Dear Tasuki,
In manga 4 where u appeared with those 'spell sheet' thingys that when you write something on it it will come out or said some guy gave it to you. Why did they give it to you anyways?? Do u still have some that's untouched by Miaka's marker? Can i have it? ^^
Dear Hammy,
He was an old monk an' he said I was s'pposed to have 'em. I don't have anymore left.
Dear Tasuki,
Hi! Just want to know, who came up with the 'bandit dance' anyways? Is it you? Does it have a purpose? Are you and Kouji the only one that does the dance?
Dear Yushi,
I dunno. It's jus' somethin' we do.
Dear Tasuki,
oro...your buddies at mt.reikaku didn't respond to letters for a year or two.kinda makes you wonder what they're doing O_O ....not to sound hentai-ish or something like that!
Dear kyupi,
Nah, sounds like they're jus' slackin'.
Dear Tasuki,
Why do you have fangs, and why do you hate girls???
Son Natari
Dear Son Natari,
I was born wit' 'em.
5 older sisters
Dear Tasuki,
*walks over to him with her wolf behind her* genwou likes to play catch *rolls a ball on the ground and watches him get it* He chew on daddy's shoe and he call him not nice names.....want to pway wif him too?
Dear Lita,
Sure! *Chucks ball* OK boy! Fetch!
Dear Tamahome,
Does Miaka STILL eat that much? Do you have troubles feeding her? ^^' Just wondering.
Dear Brownie,
Yes she does and she has no troubles feeding herself!
Dear Tamahome,
Hello Tama-kun! (Takes out ten gold ryou) Other than getting absolutely stoned off sake, what is the most embarrassing thing Tasuki has ever done? Also, what is the worst thing Tasuki has done to you when you took pictures and blackmailed him with it? Third, if you Miaka was not the Suzaku no Miko, would you end up with Yui instead? Last, the best place to hide Tasuki's sake is in Tamaneko's basket, under the mat. It's the last place Tasuki will ever look, and you could just blame it on the cat! (puts the money in Tamahome's pocket) I think that's all!
Dear Kouran-chan,
Arigato for the suggestion and okane! I don't know about the most embarrassing thing he's ever done, but frying me is probably the worst and most annoying. If I met her I would be with Miaka. If not, I don't know.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
If the world is going to end tomorrow, meaning that you only have 24 hours left. What would u do?
Dear cupcake,
Tasuki - Get drunk
Chichiri - Spend time with my friends and meditate, no da.
Tamahome - Stay with Miaka
Hotohori - Be with Houki and Boushin
Mitsukake - Spend time with my fellow Seishi and make sure Tama-neko is with me.
Nuriko - Be with my family
Chiriko - Look for a way to stop it.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Okay,I really didn't know who to tell this too,so I'm going to tell everyone!
Yesterday around 3:00 I believe I received a phone call from my Aunt Wendy. Well,it was a voicemail so I couldn't call her back until 7:00 cause it's cheaper that way or something like that. (Btw,she lives in Washington) So I called her back around 7:00 and we talked for almost 2 hours. She is the coolest aunt you'd ever want to meet. I may not have said anything about her,and I kick myself for it cause she is my fave aunt of all time,but I've always been thinking about her. Well anyways,she told me her side of the story about my mom and nana. And well it's the same side my dad has been telling. And the weird coinsidence is that she's had the same problem I'm having when she was my age. And also,my cousin Kaylee and Travis don't get diddly squat from my mom OR Nana,just like me. And I told her what my mom and Nana said about my dad and stuff,and about the birthday card thingy,and she said well that will soon change. You will start getting thing's on your birthday and Christmas. I guess my Aunt Wendy has been trying to get in contact with me for the longest time,so she can talk to me and such,but each time she asks about me,and for my address my mom and/or nana won't give it to her,so I guess since my aunt decided to quit talking to her mom(nana)over something,nana finally broke down,and called her up gave her my address and phone number. My aunt is even thinking about getting on a greyhound bus,with Kaylee and Travis and coming down here to visit and maybe even stay! I mean how cool is that? She said she wants to come down to see US. Not my mom,not her mom,not even my sis melissa,US as in My dad,Me,my grandmother,and my sis Libby. How cool is that? ^___^ Oh yeah,she also said that she thinks it's cool that I'm going to learn Japanese. ^______^ heehee. I am so happy right now it's not even funny. Oh yeah my pen pal Kimi is going to send me a Chemistry Cd. (Chemistry is a name of a group). *.* I was like weeeeeeeee.
And as for calling the guys...uhm...not to be mean or anything; but why can't he call me for a change? I don't know the rules over there or anything,but why do I have to keep calling them? O.o;;; Well,I guess I should end this here. So uh...I just thought I should let ya know about my Aunt Wendy,and my cousin's Kaylee and Travis.
Dear Shukumei,
That's really great about your aunt! Chichiri no Aijin will be calling then about anime day this coming Saturday. Hopefully, both you and they can make it.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you ever tried fresh pineapples? Here I cut some for you, enjoy! I know it's sweet and juicy cause I made sure to pick the best ones for you. And pineapple tarts to their very good, sweet and flakey! Hope you like them.
By the way thanks for answering all my questions.
Dear Sakie-chan,
You're very welcome! Arigato for the oishii pineapple!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do you guys remember The Samurai Pizza Cats? If so, did you like them?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
Yes to both questions!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Mitsukake,
Why do people think you're boring?!? I'm still tryin to figure that out. You've got pleanty of amusing lines in the show.... *laughs* "your majesty certainly has a way with men". ^^;;;;
Do you think it's rude when people write to you asking if they can ask Tama-neko a question? 'Cause Tama-neko is adorable, yes.... but you are, too!!! *blushes and glomps*
Do you have any ideas on why my puppy likes eating lettuce? It's got everyone else stumped. ^^;;;;;
Thanks! *turns into a kitten, curls up on his head, and falls asleep*
Dear Ayame,
Arigato for your kind comments. I don't think it's rude for people to want to ask Tama-neko questions. Dogs like to eat strange things. Be glad it's not your shoes.
Dear Chichiri,
Helloo, onii-san! Anyway, I'm trying to save up for a Gamecube so I can get the next Harvest Moon game for Christmas or my birthday, but I only have $76.25! Any suggestions on how to get more money? I'm not old enough for a part-time job. o_o
Dear Amy-sama,
Do you get an allowance, no da? If you do, you might want to save part of it. If not, perhaps your parents will give you a small allowance if you do chores around the house, no da. Good luck!
Dear Chichiri,
Why do you always wear a mask, I am sure your face is perfeclty OK without it, so why do you wear it?
Son Natari
Dear Son Natari,
I have a scarred left eye and people feel uncomfortable around me if they see it, no da. Arigato for your kind words, no da.
Dear Chichiri,
*watches Chichiri clean and gut the fish* ar ou amos done wif di fissy? *walks over and looks* Ew...wha's dat *pokes it's eye* >.< is skwichy
Dear Taki,
I'm done, no da. *Skewers fish on some sticks and starts grilling them.*
Dear Hotohori,
I love you so much! Miaka is a cold, cruel-hearted girl who doesn't care about you: I do! I'll become priestess or marry you or whatever you want! *glomps Hotohori and goes kawaii*
Dear Jessica,
Arigato for your generous offer. However, I am already happily married to Houki.
