Dear Tamahome,
Can I have a hug? ;_;
Little Rachael
Dear Little Rachael,
Sure! *Gives her a hug.* What's wrong?
Dear Tasuki,
Umm..I was hoping maybe you could help me with a problem I'm having. I don't know if you're the right person to ask this of, but since you're really nice to me, I thouht it would be worth it.
You see, over the summer I started kind of seeing this guy who I've known for quite some time. At first, I thought I really liked him and that the relationship would go well. However, I've found that I am not at all happy with him in quite a few ways:
- He's very timid. He won't stand up for himself and is easily influenced into doing whatever others want, except with me. >.<' Then he gets really stubborn and won't give in.
- He never calls me except late at night, even though I've specifically asked him to call before nine so we can arrange to go out or something. Which we never do, because we don't talk enough to make plans.
- He's not on my level. Usually, I can get past this, but we can't really have good conversations.
- He doesn't share any of my interests. He doesn't listen to music, doesn't appreciate art. He used to write, but now he just likes to hang with his buddies and surf.
- He wants me to be something I'm not, and vice versa. I want him to quit being so wimpy and he wants me to be a sunburnt beach babe. (Nuriko would agree, sunburns are not good for you) The thing is, I would gladly pursue his interests, even agreed to go surfing, it's just I don't want to be someone I'm not.
- He started talking to my ex-boyfriend, who was very cruel to me, and apparently they're all good and happy. That p*sses me off.
This Friday we arranged to meet with two of his friends to go out, but I really don't think we should be any more than friends. What do you think? Please don't be afraid to give me any advice, I need some help handling this situation.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Well, if yer not happy, dump him! Jus' tell 'im that ya' can't be th' person he wants ya; to be an' ya' don't think thst's fair to 'im. But let 'im know ya' still wanna be friends. Let 'im know he needs to find the person that's right fer 'im. Notice this is all 'bout 'im so he don't feel bad 'bout bein' dumped. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
What happened to the message board? I'm confused!! Please explain why it changed/where it went!!
Amahira Charrion
Dear Amahira Charrion,
BeSeen went out of business. If you go to our home peeji the link to the message boasrd has been changed to reflect this.
Dear Mitsukake,
WAI! I got a kitty, I got a kitty, I got a kitty, I got a kitty, I GOT A KITTY!!!! Do you wanna pet my kitty? *Holds kitty out to him* His name is Ido.
Ido: Miaow! *Jumps into Mitsukake's arms* *Purrs*
A Very Happy Girl and her cat, Ido
Dear Very Happy Girl and her cat, Ido,
Kawaii neko. *Pets Ido* Take good care of him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Grr! The "Y'know"s in the dub are really grating on my nerves! They're an abomination!
*Holds up a sign that says "Down With the FY Dub-- No Da 4Ever!"* *Takes all her dubbed anime (don't worry, she has subtitled, too) and throws it in a huge pile* *Takes out her Mallet of Doom-doom-doom (TM) and starts to massacre the dub tapes* DIE, EVIL DUBS!!!!!!!!
*Puts away her Mallet of Doom-doom-doom (TM) and starts to chant*
*Smashed, bashed, and otherwise massacred dub tapes glow red, then catch fire* MWAHAHAHA!!!!! FIREFIREFIREFIRE!!!!!!! *Takes out eight skewers, a box of graham crackers, some chocolate, and a bag of marshmallows* Anyone up for s'mores? *Starts roasting a marshmallow over the flaming dub tapes*
Houkakyou no Miko
Dear Houkakyou no Miko,
Sure! We hate th' dubs as much as ya' do!
Dear Nuriko,
Of course im gonna try the recipies, im hoping i can find more serving things that are traditional Japanese because i think it would be much cuter ^_^
Dear Tana,
Cool! Let me know how it turns out.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
heeeellloooooo!!!! I'm back!!!!! did ya miss meeee? ^^ ooh...India was a blast!! I even got to stop in Osaka for 2 hours! *got this adorable hello kitty doll in a kimono* ^^ i got gifts for you guys!
for Tamahome: I got you a bunch of Indian money and this really cool shirt for the summer with these gold designs on them.
for Hotohori: there was these robes that the kings used to wear and since I couldn't afford a the real one I got you a copy in red and a handcarved mirror.
for Tasuki: ever had Indian wine??? I got you a couple of crates and this pocket knife with silver etched into it.
for Mitsukake: I found this thick book on Indian remedies for almost all illnesses and thought you might like it and I got you a bunch of herbs to got with it.
for Nuriko: I have this box full of jewelry that was just screaming your name so I got you that and this perfumed oil that you put in your hair.
for Chiriko: I have this heap of Indian mythology books and Indian theories on life so maybe you would like to read those.
for Chichiri: there were these spell books that were very interesting so I got you the entire collection and this dark blue, silk cape with white designs of dragons on it.
and for Tama: I got Tama this large fish that came from a holy river! ^^
I hope you like the gifts!!!! *glomps all the seishi*
Dear Rei,
Welcome back! Glad to hear your trip was fun. Arigato for the wonderful gifts! *They all give her a hug.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*It's been 9 hours and counting..*
Kaiho: Ya know, if I were you, I'd apologize or something. Send a hot bandit guy in there to comfort her. YOU go comfort her. She's a sensitive gal. -.-;; *pats him on the back* But I'm sure nothing bad will happen when she comes out other than a room filled with tears, ne? *listens* I dun think she's crying anymore though. Perhaps this would be the time to COMFORT her??
