Dear Tasuki,
Do you ever feel like you're giving girl unfair prejudice? I mean it was only your sisters really who were mean to you right?
Dear Thea,
Nope! They always get me in trouble or d*mn near killed!
Dear Tamahome,
I've read fanfics and webpages of Miaka being with Hotohori/Tasuki/Nuriko/Amiboshi/Suboshi (ugh)/Mitsukake(eek)/Chichiri/others. How do u feel about that? (i personally hate it) and how many kids do you WANT with Miaka? How many boys and how many girls? :)
Dear Yushi,
I don't like it and neither does Miaka, A boy and a girl would be great!
Dear Tasuki,
I think u live in one of the best families out of the Suzaku seishi's. I mean, you have parents and siblings and they are ALIVE. Your sisters maybe be very annoying, but that's because they love you, and you have a loving father and mother... you're a very lucky boy you know? So you should go back home at least once in a while. Your family must miss you. :)
Dear Hammy,
Well, if ya' look at it THAT way...
Dear Tasuki,
i come bearing gifts from Kouji! ^^ *gives him some hair oils and hair brushes* he say's that you always stole his so he stole these for you! ^^ *hugs her Aniki* im so happy i get to go to the mountains this weekend! can i live at Mt.Reikaku with you? i can cook for you guy's! please? *hugs him* and im a good fighter to! *looks up at him*
Dear Kylie,
If ya' wanna ya' can be a lil' sister to alla us bandits.
Dear Chiriko,
hey little brother! *hugs him* it's been awhile! but guess what your gonna be an uncle cause Sam is gonna have a baby! im nervous! *get's all worked up* i can't wait! first i gotta get a nursery ready! well gotta go build it! bye!
Dear Kengo,
Honto ni? WAI!! WAI!!!
Dear Tamahome,
*looks up* Well, she was in the hospital. She admitted herself because she's been cutting herself and hearing voices in her head. I was glad because she needed the help.
Now all these idiot doctors sent her home because they're 'not concerned about' the voices she's hearing. *trembles* God I hope she looks for another place to find help. She knows she needs it...
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
How can they NOT be concerned if she is hearing voices? She needs to find a good psychiatrist who will treat her and listen to her as well. She could be bipolar (manic/depressive) or schizophrenic, both of which are treatable with proper medication and therapy. I wish you both well.
Dear Chichiri,
"The Tokaido Road" by Lucia St. Clair Robson. If you get a chance, take a look. That's where I found the word. o.o
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Iie, it's not. It's a head shot. I'm not a brave artist. ... Well... there was that Hotohori in ribbons thing... ^^;;;;;;
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
OK, send it in! *Grins*
Dear Hotohori,
... OH, MY GOD!!! *Hides her face in her hands and squeals* ^^;;;;;;;; (Translation: I can sure as heck try, but if it doesn't happen, don't be too dissapointed. ^^;)
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I won't be. *Smiles and sparkles*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi again! Arigato for answering my question, I really needed the help. As soon as I read your response, I phoned up Steven and Christina and followed your advice. It turns out that the rumors about Steven are NOT true (thank goodness) and Christina does indeed have a crush on me, but she told me she would never end our friendship over something so trivial as a boyfriend.
Of course, it's hardly proper to talk about just that, in my own opinion. I called them under the cover of discussing costumes for Halloween. Yes, I know it's more than a little early, but we're doing a bit of a group costume thing at our school. Christina, Steven, and I are part of an eight-person troupe going as... *Drum roll* SUZAKU NO MIKO AND HER SEISHI! *Trumpet flare*
Sugoi, ne? I'm going to be Hotohori, Christina'll be Chiriko, and Steven'll be Mitsukake. We're going to have SOO much fun acting out the parts, don't you agree? The main reason why we're planning so early is so we can finish up working on our costumes n' other stuff. I can't take a sword, though, not even a fake one. *Grumbles* Darn school codes. My friend Josh is probably going to have a hard time trying to get a tessen in, too.
One question though, do you know where I can find the kanji for your seishi symbols? I know where they're supposed to go on the body and what they mean, but I don't know what they're supposed to look like.
Formerly Confused, Now Relaxed and Calm Girl
Dear Formerly Confused,
The art books have the kanji and some of the websites dedicated to us do as well. I'm really glad that everything went so well for you and your friends!
Dear Nuriko,
YOU ARE SOOOOOOO PREEEEEETTTTTTYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Can I have a Nuri-chan speacil?
Dear Akira,
Arigato! No, they are VERY potent!
Dear Tamahome,
well tama that translation page didnt really work for me but i did ask my dad and he said he has his own translation CD,my sister used it for spanish once but i must of forgot.well thanks anyway for your help. talk to ya later
Dear sikora,
I'm sorry it didn't work for you.
Dear Tamahome,
Hi, you want to pway wif me? * smiles at him then grabs his hand* Pwease...pwease.
Dear Lita,
Sure! What do you want to do?
Dear Tasuki,
*Stops running* *Gets mad* OI! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M A FAKE AIDOU? I NEVER SAID I WAS AIDOU, BAKA! *Grabs another log* I'M HER PROTEGE, OR CAN'T YOU READ? *Throws log* *Log hits Tasuki in the head* *Resumes running* *Aidou shows up*
Aidou: Oi, Nobara! Why're ya runnin'?
*Stops running again* *Panting* Tasuki's... after me... called me... a faker.
Aidou: Eh? He called ya WHA'?
A faker. I threw a log at his head and he called me a fake Aidou.
Aidou: *Is really peeved* SHUN'U! *Grabs log* *starts hitting Tasuki with it* YA DON' CALL NOBARA A FAKER AND GET AWAY WITH IT!
Aidou and her protege, Nobara
Dear Nobara,
Yeah, I guess I did. An' ya' know what? If ya' read th' letter from Aidou, she called ya' an' imposter! So there! *Sticks his tongue out at her.*
Dear Tasuki,
*hits him in the head with a log* Whats with the imposters! *loks around* Wheres my daughter? Shun'u-kun she cant be that annoying... *giggles* And whats all this talk about hurting my poor Kouji?
~ The REAL Aidou
Dear Sis,
ITAI!! *Rubs his head* Lita's fine, she's playin' wit' Tamahome an' her wolf. Someone said that Kouji made ya' cry.
Dear Tasuki,
hello. you see, my friends and I are going to this party next week, and all the older guys on the street are going to college, so there won't be anyone to do this traditional 'streak'down two streets and back. would you be interested at all?
Dear Reiko,
*Thinks about it … * What's a "streak"?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys have favorite musical artists? Could you tell me them onegai?
Dear Kouran-chan,
We all have various types of music that we enjoy. But, we have no one particular favorite artist.
Dear Nuriko,
How IS it possible for you to have stayed so feminine looking?
Random Fan
Dear Random Fan,
*Smiles* I'm just lucky I guess!