Dear Tamahome,
HEY TAMA how are u?just want to keep in touch not much questions anymore o.o.i just went out to spend my b-day money even though my b-day was like last month in june,i bought one of your mangas,the first volume where miaka gets to be the "prestis of suzaku".^^ theres some pretty KAWAII pics of u in there i just cant get over ^^ ^.^.i read it about 3 times already but at the end miaka faints and i dunno why so im DIEING to get the 2nd volume,but if u want u can tell me ALL that happens in the 2nd volume so i dont have to wait and save up my money.well talk to ya later cya
sikora chan
Dear sikora chan,
I think it's up to like 4 or 5 volumes by now. Happy belated birthday!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
oh hey everyone i just have one question PLEAZE answer it.ok her it is...
do u guys no any websites of pages that u can translate english into japanese cause i making up a song ^^ and i want it to be translated in if u can and if its no trouble can u try to help me answer my question? thanku so much ^^.
Dear Hotohori,
Hey! I was just wondering something. Can you ever have enough mirrors? I'm just wondering. I mean you love looking at yourself and I was just wondering if you had enough mirrors and if you could ever have enough mirrors. Did that make any sense? LOL. Well gotta go. Love ya!
Kosetsuno Tenshi
Dear Kosetsuno Tenshi,
I don;t know. I suppose one could have too much of anything one likes.
Dear Tasuki,
'ey tasuki. Needed to talk to someone. All my friends are offline from MSN and im really bored. *Sigh* i havent been my "hyper out going" self lately. ive been really tired, more serious then usual..and ive been singing very sad songs lately, most from Vampire Princess Miyu that are not rock but not sad like kinda inbetween. If ya know Vampire princess Miyu the anime then you'd know what im talkin' bout. Heh, i guess i just lost all my hyperness on...July, tuesday. Gah its already August 1...*sigh* oh going to a party on the 13th. i hope it aint borein. *smiles* My sister says im scareing her by being to "mature" Least ma' language didnt change. still talk slang, most of the time that is. Eh..Maybe i have a fever..i dont really feel good..i feel kinda sick T_T im gunna go back to bed even if it is 4:22 pm..*yawns* Hope i get better soon...Cya Tasuki *waves goodbye and throws over to him some sake* enjoy it. i have plenty more in the fridge. Ja! *goes off to bed yawning*
Dear Kisato-Chan,
Thanks fer th' sake. Ya' sound depressed. Ya' sure yer ok?
Dear Chichiri,
WAI!! I finally got a new layout for Chichiri's Shakujou! ^_^ It took me ...*looks at her watch*...7 hours.
Hey, but that should show just how much I'm devoted to you Chichiri-Sempai!!!!
Now I'm tired... *Falls asleep in front of Tasuki's feet* Zzzzz...
Kumori (AKA Kaori)
Dear Kumori,
Very nice! Arigato, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
I did the picture of you in a Speedo, but am unsure as to where I should send it. The Speedo eneded up being black because, like a true baka, I accidentally threw out all of my coloured pencls in a fit of despondency. So how have you been these days? I have to return to school soon. (>.< Blurg! Com. Art is sooo boring!) Ummm...What kind of music do you like listening to? I recently picked up a Vietnamese music CD at the Library, and it was very beautiful. The soundtrack to Crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon kind of reminds me of you and Chichiri (not in the yaoi sense, just certain songs seem to remind me of either of you). Have you seen that movie? It's so lovely. A lot of people didn't understand the forest scene, but if you read the old Chinese myths and legends, it comes together. My mom is in love with the monk dude, or whatever, Chow Yun Phat or something.
I imagine you would like Journey to the West, with Tripitaka and Houtze Sun....*^-^* Well, anyway, talk to you later lovekin.
Erinu no Rafusen
Dear Erinu no Rafusen,
"Lovekin"??? I ain't even askin'! I seen that movie! It was great. Chow Yun Fat is pretty awesome! I like J-Pop an' J-Rock. Ya' can send th' picture to:
CnA is lookin' forward to seein' it. *Sweatdrops*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
::looks up from her dimly lit corner, her eyes red from crying:: Boys, It's been a cr*ppy week. It seems like every time I look up something else is wrong. First, My grandfather is slowly dying from kidney failure and congestive heart failure. Not that he didn't have a long life, but still. It's really hurting my stepdad bad. Also, one of my brothers split up with his wife, and is hurting pretty bad right now. Then some friends of the family lost relatives. I keep seeing so many people I care for hurt, and It pains me because I can't seem to do anything about it. Thankfully though, I have some wonderful friends from a church camp I went to who are giving me some great support. Hopefully things will get better soon. I'd like to see some good stuff happen soon so the next letter I write to you will be a little more cheery. Until then, things are what they are, and *IF* I can change them, I will, even if it is one little step at a time. Until then, let's hope for the best. :)
Dear Tigress,
You, your friends, and your family have our deepest sympathies and condolences. We too hope that things will soon get better for you and yours. Take care. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Hey there, Tasuki! How are you doing?
It's pretty darn hot where I live right now, and we need some serious rain for this drought. We've had some thunderstorms, but no rain as of yet. We'd better have one heck of a winter!! Lots of snow, the kind that you have to wade through...Oh well, can't control the weather.
But otherwise, all has been pretty well. On the upside, I got to go to Otakon in Baltimore and see my friends from out of town. We all stayed about six blocks from the convention center. And the con itself was fantastic as always! You have got to see the fan parodies and the music videos. I also got 2 DVDs for a very low price. (Tamahome would be pleased, at least.)
On the downside, however, I found out my car needs new tires. The ones it has now are pretty worn. I got one tire replaced because it was flat, but my brother and I will probably be looking for some new tires to put on my car this weekend. Unfortunately, tires aren't cheap, as you may or may not know. *sigh*
But I know what this situation calls for...
*goes over to the bar* Want some Spanish coffee? All we need is kaluah, brandy...*rummages some more* and coffee. Mind checking the pantry for some coffee? I'll even let you light them off. Also, if you can please get some sugar, that would be great. And I mean REAL SUGAR!! None of that artificial sweetener stuff.
*gathers ingredients together and brews coffee* Now, let's see if I can do this *mixes coffee and alcoholic ingredients together* Okay, Tasuki, light it off with the matches, please. *hands the bandit matches* We'll know in a minute if this turned out right. *starts pouring the lighted concoction around in various containers*
Well, Tasuki *pours finished Spanish Coffee and hands it to him* you know what to do. Enjoy!
Lady Shera
Dear Lady Shera,
Oishii!! Thanks! It's pretty hot here as well.
So, didya' see a tall redhead dressed as Elly from XenoGears when ya' were at Otakon? That was Kelli-chan! I'm glad ya' hadda great time! Sorry to hear 'bout yer tires, but that stuff happens. Take care!
Dear Hotohori,
*ponders* Perhaps if I can buy out this section of the company. Quite a few people on my father's council owe me some serious favors. Their support could make it all run smoothly. It would clear up several debts as well. *beams at Hotohori* Thank you! I believe I have a plan now!
Dear Mr. Luthor,
You're very welcome! Good luck in your endeavors!
Dear Chiriko,
Am so happy Chiriko! I already pasted my reading and writing test, but I went to a enrichment program to try and past my math. Two weeks from when I took my Math test I got a letter from the people and it said I past with 343 points! ^_^ Am so happy I pasted,math is so hard! I went to Asthma Camp as a counsel to pay o my comunutie serve-it hours! So all I have do is relax until I get to take my citizen test.. Arent you happy our me!? ^_^
Dear Deserae,
Omedeto gozaimashita on passing your tests! I am very happy for you!
