Dear Tasuki,
*smiles* You know how much I love you? *holds arms out wide* Even more than this!!
Which do you like better, chocolate or vanilla? *drools at mentioning of choco* Mmmmmmmm-mmmmmmmm. I could use some of that. Did you know you're supposed to have just a little chocolate each day for the dopamene (sp?) in your brain? It helps with depression, among other things.
So how shall I draw you next? Tied up, covered in whipped cream? Wearing a fluffy bathrobe (oi, I didn't say pink!), dressed as a bunny? Oh ho ho ho... the possibilities are truly astounding... I think I'll draw you in some leather...not bondage, but nice.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Chocolate. *Sweatdrops* I think ya' need to draw Hotohori next! An' I was already drawn in a pink bunny suit! >.<;;; NOT WHIPPED CREAM!!!!! Don't give 'em any ideas!!! A bathrobe? What th' *^%$???
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
*snifls and cries a little* I.... I got into an accident... it was just a fender bender... but.... *breaks down sobbing*
Dear Ayame,
*Gives her a hug.* Are you ok? Id the car ok? Is the other person ok? Are you insured?
Dear Tasuki,
Now I know how you bishies feel T.T after the convention my back was killing me, I had been jumped by way to many fan girls when I was dressed as you! I had a great time yelling at one of the suzaku's I met. When the convention started it was POURING rain. Luckily it stopped long enough for me to walk from my hotel to the convention. Then I yelled at Suzaku for making in rain and almost making (me) Tasuki wear a poncho! Sorry to say it but you are definetly NOT a poncho person. Heh. if I could have gotten away with sake, I would have been carrying that around. Now that I think of it...I should have just grabbed some apple juice and said IT WAS SAKE! Oh well, the AA meeting joke was pretty good, especially when a Kouji I ran into and accused me of being a traitor. ::grr::
Once thing I forgot to add was a little dare I had to do ^-^ As female Ranma I walked around and into all the men's rooms. When I got there a bunch of guys stared at me oddly (how could you blame them?) So then I just looking down at myself and laugh, "Oh...opps, wrong sex." sometimes I am just EVIL. Oh well.
So I'm gonna bug ya again...can I be a bandit? PLEEEZZZ! I'm darn right cute, I can fight, and I rock with a 20 guage! I can be 'one of the guys'. I always have been ^^ since most of my friends are guys anyhow. I don't drink so count me out of that. But I can help you guys out if you need an aspirin after your stupor ::grin::
And there's another thing I wanted to ask, although you may have been asked it before. I read that Kouji had to take you to a brothel as your 'final' right to become a bandit, that all bandits needed some 'experience' with women. Is this true? But you hate women! so does that mean your NOT a virgin? Embarrassing question hm? Well this had been buggin' me for a while. I think that's all I have on my mind for now. Bai~
Dear GirlGenChan,
Ya' can be a lil' sister to us bandits since ya' don't drink. Yeah, yeah, Kouji an' all that ... I don't hate 'em THAT way!
Dear Nuriko,
I know that you have accepted your sister's death, cut your hair, and now live as a man, but how do you feel about some people still refering to you as a "she"?
You were the epitome of woman-hood, Nuriko-san! Beauty, brains, and great fashion sense. ^_^ You were a "she" for so long (and looked so good while doing it,too! I'm jealous! ^_^) that some people (including myself, I must admit) still say "she."
Do you mind this? o.o??
Sailor Event Horizon (SEH)
Dear Sailor Event Horizon,
Not really, I'm pretty used to it by now.
Dear Nuriko,
*looks at Nuriko with a weird glance* Roving eye? O.o;;; *sits down* I have no idea what that means...could you please explain?? O.o;
Dear Shukumei,
He loves checking out the ladies.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki, i havent seen yaz in a while, man..... Wussap? Me and da band just had Breakfast at denys.... So, why you call russ unintellegant? He may be stupid, but not unintellegant.... anyway, to finish this letter off.... i give you these *gives him a signed copy of the Gorrilaz CD and a sack o money* Enjoy kid. Flava of life.
Dear 2-D,
Thanks. I said he was unintelligible. Ya' know, he makes no sense. Ain't stupid an' unintelligent th' same thin'?
Dear Tasuki,
*pours a cup of Spanish Coffee*
Judging by what you've been hearing over THAT PICTURE (no need to go into detail), you probably want a good stiff drink or two...or three. *hands bandit the coffee* It's got twice the usual amount of kahlua and brandy in it, and I even put in a tiny bit of Vodka. You look like you need it. Don't drink it too fast, though. It'll knock you off your butt.