Dear Tasuki,
*glittery chibi eyes* Kudasai, akachan? *whispers* I'll do whatever you want ... Although I'm sure you've had every crazed fangirl tell you that ... three million times over ... ^-^'
Okei, well, if you don't like the idea, can I give you one? I worked at massage therapy clinic and know (kind of) how to give a nice, relaxing ... er, yes, relaxing massage ... Masaging you would make me feel ten times better and then some. *^-^*
*holds up sandalwood massage oil* Ready? You'll have to remove your clothes! But here's a towel! ~.^ *hands him a tiny towel* Oh my .... just got a wonderful idea for a pic ... *dances excitedly*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I gotta do what?!? Ano … Thanks! Bye!! *Takes off running.*
Dear Chichiri,
You make a super cute elf, you know!? *runs off to send pic she finished* Hope you like it!
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Arigato, no da?
Dear Tasuki,
*grabs fire hose and drenches Tasuki* That's for beating up Tamahome, and especially for cracking poor Chichiri's head!!! HA HA HA!!! *keeps hose on at full blast* He did have a point, ya know. Drinking that much rice wine can make ya hurl. he he he! *turns off hose and runs away very fast toward Tamahome and Chichiri*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
ACK!! *Stands there drenched.*
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you, m' friend, uhhh, hey im still thinking bout H*ll Chibis, you know, cause im like, the most powerful, and well... I guess i gotta get My Greedy adversary a new name... Greedahome... Not bad... I just cant stop picking on him, cause its so fun... Getting him P*ssed is fun too... you should try it. Welp, see yaz, my friend!!!!
Dear Tower!!*,
I suppose it's amusing, no da. But don't annoy him too much.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasuki!!!!! I havent talked to you in a while..... Do ya think Tower is funny, if you read any of his letters!? Ohhh, I have a question..... I know you probably dont know this girl, but do you know Uriko, cause i think shes cute, man!!!! Tasuki, you fun to talk with man, peace!!!
BumBum teckui
Dear BumBum teckui,
I've read his letters. I guess he's kinda funny. Who's Uriko? Ya' don't mean Nuriko do ya'?
Dear Tamahome,
Hey dere, my Adversary, I have a new name for you, stupid..... its Greedahome. Tell me how you like it, So, i got help with my anger problem, so that shows im doin this to gloat, well, have fun with this letter!! Ta! *runs out the door, and comes back* Ta! Muh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! 8runs out the door*
Dear Tower!!*,
*Shakes his head and ignores him.*
Dear Hotohori,
Cool, man..... I have a question. Whats it like being an Emporer person? Is it fun!? Is it cool!? Can you tell people what to do!? Oh, and could you please send somebody to beat up Greedahome? Thanks!!! See ya!!!
Dear Tower!!*,
It's a lot of responsibility. No, I will not send someone to beat up Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
::carries belongings to Reikaku with a happy grin:: I'm here to stay! Oh, I'm so happy I get to be the 'little sister'! Can I stay in your room? ::puppy eyes:: or Kouji's? I'll behave myself. ::snuggle:: I was so happy because soon you constellation can be see in my hemisphere^^, I'll get a perfect few for my birthday ib October. ::sniffle:: Since I'm a libra that makes you my astrological opposite(although we are still compatable, silly ne?) We are exactly six month's apart. Isn't that cool? I'm born on the 18th as well!
I just wanted to add: Nice speedo, dear. I guess that answers the "Boxers or briefs," question....speedo! Don't worry about Tama teasin' ya, I bet Tama can't pull off a speedo as well as you::blush::or many other bishies for that matter. If anyone can make a speedo seem manly YOU CAN! ::hug::
Dear GirlGenChan,
Thanks! *Grins* Ya' can stay in Kouji's room.
Dear Mitsukake,
Life is so hard, Mits...I try to be strong, but my invincibility is being beaten down. ;-; I don't know what to do anymmore...
Dear Kuro,
*Gives her a hug.* I'm here for you if you need someone to lean on.
Dear Tasuki,
**giggles** BIKINI, BIKINI, BIKINI, BIKINI, BIKINI!!!!! **nails SPEEDO pic all over bandit hideout** Look everyone! Your fearless leader wears BIKINIS!!!!! **rolls on the floor laughing** Ahaha!! That's just so funny! By the way! It's my 20th birthday, so you can't hurt me! **sticks tongue out, goes back to laughing** BIKINI! BIKINI! BIKINI! **nails more pics in hideout** Gen-chan's in a bikini! Bwahahahahaha!!!!
Dear Kokkei,
Is not!! It's a *+^%$#@ SPEEDO!!!
Dear Nuriko,
Ah I gotcha,you asked why is talking about cars weird? Well I'm a girl! Girl's are supposed to talk about boys,make up,parties,boys,make up parties,etc.etc. when I'm just the opposite. I can literatelly sit through a whole horror movie with OUT turning my head ONCE! Even through all the slashing,and blood guts pouring out,I can sit through all that. XD it's so weird. I was even tempted to go see Halloween Resurrection BY myself. o.o; but I didn't. *curses!* Anyways,as for Rico,well if you were or weren't paying attention we were actually talking a LOT at the party ^_^..which is unusual though,but for some odd reason I feel more comfortable around guys... (maybe it's because it's all I've been around since I was born?). But did CnA-chan,notice that Rico and I were talking a lot more in the hallway? XD... and uhm... standing a little too close to each other??? OOOH YEAH!!! Right now in my japanese class we're learning the hiragana chart,and I was actually able to read some characters! I was like frickin cool! XD. Anyways,I know I bored you to death... so... uh... Oyasuminasai!
Dear Shukumei,
Only stereotypical girls talk about those things. You are a well-rounded individual. So why should discussing cars be weird? I don't think she noticed, but she did say thanks for the Chemistry CD. We'll let you know when the next get together is.
Dear Chiriko,
*hugs Chiriko* you don't look like a girl. I've seen guys who look like girls. No offense to Nuriko, or anything...
Dear Ayame,
*Hugs her back* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi, it's me again ^^;; Well, a couple days ago I went to my cousin's house and just hung around for a while, and she told me that her sister found out about what she did to her leg, and ended up doing what I was going to do and talked to her @_@;; I dunno if she really is better or not, but for now all I can do is encourage her to ignore my aunt because she's just a crazy old woman, tell her how much I love her and give her all the deathly-tight hugs I can muster, ne? ^_~ I'm willing to do anything I can to help my cousin :)
And as for my aunt.. I don't know. I guess, I really don't want to get her help. It may sound cruel and horrible, but my entire life the only consolation I had at night when I would cry myself to sleep was that one day, she would be dead. I think that I hate her so much that I want her to stay just the way she is so that I can never have a reason to forgive her. Doesn't that sound really horrible of me? I could care less whether or not that old lune decides to change her ways, because I'll never ever forgive her for the decade of pain she's caused me, my sister, my cousins, and not to mention my entire family. I pity her because I know, deep down she has some issues that has had to have made her the way she is, but I'm not going to do anything about it. She made herself dead to me long ago and dug herself into a nice 12-foot grave; i'll be a monkey's blind, bald-headed uncle if i'll ever help her out x_X;; Okay.. I guess the main point that I'm trying to get across is that when she does die.. No one will cry at her funeral. And as horrible as it makes me seem saying this right now, I don't care, because she did it to herself.