Dear Tasuki,
dude i wanna ask ya somethin!since your a bandit, why is it that you steal stuff but fight for konan?in other words...why do dishonor but fight for your country?that's pretty weird!oh yeah some guy with blue-green hair and a chinese sign on his forehead told me to tell you this...YOU LOOK LIKE AN ORANGUTANG!*throws a monkichi plush on his face and runs likes h*ll!*
Dear kyupi,
What th' *(^% was THAT s'pposed to mean?? We steal from people that can afford it an' after we keep our share th' rest goes to th' poor folk. So there!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
hmmmmm... i'm changing my pen name on, but i'm not sure if i should.
i AM female, and my friend has informed me that Jashi is a name for guys, and um...someone sent me an e-mail that was asking me if i was a guy or not because the webmistress said i was male. >.< but that's okay.
hm...i want to change it to Kajitsu Misora, but I'm not sure if that's much better...cuz i'm not japanese. so which is better: kajitsu misora or jashi?
Dear Jashi,
Well, we like Jashi. However, it is ultimately your decision.
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tamahome,
Grrrrrrrrrr Oniisan!!!!! I am a little upset as you can see. Ever since I gave my grandmother my cell phone(hint she's my mom's mom),she's giving it out to all my relatives. I mean just now I received a voice mail from my aunt wendy who lives in WASHINGTON. She told me that she doesn't have long distance so how am I going to call her back? I am certainly not using my cell phone to call her back,because that costs money and time. My time is almost 200 minutes -_-. What do I do? When is it supposed to re-set the time? I knew I shouldn't have given my number to my grandmother,ah well,at least my family is finally contacting me after how many years. Although,I wish my grandmother would stop lying about thing's. She's of it? *Shakes head* Oniisan what do I do????
Dear Shukumei,
Well, once a month your minutes "renew" so to speak if that is the type of plan you're on. A lot of cell companies have free long-distance, you may already have that type of plan or you may have to look into it. You can also let tat side of your family know that your cell number is ONLY for emergencies. If they want to chat, they have to call you at home.
As for your grandmother, it may be she is old and just doesn't remember things too clearly. I really don't know what else to tell you as I really don't know the situation.
Dear Tasuki,
HI Tasuki. ^^ Just thought I'd say hi to my favorite seishi for once. You know, for as long as I've been here I have only written to you maybe two times. ^^;; Well anyway. Heh. How are ya? I'm kinda worried about one of my buddies. She passed out this morning at school...she told me she hadnt slept at all or eaten anything at all. She hadnt even had anything to drink, and it's all because she was worried about her boyfriend. She said they had talked about something the day before and she was still worried about it. He is such a jerk. I don't even want to get into that...He was like, avoiding her this morning and she...well, she got sick. I hope she's okay. I worried about her all day, the poor girl. ;-; It just makes me wonder, ya know? What could have happened between them that made her that worried, to make her sick? And she's so close-mouthed that I don't think even after today I'll be able to find out the whole story...Urgh, look at me, I'm ranting. I just meant to drop by and say hi. ^^;; Well thanks for listening anyway. I think I'll go worry some more now...bye. ^^;
Oh yeah...*glomp!*
*unglomp* Now...bye. ^^
Dear Kuro,
OI! Long time, no hear from! Mebbe they hadda fight or she found out he's sick or somethin'. I hope she's gonna be ok. Even if she won't talk to ya', let her know yer there fer her if she needs ya'.
Dear Hotohori,
*sigh* Hoto-Sama, my friend and i arent even talking to each other, and if we do, were all prissy and bratty to each other. it was supposed to be a "me aand my friend summer" and a "brother and his friend summer"...not a "my friend and brother summer", a "me summer" and a "my brother's friend summer". i can admit it, i am also being a bit stingy and selfish, but i never am. i guess that its better for it to come out now and like this instead of it all exploding at one time, right???
Dear Jamie,
I suppose so. It is a shame, however, that the four of you can't all come to terms on this and reach an agreeable and equitable solution.
Dear Tasuki,
*walks over to him very tired* @.@ *dizzy eyes* Hey... Tasuki... it's me Guni again
I FINALLY FINISH MY WEDSITE OF YOU!!!!!! *evil laugh to herself for being so proud to finish the site for a second then stops and makes dizzy eyes again tired* ok am to tired to do I got a few mistakes in the past trying to do cause some bad things happen to me..
However here's the site: Tell if it works the site and Tell me what do you think of it?
Guni Ryuuzaki
Dear Guni,
Well, a lotta yer links are busted. I think ya' need to recheck alla them. But th' few pics I saw were nice. Thanks fer th' shrine!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Do any of you know where I can find an English translation to the blooper episodes of the forbidden trip to the hot springs? I was watching it on Real Player, but there were no subtitles. It looked hysterical, by the way. But, I wanna know what u were saying. Arigato!!!
Ayame no Miko
P.S.: Mistukake, why did u put Chichiri in the headlock? Tasuki deserved the headlock, not Chichiri!!!
Dear Ayame no Miko,
Gomen, no we don't. Minna-san, can you help her? They both deserved it for making fun of my singing. I just happened to catch Chichiri first.
Dear Tamahome,
*stops in mid throw in suprise, blinks, then starts wailing*
*sora drops the shiny thing as tears flow from his eyes*
Dear Sora,
Oh geez!!! Please stop crying! I didn't mean to yell! Here, look ... funny faces! *Makes silly fzces to stop Sora from crying...*
Dear Chichiri,
thnx for answering my questions!
i have finally found an older brother! hey, do you really think it's your fault
that Kouran and Hikou died? if you ask me it's not your fault. it's fate.
i'm very, very sure you weren't the cause of the flood anyway.
Would you rather wander alone or with somebody?
Thanks again Aniki!!!
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
Yes, I do still think that I am in some way to blame for their deaths. Wandering is fun either way, no da.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
How do you treat each other?
How's Miaka's cooking?
What makes you proud Suzaku chose you to be a seishi?
Could I have all your heights? I'm puzzled because the other sites are not that clear...
What're your prized possesions?
Thanks! Ja!
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
Here are the answers to your questions:
We treat each other like brothers.
It's getting more edible.
We are proud to be able to protect Konan and our world, no da.
Our heights are:
Tamahome:180 cm, Okane!
Tasuki:178 cm, My tessen!
Chichiri:175 cm, I guess you caould say my kasa, kesa, and staff, no da.
Hotohori:182 cm, Houki and Boushin
Mitsukake:199 cm, Tama-neko
Nuriko:166 cm, Hotohori! Tee-hee...
Chiriko:148 cm, My books!
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
I think suzaku rocks! but every time I sleep I see a red light when I sleep. It's true!
Dear Crystal,
Really? It ain;t gflashin' "eat at Joe's" is it? If it is, mebbe ya' need to close yer shades.
Dear Tasuki,
can i use your tessen or can you only use it? well anyway i might be moving! *is happy * cause that means that i can stay with my friends but im gonna miss my old school though! why did Nakago propose to your sister? i mean Aidou isnt excatlly gonna take orders from him is thats what he's up to! but i did see her throw a huge log at him you shoulda saw it!