Today has been kind of a nerve-racking day for me too. I just had a phone interview for a job. Three people interviewed me at the same time. Believe me, phone interviews are scarier than face-to-face interviews because you can't see the people who are scrutinizing you to see if you can do the job or if they should consider someone else whose a better fit. At least if they're sitting in front of you, their mannerisms and reactions to your answers are a lot easier to gauge. I really hope I can get working again in the near future. There's a car I want to buy, and I don't like being between jobs. I like to be busy and learning new skills.
Anyway, don't let that picture get to you too much. Yes, it's very well-done, but who knows? Maybe someone will draw a picture of one of the other seishi wearing *ahem* something similar.
But enough about THAT. *pours more kahlua, brandy and Vodka into the Spanish Coffee* Have another.
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Thanks fer th' coffee! Yer right! I needed it! @_@;;; Have ya' tried postn' yer resume on th' Internet? Ya' know Dice,, Hot Jobs? Jus' tryin' to help wit' th' job hunt. Ganbatte kudasai! I'm sure ya'll get one soon!
Dear Nuriko,
I have plain,short hair and I don't know what to do with it1 I mean I can't clip it up with some bararettes(is that the way to say it?)because my hair is too heavy. What can I do~~~~!
Flying heart
Dear Flying heart,
Have you tried pretty combs or clips? Perhaps adding some streaks or highlights to it? You stylist may be able to cut it so it frames your face differently. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If it's Halloween, and you all have to dress up as something (not urself) what would you dress up as? ^__~
Dear Yushi,
This has been asked and ansered many times, no da. You'll have to wait till October when we post our Halloeween picture, no da.
Dear Chiriko,
*pats Chiriko on the head* o.o're smaaaart, ne? ^^ Me too! I got four As on my report B-...and a C+ e.e...but...we're both smart. o.o So...that's good....I're you, short-stuff? o.o
Dear Kokoro,
Congratulations on your grades! You should try to improve in the C+. Ganbatte kudasai! I'm fine and yourself?
Dear hj,
Hi yourself! *Smiles*
Dear Tamahome,
*Crawls over to Tama* Where Mama an Papa...? *sniffles and looks around for Sora* My head hurts... *rubs a cut on his left temple* Sora hit!
Dear Areos,
*Looks at Sora who's been asleep for awhile.* When did this happen? *Cleanses and bandages the tiny cut.*
Dear Nuriko,
should i cut my hair to my shoulders or just trim it. i want to look good for school its a hard desision. Which style Will look better?
Dear michaelyn,
Without knowing what you look like that's a hard one! The safest thing for me to say at this point is to get it trimmed and not cut.
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: *pouts* Aw!! Why you no fry Kaiho? She's MEEEEAN.
Kaiho: *sweatdrops* I am not..tell her Tamahome!!!
Angel: He doesn't like you.
Kaiho: Yeah? Well Tasuki HATES you!
Angel: Iie!!!!! DOES NOT!!!!!... Do you nii-san?
Angel and Kaiho
Dear Angel and Kaiho,
We don't hate either of ya'! An' I ain;t fryin' either of ya' either!
Dear Tasuki,
**cracks up at Speedo pic**
Ne, Gen-chan... that's great for blackmail... **makes copies** If you don't want allllll your bandit buddies seein' this... maybe you'll let me be in the bandits now. Huh? C'mon, whadya say?? **taunts him with pic** **sings** Gen-chan's in a bikini! Gen-chan's in a bikini! Bwahahahahaah!!! Umm... you're gonna tackle me now, aren't you? **runs away**
Dear Kokkei,
It ain't a *(+^%$# bikini!!!!
Dear Tasuki,
Is something wrong with your sister? I was talking to her yesterday and she seemed a little upset.
Someone You Know
Dear Someone,
Which one?
Dear Tamahome,
hey there thank you soooooo much for sending our friend allie a happy birthday. We decided that you are also giving allie a present and you dont know what it is but its okay cos we'll tell ya right now its a jewlery box. Yeah its cool... so we made this very sweet card from you too so I am sure she'll like it. So thanks for your love and all for her birthday we appreciate it we luv ya! buh byes
Tana and Steph
Dear Tana and Steph,
That's a very sweet idea! You're very welcome! If you want, to send me her email address (it won't be published) I'll send her an email birthday card.
Dear Tamahome,
AHHHHHHHHHHH.UGH!!.now my first year in middle school is ganna be the X-friend and this little annoying brat are in the same section as me.and i might end up in one of there classes!!!!UGH!!.no i know this wont be nice.*sigh.*goes up to tamahome and hugs him.*sigh (again).well i gatta go eat something im STARVING so cya.