Anyway... away from all that horrible angst locked inside of me @_@;; So yeah.. thank you for your help.. I'm going to keep a close eye on my cousin from now on.. I refuse to lose her to the likes of my Aunt! Pah! ^_^ Wish me luck, ne~!
*Gives everyone a hug and runs away*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Good luck! I can understand how you feel, but don't let it eat you up from the inside out! Keep an eye on your cousin and get her help if she needs it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hi! i have a "problem".. hehe.. ,__, and i was passing through your site so i thought why not... hmm..
see, i have this HuGe crush on a guy in my school. he's actually one of those "perfect" guys *and he's a heartthrob too* we know each other but only up to 'hi...hello' . *wow (x__x)* unfortunately, my friends found out about it and keep teasing me about it, especially in _front_ of him. now i'm too shy to say hello or do anything in front of him. i get really embarassed.
my friends say they're sorry but the damage has been.. damaged? done? *i'm not that good in english... sorry*
what should i do? a close friend of his told he he likes me too but he's also embarassed *probabaly my friends scared him off* what should i do?? (x_______x) thanks seishi!! *hugs and kisses*
Dear tin2,
I think the two of you need to go somewhere for a soda and talk without your friends tagging along. I also think your friends need to grow up a bit and stop teasing you guys. Good luck!
Dear Nuriko,
Hi! Gee, I haven't written you in a loooong time! ::glomps you:: How've you been? You remember a long time ago when I asked you what you thought I should do with my hair? Well I ended up getting blonde highlights in it, and it looks really good ^__^. Thanks! School starts for me on Monday, and I'm pretty excited, because I'll be a junior this year, and I'm on prom committee! ::bounces around:: The theme's gonna be Mardi Gras, in the French Quarter in New Orleans. I really can't wait. It's going to be really really fantastic...
Anyway, now I have an actual question. ^__^ OK, last night I was talking to this guy that I haven't known very long, but we have a lot of interests in common, and he trusts me with things he doesn't tell a lot of people (and I trust him too), and he's smart and creative and can always think of some little thing to do or say to make me feel better, and he *always* knows the kind of stuff I like....Anyway, all of a sudden he just randomly said "You know, you have a very beautiful name. 'Christi.' " And no one's ever said anything like that to me before. People all the time tell me I'm pretty or smart or something, but he has no idea how much that means to me, for him to say something that I think of as so insignificant is "very beautiful." But what I was wondering is...should I possibly take that as a hint that he likes me?
I haveta go now, but I'll talk to you later, kk? Love you, Nuriko! ::hugs and kisses you::
Dear Christi,
You're very welcome! Sounds like you have a busy year ahead of you. As to your question … YES!! Good luck!
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses him a bag of 100 ryou* just got my paycheck. Don't spend it all in one place! Um, actually, I need u to ask Miaka something for me... See, I'm having problems getting male attention, and it seems like I need to be blonde, tall, pencil-thin eyebrows, and perfect skin. Oh, and my hair needs to be long as well as blonde (no, I'm not aiming for a Nakago look *shudders in queasiness*) Could u ask her for some advice for me? Please? This whole thing is really bothering me, especially b/c my friends all brag about their bfs, and I have nothing to even say. *sighs sadly* thnx, Tama-san! *hugs for no apparent reason*
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: Tell Miaka I'll give her ten large pizzas with everything on them if she helps me. ^_^ Sayonara!!
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Arigato! She says that there is someone for everyone and you don't need to be all those things to get a boyfriend. Besides, if that's all he's interested in, he's as shallow as Nakago!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you guys ever considered have a LiveJournal community? If you had a community journal there, people could post questions for you right to the journal and they could be answered there. ::is addicted to LiveJournal right now::
Oh, and Nuriko, look here if you get a chance. Hehe. There's a pic of you there, 'cause you're one of my claims at a claiming community. ^___^ ::glomps Nuriko and runs off::
P.S. ::is so tired that she's hyper::
Dear Christi,
Interesting idea, but I don't think it will work for a large group of people. So, I'm your concubine, eh? *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
You're a really good singer. I like you're song seisunakutemo...Zutto is really cool. Do you have to practice to be that good? I take voice lessons but i could never hope to be that good. ^-^
Dear Kirsy,
Arigato! I'm sure yer a really good singer yerself.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you become a suzaku seishi? I wanna be one too!
Dear Kirsy,
One doesn't become a Seishi, one is born a Seishi, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Awww please! I have lots of money! Name your price! If you help me marry Tasuki i'll pay you anything ya want! PLEASE!
obssesed fangirl t.g
Dear obssesed fangirl t.g,
Nooo … There is not enough money to put up with the grief I'd get for trying that!
Dear Tasuki,
Konichiwa! I have a few questions for you!^-^ How do you get fangs like yours? Does your friend Koji like women? Well that's all for now! I eagerly await your reply.
The Pixies
P.S. Your so cool! I love you Tasuki!
Dear Pixies,
I was born wit' 'em! Yeah, he does. Thanks!
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: *kicks Kaiho away and clings to Tasuki*
Kaiho: ... daijobu ... ano ... what a baka. *shakes her head at Angel*
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
'Che! Women! >.<
Dear Tamahome,
I'm not paying you two gold ryu to answer a question. This is a response to a letter I have recently read in the archives. A letter from person named Francis. And I'd figured I'd put my two cents in. Miaka is a very sweet girl. I'll give her that. But at times, she seems a little *too* sweet. Sometimes it is all right to be selfish. That sweetness is what is grinding on fansgrils' nerves. That, and pure and simple jealously. I mean, why should *she* have all the guys? I speak from personal experience. That's why I lean more towards Yui. She seems to have more of a backbone. I eman, it's all well and good to be nice. But, is it worth being nice if it denies one their happiness?
Dear Mitzi,
That's a good point. But, in the end Miaka is "rewarded" for her selfless act so to speak.
Dear Tasuki,
I have good news!! Xia is doin' alot better now!! Im so Happy! ^-^ YAY! i got up sooo early today *yawns* im so tired. Me and my friends were running around the house acouple times for some odd was fun though! until i got really tired and fell on the ground..o.o they had to help me up ^^; ehehe and carry me to the house. lol ^^ We went swimmin' for a bit. then i went home and took a nap...a very very long nap. heh but im still tired. ^^ *gives him some sake and a hug* Thx for everythin! you were a BIG help! ^^ G2g, cya soon! Peace!!!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Yer welcome! I'm glad to hear yer friend is doin' better!