Angel: *sleeping on Tasuki's bed, still locked in his room*
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
Why? What did I do? *Opens door and sees her asleep.* 'Che! She's asleep! I'm outta here!
Dear Chiriko,
What's a word for a perso who DOESN'T like anything or any gender in a true romantic manner?
Dear Amy-sama,
The word is asexual.
Dear Chichiri,
I'm pretty sure it's an admiration crush. Actually, I don't think my mom would actually do that. It's been a couple of years since she said that, and she's not so... strict... on that kind of thing. After all, she likes a Korean pop singer that had a sex change to be a girl!
Dear Amy-sama,
Well, that's good to hear, no da. I was a bit worried for you.
Dear Hotohori,
*baps matura on the head with tasuki's tessen* Sorry about her hotohori...she's hard to control! ^-^
Dear Kirsy,
*Smiles* That's ok. I'm sure she'll calm down sooner or later.
Dear Tamahome,
Hey well lets see Tana and I (Steph) are playing this video game for playstation and we were wondering if you would wanna join us and play. Its really fun you go around with a gun and stuff and shoot these weird creatures and try not to get hit or hurt by them. aya the girl you are in the game has magic powers and can kill anything intstantly. Anyways we were wondering you had time to play with us for a bit? Write Back Soon.
Your pals Tana and Steph
Dear Tana and Steph,
Ok, I'll give it a try.
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles and waves to you, then tries to hug you hoping you'll let me* Hey ya buddy long time no see! I was here in my bedroom playing this cool video game called "Parasite Eve2" Where you kill these dangerous killer creatures that are really weird looking and bizarre. Anyways I was wondering if you wanna come over and join me and play the video game? *Looks at you and hopes you'll wanna join me* well that is about all lately so I'll talk to you and see you around buh byes*kisses your cheek and hugs you then waits for you to responde*
Sweet Steph
Dear Sweet Steph,
Sure, I guess I can try it.
Dear Chichiri,
what happened to your real face?
Dear Meg,
It was scarred in an accident, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hey wuz up? How was everyone's weekend so far? First thing's first,I just would like to inform minna-san,that whoever had my cell phone and tried to call and was unable to reach me,that was because of a verizon goof up,which we tried to fix for 3 days straight,and finally we now my number has been changed. Anyways mine started off bad so to speak...then ended up good...okay the reason why it started off bad,is on thursday night,Jennifer (Rose's sister)pm's me and asks me if her sister has called me or whatever,I told her no..she hasn't why,and she tell's me that Rose went to take the pyshical...well Rose and Jennifer stop by my house I guess they had something to do beforehand,but anyways,they stopped by and she told me that she..this is beyond me ...she PASSED the physical,and she's only 90 lbs.! So that means,she's joined the navy. I was like why in the world would you want to join the navy? She's all I want more's not like she doesn't have any at home cause she does.Okay so that part was a little upsetting...but I guess it's her choice right?
Well,I was talking to Lynnae (Miko-chan),and she came over yesterday(Sunday) and we hung out from 4:00 or later till 8:30 pm. It was fun,we talked,we did my Japanese homework,and we watched a pokemon video in japanese which I've never seen before so it was cool,I showed her what my pen pal sent me,and stuff like that. It was really cool hanging out with her. Well,I think we might hang out sometime next weekend too. So that'll be fun. Anyways,on my japanese,we're learning hiragana,and I'm actually able to read some letters that I have actually memorized. I really need to memorize the whole thing by monday(today)cause I have a test on that day. x.x;; anyways,Lynnae helped me,and we got to talking about music and Japan,so we kind of decided that we should give this j pop thingy a try and we are! Now the only bad news is...Lynnae wants me to sing for her XD. I kinda suck at singing when people ask me too,I have to do it on my own,but I think I'm to the point now where I don't care..but the next time she comes over I'll sing for her ^^;; And she also wants to go to Japan too,so we're going to do that as well,but until we both learn enough Japanese to get us through the trip. Well...I think that's about it. Oh yeah could whoever writes me back tell oniisan(Mitsukake,and tamahome)I said hi? ^___^ Oh yeah one more thing,she taught me how to do the Crane in Origami! ^___^ I was like how cool! Well,I guess I should be ending this letter here,I gotta get going for school (it's monday already)
Dear Shukumei,
What? Rose joined the Navy?? Honto? Wow! Talk about a life change! @_@
I'll give minna your regards. I think that's so great that you and Miko-chan have become friends and hang out together! Well, Chichiri no Aijin is planning for one more Anime Day in September. Probably on the 14th. We'll keep you posted.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have some questions for you~!
1.What is your fav thing in the whole world?
2.If you can come to the real world, where would you want to visit? Bye~!
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
Here are your answers:
Tamahome - Okane, Fort Knox
Tasuki - Sake, Las Vegas
Mitsukake - Helping others, Johns Hopkins
Chichiri - Fishing, no da, Key West
Nuriko - Hotohori! Paris
Hotohori - *Sweatdrops* My sword, New York
Chiriko - Books, Library of Congress
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Hotohori,
Good news! That friend of mine with the online "boyfriend" is coming to her senses. At the very least, she broke up with him. She's trying to rewire it so she can still be friends with him, but she understands what exactly was freaking out me and several others. So, yeah. Wai-ness! ^^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm glad to hear that!
Dear Nuriko,
*blinks as the Morning sunlight comes through the tent* ohayo..
*crawls out from under the heavy blankets, and changes into fresh travelling clothes*
I'll go wipe down the horses.. *yawns* then I'll help you to tear things down. Hopefully by then we'll be awake enough to make breakfast. *slips her shoes on, unties the tent flaps, and steps outside*
Ohayo you two, sleep well? *walks over to where the horses are grazing, and starts grooming them* Yes, you two will have stalls soon, with oats and apples.