Dear sikora,
Stop being so dramatic. If you don't care these people, don't associate with them. However, if you do end up interacting with them at least be polite to them. You never know, your feelings for them may eventually change.
Dear Tasuki,
hey tauski.i just went to your responce corner and u have alot of letters,it seems like your bad u dont like girls >.>,there seems to be alot of girls that like u.o.o.and another thing if u have so many letters (or whatever u want to call them)dont u ever get a headach and that is mostly for everyone.
well cya.
Dear sikora,
We don't get headaches so much as we get arm an' hand aches answerin' alla th' letters.
Dear Tasuki,
it's me again and i want to ask u do know which site i can get the lyrics of your song on the Fushigi Yugi soundtrack?
Dear nAnA,
I gotta couple of songs so here's a search page.
Dear Tamahome,
Eeeeek! Tamahome, who are Doc-sama and Sora? I didn't know Nuriko got married and had a son! This...This is terrible! *cries* Give him my congratulations...
*sniff, sob*
Dear Rachael,
It's only on this site, so don't panic! It happened last year. Doc-sama is a regular and Sora is their son.
Dear Nuriko,
Awww...You're just a big sweetheart, aren't you? I've seen the next six episodes. I knew your behavior would improve! *hugs you* You want to be friends?
Dear Rachael,
Arigato! Sure!
Dear Chichiri,
Chichiri, wanna be friends?
Dear Rachael,
Sure, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I had bad news today..*sighs* my friend rinoa-chan called me this afternoon and she sounded VERY upset, not crying or anything though but almost. I asked her what was wrong and well she has this best friend that lives in Japan and i really want to meet or Talk to her though i cant but anyway rinoa said Her friend (Xia) Has lucemia or i dunno how to spell it but rinoa said its a type of cancer that sadako caught (legend of the thousand paper cranes) and it was really upsetting to hear that. i almosted cryed but until rinoa chan said that Xia was healing quickly. she is still cheerful and happy. luckily rinoa said that it helps still being cheerful and happy when sick. i just hope to god Xia doesnt and rinoa are gunna do somethin' to help her get better, maybe send her something as a gift. i have a feeling she will get better. hopefully she really upset...i needa call rinoa and talk to her..*sighs* Cya tasuki gotta go help rinoa-chan feel better. *sighs as a tear falls down her face*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
I'm sure that Xia is gonna be ok. We'll keep her in our thoughts. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
I will not, repeat, will NOT be drawing Hotohori like that... I'm not good enough... *Blush* And I'd get a nosebleed all over the paper... -u.u-
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*LOL at the nosebleed comment* I bet yer good enough to do it!
Dear Chichiri,
It's me, Sakura, I ahven't been abale to get on really, except for that stupid question about the sugar... anyway, thank you thank you thank you for the kind words, You are right, I need to concentrate onm the good things, not the bad...*gives him a hug* you're the best! Well, things to do, people to see, chat rooms to spalunk in..*hugs him again...byeee!
Dear Sakura,
You're very welcome, no da. Take care! *Hugs her back.*
Dear Nuriko,
*attacks* XD NUUUUURIKO-SAMAAA!! *snugglewuggle* ^^ You so rule. I must braid your hair. o.o Or paint your nails... or somethin'like that...
Also. o.o You should try'd be good at it...
Kanashimi Kokoro
Dear Kanashimi Kokoro,
*Smiles* Arigato for your kind words. Soccer? hmmmm …
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! You know what i really hate? When all those idiots think your GAY!! I mean come on! Thats just insulting!! Who ever is doing that - I WILL HUNT U DOWN!!! (Sorry-crazed fine now ^^;;)
Anyways... If anyone, and I mean ANYONE ever gives you any problems, just you let me know and I'll teach em' for insultin' you! ^ ~
On a lighter note... Can I join the Mt. Reikaku Bandits? I can out brawl and out drink all of ya! *Big Smile* Besides, you guys got great clothes! And you get to hang out in the Mountains!! And I'll get to hang with you as a bonus!!! ^ ~ Cmon! You know you want me to join!! *Bigger smile* Pleeeeeaaaaasseee? *Innocent look* Heres some sake to help you make your decision*smile smile* Love ya!
Ps- Did you kno that i could pass off as your kid? Red hair, fangs, an attitude(which im proud of) and my little cussing habit? *Fanged Smile*
Dear FireFly,
Ya' gotta out drink an' out brawl alla us before ya' can join. So, ya' look like me? Cool! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
How old were ya when ya met Miaka? How old are you now?