Dear Kylie,
'Cos he's a *(^%$#@ baka that's why! Only I can use my tessen. See? *Fries Nakago* Heh-heh-heh... *Fanged Grin*
Dear Tasuki,
HeY Tasuki, What's up? Nothing here but I have to say something you are sooooo hot!!!! Sorry but I got to go bai bai! *waves**leaves*
Dear Tamahome,
*throws him two gold ryou* say that you and Miaka-sama are "happily married", yes? Technically, she's kind of young...I think she's only sixteen, correct? I think legal marrying age is 14, but, what about school, or that kind of thing? Wouldn't you have dificulties being married AND in high school at the same time? *shrugs* not that i have anything against it, but i'm just wondering.
Dear Jashi,
In Japan the laws are differentand it isn't that difficult with her going to high school and me working.
Dear Tasuki,
Angel: WAI!! Cool!! Can ya do it again???
Kaiho: No don't do it I like Tamahome!! *stands in front of Tamahome*
Angel: ... Fry her!! Fry her!!
Kaiho: WHAT!?! ME!?! ANGEL!!!
Angel: *innocently, from hiding behind Tasuki* Haaaaaaai?
Kaiho: Some friend you are.
Angel: *sticks her tongue out at Kaiho* Fry Kai-chan Tasuki!! Fry her!!
Angel-chan and Kaiho
Dear Angel-chan and Kaiho,
I ain't gonna fry yer friend!
Dear Hotohori,
*eyes wide open* Thank you so much! My whole week has changed since I wrote to you. I'll take what you said into consideration. *pause to think* What can I do to make up for what you did. I mean every time I have a problem you always seem to make me feel better. *pause again* Oh well. Hey I almost forgot! I am writing a book and I plan to publish it, but I don't know what to call it. The story is pretty much the plot of my twin's dream. (you know "the guardian protecting the goddess dream") Anyways, I have no idea what to call it. Do you have any ideas?
p.s. *blushing* Oh, and one more thing...thank you for the hug.
Dear Guardian,
You're very welcome! Why not call it Guardian Dream?
Dear Tasuki,
Maybe this isn't the right question to ask yoooou, because youre kinda a boy and stuff.. but anyway, do you know any, just any sites to print for your mother? Do you I am desprite. Her b-day is in like 3 days!!
desprate person LOVES TASUKI
Dear desprate,
I ason't quite sure what yer askin' Why don'tcha' get her flowers or candy?
Dear Mitsukake,
why isn't your cat in here?
yo man
Dear yo man,
He's a cat. He doesn't do mail.
Dear Mitsukake,
why isn't miaka in here?
lalala yo
Dear lalala yo,
This is not an Ask Miaka site.
Dear Tamahome,
*gives tamahome a kiss right smack in the lips* I LOVE YOU!!! *faints*
somebody who loves tamahome
Dear somebody,
*Blushes and sweatdrops, then catches her and places her on a couch to recover.*
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Have you guys read Chobits yet? Its really cute....i think its the newest thing by clamp but im not sure. Do you guys watch Inu Yasha cuz im on episode 70 and i wanna see the next episode and my computer is being its demonic self and wont let me download it! It wont let me in the chat either but then again... it bairly did before...
Dear Tana,
We have read Chobits and seen Inu-Yasha. We liked both of them. Since the chat is on BeSeen's server we have little contrl over it, gomen.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Is it so wrong 2 be diffrent?! I dress like a punk/goth,wear dark heavy makeup and always have an expressionless face. I like 2 make a fool of myself for fun and dress weird adn freaky ppl out. I play pranks and do crazy stuff 2 get noticed. Really weird crazy stuff.I'm an outcast and no one likes me. People think I'm a witch and voodoo. I tell them "ya I am". I do voodoo and stuff like that sometimes 4 fun. I can be suicidal at times though. I like being diffrent and weird and dark. But when it comes to being suicidal I want to talk to someone but no one's there. I have no friends and my family dosen't really pay attenton to me. Everyone thinks I'm psycho and is a afraid or disgusted at me(which is a good thing). I don't like stuff like the "latest fashion" or the music"everyone is listening to". Whatever is popular I do the COMPLETE opposite. Now I have no one to talk to except my black cat,Spooky(part of the reason why everyone thinks I'm a witch). I want someone to talk to but I still want 2 freak people out. Oh and by the way don't even think of a psychiatrist. They're evil.
Lady Chaos
Dear Lady Chaos,
It's not wrong to be different, no da. But you might want to ask yourself why you want to get all this negative attention and why you are intent on pushing the world away. Regardless, just know that we will be here if you need someone to talk to, no da. Take care.
Dear Nuriko,
Thank you. Hands him a million roses.
Dear Sakie-chan,
You're very welcome! Arigato for the lovely roses.
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
I can walk now!!!!! without pains that is^^; my Aunt, cousin, and I went to Great America on Monday and I was on my feet from about 10 AM to 8PM. and the seats for just about all the rollercoasters were not made for bigger people:P
Hmmm, I hear there's a new OVA/OAV(whatever)? I've seen some pics of the covers of the movies... and I'm sorry, but Tasuki... you looked reaaaally strange on it, hehe.
Yeah, Tamahome, I will. Eh, that's alright, the account was eventually shut down due to inactivity, or whatever it was they said:P
Ok... a question...? Oh, I know this has probrably been answered a million times, but what are each of your guys' favorite anime/mangas?
Dear Fallon,
We have lots of favorite aniumes/mangas. Here are a couple: Rurouni Kenshin, Fruits Basket, Aka Zukan Cha-Cha, Dual, Hellsing, and GTO
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Ah man,Tasuki-kun howcome you won't let Amy-chan draw ya in a speedo? ^^;; I think you'd look *coughs* Sexy *coughs* in a speedo. Anyways,guess what guess what? Margaret,Rose,Alana and I went to Little Tokyo today as well as chinatown! We went in this one store that had a whole bunch of cd's and well,Rose found all my cd's that I've been wanting,and I was like I'm in heaven *.* and well,we asked the guy how much they were and he said they were rentals so my hopes were shot ;____; . So after that we left,and we went to chinatown after visiting Little Tokyo,anyways,we went to this one video store that Margaret always goes to,and Rose and I found METEOR GARDEN!!! But guess how much they wanted for it? Give up? $40.00 bucks. I was like *faint,faint*. So my hopes were shot AGAIN. ;___; jeez,I hate it when your hopes are shot. But at the very last second Rose saw an Hamasaki Ayumi Cd and handed it to me,and I nearly cracked the windows when I squeaked so high XD.(not knowing I had that high of a picth cause it scared my friends). Anyways,the owner of the store was telling me that the cd was very good and I asked him if there was any more of her cd's and he said to check the bottom so we did and I found Kinki Kid's and another Ayu cd. I was like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *dancing for joy* heehee. So I bought those for 25 dollars. >D And well I think that's about it. heehee. Oh yeah,did CnA-chan ask Satoshi about our date????????? I'm gettin kinda tired of waitin' fer the date. *sigh sigh*. I know I shouldn't,but I am. Anyways,sorry for babblin,I just had to ask you those questions and tell you what I got. Oooooh yeah guess what? Ever since I re-did my post at I am getting more and more MALE pen pals than I did before >D mwahaha. Anyways,I guess that's it. Ja's
Dear Shukumei,
I think someone did already ... Did ya' try lookin' at eBay fer Meteor Garden? It's probably cheaper there. CnA ain't spoke to th' guys since she saw 'em last week. Why don'tcha' jus' call 'im?
