Dear Irhus-sama,
I signed it! I'm fer chocolate cake!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Aiaki: Hi everyone! Dija miss us?
Mushi: We had some diffculty with our station but we'll be back.
Aiaki: Oh OH!! Meet Raiden!!! She's kewl. I'm using her for my next FY fanfic...
Raiden: ...
Aiaki: ... Well... That proves I put her in the right place..
Mushi: And that is?
Aiaki: The part of a wierd spirit haunting Tasuki clear out of his mind. Oh, and is stealing all his sake.
Mushi: A little tense don't ya think?
Aiaki: No!!! More Tasuki coupling stories!!! YAY!!
Raiden: ...
Mushi: --;
Aiaki: Oh, and she plays the part of a cute little girl ghost that appears to play with Chiriko and a very pretty fisher girl spirit and a..
Mushi: *watches Aiaki ramble on*... I sure hope she remember to inhale.
Aiaki, Mushi, and Raiden: ...
Aiaki, Mushi, and Raiden
Dear Aiaki, Mushi, and Raiden,
*All the Seishi look confused.*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
It's for the 3rd OAV series. Tasuki is in his twenties.
Dear Tasuki,
Ok Tasuki.....I fix the problems in my site so it's pretty good now. If you like to link my site you can and also I'll be so happy ^_^
Here's the Link:
Also I like to say that I got two Betta fighting fish(one blue and one red) and I called one of them after you (red one) and the other one my friend thought after me cause of my favorite color is blue. *nervous sweatdrop*
Well I also was planning to get you some more sake but my money got I thought I'll give you something esle your like *hands him a flower pot with a small rose planted inside* I enjoy doing gardening..but just don't it out loud...but you have any problems with the can asked me..I have my own garden since I was I know alot.
Thanx my friend, Tasuki and take care
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
Yeah, th' links seem to be workin' now. Thanks fer th' rose!
Dear Tasuki,
Niiiiice Speedo drawing! *leers and grins*
Dear Ayame,
*Blushes and sweatdrops.*
Dear Mitsukake,
You know, I really like you. I think you're very deep in your silence. I can appreciate that. *gives him a big hug*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Arigato for your kind words.
Dear Tasuki,
*^-^* Aww..I made you blush...that's so cute...
Oop. Sorry about that, sometimes I turn into a fangirl at a moments notice. For some reason I can see you liking Van Halen...maybe that's just me...I don't know, but I've drawn most of your pictures to harder stuff.
You know I had this very interesting dream the the other night. It started out I was at this college. I've been in this college in several of my dreams before, too, which is kinda...but besides that, you were there and you wanted to kill Miaka. *no big surprise, I understand she can be annoying* But you were really going to do it, had this bandana over your mout. Somehow I prevented you from doing it, I'm not sure how though ecause all I remember is glomping you. Then I glomped chiri and he turned into a UFO doll with some very peculoar assets 0_o which we won't g into at the moment. ^-^ Waahhhh... I'm in pain... I could use a hug *nudge, nudge*
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
That's a weird dream! Sorry yer in pain
*gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Okay, what's all this about the third OVA/OAV series? Is it just two episodes based on the novels, or is it actually a series? I'm so confused!
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
It's a 4 episode OAV based on the last 2 Gaiden novels Eikou den.
Dear Tasuki,
Winter: *Cries really hard while Chibi Tasuki pats her back* Why did It happen... *looks upt to see Tasuki walking over to her. buries her face into his chest.* I had to put my dog to sleep this morning, It's not fair!!
Dear Winter,
I'm sorry, but I'm sure it was fer th' best fer yer dog. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Woooo! Nuriko, the Powerpuff Girls are my faaaaaaaaavorite TV show!!! **sings the theme happily** So, Nuriko, which PPG is your favorite? I loves me some Bubbles! Hee hee! **huggles her Bubbles plushie**
And to all the Seishi, if you could live anywhere in the United States, where would you live?
Dear Anonymous,
I like Buttercup.
Nuriko - West Hollywood, CA
Tamahome - Fort Knox
Tasuki - Las Vegas, NV
Mitsukake - Atlanta, GA
Chichiri - Hawaii, no da.
Chiriko - MIT
Hotohori - Washington, D.C.
Dear Tasuki,
Is Kouji gay?
curious person
Dear curious person,
Dear Tasuki,
hey oniisan! *hugs him* im alot better now! i got my new puppy see? *shows him the little Husky* his name is Genro! ^^ *IRL* anyway in the OAV why did Kouji blow himself up?
Dear Kylie,
That was jus' an' illusion. I'm glad yer feelin' better.
Dear Hotohori,
Hai... she's coming home from her dad's house the 16th, and I'm probably going to be over at her house soon afterwards. So I'll get a chance to talk to her face to face about it rather than over instant messanger. And hopefully, get her mom into it, too... *Sighs*
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Good luck! I hope they listen to you.
Dear Tasuki,
*Looks at the Speedo picture* ... WOW! O_O
Umihebiza mo Miko
Dear Umihebiza mo Miko,
*Blushes and sweatdrops*
Dear Mitsukake,
*Gives him a hug, for he did not deserve that "Boring Man" information* --
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
*Smiles* Arigato!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
people tell meh dat u guys have a soundtrack, what is it called and who do u think is the strongest and the best celestial warrior? and why? *thanx*
Dear nAnA,
We have a lot of CD's out, no da. You should check with your local anime dealer and see if they carry any of them. The strongest of us is Nuriko. We all have our good and bad points, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
dis is me again, and i have questions lyke, if Yui was yer Miko, would u lyke her? b cause in another website, u and her answer questions together, did u noe dat? i don't lyke her b cause she's mean! i think dis website is kool! I have 1 favor 2 ask u, kan u burn Tamahoma? its so funny when u do dat! i have 1 more question, how come u were so close 2 yer old boss? i have 2 go now, sorry if dis is bothering u b cause yer probably busy and all answering all the other people! its just dat im so bored *huggs tasuki* thanx yer so nice!!!( do u think the people who asks u 2 much questions and type 2 u over and over again annoying or what?) ^_^
Dear nAnA,
My old boss was a nice guy. I dunno 'bout Yui but I guess she's ok. Glad ya' like our site! *Lightly toasts Tamahome.*
Dear Tamahome,
Hey it's me again!I just wanted to ask you this...if I can't be with you,can I be with your son? What's his name? What's his age? Will you approve?Sorry for all the quesions!