Bandit Girl
Dear Bandit Girl,
I was 17. I'm in my 20's now.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I got new fishies! ^,^ I got a white goldfish, named Taiitsu-Kun because it's the oldest, and I have two normal goldfishies named Amiboshi and Suboshi. Then I have a catfish that likes eating other fish (he ate six of my little fish a few weeks ago), named Nakago. I have a betta named Hotohori because he's so vain, and a shiny Rainbow Gourami named Nuriko, because he's pretty like Hotohori (Hotohori attacked Nuriko because Nuriko was pretty too) and a blue and yellow Gourami named Chichiri, just because he's not flashy, simple but friendly. Then I have two fish who's species I can't spell or remember for that matter, but the bigger one is Tamahome and the little one is Miaka, they always hang out with eachother and it's so cute! Then I have a pretty golden snail named Mitsukake, and two smaller black snails, the bigger one is Chiriko, and the little one is Tamaneko! I don't have a Tasuki fish yet, or a Yui. In the tank is a castle I refer to as Hotohori's palace, a rock for Mt. Leikaku, and two forests. ^_^ I love my fishies. What do you think?
Dear Kouran-chan,
I think they sound adorable!
Dear Tasuki,
Yay! I'm back from vacation and from Otakon! I joined an FY group on friday and we entered the group costume contest and we won third place! I was dressed as you of course^.~ I think I know how you must feel about a million girls jumping you all the time. When i was dressed as you I was jumped by nearly every girl that came across me, and i even got kissed by a few. HELLO I'M A GIRL! And everyone wanted to touch my tessen>.< beside that i had alot of people laughing when they saw me walking around with a bottle of orange juice,(since you drink sake)I had to tell tehm that I had been forced to go to an AA meeting and have to cut back on my drinking, heh.
The last two days I went as girl-type Ranma and was in the fashion show. I was d*mn near molested by every Shampoo, Ukyo and Kuno I came across. It was fun though. One Kuno left the convention and came back with flowers for me. I thought that was hilerious. Since Ranma is afraid of cat's I had to freak out every time I saw a cat-girl...which was often. I jouned a huge Ranma with almost all of the cast...although our Ryoga kept getting lost. Anyhow here's a link to a picture of me as Girl-Ranma:
and a picture of most of the people in the Ranma 1/2 group:
I made a cute Ranma hm? We all role played for the last two days of the convention. It was great. Then we had a 'dating game' where Akane had to choose between all the Ranmas. In the end she chose me^^, but then I had to make the comment about her being butch heh. I had to stay in character after all^^.
Dear GirlGenChan,
Well, now ya' know what me an' Ranma gotta go thru! Great pictures! Ya' made a good Ranma Girl-Type. Funny excuse fer carryin' th' OJ!
Dear Nuriko,
*ties up her robe, then unrolls the bedroll* Itoshii, did you want to use the heavy blankets? *looks at Ryu as he ties the flaps shut*
the temperatures may drop tonight, and we'll have to retain body heat. *shakes out the lighter blankets*
Dear Doc-sama,
The heavy ones are a good idea. We'll leave early tomorrow and we'll be there by noon.
Dear Tamahome,
*hops down off the rock and walks over to Tamahome-oji* Will you teach me karate Oji-sama? You told me once that your master taught you when you were little. *eyes sparkle with hope* Onegai Oji-sama?
I heard Mama giggling with her ladies. And she said that if Papa manages to master this, and is able to use it in a real fight. She was going to drag him off to bed.. Papa isn't Mama nice, she knows you'll get really tired after fighting.
*hugs his Papa's neck, then looks up at Tamahome-oji* Will you help Oji-sama?
Dear Boushin,
Of course! OK, you stand like this …
Dear Tasuki,
*sees the speedo picture* *giggles* You poor, poor man...
Dear Kuro,
Tell me 'bout it … >.<;;;
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses a random number of ryou at him*
um... in one of your answers to a letter, you said you and miaka had a kid. what's his/her name?
yoyo no miko
Dear yoyo no miko,
Sore wa himitsu desu! *Smiles*
Dear Mitsukake,
aniki! school starts tomorrow, and i'm extremely happy. summer was so boring. i get to take japanese this year! *cheers*
Dear Jashi,
Congratulations! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Konnichiwa~~~!!! Ish me! Aiaki!!! I start school soon so this might be my last letter. My birday's coming, gonna be 13!!! Ain't that great? I'm hunting all over my state for FY and so far I'm losing my mind, nothing good! (Meaning: nothing with a cute chibi Tasuki beening beat over the head by a horse) I mean.. how hard is it to find a good anime now-a-days...
Anyways, I'm so bored, my cousin just finished the last of my cake (Don't tell her it was from last year ^.~), my aunt is sick, my uncle is somewhere being dragged out of a bar, and I'm here, typing to ya'll. Any suggestions on how to actually have a birday for the first time in 12 years?