Dear Doc-sama,
*Yawns and stretches. Pulls on a change of clothes and starts breakfast.*
Dear Tasuki,
hey Aniki! *hugs* expect a hug from me! ^^ anywho i brought some friends to visit!
Kouji: well since ya don' look like ya ever plan on commin' back ill bug ya here! *smacks his head* there now i fell better!
Spirit Of Rei-Rei: that was mean!!!! *wacks Kouji with her aibou* he didnt hurt you did he Genrou?
Kouji: *rubs his head* how come Genrou get's all the girls? he don even like em!
Rei-Rei: Cause Genrou's nice right Kylie?
Kylie: yep!
Rei-Rei and Kylie: *both hug Genrou*
Kouji: *goes off and sulks*
Kylie, Rei-Rei and the sulking Kouji
Dear Kylie, Rei-Rei and Kouji,
Nice seein' ya' guys! So, what ya' been up to Kouji 'sides p*ssin' off th' ladies? *Fanged grin*
Dear Tamahome,
*wakes up with that gooey feeling again*
Ji! Poo-poo!!!
*takes the diaper off, climbs down out of the crib, and runs out of the door*
Dear Sora,
*Wakes up to a horrible stench.* Sora, where are you? You need a bath and a diaper change.
Dear Hotohori,
*stands like Tamahome-oji told him to, and falls over*
Papa will you take off these robes? I can't move right with them on.
*gets up and stands over by his Papa* I have a tunic and pants on under them. hmm maybe if you take yours off too it'll be easier to fight as well?
Dear Boushin,
Hai. *Takes off his and Boushin's robes.* Is that better?
Dear Chichiri,
*stands on the walkway watching her men do some father and son bonding, then she looks at the man standing next to her*
Chichiri, how are your studies coming along? Since things have altered with Hikou, you can live more freely now. I hope you're taking full advantage of your brothers' skills and training. It's a waste not to.
Dear Houki,
I am Houki-sama. However, I do prefer to do my fighting with magic, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
*giggles as he walks past her* *sees Tama-Neko* ^_^ *quietly* Kitty....come here Kitty *hoping Tamahome doesnt hear her*
Dear Lita,
*Hears her but pretends to still be looking for her.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I knew you would like the Cats. Don't they look ALOT like Tama? Give it a brown tail and they would wouldnt they. ^_^ Well im off to gather my stuff for school ^_^ Im gonna miss homeroom my teacher was the best! New french principal......So many changes already!
Dear Tana,
True, but sometimes change is good.
Dear Tasuki,
Heya.. ^^ Im tired...very..very tired...the birds keep flying around the house since their wings arent clipped..Hehe *blinks as maya lands on her shoulder* oh..hello there maya! *pets maya and hopi lands on tasuki's head* o.o um...o.O i never seen her sit on pplz head's before...only shoulders. *blinks* *maya closes her eyes and falls asleep* kawaii! ^.^ hehe ^.^ hmm...i dunno when she will wake up so i think she will stay on yer head for awhile..unless you wake her up. Oh well. ^^ G2g the dogs want outside so i gotta put them outside before they tackle me and lick-attack me. ^-^ Cyaz Tasuki *throws him a bottle a' sake and runs as the dogs and birds follow her but hopi stays asleep on his head*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer th' sake! I guess it's ok as long as sleepin' is all he does on my head!
Dear Hotohori,
do you guys have any games that i could download
Dear Nameless,
No we don't. Gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Filia and Lina bounce in*
Filia: *giggles* We know Namagomi's himitsu for once-
Lina: He's-
*Xelloss appears behind them and cuts them off*
Xelloss: Oh no you don't!
Lina: *clamps a hand over Xelloss' mouth* He's-
Filia: Let ME say it, Miss Lina! I can't wait to see the look on Namagomi's face! Namagomi's PREGNANT!
Xelloss: *facefaults and dissappears*
*Lina and Filia wave and run off*
Lina I., Filia, and a very embarrassed Xelloss M.
Dear Lina, Filia, and Xelloss,
He is?? That's going to be painful, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
*appears behind Tasuki* BOO! *looks at first couple of letters ever* My, how times have changed, Tas-san... are you still wearing those Hello Kitty boxers? *grin* Oh, well... Lina and Filia really did me in. Nevermind though. *shrugs* You can't whack me in the head now, so... *sticks a 'I'm 3 Years Old Today!' button on Tasuki's shirt front* Ja! *dissappears*
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
I don't remember wearin' any Hello Kitty boxers! *Looks at pin…* Yeah, yeah really funny … "mom"!
Dear Chichiri,
Not funny -_-; I'm not in the mood for jokes for once -_-; Well, people know now O_o; So... *sweatdrop* You don't know what happens? Of course... *sigh* Nevermind then... ja *dissapears* *appears again* So if you say 'no da', and that means 'you know', how do you say 'I don't know'? No no da? *grins and dissappears*
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
Actually "no da" means "it's obvious". It is an emphasizer, no da. So, I suppose congratulations are in order, no da?
Dear Mitsukake,
I know that's a big responsibility -_-;; But none of my family members likes cats!(I think o.O) Or well, I guess I have to wait until I'm older(like 20?) or so, move somewhere else and then get a kuro-neko!^^;; But that's a long time ;__; I hate waiting..,_,
..*picks up tama-neko and stares at it* Do you think I can take care of a kuro-neko? wait a sec.. Tama-neko can't speak o_O;; Gomen!