Dear Jeng,
My son is still an infant so, no.
Dear Mitsukake,
*looks at Gene's letter and Mitsukake*'re not boring!that's so messed up =(!!!*gives him a shouka plushie and hugs him*
Dear kyupi,
Arigato. *Hugs her back*
Dear Chiriko,
Hi Chiriko!! ^^ What is Spam?? i know it's a bad thingy but i really don't know what it is. Some say it is advertisements?? And repeating messages?? How do you spam people??
and i heard Spam is a food too! @_@ *Gets confused* so is it? thx!
Dear Boogie,
There are 2 kinds of Spam - unwanted junk email and the processed spiced ham food product. Neither one is very good.
Dear Tasuki,
*Genrou just sits there and ignores him* ummmm....maybe he no likes that game now...
Dear Lita,
C'mon ya' lazy dog!
Dear Tasuki,
*smiles and hugs back* ^^ I will. Thankyou! Im gettin' better now. im really tired *yawns* ehehe, its not that late. Its only...10:30 pm. Oh well, i stay up late anyway. *smiles* well thursday is going to be a good day for me. I think ill be much better when i sleep. And ill tell ya' how im feelin'. oh yeah and ive been watchin' these Funny clips of ya' and it was really funny. When you and kouji do the dance when u always meet or sumthing. Thats cute ^^. Well im getting to tired to type anymore stuff. G'night tasuki. Thanks fer everythin'. *tosses him some sake and waves goodbye* ja Tasuki!
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer th' sake.
Dear Tasuki,
What would you do to me if I sent in a fanart of you dressed as a female clown (frilly pink shirt, skirt), drunk, balancing a fishbowl (with water and fish) on your head, trying to keep your balance on a large ball, and juggling three balls and a bottle of sake drawn pretty badly but still embarrassing on your part?
Dear Kouran-chan,
Burn it! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
would you consider speed or fire to be your main and most used ability? which is more needed? why do you like sake so much? isn't the after result paining enough so you won't drink it? *why don't you learn to swim instead of being totured? >_< or is it just because your used to the element fire? arigato!!
Dear Kiaria,
Speed is my ability. Th' tessen was a gift from Taiitsukun. They work together. It tastes good. I don't wanna learn how to swim! I'm from th' *^%$$#+ mountains! Not th' +*^%$#@ beach!
Dear Tasuki,
hiiiiiii! hm...i have a prediacament for you that someone might be in ^^'' hopefully...not. Anyways what if you became really close friends with a few people for about a year and then one day you discover that they're all making a conspiracy against you *it's a conspriacy i tell you!* *ahem* continuing...basically they found out a few faults about you that they didn't like and turned extremely uh..not nice...and then they tell a bunch of other people bout you *of course most don't believe them* and basically whenever they catch you along they go up and tell you how much entirely they hate you *i TOLD you it was a conspiracy!* since they were close friends what would you do? *this is kind of like worse goes to worse situation* ooo i forgot to mention...those were your only really good friends at the moment O-o.....and your paranoid! soo...what would you do in this situation?
Dear Tanya,
I'd ignore th' bakas an' make new friends.
Dear Tasuki,
Tasuki!!!!!!! Buddy what's up??? How are you and your buddies??
Dear Luna,
We're fine! Nothin' much is happenin'. How've ya' been?
Dear Tasuki,
i do feel a lil better thanx! ^^; so how you doin? i get to get another puppy now only problem is,i dont know if i want another one that looks like her. anywho why did Kouji make you call him Aniki? you probably think im a pest sirry! *hands him a bottle of sake as an apology*
Dear Kylie,
He's a lil' older than me, so he thought he was better n' me! Thanks fer th' sake! Yer not a pest. I'm glad yer feelin' better.
Dear Tasuki,
YO TASUKI!!!! WASSUP!!!!!!!? Yo, dis is BumBum's loose brooooooooo!!!!! So, ya wanna hang out Saturday? *noogies him* Huh? Yea man!! snack heaven!!!! Oh, BumBum said "Hey, Tasuki, my friend, u da man..." But he's sleep right now, So, Tasuki, You got a Girlfriend? if not i hook ya up.... im like dat.... Til next time, man!!! Gorrilaz!!!!
BomBom Techui
Dear BomBom Techui,
Thanks, but I don't need to be hooked up wit' nobody!
Dear Tasuki,
hey tasuki its me sikora ^^.i just went to this webpage called miakas tea shop o.o and i read your said u were like a clown and u entertain alot o.o well not to be rude or anything but if thats true that your like a clown then just to let u know my sis kisato hates clowns so dont try acting like a clown around here.just to let u know ok bye bye ^^
sikora chan
Dear sikora chan,
I ain't no clown! >.<
Dear Tasuki,
Hi my name is Liz. Fushigi Yuugi is my FAVORITE ANIME' and you Tasuki, are my favorite character!!!! You are sooo hot you do make me drool! I love you to be honest your hotter than Tamahome! You are a hottie with a body and cutie with a booty! :) and you always make me laugh. It will be nice if you can write back to me or even aim me same thing love always Tasuki
Elizabeth O
Dear Elizabeth O,
Well, we don't do personal emails or AIMs, gomen. We also don't like to put yer personal info on this site, so we shortened yer name. But thanks fer alla th' nice thins' ya' said 'bout me!
Dear Tasuki,
Me again!! I was looking at this one letter from a fan, and you said u learned early not to mess with Chichiri. What did he do to you to make u learn that? What ever it was I'm sure u deserved it!!! *laughs and hides behind Chichiri*
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
No I didn't! *Sweatdrops as Chichiri looks at him.* Well, mebbe a lil'
It's in th' earlier archives of our letters.