Dear Aiaki,
Happy birthday! Have a big party and invite all your friends! Do your best in school!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hello all! Do you remember me? Probably not (because I haven't been here in over a year ^^;) but that's okay if you don't ^_^. How are you all? Feeling good I hope? Anyway, as you can tell I have a problem that I don't know how to handle on my own..
Do you remember my old partner in crime, my cousin SOTN? Well, last week my aunt yelled at her and stuff, I don't know what about, but it's probably the 'usual' stuff; see, my aunt's this crazy old unhappy woman who has liked to verbally abuse me, my sister, my cousin, anyone young enough who's not able to fight back against her. Ever since I was five years old, she's been telling me and my cousin more or less the same thing: we have horrible manners, we treat her like a slave, we're robots without any souls, and basically that we were horrible children/people. It doesn't sound like much now, but when you've had it pounded into you over a course of 11 years... It gets to a point where you start to believe it.
Just three years ago, she had driven me to the point where I was considering suicide as my only option of escape. My parents already knew what she had done to me and my sister, but they really didn't do anything about it. My cousin's mom was the same way. My mom always told me to just ignore her and to shrug it off, but I couldn't. I'm not the type of person to just let go of things, you know? ^^; anyway, My aunt 'talked' to my cousin a week ago.. And she told me over the internet that she had 11 scars on her upped thigh. I was like, "What the h*ll?", and then she came over to my house(we live in a duplex) and showed me.. She has these red cuts all over her leg! Not just that, but she told me she did it to herself with a sharp end of a piece of plastic! I couldn't sit her down and talk to her then because my dad was visiting me from wisconsin, but now I can and I have no idea what to say to her to get her to stop from doing this again.
I've tried to stress to her before about how important she is to me, how she's like a sister to me because we've been through so much together and that it scares me to death when she does such destructive things to herself, but it never seems to get through to her. She's the only person in this screwed up, sad excuse for a family that I actually give a d*mn about, but she doesn't believe me... I'm scared for her, you know? When I go to sleep at night, I lie awake for almost an hour, terrified that when I wake up in the morning she's going to be dead. I try to bring it up with her, but I always lose my nerve to sit her down and really talk to her. I can't tell this to anyone else in my family, because then she'll hate me forever.. It's like while I was on my way to healing and realizing that my aunt was wrong, SOTN got seperated from me and I lost her.. I really don't know what to do.. If you guys have any ideas as to what I could do, please tell me :).. In the mean time, everyone stay healthy!
Fuyu Yuki
P.S.: By the way, Tasuki-san.. Even though it's been a year, I still love you as though it were yesterday ^^!
Dear Fuyu Yuki,
Sit her down and let her know how important she is to you and how much you value and love her. As for your aunt, she is mentally abusing the two of you and should be reported to your local child welfare agency and giving some counseling! With SOTN injuring herself, this is no longer an issue that your family can ignore. If you can't talk to your parents about this, then talk to a teacher, counselor, or clergyperson that you trust. Your cousin as well as your aunt needs help, please do what you can to get them some. *Gives her a hug.*
Fuyu Yuki
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! just want to know...if you can all be invisable for one day, what would you do? (for example, stalking a movie star... etc)
Dear Yushi,
Here's what we'd do:
Tasuki - Annoy Obake-chan!
Tamahome - Beat the cr*p out of Tasuki and then go play in the royal coffers!
Hotohori - Drag Tamahome out of the coffers.
Nuriko - Follow Hotohori everywhere!
Mitsukake - People watch.
Chichiri - Hang out and fish, no da.
Chiriko - Play pranks!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
WAI WAI WAI WAI!!! did I mentio wai?! Anyways,would you guys like to know why I'm extremely happy? Well for one I am registered for the japanese class! And two...I think I'm starting to have a little bit of an accent! 3. We did a pose in Tai-chi yesterday 4. I have my aunt Julie's house address, now! And the thing is she's CLOSE to me! How bizarre is that? Anyways, I have a question to ask cause I don't know how to ask it...but I think you guys know who the person is(at least I think you do?). Oh yeah it was fun seeing you guys on saturday as well! (just thought I'd point that out first). Well uhm,I'm kinda crushing on this one guy (yes he was at that anime party)well I guess I was crushing on him before when I first met him,but it never really showed up until now. Well I just don't know what to do. I mean I don't even know if he has a girlfriend or not. So uh...what do you think I should do? Well uh...gomen nasai if this didn't any sense. I'm kinda tired,and uh...I guess I should be wearing my glasses o.o;;; well I guess since it's night time Oyasuminasai!