Dear Kuriichan,
*Smiles* That's ok. Perhaps waiting until you're older isn't such a bad idea.
Dear Chichiri,
Sou desu ne! Hey, onii-san! It's been a while since I last wrote, hasn't it?
Anyway, I've recently begun writing more of Genesis, which has been divided into two parts: Genesis: Commencement, and Genesis: Termination. Also, I put up my website for my story, Kaori Mokushiroku Investigators. -_- Don't ask about the name; I'm still trying to figure out why I decided to call it 'Fragrant Apocalypse'. I'm also planning out a manga, which I'll start drawing up this summer, hopefully.
Here comes the semi-angsty part of the letter. I think I have a crush on my friend. I've known her for a long time, and I'm almost sure I have a crush on her, but I'm not sure what KIND of a crush I have on her. It could either be a 'love crush', or an 'admiration crush'. I'm pretty sure it's an admiration crush, since I don't blush when she's around or whatever. I'd be pretty happy if it's only an admiration crush, because my mom said if I became a homosexual, she'd throw me out the door. How cheerful, ne?
Dear Amy-sama,
*Frowns at that thought* Very, no da. I wouldn't worry about it. You're probably right; it is an admiration crush, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Mixed Feelings:
Good news: Kouji is getting married...
Bad News: To your one of sisters.
In this situation, are you happy, sad, or utterly confused?
Dear Kouran-chan,
Been there, done that an' now he's stuck wit' Aidou.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I got this really nifty cookbook its kool cuz it has all kinda of thing that you use for japanese cooking and it tells you how to make the noodles from scrach and alittle history. Then it has al kinds of recipies! When i was flipping through i noticed some of the things i bought from antique shops were in there so i have 2 teacups a sake set with 2 serving things and 5 cups and a rice bowl. Hehehe maybe if i do culinary i can be Iron Cheif of useless stuff! ^_^ sounds like fun, when i was in creative cooking i was in third place for my day. But photography is more fun.
Dear Tana,
I love to cook! You should try some of the recipes! Nuriko
Dear Tamahome,
Thnk u and Miaka for the boyfriend advice stuff. *hands Miaka the ten pizzas* enjoy! Oh, Tamahome, do u think that u could help me with throwing Nakago and Tomo into the Grand Canyon? I'm all prepared for it!
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
You're very welcome! Why do you want to litter the Grand Canyon?
Dear Tasuki,
Thank Mitsukake for the hint but... my Doc said no more gauze, last time I used it I bled a lot... too much... and now I gotta use tea bags -_- but I'm mostly better, I can eat solid foods an everything, but swallowing still hurts. Thank you tho! *grin*
Dear Bon,
Good! Take care of yerself!
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: I'LL....I'LL.....*turns back into her human form and starts wailing really loudly. runs and locks herself in Tasuki's room crying her eyes out*
Kaiho: She'll do that.-.-; Nice job. She usually doesn't come out for about half a day but if you're really lucky she'll only be in there a couple hours.
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
Great … >.<;;;
Dear Tasuki,
o.o from some letters it seems like your having some trouble with your sisters.must be a harsh^^so how is everything going.anything new going on with the gang or anything? hope your having a nice to ya latter cya.
Dear sikora,
Nothin' new… Same ol', same ol'.
Dear Tamahome,
*pauses from her candy and confetti spree*
Oh it's all good. I DID really dislike my job. And tomorrow I'm going to look for work in a BOOKSTORE! A BOOKSTORE!! *drools* Boooks...
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Great! Congratulations!
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-kun! I got all better, back to my normal so happy....*smiles and hugs him,for being so happy then notices she hugs you and blushes and moves away* am sorry...I'm just alittle shy ^^() but am just so happy...Beside me feeling better, I got alot of people to go to my Kouji site and like it. Happy day for me and also I got some something for ya...*gives me a few sake bottles and smiles at him* Well, just wanted to tell you a few things...k? Take care Tasuki-kun ^_^ *walks off with a small sake bottle in her hand* ^^
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
Thanks fer th' sake! I'm glad yer feelin' better!
Dear Tasuki,
I think you're right. Since I'm kindah younger now I should try to date guys my own age. When I'm older that won't matter I guess. It just so happens that all the guys I know are either 'just friends' or too immature. Then I fall head over heels for someone who has so much in common with me....and they are out of my reach. I still keep in contact online I get to meet them several times during the year. We meet at fairs and coventions. So I guess that's enough. I shouldn't be so quick to get a guy. I mean, all the guys I have dated were huge jerks! My last boyfriend was only using me to get to my best friend, and I ended up losing both of them in the end, same thing that happened to Chichiri. Even though that happened a year ago I'm still pissed. Oh well, I'll just stop moping about it.
Today I made my friend Kelly watch some Fushigi Yuugi with me, and you and Tamahome were her favorites. I bit her head off about thinking that Tamahome was after much shouting she agrees that you are the best ^.~ The bickering was worth it.^-^
Dear GirlGenChan,
Cool! Thanks! *Grins* Yeah, don't be in such a rush fer a boyfriend. It'll happen when it happens.
Dear Tasuki,
*^-^* So you do like me, after all. *happy dance* You will have to excuse my brain. You see, I am on a new, exciting medication, which makes me feel very tired and fuzzy. But it lessens my nervousness and depression, so it's okaaaaaaaay. I think.
The only thing is I can barely write my coot fanfic about you as an aelfkin, because my brai is so whacked out. I guess I'll have to go trough it slowly until the side-effects of this stuff begin to wear off..