Dear Tasuki,
I'm going to make this brief...
When's the nexttime yo'll be in the chatroom! I would loooove to talk to you, my friends all say i'm just like you... *coughs irritably*
Bandit girl
Dear Bandit girl,
I dunno. We don't got a schedule fer such thins'. When are ya' plannin' on bein' there next?
Dear Tamahome,
What's so wrong about being called obake-chan? i mean if you take out the sounds pretty cool...or maybe it's just me O-o
just wondering...
Dear wondering,
Well, it IS an insult
Dear Tamahome,
hello, tamahome, why you like miaka, i think yuui are better.
Dear frances,
Miaka is very kind and gentle. She also thinks of others before she thinks of herself.
Dear Tamahome,
RAH RAH RAH, YOU CHEAP @$$ &@$%@rd! Fine! * gives him 2 gold ryou* I hope you happy, you cheap little... mmmmmgrrrrrrr. Anyway, There's this girl i love, but she dont love me... What should i do?
Dear Tower!!*,
I'd start by being less hostile towards other people! Have you tried to get to know her as a friend?
Dear Tamahome,
hey me sikora again >.>.*sigh ....o.o....>.> im bored. im talking to my friend about going to middle school for the first time.its ganna be wierd its much different then elementary school,u have longer gym class(that part i love)u are i different sections,but the good thing is u get to sit where ever u want in the lunch room......>.> ok well *sigh this is boring imma leave u alone now u probley have lots of stuff to cya>.>
ps: Kisato-Chan Says Hello Tama! ^^, and I say: bye bye bye bye bye bye bye bye
Dear Sikora,
Good luck and study hard! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Can you guys help me in my quest to marry Tasuki? ONIGAI! I'LL PAY ANYTHING!!!!
Obssessed Fangirl T.G.
Dear Obssessed Fangirl T.G.,
As amusing as it would be to annoy Tasuki, no. Gomen.
Dear Nuriko,
I met the strangest girl today Nuriko. I was brought in today for my first round of chemo and while I was waiting for the nurse to take me in this girl who was volunteering showed up at the door to my room.
She just came in and sat on my bed and told me flat out that she wasn't going to leave because I looked terrified and no one was with me. She sat there just having a stupid conversation with me until the nurse came for me. I keep being sorry that I didn't ask for her name...
When they took me back to my room they asked why no one was there for me and wanted to know if I wanted to call anyone. I called Mik, just to hear his voice. We talked about goldfish. I still don't know how to tell him this. Talking to you is different. I just write it down and send it before I can erase it... but words are so irrevocable. No planning, no way to correct a misinterpretation except with more, easily ill taken words.
I don't want him to be afraid for me. He'll turn to me for answers and I can't give them. I'm afraid enough for myself...
At least the people here are nice enough to let me hook up my laptop so I can still write to the people I know online.
Dear Arisugawa,
Why wasn't there anyone with you? I would think at least your parents would be there. Please tell Mik. He'll only worry more if you withhold the truth from him. If he has questions and wants answers, the doctors can talk to him. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Nuriko,
Hey, you were really mean to Miaka in episodes three and four. I mean, it was totally unprovoked. What gives? Being in love with Hotohori is no excuse for the way you behaved. I know you'll be a lot nicer later on, so I'm not really angry, but I am a bit disgusted.
Dear Rachael,
Gomen nasai!
Dear Hotohori,
Hi Hoto-sama!You don't know what a FEM-BOT is?It's a robot disguised as a woman and if you didn't watch Austin Powers,they shoot bullets outta their *cough*j*gg**s*cough*.Ano...please tell Fluff-head I'm sorry for not minding my own business.Ja NE!!!!
Dear F**k-m*,
*Sweatdrops* Thank you for clearing that up for me.
Dear Hotohori,
*gets on knees and bows, then remains seated on legs* Hello, ur Highness!! Um, this is sort of confusing me. I noticed on this website that u had one or two older brothers, but u got to be the emperor anyways. How did that happen? I hope ur brother(s) didn't die or anything. Oh! Um, I know I'm a simple middle-class person, but... if u and ur wife ever go out somewhere, and u need someone to watch Boushin... well... I'm really good with kids and... I could watch him for u... just offering. Arigato! *gets up, bows again*
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: My friend Michelle is head-over-heels for u. Do u think u could give her a hug for me? Domo Arigato!!
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Arigato for your kind offer. Let's just say that my mother removed any obstacles to my being on the throne.
*Gives Michelle a hug.*
Dear Chiriko,
*sighs* got schedule for school today.... it's depressing. Tuesdays are going to be h*ll for me. A zero hour class.... and an after school honors class. I'd switch the honors to regular.... but it's at the high school across town. And since I finally have the chance to take it... *sighs again* well, I'm not going to pass it up. It's just... well... no more sleep for me. Joy. ^^;
Dear Ayame,
Sorry. However, it sounds like you have an exciting year ahead of you! Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Chichiri,
I have a promblem see one of my friend I've know him since like fourth grade.The problem is Now me and him or ex-friends.I still think about him alot,and i miss him...I just don't know what to do...can you help me?My friends say i should forget him,but I can't...He was always there for me,even when I told him I didn't need help...thank you chichiri...I think everyone in Fy is really great ^.^ Can you tell me if my ex-friend miss me as much as I miss him?And if he'll ever become my friend again?
Dear Neko-chan,
Why is he now an ex-friend? What happened, no da? If the two of you had a fight, then apologize and see if he will accept your apology. I have no idea what his feelings are towards you, no da. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
wow!!!! i havn't talked to you in age's!!!! What's up chichiri how ya' been? Anything new happen???
Dear Luna,
We went to an anime convention, no da. It was a lot of fun. How have you been, no da?
Dear Chichiri,
This isn't a question, more of a call for help. I know you know waht it's like tolose a loved (I'm very sorry about that). and I need some advice about getting through a crisis that happened a year ago, and I'm still cryin' over it.
A very dear friend of mine passed away on 7-17-01, and every time I think about it I cry, so if you have any positive words of wisdom for me, or anything as support, please, please,please, please I'm open to anything.