Dear Shukumei,
Ok, we're not talking Satoshi are we? That leaves one of the J's and we're guessing it's the one that gave you a ride to the party. He has a girlfriend but he does seem to have a roving eye. The other J has a girlfriend as well. Gomem.
Dear Tasuki,
*yawns* Hello Tasuki. Its a very boreing day today...hmm i was playing zelda all day long and im stuck on a part of the game...heh oh well i just need ta' call my friend rinoa-chan (aka the girl with many names) and she can help me. Also me and my sister have been reading over some of the letters you guys get and over all YOU get the most. ^^ your very popular, huh? ehehe ^^ well i really need to get some sleep. all ive been doin today is playing video games and watchin anime all day. ...i need a drink T_T im very thirsty...*looks around for some soda* i thought it was- oh here we go ^^ *gets a jug of sake and a bottle of soda* You can have the sake and ill take the soda. *throws the sake to him* well i guess ill be goin now. gotta call rinoa-chan and beat Zelda then ill goto bed. Cya soon Tasuki!! have a great day! ^^~~
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Sounds like yer havin' a good day! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Tasuki,
*Genrou get up and lays down next to the ball*
*giggles* he almost gotted it *smiles* he know twicks too. Sit Genwou *it sits up* ummm.....Roll ovew *it does* maybe he forgotted how to fetch? *it brings the ball back over and drops it at her feet*
Dear Lita,
*Grumbles* Guess he jus' don't wanna play wit' me.
Dear Tamahome,
Hiya your my friend's fav she wrote you a few letters, he birthday is the 22nd. I was just wondering if would say happy birthday to her since you cant exactally come to her surprize party (that shes still very clueless on >) ) Well thanks in advance ^_^
Tana and Steph
Dear Tana and Steph,
Certainly! Otanjoubi omedeto gozaimasu to Tana and Steph's friend!
Dear Nuriko,
I never thought I'd be asking a GUY this question, but... I always have problems with peeling nails. I can't seem to keep them from chipping and/or peeling near the tips. Then, they get dirty, and yucky, and *grimaces* yuck! Help me!!
manicure emergency
Dear manicure emergency,
Have you gone to your doctor to make sure you don't have a fungal infection or a vitamin deficiency? That may be what is causing this.
Dear Chichiri,
This question is just out of sheer curiosity (and a little admiration ^_^)... What provoked u to call Nakago an "@$$h*l*"? I really can't hear u cursing anyone out, even if it is that idiot. Maybe that's because ur a monk... I dunno...
Also, what did u do to Tasuki to make him not want to mess with u? He told me it was in the earlier archives, but he wasn't specific enough as to the dates.
average miko person
Dear average miko person,
Being a monk doesn't mean I'm not a man or a human being, no da. I think Tasuki is referring to events that happened in 1998, no da.
Dear Tamahome,
Well, Mista, i am nice towards other people, but im only mean to you because you are a cheap &@$%@rd. I dont like Cheap people, who need payment to make the world a little better.
Dear Tower!!*,
I may be greedy, but I'm not cheap!
Dear Nuriko,
My parents don't come because I don't have parents to come with me. They both died in a car crash when I was fourteen. I'm seventeen now. I live on my own. I guess, really, Mik is one of the few steady people I've got left. I haven't known him for very long but he's always been nice to me...
I sent him an e-mail today. I did what I do to you and sent it before I could delete it... He came up and saw me tonight, and you won't believe who he brought! That strange girl who talked to me before chemo. I found out her name this time - Ishi.
She and Mik stayed really late. He didn't ask me alot except for demanding over and over again to know why the h*ll I didn't tell him sooner so he could have been there.
He's coming back tomorrow, so he can be there for my next chemo round. Ishi said she'll come too. I'm glad. She seems nice. Her younger sister had cancer and that's why she volunteers. She knows alot about it so Mik asks her more questions than he does me.
She's very sweet to both of us. I like having her around. She seems to like me and to be honest, she's not difficult to look at... *blush*
Dear Arisugawa,
I'm sorry about your parents. But I'm really glad that you told Mik and that he and Ishi are there for you! *Smiles* See, I told you he'd want to be there for you! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I love kitties! I think your cat is so cool! I have 3 cats (I think). You see, we just got a new cat today and we left her out in the garage and the big door was open and she ran off! We haven't found her yet-_- I'm so worried. What should I do? And guess what happened to our cat that we had before her. He was just a little kitten and he was over on the other side of my tiny neighborhood and this jerk @$$*****&^%^&$$$&%^#%^#%^# ran over his leg with his bike and shattered the bone in it.