Do you like U2? I love the song, 'With or Without You'. How about 'In Cars' by that Ukranian guy who took up the pseudonym, Gary Numan? Gomen for the crying and fussing, I just don't want my favourite person in the whole entire universe not to like me
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I heard of 'em. I like both of 'em.
Dear Tasuki,
um ok! ^^ but that dosent mean i have to be Eiken lil sis to does it? *feels like crying cause of that* but i made you something! ^^ *gives him rice balls dripping in sake* here! ^^ but i'll be the lil sis to all the bandit's plus im gonna cook for ya too!
Kouji: Get yer @$$ back ta Mt.Reikaku!!!!!
Kylie: *blinks at Kouji* dang aren't you forceful!
Kouji: not just F******lonely!
Kylie: *sighs*
Kylie and the Lonely Kouji
Dear Kylie and Kouji,
*Looks at Kouji like he's lost his mind…* Ya' don't speak to our lil' sister like that! What th' H*LL is wrong wit' ya'?
An' whaddya' mean yer lonely? Yer married to MY sister remember?
Dear Chichiri,
Ok, now I'LL awnser YOUR question..... A Supra is a Japanese car made by Toyota i think.... A Skyline is a Japanese car, thats one of the coolest in the world, made by nissan..... Oh, I'll also awnser Tasuki's question.... a Nacho is a tasty snack food chip!!! goes well with dip. Anyway, Peace, and remember Ferrari!!!
Kinial Andredi
Dear Kinial Andredi,
Arigato, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Hiiii! It was raining outside...but it stopped. I had a bad dream last night. ;_; I hope you don't mind if I tell you about it. If you don't want to read it, skip the next paragraph. It's not that bad, though.
Anyway, I had all these pets. Small ones, like gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, the like. Well, they kept attacking each other, and I kept separating them so they wouldn't get hurt. Until one day I realized that I was upsetting the natural balance of things, so I just stood and watched as they killed each other. It was very gory and scary and sad, and I hated every minute of it. But something was telling me to just stand there, and not try to do anything about it. Pretty soon, they were all dead, and the room was littered with their remains. I know it must mean something, but what?
It was so yucky...Can I have a hug?
Dear Rachael,
I don't know, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
HI!!! I have a question...hopefully you still like hotohori-sam...Anyway...How would you get Hotohori to yourself?
Dear Matura,
He has Houki now, so I wouldn't. Besides, friends is better than nothing.
Dear Hotohori,
Yes I have had experience. so can i take care of them there horses?
Dear Akira,
Yes, you may.
Dear Chiriko,
Um yeah... I finished that book you lent me and it was interesting.
Dear Akira,
I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! how are you? I just wrote to ask you some advice about a certain problem. I have astigmatism,and as a result of this, I bought an eyeglass. However, my classmate was playing badminton. She accidentally slapped me on the face using the badminton racket. # days after, my eyeglasses broke. I already had many cracks on i.Do you think I should let her pay for it? or should I just let it alone? She's a girl. BTW, what does hisashi buri ne mean in english? thanks a lot. I'll try to write you again.
Dear Richard,
If she offers to pay you should accept. If you feel like it was really her fault yor glasses broke you could ask her to pay for at least half the cost of replacinhg them. "Ohisashiburi" means "long time no see" in English.
Dear Mitsukake,
I think your the sweetest person ever. I love how your a doctor. When I saw the episode where you die, I cried cause it was so sad! But I know you had to sacrifice your life to help people. Your the sweetest person ever.
Aisha Akirushima
Dear Aisha,
I'm sorry my passing upset you. Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Chichiri,
I love your no dah! Me and my friend love it when you say no dah, no dah. I actually talk like you sometimes. Your so funny, like when turned into Nagako. It was funny, no dah!
Aisha Akirushima
Dear Aisha,
I'm glad I was able to amuse you, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I think your so funny! I love it how you daydream about Hotohori. It's so funny! And I feel about your sis dying! School is baout to start and IT SUCKS!!!! I HATE SCHOOL! Not a whole lot, but it can be boring! I think your reall pretty. When you died, I practically crying. I felt so bad! I HATE ASHITARE! My friend likes him for who knows what reason!
Aisha Akirushima
Dear Aisha,
Thank you for your kind words. I'm not too fond of Ashitare myself.
Dear Chiriko,
I think your so adorable1 School is coming up next week! Summer went by too fast! I would love to have you to be in my classes becaue your are so dang smart! When you died, me and my friend were in tears. Well, gotta go. Talk to you later.
Aisha Akirushima
Dear Aisha,
Thank you for your kind words. I'm sorry my death saddened you.
Dear Hotohori,
Hello *bows and clears throat* Alright here is my poem to you:
Your eyes are so sad; deep golden tears
Why do they fall
Do they fall for yourself or for another
Your eyes are so empty; washed dry
Can you cry no more
Do you wish they would fall, so you could cry again
Your eyes are closed; tired and weak
Do you want to remain asleep
What is this...An angel's kiss
Your eyes are opened; deep golden tears
Why do they fall
Do they fall for a lover or for lust
Your eyes...Hush don't cry
She is here; an angel's kiss
The one named Houki and not the priestess
p.s. I hope you liked it. *smiles*
Dear Guardian,
It was lovely. Arigato. *Closes his eyes and smiles*
Dear Hotohori,
WWWWWWRRRRRROOOOONNNNGGGG!!! *laughing out loud* ah ya know i'm kiddin. you are actually right i am the other curious fan. fooled you with the wrong part didn't i? *sighs* no probibly not. so what gave me away?
the other curious fan
Dear other,
Your clues. *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
Helooooo! You probably have no clue who I am. I wrote to you once. I would like to compliment on your beauty once again and tell it in a poem. *clearing throat*
Ribbons and roses dance in her hair
Her skin is so light, so pure, so fair
Her long white dress with laces of blue
Oh how she longs just to dance with you
Hotohori, when will you tell her so when will it be
The moment you say to Nuriko..."wo ai ni"
*looks up with a hopeful expression* Do you like it? I hope you do. I made it up when I thought of your beauty and how much you wanted to be a woman. I thought of the last part when I remembered how much you were in love with Hotohori. I write to him all the time but I'd really like it if you didn't show him the poem. You know I don't want him to be embarassed. ^.~
Dear Guardian,
Arigato! *Gives her a hug.* It's beautiful! I love it!