Dear Sakura,
The loss of someone dear to us is always a sad and difficult experience, no da. We all grieve in our own way and at our own pace. If you can, try to remember the happy times and don't dwell on the sad ones, no da. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki, would u like it if Nuriko was a woman? And how would u like it if Hotohori was a woman 2, would u go out with them or something?
If they were, i think they will ask u out instead because who could resist ur looks and ur attuide! u look so cute when u do ur fanged grin! ur so adorable! Do u really think Mitsukake is really boring? And do u think Chiriko is 2 smart 4 his age? When Amiboshi fell into the river it was sad, did u fell sorry 4 him and would u like it if he was a suzaku seishi? If u weren't a suzaku seishi would u still b the bandit's leader? Anyways how is Koji doing? How long have u known Koji and been best friends? If i have problems with my life will u help me through all the problems?
*huggs tasuki * ur so great, 2 bad u can't b mah boyfriend? can u at least b my big brother? if u can't or don't want a little sister ask Koji if he wants one! It would b great if u both can, would u? PLEASE! Buh-Bye
How come ur so cute tasuki, with ur fang teeth and ur attuide u make a perfect boyfriend! n e ways who is ur favorite seishi. ^-^ ur so loveable!
kan i have a hug or a kiss?! * Hugs tasuki * if i were in trouble would u help me? kan u be my older brother or my boyfriend? ~ Please! ~
Dear nAnA,
Here's th' answers to alla yer questions.
No an' no!
Not really, he's ok.
He is but it works fer 'im.
Nope! I don't know if he can be trusted.
He's doin' fine. I've known 'im fer 3 years. We been friends fer almost that long.
If I can.
I think I already said ya' could be a lil' sister to me. *Gives her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.*
Dear Tasuki,
Have u ever killed a bandit? while trying to steal their stuff? o.o
Dear Brownie,
Nope! I only ever killed one person an' that was 'cos they were stupid an' got in my way when I was goin' fer someone else in a battle.
Dear Tasuki,
HEY YOU!!!! WHERES MY THINGY!!!! AND GIMMIE ALL YA MONEY!!!! Oh.... sorry.... thought you was That bum...... Well, its me, BumBum.... if ya wanna hurt me for the apple thing, go ahead, ill let you..... i dare ya! oh, and Come to my house, man! We can play dreamcast and eat snacks all day!!!
BumBum teckui
Dear BumBum teckui,
I ain't gonna hurt ya'! Eatin' an' all day video games ain't really my thin', but thanks fer th' invite!
Dear Tasuki,
Gorrilaz!!!!!!! Sup, Little IG? rememba me? Wait... That was 2-D, that idiot... Hey, im Russel... You can call me Russel... or Russ... Now you got a prob, come ta me...
Dear Russel,
Stares at strange unintelligible person
Dear Tasuki,
*eats a pink Lemonade sno-cone* So how ya been Tasuki-kun? Any need of a guardian angel lately? ^^
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Sure, can't hurt! How ya' been?
Dear Tasuki,
Yeah, Lord of the Rings. I love stuff like that. I'm not into HP (Harry Potter) though.
You didn't get to see the picture? But CnA informed me that you saw it and sweated your pretty lil' brains out. *^.^* I can't help it, I like drawing sekushi pics of you....
So what kind of 'classic rock' do you like? I like just about all of it. Bai for now, cutie.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
Yeah, I saw it after I answered yer letter. *Sweatdrops* It's a nice piece of art. Classic rock? Th' Stones, Grateful Dead, Beatles, nothin' too heavy metal.
Dear Tasuki,
(sits down next to her bro furiously scrubbing a pair of boots.) My horse stepped on my new boots FOUR times today! FOUR times! Even Buddha gets mad after three times!! (scrubs harder) I agree about the Taka thing though. ^^ There was this old lady at my barn who was buckling this blanket onto her horse when two of the buckles snapped off. I heard her mutter "Damn Taka" and I just burst out laughing. His imfamous reputation preceeds him! ( suddenly stops scrubbing and pokes her thumb through a hole on the side.) I dunno, there are times when I wanna call Genrou "Thorn in my Side". Whadya think?
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Well look who you named him after! *Grins and takes off
Dear Tamahome,
you're freaking fine as h*ll!!!but you and miaka are a cute couple ^_^ if you guys break up will you be with me?
kyupi:i doubt that Jeng!he already has a son!
so?!* YOU KYUPI!!!!Tamahome, you're smile always makes me happy *blushes*
kyupi:^_^; Jeng,i think you've been watching too much of A Walk to Remember.
yeah! Shane West is f#$%@^* fine too!
Jeng and Kyupi
Dear Jeng and Kyupi,
Arigato for your kind words, I think
*Sweatdrops at all the yelling*
Dear Tamahome,
^_^ If you have 1 million dollars what would you do with it?
The Richies
Dear Richies,
Invest it wisely!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I won't be able to write for about a week(maybe),because am going to Florida for my vacation.I'll let you know when I get there(if I find a computer). Can have a hug? (<--- I know I ask almost every-time but thats me for yeah)
Ps:I didnt get to go to Otakon, because I was at Camp,I just thought you like to know.~*~
Dear Deserae,
*They all give her a hug.* Have a safe, fun trip!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Winter: *yawns* I just got back from my trip! It was soooooo much fun! All except for the part in the amusment park where I fainted just before I went on a ride, then i about fainted again ten minuets later before I got on the same ride!!! Luckaly we were close to a first aid place. I wish Tasu-kun were there so he could make me feel a whole lots better!! I gots you all a key chain of ur selfs. I gots Tasu-kun An orange-red Speedo!! (I thought he'd look cute in it!) I got Chiriko lots of books! I brought back lots of Okane for Tamahome, some food that Tamahome can give to Miaka! I got some toys for Tama-neko. New outfits for Hotohori. I got Nuriko lots of hair things and such, and I got Chichiri new fishing equipment, and a big salmon! Hope you like the gifts!!