Dear Chiriko,
Hi, oh not-so-tall-but-makes-up-for-height-with-brains one. *bows* (phew, long name) Yea, I'm heading into my second year of highschool, and I had a kinda bumpy year last year regarding study habits. So, I was hoping that you'd be able to give me some help with habits, you being THE smartest little bugger in that group next to Chichiri. Any advice? Arigato, Chiriko!!!
Cramming no Miko
Dear Cramming no Miko,
You need to study in a quiet, comfortable environment that is free from distractions. Try to study for 20-30 minutes and then take a 5 minute break. After your break, review what you just studied and then go on to the next thing you need to study. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Mitsukake,
Konbanwa Onnisan! Long time no talk! How're you? I'm great. Well,I guess you would say I've been busy and guess what? I had to take my assessentment test on tuesday (July 30,2002). It took me a good 2 hours to complete it. Anyways,what have ya been up too? Sorry this letter is so short,but I'm dead tired. Gomen nasai *gives him a hug,and a kiss on the cheek.* Oh yeah can ya give this to tama-neko? *pulls out a tasty trout* If my memory serves me correctly,tama-neko likes trout too right? Oh yeah,I also got you something ^___^ *hands him a tea-set* Now you can have tea. ^___^ heehee. Sorry I really didn't know what to get you.
Dear Shukumei,
He does. Arigato for everything and let me know how your test turns out!
Dear Hotohori,
No num-num yaoi for you!? Ahh... too bad Hotohori! You way cute and no women could ever look pretty next to you Hotohori! Hotohori-chan only look pretty with another man Hotohori!
*meow* Tamahome look cute-cute next to Hotohori-chan! Rivels always look cute togther ^_^ or even better, enemys!!!!
Hmm... Enemy... Nakago!!!! *glomps her nakago plushie* ^_^ Nakago look kawaii-kawaii next to Hotohori-kun!
But Hotohori look cutiest when just standing by himself!!!
Dear Shoujo-cham,
*Smiles and sparkles* Arigato for your kind compliment.
Dear Chichiri,
Guess what? I named my fish after you!!!! *in an announcer voice* Howww does that make you feeeelll?
Dear Irhus-sama,
Flattered, no da!
Dear Tasuki,
Maybe it does where I come from!! Fine, if that's the way you wanna be... **rolls in barrels of whatever alcoholic beverage she can find, punches a hole in it** This'll work, ne? **lays under fountain, chugging away**
PS. I live only 15 minutes from where those miners were trapped in PA... you hear about that at all? I know one of them...
Dear Kokkei,
We were all very glad to hear that they were all alive an' rescued.
Ya' know, yer gonna drown like that. Lemme show ya' how it's done! *Picks up barrel and chugs from it
* URRRPPPP!!! 'Scuse me! *Grins*
Dear Mitsukake,
^o^ Hi! just want to ask, when and how did u discover ur power of healing? Thx!
Dear ~Yushi~,
I guess I was a child, but I really don't recall.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi! Want to ask u something. How did u find the chance/oppertunity or something to go learn magic on Taitsukun's mountain? How do u know it even exists? Just want to know~
Dear Yushi,
She found me after my fiancιe and best friend died, no da.
Dear Tasuki,
Of all ur sisters which one do u like best? i mean, they all can't be equally hated! So which one do u favor more? Which one do u think is more annoying? Say hi to me for them! ^o^
Dear Yushi,
I dunno, they're ALL annoyin'! But Aidou is th' most dangerous of th' bunch
I'll give 'em yer regards.
Dear Tasuki,
Kou Shun'u! U've been gone for TOO long! The chores are waiting for u! The dishes need to be washed and the logs are running short! >=( if u don't come back soon i will come get u! *throws a log at u*
Ur beautiful sisters
Dear Ur beautiful sisters,
*Ducks log* Do yer own *(^%$$# dishes! Besides, my sisters spell better n' that!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
^o^ Hi everyone! Just want to ask, if u can pick a place of ur choice for vacation, where would it be and why?
i mean ANYWHERE, even places that don't exist like la la land~! Or neverneverland~! ^_^ Thx!
Dear Brownie,
Chirko - Library of Alexandria - All that knowledge!
Chichiri - A quiet, hidden fishing hole, no da.
Mitsukake - Johns Hopkins Medical Center - To expand my medical knowledge.
Tasuki - Ireland - 'Cos they KNOW how to drink an' brawl!
Tamahome - Fort Knox - OKANE!!!!
Hotohori - The Palace of Versailles - Mirrors
Nuriko - The Palace of Versailles - Hotohori
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Aidou: *picks Lita up* Did you have fun with your Uncle Shun'u-baka?
Lita: He is not a baka *trys to look all mad like Shun'u would*
Aidou: *smiles* Aww....shes trying to be tough, like her silly Shun'u-baka.Has she been the lil' psycho she is for her daddy? Lets seen now......lately she locked Kouji out, then she jumped on him, but of course shes to cute to get into any trouble. Shes getting better at swimming too. Unlike her Uncle who's probally still afraid of the water.
Lita: Can me an Genwou pway wif Uncle Shun'u tomawow?
Aidou: Ummm... if he wants... you should ask him. Shunu-kun, its a wolf pup, but no keeping it or else she'll be very sad.
Aidou and Lita
Dear Aidou and Lita,
Sure, she's a good kid. Certainly better behaved than either of her parents! *Grins and ducks*
Dear Hotohori,
Due to the extreme lack of positive feedback I get from just about everybody except Clark - thank you for that ego boost. I was certainly in the mood for it. *ponders over his cool little metal disc*
I don't suppose you know of a way I can use a bit of my wealth to give back to this community that hates me without looking like I want something?
Dear Mr. Luthor,
You could start a scholarship fund for the young people of the town. But in order for you to be charitable, you need to find a way to utterly separate your finances from those of your father and the business for you to be successful.
Dear Nuriko,
*hugs Nuriko* She let me talk to her today. But I don't think she's ever coming back.... Her parents are moving and she's transferring schools. She told me she doesn't want me to contact her...
I couldn't take it. I had to talk to somebody, so I threw myself off a proverbial cliff and told another one of my friends I'm gay. It's so stupid. She hated me so much and then Mik didn't bat an eye. He said it didn't surprise him and he could care less. Which, I suppose is good.
Mik aside however this has been a murderous day... My affection is moving and I'm miserable, her boyfriend is still treating her like garbage and my doctor called me yesterday and said that they were running a whole bunch of serious testing on my last blood sample.... There's something wrong with me and I don't know what....
*sighs* Why is it that everything horrible happens all at once?
Dear Arisugawa,
I don't know. I guess this is just one of those tests that we go through in life. I'm glad that your other friend is being supportive of you. Please let me know how your test turns out. I'm sure you'll be just fine. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Mitsukake,
Would it be a stupid question to ask Tama Neko if he wants a fish? *holds up a tasty fishie*
Dear Nekojin,
Of course not! *Tama-neko snatches the fish and runs off to eat it.* Nyao! He says thank you.
Dear Chichiri,
r u the oldest seishi
J juni
Dear J juni,
Yes, I am, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Will you propose to Hotohori? You look so cute together! He shouldn't waste his feelings on Miaka, you're so much cooler, and look better!