Dear Tasuki,
*sniffs and hugs him tight* I'm so confused... this past week has been really hard on me...
I went to Maine on Saturday so my parents could have some time together. On Sunday my great grama (she was at a nursing home) wasn't doing well at all, so my regular grammie went to see her. on Monday morning we got a phone call that dad had passed a kidney stone (not serious, but just adds to the mess) on Monday afternoon we got a call from the nursing home that they had put Great Grammie on morphine to relax her for her final hours and all (her husband died in April if you recall my other sad letter...) on Monday night they called and said that she had died, and I never got a chance to say bye or anything. I didn't want to remember her as sick and skinny as everybody said she was... and she wouldn't have known who I was anyway because of her alzhiemers...Her wake/funeral is tomorrow and Friday but I can't go because I'm getting oral surgery and I don't wanna have surgery cuz IM AFRAID OF NEEDLES! *pouts and clings*
I also thought I'd tell you... and whoever drew it... that Speedo pic is cute... the one thing that kept me sane this past week.
A very depressed Bon
Dear Bon,
*Sweatdrops* Glad ya' liked it. I'm really sorry to hear 'bout yer great grandma. *Gives her a hug.* Needles ain't nothin' to be afraid of! If ya' wanna, jus' imagine I'm there wit' ya' holdin' yer hand. OK? *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hi Nuriko! Just thought I'd drop you a line from Canada. I'm having a nice time, it's really hot. I'm in Canmore at the moment, and I've been to Edmonton and Vancouver where my sister lives. My money is running out on this computer so I can't type long. I hop eyou and all the seishi are well. *hugs* I'm flying back for the 31st, so I'll tell you all about my travels then. bai bai Lots of Love
Jennifer xxxxxxx
Dear Jennifer,
Cool! I'm glad you're having a good time. I gave Kelli your information. I don't know if she's had a chance to contact you yet.
Dear Nuriko,
Sorry I haven't written to you in a while. The chemo has been making me very tired.
This is just a short note, to let you know that I'm alright. Mik's been seeing me almost every day and Ishi's coming back all the time as well.
She stayed until the nurse kicked her out last night. It was my birthday. I was half awake. She stayed there, reading me my cards. She made me a stuffed doll. It's the most pathetic patched up little thing ever and I love it more than ten perfect dolls. She worked so hard, her fingers were all stabbed....
She kissed me good night when she left. I don't know what she meant by it. Maybe nothing..... but I want it to mean something. I don't know what to do with myself... She's so nice.
Dear Arisugawa,
I'm very glad to hear that they are with you every day! Let the kiss mean for now that she's a good friend. You need to put all your energy towards getting better. Odaijini! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
Ah, thank you for your patience and information. I'll put it to good use. *chuckles evilly* Heh-heh, I'm just kidding. Do you want to be friends?
Dear Rachael,
You're welcome! Sure!
Dear Tamahome,
hello, mr tamahome. I just want to say thank you for the jewelry box that I got for my birthday. It's from you, right? it says from you, and I heard miaka dropped it off. Very nice gift, okee dokee. Happy birthday to me!
love always,
Dear Allie,
You're very welcome! You should also check your email if you haven't already. Happy birthday!
Dear Tamahome,
Why are you so cute?
Dear Cheer,
I don't know. I guess I'm just drawn that way.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hey guys i only have one question.why isnt miaka in this page i think alot of ppl might want to ask her quetions.i think u might think about puting miaka on i think she might like it.
Dear sikora,
Because this is the "Ask the Suzaku Seishi" peeji and not the "Ask the Suzaku Seishi and their Miko" peeji. Gomen. Miaka does have her own sits and some of them are listed on our Links peeji.
Dear Nuriko,
i have a question what's in a nuriko special? it's been eating away at me forever! well,luv ya bunches *gives nuriko a hug*
Dear reni,
Sake, plum wine, and Chinese wine.
Dear Tamahome,
Someone hug me. My friend is finally in the hospital. *grabs Tamahome at random and squeezes*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Gives her a hug.* Why is she in the hospital? What happened?
Dear Tasuki,
Otay if you take a nap can i pway wif one of your fwiends? Pwease?
Dear Lita,
Sure! *Hands her to Tamahome.* He's good wit' kids.
Dear Chichiri,
Neeeee, if you're a monk, but you aren't really religious, does that mean you're a komuso? (I saw it in a book translated as "priest of 'empty nothing'" and got curious.)
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
I'm just a wanderer, no da. I'm considered a monk but I have no religious affiliation, no da. The translation I got of that word was: mendicant Zen priest of the Fuke sect (wearing a sedge hood and playing a shakuhachi flute). Interesting, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
*Smiles shyly* I thank you for the compliment, demo... I don't think so. However, I -do- have a drawing of you somewhere that I could send in...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Yer welcome. So, send it in! Unless it's an embarrassin' one…
Dear Hotohori,
*Tackles him and clings like the obsessed fangirl she is* ^^
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles and sweatdrops* So, is there a Speedo picture in MY future?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Neeeee, is the login page for the chat ever going to go back up?
Just curious
Dear curious,
It's been up for awhile. What error message are you getting? However, BeSeen is going out of business on the 26th so that will mean no more chatroom for awhile. Gomen minna.
Dear Chichiri,
My stupid Big Brother Has a stupid question for you. * pulls Cronos Theo out from behind a wall * Alright Stupid! Ask!
Cronos Theo: How exactly do you keep that mask on,dude? Is glue or somthing?
Stupid glue would hurt his face! * grabs mallet* Say what you're thinking and you'll get Mr.Womp!
Cronos Theo: Chichiri's an idiot!* runs away*
Never mind I dont have the time!
Thea and Cronos Theo
Dear Thea and Cronos Theo,
It's magic, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
what is your family like? i never heard any thing about your family.
Dear Kourin,
They are all dead, no da. They perished in the same flood that took my fiancée and best friend.
Dear Tasuki,
hi taski!! i just wanted to know another reason y u hate girls other then living with 6 girls?
Dear Kourin,
Ain't that reason enough?
Dear Tasuki,
*Sneaks up behind Tasuki, grabs a huge log and throws it at him* *Log hits Tasuki in the head* MWAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! *Runs away* Betcha can't catch me! *Sees sake* Ooh, sake! *Steals sake and continues running*
Aidou's Protege
Dear Headache,
*Takes off after the fake Aidou.*
Dear Tasuki,
hello big brother! I have a picture of Lita if You'd like it . Oh.. Ma's drivin' me nuts she wants you to visit home, she made you some stuff.. oh yeah.. here * tosses over a new jacket.with a loud yawn..* Be nice to Lita or I'll bash your head in with a rice steamer..
Your loving sister, Aidou
Dear Fake Aidou
Ok, ya' can't be my sister 'cos she ain't younger than me!
