chichiri,
OHAYO,Chi-kun! i was wondering if i could get a bit o' advice from ya's. Methinks my kitty is possessed every' morning i wake up with him right in my face and he say "Nyaooo" an' i say "whazzat?" and then he goes " Gimme the tuna i so desire! Or i'll sic my legion of demonic Guinia pigs on thee!!" needless to say i gave him the tuna but his breath is really starting to smell funky now and wakeing up each morning to it, is less than pleasent sooo....should i become a nudist to scare tha evil guy outta him?
Savage : The Queen of sugar
Dear Savage,
I think you have an over active imagination, no da. If you feed your cat, you should be ok.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I'M FREE! FREE FROM XELLOSS, AND EVERYTHING HE STOOD FOR! XELLOSSMETALLIUM IS NO MORE! I'M ME AGAIN! The burden has been lifted, my heart is at peace, the stress is gone, and I can relax and be safe and secure! I'm healed, Seishi... the one who had Xelloss before me has him again, and it's right. I'm Skywise now... and I'm safe. Safe again, and forever. The stars are mine again...
Thank you, Xelloss Metali, for helping me get my life back. My heart back. And my own name. Thank you forever and I'll always keep you in my prayers. I love you, mazoku. Never forget that. I love you.
Dear Skywise,
So Xelloss, anything to say to this nice person, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles as mocha gets tired and lets go of the sock* Well you won! i dunno what to give ya for winnin against mocha. Got any ideas? ^^; well im sick..i got the flu or something either that or a really bad cold. I need to sleep. *cuddles in a blanket and sneezes* gah..stupid cold. i have been drawing many pictures now. whenever im sick i always draw. i love to draw an i think im pretty good at it. I draw hedgehogs (like sonic and knux and tails from Sonic Adventure) and anime pplz. I did draw a pic of Suzaku and i think its farely good. Id send it scanner aint hooked up yet. ^^ I did draw chichiri and i felt like drawing a pic of you with chichiri's hair. I saw a picture of that on this one site and thought it was cute. and i drew other stuff but it would be a pain to list them all. Gotta Go. gettin' tired.G'Night Tasuki-sama. ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Take care of yerself! Don't worry 'bout givin' me anythin'. It's ok.
Dear Tamahome,
I feel too embarassed to ask this kind of question to anyone I know IRL, so I guess you're my only hope. It might be good to get a male's perspective on my problem, too, anyway.
I'm currently seeing someone who is very special to me. We've been best friends for about 4 or 5 years, and about 2 years ago, we started dating. I'm very much in love with him, and he with me. We've become even closer than we'd been when we were just friends. I feel so incredibly comfortable with him, and I tell him things I've kept hidden from even my closest friends. I'm sure you can understand what I mean. ;)
Anyway....about a year ago, he asked me to marry him, and I said yes. But we're not going to go public about our engagement until we have better jobs. So, for now, it's just like we're "dating" to everyone else.
But...I'm getting off track. You see, both him and myself are still virgins. We've talked very openly and frankly to each other about this together, and we decided that we would wait until the time was right to share ourselves with each other.
The thing's been over 2 years. I feel in my heart that I'm ready, but every time I want to tell him, I get scared that what I'm doing is "wrong". He's been very understanding of my feelings, too, and has told me he'd "wait for as long as I needed".....but I don't know if it's really fair for me to make him wait so long....I want to share my life, and myself with him--I know that he's going to be the one that I'll be sharing my life why do I keep getting so scared? Is it natural to be affraid at first? Do you think that it's fair for me to make him wait for so long? I'm not making much sense right now...I'm pretty confused....but, any advice that you could give me would be helpful. (Not that I'd take your answer as THE definitive answer--I just want to hear some other opinions.)