Obessed with Nuriko
Dear Obessed with Nuriko,
No, he already has a wife. But arigato for the compliment!
Dear Chiriko,
I was just looking up some song names and i was reading a translation and it had the word or whatever you would call it Mayowanaide and it had for the translation dont get lost. I was just kinda wondering if Mayo could mean lost or something like that, cuz i read translations for Eikou Den and such and she seems to be lost and i thought it would kinda fit. So basically i wanna feel smart for maybe catching onto something....and its not in the weird japanese workbook i have.
Dear Tana,
Mayou means to be puzzled, perplexed, or to lose one's way. "Mayou wa nai de" would mean "to not get lost".
Dear Tamahome,
Hello i have ur fan here..As in sikora o.o anyway-
Kisato: i wasnt o.O Well i was but know i wont..o.o
Sikora: GOOD! *clings to tamahome and huggles him with a BIG smile*
Kisato: *sweatdrops* I hope we arent annoying ya'..We already Talked ta' Nuriko and tasuki o.o i hope we didnt annoy them either o.o;;;
Sikora: *still huggling Tamahome* aahhh so how r u and miaka doin? Good i hope
Kisato: um..yea..ill just leave you 2 talkin while i run around *runs around crazy*
Sikora: o.o oh well anyway *huggles tamahome more*
kisato: WHEEEEEEEEe *runs on the walls*
Sikora: *stops hugging tamahome* Um sorry! i just got carried away. well i dunno what to say cept: KISATO GET BACK HERE!!! GIMMI THAT SAKE!!
Sikora: COME BACK HERE!!! *runs after her wondering if she is still running after tauski*
Kisato and Sikora
Dear Kisato and Sikora,
*Stares at the insanity in disbelief
Dear Tasuki,
*giggles* You know, if you lived here in America, you wouldn't be able to drink ANY alcoholic beverage till you were closer to Mitsukake's or Chichiri's age. Just thought I should tell ya that, in case ya wanna visit. *giggles again*
Dear designated,
Lucky fer me I don't!
Dear Tasuki,
Ookiniiiiiii~!!!!! *takes the sake and drags him off to enjoy it with her* Heh-heh-heh....
Ohhh...and after you look over this, toss this( to CnA-sama, too. Watase Yuu drew it...I just colored it. ^____^ I made you look *good*, ne?!!!
I want to get back into drawing again. Ne ne! What should I draw Gen-chan...? I'll do a request for *you* , and not your drooling fans for once. *fang grin*
Dear Amy-chan,
I gave Chichiri no Aijin yer message. I dunno
how 'bout a picture of me in a tuxedo? That other pic ya' colored was great! *Grins*
Chichiri no Aijin: Do him in a Speedo!! Do him in a Speedo!!
Tasuki: Shaddup woman! She ain't gonna do that!
are ya'? *Looks worried
Chichiri no Aijin: *Kicks him in the shins* You're no fun!
Tasuki: ITAI!!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Arigatou for the reply. *bows* I won't be writing again after this until I've seen some of the series. That will be when my tape comes in. I'm on pins and needles! Oh, and I would be very happy if you could give me the pleasure of visiting my site, even if it's just the index page. *^_^*
Dear Rachael-chan,
Interesting site! We see you've been busy catching bishounen. ^_^
Suzaku Seishi
Dear Tasuki,
Im the biggest fan of you among my friend.So,everyday im checking your website.You know man your picture is so cool!Anyway im no aboy okay,im a girl who really like you.
Dear kimi-chan,
Thanks fer th' compliment! I'm glad ya' like our site!
Dear Tasuki,
ya he got rid of him he told me to come and see you cause he said someone could heal my arm! is there anyone?
Dear Kylie,
Yeah, lemme take ya' to see Mitsukake.
Dear Tamahome,
Ah, well I act a little less shy on the net than in RL. Heh, I can't even go into a comic shop alone^^;
Erm, about him... he's not exactly a neighbor-.-; he's more like the bum we helped out once and were never able to get rid of him. I called my dad at work about it and he had a friend check in on me. He said that the guy was just breaking stuff up to put in the trash(which by the way, is STILL sitting in front of our house!).
Oh, I'm glad you all liked them! I've got almost all my files on CD's, it's just that it takes sooo long to upload things over(had over 300 songs in myplay and someone deleted them ALL)!
Dear Fallon,
I'm sorry all your files got deleted. What a pain! At least you were smart and backed them up on CD. Please be careful around that strange guy!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Ok I've called you all together to announce what I have done... ::Plops a bag down infront of herself, it opens and is filled with items from everyone's homes except Tasuki's. Only item of Tasuki's is firmly in my hands.:: Hehe I'm returning all of it! I had fun stealing but it gets boring when its so easy. I mean I even passed good old Tasuki's defenses and lived to tell about it... ::Runs over to a lake and sits on a rock in the middle of it. The lake is only shoulders deep though iot seems like its a mile deep.:: You all can have your stuff back! Sotrry Tasuki but until I get this to work for me! You ain't getting it back. ::Trying stubbornly hard to make it work.::
Anika Kou Tsukino
Dear Anika Kou Tsukino,
Yer not gonna get it to work fer ya'! It only works fer me!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Winter: hey there!! i'm gonna be goin on vacation to St. Louis, and i was wonderin' what each of you would like! please tell me!! thankies!!
Chibi Tasuki: Vacation, Vacation!! YAY!!
Winter and Chibi Tasuki
Dear Winter and Chibi Tasuki,
We'd like for you to have a fun, safe trip. Other than that, whatever souvenirs you wish to bring back for us would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Tamahome,
*crawls into the room, find an open bag on the floor, looks inside, and picks up a shiny thing* pweety... *throws it across the room, picks up another shiny thing, and throws that across the room..takes out another one, throws it across the room...*
Dear Sora,
Dear Hotohori,
*looking up with eyes filled with tears* Hotohori! *puts head down and cries* I'm sorry *wiping tears away* This probably isn't a very good way to present myself to you, being that you are the emperor. But *choking back a cry* I'm not having a very good week. First my dad is going on a buisness trip and I won't be able to see him as long as I wanted to. And on top of all that my mom just decided to yell at me and my twin last night. *pounding fist into the wall* She said that if we wanted to go to the high school closer to our dad's house (which is what we want because all of our friends are there) than she would just leave us and move to Washington. *crying some more but this time taking deep breaths* She was going to do that when my twin and I were just babies. *gritting my teeth* I wish she did! Then I wouldn't have to go through all of this. *curls up in a ball* What should I do? *closing eyes and trys to stop crying*
Dear Guardian,
You and your sister should talk to your mother about this. She needs to know the reason the two of you want to go to a school that is closer to your father's house. She is probably upset because she thinks you want to stay with your father and not her. I'm sure she said what she did out of feeling hurt and angry and that she really didn't mean it. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Chichiri,
Thank you so much!!! Wo ai ni!!! I do have other friends, so I'll do what you told me to!!! *gives big hug*
need someone to talk to
Dear need someone,
You're very welcome, no da! *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Yo tasuki whazzup. Hey what's ur tessen made off? paper, metal...or...? and u pierced ur ears, how do they pierce ears in ancient china? does it hurt? Yup that's it for now~ thx tata~!
Dear Boogie,
My tessen is made of some kinda metal. They put needles through 'em. 'Course it hurts!