Dear Mitsukake,
Ehh, you're right. -_-;;; No matter how much either of them has screwed up my life, revenge is bad. After I wrote the ltter to you, I felt bad and gave the letter back. Before I even read your response. --;;; I act rashly though, because they keep getting all up on me. I know it's not a legitimate excuse, but they keep getting me stressed out so my patience is paper thin, and the fact that my parents won't do anything makes it worse. So, yeah. I'll just bear it for a while longer. Thanks for putting up with my random act of meanness. See, that's why you're cool. Yo!
Ash-chan (I guess Dewdrop 'Venom' holds truth..)
Dear Ash-chan ,
I'm glad you gave the letter back. I'm just sorry that they are driving you so crazy.
Dear Emma-chan,
Tamahome: LOL* Tasuki's in a tutu!!
Tasuki: *Smacks Tamahome in the head with his tessen…*
Tamahome: ITAI!!!
Tasuki: Yer NOT funny! An' I AIN'T in a *^%$#@+ tutu konoyarou!
Tamahome and Tasuki
Dear Nuriko,
Thanks for the tips! Anyway you say you love Hotohori but you also say you love Miaka. So...Who do you love?Anyway I love you toooooo!*glomp*
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
You're welcome! I care very deeply for both of them.
Dear Hotohori,
What's your seishi ablity?
Dear Rumiko,
Master swordsmanship.
Dear Chichiri,
Hiya! Thank You for answering my letter. Well, we fought beacause of misunderstanding with each other. We tried to talk to our adviser but she was quite too busy as of now. She can't see the root of our main problem. We're trying to make up. Because our adviser last year helped us. She seems to be a sister to us actually.
No, we never fought because of power nor who'll rank the best. But many of us wants the topnotchers to make up their downfall.
Ah, you seem to be very tired answering letters and protecting Miaka. So, I decided to give you a ticket to a fishing outlet! Use the rod I gave and give yourself a rest! Hope you enjoy!
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
Arigato, no da. It sounds like you are starting to work things out. That's good, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
hey Aniki! well this lil party wasnt my idea it was Kouji's,*giggles* cause well i cant say, but thats not why im here now! thought you didnt like girls? ok then why do ya like Rei-Rei then?
Dear Kylie,
They're generally a pain, but Rei-Rei was different.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay, there's this guy I have a crush on at my school. His name is Steven, and he is the definition of the perfect guy. He's caring, compassionate, unselfish, sings beautifully, and is EXTREMELY gorgeous, a rare combination at the school I attend. I want to tell him my feelings, but there is a rumor going around that he is gay.
I don't know if the rumor is true, and I'm afraid to ask him if it is for fear of ruining our friendship. I also don't want to confess my feelings to him only to find out that he has no interest in girls. What should I do?
On the other hand, I also have a stalker of sorts. My best friend Christina tries to act innocent and coincidental when she follows me to my classes, but I know that she has a crush on me. She blushes when I talk to her, and she stutters when she talks to me. She also has little hearts scribbled all over her notebook, along with both our names.
I don't mind that she has a crush on me. In fact, I'd rather she swoon over me than one of our school's many jocks. The problem is, I don't want to hurt her feelings if I start going out with someone. How do I let her know that I care for her, but not in the way she cares for me, without hurting her feelings?
Thanx Lots. *Hands over two huge bags of homemade candies and cookies* Be sure to give one of these to Miaka, you guys.
A Confused Girl Caught In a Love Triangle
Dear Confused,
Well, if you tell him you like him as more than a friend and he tells you he's gay, that is not a rejection of you personally and you'll know if the rumors are true without hurting his feelings and still remaining friends. As for your best friend, let her know that no matter who you date, you and she will always be friends. This way, if she hasn't come out to you or you are misreading her, neither of you will be embarrassed. Good luck!
Dear Tasuki,
hey Aniki! i came to deliver a message! ^^;;; Kouji told me to tell you that he ate all of your sake flavored ice-crem that that he'll pound ya later! ^^ any messages back?
Dear Kylie,
Yeah, tell 'im if he made Aidou cry, I'm gonna kick his ketsu!
Dear Tamahome,
hey tama do u know any webpages that u can translate english into japanese? i really need to know >.>.oh and if u find one thats good enough ill give u a presant or 2!! try to help me look imma search to but just incase i want u to help me if thats not a problem.your gift will be waiting ^^ lol.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Just thought you might like to know Pioneer is releasing Eikou Den in November. Which is just intime for me to tell my friends to get it for me for christmas ^_^ Of course I want the special edition one.....just because its a special edition hehehe....(by the way im rambling on and on about it just incase one of my friends reads this >)) There also releasing X the tv series that i just bought a few weeks ago in September. Well im off once i find whos releasing Inu-Yasha my mission will be complete.
Dear Tana,
Arigato for the information!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chiriko,
*pats Chiriko on the head* I'm being a caring person!
Anyway, since you're upset, I'll send you my letter to Mitsukake instead of Mitsukake, actually. Mitsukake is sexy, don't you think? I know our kids would be cute. Unfortunately, he does not share the same thoughs. ;-;
Back on my topic, I have lately been obsessed with a game called 'Bust A Move/Groove' for reasons unknown. One of the songs played (it's a dancing game), 'Natural Playboy', I have memorized the lyrics to and have created mediocre dance steps for. I've also stuck the songs in my friend's heads. Bwa ha ha. :) Boromir rules.
Er.. I was supposed to write a letter as if I were sailing to North America.. which was back in the.. somethinghundrends.. And I wrote to skipping, describing that Legolas kept asking if he was pretty, Mitsukake falling overboard (e.e Through no fault of my own), and Boromir being severely wounded. ^^' I still remember a line.. 'Dude! Those aren't indians! They're like, named Bobsomething, and stuff. Wow, man, you must be, like drunk or something..' Imagine an extremely long paragraph written in that way. o.x; Me + Wanting to go home = that.
I'm confident I can draw someone now! Pick someone, Chiriko. Pick what you want me to draw them as, too. Something like.. Mitsukake falling off a roof! Er.. Ignore that. ^^''
Since I realized you don't get many letters too often, I'll alternate between you and Mitsukake, okay? ^_^ Consider me a big brother.. sister.. whatever. ^^;;;
Ash-chan, feeling happy
Dear Ash-chan,
Arigato for trying to cheer me up! How about drawing Tama-neko?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yes to all of the above questions... except that the other guy's plastic bumper was cracked. D@mn deer guard.... -.-
Dear Ayame,
Thank goodness you're ok! Bumpers can be replaced, you can't!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
grrr...why does life always choose to go bad on nice people? it's not fair! my friend is having fights with her sister, and they're getting to the point where they're ripping each other's stuff up! this is making me go, "wow, what the h*ll could you ever do to each other?"
well...they're working it out (or trying to...)
dang. i really dislike monday. it was very bad because people who don't like me in class keep coming up to me...waaaaah...and i don't know what to say no da! what do you say to someone you've previously had wars with when they come up to you no da!?!