Mountain Dew Silver
Dear Mountain Dew Silver,
It is natural to afraid of one's first time. I think the both of you should not become too preoccupied with this and just let things happen when they do. The only thing I would suggest is to be prepared, if you know what I mean. *Smiles* Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
ohhh tauski-sama u must get alot of girls o.o your kinda cute ~.^.lol.u like sake eh well hers lots a sake bottles that might last u a while *gives him 3 cuboards full of sake* have fun and dont get drunk to much ^^ lol
Dear saki-chan,
Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tamahome,
hihihihihi^^.did u do anything with the money yet?gave miaka any new clothes or gifts? (u should shell love ya more then she does).so i herd in the OVA or something u and miaka have a kid o.o is that true,because i saw a letter that this kid asked u if he/she could play with your child and u said NO cause he was still a baby.^^ well if that is true can u show me him/her cause I LOVE LIL BABYS ^^ ^.^ ^.~
Dear saki,
We do have a son and I bought a lot of things for him and food for Miaka. Arigato!
Dear Chiriko,
hey ^^ hows the new book i gave to u going.getting any headachs yet i told u dont be stressing yourself to much and have fun.^^ ok well gtg cya.
saki ^^
Dear saki,
I like it. Thank you!
Dear Mitsukake,
::a little girl with long brown hair and big blue-green eyes walks up to him and tugs on his shirt sleeve with a desperate look:: Otou-san?
Dear Saeko,
Eh? Gomen, I am not your father.
Dear Tasuki,
*Angel wakes up and immediately attaches herself to Tasuki*
Angel: No!! Don't leave me!!
Kaiho: *sweadrops* Well, I'd say she's better... wouldn't you Gen-chan?
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
*Sweatdrops* Yeah, she is. *Tries to pry her off him with a crowbar … *
Dear Chichiri,
(blink blink) Nani? Why? It's not like she was actually going to do that. She'll say those kind of things, but I doubt she actually means them. And besides that, we usually end up in a stalemate because I got my stubbornness from her. :P
Dear Amy-sama,
Well that's good to know, no da. Why was I worried? Well, if you had made a decision that she didn't approve of she'd kick you out of your house, no da!
Dear Chiriko,
Thank you, now would you kindly have someone tell that to Ash-chan? I keep telling her I'm asexual, and she keeps telling me that that means I have no sexual organs, which is only ONE of the definitions of the word. Run-on sentence, pardon me.
Dear Nuriko,
...For some reason, you really remind me of Toshiya from Dir En Gray. ^^;;;; Probably the long purple-ish hair. ^^V
Dear Ayame,
Honto? Arigato!
Dear Nuriko,
Ooo! ^^ Guess what! I droooove! I got to drive a caaaar twice! ... yes.. it's legal... cuz I got a permit and my dad is sitting next to me... he's also my driving instructor...but ^^ I drove! And it was fuuuun... I'll just make sure not to parallel park like you do... in episode 33... that... was interesting ^^; Yea. *glomp* How're you? ^^ I hope you're doing okay! Gotta run o.o jaaa!
Dear Keiko,
I'm fine. Congratulations and drive safely!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki! I was just wonderin' if maybe well if I could be the bandets lil' sister *says quickly *please *starts to cry* you dont want me to be do you?if you dont im im gonna kill someone*sniff sniff* SO AWNSER D***T AWSER!!!!!!
lost chid
Dear lost,
Ya' know, no one likes threats an' ultimatums …
Dear Mitsukake,
Interesting or 'Interesting'? :P
Anyway, I know I should've sent this letter to Chiriko, but I'll send him two in a row or something, I just feel like writing to you for some odd reason. Go me?
I've ran around school and called people winners. Told the boy I liked that I liked him. Spent 3 hours making up schoolwork. This year is not off to a good start. I borrowed (and yes, this time I asked permission) my brother's model doll thing, so I'll begin to draw either 'The David and Tony Sitcom', or 'AAAH! What's she wearing?!'. I'll probably send both to you, then you can laugh at my poor drawing skills. Which reminds me that as I was listening to 'Let's Get It On' by Marvin Gaye, I had an idea. ANd idea that traumatized few, entertained many. The strip! Yes, The strip of a David. ..Come to think of it, if he ever finds this website, I will stick my head in a hole in the ground.. --; I want to write more of my first story, Project Seven, but I lost the page the team re-united, so I'm rather stuck. I'll have to re-write page 10 all over again. I took a break on Blind Rose, moved to an occult-based story where a girl must undergo a series of trials to let a ghost get his body back and make the world peachy and stuff. i also have another one, dubbed 'That man in the castle', and one I've seemed to have forgotten. Oops, don't forget 'Possibilites' and that one story I haven't named yet. Am I busy enough yet, you think? No way. I must convince 2,000 people that Bartolomeu Dias is their god, and I have a multitude of fanfics to write. I'm also serously reconsidering my psycology cravings.. Maybe I'll just because a politician or a cook instead?