By the way, I would like to know what type of car you would each drive, and what color it would be! Thankies!
Chibi Tasuki: *jumps on tasuki's head and sleeps there*
Chibi Tasuki and WInter
Dear Chibi Tasuki and WInter,
Arigato for the gifts, no da!
Chichiri - Blue Saturn SL2
Tasuki - Red Shelby Cobra
Tamahome - Blackberry Honda Civic Ex
Mitsukake - Grey Toyota Minivan
Hotohori - Black chauffeured limousine
Nuriko - Purple VW Beetle
Chiriko - I'm too young to drive! But, if I could, it would be a white electric car.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Oooh minna guess what I saw yesterday(august 6,2002)? Give up? I saw the movie called SIGNS. OMG it was so good. There are a few jumpy scenes in there,but through-out the movie you get chills up and down your body. XD. It was soooooooooo good!! *smiles*. heehee.
Oh yeah guess what? I dunno if I told you this,but my pen pal Kimi,bought me a Chemistry Cd. *.* It's sooooooo good!! *smiles* I'm happy. heehee. When I finally received it,I was like all giddy...dunno why but I was. ^___^ You should really get a copy of their cd it's sooooooooooooo good! They can go higher than SAVAGE GARDEN!!! O.o;; well uh,sorry this is short. Talk to you later.
Dear Shukumei,
Well, bring the Chemistry CD with you on Sat. and we'll listen to some of it. We haven't seen Signs yet so please don't tell us about it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I have a couple questions for you all....
1) If you were offered a cameo in an American cartoon on TV, which cartoon cartoon would you like to be in?
2) If you were all in a band, which instrument would you play?
Thanks for your time. **hugs everybody** Ja ne!
Dear Blue-fire,
Tasuki - Batman Beyond, drums
Chiriko - Scooby Doo, flute
Tamahome - Richie Rich, guitar
Hotohori - Samurai Jack, singer
Nuriko - Power Puff Girls, singer
Mitsukake - Johnny Quest, bass
Chichiri - Jackie Chan Adventures, tambourine, no da
Suzaki Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
So what did you guys think of the Speedo pic?
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
*All the Seishi sweatdrop, Tasuki blushes, and Chichiri no Aijin grins*
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
today im going to a party, how should i wear my hair??
Dear michaelyn,
That depends on the type and length of hair you have.
Dear Nuriko,
Oi, Nuriko, you seem to be good at this stuff, since I'm not. You have to understand this is very difficult for me, considering that I am a tomboy. I don't care about fashion what so ever, to me it's always grab the cleanest t-shirt and jeans and hope you can make the hockey game. Just please sympathize with me for a moment. I've wanted to die my hair red for about three years now, ( I was born with red hair, then for some reason, I went bald and my hair grew in practically neon white, and its been getting blonder ever since. --0) but now that my mom has consented, my friend brought up a very good point. 98% of the clothers in my closet are red. I pretty much just wanna blend in school this year, and I don't wanna attact attention to the clashing of my bright red shirt and dark red hair! I don't know what to do! I *have* to have red hair, but wearing red is my trademark! I don't wanna have to buy a new wardrobe. Any suggestions?
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
I guess black hair or shirts are out, ne? Red comes in many shades and types. Have you considered a more auburn look with some blonde highlights or perhaps a deep, dark burgundy?
Dear Mitsukake,
Hey, i know your cousin..... His name is Boring man.... he looks like this 'L' Yup, he looks like that!!! But the good thing, that isnt boring is he's a super hero. He bores the bad guys to death. And if they start cussing him, he uses his Boring Boomerang. And its funny.... but boring.... Well see ya!
Dear Gene,
thank you for that bit of information
Dear Hotohori,
I'm scared for my friend, and I don't know who to tell about it. You see, my friend met someone in the chat a week ago. That's right, a week, and she tells me that he's now her boyfriend. Have I missed something? I mean, yeah, I was conveniently away from the computer last week, but she doesn't know a thing about him. She says she wants to meet him IRL when she turns 17, which is next December. He sent her a picture also so she swears that he really looks like what she sees, a 15-year-old boy. She won't believe me when I tell her he could just as easily be a 45-year-old pedophile sending a fake picture. What he told her is somehow more true than kidnapping stories on the news. I don't know anything about him either, but she keeps doing this. Telling people where she is so she can meet them. I know of two if you include this incident, but how do I know she hasn't told say, five people? I don't know if I'm just letting my imagination run away with me, but no matter what I tell her, she says she understands, but I can feel she's not listening to me...
Umihebiza no Miko
Dear Umihebiza no Miko,
Her parents need to be informed of this ASAP!! They need to either restrict her access to the Internet or at least monitor it closely. They need to sit down and talk to her about the danger of what she is doing as well. If she still insists on meeting this person, then they need to accompany her. She is playing a very dangerous game and she needs to realize that. Good luck and please tell her parents as soon as possible.
Dear Tasuki,
hi oniisan *is recovering from her traumatic event* kay i was reading Genrou den what was wrong with the boss? i kept reading it over and over and couldnt find any answer? and who is this perverted guy Keiron? whats his purpose in this thing? Thanx for your time! ^_~
Dear Kylie,
If I remember right, Keiron owns th' tessen that Kouji an' I take fer th' boss. I dunno. I jus' know he was real sick and' then he died. Hope yer feelin' a bit better.
Dear Tasuki,
I'll get it to work!!!!! ::I hold out my hand and concentrate. My hands suddenly go on fire. I fan the fire, It shapes alot like Tasuki-san but it isn't nearly as powerful.:: Even if it isn't by conventional means! ::I laugh. Looks down and notices that the branches below me are on fire!:: HELP!!!
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
*Dumps a glass of water on the branches.* Ya' know, ya' really shouldn't play wit' fire.
Dear Tasuki,
You seem like an interesting person..... If i have 5 apple and i threw one at you and ran the #&!! away, what would you do? oh and Can i hurt you, and do you like the band Gorrilaz? (if you know who they are...). Tokyo tour 2002!!!!