Dear Tasuki,
Oiiiii!!!!*pokes*o.o;; Has been a great while since I've written here...^^;; Gomen nasai..I've just been extremely busy..x_x;;
So, hows everything been?o.o
Yume, TnM ^^!
Dear Yume,
It's been pretty good! We missed ya'!
Dear Tamahome,
hey tama ^^.lots of ppl say u like money o.o.well if thats true then... *gives tama 20-30 dollors.^^ have fun with the money and dont give it back to me its a gift. ^^ cya
Dear saki,
Arigato for the okane!
Dear Chiriko,
hey chiriko. ^^ your so KAWAII!! lol. u like to study alot is that right? well u should give that lil brain of yours a few weeks off.i know uve been on vacations but other then that take a few days off. it might be good for u. ^^ but >.> just to be nice...*gives him a HUGE book with everything u need tom know in it. have fun!!
Dear saki,
Arigato! *Smiles and starts to read the book.*
Dear Nuriko,
nuriko o.o your so BEAUTIFULL how did u get that pretty.well i do know about your past childhood with your twin sister.its sad,but im glad you seem to be taking it well.cya. ^^.
Dear saki,
Arigato for your kind words! I was just born that way.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
i feel like i just got thrown off the back of a speeding semi. god, i just really think my resistance and invincibilty is wearing. everybody's all, "no matter what cr*p happens, jashi won't break" but i feel like breaking. god...
i was cleaning out my locker after school, and this guy came up and *grabbed* me, and i yelled and someone came and now that guy is in deep sh*t, but i don't feel so well.
it happened on thursday, but i still feel really,really fragile. grrr... i just feel like sh*t and no one gets it!
Dear Jashi,
Your feelings are understandable, no da. Have you tried discussing the incident with a school counselor or your parents? If not, perhaps you should, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I know you wanna play with the lil kittys... hehehe if you go to that site and click on the kitty it follows your mouse around the webpage. Its soooo cute ^_^
Dear Tana,
*Smiles* Kawaii!
Dear Tamahome,
I wouldn't call that being rewarded. Being devoured by a beast god is not my idea of a good time. But maybe I'm just being cynical.
Dear Mitzi,
Ah, well, if I disagree and go into details, that would be a big spoiler.
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, ah, Chichiri. *sweatdrop* I met this good mazoku named Xena- and we had a mazoku bond happen- and now she's my lifemate- but something happened I wasn't planning, and I'm kinda... scared. I have dragons after me, after all, and I can't protect myself anymore- all my energy is going to something else- and... I don't know, I want to keep the problem a himitsu for now, of course, but it won't take long before people figure it out- and Xena has a habit of dissapearing, like me, so... ah, Chichiri, what do I do?! My image is gonna be shattered! I'm still Xelloss, and a trickster, but you know, I- I can't- advice? Please?
Xelloss M.
Dear Xelloss M.,
Jaaa... I really don't know what happens when Mazoku bond, no da. I can only guess what your energy is going towards. Perhaps as a Mazoku you are finally maturing, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Winter: hey mina! how are you?? school started again for me, so I won't be on very often ;_; puu! school is so boring right now. I already want summer vacation!! Chibi Tasuki got in lots of trouble yesterday, so he won't be addin' lots of imput. He burnt down my artwork, so i grounded him for a whole month! *pours some sake for tasuki and her* I'm gonna be stayin up all night doin homework, I can tell that already! i'll haveta buy some coffie or some thing with lots of caffine. What would you suggest?? I was sonderin, *sips sake and face turns red* what quality would you cahnge about yourself? *hic hic* thankies! *falls asleep on tasuki's shoulder*
Dear Winter,
I don't think any of us would change any of our qualities. They are part of who we are, no da. Coffee is good for staying awake, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Can we pway hide an seek? I wil hide first but im a good hider *grins* *waits till he closes his eyes and starts counting then hides under a glass table in the other room*
Dear Lita,
*Walks into the room and sees her.* Now where can Lita be?
Dear Tasuki,
*glomps Tasuki crying* my kitten hates me!!!!! ;-; when ever I come home he attackes me. I have to many scats on my arms and hands from my kitten. Hes a evil little kitten and he mean to me. ;_;*goes SD and Snuggles him* what should I do Tasuki?*has money in her bag*
Dear Mako-chan,
Try playin' more calmly wit''im. He may be scratchin' ya' 'cos yer too fast movin' an' scarin' 'im.
Dear Hotohori,
Will you be my Boyfriend?
Dear Keishi,
I am married so I can't be your boyfriend. I will, however, be your friend.
Dear Chichiri,
Eh, yo, ever played the game supermonk? Its so fun!!! Its at It is so fun, and funny!!! The monk is a pimp!!! See ya, playa!!! (i just wanted to say dat, man) ... Oh yea, a question.... Should i buy a Supra or a Skyline?