Dear Aisho,
Hello is always a good start, no da. Siblings fight, but they do get over it. I'm sure your friend and hr sister will work things out, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My dad abandoned my mother and I when I was 7 (for another woman.) He was abusive, drank, and did drugs in front of me, but i maintained a relationship over the phone with him. Last December I broke off the relationship because he would lie to me, say he was going to take me away from my mother, and my step mom was horrible to me. Ever since then I've felt empty and horrible. I dont know why. Ive been less happy and social. Theres so much I fell Im missing out on without a father. I'll be 13 soon and im going into 7th grade soon, so I need a lot of support and comfort that my single mom cant give because she works all the time. I want to know weather or not to try to re-establish a relationship.
Jessica Brittney
Dear Jessica Brittney,
You can certainly try, however, the relationship that you had does not sound very healthy for you. I think you might be better off to contact Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. They are a national organization that mentors young people from single parent families. They can tell you how to contact your local chapter.
If you'd rather not go that route perhaps there is a teacher or friend you can turn to. Whatever you choose, I'll be there for you. Good luck! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tamahome,
how long iss dah great wall of china?
Dear jamez,
It is over 6000 kilometers in length.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi Tasuki-kun *waves to him with a smile then sneezes* am sorry..I got the summmer cold alittle..came all of sudden..*sighs alittle then stops*
Oh I like to tell you I made another wedsite base on your buddy, Kouji.
You guys now have a site that is the same just like best friends. ^^
here the link if you want to see it and show Kouji:
*shivers by her cold and covers herself with a blanket* How's the rose I gave you?
Well with this summer cold, I can't do to much...just drink water, soup and rest. I hope to get well soon..*smiles and sneezes again*
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
Nice website! Ya' still gotta run a spellchecker over 'em, but they look good! Th' rose is fine. I hope ya' feel better!
Dear Tamahome,
Hee hee hee...oops...sorry..I do like you though...My sister is in love with you...You know what? I'm happy that you and Miaka are together. I mean, a lot of people (namely, rabid fangirls) hate her, but...even though she's annoying...I'm happy that you're together. It must be lovely.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Arigato for your kind words!
Dear Chichiri,
Will you be okay? *cries* Not my sweet Chichiri! *huggles*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
I'm going to be fine, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
You shouldn't beat Chiri up! That's not very nice. Oh well, I still love you bunches...
I think I'm going to do one of each of the choices, then I'll send the one that came out the best to you. Naturally, I'm going to lean towards chocolate and bondage, but punkin' sounds pretty good, too...*yum, num*
I'm not sure exactly how I did it, but I believe I have permanently killed my back. It hurts soooo much! ;.;
I could use a good massage... *wink, nudge* Gomen, I get a little carried away... *gives him an apologetic choco cupcake*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
He'll be fine! Mitsukake already healed him! Thanks fer th' cup cake! Massage?? @_@ *Sweatdrops*
Dear Tamahome,
well, first things first.*gives Tamahome 2 gold ryou* Anywayz, now to my questions.
1. what is your favorite color?
2. how many children do you and Miaka have?
3. if you never met Miaka, what would you be doing instead of protecting her?
well, that's all. pls. give this to Miaka for me!! *hands a whole bag of cookies* bye 4 now!!!
Dear SnM-chan,
Arigato for the cookies!
1. The color of okane
2. 1
3. Working and taking care of my family.
Dear Tasuki,
So its true!? You and Kouji! You really went to a brothel? Oh. My. God. ::shocked:: And you said you hated girls ::shakes head:: Well I guess you are a guy, and that's just the stuff you do. ::tries to except the cruel truth:: Then I guess here's a whole new question. If you hate girls, but not in THAT way, does that mean you could fall in love with a girl? If it that you just dislike having to deal with girls? Is that where the true 'hate' lies? Not that you truly hate them but dislike having to deal with their character traits? I can see how you could. I HATE girls as well...and I hate guys^^. Girls are just NOT fun and annoying. Guys are more fun, but when it comes to the emotional stuff, they are so think.
So I can be a little sister to ya guys hm? YAY! I'm moving in! ::packs bags:: that I know you guys go out to a brothel....should I be qworried? ::finds chastity belt and chains it on self:: Alright, now I'm ready! I'm not a sniveling little girl! I can take anything! Hit me with your best shot buddy...::fighting growl::
Dear GirlGenChan,
We ain't gonna do THAT to ya'! 'Che! >.< Yeah, ya' can be our lil' sister.
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: *looking at pictures* Ooh Kouji....hehe....he's so hot!! *_*
Kaiho: Please. Tama's better.
Angel: Nuh uh. Kouji is miiiiiine.
Kaiho: Fine I get my favorite pyro Tasuki!! *glomps Tasuki around his middle and sticks her tongue out at Angel*
Angel: *promptly starts crying* No fair!! You can't have nii-san!!
Kaiho: Well since YOUUUUU have Kouji, I CAN have him!! Mwuah!
Angel: *continues crying*
Angel and Kaiho
Dear Angel and Kaiho,
*Sweatdrops at all the crying.*
Dear Hotohori,
*dancing and singing* " The Phantom of the Opera is here inside my mind." Hello again Your Majesty! I just saw The Phantom of the Opera yesterday and it was great! The music. The dancing. The pasion.
"Obsession...jealousy...rage...they are the dark side of love." "Sing my angel of music!" This play is one I will never forget. It was beautiful!
Dear Guardian,
I'm very glad you enjoyed it! *Smiles*
Dear Nuriko,
XD I should've known that. *Shakes head* I am so stupid Nuriko! I dunno why,but for some reason I put "J" (John x.x) instead of "R" (Rico). Ooopsie. Oh well. Know anything about Rico? ^^;; And as for Satoshi,well...I guess you would say I still like him,but I'm kinda getting tired of waiting for him all the time. I mean I asked him out in June,and here it is the middle of August,so I figured well I probably shouldn't be waiting for someone who's supposedly busy all the time,so I'm gonna look around for some more. And yes,I do think John is cute,but I do think Rico is cuter. *blush*. It was kind of weird standing in the hallway hearing Rico and John's story about some guy pulling a gun on them. O.o;; I mean (Miko-chan),and John were like starring at each other smiling and such,Rico was like starring at me,not moving his eyes when he was telling the story. I was like o.o;; uhm...ok...does that mean anything? O.o; All this guy stuff confuses me. I mean,John has a girlfriend,but yet I guess he was looking or whatever you want to call it,and Rico well I dunno Rico has a girlfriend or not,but he was like completely looking in my eyes the whole time he was telling the story. Could you tell,I didn't know what to do,or was a little weirded out by it? What does that mean? O.o; And at the party,I dont' know what this happened but most of the girls including CnA were in the kitchen,the guys were in the livingroom talking about cars,I just waltzed right in the room and started talking about cars with them. How weird ne? O.o;; So uh...yeah...what does that mean when a guy looks only at you directly into your eyes,and tell's a story? O.o;; *sweatdrops*
Dear Shukumei,
I don't know much about him, but he seems like a nice guy. I don't think he has a girlfriend. Eye contact can indicate interest or it can mean he was just focusing on you when he was telling you the story. Why is talking about cars weird?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiiiiii! I wanted to thank you for being so cool, so I decided to get you some gifts. But...I couldn't think of anything original, so I just decided to give you what everyone else gives you. *smiles*
Okies...for Tamahome, I got you a Hotohori plushie! Now you can cuddle him all you want. ~_^
For Hotohori, I'll give you 50 gold ryou! Don't spend it all in one place! =P
For Nuriko, I'm giving you the latest set of Encyclopedia Britannica! Now you can read about stuff in our time!