BumBum teckui
Dear BumBum teckui,
I'd catch th' apple an' chuck it back at ya'! I doubt it. Never heard of that band.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
My brother is hanging out with these guys that keep getting him into trouble. He knows they're not good people, but he keeps hanging out with them. Every time we tell him to just ignore those guys he just ignores my mom and me. I'm really getting worried about him. What if he ends up getting hurt or worse. He is even starting to bully people and shoplift. i just don't know what to do. PLease, HELP!
Ashleigh D.
Dear Ashleigh D.,
Has your father or other male relative tried talking to him? It sounds like he needs a strong male role model and has decided that these guys are it. Maybe counseling will help him.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
happy friendship week!
Well? *takes out seven red woollen friendship band each havingg a red feather.* How is it? I made it myself! I need to know what each of you think of it. Hotohori, keep it hidden from those dreaded advisors!
*glomps hotohori-sama*
I wanna get a Hotohori wall scroll and my uncle who lives in San francisco said he will do it for me. What and where do i go to get my scroll?
got really good grades than expected. bye! i will write to you very soon.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
weeeeee! *cheers, grabs sake, and parties* i got reviews, for the first time ever on! yay. i've had them up for WEEKS so...i'm pretty happy. bwahaha. i'm pathetic, but i don't care!
*gives everyone free sake*
Dear Jashi,
Congratulations! Thanks fer th' sake!
Dear Nuriko,
*comes in a sits down, nodding her head politely* I figured I should write to you again. I wrote you a letter about some things a few days ago, but I think it got lost....
She left three days ago. I didn't go to say goodbye, she didn't want me there. I went to Mik's house and played MahJong and lost miserably. So then we had tea and I was starting to feel better, and then my doctor's office caught up to me on my cell phone.
They put every test known to man through on my blood...
They told me I have lukemia... I'm being checked into hospital for chemotherapy on Thursday...
I didn't tell Mik. I couldn't I just said I felt sick to my stomach and asked him to take me home. He's been calling me but I'm just telling him I'm fine. I don't even know everything that's going to happen yet. I just don't want to deal with this... *starts to cry*
Dear Arisugawa,
*Hugs her* I'm sure they caught it early and you will be fine. It's going to be hard on you both physically and emotionally, but the rest of the Seishi and I will be here for you. Please tell Mik what's happening. You'll need him to be there for you as well. Please keep in touch. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. *Holds her*
Dear Hotohori,
What would you do if Houki turned out to be a FEM-BOT?
Dear Fluff-Head,
what is a Fem-Bot?
Dear Chiriko,
hey lil brother! *hugs* i got done moving! *sighs* im sleepy now..... *yawns and falls asleep*
Dear Sam,
So, how do you like your new place?
Dear Chichiri,
No, I don't get an allowance. However, my dad said that as long as I do the chores my mom wants me to do, and the outdoor chores, he'll gives me $10.00 a week. I want that money. $.$
Dear Amy-sama,
That's an allowance. Do a good job, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
smells ummy^_^.....hey how tome no one is fissin wif us? Dey not wike fissies?
Dear Taki,
Perhaps, but that just means there's more for us, no da! *Smiles*
Dear Tasuki,
Gah im ok i guess...Not really but im doin' better. I think ill get better soon. er..Brb its really hot in my room.. *goes to the bathroom and pours lots of water on her head, drys her hair then comes back* Eh..Sorry Tasuki. I had to..its REALLY hot in ma' room..*smiles* my friend is over. She is Hotaru and she is pigging out on potato chips *blinks* want some? ^^ Well i must be going now aight. *hugs tasuki* Cya soon. I hope Ill get better and not be so depressed. *waves goodbye* Ah wait..*Gives him A jug o' sake and a bag a potato chips* ^^ Ja! *waves*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks. *Gives her a hug* Take care of yerself!
Dear Tasuki,
Thanx Tasuki for cheaking my site...^^() *sighs* d*mn Yuri she told there was alright...well I can't blame her she just a kid like Chirko but alittle older like 16 and way hyper on 24-7!
Aki: *pops in* Hi Tasuki!!!! I'm one of your biggest fans!..see *shows him his earrings almost like yours* ^_^
Guni: AKI!!! Where did you come from?!
Aki: ~_~ I just want to say Hi to my hero Tasuki that's all... big sister Guni
Guni: -_-()alright you can..
Aki: ^_^....I also have a fan Tasuki that close to your fan only it shoots out enegry than fire. ^_^ However I'll see ya later bye *waves and walks off*
Guni:Aki is my young brother the only person in my family alive beside my stepbrother who enjoys sake drinking too. He's 13 and looks like Chirko alittle. He really has a like of being your biggest fan for you.
However once again thank for so much for my wedsite and I'll try to fix the links...^_^
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni Ryuuzaki,
Yer welcome. Chiriko says to try an' test it wit' Internet Explorer an' Netscape.
Dear Tasuki,
Hey Tasuki I hear Mt. Leikoku bandits protect the mountain. It's supposed to be a sacred place or something. It sounds honorable to me.
So are you guys like Robin Hood or something as well? Steal from the rich and give to the poor? You guys probably keep some of the stuff since you guys hav eot live on something. But you guys donate to the rest of the poor to right?
Dear Sakie-chan,
We do, but we also help out th' poor villagers.
Dear Tasuki,
Li'an: *eyes about* Oi, shrimp, who's trying t' steal our identities? *hefts a large clay pot*
Pa'liu: Hai! We're the only ones that can make you do dishes! *attempts to put on a fierce look, but soon disolves into giggles*
Mai: *smiling sweetly, holding Chen* And what is this about us being annoying and Aidou-chan being the *most* dangerous, dear otouto-san?
Jiang: *laughs softly, just watching* This sounds like old times.