My mom took him to the vet and she said it would be $700 to get surgery to fix his leg. We couldn't pay thaat much money so my mom paid to have him put to sleep. When I found out I was so sad! I cried in my room for an hour! But guess what? The vet didn't have the heart to put him to sleep so her and the other vet split the cost of the surgery and they're going yo adopt him out to someone who can keep him inside. Wasn't that nice of the vet? I'm so glad he's not dead. But my parents won't go talk to that baka jerks parents because they aren't sure if he did it or not!>.< I know he did it! He's so mean and he throws rocks at the ducks in our canal. What should I do?
The Pixies
Dear Pixies,
Have you put up flyers with her picture on them around your neighborhood? Try leaving some food out to lure her out of hiding in case she is nearby.
Did you witness him doing it? If not, that makes it hard to accuse him. You can always contact your local ASPCA and report his cruelty. Good luck!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My friend Ashli and I were watching some Fushigi Yugi episodes and wewatched the one were the Seiryu seishi Tomo tries to rape Miaka. We made a new name for him, Tomo the Homo! Tee-hee! Do you like it? Oh, and it was really funny^-^ My brother was working at a Japanese resturaunt and his bass was teaching him to cook and his boss was like "Okay, you can Baka-san and I can be sensei." And my brother was like Cool! I'm Baka-san! And when he came home he told me that and I was like "Dude, baka meens stupid!" And then I laughed at him 'cause he called himself Baka-san! It was so funny! Sorry, I just had to share that with someone. Bu-bye!
Dear Anon,
I'm not sure Tomo would be happy with that name …
Dear Hotohori,
Have you seen The Fellowship of the Ring? If so, then you know you have competition. If not then I must inform that Legolas is just as beautiful and sexy as you. Sorry but he is. You are still the hottest hottie in Fushigi Yugi^-^ *Drools at the thought of both Hotohori and Legolas*
The Pixies
Dear Pixies,
I have seen that movie and Legolas is almost as beautiful as I am. *Smiles and avoids stepping in drool puddle.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Why won't you answer my quesion about the chickens? Everybody hates chickens! >.< *Starts crying and runs off*
The Pixies
Dear Pixies,
We don't hate chickens! They're quite tasty!
Dear Tamahome,
well, first things first.*gives Tamahome 2 gold ryu* Anywayz, now to my questions.
1. what is your favorite color?
2. how many children do you and Miaka have?
3. if you never met Miaka, what would you be doing instead of protectin her?
well, that's all. pls. give this to Miaka for me!! *hands a whole bag of cookies* bye 4 now!!!
Dear Miko-chan,
Here are your answers:
1. The color of okane!
3.I don't know.
Arigato for the cookies!
Dear Tasuki,
*Smacks the typo in her last letter* --; AWWWWW!!! Tasuki's blushing! ^^ *Takes a picture and runs off*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
GEEZ!!! Jus' wat til she draws Hotohori like that! >.<;;;
Dear Hotohori,
*sits by on a rock as he watches his Papa engage Tamahome-oji in an all out karate swordfight with wooden practice swords*
*his eyes go wide as his papa blocks a sword thrust and kicks Tamahome-oji in the stomach* WAI!! anou..
*sits stunned as Tamahome-oji blocks the punch and his papa lands on his back*
Papa can you breathe??
Dear Boushin,
*Panting a bit … * Hai! Daijoubu! Are you certain you are up for this Boushin?
Dear Tamahome,
*sniffles* Oji tell Mama papa Sora sad?
*wraps his arms around Oji's neck*
want mama papa home..
*Sora settles in and falls asleep*
Dear Sora,
I know, but they're on vacation. They'll be back soon. *Puts him gently in his crib and covers him.*
Dear Nuriko,
*leans over and gives Ryu a kiss* well my love, since we'll have to gt up early to get back on the trail, I'm heading for bed early ;0
*gets up and heads for the tent* don't forget to dampen the fire down ;D
*steps inside, tugs the tent flaps together, and starts to change into her sleeping robes*
Dear Doc-sama,
*Puts out the fire and relaxes by the embers before joining her.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, S'up Tasuki, it's me, Bandit-girl, I'll be in the chatroom from now..meaning right this, well, i'm in there everyday, my handle is sakura042386, don't ask, my sister made it up for me, personally i think it's a bit girly, but what the hell...s'cuse ma french.
there IS somethin' i've been wantin' to ask yuz. Why do ya hate girls so much, I mean you were comin' onto Miaka, so what's the deal? You get hit by agirl or somthin'
Please, don't take any of this into offense, i'm jus like this, well, hope ta see ya in the chatroom, if not e-amil me.. i's love to hear from yuz, and please, any of you seishi can email me.