I haven't done much of anything lately. I've been drawing large, freaked-out, SD Airkeas everywhere, because he's just so cute like that and you want to hug him. Me, obsessed? Nooo..
Nothing much else, besides the fact that I hate my brother again. The idiot can't seem to understand the sentence 'Be quiet, and leave me alone. I have to study and make up schoolwork.', after I tell him THREE times, he can't even catch on. Then, the candid. 'What did I do?' --; Geeeez. I wish we could swap him for Alicia or Amy or someone. He kept me up 'til 1am yesterday. Eugh. Come to think of it, I can draw ships now! Yes! Ships= good.
Ash-chan, at 10:45 pm, sleep deprivation.
Dear Ash-chan,
*Smiles* Yes. Sounds like you've been keeping busy! I look forward to seeing your artwork.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! I'm Melyn the Bishonen Keeper! *squeals with joy* I just got the Best of Vocal CD and I think it is great! I have two very important questions. (well, important to a no life fan girl such as myself)
First off; You guys sing really well! Are you going to pursue singing careers? (remember you will be worshiped by hordes of screaming girls who will lick the very ground you walk on and you will make more money than you will ever know what to do with.)
Second; If you could sing one song besides the ones you do on the other Fushigi Yugi CD's, what would that song be?
Melyn the Bishonen Keeper
Dear Melyn,
No, we're not but our seiyuu might! In fact Hotohori and Chichri's seiyuu went on to do Weiss Kreuz and bedsides the anime, they are also in a group called Weiss Kreuz that does concert tours in Japan. Tasuki's seiyuu has also released an album awhile back called "Born".
Tasuki - Born to be Wild
Tamahome - Money by Pink Floyd
Hotohori - I'm Too Sexy
Nuriko - Dude Looks like a Lady
Chichiri - Magic Carpet Ride
Chiriko - I'm Just a Lonely Boy
Mitsukake - Doctor My Eyes
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Thank you very much for your help. I guess I will tell him it just isn't a very balanced relationship. Somehow I always get suckered into dating guys I don't really like. My ex, for example: total whiny, snivelling jerk. I dumped him for being stupid and trying to get to far to fast, so he turns around and goes with another girl, then says he dumped me. How utterly annoying. I'm not much for guys anymore, 'cept for you and Billy Idol! Woo-hoo! Double hotness! *winks*
I suppose I'm tired of being ill-treated. I want to be with someone, but someone strong, someone loving, someone creative. It's so hard to find a pefect match...especially since they're either totally not tangible, or they're animanga bishos (!). I'm old enough now to seriously be looking for a relationship, yet I'm hesitant. But you can understand, right? Boys are trouble! *giggles* I want a grown up! Well, I really want you...but since that's impossible...I'll settle for a huggle...^-^ Kudasai! Onegai! Tasuki-chan, puh-weeze?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Sure. *Gives her a hug.* Jus' have patience. Th' right one'll cone along.
Dear Tasuki,
*hides behind Chichiri and Tamahome* heheheeee! Tasuki's all wet... heheheheeee!!! *rolls up fire hose*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Yer NOT funny! *Stands there p*ssed and dripping…*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigato! I have tried something new. it is coffie-tea. It's really good, and has more caffine! the only downside, is that it makes you stay up really late!
I have a major problem! My problem is: There is a guy at school who likes me, but I don't like him, but I like a different guy, but not really... What should I do? what do I tell the guy who likes me? I'm confused, and my head hurts! I dunno what to do! Please help me!
Dear Winter,
If you're not certain about liking the second guy, don't worry about it. I would tell the first guy that you like him as a friend, but that's all. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Do you regret cutting your long beatiful hair?