Li'an, Pa'liu, Mai, and Jiang
Dear Li'an, Pa'liu, Mai, and Jiang,
Now that's MY sisters! *Grins*
Dear Tasuki,
oniisan... i was just outside and a pitbull killed my puppy... my dad told me to go inside so i wanted to talk to you... *starts to cry*
Dear Kylie,
*Gives her a hug* I'm really sorry kiddo! Are ya' gonna be ok? *Holds her*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey, Tasu-kun, didya know that Taka is name of a company that makes fly blankets for horses? ... just thought that was interesting. Gen-chan (my horse) has devolped a very strong liking for water. Whenever we go trail riding over this creek, he makes a point of jumping, a full fledge leap, into the water. There's a pond in his pasture where he goes swimming. Yes, swimming. This is all well an' good, except, ummmm, I can't swim. Well, I can, but it remebles something like a piano being dropped from a 3 story building. --0
BTW I was watching ep. 14 again, and I noticed your boots greatly resemble one of those custom made German Dressage (the sissy ice skateing sport of the horse world.) boots. Is there something that your not telling us?
Mika Kino
Dear Mika Kino,
Nope! At least Taka's good fer somethin'! *Laughs*
Dear Tasuki,
Aie... long time no see. I'm fresh off of a HUGE concert called Soulfest so I'm all happy for the most part. I got tobymac's autograph and a hug, I got to walk around and hug random people for no reason, twas fun. Anyway, I just figured it's been a while so I'd say hi, so.. HI! *snuggles* Oh yeah, I got this for ya! *hands him a huge bottle of sake* enjoy ^_~
Dear Bon,
Glad to hear yer doin' well! Thanks fer th' sake! An' thanks fer sendin' in th' Mitsukake picture! He's got 5 now!
Dear Tasuki,
Tee hee! I just sent your pic. I hope you like it, even though it is a little, well...
'Lovekin' is a term of endearment. And since you and Chiri-chan are my favourite muses, I hope you don't mind to terribly if I call you that.
How about LOTR? That was an excellent one too!*drools helplessly over blue-eyed wonder* Do you like Gackt? For such a small guy, he's got a powerful voice.
Do you like any classic rock? For some reason, I could see you enjoying that as well.
You know who I haven't drawn? Hotohori. I just don't have the desire to draw him. I've even drawn Tama, but not the Hoto. Maybe I ought to? But not in a Speedo, it just wouldn't have the same appeal... Talk to you again! Bai-bai and kisses.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
CnA posted it before I could see it. I've heard of Gackt. LOTR?? Lord of th' Rings? Yeah, I like classic rock, too.
Dear Tasuki,
Maybe she found out he's sick? *snort* He is sick.
She just needed to eat something and get some sleep, so I'm told. My friends and I decided that we were going to put an end to what her boyfriend was doing to her, so we told her everything he'd been doing behind her back...well, everything he was TRYING to do. She broke up with him. Phew...what a relief. He was such a jerk to her...he would hit on like, every girl he saw when she wasn't in the room. --; I'm glad that's over... it just me, or are almost all of the letters you've been getting lately kind of...depressing? I was just reading them all and it looks like everybody's in bad Well I guess I'll catch ya later. Ja!
Dear Kuro,
It does seem to be a lousy summer fer a lotta folks. Hope yer friend is doin' better!
Dear Tasuki,
if u need a girlfriend, here i am!!! if u don't want a girlfriend can i at least b ur lil sister? i serious! Please!!! ^-^ just 2 let u noe i loved u ever since i saw u!
Dear nAnA,
Yes, ya' can be my lil' sister. But ya' can't fry Tamahome! Only I can do that!
Dear Tasuki,
I don't know if anyone's ever told u about this sport, but have u ever watched Hockey? If u want senseless slugging, try watching one of those games. I know ur not one for sports, but I doubt this will disappoint u. Trust me. Sayonara!
Ayame no Miko
Dear Ayame no Miko,
LOL! I've seen hockey games. Whatta great place fer a brawl!
Dear Tasuki,
tasuki how do you put piccys of you inthe art gallery I got some cute piccies of you, I copied and pasted them is that okay? *puppy face*
Frist a chibby size of you.
second: You and kogi
third:You with a cute little wondering face.
YOu with your little fire thingy.
You with a rose in you hand
and thats about it and another surprise I will keep my mouth shut until you see it it is so cute!!!!
Dear Crystal,
As long as they are your fanart, ya' can send 'em to
Dear Tamahome,
ah okay,well I am really happy now that I got to talk to my Aunt Wendy. It turns out that she's been trying to get in contact with me for the longest time ever since she moved but each time she tried to talk to my mom or nana they wouldn't give her the address cause either a. they didn't know it when they did or b. we moved around a lot which isn't true. So I guess my nana and my aunt wendy got into a little argument and I guess nana told her to not call her or write her anymore(my aunt wendy to write nana),so aunt wendy said fine and never called her or anything,and I guess my nana broke down and finally called her and finally gave my aunt my cell phone and my house address. ^____^. My aunt Wendy is cool. She thinks it's really cool that I'm going to be learning Japanese. She also think's it's awesome that I have asian's for friend's and such XD. Well,she's hoping she can come out here soon to visit us,and go shopping with me or whatever cause she's been wanting to go shopping with me for the longest time. Anyways,everything is fine except my mom is still not taking me but that's okay. 'Cause now I finally know the truth although I've been knowing the truth for the longest time.
Oh yeah remember how I told you about Kendra screwing up our computer and then we got in a fight about it? Well,we apologized to each other. So I guess everything is good. Well I guess that's about it. Oh yeah I have one more thing to pen pal Kimi's sending me a japanese j rock band called "Chemistry". They're really good. *.* Well I think that's all for now. See ya oniisan.
Dear Shukumei,
Well, I'm glad that she was able to find you! I'm also glad to hear that you and Kendra made up! See you Saturday!
Dear Tamahome,
*stops crying and snifs*
Mama Papa bai bai... Ji help Sora? *hugs Ji's leg* Sora sad...
Dear Sora,
That's right, Doc-sama and Nuriko went on a trip. *Picks up Sora and holds him.* Don't worry little guy we'll all take good care of you till they get back.