For Chichiri, well, I didn't know what to get you, so I'll just give you a Super Soaker. If you don't like it, you can take it to the nearest Kmart and trade it in for 200 water grenades.
For Tasuki, you get a mirror! It's portable, so now you can look at your beautiful self whenever you want to.
For Mitsukake, I didn't know what to get you, either, so I'll just give you a chicken! But don't eat it! It's a SPECIAL chicken. ^_^
And Chiriko, I got you some sake.
Hope you enjoy!
A very mixed-up and disturbed Rachael
P.S. Here was my exact reaction to the "speedo pic".
*sees Speedo pic* *glasses fog up*
EEEEEEEEEK! *dashes off to her own website*
Tracey: Rachael, what HAPPENED?
Rachael: Daaaahhhhh... that... that... it... I... picture... scary... wearing... almost... nothing...s peedo... only...
James: I think she saw the Speedo pic.
Tracey: Ah.
Dear Rachael,
Arigato for the presents. Gomen nasai for the shock.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Chichiri,
Hey, man, My friend has an army called H*ll chibis....... Should i join it? and hey man, gimmie so tips on my temper, cause ill just explode on Cheapahome.
Dear Tower!!*,
It doesn't sound lke a good idea, no da. Tamahome is greedy, but he isn't cheap. Try counting to 10 before you say something if you're angry, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
I had been doing some research and there is this little myth that I found interesting. If someone is born with a birthmark under their eye is means that the person with live with many sorrows, or lack of emotion because the mark is in the way of them showing their tears. I found that kindah interesting being that I, like you, have a birkmark under my eye (the right one in my case). And then I also read about it being a sign of unrequited romances....feh. What do you think about that?
Dear GirlGenChan,
It sounds like I fit ALL those myths!
Dear Chichiri,
Hello again *sits down nervously* Um, I'm starting school here in a few days *taps foot nervously* and, I was wondering if u had any words of wisdom for me. I'm really nervous about this, especially because I had a rough year last year. *hugs and whimpers nervously* Arigato, Chichiri.
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Study hard, have fun making new friends, and do your best, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tamahome,
>.> ya great advice.but i dont think my fellings for them will ever change for as long as i know them,cause there used to be rumers around about my X-friend and after a while they seemed to be coming true.but enough of that friend cr*p i dont know why im asking u o.o or anyone for that mater.but oh well.gtg the computer is getting very very boreing.
ps:sorry if i was being so dramatic >.> i quess i just got over my happenes...alot -.-.*thinks to herself:man do i need to go back to school soon,im even forgeting how to speel the easy words o.o*
Dear sikora,
It's ok. I'm sure you'll find a way to deal with it.
Dear Chiriko,
WHy do you look like a girl???
Dear Ishboo,
*His Seishi symbol disappears and he starts to cry.*
Dear Tasuki,
Thx Tasuki..Thx for everything *smiles and gives him a hug*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Yer welcome! *Grins*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Yo, well anyhoo, whats with you all fallin' for Miaka? I mean only three people don't fall for her, I mean she's a total gluttton fools! Love ya!
Dear liz,
She is also very sweet, kind, caring, and unselfish.
Dear Tasuki,
whats going on with you an' kouji
Dear liz,
Nothin'. Why?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hello Mitsu-san(can i call you that?)! XD I have a question for you.. is it hard to take care of a pet? I would like to have a kuro-neko at my home.. ^^;; they're soo kawaii! *patts Tama-neko* you're also cute!
Dear Kuriichan,
I suppose you can. Taking care of any pet is a big responsibility. You have to clean up after it, feed, play with it, keep it safe and healthy. In short, you are responsible for another life. I hope you're up to it!
Dear Chichiri,
ooii Chichiri! Long time no see! :D *pheeww* what a long vacation I had O.O 4 long weeks in Poland..,_, quite fun, but it was sometimes boring.. XD(I'm such a pessimist*lol*)
What have you done lately? Fishing I guess!? ^^
Anoo... can't calm myself. I feel so nervous, because I'm going to a highschool for the first time in my life! ;_; I feel so afraid..
ano, if I'm correct, you didn't go to school when you were younger, ne? Then how come that you're so smart and wise? XD silly question, I know..
Anyways, got to go now, sayonara! ^o^
Dear Kuriichan,
I had no formal education, but I learned a lot from Taiitsukun, no da. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya! I hope you could help me with my problem...
My class's started a fight. All of us were affected. Since we're together maybe about 7 yrs. Since our childhood(We're the Section 1).
We fought and it's not over 'til now. I tried to stop and be a peacemaker but they showered me with bad words.
We don't treat each other the same as before beacause our adviser is not the same as before. We don't fight actually. But now, I don't really know what happened. I want this to stop. Because this year would be the last. With the fact of we'll graduate soon. How can we make this year memorable if we'll fight? Please help me...
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
What did you fight over, no da? Perhaps you can talk to your old advisor and see if they can help, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
Aniki! I'm back! Can you, can you help me? Well, I'm ranking one of the top in our level. But my problem is many tries to put me down.
I'm fighting, that's why I don't fail. But if this'll continue, there's a possibility I'll really be down. At this rate I'm looking forward for "real" friends. **thanks for all the help. here take this new fishing rod.
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
Arigato and congratulations on yiyr top level ranking, no da. Is this related to your claSs fighting, no da?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*Comes running..* I'm fianlly free from our exams! Time to enjoy. How do you think I can enjoy such without anyone?
My friends're busy with many things... I'm a bit lonesome... Would you accompany just for awhile?
Here have some chocolates. By the way, if you were chocolates what would you want to be (how sweet are you anyway?)
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
I'll come with you! I guess I would be green tea chocolates.
Dear Nuriko,
Yes! ^^ Soccer! You could kick the best goals! Cuz...people would be scared to block your kicks 'cause you'd hurt them cuz you're so strong ^^ *pets Nuriko's hair then prances off*
Dear Kokoro,
I may consider it.
Dear Tasuki,
*sees Speedo pic*.....*breaks into hysteracial laugher* HA!HA!HA!HA!