Dear Matura,
Not at all. It's easier to take care of this way.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
who r the "regulars" around here?
Dear guy-man,
Do you mean Seishi-wise or people/fan-wise? Obviously, there are the 7 of us. As for people/fans they are quite numerous but include, Chichiri no Aijin (webmistress), Doc-sama, Shukuemi, Yume, Ash-chan, KouAlecia, Blue Jeans, Yuffie, and a huge host of others.
Dear Tamahome,
hmmmmm *thinks about littering* good point. How should I harm them? *holds a piece of wood with rusty nails in it* oh, before I forget... *tosses ten more ryou* thank u tip.
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
You're very welcome! *Cuddles okane* We could make them eat Miaka's cooking!
Dear Chichiri,
*looks up and sparkles* Chichiri, this is a weird question, but... could u be my big brother?
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
I'd be honored, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
My best friend is down in the dumps beasuse of her resent situation. and she basicly worships you(man,you should see the shrine!) well,anyway i was wondering if you could give me some kind words i can pass on to her, and if you and your budies would pay a "friendly" vistit to her ex's house and "talk" to him. *smiles evily* don't forget to say the magic words hehehehe
Dear reni,
We would but we can't get to yer world. Tell 'er I said he's a *+^%$#@ loser an she's better off wit'out 'im!
Dear Tasuki,
NOBODY LOVES ME!!!!! can you help me ?i try to talk to people but they shut me up.can you she if anyone you know will LOVE ME? it would mean alot to me if you do. well thanx tasuki *starts to cry* *sniff sniff* bye *whipes her tears away*
unwanted one
Dear unwanted one,
Ya' gotta love an' respect yerself before anyone else will. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
How old were you when your mother passed away?
Dear Anonymous,
I was 12.
Dear Tasuki,
hey Tasuki.I am related to firefly.She is a total fan of yours.She said she would date you but never mind that b**** i have a question for you?can i be your little sister.please :p i would apreciate it.
dragon fly
Dear dragon fly,
I dunno … Considerin' what ya' said 'bout yer own relative. That wasn't very nice!
Dear Tamahome,
*huggles Tama-neko and falls asleep*
Dear Lita,
*Picks her up and places her in her bed with Tama-neko.* Sleep well little one.
Dear Tasuki,
Hehe. *Gets Hopi and puts hopi in the cage wit maya* there! ^^ well the dogs are asleep...and the are noisey. Anyway, hows ya been lately? Imma go to suncoast hopefully to buy more FY Manga and try ta find sumthin on...Ayashi No Ceres..Very very good anime..very good...hehe *smiles* Im looking forward to seeing Gundam Wing Endless Waltz. Rinoa-chan said it was good. ^^ *blinks as sikora walks past her room with hopi on her shoulder* eh...oroo...and i just put hopi back in the cage...*sigh* oh well. o.o;; eeehhh..hello mocha *pets mocha* ^^ Look mocha! Tasuki!! *mocha runs to tasuki waggin' his tail happily* ^^ he wants ta play. hehe. *throws tasuki a sock* mocha loves playing tug-a-war with a sock. *Mocha grabs the other end of the sock and starts to pull and gnaw on it* hehe ^.^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Cool! *Plays tug-of-war with Mocha.*
Dear Tasuki,
how do you control the minds of your fans? And will you ever release them from your hypnotic hold?
Friend of GirlGenChan
Dear Friend of GirlGenChan,
If I did I would have released 'em YEARS sago!
Dear Tasuki,
hey Aniki! *gives her usual hug* well as always i got visitors! ^^
Kouji: ive been ok i guess... that d*mn Eiken ate all my sake flavored ice-cream... *grumbles*... *goes to beat up Eiken*
Kylie: *giggles*
Rei-Rei: i feel so... i dunno?
Kylie: what do you mean?
Rei-Rei: ah never mind! -^^- *looks at Genrou* when i get reborn and i grow up a little bit will you still like me?
Hakurou: *sighs* why are my bandit's in like 5 diffrent places?
Kylie: *blushes* hi old boss!
Hakurou: *looks at Kouji beating up Eiken* ok...