Dear Tamahome,
Tamahome why do you like miaka? She is ugly... all the people I have asked say so. She is stupid, like I have no idea why anybody likes her hotohori likes her tasuki likes her. Tasuki can't denie it I heard how jealous he was when miaka metioned your name when she met tasuki. Tasuki even gave miaka food so he could join miaka. So, anyway why do you like miaka? *jealous* I like you too you know.... My room is filled with Tamahome piccys, There is hardly anymore room for any of your pictures.
I like the suboshi and tauski guy.My friend hasn't found the tamahome guy riding to shcool on a bike. I am dieing to meet the tamahome guy on the bike... *gives tamahome a small kiss on the cheek*
P.S. there is a girl in real life who looks like miaka,tasuki,you,and suboshi.
Dear Crystal,
I love her because she is sweet, kind, caring, and unselfish. If she looks like all of us, at the same time, she must be one messed up person!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do I write stupid letters or something? because I don't alot of responses.
Dear Suzaku92,
No, but we can't always answer every letter. I don't recall seeing any from you recently.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
it's been so long since i last asked my famouse "too many" questions...well here goes.:
1. if there really was a perfect world, wouldn't that mean that we all are living a lie?
2.if peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did peter piper pick? seriously...that has gotten me much IS a peck?? O.o;
3.if there were no evil, wouldn't that make things much more boring?
4.patience is a virtue...but what are the other ones?
5. my friend says you guys look like girls...could you PLEASE not hurt her?she is my only school friend.
6.i am going to highschool! woooot! ^.^ have any tips?
7.i know this isn't a question...but i luv you guys! *gives Candy Frogs to all*
hope i am not being annoying... awell. LUV YA! *leaves a basket full of money,candy,and sake* Enjoy your gift!
Hakura Mayabashi
Dear Hakura Mayabashi,
Here are all your answers! Arigato for the gifts!
1) Perhaps or we could just be living in the Matrix.
2) From peck:
a. A unit of dry volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 537.6 cubic inches.
b. A unit of dry volume or capacity in the British Imperial System equal to 8 quarts or approximately 554.8 cubic inches.
3) Without evil, how can we know good?
4) We would say honesty, trustworthiness, and charity are also virtues.
5) Certainly!
6) Study hard and get good grades! Ganbatte kudasai!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Nuriko,
*smiles at lets him have his secrets*
So itoshii, tell me more about this Ryokan :) *sips some hot cocoa*
Is it nice and cozy love?
Dear Doc-sama,
Very! The rooms are beautiful, peaceful, and very comfy!
Dear Mitsukake,
You're so wonderful! Ahem. Anyway, some stuff has happened since my last two letters (sorry ^^;).
First off, my brother suddenly went missing. Well, if you call him missing. I didn't care. I was rather hoping he'd taken his girlfriend and gone. Well, he came back today. I also found that his girlfriend's mail comes here now. I buried the letter in the backyard. Just like I buried her barette earlier. Now I'm going to miss sleep again. Oh yay. (And my dad won't do anything.. No offense to you or any other pacifists, but they won't even ask him. They're wimps. Again, no offense.)
I'm beginning another original story, that strays way away from the plot of Project Seven (and it's missing my loveable egocentric character), but it's still quite amusing so far.. My favorite character is the evil henchman that constantly asks to get fired. The story's kind of off, and this is the only one I've done character portraits for. Yay!
I'm still convinced we're soulmates. I don't leave unless you marry me. *cackles evilly* ^o^ Uh, yeah. Have a nice week.
Ash-chan (Amazing Guard Reitel!)
Dear Ash-chan,
I know you dislike them, but taking her things and burying them is just wrong. Please stop doing that and return her things to her. I'm know you're a better person than that.
Dear Hotohori,
*plops herself down next to Hotohori, sighs* I'm soooooo life is going really weird right now, and my parents fight. *cries silently* I don't know what to do...
Dear Irhus-sama,
Why are your parents fighting? Have you told them how much this is upsetting you? You might want to consider talking to them and telling them.
Dear Hotohori,
*Sweatdrops and looks waaaaay back for her last question's answer*
Ah, excellent college advice! The orientation was enough to show us how much food they offer...^_^;; but I see much salad in my future anyway.
Here's another question...what should I do when I end up getting addicted to the computer on weekends/weeknights? It's unhealthy, but very likely to happen. :) Maybe learning self-discipline is the only answer...
*Attempts to does one do that?* *spark* *spark...nevermind*
Dear Hoshi,
That's certainly true! Why not get together with friends and go out and do something? Even if a group of you go for a walk to clear your head's it's better than staying in your room. This? *Sparkles* It's a bishounen thing.
Dear Hotohori,
WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE IN THE MOVIE? I almost ripped my pillow to shreads after I saw that!!!!!!!! *cries and gives hotohori a hug* I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCCCCChhh!!
Dear Ryo-ohki,
*Sweatdrops* Gomen!
Dear Chiriko,
Could you do my homework. I hate homework. Besides I have more important things to do like stare at tamahome piccys.
Dear Crystal,
No, you need to do your own homework.
Dear Chiriko,
Duh!!!! *slaps head* Why didn't I think of that studying tip before?! I probably would've had a 5.0 instead of a crummy 4.5. (5.0 is a perfect score on my school's report cards.) Oh well. Thanks, Chiriko!!! *gives friendly hug* ur a frickin' genius!!! *ruffles hair before leaving*
Cramming no Miko
Dear Cramming no Miko,
You're very welcome! *Smiles*
Dear Chichiri,
Hi, it's need someone. I'm using a different name. Um, I may plan on dressing up as u for Halloween this year, but, I don't have the faintest idea as to where to find what u wear. I ain't worrying about the hair, since I'd probably look silly with blue hair (not that u do.) Plus, my bangs wouldn't cooperate. Anyhoo, I basically need the white tunic, the kesa, and the kasa, and the staff. Any ideas? Arigato!!!
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: Thanks again for talking to me. I sometimes think people get bored with my problems. *smiles and sparkles*
Dear Ayame no Miko,
You're very welcome, no da! The kesa and staff you would need to make. The kasa can be found in your local Chinatown and if yo can find a Jedi-style shirt that will work, no da.
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