Kinial Andredi
Dear Kinial Andredi,
Interesting site, no da. What are Supras and Skylines, no da?
Dear Nuriko,
Do you think Kourin will be happy if she knew that you were *being* her for a long time? If I was your sister I would have wanted you to be yourself.But it's still very touching!
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
Probably not, but I felt I had to do it.
Dear Mitsukake,
It's not your fault, it's theirs, and my parents for not wanting to take any action even though they're stressing me out and making me sick. Oh well.
I have a new story to work on, naming it a highly 'original' name: 'Blind Rose', basically because I think it sounds cool. That's why you never, ever, let my brother stay home before I go to school, because he's lazy and he's probably not working, and.. oops, off topic. Anyway, I have it planned so that I'm making religion and stuff. Go me! And my first ever incubus is in the story. I love him so much, and he's a nice one too. Oh, I wish I could tell you the entire thing, but then when I send you the story, you'll know everything that's going to happen. I showed the first page to Nicole earlier, and she started going on and on about how the girl and her friend were in love and going to have children and such..
Before I actually told her it's not really a romance, heh. I'm desperately working to try to get to my (so far) favorite character, a guy who looks as though he was thrown in the middle of a dog fight or something. Basically, he doesn't have an eye (gouged out) and wears an eyepatch over it, he can't use his left arm, he has to limp on his left leg, and yet he's still a really cool fighter, or at least in my head. Then there's this one guy that resembles Hotohori, mostly because of his hair, I think. The main guy character is mean, though. Really mean. ^^; I like him though. And I keep having these evil mental images of the main antagonist dancing to a song called 'Natural Playboy', for some odd reason, which scares me because little by little he sets his army on fire and kills soldiers during the dance. And he does pelvic thrusts. ^^'' Help.
It's starts off innocent, but I want this to be angst. So, it's angst. Yay. Other than my new story, nothing has been happening. Wait, I didn't even tell you the plot. o.o;; Do I get sidetracked or what? ^^;; Heh. Write you later, man. (With the plot.)
Ash-chan (heart)
Dear Ash-chan,
It does sound interesting ...
Dear Hotohori,
Hi! *trips* AUGH! Sorry, hyper I am. I'm always hyper in the evening... *grins* Would you do me the honor of being my friend? *smiles* Bye-bye!
A Chipper, Hyper Rachael ^^
Dear Rachael,
I'd be happy to!
Dear Tasuki,
Hiya im bored outta my mind and i can't sleep. Is it wrong to leave somewhere after waiting 3 hours for someone to come that didn't? I dont really wanna explain the whole situation or anything cuz its to long but me and my friend worked really hard on a surprize party that didnt exist because no one came... not even the person we were throwing it for. Then, of course its our fault for not waiting longer and when your in the middle of nowhere practically theres no phone to call anyone. So me and my friend walked till we were lucky enough to find someone that had a phone. I guess thats not all thats bothering me... cuz i thought i was important to my friends here and im starting to feel they just stopped caring. The thing that confuses me even more is collage, it shouldnt be hard for me to get good grades this year cuz ui took my hard classes early, i dont need math or science this year. I guess im really scared about this whole thing and this month ive been really over sad and crying just about every night. I really dont know what to do anymore and I havent been this depressed in at least 3 years. Im sorry to bother you if i am, but i have to tell someone and i know if i put anything like this in my diary my friends would yell at me about pretending nothing is wrong and all.
Dear Tana,
Well I think it sucks that no one came to th' party. It could be that ya' an' yer friends is jus' growin' in different directions. It happens. I'm sure yer gonna do fine in college an' meet new people as well.
Dear Tasuki,
Aie, surgery's over! They waited for me to fall asleep before doing the needle... so I was fine ^-^ The cool thing is along with my friend Advill, I get to go to gram's funeral, and a fair up in Maine too... only if I cry at the funeral I gotta stand outside cuz then my blood pressure rises and my mouth will bleed more... -_- Its kinda nasty, I woke up and the doctors told me I'd be oozing blood for 24 hours. Oozing. nasty nasty. And I got a gold chain in my mouth ^_^ makes me feel special, all my goth friends'll be jealous. Anyway, thanks for helping Tasuki! *kisses his cheek* ^-^
A Sore But No Longer Depressed Bon
Dear Bon,
See, I told ya' ya'd ge through it ok. Ya' might wanna soak some gauze pads in salt water an' bite down on 'em where th' incisions are. Mitsukake says it's good fer toughenin' up yer gums an' fer makin' sure ya' don;t get an infection. Odaijini!
Dear Tasuki,
I must say, that speedo looks very nice on you... ^_~
Dear Nicky-pie,
*Blushes* Thanks ...
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, okay, no massage. *pouts* Please don't run away! *cries*
Did Kouji really put up the Speedo pic on his wall? *^-^* That's sooo coot!!!!!!! Go, Kouji! *fist in air* Seems like you've been getting a lot of gall about that pic...^-^' Gomen nasai a thousand times, but I'm not sorry in the slightest that I drew it... Oh no, Tasuki doesn't like me anymore...*cries more*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
*Looks confused* I never said I didn't like ya' 'cos of that!
Dear Chiriko,
I have a question, are the places in the book world (Konan, Kutou, Reikaku,exe.) real places in China presently? Or are there places that could resemble them? I just want to know so I can drool over the area on a map somewhere hehe^^. Thanks, Chiriko!
Dear GirlGenChan,
As far as I know there are no equivalents to them in your world.