Kylie, Rei-Rei and Hakurou
Dear Kylie, Rei-Rei and Hakurou,
There's a lotta ghosts here today, ain;t there? *Looks at Rei-Rei and Hakurou and sweatdrops.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI!!! Guess what?! Give up? Well,we took our first quiz in my japanese class,and I missed 4 out of 15 which I guess is good,but I could've done better!! Anyways,I know now how to ask someone for their phone number,and how to ask them out >D I was wondering if I should call Satoshi up again and ask him out again but this time in JAPANESE!? What do you think? I guess I still like Satoshi,but I wish he'd quit putting the date back. I know he's busy and all,but he can't be that busy...or can he? O.o;; Anyways,there's a movie I really want to go see and I was wondering if he'd be interested in going to the movies with me for OUR date? I mean,he's pushed it back so long from busy all the time,and I dunno if his Sensei is still in town or not and if he still likes me,but I would really like to go out on that date with him. Do you think you can call him up and ask him? And stuff like that? If so that'd be great! Also,thanks for letting me know when the next anime day is...although I'm still recooperating from the last one lol. XD. Anyways,will Satoshi,Yuki and Yuya be there this time?
Yep,Yep Rose joined the navy,I couldn't believe it either but it's something she wants to do. I'm actually considering joining too,but my dad doesn't want me to,so I made a deal with him >D I told him that if I don't join the navy,I'll take the Piano lessons at MT.SAC next semester as well as the other japanese courses...and he said well if I actually go through with the Japanese classes and the piano lessons he'll be absolutely amazed o.o;; I think that's a good thing ne? Anyways, it's so weird,yesterday I was in the language lab for my Japanese class,and well I chose this one program, and well,I learned a lot about the japanese culture and how it came to be,and it was very interesting. I didn't even NEED to look at the translated text,I was actually able to understand it ^___^ (well most of it anyways),pretty cool ne? Anyways,I'm just now starting to memorize the hiragana although when we first started I couldn't memorize all of them,but only some now I'm starting to memorize more when I translate it. ^__^;; well,I'll try and give CnA-chan a call later tonight or something to let her know my new cell number. Oh yeah,my pen pal Kazuma sent me a letter this past week,with the whole hiragana chart,a picture of himself,and two letters,one in english and to my surprise he knows how to write in cursive,and he's just starting out learning how to speak english,well maybe not starting out but he's more advanced than Mina is o.o she can't read cursive yet.
P.s. HI YUME-CHAN!!! *wavestacklesandhuggles*
Dear Shukumei,
It sounds like you'll do well in your Japanese class. I guess that's a good thing at least for Rose. Yes, Satoshi and the others really are THAT busy. Sho makes sure they don't slack off. But go ahead and call him. I'm sure he'd like to hear from you! As to whether they'll will be at the Anime Day, I know they all WANT to come, it just depends on whether their schedule will allow it.
Dear Chichiri,
Yeah, you understand. You're the nice one. *glares at Tasuki* - -;
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
Arigato no da. Sumimasen, but that's just how Tasuki is.
Dear Tasuki,
Aw, leave me alone. Or else I'll get Lina in here ^_^; *calls* Lina...
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
LINA?!?!? See ya'!! *Takes off*
Dear Nuriko,
ok i still don't get the part when you and the other girl (when you were young and were trying to be the empress or somthing) i still don't get it. And how is it that you and hotohori's wife look so alike? ok bye :p
Mai Nguyen
Dear Mai Nguyen,
I don't understand the first part of your letter. Gomen. I don't why Houki and I look alike. I guess she's just lucky! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
Hey, you want to hear something cool? *blinks* Well...It was my first day of Japanese today! ^^ I'm soooo happy! Japanese is really fun to learn. *blinks again* Oh... *blushes* *blushes again* crush is in the class...and so is one of my best friends! I don't want people to know who my crush is, so I just call him "senpai." Although lately my friends and I have been calling him "the library..." Long story. oO;;;;;;;;;;
*smiles at you* Can I have a hug?
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Ganbatte kudasai in your Japanese studies and with your crush. *Gives her a hug.*
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