Dear Bandit-girl,
Well, we don't do emails, but I'll try to hit th' chat. I have 5 older sisters that used to torment me.
Dear Tasuki,
Jeez... Maybe I shouldn't have drawn that pic... I hope you're not getting too embarassed... Even though I have to say, you would make a very lovely swimsuit model.... *^-^*
My dad came down from NY yesterday, and I saw him this evening. He was pretty nice, but... I can't help but feel sad. He can't know how much pain I feel when I'm around him.
I guess... It's because I know, deep in my heart, that he just doesn't care. Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, but two years ago... something really bad happened to me. I can't bring it up because it hurts too much. And he wouldn't come down to see me. He acts like it never even happened. Most of the time, I preferr not to think about it, but I can't help but wonder: Wouldn't a father who truly loved his child come to see them after something so aweful? Wouldn't they try and help, no matter what they had to overcome? It's not like he didn't have the means.
It's like... he pretends like I don't exist... except when he wants me to. I'm not a bad person... More than anything, I want to cry... I don't even hate him... I love him... Maybe something's wrong with me... I keepholding back these tears, but I can't hold them back forever... I'm sorry. Forgive me for burdening you.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Yer not a burden! I think ya' need to show this letter to yer dad. I don't know what happened to ya', but I think yer dad may be actin' that way 'cos he don't know what to do to make thins' right fer ya'. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Oooooi! How can you like taste of that stuff? Bleh....demo I think by the end of the tiny little cup I was getting used to it, not good ne? ^^;
*pokes* I saw that picture of you in the fanart gallery Tasuki-kun! --; you need to put on some clothes young man ^^;;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Yeah, yeah, I know … -_-;;;
Dear Chiriko,
hey Chiriko!I gots a question to ask you!Is there only one book to The Odyssey?i gots ta do a reading assignment!I'm just asking you because you're so smart!!!hey, did you use your seishi powers to ace the K'O-JU exams?thanks for listening!
Dear kyupi,
I guess you could say that The Iliad and The Odyssey are a set as the two of them do tell a complete story. It's just been awhile since I've read them. No, I didn't need to. You're welcome!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have one question for you guys, it's pretty werid, but my brother and I insist on asking you (mostly my brother)...
How many cups of sugar doesit take to get to the moon? I don't think there's really a right answer, but still... waht do ya think?
Sakura and Tori
Dear Sakura and Tori,
I don't believe that sugar is used. I believe that it is either a liquid or gaseous propellant that is used and they use a lot of it!
Dear Tasuki,
*coughs*... Hey there... ^^;
So, have you posed for any bathing suit magazines yet?... *grins* I'd bet you'd be great if you did, considering you speedo picture is just lovely! ^______^
Dude... your getting a Dell.
Shindou Shuichi
Dear Shindou Shuichi,
Yer not funny … -_-
Dear Tasuki,
Can't complain ^^; Demo...I did have sake a few Saturdays ago ^^;; My brother ordered it for me, and don't worry my mom said it was alright...*blinks at him* How can you drink that stuff like you do? I was only able to drink one little glass full. I'm starting to think you and my brother would be drinking buddies if ya'll knew eachother --;
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
I like th' way it tastes!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If you could play any sport (team sport or other) what would it be?
Dear Blue-fire,
Here's your answers:
Nuriko - Tennis
Hotohori and Mitsukake - Golf
Chichiri - Fishing, no da
Chiriko - Chess
Tasuki - Boxing
Tamahome - Karate
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey. ^^ Yep, it's me again. So how've you been? I'm not too good. I think I'm loosing a friend. I don't really wanna get into that though...I don't wanna start griping about her. She comes to this website sometimes and I don't wanna hurt her feelings, really. --; Even though she's done that to me plenty of times. Anyway. I just thought I'd talk to you a bit. Not many people seem to like talking to you. ;-; Of course, I don't see why. You are a perfectly good guy to talk to. You just don't say much. ^^ Which automatically means you must be a good listener, ne? I'm like that sometimes. I mean, I'm a real good listener. I may not understand half the stuff people tell me, but I listen and I can keep secrets. ^^ Now I'm just babbling. I guess cause I feel bad. Sometimes I wont talk at all and other times I cant stop from know, when I feel bad about something. And I do. I mean, I really do. I am very distressed here...I don't even know how to react to certain things anymore. But I guess, I mean I hope things will turn out for the best for me. I really hope. ^^; Okay well I'm talking about a whole lot of nothing now so I think I'll like...uh..shut up. ^^; Thanks for listenin to me, Mits. *hugs*
Dear Kuro,
Why are you and your friend unable to make peace with each other? What happened? *Gives her a hug.*
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