Dear Suzaku Seishi,
Hi! Well, i am just wondering... that is the Suzaku Seishi's powers already decided? Cuz while some seishi's are born with their power (Chiriko..Mitsukake...) some don't. LIke Tamahome, if his 'master' didn't come along and teach him martical arts, will his power be different? And TAsuki's tessen, it didn't even belong to him. So would their powers be different?? Thanx!
Dear Boogie,
It is a bit of both. Tasuki's power that he got from Suzaku is his speed and stamina. The tessen in it's present form was a gift from Taiitsu-kun.
Dear Chichiri,
Hi I'm a fan of yours I think ur so cool! Hey, gotta buncha questons for ya, hope ya'll answer!
could I call you aniki?
is wandering sad?
have you forgive yourself?
are you now contented?
can monks marry?(in our religion, priests can't marry)
if you could choose, where would you rather be the one your happy or the one who'll bring you to the top?
Which is kesa and kasa?
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
Arigato for your kind words, no da. Here are your answers:
If you wish, no da.
not yet
I suppose, no da.
I can if I want to.
I didn't understand this question, no da.
A kesa is the cloth I have draped around me and a kasa is the bamboo hat I wear, no da
Dear Nuriko,
oh I got pimples! help me help me! i can't go to public!!! washudadu??? *i'm very over act...
Hotod Mikasu
Dear Hotod Mikasu,
Have you tried Oxy-10? It seems to work rather well.
Dear Tamahome,
I did this percent thing to see what percent I'd get with you, and it said 95%!!!!!!! I was soooooo happy! I screamed in the computer room as i was in the computer room in school looking and listening to you songs and pictures!!!! I did you and Miaka's percentage as well, you and Miaka got 22%. No offence, tama, please dump her and I'll gladly be your girlfriend even if you don't dump her I would still gladly be your girlfriend!! Can I please be your girlfriend, Tama? PLEASE!!!
Dear Shauna,
Miaka and I are happily married. I think being friends with you is a better idea. OK?
Dear Tasuki,
I've been really good, and hyper too! My friend Kaiho Tsutomu thinks the Men in White need to come take me away! It's not my fault I was so bored I ran outside at 3 AM and started dancing and singing in the rain! *siiiiiiiiighs* Can you show me your tessen?? PWEASE? *smiles all cute n stuff* I wanna see you make the fire come out of it!! *clings to him with puppy dog eyes*
Juuhachigou aka Angel-chan
Dear Angel-chan,
Tamahome: I've seen it and it's not all THAT impressive!
Tasuki: Eh? Why ya'
Tamahome: ITAI!!
Tasuki: Impressed now baka? *Fanged grin*
Tasuki and Tamahome
Dear Tamahome,
*grins sheepishly* I still feel sorta bad about it tho. Hey--I have a question! *tosses him 2 gold ryou* In the firt book of the manga series, Priestess, you take Miaka-chan under your wing for a little bit and take care of her.You even risked your life to save her!! How noble!! In the end of the book, she yells at you "Can't you see I'm falling in love with you!?!" and you say "I'm sorry but I can't say I feel the same way. I'm only protecting you because you're the priestess of Suzaku." Is that really true?? Or did you sorta like her, because after she was talking with Hotohori-sama and he said he was gonna make her his bride, and after Hotohori-sama found you and Nuri-san listening in on him and Miaka-chan, you acted weird, like you were jealous??
Kaiho Tsutomu
Dear Kaiho Tsutomu,
Gomen, I guess I was just being a baka.
Dear Nuriko,
*looks about, kinds of nervously, then sits on the floor* I've heard you're the one around here who gives the best advice on I would suppose you're the one I need to talk to - although I'm not sure I can call this messed up thing I'm in a relationship...
*sighs* My best friend hates me... completely. She found out about everything - that I've been in love with her for years - and now she's disgusted with me. She keeps taunting me and calling me horrible and teasing me about how I can't have her. She thinks it's disgusting that I like other women and she doesn't want a thing to do with me.
How is it, that I am so angry with her but I still love her so much? The guy that she's dating right now is such a jerk. She doesn't do something right and he drops her like old garbage until she 'makes it up to him'. And when he's not around, she's a mess.... curled up in her room crying and practically suicidal..... and I can't help because she won't talk to me. She just calls me names and screams at me to go away....
*rubs her face* I don't know what to do...
Dear Arisugawa,
Coming out is hard. I'm sorry that your friend wasn't more supportive of you. I think she may just need some time to calm down and cool off. I'm sure it was a big surprise for her. You need to also take it slow and try to scale back a bit on your feelings for her. It's pretty obvious she is not going to reciprocate them and that pursuing such a course will just bring you both a lot of pain. I hope she will come around so you can both be friends again. Good luck. *Gives her a hug.*
Dear Tasuki,
Did you know Nakago proposed to your sister on the other site?
Random Fan
Dear Random,
So that's why his pickin' splinters outta his sorry @$$! *Snickers and smirks*
Dear Tasuki,
**stands up, straightens shirt** Well, then. If that's how you're gonna be, I'll just have to go after Kouji. At least he's not a BAKA like you! I'll just seduce him with my irresistable charm!
**Kouji sweatdrops**
Muahahahaha!!!! Or, better yet, I'll just stay here and get drunk, and while you're out running like a chicken with its head cut off, I'll be out-drinking you!!!! **slams back 6 mugs of sake** **whistles** I wonder where Gen-chan... **slams back 6 more**
Dear Kokkei,
Sake don't come in mugs. *Chugs his sake directly from a large sake jug.*
Dear Hotohori,
Hel~lllloooo!!!! *gets shoujo sparkles around her body* Are you a gi~rl or a guy!??!!!
*pinches hotohori's cheeks*
YOu are to pretty to be male!!! You must be a girl!!! You got pretty long hair and really nice skin!!! You look more feminine and prettier then Miaka does!!!! So you're very feminine acting to so you must be a girl!!! Or you are just a typical ver~rry pwetty yaoi-bishonen-uke style type person thingie... :p
Dear Shoujo-Chan,
I am bishounen, however, I am NOT into yaoi.
Dear Hotohori,
How does one escape the shadowy reputation of an overly rich and spoiled father who spoiled you for years of your childhood, giving others the impression that you're an egomaniacal social climber with nothing resembling compassion?
Dear Mr. Luthor,
You need to set yourself apart from your father and be seen as your own person. As he has such a cutthroat reputation you certainly have your work cut out for you! However, you are certainly doing a good job of this in Smallville, but you need to remember that you can't buy people or their respect. You have to earn it as well as their trust, sincerely. Ganbatte kudasai!
Dear Tasuki,
What would I want to do if I was trying to start my own league of happy mountain bandits?
I already have a mountain - actually it's just a big hill, but whatever - I just need bandits for it! *beam*
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
I dunno, mebbe ya' can get alla th' girls who wanna be bandits to join ya'!
Dear Nuriko,
*glomps Nuriko*
NURI-PAPA! GUESS WHO!? *dances about behind you all excited, then can't take it any more and jumps in front of you* It's me! *grins* I have diddly-zip to do today? Want to come shopping with me!?!
Dear Kourinish,
Dear Tamahome,
*tosses her stilts into hammerspace and sighs* Tamahome - even with how annoying I've been to you... do you think I'm lovable?