Dear Tasuki,
Wow, how many fan girls get to stay in a Reikaku bandits room? ME! ::giggles:: Anyhow, I think I need some advice, Tasuki. I met a great guy, he's really nice and we have so much in common, but the trouble is...he's six years older then I am. He said that he wants to wait until I'm of legal age to date me...but I don't know if dating someone so much older then I am is a good idea. Then there is another guy I kindah like who a really great guy, and only three years older then me, but he lives far away. What do you think I should do?
Dear GirlGenChan,
I think ya' need to date guys yer own age that live close to ya'.
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori-sama!!!!! I love you!!! I know you're married and all, but I'll be your mistress!!! You are so beatiful!!! and hot!!! and Sexy!!! You're the best looking one in the whole Fushigi Yugi series!!!
Dear Matura,
Arigato for your kind words. However, I really do not want a mistress. But you can be my friend.
Dear Tasuki,
No... i did say you wont know her, didnt i!? *smacks him in the head* Anyway, she's really beautyful... Would my crazyness drive her away? and can i have some nachos?
BumBum teckui
Dear BumBum teckui,
OI! What th' H*LL was that fer? *Smacks him back* I dunno, mebbe. What's a nacho?
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: *stops clinging and looks up at Tasuki, her once blonde hair now sky blue and her eyes are a firey red* You did not...just say "Che! Women!"....DID YOU?? *glares at him, suddenly having alot of strength as she grip his upper arm really tightly*
Kaiho: Iie not again...
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
Ano ... yeah I did. Whatcha' gonna do 'bout it? *Looks defiant*
Dear Chiriko,
HI! I thought i'd write to you 'cause i noticed you don't get many letters...You can help me out with this i hope... ok what do you do when your friend is depressed, he won't seek help, his girlfriend just dumped him, his parents are jerks, and every adult you've told won't help him? I just don't know what to do anymore and he's starting to scare me. What do you think i should do?
Dear Kirsy,
Is there a school counselor or a clergyman you can discuss this with? If you're afriad he's going to hurt himself you could try finding a teen hotline that he can talk or write to that can help him. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
Thanx Tasuki. I still think you're better then me at singing, but i'm glad to hear that i'm not half bad from someone as great as you. *huggles* ^-^
Dear Kirsy,
Yer welcome!
Dear Tamahome,
thanx anyways tama. I don't want you to have to deal with Tasuki's wrath so i guess i'll leave you alone...*tosses him a bag of 50 ryou* here's some money anyways...i think you need it more then me, you have to feed miaka after all ^-^
obsessed fan girl T.G
Dear obsessed,
WOW!! Arigato for the okane and for understanding!
Dear Nuriko,
I was come you hated Miaka when you first met her? 'Cause i have some people who hate me no matter how nice i am to them. I was just wondering because it might help me understand why they don't like me.
Dear kirsy,
I was jealous that she had Hotohori's attention and I didn't.
Dear Chichiri,
I knew you had to be born to be a seishi, i was just wondering if there was some kind of loop hole where i could get to be one to! I wish i could have been born a seishi! That'd be so fun! Maybe i could do magic stuff like you do! That'd be neat. I wish i could do the stuff you do!
Dear Kirsy,
Gomen nasai, there is no loop hle that I know of, no da.
Dear Mitsukake,
Can i give you a hug? I wanna see if you're as big a teddy bear as you seem to be ^-^
Dear Kirsy,
*Smiles* Certainly!
Dear Tamahome,
Hey Tama-san! Guess what?
*stands still for a second, then starts dancing around in glee and giggling like insanity throwing confetti and candy*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Unless you really hated your job, I'm sorry that you were let go.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey tasuki!! ^^ Guess what?!? I just got 2 new birds!! Their soo kawaii!! I got them for free from a friend. Their names are Hopi(Female) and Maya(male). They are named after indian tribes. ^^; hehe. wanna hold maya? Hopi is too lazy x.x *hands him maya and maya starts to speak to tasuki* aww! *maya rubs his lil' face against tasuki's cheek* awww kawaii! ^^ He really likes ya! ^.^ Ya guys will be good friends in no time! ^^
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Cool! Yeah, I think he likes me!
Dear Nuriko,
Yay! I signed up for Japanese class today! I'm officially IN! I was terrified during my interview. I'd been recommended by my Spanish teacher and everything, but I got extremely nervous when the lady asked me about my grades. I said very slowly, "I get straight A's in Spanish and I get A's and B's in English." For a split second, I wondered what would happen if I said I got straight A's in English as well, but I decided that I should answer every question honestly. I can't stand lying, so I'd just end up confessing and probably being thrown out. But I told the truth, and I got in the class. So remember everyone, honesty is not only the best policy, it's the ONLY policy! *grins* Can I have a hug?
Dear Rachael,
Omedeto gozaimasu! I'm very happy for you! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Ah! My computer hates me! i was saying before the letter sent itself....My friend called and she told me what a ghorrable person i am and all that stuff. I could have hung up the phone but i listened to the yelling untill she hung up on me. Im waiting to hear from my other friend since im so horrable and selfish and all. but she called steph and yelled at her im glad I called Steph after she hung up on me though because i want to be her friend. At least Steph and i can stay friends and i hope that they have fun with whatever they do after high school and i wish them the best. I never could be mad at someone no matter how they treated me and when this is all over ill be happier and i wil find new friends cuz life goes on. I hope im done writing you all this sad stuff but i know you read this and stuff and i need to get it out without doing aything that would hurt myself. I'll write again and i proice i wont be sad.
Dear Tana,
I hope thins' go well fer ya' an' yer friends. *Gives her a hug.*
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