Oh my lord! How much do you owe THIS kid?! Your in a F***in' BIKINI!!!! *Walks casually over to the copy mechine* Now if you don't want all your bandit buddies to know about this...then lets me take the tests to get it the Mt. Reikaku Bandits! Im a shoe-in!! Cmon!!! *Devilish smile* Unless, of course, you would like KOUJI to see this *waves picture in front of Tasukis face* *Tasuki grabs for it* *yanks it away* Oh no you don't! Listen, i'll make ya a little deal- You let me take the test- i burn the picture-whadda say Tasuki? The ball's in yer court. *Fanged Smile*
Dear FireFly,
Don't matter what ya' show to 'em! *Shows her Kouji's room with the poicture posted in it.* An' it's NOT a *(^%$#@ BIKINI!! It's a *(+^%$@ SPEEDO!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hiya all!! Its me, FireFly!
I got a few question for ya...ya'll gotta answer each question
1.) If you guys COULD cross over to this world...would any of you ever consiter comin' to my place? *wink wink*
2.) Whats your favorite icecream flavor?
3.) Favorite color?
4.) Favorite food? (sake doesn't count Tasuki! *Fanged Grin*)
5.) If any of you had a girlfriend...what would she look like? What would she act like? (you can't say "I don't want a girlfreind"!!)
*Fanged Grin* Hope ya had fun! Write me back!
Dear FireFly,
Here's your answers:
1. Maybe ...
2. Chichiri: Blueberry, no da!
Tamahome: Strawberry
Tasuki: Vanilla
Nuriko: Chocolate
Mitsukake: Rocky Road
Chiriko: Green tea
Hotohori: Chocolate
3. Tamahome: The color of money. O-ka-ne! Some things NEVER change.
Tasuki: Either fiery orange like my hair or anythin' th' color of booze.
Hotohori: Any color that accentuates my natural beauty.
Chichiri: Blue, no da.
Mitsukake: Yellow
Chiriko: Green
Nuriko: Purple or any color that highlights my beautiful hair!
4. Chichiri: Fish, no da!
Tamahome: Whopper with cheese
Tasuki: Steak! Char-grilled!
Nuriko: Fruit
Mitsukake: Vegatables and fruits
Chiriko: Green tea ice cream
Hotohori: Chocolate ice cream
5. Chichiri: Like my late fiancee, no da
Tamahome: Miaka
Tasuki: I guess like Rei-Rei.
Nuriko: Like Hotohori!
Mitsukake: Like Shoka.
Chiriko: I'm too young for this!
Hotohori: Like Houki.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
*gives him a big hug* no be sad Uncle Shun'u i will pway wif you *grins*
Dear Lita,
Nah, thanks, but I thought ya' wanted me to play wit' yer wolf. If he don't wanna play, I'd rather get some sleep.
Dear Hotohori,
hi. i want to see if you can guess who this is. since i havn't written to you in a while i thought it might be fun. clue 1: i ask you the weirdest questions. clue 2: my TWIN writes you every day and now calls herself GUARDIAN. clue 3: i was the one who "freaked out" when you hugged me. by the way my twin was exaggerating when she said i was jumping around when you hugged me. what really happened was that my eyes grew extremly large and i yelled to the neighborhood "hotohori hugged me" that's all i did. now that i've given you more than enough clues can you guess who i am.
p.s i'm seeing The Phantom of the Opera this weekened.
Dear ?,
I beleive that she used to sign as "curious fan" and you would sign as "other curious fan". Right?
Dear Hotohori,
Hotohori. *bows deeply and looks up with a smile* It's so good to write to you again. I hope you haven't forgotten all about me. Anyways I'm here at my mom's house for the weekend and tomorrow I'm going to see The Phantom of the Opera! I can't wait. Oh, I almost forgot. I wrote a poem about you and one about Nuriko. Would you like to hear yours? And can you ask Nuriko if he would like to hear the one about him? (actually in the poem Nuriko is a she). *bows again and blows a kiss* I'll write to you again soon.
Dear Guardian,
Of course I remember you! Enjoy yourself at Phantom. I'd love to hear you poem as I sure would Nuriko.
Dear Tamahome,
Um... *nervous sweatdrop* I suppose now you know I have a HUGE crush on Nuriko...I've only seen the first 10 eps, so I don't know what happens, or who gets married, or what...
You won't tell Nuriko about this, will you? *blushes* Oh, and other than you and Hotohori, the other seishi are single, right? I mean, I'm not going to ask any of them to be my boyfriend (but I can dream, can't I?) but it's nice to hear it. *lets out a sigh of relief* Okay, I feel better...other than the fact that I wish I could dive under a bench. I've done stupider things before, so...Bye! ^^
By the way...I think you and Miaka are cool. Really. I'm not just saying that. Okay now, better leave before I tick someone off (why, I don't know...I have a knack for saying stupid things.)
Rachael no BAKA
Dear Rachael,
Arigato for your kind words. I won't tell Nuriko. Yes, they're all single. Although, Chichiri does have an Aijin and an Aisai.
Dear Tasuki,
The one that would be with Kouji, because thats who she was with...
Dear someone,
Aidou? Guess I gotta talk to Kouji ... What th' h*ll did he do now?
Dear Mitsukake,
My eyes are all red and puffy. ;-; Why does my life suck so much? I mean really, do I strike you as a bad person? Why are so many bad things always happening to me? Is it because I dwell on the bad things? Well I admit that may be part of it. I better stop right now before I start ranting. Just do me a big favor and tell me not to kill myself...
Dear Kuro,
Please don't even consider killing yourself as an option! I really don't know why bad things happen to good people. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Do you have more that one type of mask and how did you get your scar?
Chibi Nekojin
Dear Chibi Nekojin,
That's the only type of mask I have, no da. I was injured trying to save my best friend.
Dear Tasuki,
Sounds good to me! When can we have this little *ahem* brawlin'/ drinkin' match of ours? I'm ready when you are! (grabs a huge bottle of sake and hands one to Tasuki) Good luck! Yer gonna need it! (winks and drinks the sake all in one gulp) Yer turn tough guy!
Dear FireFly,
*Has already downed his 1st and 2nd and is working on his third.* I think we've already started.
Dear Tasuki,
hey Aniki *clears her throat* i seen the pic...*sighs* dont worry though ill make sure Kouji dont see it! well i wanna invite ya to my bandit party! ^^ sake and all that other good stuff is gonna be there! lemme know if you can come!
Dear Kylie,
Mebbe. When is it?
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can we have a vote? Should I draw Tas-chan:
A: Fluffed up;
B: Punkin';
C: Edible (well, almost...>) )
What do you guys think? (I just KNOW what Tama-baby is gonna say...)
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Well, Tamahome got voted down by us and beaten up by Tasuki for his vote of "fluffed up". The rest of us wisely chose "punking". Although Chichiri did point out that since Tasuki drinks so much perhaps that should have been "puking, no da" Mitsukake is treatng him for a slight skull fracture caused by a flying tessen.
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