Taiitsu no Miko
Dear Taiitsu no Miko,
*Gives her a hug.* Of course I do!
Dear Mitsukake,
Why can't we write to Tama-Neko? Is it because he didn't have a cute sd face icon?
Dear Nekojin,
This is a site to write to the Seishi only. However, if you want, I'll pass on a message to him.
Dear Mitsukake,
I know I sent you a letter a few days ago, but you can never stray too far from someone as sexy as yourself.. (Don't listen to Hotohori, you're more beautiful than him.)
Anyway, I remember when I first got into it, I thought Tasuki was the sun, you were some guy that was fun to de-pant, I hated Nuriko (because of the sheer number of fangirls), Tamahome was a wuss, Chiriko was there as moving scenery, and I had no clue who Hotohori was. Needless to say, my opinions changed.I because obsessed with Kouji next, and everything was still the same, although I now knew who Hotohori was. [By the way, Tasuki/ Kouji fangirls who now want to kill me - I have no more obsessions for either. Mitsukake is my soulmate. :P] After a while, I went to your site, and then, I don't really know what happened, but I was instantly a Mits fangirl after looking at your little clickie picture. I ran around for information, and, after collecting a mass amount of info on you, switching to some Hotohori-lovin'. (By the way, half-way through this I stopped hating Nuriko. Hurrah!) Repeat above steps. I then got into a frenzied version of this state of mind with you. If I'm correct, I switched crazily between you, Tasuki, and Hotohori, ending with Hotohori, whom I was convinced was my soulmate. I took into an RP with my friends, leaving you as the only unplayed character. After all that, I went back to you.
Basically, what I'm saying is that we have gone through many obsatcles, and I am sure you're my soulmate. Marry me. :P
...By the way, can I borrow $70.00?
Dear Ash-chan,
Gomen, I'm very flattered but I'm not looking to be married to anyone. $70.00?? I think you should ask Tamahome.
Dear Tasuki,
WaterMage: hello, Tasuki.... JenJen and I have discovered that we have similar interests.
JenJen: *nod* Remember me? ^_^ We're in league now! Time for some SERIOUS revenge!
WaterMage: *cheers* this is gonna be fun!!!!
JenJen: *takes tessen* Revenge number 1! *fries him* ^_^
WaterMage: *cheers, and blasts him with water* Revenge number 2! *both cackle insanely and disappear*
WaterMage and JenJen
Dear WaterMage and JenJen,
*Drips and does not look happy
Dear Tamahome,
Hi! Well i know u really like money and all that, even after ur family is gone, u still really really love money i see. But u have to spend it somehow do u? What do u spend it on? or do u just save it up for....?
Dear Brownie,
I spend a lot on feeding Miaka and then I save whatever I can.
Dear Chichiri,
I want to know if I can have your Kasa! Pweese?? *puppy eyes*
Dear Kayleigh,
Gomen, no da. I can't give you my kasa, but you can get kasas in your local Chinatown, no da.
Dear Nuriko,
Helloooo ~~~~Nuriko~~~~! ^-^ How are you? I hope you had a great time at your vacation... well, we're having classes right now.. I mean from June-March we have classes. ^^ It's our vacation during April-May, and my birthday is in May. ^^
You know, I feel great about my classmates who are kind, and funny.. ^^ Some of my friends are anime fans.. ^^ Aaaaaaanyyyyywaaaayyyy, I really like you! ^^ You're so cute, chibi or not chibi! ^^ I hope you keep yourself neat and pretty... ^^ And kind!^^ daisuki!! ^-^
Well, to be honest, Anime is my inspiration in my studies. ^^ My assignment notebook is filled with pictures from different Anime, including you. ^^ The pic that is pasted in my notebook is a Bishonen pic... your cute there.. ^^ I really like to draw anime... (as long as it's not so hard..) Actually I have a drawing of you in my sketch book, and I want to put it in your fanart section.. but we don't have a scanner. But if I will have a scanner, I'll submit my fanart there. ^^
Well, that's all for now.. I'll try my very best to check out your site a.s.a.p., 'coz I'm also busy with schoolwork. ^^ I'm a highscool sophomore..! ^^ Sorry for the long letter.. take care Nuriko-chan! ^^
^-^ ~Angeli~ ^-^
Dear Angeli,
Arigato for your kind words! I look forward to seeing your artwork someday!
We did post your letter that you sent us a second copy of. It is now in our Archive section under the June 27th Archive. The name on it is Posted.
Dear Tasuki,
Arigatou Tasuki-kun *hugs him tightly and closes her eyes falling alseep*
Hino Tenshi
Dear Hino Tenshi,
Yer welcome. *wtches over her as she sleeps.*
Dear Mitsukake,
I'm off of my FFX obsession, latching myself to Final Fantasy Tactics, and Bust a Groove for playstation. I'm sure my parents are relieved I don't want 700 - 1000 + dollars of stuff. (That's only because, once more, my brother is being an @$$. Well, I took his FFT game. Let's see him play that NOW!)
Also, I've been having strange dreams when I sleep.. One was about a guy who was locked in a glass case, and I got some anime-ish guy to take his place for a day and he had all the strange symbols on him that wouldn't wash off. It was really weird.
I'm not as obsessed with you as I used to, I regret, but I'm definately never going to give up my half of you. Want to come over some week and beat up my brother?
I also have come to the realization that Auron is sexier and more beautiful than Hotohori. And I little-known character who I'm currently writing fanfics for, too. (I'll give you the like to the fanfic.) - Eat your heart out, seishi - I like him more. That site is the best, by the way. I love it. It's not mine, either. I wish I could make something as good as that.
(Cue for all fangirls in the world to gasp, cry, and beat me up.)
One last thing - how long did it take to make you fear me?
Ash-chan, going back to her old name to protect it.
Dear Ash-chan,
I never feared you. I also don't beat people up, even if they are pesty brothers, gomen. You're right! Auron is a great character!
Dear Hotohori,
Arigato a billion times.Please answer these questions
Question 1: Do you live in China?
Question 2: Who resembles you in the show?
Question 3: Do you like Nuriko if Nuriko was a girl?
Help me tell Nuriko Gomen-nasai.
Yukino Yamazaki
Dear Yukino Yamazaki,
You're very welcome! I live in Konan. It looks like ancient China, but it isn't. No one. They just can't match my beauty. I don't know. Perhaps. Why are you apologizing to Nuriko?
Dear Chiriko,
How did you become so smart?
Yukino Yamazaki
Dear Yukino Yamazaki,
It is Suzaku's gift to me as one of his Seishi.
Dear Tasuki,
ok well i was helping kouji clean and this one guy busted in and started going crazy and he went after kouji opening his scar then cut my arm see...*shows it to him*
Dear Kylie,
Where is he? Did Kouji take care of 'im?
Dear Tasuki,
*puts some flowers in his hair* Uncle Shun'u you wook pwitty now *smiles and hugs him*
Dear Lita,
*Smiles* Thanks ... *Starts picking flowers out of his hair ... * Sorry kid, they jus' ain't my look.
Dear Tasuki,
Winter: The man over their... *points over to Tamahome* He pushed me into the water!! I almost drowned!
Chibi Tasuki: *Takes out his tessen and runs toward Tamahome*
Winter and Chibi Tasuki
Dear Winter and Chibi Tasuki,
Tamahome did that? I don't believe it! He ain't that kinda guy!
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